HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1944-6-14, Page 1Pere
Meeting For Ali
Retail Merchants
The inoeting will be held in
Brues.els Library on Tuesday, June
24th, at 0 p.m„ conducted by A. G.
Smith or the management sorvice
divlodon of the Wartime Prices and
Trade Board. Mr, ,Smith' will 'deal
with charts and set up of the
retail buoiuoss.
There Will also be representatives
from Stratford and a. question period.
will follow when looal problems will
be ddecuesed: There will be only
two meetings; held, in' Huron County,
one here and in Gader1ch,
Seaford', Ont.
Thursday, Friday Friday & Saturday
June 15, 18 & 17th
Second show starts 9:15
Teresa Wright Jos, Cotten
Shadow of a Doubt
Storming every emotion In a' master-
piece of suspicion & suspense
Monday, 9'uesday, Wednesday,
June 19,2g&21st
Cary Grant • John Garfield
Destination Tokyo
Warner Bros: explosive story - - -
big as the broad Pacitic!
Thursday, Friday and Saturday
Mickey Rooney Lewis Stone
Courtship of Andy Hardy ,
Coming -
Flesh and Fantasy
•First show starts each evening 7.30 yf
Matinee each Saturday 2;30.
HOUSE Wednesday; June 14th, 1944
Engagement Announcement Letter Of Appreciation
Mr, and •hire, , Wilbur 'Turnbull • .
Miss . Floreneo ' M011'1t.rgi,ou is
arlltoturue the engagement of . their May 34th, 1034 vision^,' Mrs. NI, Jackson of 'Parente;
younger daughter Dorothy cir'ah rnl I hilt ee et Game Club Mrs, David Wright, Londesbora;
10 Donald S, .:Lawless son et Mr, and Dear Sir:
Mrs, 1'. G. Lawless, 'PhD marriage I am dropping eti few litres In
with her slaughter, Mrs. i). 'McLeod
LO take place July 1, Duff's United answer to the i)n1'cel 1 received Camilg,o
':r �Nlis Ice
l us ail, Walton,. ecntaining. •three hundred cigarettes; s 10n Armstrong of Clark
1 w'aut to screw •'toy appreciation son was a week coal visitor at .Iter
Support The Legion Carnival thanking the Club very much. . u honu> Leta,
The invasion is on. Our 'boys are There Is' nothing any more 'wol- Mi's' F• W, Moore o1 Saslcatein
fighliteg on thieo 4151)45 end they cadre to as lads over here than a tvlto leas apentt the past nook 'in
need all the eomtorts• they can get. g0oc1 Canadian. smoke. 0f which Toronto returned to Brtisfiols Tues•
Conte otic young and old and support a good many are sent L'tote /our day night
the Legion Carnival on 'Pllnrsday Old'. Miss Dorothy Ballantyne has
1 thank You, been engaged as a member of the
night, 'Jane 2` nd, help snake il. a' W. R, Elliott
Brussels. public school staT1 to fill
success. You owe it to your boys the vacancy created by the resig-
the whole proceeds will go for . ..- . nation of Miss Janet King,
oomtforts for the boys oveC'seas. CARD OF THANKS class; L, C; •Smltlr of Clahv111e; Ctnt
was the guest of her 100113?1' Mr's. A,
Ex -Brussels Jeweller' Sincere thanes is given, friends TMi•»'r'aw cast weals. She addressed
H. L• Jackson, Dies anal neighbors tor their Irinilres"e and Cite W.A. sessions of the Perth
,FTer•bert L Jackson, retired Brits empathy clueing the illness and at IO'sanery meeting ' in Millbank on
eels jeweler and bond dealer, died the time 04 the death, of my mother, Th'ursiclaY and the Huron Deanery
Sunday at his home, 377 (regent Mrs Chas, Case, and to those who meeting at Winglram on jerkily,
street. Ile eras is his eget year. sent flowers, (Special thanks to Dr: Rev. M. 1r, 'OIdalatn, Mrs, ;1,
Born is St. Malys, he operated ' W. D. S, Tenlieson and Rev. M. F. Morrow from 13iwssels, Mr. and Mrs.
a store f+ou 54 years at Brussels Oldham. W fl Balocr and Mrs. T. Ken of
and at the time '01 his retirement Mrs. John McIntosh. Henfryn attended. the Perth Deanery
in 1941 he was the oldest business- meeting' in Grace Ohnac11, Millbank
on Thursday,
Mrs, R, Kennedy; .Mrs. Il. Br an.
marl in that town. Ile had hued BORN
in London since March; 1941, A Y
life member of the 'board et Orders Ahs. G. ,Davis, Mrs, Wm. Gorsalitz,
of IJruss,tls United Church, he also WOR,KMA�T-To Mi .and Airs. 1-lari•y Rev, M. 1.r and Airs Oldham attended
was an honorary elder 01 Rabin, Workman, Brussels, on Thursday. the Hilton Deanery meeting in 'St,
son Memorial United Clturcli, June 1st, a son, • Paul's, Church Wire�leamx on Friday.
Jun@ 9th,
Clara L...a 5011 Lloyd C. JadcSon, DIEi3R George Cowan, . who has . been
a member of the teaching staff of: 'ARMSTRONG -In 'Grey Twp•, on principal of Dungannon twa•room
South Collegiate; a• breeher, Leon Saturday, Juno ISM, Richard Arm• sohool for the pasta leo veal's nun
F. Jackson; connnissioner of sus strong, in Itis 72nd year, Funeral rssignecl card has been engaged as
tones, Ottawa; three sislors, Mrs. took place from his late home; lniuciptul of Heiman Public School.
Sancilord I. S.eppard, and Mrs. Lot 8,' Con: 7, Grey Twee, 0v Tues.A'ir's Cowan was Mise Darin Arta
Homer 'tctdocit,' Toronto; Mrs, day, June 13th.. Service at 2:00 p.tii, sfno-ng of Morris•, before her
W11 cam C'r. I,ogau', Los Angeles. Interment is Brussels Cemetery. marriage:
Tw•o grandchildren also survive, - - - Melvin McCnitehgon, Iauris;est son
The body rested at the ^Goorge AicDONALD-In Brussels' on Mon- 04 Mr. and Mrs. harry McCutaheon
B. Logan and Sons funeral home day; June 12111 Dougall II. Acct• was taken to 15 tn, ham hospital an
where a service was held Tuesday D,htald, in his 30th year. Funeral Tuesday when e1 stitches were
at 3:30 _.m, Rev; M. P. Soni required to •clone wound in his leg
p th took ..Place Prom....fhe Walker
w111 •officiate arrd burial wits in Funeral Home ,on Wednesday, received when the door al a
•Dunt. Pleasant Cemetery, - June 14th. Service at 2 p.m. In.,, discarded safe at ,the McOutoheon
London Free Press terment in Brussels Cemetery. garage, fell on the gland's . leg. He.
6 was allowed to return to his hems,
a___aaw YO owe,
Yes sir, I wear it on my arm and I'm proud of it. For, G.S. means
General Service -- on any fighting front anywhere in the world. It
means that IEant to go overseas.
Canada needs a lot of men like you and me. , gpDGE"p�
I know it's going to be tough, but the job N, yp.
has got to be done.W �o
So, sign up as a volunteer foroverseas service. sir
Remember it takes months of thorough train-
ing to make you fighting fit.'
Come on fellows -let's go!
Anniversary Services
l,n Melville (Ihurch .Aanlversar
Services will be held next Sunda
Jane pith, The morning serene wi
at 111 •o'clock, and th
evening at '8 o'clock. 'Cho gues
preacher rev #Ire auniegreary service
will It, the Rev. W. 10, Kelley of Lis
towel, The chola' will re'tdei• seeeia
111020. at both eerviees.
`Couple Honored
Y Mrnnd Mrs, bkIwrn Molluruey, of
til Tenet Wawauose, who were married Blood (Ilene No. 4 tet; held in
recently, were beamed at a party 13russels at MelyDio f'1rc'n i<rian
4th Blood Clktde
Was Held Here
Brussels 'Council Meeting
Brussels, June 5t11, 1014
The regular 1110ntl1'ly meeting, of
the Brnesels Municipal: Council was
iretcl 111 the Public Library 'on the
above elate, All members being
The minutes of the last meeting
being read it was moved by W.
Cameron, seoenlyded by R. Cousins
that tbe minutes be adopted,
The foil Carried,
Owing aeirallntS were
Goo. (Evans, Ma.y salary ...... $ 85,00
0, McDowell, May salary ..... 50.00
R. S. Warlviek; May salary ..., 35:00
Brussels I retro, Street lights 99.00
hall lights 2.04
R .1•V. Kennedy, printing ....... 3.76
Bickle,Seagrave, code. 23ii
J. W. Monteith, audit 102,00
Jno. ICernagitan, labor 1,40
Somers, express • 177
Robe, Oliver, tile 17.11
Postage 4,,00
R. J. Bowman!, freight 1;22
C. Verheye, labor . 54.55
Thos. Grant, labor'. 3.50
Ohes, Lake, labor 2.00
Relief for Nbay 17,81
Moved by W. Wi111is, neconde5 by
P. Semis that the accounts as read
be Paid.Carried
11/roved by W,' Cameron ascended
by R. Cousins that the Auditor's re-
port for 1943 be accepted and filed.
renewing the regular Sanaaa.=rries of
the Council suet as the Court of
Revision on the 1944 Assessment
Moved by W., Winds. seconded by
W. Cemeaon that the Reeve be
Chairman for the Oourt of Revision,
Moved by W. Willis, secaudecl 117
F. Semis that no notion be taken
n any of tate appeals except •that. of
Wm. Bantle and that his, assessment
e reduced $.100.00. Citi lee
Moved by R. Cousins, ee :ended by
W. Cameron; that, the Assessment
Roll of the village of Brussels as
revised and amounting to 9399354..
be the amount on which all levies
for the Village (f Brussels for the
Yeas 1944 be made, -Carried
Moved, by .W.. Willis, < seconded by .
F; (Semis that the Court of Revision,
he now closed. •-Carried
There being no further business
the Council adjourned, s
when some 00 neighbors and reit),
lives of the bride met at the home
of iter parente, :lir, and Mrt, Joseph
Yttill, e 71j105sioll, 4, Morris, 411su•11•
laneous gifts were preeeatsd.
Annual Meeting Of
East Huron District
Women's Institutes
Tho/for'ty-second annual nleettg
of the 19ast Huron District Wotnen
Institutes was held in the ,basemen
• ieson, Mrs, C. A. Armstrong, MIS. F.
Church on Friday forenmin, , u; 9,
1:144, tinder supervision t ,9ire. Jae1t-
see', Nurse Terhnioien, .t.•:; ,ed by
Airs, Clratnbere, Mobilo Unit `('ruck
The following are t 1s • who
ase1sle:ct 111 making tire. Clinic
Receptionist, Miss 19, .Downing;As,,istnnt, Mrs. Galbraith; Arcing
n Doctors: De. Jamteeon, Dr, R0t1'tntnd,
'e Dr. Vokes, Dr. Connell,
t Autht.g Nurses: Mas. W. D, 13. Jame
of the .Presbytellasi Chanel 73
vale on Thursday, June 8th with 7131
Aernerl*nig o1 Fordwiclr,
• district President presidlug. Rensentatives fr'ain the seven branch
Bluevale, Ethel, Fordwicle Got
Majestic, 13:utnarn and Wwxet
were present and along with visite
made :a total attesndutnce of seven•t
three. Spring flowers decorated t
basement and same 64 the work
the Junior Herneinarkor's Clubs t
on display.
The Institute Ode and the Lord
prayer in unison opened the mor
lug sessdan after which the crime
of the last meeting were read b
the district secretary Mrs• Joh
Spear of Brussels. The finaueial r
bort of the district showing. halanc
an hand of $67.80 and of the contbi
ed financial statement of the •seve
branches showing a balance 01 $24
51 were then read by the se0retar;.
Mats. Leslie Lake of Ethel then le
the audience in a most enjoyabl
re. Fowler, Mrs. R, W. Whitfield; Miss
the H, MoCall, Mrs. F, Grainger, Mies M.
re. Shortreed, Mrs, '. Glassier, Mrs. 8.
es, Kerr 'and Mrs• H. Wilson.
Office '.Staff: Secretary, Mrs. H. T1.
er Allan; Reception Nurse, Mice; D.
re Jardine; Assistant, Mrs. W. Scott;
y. Stenographer, Miss L Lowery; Chart
n0 Clark, Miss H. Down+rng; Card ,Sec.,
of Mrs. R. J. McLauchlan,
vas The snack bar was convened by
Mrs. J. Gibson with the following
's • assistants,: Mrs. 19. Bredhr, Mee. Ii.
Tyerman, Mrs. M. 'Layeeek, Mrs,. C.
es Backer, M1-5. W. Little, Mrs. G.
y 'Salmis, Mrs. M. McArthur, Mrs..
• Higgins, Mrs, C..Bus,chlen, 'Mrs. D.
e, Glassier, Mrs. C. Matheson,
e' Donors:
tt. 5th Donation:
n mars. Bobs Campbell.
4. 4th Donation:
Lloyd Wheeler,' Ken N'tchoI, Stuart
e 3rd Donation:
Wm. King. Sr„ Wm. Icing Jr,„
t Janet King, Geo, L. Blake, .John
e Blake, Gordon Blake, `Glen Husfller,
m Murray Huether, Ross Miohol, Har-
„ • old Campbell. '
• 2nd Donation:
e Maurice Laycock. Mrs. Ed. Jo14k-
✓ lin, Betty Best, Clore Russell. Victor
d Young. Jos, Holmes, Andrew Jaeklin,
Wan Shell, Jas, T. McFarlane, Frank
n Carter, Ken Bray, Ken McDonald,
o ]Miller McAI'ter, Lloyd ;Michel, Airs,
dO. Draper, Mervyn McCauley,:-tYalpb
1. Noble, Margo McFarlane, Wilfred
d Warwiek, Ralph Shaw, Janie' Tre-
e land, Mary Ireland, .Toho Raynard•,
Jamey ,Mirltie,"Wilfred TCeffer, Cecil
Reyanr d. Hnevey ;Stephenson, Mrs.
Wirmifred Edgar, 'Archie :Moses,
Mar Shaw. Clarence Stewart, Jas. S.
Smith. Stanley Fischer. Aire. A.
Bird. Geo. McCut.eheon, Wm. Steph-
enson, le. J. McLancirlin:, Dennis
Diirtuette, 'John Wheeler, Adrian
AFcreggart, Alvin Logan,
let .Donation: _-
,T•ohn . A.:Perrie, Thos. " Ellie. Earl,
Somers, W. 3. D. Cardiff, Mrs. Alex
Dunbar:, Mrs. F. ,Sieightholm, Mrs,
Wm. McGinnis, Doug, Teeininf;way,
Eldon Wtleon. Reg. Watson, Then,
Stnaclnan, Jack Cox, Mrs, Carl
cowing, Roy Cousins, Mrs. Wee,
herr, 1bFrs. Wilt. Cameron. Chester
Earl, Ms'.s, Wan. McMurray., Mrs F41,
Henderson, Julius Fischer Mrs. Joe
Martin, Mrs. H 'Steplrensen, Roht.
Fraser, Geo. Pietoh, Miss A. .Forrest, '
Joe Martin, .John 711011: Frank Ring,
Harvey Dennis, Geo. Cardiff, Mrs, D,
A. Rana, Albert Cardiff, Toe 'Brewer,
lues. F. C. Demnerling, distric
presedeni in her address urged th
ladies to face the task of winniin,
the peace as they had so galtautl
done in "basking the attack, Exe
case your franchise and support 711
Iaauid o
ideaspoitialnd helpParty to
best msatoteyootth goo
Mrs. Jas, Bremener oe Ethel the
gave the report on Agriculture an
Canadian Industries saying site ba
received better reports this yea
than ever before showing ineroase
interest in the study of our bass
tel ^facies, She also had on hand in
Coen Library a number el
,'able papers prepared by ' the
different branches- a1d which would
be loaned . to any branch which
would like them.
Mrs; Jas. Armstrong of ' Brussels
in giving her report on Citizenship
urged that more study' be givelt this
subject so that the 0809)le may
become better ,citizens of the doming
peace era. Valuable topics such as
"0111 Flag and ,Democracy" had been
The social el
then presented by Mrs, M. Sellers of
Wroxeter ttsho reported gond work
ane in the
venerealeases and in-
lantile eara'llysis, the sending of
oxen a shut 455/' th
at blood donor orioles and the sari
welfare report was
Rf',dF-tC:dr�lG,n`'ttft�,F;;tt, ",E:ta'ttiai�t€�t6;1;teJRt
"Boast not thyself of to -mor• n being done along this
row: For thou, knowest not 79 steady of lis
what a day'may bring forth."
951,51905W1 tf�??JiFt^i9l0,183l34$zl8l ,3t91C b i e aSsis study
w hi, of Heaal'th In'suna co. y
Melville Church 'h Next was an address by Mrs.
Rev. Samuel Kerr, B.A., - - I J.:R, VWdiate, Ripley, Moderated boatel
Presbyterian Church
DAY, JUNE 18th
Anniversary Preacher:.
E. Kelley, M.A., B.D.
of Listowel.
Meiviile a
ember who brought greetings.
rem Mt provincial board and out -
ed the 'set-up" of our meanie -
tion beginning with' the branch
statute the Districts of which there
re' 98 in Ontario with approximately
0,000 members; the Convention
area of which there are 13 in Ontario
and the Provincial board of the
Federated H. L of Ontario. The
W. I's. of. Ontario ,are alfliated with
I Federated W. T. of Ou.tario. The
Domind0n .organization) and tbe
Associated Countrywomen of the
World. Our organization is lust as
strong as the branches and their
Mrs. J. 1.9 (Smith of Bliin'ale then
gave e, report on Histories! Re-
search. Many interesting and
valuable papers had been given in
the . branches with antique 'displays
at some.
Mrs. John Spell, on reporting on
Publicity noted the 'increased 1n -
forest in this topic: Each. member
should be a publicity agent but be
careful of the publicity you give
your Institute, Let yor deeds speak
louder than words,
The minutes of the District Execu-
tive meeting were thei, read by the
sgeThe m•eeting then adjourned to
partake of ,an appetizing dinner
served by the Bluevele ladies,.
The afternoon session wee opened
by the singing of "0 Canada" after
which Mies Margaret Curtis gave
the clevotional exercises which had
been previously prepared iJ ' Miss
Olive Scott who was tenable to
attend on 40005114 of 141 health. Mise
Jean Elliott o•f Bletevale then, gave
the address of welcome tellicir was
replied to by Mrs, Howard Harris of,
the Meteam Tnstitttte,
A letter in regard to the Jam
Fend was ready and it was decided
to send .a donation of, 425,00 to it. We
shall also pay' otlr fee of $5,00 to
become a• Member of the Huron
Federation of. Agricul•ttrre, 0t1r
.represetstat.ive .being Miss Jean
Elliott of Bluevate,
Miss, Minnie McElwain aE Rutnam
Deakins is tlsen invited has to have our
next mintiai meeting . there.Theeext
E1.•eenttve will be at Bluevale:
ilius Flora Dnrnln: of the Jnndor
Homemaking Clubs spoke on their
warts in. this district -.how they 1031)4)
etlaouragi1g better methods of
ho1ne•dnaking among the girls of the
rural districts and rl r-elapl1g
le�dm•s'itlp. a
Mrs.. P, el. Fowler of Tlluevale de-
iig'hted the ioties with two 11111110'-
003 t00dtng„a. Mass Eleanor Kidd
Beviarr<tlrrenial representative ' froitii
Toronto uteri :gave a 'Ralik on our
dirtier and reepensibilittes of belong,.
lair t -a awl arg+anlzation 80elt ab tate ,
Cail'{�ino i op *Pic 150
Rev. W. E
10 A. M. Sunday School,
and Bible Class
11 A. M. Morning Worship
8 P.M. Evening Worship
Special Music' by the Choir.
Louis D. Thompson. Organist
and Choirmaster.
Gt6-t I;iR't6 ' tgtK1 1L^tE; Doc-wwC-1E'
U hired Church
ellnlster-Rev. Hugh C. Wilson
11 A. M. Morning Worship
"Vacant Places."
Junior Congregation
12 Church School and
Bible Class
7=P. M. The Evening Service is
withdrawn so that we may join
with the people of Melville
fleme tGesci6-ter.R igissiC ane
Church of England
Parish of Brussel,
Rector, -Rev. M. F. Oldham
2nd Sunday After Trinity
June 18th, 1944
St. John's Brussel.-,
10 A. M. Sunday 'Sohogl
and Bible Class
11 A. M, Morning Prayer
and Sermon
St. George's Walton -
1,30 P. M. Evening Prayer
and Sermon
2,11 P. M1 Sunday Scheel
and Bible Clan.
St. David's Hentryn-
iWll P M. Sunday Schaal
and alblo Cleats
1.so P' M. EvonlhO Penyar
$01 /000
The Majestic Institute had charge
sof the very enjoyable tea held in
the Workroom on May 31. The
proceeds amounted to 915.50.
New Knitting Quota;-- 50 pre. ser-
vice socks in grey, 50` pre. gloves in
khaki, 80 turtle -neck sweaters for
airforce, 10 turtleneck sweaters in
grey. These are urgently needed,
so all knitters are urged to keep up
their work during the. summer
Robert Hislop 'Found Dead
Robert Hislop, of concession A.,
Turnbeary Twp., was found dead
his home on Tuesday, June 14th. It
is believed that. Mr. Hislop who was
In his 73rd year and wbo lived alone
had been dead forsome days before
his, body was found. Funeral services
were conducted tram his late home
on Wednesday afternoon 111101ment
took place in Wroxeter Cemetery,
At The Churches
The Sacrament of Baptism wan
admiulatet•etl at the, morning service
in the United ,Church the following
children were baptized; 'Gail Louise,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Normen
Greying; Audrey Gertrude, daughter
of. Mr. and Mrs. Jaack Wheeler;
Donald Nell, sow of Mr. ,arid Airs,
James, Turnbull and Donald Kenneth,
son o0 Mr, and Mrs, Clifford Bray.
A generous offering was received
for the pmpoee of sending boxes to.
the boys overseas.
The eubject of the morning
sermons was "The Homeless Christ,"
Mr, Wm ''racket t uitielmted a solo
111 lee Bedtime voice.
Ter the ever:i•g rho minister spolte
of Bearing Witness for Jesus Christ.
The choir sante all anthem and Aiiss
Thelma Brothers made her initial
appeavance at the organ where t:he
prestcled ver ccrrptably,.
The sefin $1 iii ville Clrarclt. ail
0010> ' morning deiittit'w9tt the Call'
of Matthew. The choir sang "Cote
eider the Liiiest" and the 0011 port
was sung by 'Gerald Gibson, In the
evening the sermon rle'eli: with Paul
preaching before ltiel'ix. The choir
sang the enthen1, 'Come to our hurts
arid abide," by Macy.
The•,Sunday services. 111 the local
A119310an pariah on /line 11th were
in keoping with. St. Ba.rnabnn Pay.
He was one of the leaders or the
(thrlsrtfan (Harsh and lads a slain•
Manion•of tS1., .Pant in hie missionary
journeysy;, He was a native of rho ,
racoon or Ciypriisi. Be was in the
company rxi' Ii5t. katal '*fen the
crippled men art Ultra ens llealedr, ,
He was the devout t'9Snpauionl of St,
Paul, He is lkintowsf ns' the tion til'