HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1944-7-12, Page 2THE W. C. WOOD CO. LTD. GUELPH, ONT. Manufacturers of 1ii,tl l i% of ao% •L .� ..p i a 411Ya1 L : " 'na'ixaz .m at Milking Machines, Milk 'Coolers, Grain'Grinders, Qat Rollers, Feed Mixers, Electric Fences and Refrigeration. Also Surge and Universal Milking Machines can be bad t with little or no waiting. Local Agent-- • T 1,401111.46) Phone 80x Brussels, Ont. ADVERTISING RATES Classified Ads trash) 25c Over telephone or charged 350 In Memoriam 50c Card sf Thanks 50o Births, Marriages, Deaths Fres Dr. Vokes In Hospita, Dr. H., A. S. Vokes is a patient in the (Minton Hospital, where ha urderwent an operation. on Tuesday morning Inst week, We are very pleased to report that his progress toward recovery is quite satIsfac- torY. —Blyth Standard. DISABLED .r n s1_AD or .: 1icicly removed in Clean Sanitary truck., Phone collect '72 BRUSSELS tone Sons Limited BELL & BENSON BRUSSELS, ONTARIO Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public r±hner D. Bell,•B.k. C. Joseph Benson, B.A. (Absent on Active Seri. Wednesday Afternoon 43RUSSELS OFFICE HOURS Daily from 9:00 until 12:00 and from 1:30 until 6:00 (except Thursday from 9:00 until 12:00) BDSI FSS CARDS tennis Dueguette -. Licensed Auctioneer (FOR HURON COUNTY) For Engagements Prone 51 "The Brussels Post" and they will be looked after im•medlately. Fer information, etc„ write or phone either 51...18 OR 41X et Brussels, Ont. ALL SALES OONDUC'. ED IN A SATISFACTORY MANNER. MODERATELY PRICED. Allan A. Lamont Agent for --Fire, Windstorm, and Automobile Insurance Get particulars of our Special Automobile Policy for fanners. Queen St. Brussels 'Rhone 6S7 W. D. S. Jarnirson, M.D., C.M., L.M,C,C, Physician and Surgeon (Coroner) Office Hours -1 - 4 and 7 - 8 p.m. Also 11 - 12 a.m. Vhen possible. Saturday evenings *cath le g.nt. Sundays ---Emergencies and by appointment only. Home calls in 4.nrenoons and 4 - 6 p.m. Chas. T. Davidson Insurance Agent For ALL KINDS OF' Automobile and Ffre Insurance Accident and Sickness Agent,for, Great West Life Insurance Co. 'PHONE OFFICE 92X BRUSSELS, OiNT. RESIDENCE 87.r.2 Harold Jackson SPIECiALIST tN FARM AND HOUSEHOLD BALES (Licensed In Huron and Perth Countlei;i PRICES REASONABLE, SATISFACTION GUARANTEED For Information, ate., write or phone Hareld Jackson, phone 12 on 668 Seaierth R.R. 1, Beuea$eld Make n "angsn ants at The Brussels poet or Elmer D. Bell, Barrister Office, Brussels. D. P. RANN Furniture FUNERAL AND AMBULANCE SERVIc:F Licensed Funeral Director and Embalmer MOPE 36 or ffi5 — BRUSSELS, ONT. JAMES NLcFADZEAN HowickMutual Fire Insurance �--.•lasso-- Harttord Windstorm Tornado Inburancl Automobile Insurance PHONE 42 P.O. • BOX 1 TURNBERRY ST, -� , x--- - BRS$ELS, ONT ,Lewis Rowland (Licenacd . flea Huron County) AAT1SFAOTION.GUARANTEEtj .—• PrtICES REASONABLE For en2epa bents Phone 31 "The Brussels Pest" and they Will be looked after Itninrdaltely For Infermatlon, 'eta., w ate or phone Lew, Rowland Alio r'•44 et 8eeforth; ter write 11.11, 3, Walton. W, S. Donaldson -- Licensed Auctioneer Phone 354-13 Atwood, Ont. for the Counties of Huron and Pertb Ail sales prormtly attended to — +Charges moderate Por Engageinents phone 31 "The Brute's Postl" and they ,w --foil will he looked after immediately, Hto 1 CLASSIFIED ADS FOR SALE- 8 RLE _8 Pigs just weaned, apply to Gorden Walker Phone Brussels 22r17. FOR SALE— i S Pigs about 0 weeko old, W. Blake Phone 42-r-3. FOR SALE; -- Litter of 112 well bred Yorkshire Pigs ready to wean 7 weeks old. J. le, McIntosh Phase 55-r-6. FOR SALE 30 Young Piga, weaned, 1.611. Binder McCormick Dearing in good shape and 1 cow 5 years old, due to freshen at once, also 1 low wagon. Arthur Wa:-d Phone 34-r-9, Feed Finn's Mineral for Healthy Cows and Hogs. Adams' Feed Brussels. FOR SALE— A quantity of Baud Maple Wood also e. queut1ty of Elm. phone 15-r-5 Joe Holmes 11.R, 4, Brussels LOOT— Horse Blanket and Smock between Gi.bson's blaokesnitli shop and Logan's milL Finder please leave at the Brussels Poet. Do your calves scour. Red Blood Quickly Tablets will stop them. Adams' Feed Brussel. FOR SALE - 5 Young Pigs, weaned, also 2 Chunks of Pigs. Wm. S6ieirs Phone 54-r-4. Are your hogs stiff, scurfy, and pale. Use Hog Fix -It fixes'em. Adams' Feed Brussels. FOR SALE — Brick Mouse on Turnberry Street, Brussels, belonging to tha late Lsahella Walker. apply to 3. C. Seeker, Brussels, Are your chicks pale, anaemic, or weak? Use Red Blood Quickly Tab- lets, Adams' Feed Brussels. FOR SALE - 1 Durham-Ileletehn (lett phone 23-r-4 Doug. Hemtneway TRICYCLE_ WANTED— A secondhand tricycle in good condition phone 75-r-25 Mrs. Jack Noble BICYCLE WANTED— A. hoe's second hand! Moyle, - state price warted and notify. "The Brussels. Post" Phone 31.. PART TIME MAN OR WOMAN WANTED— For -eetablished Watkins route of steady,carstomens. Must be honest and realiable, have travel outfit or means of. getting one. No Oapital or exper- ience-requieedt Write The J. R. Watldres Company Dept. 0-B-4. 2177 Matson Street. Montreal, WANTED TO PURCHASE— Pullets eight woelrs of age and older, Barred Roek, New Henna shire, White Leghorn, Good prices paid. If you require day old chicks, we have then—east hatch July 14111. White Leghorn., Barrel Reck, Now Hampsluires. White Rock, TTybride, Noresexed as low tis 58,95 per hundred pullets 310 95, Heavy Cockerels $7.95, Write, Tweddle 'Chick Hatcheries Limited Fergus, Ontario. Start in your own part time business. If you have been, laid off in a war plant, If your farmwork or other occupation does not take all of your time, if yen are honest and depend- able., military exempt, willing to -emelt for financial inderpen,dence, we'll establish you to . your own business, supplying boneehoid and term necessities. Suitable travel out- fit required. Credit furnished. Write The J, It, Wa1leins Company, dept. 0-5-4, Montreal, Que. IR aye our EYES Prop r1 y Cared. ter 6 IF Si F. F4 h: } radt orrowitritivr Pon tie Hairlvato THE BRUSSELS POST FOR SALE— Timber frame builaiu4 25417 rim. ber mostly Rock Dim 18 ft, posts one half of roof is covered with steel shingles with one lean to 15x25 and one lean to 14x40 this building was 40x40 the rafter were set back to make it 29:180 should a 4000 be more sutiable the present rafters can be extended and girls placed on botn ends to make it a 40x60 this building is to fair condition, P. Ament, Brussels, Ont, Notice to Creditors. In the estate of ELIZABETH ANN WILKINSON late of the Village of Brussels in the County of Huron, widow, Who died on or about the fifteenth day of Novem- ber, A. D„ 1943. ' TAKIS NOTIOE that all parties having claims or c1•atnands against the estate of the above deceased must mail paaticulare and proof of same to the sol4oitor for tblie execut- rtces on or before the 22nd day of July A. D. 1944, upon which date the said executrices will proceed to dis- tribute the assets with regards only to those claims- which they shall -then have received. Dated at Brussels this 4111 day of July, A. D., 1944. Lila Dank Mina Blanche Lxecutn•ioes, by their solicitor ELMP3R D. BELL, Brussels., Ontaa: io. Notice to Creditors In the estate of DOIJGALD HUGH McDONALD late of the Village of Brussels and County of Huron. gentleman, Who died on or about the 9th day of June, A. 0. 1944. TAKE NOTICE that all parties having claims or demands against the estate of t'he above deceased must nail partichriars and prior of sante to the undei,sign0d 'exeou.tor on or before the 29111 day of July, A. D. 1944, upon which late the said ex- ecutor will proceed to dtstribr-tt the assets with regards only to those claims which he ,Shall then have re- ceived. DATED at Brussels this 12th day of July, A. D. 1944, ROBERT S. WARWIO'H, Brussels, executer by his solicitor 5)LM15R D. BELL, Brussels, Ontario. CRANBROOK The Rev. J. C. Boas. of Bolton will occupy the pulpit of Knox Church, Cranbrook, July 16. Tho Sundays r75 July 23rd and 30th: there will be no church at Cranbrook The Rev, W. A. Williams will occupy the pulpit of Knox Church, Cranbrook, August 611, 20th. and 2?th, The Rev. Samuel Kerr of Brussels will ocrupy the pulpit at Cinanbrook, Sunday, August 1.3111). BELGRAVE Anniversary services were con- ducted: in Trinity Anglican Church Sunday by Rev. R. M, P. Buiteel, rector of +5't. Peed's, Anglican Church, .Clinton. Large baskets. ,o5 delphinium and : bouquets of roses decorated the church.. The char, under the lead- ership of !Midst Nora Von Camp, sang an anthem at each servtoe ' and statists. for the 000asion were r Clarke Joloasbon in the. morning. and in the evening Norman Keat• ' ing.sang. i The subject o1 ebbe morning ad, l dress was "Tho Pioneer Church," I. and in reforming to the local church r 85rl0: "Tt was the ,oldest church in the parish of Blybb, Auburn and B,eigeave." He, sold "We should strive to be as good as our 511000- bore were who, 1324 great courage ; and faith, curl had built on solid foundations." The text for the evening sermon ' was "And said unto the yeomen, now we believe, not because of thy saying, for we have hoard Him ourselves and -know that this lie indeed the Ohrdet, the Saviour' of the world." The speaker said there are too few ,1*0Ole a1)1554 n4 l rhumb. today and a great revfva.t of Christianity 14 needed to bring people back ,tothe church . and to ` Gori tiko the, Samaritan •women; to whom ,?rine talked et the welt we need to .see -ourselves as He 5.504 tug and them with Ills hrip -go out ne instrumento In the hand of Clod to biting people• 10 the church and to Gori. Tha 7351)37 ;hearts lvliq.siovt Band ! of the United ' churn mot in the school moan oa' the chard Sunday n101553 g with an mite/Wants et f1 Muriel Andnrrson. .1anducted Idle mot•tji'g. The sessetary, Nara Cook, read 1916 minutes of the loaf meeting, Ivy tlamphell and Lillian As+aistrong terve 1hoseit to 6Sran46 tarp p'oifra n for the nests meet - tug•. James Anderson road tee Bible story and Keith Anderson, led in Renter. A poem eves read by JMua Higgins. airs. Earl Anderson 'cora• dected the study palled based be a chapter from Ilia study hook, 'T'.,r Round the World" The annual ninua9J1 and dateorat• Ion :service at 'Sunshine oemotery, concussion 5, Morris, was held Sun dray afternoce:. Rev. G. IL Dunlop of the tlolgrave Dniterl Motel), condemn] the ser. vireo, ltrv. .Samuel skarn, Bruesels, minister of the Presbyterian Church, gave an address, Wit;tant spelt sang a solo and was accompanied by Mrs. Spear tat the organ. Rev. 3, B. and Mrs. Towttend of Princeton, foitmerly of Belgrave, are now at their cottage at Point Clarke. Miss Kay Townand. of Lon- don, well join them at the middle of the month to spend a week's vacat- ion there. Personals: Dr. Gordon' Stone- house of 'Vancouver who is visiting relatives here, spent the weelsend with .his brother, Norman and Mrs. Stosreh•ouse and family of London; Miss Audrey McGuire and Donna Anderson with Mr and Mrs. Alex Coring of Luoa.n; Mrs. J. A. Bran- don with Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Can•twlebht, Blyth • Mrs. James Henry of Victoria, with Mr and M•rs, Walter Soott, London; Miss 'Elizabea t McCurdy and heather, George, Wdngliam, with Mrs. John Van. `Camp; Mn and Mrs. 16rnest Smith Elinor 'and Norman De trett, Mrs, Helen Chrtstie and son, Ripley, with. Mr, and Mrs. R. 3. MacKenzie; Mrs. J. A. Brandon with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Galley; Miss Ferrol Higgins, Galt, and Blies Myrtle Yuitl, iIarriston, with blieir parents, Mr. and- Mrs. N. Ilig- ginss and• Mr. and M, -s. 1 7011; Mists Dorothy Wade, London., with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Wade. We 1xtruly. July 12th, 1644 "Long Distance Telephoning is heavier than it was a year ago" IT'S TRUE—For the fust three months of this year Long Distance lines handled calls at a rate which would represent an increase, over the full year, of nearly three and one-half million calls. So you see we're not out of the woods yet—aid won't be until the war is won. Please continue to keep wartime communication lines clear —use Long Distance for essential calls only. Delays can cost lives! REMEMBER— NIGHT RATES NOW BEGIN AT 6 P.Ma 07r s1e.'rie Se -were &oie9 illieefer 7a 11.1$;✓d a.4 • rtg U1VS111L *KS MORE URGENT 1NE SAVING OF tMUM GAS! A Message to Canadian. Motorists THE invasion of Europe has thrown a vast and critical burden upon the petroleum resources of the United Nations. In the first eight days of the cam- paign alone Allied aircraft flew 56,000 sorties, Many thousands of oil -burn- ing warships and landing barges are shuttling ceaselessly across the Chan- nel. Tanks, trucks; jeeps, mobile artillery, ambulances, by the thou- sands, are in action. t'he driving power behind all this activity is petroleum— gasoline and fuels drawn from a dwindling crude oil supply. But—there is only so much oil. If existing supplies are to prove adequate, the most stringent economy of gasoline and fuel oil must be prac- tised here at home, Canada is able to produce only 15% of her own gas and oil needs. The remainder must be imported from the common pool of the United Nations and the bulk of this is shipped here by, tankers, Critical manpower is needed to produce our gasoline and oil. Precious lives and precious ships 6Er$COW Mc i1161#3 ISO Re117710 WS" Foewoofs must be risked to deliver it to our shores, Invasions, and the difficulties of supply and transportation are not our only problems. Right here in Canada gas and oil are needed in enormous quantities for vital war purposes. The Commonwealth Air 'Training Plan has consumed as much as 548,000 gallons in a single day. Canada's Navy -- expanded since war began from 15 ships to 650—consumes over 2,150,000 gallons every week. Army training, war plant operation, food production, essential trucking — all are huge consumers of gasoline and petroleum products. Gasoline is ammunition — ammo. nition of which we have all too little. To waste a gallon of it is a Crime against our fight- ing men, An announcement ]relied by The Deperment'of Munitiont rind Supply, Honowable C. D. Howe, Miln1Nor :141i xnull, Answering Your Questions about the Gasoline Shortage. Hew much gasoline was consumed dur- ing the 54 days of pre -invasion bomb' Ing? ...More than 200,000,000 salient, Now much fuel oil delis a battleship lake in one refueling? ...Enough kr ' heat en average house for 350 yearn How much fuel does one eimoured revision consume In every five miles' of advance? , .,10,600 900ons. HoW many gallons of petroleum pro& este are required to supply the needs of 500,000 European invasion troops tor a work? , . Over 25,000,006 gallons. 830.84*