HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1944-6-14, Page 3THE BRUSSELS POST
`Zf�c meat
Hay will be ready to cut within
the next week or two. It is an
abundant crop -one of the heavi-
est in years.
Help is needed immediately
to save the hay crop
Offer your services today to the
Farm Commando Brigade in your
town or city.
The need is urgent right now
A C,B.C.presentation produced with the co-
operation of the Ontario Farm Service Force
Starting from April 7th
o . . . TC 181 -IN.
Every citizen of Ontario must face the
unpleasant fact that Canada's stockpile
of grains, dairy products and vegetables
...a which we had a great surplus
four years ago ... is almost exhausted.
For four years, Canada has been a "store-
house of food" for°ier Allies. She must
continue to fulfil heavy obligations to
them. But the surplusesin the store-
house. are gone. They must be replen-
ished. Otherwise, Canadians on the
Fighting Fronts ... and at home . .
are likely to be faced with the prospect
of short food rations.
THIS. YEAR the crops on Ontario
Farms give promise of the heaviest
yields of grain, hay, vegetables and fruit
in years.
JOINOIN The Farm Commando Brigades, the Holiday Brigades, Business
Men's Groups, Service Club Groups, Neighbourhood. Groups, or
one of many other organization§, that are preparing to help. For three years such
organizations have supplied thousands of volunteers to Save Food for :Victory.
This Year Many Thousands .More Volunteers Are Needed.
Register your name, by mail or in person, with your nearest. Selective' Service
Office, or with any of the Groups listed above which operate in your town or
city, or with The Ontario Farm Service Force, Parliament Buildings, Toronto,
or with your nearest Agricultural Representative: For Peace Sake — PITCIH IN!
Lend a Hand on the Farm.
ETHEJ� WALTON WA TON sented her with a buffet niirrer-
fiThe eddrees was read by Mrs. Her-
T•he W,M!S. of the Presbyterian
Ohnroh met for the June meeting at
the home •of Mrs, 1', Wright with a
good attendance. -The meeting open-
ed with Hymn 74, prayers by several
members. .The •S!eriipture lesson
was read by Mrs. Stan. Alexander.
Hyann 646, war sung. The minutes
of the 'last meeting were read. by
the Secretary. The Roll was called
anenveretl by repeating a verse of
Soriptur0 containing the word
(Victory), The ofl'ertng wat taken
A. reading 'front tlee book on Jiritisa
G'ninea was read by Mrs, S. Dunbar,
Hymn 7017 wee sung, The topic Prom
the seedy beak, "A Story of Tndia,"
Larne road by Miis. Weight. Ouiient
events were in charge ",ee Mrs. q.
Jirauber, The meeting closest as
singles Hyena 638 and the Benedic.
teen by the president, • setter which
lunch vests ,served and a social' hour
The ion
e June meeting the. Mise
g oP
Band ,of the' Prss1 �bytorian Church
wee held at the home aP Geer
Dunbar,- The meeting opened with
Hymn 723 .after width Mrs. Mauler
read h minutes of the
the Pra or. The m na es
]set nteoting were read 'by tiro sec -
tetany Isobel Dokrnier, The leuslnoss
was diocsussed and it was planned to.
have the, next meeting as a picnic
on the •church lawn. , The Sulphite
leesori was read by Georgia. Du5 ar.
The Roll, was . called - by Fepeeting
a. verse of 'scripture, The gide sang
a. few verses of Hymn 743. The
, offering was kerma by Vern Bowes
Ilyann 758 was swing. Miss 1tC-
eleteohie read, the story "At the foot,
of the Monntaiu," taken ficin the
Peek, Mary ,zones' Bible„ :Hymn
-16 t7as .sung and the mee�ttt k; closed
With' the Mizpah Benedictions, t,ttneh.
Was served and games were enjoyed,
The Sunday'ISr,heel of Knox Pres-
hylcrbatt Cnhurnh wilt nett on Sun•
day morning at 11 o'clock during the
Stl muter metitii6
Rev, Mr, Coilihs of, ', Toronto
1.1reaclio4 iii the P'reebytetletit',Church
tasL Sunday orating and delivered a
Very 3115 seninen.
A errnttter of the ladies of, the
•Clremees institute, tlthet, attended
the district auroral meeting held tit
ll31it tt1e laet,1hnl'sday,
'Phe Walton Fanm••53'eeting will he
held .;at'the home of Mrs, Jas, Mc-
Donald en Wednesday; -June 21st.
Mr,, and Mao. Harry . Bolger and
Rose, Mr, and Mrs, John Bolger,
,Mess Jane Anne Bolger, Mrs, N.
Sanderson, Mr's. Wm. Humphries and
Mrs, Bert Attdeeson attended the
Hua'on Deanery meeting held in St.
Pante; Church, Wingham en Friday,
Tune 9,
Personale: Mrs. ,Mdilaren; who
has sip,ent the past week with her
sieter-inlaw, Mrs, Walsh, returned to
her home In Hamilton; Mrs, Walsh
and little daughter !Sharon are with
Mee, Creasman of NeW Dundee; Mrs,
Harry Bolger, Mrs. N. Sanderson,
Pelee J. A. Bolger, bbrs. W. iiucnplt .
rias' and Mrs, B Audelson fns Wing -
ham attending the Deanery meeting
held in St, Panes Anglican Church;
Mr, •snd MTs. B. Anderson and Mrs.
Johns Mettle, - Wallacelsua•g, visited'
with Mr. and Mrs. E11 o d Armw s•
tage, in ham onSiatuad ; little
a Wa
g , 6"Y,
Marilyn Ruldol Toronto returned
home e11
o a a endin after f s sP g a few weeke
with her merle aid aunt; Mr, and
Mrs, Rueeeli Barrows.
The . - toneral of • 'the late Mrs.
Charles Case was held at 1:30 on
Wednesday ,afternoon front the home
of her daughter, Mrs. , John Mc•Y.
Tntosh, of Morris township.
:Deceased was the `former Maly
Elizabeth Conker and, for manly
Years,' resided in the' viicinity of
Walton with her husband Who
prodecosed her about - three yeere
age. 'S1ec° then she has made liet
'tome with her slaughter (131'la).
Mrs, :Jelin Melntoslt, .their: only
child. Ralf. M. P. OIdh5tn of Brus-
sels, Anglican Church was in charge
of 'tire services, Interment was
Made In Brussels cemetery.
Mrs, Armour Dundee of London,
a niece, attended tits fiineral,
On Ttieetiay .evening a ball game
between Thelon and Walton Yohmg
People% grntblts was the Centre Of
afhacitnit here. The teems, 'were
evenly matched, the Score being
tied at 13.12,
!M.I.5, Glen Tryoe (neo TJkhel
Settee), a popular bride, , was hoe.
ored on TOeselay'eeeniirll when l:ho
Choir of Walton 'United Church met
at her hone In MeiCtliop and pre'
bort Ttavees, and the presentation
made by Mrs, Walter Davidson,
MIrs. Pryce ,bllanked those present
in her nsuai pleasant. manner, and
alter- a s octal evening ' lunch was
served, -
McNichol Somerville
. A quiet but pretty wedding took
place Tuesday at MaKi11op .nranso,
when. Anna Dickson; youngest.
daughter of Mr, and . Mrs. William
Somerville, became the t,ride • or
Ralph Eldon McNichol, elder son cif
Mr, and Mrs. Duncan' McNichol,
Walton. Rev, W J..Patbon officiated.
T110 bnide•looked lovely in a floor
length gown of white ohiafon oven
taffeta with lace at .the neckline,' Her
headdress was a ,coronet of white
'nssleade and she carried a bou'guet
of Spring flowers, Her only orna-
ment was e. gold locket, the gift of
bridegroom. The matron of honor,
Mrs. Walter 'Somerville, wan becom-
ingly gowned in blue cheer o
taffeta with matching aone otiea
She chatted a. bouquet t oP sPri
flowers, The bridegroom was
attended by Walter ISomarv11le, The
'bride and groom left, for :their
boneyanoon in Toronto, Niagara
Falls and London, the bride travel-
ing be a dress of Halifax blue
flowered hat, tweed coat and ".match-
ing accessories. On their return
they will reside on the latidegroonfe
farm in MciCtllop. The bridegroom s
giitt to the bridesmaid was earrings;'
•to the:grooansnian a MR fold,
The regular meeting' ee the' Bel -
g s a
eeve WoanereInstil t e
will he
,held. Tuesday, June 20111 , at the
hone of Mrs, J. M, Coulees. The
ocuve'ers ,are Mrs. N. Rigging , nut
Mra, glordon Higgins. Roll call will
be answered by "Uses for 1121111,"
Mrs Stewart Procter will give Ilse
address and the tep'oxt from the
dietelct animal tneeting-. will - be
given. A 3uestionnati'e ori insect
control will bo given by Mrs: 17,
At:eels:en, Member's please re-
member to bring Tied Cross dorm -
liens tor . the women s auxiliary
corps. bnattcit , teinintttee Mrs, N.
Itigglns anti Mts. Willard Arm-
strong, • . -
Mire Olive McIntosh and Mlse
Bessie Moses and Dave Gibb 'spent
Sunday at Lircknoty and Ktntail,
Miss Jauet Robertson spent the
week -end with herr brother Campbell
Robetaton let line. : We are sorry to hear Mr, Richard.
Jphnston le not very well and hdpe
he will soon be better again.
Mr. and Mrs, Wilbert gathers' and
Helen: and Mrs, Bayioe of Kincardine,
visited on' Sundey'with Mr. and Mrs.
Richard Johnston and Emma Mrs.
Henry Mather's and sisters and other
friends fit Bitievale.
Mr. anti. Met, Wtll Peacock and
Mrs, Melville • Mathews attenders the
funeral of Mise Lillian, Vogan on
Friday near Belmore,
Mr. and Mrs, Zee, peacock visited
one night with &Ir. and. gra Rtchard
Johnston 1st line,
Mr, and Mrs. Melville Mothers• and
children visited on Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. C. t g Logan a Bel 'ave
Ideal e 1 tvca.hhet 1 �i'
co td tions added to
f 'tato a,1 nrty t ' ,
Cea lle9d
I at ICnox Praeby terian
Church conducted by the Rem X.
Tills ter PalmerD:D., of Palmerston.
maiming service he sPoice en'
the "Westminster Oonfeseion. of
' ''d:h" and the '1Sbortor (.ate-
t'hisan." in the evening he presehed
a 'semen appropriate to the time of
war' crlets; 'talttlncg his text Evora
Dander's vision of the coming of the
beasts reteroserlting the rale of
Donee mutt his vision ..of the coining
of the Son of Man. Special, mush{
was rendered by the choir, assistett
by, Airs, James Clegh:orn - of Wing -
bone who'•sstIg a dolo ani -t ,male
quartette composed - of
tet. • J C4ilu:Verne Huffer,
e i1Altar Ramsay, •
At the morning servtee in the
Ith eel Oiiurch Rev, Campbell
mi.tonei t;oalt elle text from the
Ath eleapter Of Nehemiah where he
heiblecl the °In'oken walls against
.resat opposition. The service of
song wasp led bet a einem. choir,
Mnt'Iel Smitb, Marry Darting, Shir-
ley Boiling and tCathaglnn Salting
sang a quartette,
Rev. C. 'Tavenei' attended the
mooting of the Huron 'Presbytery
nt'the Pulled Church at Clinton,
Rev 1",• Cl,, Vo Wier • supplied• ler.
Dr,, Briber Peltier at the Tyresby
tot'titte Church, Palmerston,
liltele0p---Inloving memory et our,
dear sister Christittna lytic passed
away Jute 14th, 194.1.
We often sit and think of her
W'heu we tele all alone
For memory is the only Lhing
That grief can all its own:
We often think or the days gone by
Mien we were together
• Het a shadow o'er oar lift} is east
- A dear One's gone forever.
Suds' missed
by brother and sister.
, Agricultural Department
i Appeals to Townspeople
I To Give help in Harvest •
i Prospects for eerie' crops in Ontario
1 this yoar are excellent and 1944
promises to be the banner year i'1 Pond
Protection. Yet tdtisvery feet manes
the situation ail the more serious from
i.he standpoint of food. because,, unless
the urban. people come to the rescue
and help the ranters to harvest their
crop's., tl1ousandis of tans` of preolous
foodstuffs• will have to rot in Lht fields
and dtrohards. This is the ' basis of
ate argent anneal .made by Alex. Mac -
Jaren, director of the Ontario Farm
Service Force, who .asks that alt towns
and cities in the Province take int -
mediate steps to •organize Farm 'Com
- mantle oornintttees, to enrbll aad pet
to work volunteers bo assist in the
haying and harvesting,
in the last three years Stolt cpm-
rnittees have rendered valuable ser-
vice In, harvesting operations and their
help is needed more :than ever this
year, Chambers of ,Uorrimerce, Boards
'of Tracie, service clubs fraternal soc-
ieties, church organisations and other
community groups can render a val-
uable work to the war effort by taking
the initiative and giving, leadership
in the rormatiou •of local learnt Com-
mando brigades. Action should be
taken i:,ow in order to. have volunteer
help available when, the ha.ying.seas-
ne begins.
The farm service force branch of
the Department of Agriculture_ is
ready to assist any group . willing to
crganTze a local committee and, the
agricultural representatives in each
county also are available to help in
'Organizitng. Looai organizations
should get in touch with their repre-
sentatives at once, or, where that is
not •convenient, should write to the
Director, Ontario, Farm Service
Force, ''Parliament Building,, Toron-
to, ab- that he can send a field
placement officer to assist .in the
formations of a Farm Commando
Co-operation of School Teachers
- Asked
In view of the urgent demand for
help for Ontario farms during the
busy summer season, the direchor of
the Ontario Faun Service Porte . is
appealing for the active co-operation
of the principals and teachers of
secondary schools throughout the
Province. The bulk of the help for
the sunnier keason,in certain parts
of Ontario will have to come frown
the secondary schools, bat so far
the response has .been a bong way
short ,of the demand. Mr. Maclaren
is convinced that principals and
teachers, of these schools can render
a tremendous s,ervtce by using their
influence and knowledge of the
critical food situation tp encourage
their students to spend at least a
part of their summer vacation period
on fame work, either on individual
fauns er is farm service camps.
S'obooi principals and teachers oat
assist boys and girls to (10cide to nn-
dertalre Pane Work by placing before
theta clearly turd forefully the im-
portance 'of farm service work to the
food. situation and also the condit-
ions under which they can leave
school at once If they are definitely
going into farm work. As the De-
partment of Education is supporting
the farm service movement very
strongly, Mr. Maclaren is confident
that he, will receive the no-operetian
of principals and teaohera along the
lines suggested.
; MTs. Pratt Phone 77-r 9.
ALE-- -.
- nantit of Seed Baslttihsat at
cZ Y
815,6 n bushel also 10 little pigs,
aiPPIY to Gilbert McCallum,
Lot 20, Cour 9 Morris Twp.
Phone 18-r-9, Brussge :
Lumber — 3" hemlock 14" long,
also a quantity of Mixed Oats and
Barley — Lost a. bag or rolled oats,
alveen Brussels and Win. King's.
name e
� ca]
e s
OTICE—'' Will the panty that phoned ,for
my 4 gallon oil can please call
again if site wants it as the Party
Phone 232x
Part ,ot Lot 2, Concession 9 of tho
TewnSlttp of Grey belonging to the
John still '~state and on which is er-
ected brick house and small barn,
.Apply at office of ELM1t71t D. BELL,
l3 n Fels„ Ontario.,;:
Wednesday, June 14(11, 39'b4
So far this year, Hong Distance calling is
'-almost 10 per cent. heavier than in 1943,
when toll calls set an all-time high.
So itis obvious why we must all continue to avoid
needless Long Distance calls. ' Otherwise, pressing
war business may be seriously delayed. And
such delays can cost lives!
Please make only necessary calls.
t% Trez`lue &-os'hre
Olalaf lUlxgs ro laatds^
25th. Wedding Anniversary
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley 17, Meehan
spent last week end visiting friends
and relatives in 1Vallaceburg,
Sombre and Sarnia ,and Quietly eels.
orated -their 25th wedding anni-
versary. In honour of this occasion
the immediate family surprised them
by their presence on Friday evening
and. presented them with a beautiful
silver teaservtee, little Dianna Mc-
Nair malring the presentation. Lunch
was served and a. pleasant time
enjoyed by ell present. Many cards
and good wishes for the fitters have
been received by Oonnciilor and Mrs,
Machan. -
Miss 'Glenna Machan spent the
week end it Atwood, the guest of
Mie Jean Little,
I7or re -decorating the interior of
Dell's 'United Church, -Walton
Tenders trust he in the Banda of
rho eeeretary by June 2451.
Mus. Nelson 11514 Senr'etary
RR. NO, 2, Walton
A. public sehbol teacher ter S.
No, 9' Morris Township,
a111117 to the See,-Treas.
Ciarenes 1tittrtiu, rt. R. o,btyth,
trate* Phone 17.523.
Memorial Service ' Of Ehna Centre Cemetery
The memorial OSTTIOe of the Elena
Centre ,Oemetery wlil be held in the
Cemetery, ,Sundlay, June 26th at
eight o'clock. -
Me. W. I. Carroll of Mitchell will
be the -special speaker. Me Listowel
Legion :Boys Band. - will be in attend-
J D Smith, Sec.
Tenders forthecontract of build-
ing a small cement bridge on con,
cession 8 of Morris' Township known
as the Phelan bridge, also the .re -
intoning of abutments on • the 4th
line bridge will be, received up until
June 25th, 1944.
For plans and specifications see
the Road Superintendent, R. B.
Currie, R. R. 5, Brussels.
Lowest or any tender net neces-
sarily aooepted.
George •0. Marten,
In the estate of ISABELLA WALKER
late of the Village of Brussels and
County of Huron, spinster, who died
on or about the twenty-second 'day
of Apirl A. D. 1944.
TA= NOTLOII that all parltes
having claims or damands against the
estate of the above deceased must
mail pertionlars and proof of same to
the undersigned. Administrator with
stare the v
W117Annexedanorb Y
4' upon
June, A. D. 1.94,
•th dla of
whtCii date the
said Administrator
willmaned to
,distribautee the ass
with regard only 2a those Claims
which here shall then have received.
Dated at Brussels this Gth day of
June, A. D. 1944,
Atlmiat6stnator with Will Annexed.
by his solicitor 0 JOSEPH BENSON,
Brussels, Ontario, for Eimer D. Bell
who Is absent on Active Service,
In the estate of WALTER ROSE, late
of the Village of -Brussels and
County of Huron, poultry farmer,
who died on or about the 19th day of
February, A. D. 1944.
TAKE NOTICE that all parties hav-
ing 'claims or demands against the
estate of the above deceased must
mail particulars and proofs of same to
the atndeisdgned executrices on or be-
fore the twenty-Coua'th day • of - June,
A, D. 1944. upon which date the said
executrices will proceed to distribute
the assets with regard °lily to those
claims which they shall then 'inure
Dated at Brussels this 5th day of
June, A. D. 1944.
Mary Rose and Evelyn .Louise
Porter, Executrices.
by his solicitor 0, JOSEPH BENSON,
Brussels, Ontario, for Eisner D. Bell
who is absent on Aotive Servide.
Notice to Creditors
I . All persons having claims against
the Estate of Timothy William Nolan
late of the. Township of Grey, in the
County of Huron, deceased, who died
on or about the loth day of March,
1944, are hereby notified to send in
to the undersigned on or before the
39th day of June, 1944, full par-
ticulers of their claims.
Immediately after the said last
mentioned date, the assets of the
said estate will be distributed
amongst the• panties entitled thereto.
having regard only to claims of
which the undersigned shall then
have notice,, to the exclusion of all -
others, and the undersigned will not
be liable to any person of whose
claim the undersigned shall not then
have notice for the assets so distdl-
buted or any part thereof.
DATDD at •S'eatorth, this 27th day
of May, 1944.
McCONN5B1t L & HAYS, •
Sea'tbnth, Ontario:
Solicitors for the Executers.
itRs _
a real
pipe e smoker's
o -day, as always, the `Salacia'
label is
our guarantee of a
unt orris blend of
fine q-hoty