HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1944-7-5, Page 1Na
Wednesday, July 5th, 1944
Reports Progress
WINNIIIP.ly4-01,10s Margaret Kerr,
of B.C, newly -appointed• editor and
business manager ,of 'Phe .Canadian
Nurse official Publfyation of the
Canadian Nurses Association yes•ter-:
day reported .at ,the association con-
vention .in Winnijipeg Mat the dress
lotion of "Canadjan Nurse" 'is now
by far the greatest it has ever been.
Miss Kerr, a ,past president of the
Registered Nurses, Assoclatiou of
British Celltmbia, was for six• yearn
mlatienal chairman off the Publid
Health litueaing Section, of the .Can-
addan,Nausea Ass+ooiation.
Miss Kerr is the eldest daughter of
the iate\l¢ev. W. I'l, and Mrs. Kerr nt
V.ancouivea'. RC. and a nates of the
late '.edi'teir or Tile Post, W. ]i. Kern
:She has visited Brussels several
times, now of 1VIonitneal.
Seaforth, r Vii, On#.
Thursday, Friday & Saturday
July6th, 7th and 6th
Double Bill -Last show starts 8.46
Chester Morris Nancy Kelly
• Henry Aldrich Playa Cupid
Starring—Jimmy Lydon
Rocking the town with romance.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,
July 10, 11, 12
2nd show starts 9:15
Passage to Marseille
with -Humphrey Bogart
A vivid adventure story
Next Thurs., Fri., Ste., July 13, 14, 15
2nd slow starts 9:16
Maria Montey Jon Hall,
Ali Baba and
The Forty Thieves
A thrilling excursion into the world
of make-believe.
First show starts each evening 7.30
Matinee each Saturday 2;80
"And ye shall know the truth
and the truth shall ,hake you
Melville Church.
Rev. Samuel Kerr, B.A., S.D.
10 A. M. Sunday School
and Bible Class
11 A. M. Morning Worship
"Show Us A Sign"
7 P. M. Evening Worship
"How God.. Deals With
Louts D. Thompson, Organist
and Choirmaster.
United Church
Minister—,Rev. Hugh C. Wll/oe
10 A. M. Sunday Scheel
and Bible Claes
11 A. M. Morning Worship
"Christ And. The Individual"
7 P.. M. Evening Ptelse
"Not By Bread Alone"
f. Enand l
Church o g .
Rsctor; Rev. M. F. Oldhntn
Parish of Brunel,
8th 'Sunday After 'Trinity
July 9th, 1944.
et. John's Brussels --
10 A. M. Sunday Scheel
and Bible Claes
8 P. M. Evening :Prayer
end Sermon
L. O. L. Service Preacher
Rev. E.O. Gallagher, 13P.. R.b.
County Orange Chapialll
8t, Oeorye`s Walton--
No Service or S, S. this Sunday'
Anniversary .Services, July 16
St. David's Hon1'ryten
Nc .Servlce5 T'hi6 Sunday,
1040 A, M. Sunday School
and Bible Glass
N: l * * * * a: 5 la
a :k 5 5 * *
Miss IVI, ]jest has, none to Waasaga.
Miss .AddOe Cardiff is, IroldtlaYiug
ad. Wasega Beach
Pte. Ned Rutledge, Deberl, N:S., is
home on leave.
Mfrs. John Oliver is visiting friends
i11 port Elgin and Owen Sound.
Mr. and Mrs M. Laycock 1111v6
gone to Beachville for the sum'nler.
Mrs, W. iSpeiran, and Miss Jean
S Minn, have gone to Wasaga, Beacia,
Mary J1eleul llk4iniier of London
spent •t11e holiday with her parents.
Lyle Brothers .of the• R.0 A.P. and•
Mes, Bentham au!d baby of climber
are visiting mere.
Cr. w1:1 Mrs. Scott, Lindsay, were
11c tela, vdsitors,at the,home of her
mother, Mrs. Jaa'. Bowtilan.
Miss Myrtle Cook et Wing -ham was
a week end 'visitor with her parents
Mr. and'Mrst David Gook,
Misses Mary and ninth ef•uLeucn-
lin of Touwnto were guests of Miss
Grace IS'tewert over the week ek.tl.
Misses Donna and Dorene Sinl1rs'an
of Ingersoll are visiting with their
aunt, Mrs. M. Laycock and Mr.
Mrs, GIen, Garniss . and tittle
daughter Patricia of Hamilton,are
visijting with, Mr. and MI'S. • 0.
Ter. Dora B. Whittard of Camp
Borden is amending his furlough
with his parents. Ben. and Mrs.
Misses Barbara and Mary Ross,
'Winghanl, are holidaying at the
home of thein- grandparents, Mr, and
Nuns. D. 0. Doss.
Da. anal 11i1s,. W.:L. SicOutcheon of
Berwick, P.A., and Mtss Loctite
Baer .of Danville; Pa,, are visiting
Morris friends.
Mr. and Miis, Ward 1YI. Baohanan
and Sonny and Joyce of Detroit were
-visitors at the' bogie- of Miss Flo,
Buchanan, .
Mr ,and illus. WItltred Browne of
Cltesl'ey were holiday visitors at the
honve of her. sitter Mrs. C. Buisehlln,
and family.
Mr, George IP, MoLanoblin of
Vancouver and Mr. and Mrs. A., K.
Za.pto, of Toronto, were week, end
guests with Mrs. Robert. Thomson,
Miss Many Helen Kerr is in
Toronto Vi's'iting Lieut. P. B. Fergu-
son just returned from overseas and
is, a guest of her aunt Mrs, Coo, E.
Mr. and Mrs•, Roy McKay and
Miss !Shirley of Buffalo, N.Y., intend
'no.spend most of the summer at the
home 'ot his mother, Mrs. Ghee.
Miss Marion McKenzie of Guelph
and' Mrs, Jae. Calder (formerly Miss
Margaret 13iielbey) of Edmontonl
iveve visitors lent week with Mr.
and Mrs, 1-L Manning.
Visitoas, at the :home of P. Arnent
were M,r and Mrs.. W. C. E. Kidd of
Leitch Gelid Mines; Mr. acrd MTS. G.
Dawson, Port :Stanley; Mr, and Mrs,
.7. R. Lynn, •
Mrs prank Davidson of Monterey
Piet aavd her daughter Mrs W. 17. D.
Hiorn*day of Paekld•ena, Calif., Have
been visiting with the former's
sister •Ma's, Lorene Mclttnter,
Mr. and Mrs !Shobnook and Charles
and Mr. and Mrs. Knox` and J1jm'nle
were week end visltore with Mr. end
Mrs, f•T..ManioMng; The bo'YS are
holidaying vli'th their grandparents.
Rev. M. F, and Mrs, Olclitam lett
on Monday for Baiiydown Beach
near flitter -it, 'Lake Stiocoe, on. their
veeatiilon: M•rs'. M. 1t. Oldham of
Chatsiworth will also join them there.
Kil!lod in action, with the 13.C,A.P.,
Mrs. Henry McArter
There passed away in Morris
tewnsliip, on Tuesday, June 27th,
Margaret; Jame McAleer, In her 74th
Sd1;0 Was born on the 7'th con-
cession of Morris and lived in that
5orwnsbip, 'practicallly all her life.
Site WOO the daughter of the Iate
John White ceud Meegeret Bruce
and was the Last surviving member
of a fondly of seven, all of whom
predeceased her many years ;ign She
was united in menage to the late
Henry McA1'ter, 'v4o passed away
seventeen years, ago, in 1907, She
leaves to mourn their loss ane son
Jahn and one daughter leery (Mrs,
Howard Clan'r) both of - Morris, and
live gramdirh'ildren.
Funersfl service was held on
Thlusd'ay, June 29414 from the hone
of her son Where she lived most of
the tinge, Rev. S.. Kerr, pastor of
Melville Church, Bruesele of which
sere was a life-long member, conduct-
ed the service. Interment waa
•ina•de in the ,family plot in Brussels
oereeteen •
1?.e.11beareas were neighbours: John
Jordan; Roes Cardiff, William
Beinlres,, Ward +Sellers, Cleorge Bone
and Jvan nmeArter.
Bee+Wtill+ul ewers included e
wreath from Jelin McArter Jr., and
family; sprays, Howard and Mrs,
Clark ,end sou; eedghhaurs Mrs
linnott and Mies Elliott, 'Mr. and
Mrs. John .McArter Sr.; Mrs, Free,
man. wreath, 1V1ns: Hurl,
Rev. J. T. Strachan
'110 Rev, John Taylor Strachan,
Pastor 'of F•lest _ Presbyterian - Ghurch,
St. Men•ys, (feed in ISt. Joseph's hos.
pitat, Loudon, where he had been
%seriousli y ill for 510015 weeks•.
17e was a son of the -late John
Strachan and Arnie McLean of
Brussels. Both parents came from
Argyles'hire, +Skaotlaand. In 1919 he
g'avl,clona,"ted from, •Knott Ootlege and
'wee appointed lo the obarge of
Caaudxbel!ivil2,e and. Naosageweya. His
second •cmll yesken; Owen Sound
in 1926 where he organized St.
Andrew's Presbyterian: Oliurch. Prom
there he was 'called to, pt.. Marys. in
1030, M'r, 'Strwdban . in 1929 was
secretary of the 14Iin4aterin•1 A•sssoci-
etion and. d'n.1'930 was president: In
1.929 he wee moderator of the Grey
Presbyterial of the Presbyterial
OhmNch, He was a meunher of the
WI:me io order, He ne mead Adeline
Harvie of Mildewy; (int -aria about
31 years ago. He is survived by his
widow and two, children, Plying
Officer. Knox ,Strachan, of Fingal
and Mrs. Alan Andrews of Pem-
broke. He .also leaves, two brothers,
Orewford of BrnsseA* and Donald: of
Pont ETlgin and a sister, Mas. A. D.
I1icOosh of Kinoandine,
The body rested at the F. A, Ball
funeral !Chapel nail Friday after-
noon when the funeral was held:' in
the ,church conducted by. Rev. Charts
Oke of Monkton: Rev. D. McGinnie
read •the enrinte e 1eseen, and Res.
MoWilliaans offered prayer A beautl-
i:el solo "hook of Agee' eves sung,
:Many beautiful flowers tr•'om friends
showed their ,esateem foe their be-
loved ,pastor. A Islrge number
attended the ,service to pay their last
respects to Mr. ,Sbradhen:, Interment
was in ,Sit. Marys •cemetery,
Daniel Denman
After 'e iengtby illness there
messed anvay, a li5*iong• .resident .of
13I'05 else in :tire, person of Daniel
Denman on Wednesday evening,
Jayne 2.8, at his residence.
• nee leaves to mon n iris lees, his
10njlm wife, a lleabeth 'n. Denman,
and a'aloughter residing al: Seatiorth.
Predeceased him wee a ,daughter and
only sknu.•villo gave his lite in the
OD Jane Sid, 11944 W. 0, Ieroderick Hirst Greet War. •
1l, T. Whitteed of Tornnto formel'17 T1,o late ,Da,ideI .Denrealn. w , born.
of BeidervRlle, Ont, kla 15' a' nephew of inn Grey Towntable 74 years ago;1 Tie
Ben, «nd!,in%irs, Winne:el of Brussels, . ; wee • the yo 1is'05;1 sie)a of tbg tate
Mrs'. B. Macdonal!1, Cromarty, George an.(i'-tatherine Denman.
MiaSses+ Ann ai>,d Lettie' Pierce' and He was very -arell .knMw•n ]n
G'eorgaend Mrs; Pierce of Hamilton Brusedis,and in su'iicunding. oom-
and 'Stewart Pieec•e, of the RM.A,P,, „nlntty, Ii•avtnig sielw'ed .as ]3tiiltff of.
St. Thomas have been visiting with
their entente, Me, end 3501, Thee.
Mr, end Mas. W, 'i', Pepper and
Mr. and, Mrs, ,C, 114. Pepper of TO:
„'onto, Were In, I3russeis' on Fridhy
last,. The Pepper faintly lived nn
lot '0, •mon:. 5, drey toWiehip, sortie
the 4tiir Davis/oil Court 04 the 'C'ounty
of Htiante:cud Per SO Years as a mall
Courier for HNa' InfeeesO'a Servios on
one particulars•• 'route, an t.eatiflled by
tine be:antiirut floral, tribute: which
ineluded Wirbisthe trona friends,
1 rtighlsounts, and re'latirve5'.
'fiends and,.iot'atileeS wore present
fieri, Yee% 050, 4e0111. P01101,t0, Gall, Memnon At-
Mts. Wni. Tnc'ker and ohiidren of wood, ISoafor o. Wordwieal and
Winghem moved to. 13lriMeel , on Wmoaater;
Monday of this weep, Mr. • Tboker
riitls 1118 MrtMon'alkl hltiAler shop
here. They lints occupying tt e
a,pat•tmant Diet vacated by J. W,
Moller who hos, 'moved to the 3,
Sand'eai5 bolos he recently per'
The •fleeaMebeareirs were nre1011e08
'Exam the natal, Bebe/nail Ledge; Ms
pallbearers who Were associates in
the mail Weide tone catty years Were
Marl iljk,flaersa Wm. Same , •Wna,
Patina, Mb/9W MsKlnoon, Harvey
Deneb•» *1144 Onerge 1i1*aloe in the
Presumed Dead
]Vlr. ant Mrs, Jas:. N,jctaol of Exeter,
formerly .of Walton, have 1•ecelvei
word (hat their son Gordon who had
been reported missing In action, is
new presumed dead,. He is a
n•epbew of Mrs, Elwin ienners, 9111
eon. of Grey. ,
T intend to bake the two weeks of
J'aly 146-30 foe O1olidleye, Miss Bracy
4hortreed, 14.N,, will be at the house
and office during that time and will
glee as mat'eh eervi'ce as possible
and wall try and al'nenge for a doctor
answer a11ty necessary Calls.
Dr. W. 0. S. Jamieson
ews Items
B.PS. ,Children
Aid War Effort
The children of Brnssels Public.
School purchased a total of 6634.51
in war savings stamps and Red Crass
donations .amounted to 9117,23 u11
until the close of the term. Congrat-
ulations are clue the children for
their wa,r efforts.
Gunner Roy Pierce
Dies of Wounds
enc. Roy E. Pierce, son of 'tiros.
and Mrs. Pierce, who was in his 80t11
;year, died of injuries received ]n
action in France. He is sntnived by
:his parents and three brothers,
'George, Hanniltan; Stewart, R.C.A.P.,
St. Thomas; Jack, R.O.A.P,, St
Hubert, flue. and Ithree ,sisters. Ann
and Lettie• elf I-iaeniltoal and Sadie
(Mus. B. Macdonald) of Cromarty,
Mr. ,and Mrs. ' Rec. Johnston
arrived here lest Weclnesday to take
over leis anew charges of B'luevale and
Ebenezer Ohurohee.
Miss kneel IM'rlliennmi of Kitehevei•
end Mx•. ,S,pemee MbKin:Io'n of Ipper-
walsh anent the, 'week end. with their
parents Mr. . mild Mrs, 13, 10. Me.
The :Johnston families held their
reueion. on iSatuuday at Bleevale and
lied en endoyablel day tingiether.
Mr. and, ,Mrs. Roy King anti family
of Toronto attended the Joheis'ton
reunion eat, Saturday and viefted with
intends +here on Sunday,
Mrs: Robert Mat telre and Helen of
Kincardine attended Obe Jotunleton
nelumion ion 'Saturday.
Mr mud Mrs. Wilbert Msthens,
Doris and Helen visited with friends
in Binevale 'Saturday night and
Sunday and om, 'tire let • 1111,
Mr: and, Mats. 011m, Johnston
visited witIlihis. father Mr, Davtdl
Johnston end brother and uncle and
netirmed :to their home on Sunday,
at Galt.
Cadet Dean of Batoekville. has been
✓ isiting hes neat and. uncle Mr. and
M•11.1� Prank Little,
Mr, halal Men Arthur Bayne and
(Laughter Alma, of ]ialnfltoii, spent
the week end et tee home of Reseal
acid Mrs. Ourri'e,
Mr. Robert Currie returned to
Hamilton vitt Mr, and Mee, Arthur
Bayne', dor a week's 11oltcda7s'.
Me..and Mos. Paul Itastiu.;s and
dhugliter Paean:a ,of Ilestlelen' were
week end vfjs'itio's, with the latter'S
patrente, Mr: mud. Mrs, Frank
Mester Warren ,Ourrio of West.
dale, Hamilton:, is: holidaying at the
home onbis uncle, Russel Currie.
Poe, Ross, and• Mrs. Duncan were
home for ,the week enol, Mrs.
D11110111 sipenit a 0010)1e of weeks In
Oluan'6rs Bryant ie •s9ending a
'w.ee'k'alt lila home on the 4th lino,
• Mks Mildred Noyes, Me. Thomas.
Bergen 3n(1 Mn. Upper of Welland
were visitors at the home of Wank
send MIS, 9] imon', Mr, Upper ie
coaat11i11iezg'h'i9 vitvlt for a few days:
r~Si1LN7f E11C0bRl--• t1 Walton on Wed-
0,asdaly., J1siy I;th, 1944. Russet
;gnruierence In his 68rd year,
Pilnerai will he held from his late
e'6sitde108 In Waltonen 11'ridmy,
Jule 7tlt, 1944 ' Service at 3:80
Pen, Intermenf le Union Oem5
tory, Blyth,
n▪ bsenee of the pestlnasier,
.A 21775te seeiylre was ' conducted
by' the Bee. Mr. Wilson of the United
Church of which the deeeasodi wile a
recent en lilts favourite henna
"'Whitt A iPr'lend We Here in Jesus,"
wee+ Ming 4tn.6 Miss C. 7Eliheincte
Teedered• n (beeetihtl and tjonety tldlo,
"TUltdtor Hioi NI/Inge"
Inileauncen 0ocQ5 eleee irr elfeel5•
Mrs, Elisabeth 11 Denman wishes
to express her heartfelt thanks to
the many kind, n'elatijves, friends and
I laving neighboaas• for the beautiful
floral tributes and talcum of syr.
eathy ebowna ter du1'1115T her recent
ae'ci•d In
and sad
L O. L Church Service
Bruse.el's L.O.L. 774 and visiting
brethren will 11o'ld their annual
Ohm en ServJtae in St, John's Angli-
ca0 Meech on Sunday, July Ot11 at
S p.111 The pa'eacbee ,will' be Itev.
E. 0. Gallagher, B.11., 11D., of
Wing,ham, Chaplain for Huron
County Orange (Lodges. Brethren are
asiked to assemble at Brussels hail at
7:30 p.m, and parade to the Church.
'We wilslr to thank ow. friendis
1,efghbors for their wards, of en
patty and Mr. ,and Mrs. Ward Sell
1lnd Mns, Hall for their help Wilt
mu; grealtly tu1111releiate,l during o
recent bereavement and. to these who.
Brought. hewers. also Ree. Mr, Korr.
Mr, and Mrs, John 1ticA1•ter and
MM. Howard Clark,
List of Promotions
For Brussels Public Srhoo1
Report 01' .Promotion Examinations
in Brussels Public School June,.
1944: --
ATWOO'D••—Rev, 11ei 1 Vipond
united in marriage 11:dinh May
Hamne, Slaugirter of eVir. and Mi;s.
Wesley 1-Tanna, '11,11.. 4, Atwood, to
MT, Oliver Alexander Smith, Son
of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Smith, At
wood, at the 'United Cburc'11 par•
sloalege In Talowhnldge. The bride
was attired in white sheer crepe,
and carried a bouquet of red
roses. Miss Margery Hanna as
bridesanall'd, wore blue shoe. crepe
end 'c'areled a'ed roses, Ser. Archie
Smith was' hent mean for his brother
A buffet +lun'ch'eon was served
on the ]awn' et the home of the
bride's 'parents. The couple will re.
side fn, Attwood, :following a •Ilouey-
i noon to Northern :Ontario. Per
travelling, the bride donned a
mauve crepe two-piece dress; tur-
quoise blue coat with white aceos.
Et Delphineuans, Lilies and Ferns form.
nr- ed the Setting on Saturday, July 1st,
Duff's of s U '
mated - h
C aro
ors h Walton,
ch marriage of Miss. Dorothy Gra-
„ ham Turnbull d'au'ghter of Mr, and
Mrs. Wilbur Turnbull to Mr: Donald
S. Lawless!& on of Mr. and Mrs. P, G.
• Laow'less of . Brusee1s. Rev. R. G.
TI•a,zlewood• officiated.
The wedding music was played by.
ilirs. H. Brown. organist of the
Ch•tl'rh and Mae. John Turnbull of
Toronto sn,ng, "Because.” Given in
marriage by 11er etcher the bride
ware a floor length white silk chew
_over taffeta with fingertip veil and
orange blosslomy, her only ornament
was' a, gold locket the gift of the
groom, her bouquet was Briarcliff
At The Churches
Melville Presbyterian Church
The .services' on Sunray In Melville
were in charge of the minister. In
the mo1•niug the sermon subject
was• Mie •Sin that never will be foe
gitvenu" and the text was from St.
•Matthew chapter 12, verses 91-98.
Tile a0them rendered by the choir
was. 'Coen to our Hesets and -kettle'
by Maley. in dire 'evening the sermo
was basted on Plifilirpiane 4:8. Me
June Work sang, "Beautiful Garde
of Prayer."
n The bride wee attended by her
s neer—ha-law Mrs. Wm, 7. Turnbull
f "1 matron of homer and Mises MxarY
Macttonald• as 'bridesmaid both wear-
tn+g white sheer .gowns, with silk net
cape end Mlles of pastel 'shades jn
pink and blue, -
24asher Keith lawless, a brother
oS the Groom was sing bearer and.
Rose Lawless was his brother's best
The ns1re31S wet•e 'Dr, keel Turn-
bull of Toronto and Win. J, Turnbull
brother of the bride.
A reception ware held on the Sawn
of the bride's home, "NIeadowbrook
Por their wedding trip the bride
:changed to an orchid two piece suit
trimmed with white and white ace-
Guest were present franc Lon'd'on,
Tom too, Peterborough, Arkona, Mon
sworth, Mitchell and Brussels.
St. John's Anglican Church
:Services: fu ,0118 local Anglican'
Parise. on, Ally 2nd were in keeping
with the 77th Annsvneery • of Con
fedevatian. The rector, Rev. M. 35.
Oldham wads in 'charge and used
special Scrlpture Lesnns, Hymens and
Prayers •for the oeeasstom. The
sermon text. was Peov'erlia 14:34
"Ri'ghteousaltse 'eaalteth a nat ions,
but sin is a reproach to, any people."
Uoyalty tb God, our Country. and
1Eiedlowmen were stressedi, 15*4s.
Nuese rendered 'a solo "Sunshine To -
Morrow," in can imnpressivo manner.
Ma's R, Campbell was argenist and
Miss Geraldine ,Str•etton carried She
Canedaeau Ping tut the head of the
samples choir. There was a good
Brussels United Church
The Secram•ent .0,t the Lord's
Supper was earn jstered in the
morning service at the United
Church: Tile Honour Roll was un.
veiled 10181 read with an appropriate
ceremony. MIs. R. 13. 001151110 sang
"0 Rest in tine Lard."
In the evening the sermon subject
was "Jesus and Closed Doors," Mrs
Harrold Cainpbell snug 'In the
Poe:owing es the list of 055058 in
alphabetical order which appeal' 'on
th,e• Hon•ouI` Roll:
7. Allen ,
George ,B'aelter
Geo. Alfred Banker
E D. Bee.
W. H. Bell
Mamie Bell
Bert Black
lie C. Bitty
J. Brewer
Lyle Brothers
Moiety Peetb.ens
John' Campbell
Clerk° Cardiff
A. Cue.w:ford
Chile 71o16 '
Donald Doll
Peanrlk Parrats
Jack Peerow
.Prod Glaresdee
Sheet 'GlaOsier
C. 13 Gawlttig
J. 11, Jeniuyn
Rev. C. ,L, LeViIns
1d, 0, Mowrie
Jaelt Lowly
MCCwrdv Lowry
Jacks Pierce
Roe Pierce
Stewarrt Pierce
Cori Plum
Wiu, 1Lowla ld,
1. ,Satldlor'son
Moi']e $aultefieon
Mee Stephenson
Wm. O. Stain
Jon, „Mlles
Haalal4 T]Iontas
Donald Walker
Glen Wheeler^
Motor Winkle
Josep'hry51e Vast, neat
Tile marriage of Dorothy Jean,
y'oun'ger daughter of William IL
Wright, .and the late ' errs, Wright,
to Leslie Wellington, son of Mee
Isaac Bolton and the late Mr. 13oIton,
took place in. Brues'e1s United Clntrell
which was beautifully decorated
with large baskets of various colour-
ed peonjies on' •SaburrlaRl, June 24th,
al. three o'el,ock With the Rev. Hugh
Wilson officiating.
The bride who wee given. in
niamriage ,by ber father wee gowned
in white chiffon over taffeta, and
wore a shoulder length veti, She
wee attended by her .sister. Mine
betb, tvlio wore :blue •emepe with 1v'hite
&memories. The gnome WAS Stip•
'torted by his brother earl Bolton of
McKillop Township, Miss Marie
Wright, niece of .the elide, and Miss
Mabel Glouetuei. netee of the groom,
wean ohaluaing junior bridesmaids,
who were sreseed' in white. one with
pink. trimming anal veil, and the
other with bine. Mr. H. W. Wright,
'brot'her of the beide, and Me. Melvin
Jernlysn,, etn5d•n of the bride, were
the ushers.
Mese Mara' Hunanbries, out Walton,
nolle :of the groom, 43070(1 the
weldSing music anti daring the sivn•
trig of Ilan regester Mies Carrie
• l inast00 of tl1lrt5'sele, sang "0
Peo'teot. Love."
The reception: wall hell. at 14th
acte14111!o4 Towa+s6i(tp, where the
guests were Medved by . the bride
and , groom A tadty luieoheon was
reeved at Witten Kathleen and Eva.
Wi111ts mad fleece Hogg, emits of
the bride, ai10111ed 'ale waitresses,
The bride:end groom left for a
5111 15, honeymoon to polite in
Northern, Ontario, •
I{ til iiia M orris on Wabn cache,,
July 6ttv, 1.044 Ni;itu(lo elve1'y 1
Iiinilalrl, be21av*x3 ivdea o5 J'amee
Jilenr it iter 46th pane, The tllnerel
will be 12,e13 team ber late resist.
ewe, Rot 90, coeete stall 5y Mortes
tew'nsih:ill tin Friday, ,idly 1tti, .1144,'
*Peel/Joh at WO p. in, IaiGnrtiOt+t
11f *wads, Ce'm0tery.
1'—Pnoanotiion, P—P'allure
CP -Conditional Promotion
Grade I to 11—
Maly Kerr P
Neil McTaggart P
Jack MacLeod P
,Sheila Porter P
Dcalothy +Sal'1iva it P
JoAnm,e l$lmoiair P
.Freda 'Sawyer P '
Rebate T1vciknton CP
Many Wiens IP
Barrie Workman CP
Rath Workman p
Robert Kennedty P •
Mary Higgins P
'Bruce ledger p
Jack Grewar P
Grade 11 to III--
14—Barbara A11sn P
Fred Campbell P
Kathleen Carter P
Gordon North P
•GIo1ia Clank P
Doreen Davidson P
Edwin Elliott CP
Jean Jewell p
Madsen MCQuarnie P
Patti/eta ,Somers p
tylrialey 'Stephenson P
Maureen 'Sullivan P
Joyce Thomas P
Joan. Thomas' !P
Aldeen Cardiff P
Elaa,e Sherwood CP
Harolid Ohnupbell P
Betty Best Teaches'
Grade 111 to 1V—
Heather Allen P
Jane . Eoiedbe p
Karen Best:bleu p
Annette Campbell ,i»
George Cousins 1'
Donald Edgar P
Marie Blliott CIP
Howard Rm. p.
Muaray Long :P
Joan Penndng'eon P
Deaek Raymond p
W,jnnie Raymond CP
Bailin Sawyer p -
Wanda IS'herwood p
Donis lSrnith ax
Tommy Willie p
Grade IV to V—
ide:t rey Cameron
Betty Carter P
Carl Doli p
Iiineach Gnawer P
Grace Iiei'r :P
John Ker P
Beit Lawless p
Bob dtanni :Gf1
Terry Robb P
Riahal'd ,Sherwood P
Janet Santis P
Matmtan ,S'em'is, P
Paul :Somers P
John Stiles 21
Archie Willis P
Charles Workman p
Grade V to VI—
Lloyd Cardiff p
Dotty Cousins p
Jolni Edgar 4'
Jeanette Gemmel p
Albert Hulley p
Glen Jardine p
Teddy'Jlowell ,P
leaf: Matheson P
Weenie Mitchell or
Esther Raymond p
Dorothy Stew P
Geraldine Stratton P
Janet King, 'webs'
Grade VI to Vic--
..eisek Colman. 11"
,Donna Ge111anee P
}lo'Lt, Jewell P
4WD,;1�1',n Keir P
Doreen Long. (P
Deneld Riley p
Madel0n Renal p
Doreen Seepllsnene CP' -
Gorden Stii'es P
Wmi, Smite P
Regensad, Siilllare l p
Ken, Weed P
Grade Vil to Ville -
Mi, trey Davidson 1'
Mahle boll ip
Peter McQueen% p
Vern. Bann p
• Marjorie 'Sendercent P
George etinnerfl P
1384..17 Thmell. P
Doneldai WIWei p
Retry Pennoegt.Oe P ....