HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1944-6-21, Page 1POST PUBLISHING HOUSE _
On Thursday, June 891; Mrs, Mom.
ing Grainger, Mrs. Reason Bradshaw,.
Maes, r0. Simpson and Mrs. Allan
Mcl0eroher were hostesses at the
tea for the Jamestown War Workers,'
Interesting reportsfront various off -
leers s hereien
6^'v andM 11' Robert
McLennan gave a timely reading,
"Contrast," by Edgar Guest Two
veey generous donations, .from Miss
Margaret McN•ab and Mr. Wm,
Grainger were reported, also a
donation from Mrs, Edward Jacklin,
These gifts are much appreciated.
The following good's, wore packed
for shipment: 9 quilts, 13 pr, eerviee
socks, 3 or, men's pyjamas, 1 boy's
shirt, 4 ladies' •nightgowns, 7 girls'
nightgowns, 5 girls' el'ipe, .92 pr,
girls' bloomers, 7 girls' dresses.
FISCH,ER-To. Mr, and Mrs, Wilfred
Elsner,, Beussels, on Friday, June
1613), a daughter, Shirley D'.huna,
Seafo>rth, Ont.
Thursday, Friday and Saturday
June 22, 23 & 24th
Mickey Rooney Lewis Stone
Courtship of Andy Hardy
This is the merriest story of the
Andy Hardy perces.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,
June 26, 27 & 28th
•Barbara Stanwyck Ed. G. Robinson
Chas. Boyer
Flesh and Fantasy
A story of love, hate and terror!
Thursday, Friday & Saturday
June 29 & aOth, July 1st
Paulette Goddard Fred MaoM:urray
Standing Room Only
Things happen fast and furiously In
this sparkling comedy.
The Uninvited
First show starts each evening 7.20
Matinee each Saturday 2;90
"Righteousness exalteth a' E
nation but sin is a reproach to ri
:. any people."
Rettomockoc .Kozo ogle -Kg
Melville Church
Rev. Samuel Kerr, B.A., S.D. tfi
M in ieter'
10 A. M. Sunday School
and Bible Class
• 11 A. M. Morning Worship
"The Man at the P001 of
7 P. M. "The Past, the Present
and the Future,"
Louts D. Thompson, Organist
and Choirmaster.
United Church
Minister --Rev. Hugh C. Wilson
11 A. M. Morning Worship
"The Ministry of
Junior Congregation
12 Church School and
Bible Class
7 P. M. Evening Praise
"Treasures of Darkness"
Church of England
Reotor.-Rev. M. F. Oldham
Parish. of ,Brussels
3rd Sunday After Trinity
June 25th. 1-944
St. John's Brussels --
10 A. M. Sunday School
and Bible Close
7 P. M. E,vening Prayer
and; Sermon
St. George's �alten--
3.30 P. M. Sunday School
and Bible Claps
4 R; M.'EVening Prayer:
and Sermon
St. DOOM'S Henfryn—
115 P. M. Sunday School
and. Bible Clang
2 P. M. EVenlgg Prayer'
and Sermon
Parhshoners Atiked To
Nate Change in Hour* fee
This lautldsy.
FO, Wi}san Missing All Blood Clinics
Word was received on Jane 15th
by Mrs, Robt, Wilson that her son
plying 011leer, Oluseel Wilson is
reported missing atter air operations
ove meas.
Flying Officer Wilson enlisted in
the R.C,A,F. in, April, 19.2 and
h sr pin
tai gat Lachine, loos.
St. Hubert, Quo., Belleville, Ont„ St:,
Eugene, Ont. and recoiled his wings
at Uplands on April 16th, 1043, 15e
received his Commissie:r there and
was sent to Summensido,-P,E.I„ for
advtanced training in. Navigation.
Prom there he was posted overseas
in. July 1943 and 'three months later
promoted to Plying Officer,
P.O. Wilson made his first flight
over enemy territory In March of
this year. The middle o; May he
was attached to Srinadi'on 419 which •
Closed During July
Under the Canadian Red Cross, the
,Blood Donor work was started about
3Va Years ago, the quota then being
1200 denote per week for Ontario,
The quota no
wtel2d00 donors D er
and will shortly be increased
owing to the great need for extra
blood. As a,resu3t, the Connaught
Uaboratories do Toronto, where the
blood is prooeeeed, have found it
necessary to extend their capacity,
equipment and staff. This is being
done cVurieg the month of July,
therefore, there will be no blood
diploe in, July,
The .next clinic in Brtutaela vi11. be
on Tuesday, August 8th.
is an all Canadian/ Squadron,
* u *
Mrs. J. Petrie of Donegal was a
Sunday visitor with Miss M. Mo-
• • *
Dr. and Mrs. H. G, Armstrong, Gall
and Eugene of Toronto were visitors
with Jas. S. and Sirs. Armstrong on
their 35th wedding anniversary.
• * • '
Miss Mary Helen, Eolctnier, .Lon -
den, silent the week end at her
hone here,
4 5
' ,Mrs, H. M. Clarke of Toronto
attended the silver wadding ,annn
yer.saay of her sister Mrs J. S.
• * i * ► . * '• •
Mss 'Elsie Steles, Mitchell, spent
a Yew •days at the hone of ',her uncle
John Steles.
s • •
381'. and Mem I. McLear and
children, St. Thomas,. :called on
friends here on Saturday.
Mrs, Daviel Weigert, Londeehero'
with her daughter Mrs. D. McLeod
and 9amilq.
* • *
Airs. L. M. r0tillle of eluffalo, N.Y,,
was a week end visitor with friends
and relatives and -attended the
Armstrong . anniversary.
t, * •.
Miss lEluyce Davidson, Toronto,
Ines been at her home here.
* * '0'
Mr, and Mns, Jed Clete, Toronto,
were visitors this weak with ber
mother Mata"% Wilson and brother
Eldon and Mrs. Wilson,
s *
Mrs'. Harry Tia'ale of Montreal
was the guest of her un•'le and aunt,
Mr, and Mrs, J. H. Fulton, Mill .St.,
and attended the 25th anniversary of
Jas an: Mrs. Arnlstroug
* * •
Master Lyle Robb, younger son of
Me and Mrs. H. Robb, who hasp not
been well, was taken to the sick
children's hospital in London this
week for an ex -ray.
• s a
Mrs, Mae. Richards of .Stratford
was the •guest of her aunt Mrs, Sarah
Cardiff and attended the Armstrong.
• •
Mr, and Mas,. McLaughlin and
their daughter, Mrs, Diva:-, Loudon,.
were week end visitors with Me.
and Mss. H. Manning.
• •. .
Mrs. Wee, Arui"oug of Toronto
attended theel it wedding ennieen
say on her loather Jas, S. and
Mss', Armstong
Mrs D. A. Rann alid Mrs, W.
T Iva are in Toronto • where they h
ate attending the Retaken. Asaetnbty
as representatives, of Morning Stem 11
Lodge, Brussels, n
Celebrated Silver
Wedding Anniversary
On Wednesday evening, June
149h about Oita hundred and fifty
relatives and friends gathered at the.
home of Mr and Mrs. Jas, S. Arm-
strong, 9th con Grey, in honor of
their twenty-fifth wedding anniver-
During ties coarse of the evening
everyone •aieaeauble.d on the lawn
where a 'short 'programme was given.
Rev. S. Kerr, acting as ohairnlan
opened the programme with .very
suitable remarks.' This was followed
by a solo by Wire,- Harold Campbell,
"My Garden full of Roses:" Mr,
Laycock speaking on behalf of the
crowd offered best wishes. and can.
gratulatiens to Mr, and Mrs. Arm-
strong. ltlr. Buschlen then favored
the guests with a trombone solo after
which Mr. L. E, Cardiff, M.P„ was
called on and spoke about the couple
he had known for over 25 years. Mr.
and Mrs. Armstrong were then asked
to take their places in the centre of
the group. Ma's, Harold Spate read
the following address. and Miss_
Addle C1ard4fM•arnd Mrs'. D. Hensing -
way presented the gifts.
Dear Jim and Ado: -
We, your relatives, friends and
neighbors have gathered here to.
night toextend to you • both good
wishes and oongratuiatione on thin
your twenty-fifth wedding anntiver•
We wellrecall how during, the last
war we used to see a certain young
men driving a spirited horse attach-
ed to a rabber-tire buggy down • the
5th, line of Morris two or three times
a week. And .also we remember in
those earlier days how the name of
Win Arentsroug stood out for quality
whether it was milk or strawberries
that were sold and we think we can
truthfully say that in setting up a
new home these two havecarried
along this+ standiard—fair, honest
dealings for all.
In your °Meech lifeyou have bath
given of your best. As an elder and
hes. wife you have visited us in 'sick-
ness and sorrow.' Ada hare -worked in
all the women'e aoc}etiee. ' and for
many years Jim has been the faith-
ful seeretary
aith-ful'seeretary of the Sabbath School'
In your Mate you have always
been given, to hospitality Tour
doors were always open to us—we
were welcomed, -given a pleasant
evening and invited tooome again.
Your three children are all keen,
clever citizens.
In the neighborhood you have
always been ready in cane of need to
lend a helping hand, speaking words
of encouragement and comfort, as
well as supplying worldly help. •
As a memento of this+ happy event
we ask you to accept this silver tray,
oboe diens and salt and pepper shade
era which come to you heaped up_
With best wisluee for year future
a,Ppinesw and ete hope Chet many of
s here tonight may also be present
t your golden anniversary.
Signed on behal9 of your friends
and neighbors,:
Bella 'Spell-, •Addie, Cardiff, "Wilma
Mr. Armati+dng made a very \suit-
able, end bumorons reply on, hehalf.
of binnseif ,and bio bride et 26 years
age sand expressed the wish that they
would all the •together 25 years
Mr. Wm. Mpeir sang the a$)rOprl-'
ate solo "I Love You Truly," follow-
ed by n. solo by Mrs. Mamba Camp-
A delfelous lunch pas Betted ea
the lawn, Mrs. Armstrong cutting
her beautifully deeoratea ' wedding
Guests were present from Mont.
4+etel, Toronto, d3nutfaio, Stratford,
Ssaforth, Dunton, Lotidtaboro, • Kin
liar i, Walton vochttip, num,96o tpbr(rok, 1#iennlelal. afld itichaley.;
n • e '
}i2isses Mine and Clara Mutter,
termner residents of Dru9sekt, bane
rented their home alt 7 Gerninek
letreet, Ton+onto and are at present
viaitili,g nieces and nephews In
Kincardine vicinity, ' They are with.
' Mns, H. Peters, R.If,, 4, Kincardine,
Mss, Ino. McLean and, daaghtez
Donelda of Regina, Sask, ,spent 4,I
few dew at the home of Geo, and
Mrs, Evans. 'Miss McLean . is
8mp}oy,ed by the Federal Govern,
mint of that olty. Mrs. Nidtcan
trill be bettor tomemberei by her
many friends in this Vicinity a9 Mies
]Marion McKay of the ilth Cone of
Gilead Teel '
Wednesday, June 21st, 1944
Gunner Young
In Hospital
Mrs, Edna loung of Morris
township, has received word that ber
son, Gunner Elmer Young . ie in
hospital in England oufferfug from
shell fragment wounds receivedi in
e nasion, rammer Young Went
al A
'se sinJu7
We leave on display at "The Post'
,some straw that was brought in 'by
Tinos. Walker of Bruseeln, The in•
teneating thing about it is that thegrain was grown by Sam McBride of
Goclerich vicinity and was cut with'a
reaper 60 years ago.
Member of B.C.S. Staff
Wins Scholarship
Miss Cook, a member of the teach
ing staff of Bruseele contra -nation
school, was awarded ' one of the
,provincial scholarships' for Prench..
The winning- of this scholarship
entitles Miss Cook to a summer
course in French In Quebec. Our,
congratulations to 1fiss. Cook,
Women's Guild
The Tune meeting of St. John's
Women"e• G•uiIl was .held at the
rectory on Tuesday, June 13th at
3 p m, Mrs. George +Davis presides.
The aneetir.g opened with the hymn,
"S�eldiers of the Cross Arise. Rev,
M. P. Oldham -read the Scripture
Lesson and prayers. The matter of
purchasing new hymn boolts for the
choir was discussed. Monthly fees
and' dates .were collected. 'Phe money
for new cuphoarcle in the basement
was received and amounted to a
substantial sum A meeting of the
congregation is called for Wednes-
day, June 21st set 9 p,m.
,Service • at 7 pm.. on Sunday,
June 25.
At The Churches
In the /morning worship . at the
United' Church the minister made an
appeal for greater faitheulness in
Public worship in discipleship and
in Christian service. The text was
taken ,from I Samuel "Thou shalt be
aniseed' because thy seat' Will be
empty." A t190 oempeged of Misses
Thelma Brothers, Dorothy Dennis
and Ruth Wilson sang "Drifting,"
The evening eerviee was withdrawn
far the' Meiville Anniversary.
On +Sanday, June 19911 anniversary
• services were held . in Melville
Church, The visiting minister who
preached at these services was the
Rev. W. B. Kelley of Listowel, In
.the ,noornin+g- the choir sang "Christ-
ian, the Morn Breaks ' Sweetly O'er
Thee,'' by •Shelley. Mrs., Bredin and
Mr, W. +Spear eang the solo and duet
parts. A solo:,' "Duet for To -day," was
sung by M. Spats, In the evening the
anthem was "I. Taste and : See," by
John Goss. A ladies quartette, com-
posed of Mrs.' Bredin, Mrs, W, Speir,
Mrs, Edgar, and ,Mrs. Bohert Thom-
son, sang "One Sweetly Solemn
Thought,,. Aasolo, "Land of -Hope anal
Glory," was: -sung by Mrs Bredin,
Mrs, ,Sarah .iscicmier 'is visiting
with her eon Mr. and Mrs, Mervin,
Eckinier at Pine River at the present +
Work has commenced' on the new
cement bridge here. A temporary
bridge is being built to accomodate
traffic until the uety bridge is
Mr, A. Henry attended the Tele- I
phone Conventton In London on
Congratulations ere dare LAC.
Clarke and Mrs. Cardiff on the birth:
of a daughter in the Li,^towel Memor-
cal hospital. A ' little slater for
' LAC. Stan. Alexander ban 'returnee'
to Trenton atter spending a week's 'returnee'
furloegh at itis homelier?.
Mrs Colqulhonn and little eon, of
Dartmouth, Nova. Scotia, are visiting
with the +tormeine permits Mr. and.
Meet S. H. Fear in the village
Mra. Bert 'Geddes), and son Rodney
went Friday and Saturday 'letting
friends' in Stratford.
Rev Dnttlop of Belgrave preacheti,l
at the 'three charges of the United
Chureh. here Sunday. Rev. Brenton
taking ohn,rge of the anniversary
1ervtces at Bele-rave.
Mrs. Mary Ames spent the week
end with Mr. and Mrs. Jack .Snell
and faintly.
Aar, Laverne Vodden and Donald
Dumber left Monday to spent a weelt
tamping at Goderloh,
Mantis Mligabeth Feat' of Weed-
•s,tiook agent the Week eiid At her
home. • •
Mr. and 0491j: 1.4C .Mian *molars,
of tiebo!ve1 visaed with Dr::*ed Mee:',
*MOW on Sandhi'.
Note Re Salvage
Please do' not leave any salvage
the Radio Shop, In the country ge
in. touch with the local school, In
town wait for the next salvage day,
when a new depot wtllebe used,
We Wish to thank our neighbours
and friends for their
and kind-
W0 recently en l
Ilost our home
by fire also tar the kind gifts we
have reoeiveil
Mr and Mrs, Corlett and Glen
• *• s m m T
at " Obituary
Richard S. Armstrong
We wish to thank ail the neigh-
bours and friends for their many
acts of kindness words of sympathy
and beautiful floral tributes during
our recent sad bereavement They
were much appreciated and will
never he forgotten.
Mr. and MPs. F. King
Mr. and Mrs 17, Martin
Thanks to our subscribers who
have proanptly paid their subscrip-
tions in advance, your cooperation in,
keeping our nailing list up-to-date
is much appreciated, Look at your
label mow and if it. Is' not correct
kindly advise Ile of the error. 'We
ask those whose subscriptions are In
;trrears to kindly pay them in
advance at their earliest conven-
Mare Fatal Fairs
Based on reports received by the
Agricultural Soeletles Branch of the
Ontario Department of Agriculture,
tisere is likely to be a slight increase
in the number of agelcultaral fairs
held in Ontario during the year 1944,
says J. A. Carroll, Superintendent rat
the Branch. Last year 205 fall fairs
were he'lld in the Province and seine
societies which aid not bold fairs
Mat year have fixed dates planning
to revive their 'activities this year.
The official list of dates isnow being
compiled• and it is expected to be
eaneplete as .soon as the various
dlatrict meetings, of the Ontario
Athena/Ulan et Agriculture,} Socie-
ties have all been held, which will
orpne.bly be about. the: middle of
c ; A. O. Smith Addresses
Retail Merchants Here
A. G. Smith, at Toronto, a repne•
seutative of the 'War Time Priced
and Trade Board, addressed e meet -
Ing of the retail znerohants of this
district, •n
1 the Libraryly here
on Tugs -
u a -
day e ep
In itis opening remarks: Mr. Smith
said he was not present as a police-,
man to tell the merchants, how to
sun their business, but to explain
different orders .and aims of the
Board. They are endeavouring to
effect an equal distribu4ien of avail-
able goods Otte •of their chief jobs,
he stetell, was to prevent InfiaLinn.
He told eeveral stories as illustra-
tions of*the work being done. Tbis
being a fanning ,community he
brought to their.atteniioa the fact
that although 25% of the young
mer, from the farms. are in the
armed forges the remaining 76%"
left are producing 50% .more than
in 1939, He showed a number of
chases emphasit(ng the increased
retail business of 1942 compared
with that of 1939. He mentioned
the need for merchants to save all
•cardboard and paper. Ile waa'ned
against the danger of'intstion and
said what a struggle the Board
eves having to prevent it.
L W. Eckra er, president of the
ioca3'Businese Men's, Association, as
chairman of the meeting, called .on
Mr. MOCalluan of the Stratford Was
Time Prices and Trade Board who
introduced' A. G. Smith to the
merchants. Alter Mr. Smith's
address, F. Skelton. and K Beemer,
also of the Stratford board and Mr,
McCallum answered questions and
disetiesed problems of the mer-
The chairman moved a vote et
Marks to Mr. Smith and the Strat-
ford representatives of the Board
for their aseistance.
The cominunity was shocked to
hear of the sudden passing of
Richard S. Armetrang at his home
on Saturday atur afternoon, terno Pn
June 10th in
his 72nd year, He was born in Morris
township and moved to. Grey over
37 years ago when he was married to
Margaret Fairservice of Mullett who
predeceased hint nearly eight years
ago. He was a member and faithful
it attender of Brussels Presbyterian
Surviving are two daughters
(Jerdlle) Mrs, Ernest Martin of
Morris; (Helen) Mrs, .Prank King at
home; a granddaughter, Marga 'et
Martin, two brothers Wm. of Grey;
Lewis of Morris and a cis er
(Mayne) Mrs. Wm. Rutledge of
North Dakota, U.S.A.
Rev, Samuel Kerr of .13russels
conducted the' funeral service at his
late home, lot 8, eon, 7, Grey town-
ship' on Tuesday, June 13th. at 2
p.m, Burial took place in Brussels
The pallbearers we11 Chas:
Lamont, Wm, Hollinger Wm.
Bishop, Jas. McFarlane, Ales Yuill
and Thos. McDonald,
The flower bearers were E1nier
and Joint Armstrong, Fran4 Sellers,
Chas. Warwick. ,,
Golden Wedding
Anniversary Celebrated •
A very pleasant and henry event
took place on Tuesday evening,
June 20th when Mm. and Mrs. John
Bolger of Grey Twp. near Walton
celebrated their 50th wedding anni-
veaasa'ly at their home. The members
of the family and relations as
snnzb'led numbering about 60, on
Tuesday evening to do honor to this
venerable couple andto celebrate
the happy occasion. They were
married on June 20811, 1304 at the
home of the bride's parents Mr. and
Mrs, Henry Hamrilton in McKillop
Tay,. The officiating clergyman
was the Rev, W. G. Reilly, rector of
he parish of Brussels and Walton,
Mr. Thomas Bolger was .best man
and the bridesmaid was Nellie
Hamilton, sister of the bride, now
11•Srs, A. 0. diodgins, of Lucen•. The
ride was formerly Miss. Maggie
Hamilton, Mr, Thomas, Bolger, The
room's brother was present at the
celebration Tuesday evening. To
the estteemed•cott$le have been born
two sons and two daughters, (Olive)
is. T. Dundee of : Blyth. Ont,
Harriet) Mns, F. Johnston of
vblin, 'Ont.; Mr. Howard Bolger 0f
ondon, Ont,; Mr. Hurl Bolger now
es/Wing on the home farm.
The esteemed couple were pre,ent-
d oaf Tuesday evening with a
Hymn and Prayer 13oolc from St,
eorge's Anglican Church, the
ddrese being read by Iiev. M. F.
ldham and the presentation by
re. M. F. Oldham; from the relit
lyes a silver casserole was given.given.to
Mrs. ,Bolger and an arm chair to
Mr. Bolger, .the address . being read
y Miss . Leona Watson and the
United Church W. A.
Tlae annual June meeting of the
W. A. wan held he the United Church
weer Tuesday afternoon . at the' b
hour of three winch was well attend-
ed. The Devotional . period was
taken by the president, Mrs. Nuggan
and opened the meeting singing the
hyann 493, "I need, thee every hour.' '
Mfrs. McArthur read Psalm. 61 follow-
ed by the Lord's+ Prayer in unison.
The minutes of to lase. meeting
were read and adopted' by the secre-
tory Mrs. Seeiran and the treasur-
er's report was given by Elizabeth r
Downing, followed by hymn 501 "Will
your anchor hold, followed by the 'e
Miepah Benediction, The boxes aura
on their way to our boys overseas
and we hope each one will receive a
them safely The programme `'con- O
stetted of various' contests and read- M
Man. The ladles chuckled ' in a t
social hour and a:delioieus plank.
style lunch was,'sen11ed• by the coni -
venous Mrs. Wilson. . and /are, b
Wheeler. .The summer meetings will
be disoontintued until Septernher 19.
Results of Year's
Rifle Shooting at R.C.S. •
The following is, the percentage
obtained by shooting the required
number of eargets;
Graeme •Stott 84,S%0
Murray Matheson 84,4
Ross Knight 78
Howard Ryan 78
Charlie Thomas 76
Donald Oohnan, 7L9
Donald Speir '71,2
Jim Cameron 04.1
.Jinn Artnstroug 68.4.
Inennoth Knight 64
*Duncan Jamieson, 49.6
Laurie Cousins 47,a
Fort'eet Wttittard 47.6.
*8111 Rann 35
*Under' minimum cadet age, I 0
Rankiirtg of those who shot less
than the minimum bort obtained over f
50% (in Order of merit),
Betty Breerer 6713%
Peter Bredin
Mac Booker ,
George Somers
Wtltred Spivey
Jean :Spelran
Hartley Fischer
presentation by Mrs, Wm. Perris,
from the family, to Mrs,. Bolger was
given, a gold broach and to Mr.
Bolger, a pen and pencil set. Both
bride and gloom fittingly replied'
and thanked all present for
their kindness. Mrs, T. Dundas react
the address from the family and
Mrs. P. Johnston, made the presenta-
tion, Rev. M. F. Oldham, rector of
the parrieh was master of ceremon-
ies, spoke briefly and a programme
was given. A hyaln "Blest Be The
Tie That Binds" was snug, followed
by +Scripture reading and brayer.
01d songs including "When. You and
I wereOlin
y g .Maggie" and others
were sung. Rev, M, F. and Mee,
Oldham, gave it ailaao duet, Donald
McDonald game a solo, Mrs. 'Mork
I'taniiton and Mrs, George Pollard
dressed up as /Maggie • and John,
crented merriment. The programme
oneluded with singing Auld Lang
Syne. A telegram watt received
rain Mr, J. Hanna, M.P.P„ mise
numerous Other Cong,'nttllatotn
'messages and well, wialiee, Lovely
and appropriate gttts were also
given, them, A deltol>ur, supper was
served by Mae. Barry Bolger. and
Member/8 of the family, A' lovely
'wedding cake with 50 candles intern-
ed the table. _All join In wishing
this highly esteeme'd couple many
morenappy sill
poly an iversaries,
To .obviate any ilncerttalntr to to
the obe'ervanoe of Dernhtign Day title
year, it les noted that the date.
of ietaill& gest ia' Saturday, July let,
There was •some contusion enter, tke
alecon eanne of lite ,holiday last year,
bot Mho date haw now been officially
JIorais Township' Council Meeting
June 112th, 1944.
The council met on the above
date to the Township hail with all
the members present. The Reeve pre-
The minutes of the last meeting
were read and adopted on motion at
Sas,' Michie and. Chas. Coultes.
Moved by Wm. Speir secon.ded by
Chas. Coultas that Workmen's Coan-
pensation be renewed with Lloyd's
Assonance Co.• — Carried.
Moved by H. Johnston seconded by
Ohas, Coultes that the reisolation to
aftow the 1'atepayars of U.S.S. No. 4
and U. S. S. No, S to become a part
of the Turnberry Township • School
Area be passed. — Carried.
Moved by Chas. Ooultes seconded
by Sas. Michie that a grant of $20. bo
given the Wingham Horse Show. —
Moved by H, Johnston seconded by
J. Michie that the bilis as presented
by the Road Supt, be paid, --,Carried.
Moved by Wm. Speir seconded by
J. Michie that the Court of Revision
be closed, — Carried.
Moved by Chas. Coultas, seconded
by J. Michie that the meeting ed-
joun'n to meet again on July 10th,
1944 at 1 p. in. — Carried.
Accounts paid—
Dept. of Health (InsuldnL 94.98
Advance -Times (Advertising). 51.80
Richard Alcock (Mathew Drain.
,and Robertson Drain) .. $186.00
N. Higgins (Postage etc.) 510.00
Mals. Gross' (relief) $15.00
Thee, Wilson (Worktnren'e Com-
pensation Ins.) $40,00
Wal, Brydges (Balance of salary)
J. Fryfogle (Horse Show) ,,,, $20,00
H. Johnston (Transportation) .59,00
C. Wheeler (Trareportation and
Enmities) . 58.00
Geo, 0, Martin, CIerk.
Hyclr'o Rates Me Reduced
Previous to Last month the local
hyd'o was •8,8, oe'nte.for the tirat 30
killanyatt hours lash mouth the rate
Wen, 8,4 cents for the. first 88- i epics,
Th481 11 calm a xled' w4 0n (if 001.1101•
tnetely 8 Celli*,:
A very ,:(;,suntt time wee held
Friday afternn,m atlite picnic held
on the schoo: nroends of S.S. go, 8,'
also inieludea. were the scheols of
2,,th con. Grey end 3rd line :Norris.
Nns,ebn.11, foot cares and Mimesfat
the children were thorotigi ly en.
j,oyod. Tee cream, Chocolate n9150
and eendwIilhes were served.
Congrnulations ere due John and
Mrs, Bolger, 17111 con, on, the cele•
loathes of the 60111 anniversary of
their marriage. Both are enjoying
comparatively good health Tbe'
event took plate 'Motilay, Ingo 18911.
Mamie ,NIA Mrs: 1(b*rdiff, Atwood,
accompanied by•Herbert and 'Mr.,
l ar4iff, 4th bora„ ' esor'ed a notal'
trig during the para Week is toottio
aml other j4*teo,