HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1944-6-7, Page 3THE BRUSSELS PONT ':y, June ?tit, 1044 AN Respecting further restrictions in the sale of Spirituous Liquors in the Province of Ontario TT has become necessary to reduce again the amount of spirits which can be purchased by individual permit holders in the Province of Ontario. This is something over which the Liquor Control Board of Ontario has no discretionary authority. Under P,C. 11374 the Dominion Govern- ment limited the amount of spirits which could be obtained for sale in the Province of Ontario to 70 percent of the amount obtained from November 1st, 1941, to October 31st, 1942. That means that by the order of the Dominion Government there became available in Ontario forannual sale 1,153,594 gallons of proof spirits. It is a problem in simple arithmetic. All that the Board can do is to adjust the quantity available to holders of permits so that the total amount procurable for sale under the Dominion Government Order P.C. 11374 can be distributed throughout the whole year. Due to the increase in the number of permits, and the extent to which the permit holders are purchasing spirits each month, it now becomes necessary to reduce the amount which can be purchased by individual permit holders or there will be no spirits available for sale during the dosing months of the present year. The following table shows in simple form exactly what has been taking place: Number of Permits outstanding at month end Monthly ration Aggregate to fill monthly ration January, 1943 January, 1944 March, 1944 155;295 1,227,459 1,282,938 160 oz. 26 oz. 26 oz. 108,702 proof gals. 139,623 proof gals. 145,934 proof gals. A, recent survey of the sales for the present year and the amount still available under the limits imposed by the Dominion Government make it necessary to limit purchases on the following basis as of the first of June, FROM THE FIRST OF JUNE UNTIL THE END OF THE PRESENT OPERATING YEAR EACH PERMIT HOLDER WILL BE PERMITTED TO PURCHASE ONE BOTTLE (25 or 26 ounce) OF SPIRITS EVERY TWO MONTHS OR TWO HALF -BOTTLES, WHEN AVAILABLE. LIQUOR CONTROL BOARD OF ONTARIO Victor T. Goggin CHIEF COAnISSIONEB JUNE 1, 1944 Auction Sale Farre Stook, implements and Houoehold Furniture On Late 10-17, Concession, 11. Grey Twp., On Cranbrook-8ideroad Ye Mile North of Cranhrook FRIDAY, JUNE 9th Sale Commences at 1 P. '1. Sharp Cattle 1 Grade Cow, due Nov. 1st L Jersey Cow, due Dee- lot 1 Jersey Cow. fresh 5 weeks 5 Calves 1. Flllie Colt Pigs 2 Pigs weigh about 150 lbs. each 8 Pigs 0 weeks old Poultry 100 Yearling New H. hock liens i,aying. 300 While Leghorn Pnllets 8 weeks old. Grain About 50 Bu. Wheat and 10 Bu, Oats Implements 1 McCormick Deering Binder 1 McCormick Deering Mower 1 .Steel Bay Rake 1 Diec• 1 set of 4 Section Barrow's 1 Riding Plow, 1 Walking Plow 1 Gang Plow, 1 Wagon 1 Day Rack flat, 1 Set of Sleighs 1 Root Pulper, 1 Wheel Barrow 1 Panning Mill, 1 Scattier 1 Car. Hay Fork and Rope nearly new 1 M. R. Cream Separator new- this year. 1 Maple Syrup Boiling Pan, 2 Sap Tanks. 100 Sap Buckets and Spirals 1 Ideal Brooder Stove 1 Set of Doable Harness 1 Single Harness. Collars; and other articles too .numerous to- mention, Household Furniture 1 Dinning Room Suite Wal. 0 pieces modern. 1 Kitchen Cabinet 1 Kitchen Table and Chairs 1 Davenport, 1 Gook Stove, 1 Quebec Heater. 1 Bed, Spring and Mattress 1 Victoria with Records 1 Daisy Churn, Milk Pails and other articles too numerous to mention. TERMS CASH Everything must go, no reserve as the farm has been sold, auctioneer's decision final. Chris. Fischer, Proprietor Lewis, Rowland, Auctioneer Roy Thuell and John Fischer, Clerks amous for flu our since 1892 - the `Salads' name assures you of a uniform bled of quality teas. NOTICE TO CREDITORS ! In the 'estate of ISABELLA WALKER late of the Village of Brussels and County of Huron,Jspinster, wno died on or about the twenty-second day of APirl A. D. 1944. TAKE NOTICE that all parites having claims or demands against the eetate of the above de...ased must mail particulars and proof of same to the undersigned. Administrator with Will Annexed on or before tho twenty- fourth day of June, A. D. 1944, upon which -date the said Administrator will proceed to •distribute the assets with regard only to thole claims which be shall then have received. Dated at Bruaselis this 6th day of June, A. D. 1944. JOIIN CLEVLANO) HAE1(8;R Administrator with Will Annexed. by his solicitor C. JOSEPH :BENSON. Brussels, Ontario, for Elmer D. Bell who la absent ca Active Service. NOTICE TO CREDITORS ! In the estate of WALTER ROSE, late of the Village of Brussels and County of Huron, poultry farmer, who died on or about the 19th clay of February, A. D. 1944. , TAKE NOT2CF that all partly; hav- ing claims or demands against the estate of tbe above deceased must mall particulars : and proofs of sante to the undersigned executrices on or be- fore tbe twenty-fourth day of June, A. D. 1944. upon which date the said executrices will proceed to distribute tbe assets with regard only t0 those elaians which they .shall then laive received. Dated at Brussels this iitb day of June, A. D. 1944. Mary Rose and Evelyn Louise Porter, Executrices. by his solicitor C. JOSEPH BENSON,' Brussels, Ontario, for Ebner D. Bell who is absent on Active Service. . The Milling Stool Another Symbol Y is BELGRAVE ,...Mins Agatha Coultas, R.N., daugh- ter ,of Mr, and Mrs. Robert. Ceultes of East Wawanosh, who has com- pleted a missionary course atEmanu- el. College, 'T'or'onto, left at the end of the week to take vp her new work at Maynoobh in the Belleville Pres- b.yitery, Miss Couite.e was at first posted to Gypstnmwilie hospital,' Manitoba, but the appointment was changed. The oongregaitioaae of Belgrave aced Brick 'United Churches have - donated $76 to the India and China. Relief Fund. Holy Contumn0on ' was observed in Trinity Anglican Church Sun- day. at 11;30 , a.m at which bine the service will be held during June and July. The seater, - Rev. P. H. 'Streeter. preached, on ":rhe Holy T•rintty." Service in the Presbyterian Church was, withdrawn' on aecotmlt of Calvin Presbyterian Clturoh on nivetsary sei'Vice in East Wawau. osh. 'Rev, H F. Dan of South :life-' loris preached, Personals: Washington Wilkin. eon Echo Bey, Algoma, with rola. tivee; Mr. and Miss . Cecil Arm. a000tsg" ,and daughter, i"].Leta Anne, Tharndaie, with Mr. and Mrs, David Armstrong, Martin Crasby, and other relatives; 'Mrs. 'Herbert Wheeler and daughter, Velma, in Loudon. Mr, and Mrs. Edwin Moflurney, of I•last Wawanosh, newiywede�, hero hinarel •sit e. gathering at some 60 neighbors and relatives at the home of Mrs, Mo3Surney',O parents, Mr: and Mrs. roseph Yuill, oon1esSioii 4, Morris, on Wednesday' evening. The young couple was presented with aniscoliaueous gifts including two babies and a lamp. Au address was read by Mrs. George Martin,, to which Mr, McBurney replied on. behalf at his. ,bride .and himself. The evening was spent playing cards after which lunch was JServed. WALTON Clarence Grainger has resigned as 'teacher of Walton public school and has accepted e, position as Principal m. the ,Courtright -two- roomed school. He will be greatly missed for he did splendid work in the school, Sunday school alla churoh and also for his ability and willingness to he$t in all spheres of community life.' - Doutglias'. Lawless of Boundary School, No. 12, has been engaged bo teach in Walton school for the coming year, Miss Mary McDonald, daughter. of Mr. and Mrs. • ja,mes MVlolYonald, has been engaged to teach at Fttl• bon's school. her dude to tstart In September. - Fire Destroys Home A fire of unknown origin con, *Lew ,•destroyed the large brink Abuse„on the tarn of Wm. Corlett, bountle0'Y east; on 'Satnl'clay about 7:00 p.m. ,Some of the ' contents were removed, The building was partlY covered by insurance, !Several families from Walton, alt, I tended the annual decoration ,sere- ice in Blyth Union Cemetery an Sunday afternoon, The service was conducted by Rev, P. R, Streeter. Ready For Season A baseball diamond, on the tarn Of Herbert Kirkby !n the v!lieg ides amnio ,spade for the 'nun People's ball team, A schelule had been art+arged for the summer. The league includes Ethel Union, man- e -deft ,and Walton. Personals: Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Walser and Sharon with Mr. Waleh'a sister in Hamilton; S. Sgt. W. C. Bennett, Toronto, With his wile and family; Mr. and. Mrs. Norman San. dsrson and family .and Mr, W„ Howatt in Stratford attending the horse show; Mr, and Mrs. Joseph ,Storey and rashes, Mayfield, with Mr. and Mrs, Norman Sanderson; Tvan ,Shanon, who had his foot . In. pared in a motorcycle av'oident is able to be around again; Mrs. Pete! Pa.Oneau, ,Stra;throy, •with her nen- ; hew, i12r. P. 'Taylor whose mother is , i11; Russel nSundercoak, who has been ill icor some, time, Is - sihowing int I provement, - NIr and Mrs. P. C. Ceolican of Ham- ilton spent a few days with Mr. and Mee. R. W. Hoy, Mr. R. W. Hoy, who is employed im Wetland In the John Deere Co„ is apsu,cling .a few weeks at his home at present Mr. Victor +S.h'anv off Toro:Ad silent a couple of weeks with bib mother, rs, gross, Mr. Wm. Walsh of Oipper^wasll spentthe weekend at ilis`libine here. Mr, H. Travis of Toronto Nies visit: ling with his parents” • Mr. and Mrs. A.: Travis. Mr, and Mrs,. Thompson of Brussels were in the village on Sunday. Brussels Legion -• Carnival! Carnival! have you heard about lite monsteroar'nivall to be held in the Brussels ,1 1 krona, on Thursday night, Juno 22nd? e 1 It is being held under the auspices s , of the Brussels Bratoh til the ,"!art: adtan going forts feat. here read, ahou other one. good meed or leen izo, ticket, Tu • are o, y •c an. t oro will he a lucky draw made width might snake you the winner of a $25. man's sub; or lady's spring coat, all for the price of a tioket, Don't miss this • chance buy a ticket now. Yon !nay secure your ticket from a mem.bee of the Brnssel•s Legion or et this office, ng of Ya er, as y Notice to Creditors All persons having claims against the ]]state of Timothy William Nolan late of the Towns -hip of Grey, in the y ,ti iliiroh, deceased, who died en or nli it the 13th day of March, 1944, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned on or before the 30th day o•1 June, 1944, full par- tiecilars of their claims. Immediately after thesaid last mentioned data, the assets of the said estate - . will be - distributed alum -gat the parties entitled thereto. having regard only to claims of f-"hieh the undersigned shall then have notice, to the exclusion of all others, and time undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim the undersigned shall not then have notice for the .assets so distri buted or any part thereof. DATED at Seaforth, this 27th day of May, 1944. . McCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario. Solicitors for the Executors. CRS ROOK Chris. Fischel' tots disposed of his farm to Lynni Evans. OLD VIRGINIA PIPE TOBACCO It's a real pipe smoker's tobacco ADVERTISING RATES Classified Ads (cash) 26c Over telephone or charged 86o InMemoriam500 Card of Thanks 60o Births, Marriages, Deaths Free Have You given your blood to save a life? You Are Urgently Needed As A Blood Donor, - Enroll Nowt Give your !sane to Mrs It B. Allen, phone 38, Brussels today. Newt, Blood Clinic, Friday, rude 9th. Men,30,40,50! Want Normal Pep, Vim, Vigor? Trp 0atrox Torte T'a51,15, 0005005 tame,, 50,15*' Mata,lsan,vltamin Bl,5*loldm, 01/5501551 ; nr, e,r1 ,mol isp, Vim,„VI,0r, tngts.ottor 00, n�4U0 inurad,Ictarr• *10 05JU 1i;e, 1st flat nolI¢alsd M 5* *114n,5* stY st.e o t,11 o oe treys Dl,t5001 Ip p a - sized the value of using machines instead of muscles wherever possible, and dairymen have found the answer in the mechanical milking machine. Because the purchase of a_milking machine saved them hours of time and labor, thousands of dairymen have been able to carry on' and benefit from the great demand for dairy products in recent years, "Hand milking” is out for them now that they have experienced the comfort and, convenience of a mechanical milker. hi the progress that Canadian agriculture has made In Improved Methods and, practices, equipment engineered and manufactured by Massey -Harris has played an im- portant part. Among the time and labor saving machines your local Massey -Harris dealer has to offers the Rite Way Milker. Make it a point • to ask him for full particulars. MASSEY-HARRIS COMPANY LIMITED BUILDERS OF GOOD FARM IMPLEMENTS SINCE 1847