HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1944-7-12, Page 3THE BRUSSELS PoS"r
-•�C�;.,,\� �� _:L"�'`�.-..fir Y�'o"Ti.�i�� ,-n•.^3'iL^� .. w�i. .. X'� - .
AZIL The Way r
: eill..,..dee, July h .iso,
Ready I to serve . . 24 hours a dap
• In the early days of commercial flying, hours of daylight were far -too -short. The
mantle of night automatically cancelled flying schedules, But ... because electrical
engineers discovered ways and means of Hooding runways with light ... swift couriers
of the air tonight are cutting hours off time, carrying precious burdens of humanity and
vital correspondence that may mean the saving , of thousands of dollars before
tomorrow's workday has been completed.
Electricity has not only helped to make Hying econol»icaliy sound, but, with the
aid of modern electronics, Hying is safer. Today ... tonight . .. airplanes are guided
safely, surely on their course by a beam of electrical waves which electronics made
possible. (n every field oF endeavor, as in the Field of aviation, electricity stands ready
to serve 24 -hours a day.
The development of electrical devices in the Held of aeronautics is but one
indication of what lies ahead For the world of tomorrow. In the electrical Held it can be
truly said'... the best is yet to come. Electricity is the servant oF mankind. In com-
merce in industry ... at home and on the farm ... it lightens our tasks, makes life
more comfortable. Plan and save now, so that, when the day of peace arrives, you
will be ready to enjoy more of the benefits that electricity can bring you.
t .
Apple Growers Ask
Aid Against Insects
Editor, The Brussels Post: --
May I througi: the rnecilunr'or yt.•ut
paper be allowed to Ask for help as
an apple grower? 13y se d'ofng T
an Inn other Pornmer k•r1
' alrpit. ;g: omens. s Chan'c'e l.a appeal tor'
t ' i oa-ope4+ation.
hare in .our midst a vtfy serious
enemy whiob is ths'e5.eatrt; to ,ruin
. > alede crop surd therefor a aur bus-,
; e, -s unless we, get busy as a group
to defeat this enemy. This. is no fifth
eeeen let which' •has mown up sine
11,23'.1 10 war, arl'Che right the con-.
reecl';in;' from War hav': help -
Lew 1, "ably. -Phis
y le insect which breeds in
1TH1 Dominion Government has authorized increased production of farm
machinery and equipment which includes Dur Pumping Systems,
We are doing our utmost to produce more Duro Pumping Systems. Howe
lever, the greatest part of our production is still required for the Armed
Forces, We are also handicapped by shortages of materials and labour and
h impossible to produce all the Duro Pumps required;
If running water under pressure will increase your' production of fart*
products, see your Duro Dealer near you. He will gladly assist you in con•
pleting the necessary application £ora which has to be approved by your
W. P. &'I`. B, Rationing Officer,
$esure to order a PurnPing System large enough to lake careof
your, rrecds. ,The cost is only a trifle more and you
will be well repaid.
`Liam Gillespie
Phone 68 Brussels, Ont:
I a,esti I;.i »
i' Vette',
%Large numbers in oma' oonunrrnit
end is none other than the apps
maggot or railroad IWirlu This is th
1.:'_t 1194.1 makes, the brown streak
th'deuglu the flesh of apples' and the
makes them :unattractive and tri
1 ..Liu when it shoes not complete-
1destroy them. Thus it deprives th
file or a very •attractjve article o
food end ,at same time robs us of a
living. ,
• During the season just passed, 1943 .t
the eon'btned condition, of wet
wea.tlrer, gross' sipraying and neglect-
ed ai'kappleapplesaid hawthoi'rue• trees' in the
j a boyhood of 'oro•mmere al orchards b
.permitted' this. insect to infest SO per o
cent. '08 all recemnercljal apple or, e
Miles !Cate McNabb left last week
e trot Toronto where she will work in a
f war plant during the holidays, as she
slid last year.
Miss israuy McDouaald has returned
o Toronto after spending the vacation
tivith .her. parents Mr. and Mrs. Martin
Ed. Fulton, an old Grey township
ay. now ,of Toronto, spent a day me•
en'tly calling 'on 'old friends Toronto
eemeto .agree with bion,
wee electocl• leek December, lrlut it
young won. Di0k, was quite pnpslar
With bite local boyar and girls,, and.
wee Qat excellent student in the public
teete0) The oiler eon, Bill, dib. better
ROOM. Lhroughlat Ube dlsli'ict due to
his coryneotton with CIONS, Wing -
/am WIteee Me voice has been heard
regularly, Mr. 'aad Mrs. Glass and
Dick will leave shortly for 'their'
bonze in ,Sarnia,
B13't11 Standard.
The filth united pionio or the
Bolton family wos held at Lions
Paaifr, 'Seadlorth, with an, attendance
of about 00, Guests were present
train •Clinto'n 'Gloiteerloh, Walton. See -
forth, end•'Llediowe1. A good rproerani
of sports was 'carried' out under the
' managem'en't of the sports corn/nit
tee which included games, contests,
-races and tisk Bend- The oldest mem.
her present was Mrs, Samuei Glidden,
C"tlnton, and! the yaumgest was baby
Reilly Elliott of 'Walton,
The race results were as follows:
Six years *nth under, Billie Baxter,
Me.jorle Elliott; elught years and
under, Bobbie Baxter, Kerb Caiup•
boil; 10 years and under, Marjorie
Dino tt, Mary MoKnigh,t; 13 years
and under, Billie Elliott. Marjorie
El'liatt, inliy Elliott; young. boys'
race, O) 5fElliott, Kenneth Elliott;
kicking the !slipper, Mra, 'Irene Gla-
zier; macaroni weed contest, Mrs.
Officers' for next year we:e elect-
ed as follows: President, Bert Glid-
den; vice»presidtent, Russell Bolton;
eeoretary-treasurer, Mrs, William
Humphries; .esslitant seerotar'y-treas-
wrer, 'Mrs..A'dam Dodds; sport coneen-
er, Bob. Campbell'.
Poona's,: Miss Yvon, Bolton,
'Seatieetgi, with •Mr. and Mrs. William
Humpries; Miss Shirely Kirkby,
London, with Mr. and elm, W. R.
Somerville; Mee. Letherland, Auburn,
with Mrs. R. Hoy; Mr. and Mrs.
Stewart Oudm'ore and daughters,
,St. CantOramenes, with Mr. and Mrs.
Bert Anderson.
t chords in Ontario. We el' know that
we 'cannot .control the ;weather, bet
tlrart tleesi not mean that we cannot
help ourselves and emelt obber by
ca ioentrating upon proper 'spraying,
and splaying ying 'or dedaroyilrg old n:eg
Iected apple trees and hawthorns
within -500 yards of coinmeaoial
crcllarde. Many people owing with
01d trees claim 'they cannot be spray-
prayed. ' This may be tree, but they
sorest oertainliy can be • burned and
apple wood is one of the best fuels
ere _cart, secure, Why not out down
these old 'trees and; use them to help
out to some extent the fuel shortage
hit coal. ,
Asa commercial grower 1 have to
par out big money 1'or spray material
Mei then after putting on the neo-
.weary sprays carefe11y throuehoat
the ,season I find 'that apple maggot
flies have !spread to my orchard.
•Under s'nch •qi elO metanc'es I' consid-
er I am not being treated 'fairly and
eo I am bringing pry problem to the
attention 01 ley neighbors,. T.he
'presence of tihese old 'treede or un-
eo1I o ed! .apple or hawthorn trees
Over the :tante gives ex'iotly the 'same
190001ts ars if }ay orchard evere raided
8,t nigiut .and lay crop stolen, They
are tiro 015115e of'.acpOles being useless,
thusrobbing the public of food and
i me of best restult's. '
f Yours aitoerety,
Presidenit Ilan en County - Fruit
Growers As5'^clebion,
Commercial Hotel
Changes Hands
71T1`Cmnelli 11. Poole, of Toroato,
Ira's piecln sre;d 141.99 Commercial 13(rtel
Prom Mr, A, J. mow, who has operated
the beeiness since Febivamy of 1948.
Mr. and Mest Toole,, took possession, on
Monday mtannieg, Mr. Poole has had
a R !de ekperienrce in She lintel' 'beet.
nese. and:before atuoving 60 Tbt'onto,
he and Mrs. 3y'oole '8Pera'ted the Clif-
ton Inn, at Nlagara Falle, We Wo1-
eoute thent to our village. -
Duriing Chaim brief sejolarn. in town
Mr. and M•es, Glees havo 1019(10 marl3
WI1m (intends veto ,will loam sof their
tlepartin'e with 'nerrot, Mr, ptassr lute
• been keenly interested in local affairs,
1111ti1 Was 'a.lw uys' ready to 0611E0buto
.g'0tueemtely to any worthy Malec, fits
departure will till a Vaccine& on the
10ca1-1clioot board, to which body he
Jelin IIIIONair„ -an up,to-date farmer
and resident of Beusisels has improved
the looks of Iris Varm by painting his
barn and drive shed,
The Wm, Meehan and Angus Carm-
11 heel families of Godertob, spent the
week -end at their old home In Grey
township. Thiey^,are• always welcome.
S'ev'eral femme on the 14th tingeonohis
ion aa'e Ja9sltaliing eleebrio wiring 1n
their barns.
Last w•eok 71110501)1 55 the home of
R. L. and J. J. ,Stroharr was Dr, and.
M'rs. Grose and little son of Toronto,
hl1'oellent haying weather has been
to evidence the past three weeks, one
fanner assisted im, tacking in 34 loads
of hay without one drop of rain.
Ltstowel was the drawing card this
week Por the celebrations en the
Mlrs, f11'tlrwr Y uniani5, Detroit is a
visitor at heir old home, D. L, Strach-
Auburn, Judy 3 — The death oc-
eured at her hone on Sunday of .Mrs.
1-1111`715, McG•ee, formerly Sarah: Helen
Kennedy, 0ugther of the late Daniel
Kennedy and Illltzabebh Andeesen
Kennedy, tnf 13elggrove, at the age of
00, Following their marriage in. 1008.
the'couple iucyed to Western Canada
but 30 years ago returned to reside
at Auburn, Mrs, MOGee was a ane.lnlier
of Knox +Pres'byiterian; Clutteli, a life.
Member 'af, ,the W. M. Sr of ' that
eiturch.. !Burying are her husband,
who is widely known not only in this
county hitt inneighboring counties.
as "Baronet Harry Lauder"; • a
peoth0r'and foam slaters, Jack Ken.
nedy, of North Bay; Mos. V'anNeranan,
Webbwood) Mas, Meet's Met. Powell,
ars. Gabbs, ell of. Detroit. The fuller•
al serv!i.ce took place on Tuseday after-
rnoan at 2 p. at, Ark th„s residence; with
interment in Balis Cemetery,
Dunlop Camp Attracts 75
Gotlerieh, 3111' 0 10.... - stbo9th 75
boys, of Camp leittegiaihe, condnoted
by the Huron and Perth Boys'
and Ghee? Work 13o1ard of the
Veiled Church, are at the Sunneler
School grounds et Dean», •
The director Of the camp le Rev,
14 7, ;Snell of Aeburli with ;Roe, 1V.
G, ttazleWeee of Walton as bushtess
manager. The county leaders are
not. J, .P (took, Deayton; nee,
3uglr Moanllcueo, lrardWicll; Rev, Dr.
You'll enjoy our
Orange Pekoe Vend
sr nit
Irish, Tavletook; Stanley Halt; Wing
ham; Ernest (gawk, Seeforth; Ron
old 'Sauvage, 'Seafomrh; James hall
Winghanl; Lawrence May, St, ,Marys;
and Mrs L, May its the musical dl.
eater: Mrs, L, Tharneloe, Godea'iclt,
le in charge of the'kttchs'n.
The following were registered
From St, Alarm—Ronald Knowles,
Ronald Holman, Themes Fairbairn,
Thomas Loft, 'Ch'arles• Jose, Barry
Brown, Ronald y, ,Tames. Maxwell,
-Beverley Wilson, Richard Wilson,
Edwaaxl Court/tugsRobert Gilmer,TTluomats 1Gnailaan, John Partridge. 15111-
ohell— Thomas. Heath, Tticllard Heath,
Ronald . !Stacey, Richard Thorne,
Jaaneer Scoitt, tirucefield --- Douglasl'3acBetlr, Hugh llliaphs Brussels - -
Bobby Rana, William I1-ann, Lawrie
Cousin% Areleibald• Willis, Thomas
Mummy rry Cameron, Robert.
William 'Smith, Glen ,Tardive,
john Lake. Gader1•ch.--Doughis 30151,
Gordon Noble,- Holland, PA -
ward Mulford, . Ron'atd Johnston
,Tohn Westbrook, Jack Price, Barry
Abtredge, David Bull. Stratford •Mumma"'Glen Master, MuHorn, Wellburn
—Attar !Stevenson. Blyth-- RobertLegate Preelbon• �Chariss: Stager. —
Drayton —Glen. Morgan, Jack Cook,
Gerald Barton., Tames. Perkins, Donald
Gray, Stewart Flewelleng, Samuel
Hendry, BarBell, - Denaisn, Day,
Ralph, Goodwin, Walton --- Clarence'
M•eNtc'hol, Zahn•Mc0ravic, Deter -
Douglas Murray, Clare-Bullrwill,
Clinton — Fred Thonmdike,.Hensall--
Charles Fee, William Mickle. --
Varna—Ivan. O1114Qtyment Ethel --
I3ugh Love llordwich — Kenneth
Wilean, Milton Mann,, Wlnlranr —
Ronald Mt ryay, Robert Krese,
Ronald Holman, Morris Stainton,
George Hail, Zanies Hall. Kirkton-
Claytin Ross, Ronald Paton
"Homesteads, Hell and
Personals; Mir. `' and Urs. Roger
Oke Wtngth'ant, with Tee Duff and
Mils. Aitken; Mr, and Mrs, Barrer
Messer and daughter, Toronto, at
tbeir Thome here; Air. Tloue, of
Miebigan, a Termer - resident of
Wroxeter. with Mr. and Mrs, James
McTavish; Mr. and Mrs. Tinos
Fiekl, Peoswater, with friends
, here; Charles. H. G'arniee L'russels,
with Mrs R. F. Garniss; Mrs, Start-
Ddereng and family with her
pe ro '14:'. and Ma's. - Newman, at
' Bar Toon; Mr. and hIrs, Alex Me-
! Crackin ar,d daughter Mrs. Harry
Gold attended the funeral of James
1 Bird at 13ruislsels; Miss Sanderson
i; rnaying a trip down: the St.
d:awrenoe, the guest o8 Mr, and
Mrs. Thomas D. Henry of Strat-
ford ; Mee. R. F, Gamntss, Mrs. Nen
R. •MeEaohern sled eon, Neil, .Mae
Scott and Mess Olive .Scott with
r'r',r. els at Seafeetle
1trduction In '
Maximum Prices
Customs duties : and the 10", war
exchange tax has :been removed Dem
all pu10 1i -a ver of imported agrioul-
tu'rel equipment and repair parts, ac-
e." -, 'r an anriouncemnt of the
Wartime Prices and Trade Board, W.
Harold McPhillips, prices and supply
repnesenitatrive for Wos•te•'n Ontario,
explained ,;'bat ell importers, whole-
salers and dealers are equipped to
pass on to the conennaer any re-
Part•tio in their laid down coat re-
•an &lee, action.
The removal of the 'customs duties
and war exohange tax will not ti.-
creaet the eupply of farm imple-
ments Prom the - United States but
wi'i r2raxe the prices ' to tiro farmers
bower than previously. The change in
the prices will not be noticed until
such stocks now in the-ihai9ds or the
Canadian distributors leave been
The Boame995 ,tamed the west the sold.
hard way) C0ionel H. Edwin. Mootz,
0kla:heene Boomer and Sndier.• scout,
begins . - , i nfPhe American, Weekly
with. this 'Sunders (July 101 issue
of The Detroit Sunday Tituee .,..
tlurillpacOE9ed series about outlaws,
gun:-botin; females ;ronbleliunting
Ir clianrs arab bar rl tightin;; fron'tie'r
Bring your - scissors to The
Brussels Post if you want them to
Work better than ever.
a real;
pipe smloker's
N S W E R$ for Victory Gardeners
What Are Plant Lice
That I Rear So Much About?
Plant lice is the term used com-
monly when referring to aphids.
They are called plant lice because
they cling to the plant like lice
and live by sucking juices from the
tender shoots, leaves and soft bark.
They remain practically stationary
after they once settle and give
birth to young at the rate of 8 to
10 pper day. These young are ready
to do likewise in about two weeks.
You can see how they multiply.
Only the fact that nature destroys
the aphids in huge quantity pre-
vents their doing untold damage.
Where Do Plant Lice
Come - From In the First Place? '
Plant lice or aphids have a pecu-
liar way of starting their first gen-
erations in the spring, They hatch
front eggs which have been hidden
' sway on trash or in other safe
places over winter. The first gen-
eration that hatches can fly ar>;i'
spreads about on favorite vegeta-
tion. The next generations are born
without wings and continue mi
their host plant, giving birth to
new generations.
You can Begin to see why we
recommend clearing up the garden
tate in tile fall or vary early in the
spring,'burning all trash, leaves
and other material that might he.
used as a hiding place for aphid
eggs and other insect carry overs.
Are All Garden Plants
Attacked By Plant Lice?
Just as them are many kinds of
butterflies so there bre many kinds
of aphids—they are even of differ-
ent colors. Some are black some
rose colored, some greed. There is
' to. aphid for almost every plant
you will grow in the garden, and
every aphid is a heavy eater, or we
should say a heavy drinker, for lie
is a sap sucker and his food
taken in liquid form through his
snout, which is especially built for
the purpose.
Ts Aphid Damage
Really Serious?
Aphids can be terribly destruc-
tive. Scientists have counted in the
neighborhood of 26,000 individual
aphids on a single tomato plant. It
you had 25,000 mosquitoes sitting
on you night and day, constantly
drawing blood, it would be a severs
drain on your system. Your garden
plants find this same drain on their
life blood ,which is the sap.
Is There Any Other Damage
Prom Plant Lice?
The plant louse or aphid, as -re
have said, operates by sticking his
snout into. the tender tissues of any
part of the plant he can penetrate
for the purpose of withdrawing.
sap. There is in the saliva of the
plant louse an irritating substance
that will almost ruin a crop.
a.Winged ApMs rh•t
"_ 4 defiles In the sprint one
glues birth't•
I-Aphii wi heft
wings that gives
blah M
!low Can Plant Lice
Be Controlled?
Bieck Leaf 40 is death to plant
lice, which it kills not only hy con-
tact but by fumes which arise Wi-
der the foliage from the spray. You
eau spread all the lead arsenate you
wish on the surface of the plant
and yet do no harm to plant lice.
They simply drill through and
draw the fresh sap from beneath
with their snouts, A contact spray
is needed,