HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1944-6-21, Page 3THE BRUSSELS POST Wednesday, June 401, 1944 assm:tf' IIP Canada and the United Nations had depended upon q'Armchair Soldiers" to fight this war, the Nazis and Japs would have grabbed this country long ago. There is no "Royal Road" to Berlin. It's fighting all the way ®f and Canada's Army needs every #® man it can get. That's why, today, you should volunteer for overseas Ca service. You'll need months of intensive training to make you fighting -fit. Don't be a stay-at-home and let the other fellow do it. Get into a man's uniform with the G.S badge of honour -, on your sleeve. If we're going to win this war, we'll have to do more than just read about it in the papers:. So, come`on you fellows, the good old army has got to finish the jobl WAR !TON YOUR ARM WALTON On, :Sunray, June 25th .Sunday school In St. George's -Church will be held at 3.30 pm, and Entine service at 44 p.m. On July 2nd service at 1:30 p.m. A meeting or the congregation of St. George's Church will be held in the church at 8:30 pm. on Tues- day, June 27th,. Anniversary services of . St. George's Church are planned for July 10th. • Tire ladies of the United Cluireb Boundary and 1711, held their group meeting' ou Friday otteruooln at £he home of Mts., John 'Bruce. Quilting was in order. The copper contest' collections were received. A shower of household 'articles, Irnit and pfeifles% .etc., was -given Mrs,' or. lett, who lost her liOme and most of its conhents by fire, ii couple of weeks, ago. After the business meet- ing which was presided -ove.r by Mrs. A. McNichol hutch was served.. The June meeting of St. George's mural, Walton, Guild and W. A. was held at the home' of Mr. and Mrs, Harry Bolger on 9'ntbay afternoon, June Nth:Mae. Win THllntehries was. In charge and presided llor the Huai• noes section•.' of the meeting. The meeting opened with ahymu, Scrip- ture lesson Psalm til by Mrs, Nor- man ,Sandenson and, prayer by the Oector Rev, M. F. Oldham, • Tile •time` was spent. in (milting. Mrs, M. 1'. Oldham gave 'a' report "of the annual W, A. convention held in London in April. At the close or the meeting Mrs, 11. Bolger assisted by Mrs,' Sohn Bolger served lunar. There was a good attendance at the meeting. tuft's Church, Walton, held its regular inontbly meeting of rho W.M.S. on Tuesday, June. 13', with Sc•had•e• presiding. .The meeting opovecl by singing hymn la, followed by the roll call and minutes. The &try o:l Morris group ane to have charge of the July meeting, It was decided to send for more World's Friends for the Mission hand. .. The worship sorvice weed's charge or. the McKillop group with Mrs, Watson, Mrs. Leeming and Mrs. Reid taking part, An interesting , story "Child Welfare Instituute" wea read by Misr It, Bennett. .Plymn 139 was sting. The meeting ''Posed by reading verses 4113 of hymn ass as a prayer. The regular monthly me0tin„ of the Walton Red 1Ct'oss will, be held in time Community Hall on Tnesday, June 27th. At this meeting there will -be a home baking sale, also a .shower or .personal artinles for com- fort bags for women in uniforms and for bomb shelter kite. Duff's United Church, Walton, was beauti;$nlly decorated on Sunday with pink and .white peonies for the Sunday school anniversary, Miss 171ve. Sholdice at the organ and hllss. Doreen Coutts at the piano played whlie the Congregation was gather. ing and a1s0 during the Offertory. The children's choir sang Sour charm. ing natnhers. Rev,. (4Hazelwood spoke to the ehi'Pcleen, stressing the need, of good- will to their fellowman and kindness .and help to the needy and -arena- ate. nrort a -ate. ' Personale: i1taff ,Sgt. W. C. nen. nett, Toronto, spent the weekend at iris home hero; Pte. Win, \Sle,10h, Ipperwash, with his wife and dater. ter; Mr, and 11'Iiie, Noonan Sanderson and Saintly attended the anti versarl' servi:ee at Westfield. United OhIMI aril Sunday evening; Mrs, Olive 74o- X si'e ey Sault Ste. Marie, vialterl. Mr and Mrs, B. Anderson and Mr. and Mrs,. Earl Mills Mr, nod Mrs.• John Bolger celebrated their 5011 wedding anniversary on Tuesday;' Mrs'Jolla Buchanan, Stratford, has been visit lag 11y Walton. BLUEVALE Mrs, Edward. C. Thompsou of Toronto (nee Donis McLennan; of Blwevale, .Ont.) received word from Ottcwa ear'iy • in June to the effect that her hueiband Pilot Officer Thompson tonality of Myth receiv- ed the Distinguished Flying Cross, The citatton on which the . award was macre .read las, hollows: "This. Airman, has completed many ettecess- rui -operations Against the erienly in which he displayed high skill, tort. tude and devotion. , to duty," Ned received ,his commission the end of March and has been Instructing Air Gunners since the beginning of the year, when be finished his first tour* or operations, The monthly meeting oe the, Mission tl3and held in the United 0hnreh, on Saturday afternoon was largely attended. The president, June ,Shee11, presided. Mr's, C, `reverser caudated a period or business, A temperance readying was Elven, by Mary McN'augithon and bliss hear. garet Ciimti,s• told:.tlie, stnry, Delores Hamilton road the 23rd Psalm and. Mrs, W. J. Johnston conducted'. a, quiz on rt, Motion, ,songs, were • sag by scute small , girls and Eleanor Smith contributed ,ptdno selections, A vocal cruet woe sting by Delores and P1tylllis I3ariilton, ' Mists Katharine selling read a complimentary address to Mrs. C. TavInor and Phyllis Hamilton and and Gray presented her with a pic- ture. Lunch was served. Receive Clock ' The evening service in the United Cimrob, was oonduate3 by 'members of the Y.P,IJ, with W. S. Peacock presiding. The Bible reading was given ;by Carl Johns- ton and Rev. P. G; Fowler offered prayer. 011ie guest speaker was Clarence Grainger of Walton who . smoke ou "The Home and the Church in, War . Time," with em- phasis, on the Young People's So- cieties, Members od the society pre- sented Rev, C, . Tave for and Mrs, • 'Cavelier with a study. clock in recognition of their faithful ser- vines 'anti Interest. in • the work or the society. Memorial Service Of Elma Centre Cemetery The memorial service of the Eima Centre Cemetery will be held in the Cemetery, Sunday, Julie 26th at , eight o'clock. M. W. 1. Carrollo f Mitchell will bi the special :meeker, The Listowel LegionBoys Band will be in attend-. atf ce J D Smith, Sec, NOTICE TO CREDITORS 1 In the estate of iSA@ELLA WALKER late of the Village of Brussels and County of Huron, spinster, who died on or about the twentyseoond day of Apirl A. D. 1944. TARE NOTICE that all parttes having claims or demands against the estate of the above deceased inust mail particulars and proof of same to • the undersigned, Administrator with Will Annexed on or before the twenty- fourth day of June, A, D. 1944, upon which date the said Administrator will proceed to distribute the assets with regard only to loose della which he shall then have received. Dated at Brussels Ibis Bth day of June, A. D. 1944. JOHN OLEVLANfD BANKER Administrator with Will Annexed. by his solicitor C. JOSEPiI BENSON, Brussels, Ontario, for Elmer D, Bell. who is absent on Active Service. Notice to Creditors In the estate of WALTER ROSE, late. of the Village of Brussels and County of Huron, poultry farmer, who'died on or about the 19th day of February, A. D. 1944. TAKE NOTICE that all parties hav- ing claims or demands against the estate of the above de0easecl must mail particulars• and proofs of same to the undersigned executrices on or be- fore the twenty-fourth day of June, A. D. 1944, upon which date the said executrices will proceed to distribute the assets with regard only to those claims which they shall then have received. Dated at Brussels this 6th day of June, A. D. 1944, Mary Rose and Evelyn Louise' Porter, Executrices, by his solicitor C. JOSEPH EISNSON, Brussels, Ontario, for Elmer D. Bell who is absent on Aotive Service. M1'. Chas. Johnston of Galt spent the week end with lits father, Mother and uncle on the 1st line. Mr. ,Spence MoI 0a0n of tif.e R,C.A:p'.. at Ipparwasin spent the week end with his parents 11'Ir.,and Mrs. Rot. McKinnon of Blu•0vala, Mr, a& Mrs. :Peter S. MacEwen celebrated the bhih'tyoeventh attnivet sary' od,thetr marriage on Monday at their home hare. T1' the evening they opened their home for ,, community Prayer meeting. Rev, 1r. 5, l o>yior amounted the service and spoke on :the 'Giving of a • cup of cold water," pointing out that gifts and small 4 acts of kindness done in Gocl'ee name aro valuable and most important. A qu.antelte • composed of, Mrs, F. iG Pcrttlers Mrs. R. 011. Batt, Allan Bainsay, and J. C. Rigging sang "Take Three. to bo Holy," Prayer wasot'tered 11Y Mrs., George 'Moreton and • Mrs, 'Lv10- lwen, 1 F,leouor Sinith presented hot with two cups and s tlr000s, then .. Le -on - • Quality You'll Enjoy LADA, T E NOTICE TO CREDITORS ! All persons having claims against the Estate of Timothy William Nolan late of the Township of Grey, in the County of Huron, deceased, who dies on or about the 12th day of March. 1944, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned on or before the 30th day of June, 1944, full par- ticulars of their claims. Immediately after the said last mentioned date, the assets of the said estate will be distributed aniorget the parties entitled thereto having regard only to claims - of which the undersigned' shall then have notice, to the exclusion of all others, and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim the undersigned shall not then have notice for the assets 'so dlstri• buted or any part thereof. DATED at Seaforth, this 27th 357 of May, 1944. McCONNiIILL & HAYS, Seafonth, Ontario. yypp Solicitors far the Executors. BELG A UjE Anniversary services were •con- ducted in Brick United Churoh, East Wawar,osh, on .Sunda,,, ar 11:0.0 a. 1n. and 7:30 p. rit„ by Rev. S. Brenton, or Ethel. Large baskets of peonies decorated the church for the occas- ion. The choir led by Mrs. Norman Coulees sang two anthems at each service, In the evening a solo was contributed by Mrs. George Taylor. At the nrornLng service Rev. Mr. Brenton preached on the subject, "The Church, its Lite and its Work." He said anniversaries err memory spots in the life of a church or marcs of progress. In"speaking of love for the church he said, "We • are drawn to people who are at- a.i .>:;ad to lank upon. We like people tor their character, their good deeds and their intrinsic value. • w1;11 the tdiure:l. We love our church for its beauty .and we should try to make it beautiful. We love it for its character, what it steeds. for in ,oar lives,- for its good deeds. Nearly all worthwhile things have been started by the ehurch. At church members we have a re- sponsi'bility to the church with our ir.;•ai y, ourp1'1s'00e,- and our work." At the evening service Meir, Bren- ton twit as his text: "If we live in the spirit we should walk in the spirit. Christianity must be a mov- ing thing," Atte stated, "That which does not move or .advance is dead, stagnant. Christianity 'is a living thing therefore it must be kept moving. expanding and grawiug." Duiing the severe electrical storm Sunday night a large ash tree on the line between the forme. of Carl Procter and Richard Procter was struck by lightning and strip- ped.of much of its bark. Visitors: Mr, and Mrs, Kenneth. Howard, Toronto, and Mr. V. Van Norm-ee. wingham, with. Mr, and Mi -, J. A. Geodes. Miss' Myrtle Yuiil, 1 arriston. with her parents, Air and Mrs. Joseph 'I uill: Mrs. Douglas. Willocks of Milford, N.Y., with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Procter and other relatives; Ernest Wheeler, Lethbridge, Alta., with relatives; Tpr. Ralph McCrea, Ohiiliwack, R0., on furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Neil ..McCrea. c.,msy-m,.»�nm,n +'nesattm • •AiShrWat,•14.a,1,1.1(+ 9,11 kj��ora 11 3I ::17,L l i t', ;•M hit i7 RUNNING WATER UNDER PRESSURE SPEEDS FARM PRODUCTION THE Dominion Government has authorized increased production of fare[ machinery and equipment which includes Duro Pumping Systems, We are doing our utmost to produce more Duro Pumping Systems. How- ever, the greatest part of our production is still required for;, the Armed Forces. We are also handicapped by shortages of materials and ,iai;our andd, It is impossible to produce all the Duro Pumps required: If running water under pressure will increase your production of fart* products, sere your Duro Dealer near you. He will gladly assist you in coma: plet}ng the necessary application form which has to be approved by yout-, W. P. & T. B. Rationing Officer. Be sure to order a Pumping System large enough to take care of your needs. ;The cost is only a trifle more and you will be well repaid. Phone 68 Li; ituk ei3r ID 144 EMPIRE DIMS S rG. , CO., LIMITED London .'itsionto •Harniiton Sudbury rtWirlriipej Varicor.,ver ,