HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1944-6-21, Page 41! RE1ALL s H L H NW E, :.u' MONTH VALUES Beaten Tooth Paste or Powder each • 29c Plenarnins "Contains 6 Vitamins plus Liver and Iron • ' • . , $1.75 Bachelor Shaving Cream • , , ' 40c Elkays White Shoe Cleaner 25c Rexall Grape and Lennon Salt • ' .. • • ' • 50c Skeeter Skoot Cream, protection from 5c Mosquitoes • • . • Bayer Aspirin Tablets • • 18c, 29c and 79c Wax Paper, 50 foot roll • .. .. ' • . 17c Adrienne Face Powder, Lip Stick And Rouge, each • _ Garden Spray 65c 35c Sana -Ped Foct Powder 40c Nylon Tooth Brushes 33c Letter Size Writing Pad And Package Envelopes both for ' 25c • F. 6i nR?,r I TF'1.EPHONE NO. 62 - "° = MIT a74":UGGIo 1 and STATIONER TELEPHONE 140. 62 tt WILLIAM SPINCE Estate Agent Conveyancer and Commissioner GENERAL INSURANCE OFFICE MAIN STREET, - - ETHEL, ONT. Brussels Legion Carnival - Thur. June 22 Nn . CE COMPLETE �QEYESIGHT ER, V iCE sY' e :w RIGHT HERE IN BRUSSELS. EYES EXAMINED - - GLASSES FITTED Mr. Reid has been coming to `Brussels for 10 years and can give you perfect satisfaction and eye comfort as he has done for thousands of others in this district. "SEE REID AND SEE RIGHT•" El Stratford's Leadng Optometrist Over 25 years. Hingston's Store, Brussels - 1st and 3rd Wednedays 2:00 to 4:30 P.M. NEXT VISIT WED., JUNE 28th �® ua'alCrar• W111WI-P,-11170111,1114411111. �r• ,� Good V lue Use Cr ,At the Brussels Used Cir Depot 1,940 MVlernury Sedan (Heater) 1941 Chev. Sedan (Heater) 1938 Chev. Sedan (Heater) 1936 Ford V-8 Panel (Heater) 1934 Ford Sedan 1931 Model A Coach 1930 Model A Coach Used Fordson Tractor Used Riding Plow 'G. E.! N URL At The Cities Service Gas Station BRUSSELS - ONTARIO THE BRUSSELS POST Our Greatest Site he Yer Mid-SwytmeT Chea � i iY rite i] W.A n a.. ,}.f EiY tri In the Dress „ect ion; (Black, navy and pastel shade Crepe DRESSES are NOT included in this sale.) Dresses former values from 3.95 to 4.95. , . Sale price $2.95 Dresses, former values from 6.95 to 7.95 ... Sale price $4.95 Dresses, former values from 3.95 to 9.95 .. Sale price $6.95 Dresses, former values from 10.95 to 12.95 Sale price $9.95 Dresses, former valuesfrorn 14.95 to 16.95 Sale price $12.95 Please note: to avoid misunderstandings: NO alterations unless you are prepared to pay for labour. Positively na returns accepted of goods bought prior to this sale. 'No charges, refunds, returns, exchanges whatso- ever and who -so -ever. No mail orders please. In the Suit Section: All tailored suits, EXCEPTING black or navy of any type will go on sale at a reduction of $5 per suit. No alterations, charges or lay -away sales. No refunds or exchanges of any kind. I n the Coat Section: All Coats Drastically Reduced For Quick Clearance.. One group at only , . • .. • . • • • • • • . $5.00 per coat One group at only ...• . , . , .• $9.95 per coat One group at only • • • • .. .. • • $14.95 per coat One group at only .... .. • • •• •..• • $19.95 per coat all high class coats formerly selling at from 29.95 to 39.95 , . going at one price • • • $25.00 We also have a lovely assot`tnient of shorts, slacks, sport jackets, sport sults, lingerie, handbags and other accessories, worth your while investigating. This is positively a Cash and Carry Sale. Values are unsurpassed. Please read ad carefully. This week and next its definitely HO AT The ' Ladies !`` arks Kop Listowels Leading Ladies Wear Store, where your Dollar buys more. THE W. C. WOOD CO. LTD. GUELPH, ONT. Manufacturers of Eleetn<; all Far a t Milking Machines, Mille Coolers, Grain Grinders, Oat Rollers, Feed Mixers, Electric Fences and Refrigeration. Also Surge and Universal Milking Machines can be had with little or no waiting. Local Agent - Phone 80x -sxa 0 Brussels, Ont. LIVE HENS AND CHICKENS also - GEESE and DUCK FEATHERS BEST PRICES PAID Before you sell any poultry phone the Export Packers. We will call at your place for anyquantity or you can bring them to us. Export Packers PHONE 70x BRUSSELS utast: Letter From Overseas ,Tone 5, 1944 e :111 ;Teo Kelly Sec.-Treas. Ilrunsels Can. Logien !Epji3 C nilenlen, I received your (as usual l wet- cogift of 30U e.tga,itY s the other cti day, so hat11 g a few 11I1(0 418 t0 spore. 1 thought I would drop you t few 1Is's to test you know that 1'm still around and able to gory three ,. go.el Moak, p:1' day a „good Home" as well as thaak you for your '"more than wr1,•orne" thoughfulness. Yesterday was •Snnd'ay and, we had a memorial service for our fallen comrades. It was hold in a peace- ! fut forest glade, a deem bine sky overhead, .and a warm suris'hine filtering down upon tie through the tree tops, There were mouutains in, sight close by and it was therefore I appropriate that the servics opened with the familiar Ryton "Unto the Hills around, do I lift up ml Longing Dyes." The names of cur dead were solemnly read to the assembled Regiment, our good Padre finished the reading with the words, "They rest in Peace with their God from whence they enlus." Then followd prayers arsd the singing of "Abide with Me." -•'rather sadly I'm afraid for we were thinking of many Wednesday,'Juno 218t, 1944 �lJ��g � Dacel�GlI ADW �r9/.•v,� est eJ 1,' 'x41i1 - FEATURING - Centralia L C. 44. °� ire band First Parade at 7.30 P. M. wirier , ays ie 1.4 tO'! SUPER BINGO GAME - SOMETHING DIFFERENT! Also Chuck -a -Luck, Over & Under, Ham Wheel, Hit Hitler, Coin Toss - Games of Skill. Dance to the Music of CARRUTHER'S SIX PIECE BAND A Full Evening of Entertainment ! Don't Miss It son oossat maaumva mise ran--�,•,. m,u,........n .,zausa u sa• old friends. We all stood at attention for the one minute!: silence uiw ..cmr.�.e •we„esa�, tn. Memoriam," and all was silent except for the oecasicna.i drone of a t 1)ir°w overhead -a lonely breeze 3i sighing thrcugh the trees was' a i Ilildng accompaniment for our sad thoughts The Padre spoke a few words. about it all being Cod's Plan, and the necessity for sacrifice so that the dreaui and vision of a better world, shall indeed become a reality. We quietly disanissed after the "National Anthem" and the Padre's fatherly blessing.° At present the boys are resting and refitting and close by is the river and the boys are sure taking advantage of it (if it were in Canada ft would he a gold mine as a holiday resort.) the water is warm, one can awim to deep water or paddle hi the shallow Just as one desires, and there is a natural shower tinder the door, so really, at present, we are right in the lap of luxury, as we ere also getting the very best of meals. Well aen4letnen, I am very sorry, lnrt space !Maisie that 1 dose now, so Wishing you and yours all the very best, and again thanking you, I11 ,say "Cheerio" till next time. Yours Very Sincerely, - - Harty Bowler .• M i,: 4 . IR * Piokell - Wheeler In Knox United Chdreh, llelgrave, the wedding was solemnised by Rev. G. H. Dunlop, of Anode Velma, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Wheeler, to LAC. James Wilfred P.icice11, R.•O.A.P., son of Mrs. T, W. Pickett, of Winghaen. 'Che. bride was escorted 'to the altar by her father, who gave her in marriage. Her graceful gown was of white sills - per satin ''with lace insets. T110 skirt falling Into the soft folds of .a train. Clusters of gardenias I in, her hair held a finger-tip veil of tulle and she carried a show- er bouquet of Sweetheart roses and sweet peas. M'is's Dvelyne Wynne, of London, was maid of honor, wearing a gown of pink, embroidered organ- sa. The bridesmaids wore Mrs, Bernard Cretin and Miss Ruth Wheeler, RegrN., of, London, Dolls, his of the bride, who were gowned alilte in powder blue net over taf- feta, all three wore bandeaus of flowers and tulle and carriednose- gays of roses and cornflowers, Benson Hamilton, of Sea,forth, was the best man, and the ushers were Nelsen Pickell, of Wingham, and Ooltiwin Wheeler, of London, The wedding music was ?loyal by Mrs, Nelson Picket, of Wing. ham, sisterdn-latw of the groom. A reception followed al the hoarse. of the bride's parents. The honeymoon will be spent in ,Muskoka. and Ottawa. Por travel- ling, the, bride close a turciuo1ee ensemble with white accessories. Mrs. Pedward C. Thonq,psorl ,011 Toronto (nee Doris MoT,enpan of Binevale, Ont) reegmci word from t Ottawa earl yin Jame to the effect I that her hluaband Piloi. Officer I Thomlieon formerly et :Blythrecoiv cel the Distinguished Flying Cross,. 1 The citation on !which the await! ' was remade reads as follo,es: "This Airman has completed malty aueeese- fiY1 Odleratibn9 against the enemy in whd,otr Ise at!'apl*yed high skill, fort!.. lisle and .dovotion to duty." Ned ateceived hie comnndati,on the end of March and bas been instructing Air Gunners since. She beginning of the year, when he finished his first tour Of operations. Phone 6 Q�(;, ��4g ryq ,��r `4 ' ?��-'Rfii tir`� C o I I SOLI? IN BRUSSELS AT I Butcher aloe,, ,-•- LISTEN TO 9 SELF POLISHING LIQUID WAX AND PASTE. FLOOR WAX On Every FRIDAY Morning at 10:15 37 PRIZES AWARDED EACH BROADCAST From CKNX Wingham For Sale at All Grocery and Hardware Stores Women's and Misses' pun Wash Dresses New Summer Shades, Sizes 14 to 44, Special. $4.95. Misses 2 -piece Dresses, Sizes 13 to 19, Special $3.95 Women's Oversize Spun Dresses, Sizes 46 to 52, Special $4.95 Women's White and Brown Ties Oxfords,. L.odv £L n,Heels, $2.98 Women's All White Oxfords, rubber heels, Special $2.98 Men's All White Buckskin Oxfords, All Sizes, Special $3.9g Women's and Misses' Bathing Smits Sizes 12 to 44` RUNNING SHOES For The Whole Family. , Don't forget to ask for your sale -slips --For $10.00 worth of these we give you A War -Savings Stamp Free. HE ARCADE STORE IMMMOMMItnell IMIPEOP Phone 61 -" -°-- Brussels, Ont. Store Wide Bargains for the Whole Family