HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1944-6-7, Page 1POST PUBLISH/NG HOUSE The next meeting of the Huron County Council will be held in the Council Chambers, Court House, Goderich corn- mencing Tuesday, June 13th at 150:00 All accounts, notices of deputations and' other business requirhig the attention of Council should be in the hands, of theCounty Clerk not latter than Saturday, June 10th. N. W. Miller, County Clerk, Goderich, Ont. REGEN:1 THEATRE'. Seafortn, Ont. June S. 9. and 10th 2nd show starts 9:16 Bud Abbott Lou Costello Hit The Ice The Nation's No. 1 Box Office -Stars outdo themselves •to bring you their gayest most hilarious hit. .. • Monday, Tuesday, WednesdaY, June 12, 13 & 14th Deanna Durbin Pranchot Tone Pat O'Brien His Butler's Suter The delirious story of a maid in a bachelor's home. Thursday, Friday & Saturday June 16, 16 & 17th Teresa Wright Jos. Cotten Shadow of a Doubt Coming— Destination Tokyo Firyt show starts each evening 7:30 Matinee each Saturday at 2:30 P.m lteth Coulter, beloved ,wife 'of the late Chas, Caste, hey 74-th year. The .Eunoral will be held from the home of her daughter Mrs. john ;McIntosh, lot 24, concession. 2, Maniac ToWnehip on Sane 7th. Ser- vice at 1.80 p. an. Interment in Brussels Cemetery. DANCE in -Brussels Town Hall on - FRIDAY, JUNE 9 Music By Frankie Banks and His Orchestra Sponsored by Brussels Firemen (In Aid of Overseas Cigarette Fund Dancinv"9-1 Admission 50c G.ARDEN PARTY Crantrook Presbyterian Church Thursday, June 15th PLAY Yonson's Yob presented by Egmondville Young People Supper 6-8 o'clock Admission 40c & 20c Mc -Donald's Butcher ,hon And the Choicest of Meats. Try Our Home -Made Sausages. Deliveries on Saturday by Peter Bredk. PHONE 69X • anseemswesaismirsimessaiwissaisissonsisseissreemoriscilmesslueessatierimmel Huron Federation of Agriculture Second Annual Field Day and Picnk At Lions Park, Seaforthl Wednesday, JunelI4th- Order2of Program 10;00 A.M.--fluron-Perth Shorthorn Field Day and Judging 1i:00 A.M.—Sporb for the Children 12:30 Noon—Picnic Lunch 2:15 PAW–SPEAKERS, His Excellency, The Earl of Athlone, Governor-General of Canada. Mr. Rodedick S. Kennedy, EditOr-in-Chief of the Family Herald and Weekly Star Educational' Feature's ILive-stock Parade, Labour Saving Devices. Veterinary Clinic: Military Display; Canadian Canners Display;. Home Canning Film. Dominion Department of Agriculture Exhibit; Pro- vinci:d Department of Agriculture (Poultry; Field Husbandry; Chemistry) Representative of the National Selective Farm Service. L1.1 Everyone is invited. Load up the car with. the &unity and ' Plan to meet your friends at 'Seaforth on June 14th. Cars „ „ 25c Children Free Arias 25c YOUR FEDERATION MERITS 'VOUR SUPPORT HARRY STAIRDY L., WHYTE W, 3. DALE President Manager Secretary Wednesday, June 7th, 1944 Local News Items PEOPLE WE KNOW" P.O. Wm, Rowland Is home on t.w.o weeks, leave. Mrs. M. Thompeon was. a Toronto visitor this week. Opt Orris Ellilott spent the week end at his. home here. Capt. R. Campbell has been on Iteme here. L.-Cpt, Merle Sanderson, C.W,A.O. of London Is now home on furlough, Pte. Ted Mite/ladle of Toronto visited. bver the week end at his home here. Mrs. Pletcher Sperling returned home after epending the winter in • Mr. George JOhneton and Isle M. Winebergwere in Toronto on businesa. this week. . Hamtilton attended the Dental Con- Vention in Toronto, last week. Mes:-David Hastings and son David and 'Master 'Kenneth Bowler ,spent Monday visiting felends, in London. Pte. Mac Scott and eriend Pte. Kit Presten of Toronto visited OVeT the week end at the former's. home here. Mrs, (4, R. Sanderson has spent the past two weeks Milverton with .her parents, who are hoth quite Bowler and Miss Irene Pease left on Monday for a few day,s visit in the Milted Mertes. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Henderson and Mrs. T. Thornton. and daughter Betty Anne spent the week end in Niagara Falls. with Mr. and. Mrs. R. C. 'Steles and Ruth _Anne. Mrs. D. Den•man had the mis- fortune beeak a small bone and disloeate her ankle. The -mishap Occurred when she tripped and. fell over a. lump earth in .the garden on Saturday, -Bat, 'McAllister Se tibsylag -with her at present., FeeeiereeeeeeneZeeteateasrzeesettesiegegleal nest unto the 'throne of grate that we maY receive mercy and grace to help in time of need." 'Melville Chrirch Rev. Samuel Kerr, B.A., S.O. Minister 10 A. M. Sunday School and Bible Class 11 A., M. Morning Worship Scenes from the .Lifc of Jesus; "The Call of Matthew the 7 P. M. Evening Worship "Paul ind Felix." . Louis D. Thompson, isrgamet and Choirmaster. COME AND WORSHIP United Church Minlater-7Ftev. -Hugh C. Wileoe 11 A. Morning Worship tf The Sacrament of Baptism 'Sermon Subject— • The Misslon.-Band 12 Church School and Bible Class 7 P. M. Evening Praise A WELCOME TO ALL. filiSingtfaSsadlefiVeMiettleffsOVIOSIXO Church of Engfarid. Parian of Brussels sector:Rev. M. F. Oldham' let Stintlay. After' Trinity June 4th, 1944 St, John's ,Brilsitele,-- 10 A, M.. SiiindaY, School and Bible Class 11 A. M. MbrnIng prayer anti Sermon - St, George's Walton - 1.30 P. M. Evening ,Praysc and Sermon 2,ao P. M. Sunday fiches! and Bible Clots 2.46 P M. Sunday Scheel and.Bliile Class 9.80 M„ Et/Suing 'Prayer • Home Fleloctr's Meeting Observed Sixtieth Anniversary The Home Helper's meeting or the W. M . S. et 1,11441,1110 C111.11011 was held M Friday after000n alt. 3 o'clock. This being the obotieta auoivauary 01 the orgarrizattool .01 the W. M. S., there was. a good! sttendauce of the ladles of the congregation, and the floral decoratione were heedful, Mrs, S. Kerr presided, and the meetleg ensued with .the singing of Psalm 74, "0 God Hormones To Increase OUT belP be ages past" Mrs. Prank The soientille world hailing Kiog read 4;he Seripture and Mrs. H. another brilliant achievement - - the Speir offered prayer. After the sec. isoletion of the "growth hormone". The elimax of a laboratory ad- venture. as thrilling as. any de• teetive story, this new wonder- working extract 'taken from the pituitary gland ef cattle adds inches or feet to one's height, For more on this interesting subject, read The American Weekly with deli Sunday's (June 111 issue of The Detroit Sunday Times. Gunner Alcock Injured In Italy Word has. beau received by Tack Alcoch that his son Gunner Thomas Alcoa was injured in, action, in Italy and is in hospital, . Tom is a vetenen .of the Sicilian end Italian campaign, He was slightly wounded last fall and has also had an attack of malaria. No particulars of his injuries are avallefble yet. retary'e and the treasurer's reports were read and adopted, a pleasing duet. was rendered by Mrs. John Oliver and. Mrs. Nelson Cardiff, The addrc4 wee ably given by Miss Bessie Moses. She reviewed the duties. of the hoine helpers, and urged us all to have more faith and to make 001. lives and homes more worthy of the effort of our boys at the front. Hymn 3/4 was then sung followed iby a quartette by Mrs. Bred - in, Mrs. W. 'Speir, Mrs, Edgar, and Mts. %%puerile After the offering wee taken, IVArs. Win. 'Smith reviewed the history ,of the society during the last eixty years, and Mrs, 11. Thomson read the 'names of the G7 life mem- bers. Hymn 376 was then sting aud the meeting .elo,sed by reipeating the Lord's Prayer in unis.on. The ladies were invited to the brieement, where a social half-hour was enjoyed. A Willie lunch was served by the `home helm eee; the convenors being . Mrs. John Speir anti Mrs. John Ike sixty candles on the birthday eakes were lighted by Mrs. A. Street= aml Mrs. Thos. Walker. Howick Musical Festival A packed auditorium „both after - 1,091.1 ;a: evening, greeted the many contestants. at the Hewlett 'Pewit- ehip • Musical Festival :in Gerrie :United Chuech, Monday,e *Lay -29th. Mr. G, R. Fenwpit, Provincial- Suner- visor of Music, Toronto, was the adjudicator and his kind eriticiem and geetal manner added inuoh to the enjoyment of the Festival. Pupils of Mus. Suwala, Listowel; Mies Jean Sparliug, Gerrie and Mr. Arnold Mel, Ethel, took Part- Music is under. the direction of Mr. Arnold Earl in the 'following schools:— Wroxeter Public and Coietinuation, Pordwich Public aud Continuation, It: C. Coneland geted as chairman and Inspector J. M Game spoke Reeults in order of merit were:— Girls.' Solo, 6, 7, 8-1111aine Dem- S.S. No.. 5; Margaret Heibela, Goreie; Joyce Litt, No. 5. Plane Forced Down An Ansen Bomber. piloted by a Welsh boy, was forced to land on the farm of Genres C. Johnston, Grek Township at 6:45 blonday evening when its gasoline supply was exhausted. No damage was done as the pilot inade a perfect emergency landing. The plan.e -was from the Brantford airport An oll truck arrived froth Port Albert' at four o'clock Tuesday morning to refuel the plene. Six airmen from Brant- ford were flown to Port Albert and were brought to the grounded plane from there by bes. .A. large number from the district went to see .the Fire Kills Chickens Five hundred an& fifty, four week old, chickens -were destroyed in a fire at the Walter Rose Poultry Perm The fire, which bight have had mort serious consequencee, was brought under control by those on the premises after it was observed and the slam given'by 111 employee, Bert. Elliott, who was on his way home from .down town at ?lent ten - thirty Sunday night It la believed it was caused by a Coal oil stove. on the ground floor of the barn. . • L.' 0. L Initiation A fine and impressive meeting of Brussels L. O.. L. 774 was held in the lodge room on Monday evening June 5th 'with W. M. Carl Jaeldin tn the chair: Messes, Frank Cardiff and Howarl Smith were. initiated into the Orange Ceder according to.the Ritual of the Orange Megree. The two bret- hren were presented by District Mas- ter Gordon Sanderson, and Joseph Smith, The degree was administered ald Ashley, MSS. No. 10; David Oldham Chaplain; D, M. Gordon Aldrich, BA, No, 12. Sanderson and Past Master Elston iSolc, 9, 10—Edith Tinnn, oardiff. M. P. The Lodge will 11.8.S. No. 10; Marlene Schaefer, eelehratb July 12 at Listowel, Fordwich; cwenneth Bride, S.S. No, committee WAS apPointed to niake 12; Alma- MelVliehael II.8.8. No. 16. arnangements. for music, There t'v.s Boys, Solo, 9, 10—Jhumie Allen, a good attendance. Wroxeter; Bill Hart Wroxeter; — At The Churches Lorne Gedeke, S.S. No. 13; Norman Anger; porde, and Bruce McOletnent Brussels United Church Messages that were both inspiring Girls' Solo, 11 and ove„,—Maxine Tackiin, 118:S. No. 161 Doreen tannitteehdalelehnugrlor bwyetrieledoelilevsellerfirelanchthere• Hutchison, MS.& No. 10; Bath Pat - L.3„1„, work of the United Church; 1 Nitist Melville Presbyterian Church Votal Duet—Margaret. Wearring,I Melville Church the SacritinVt and Bill Hart, Wi'oxeter; NOra Jack, .01 the Lord's Supper wag celebrated aed Jean mcorecrY, 411th 1 nit the Morning service, The anthem M'eC63?•11, 14°. 12. solo part was 'mukg by Mrs, Bredin. OlUde—Fordwinh, .61 points; "Mixed Choir 0two-rOorn schwa) 1014466fted Ohdir (four parts)---„Ford- YOU NEED SHARP TOOLS TO OS 'THE JOB R101 -1T. d hand Unlit- put in A-1 Akar it 7rqt, ;10.6.66101 posy ha the evening the seatmon sithleet was "lagging disciples,'" Miss June Work sang beantifolly, "Vila is. my Fath.er's NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS 'Panders for tile tontract of build- ing a. small, content bridge en eon - as the iPhelan bridge, also the . TA- inforting at abutments On the 4th line bridge Will be reoeived up until June 26th, 1044, PDT plans and specifieations see the Road tuperlstendoni,' Currie, It. trussele. satily accepted. Mune C. Martin, tie HIS MAJESTY CALLS FOR PRAYER Willie eorees swarmed niyasiou beaches and lilted the skies, His 1VIajesty, in a broad- cast on" Tuesday afternoon, -called his people to a vigil a PreYer as the crusade. sets forth. He expressed the hone that throughout the crisis of the liberation of Europe there would be offered up earnest continuous end widespread prayer. BRUSSELS, ON FARIO 13.. loci Clinic June 9th et June 3, et high. noon, at the resi- dence of Mr. and Mee. Alvin ' Mc- Kee+, ligth concession of Alma, Ethel Marguerite McKee was united in marriage to William G. Mentes, sen or Mr. William Biernes of Grey township, and the late ;dm. leiernes, by the Rev. IL D. Trask, peetor of Ma United Cb,ureli, Atwood. Vernon - Bradd A. wedding of interest to this district was solemnized on Tuesday, May 16th at the home of Squadron Leader anid Mrs. Veeistos, 276 Mein St., Ottawa Beet, when Jean Olga Bradd, daug•hfer of Mrs. James B. Bradd and the late Mr. Bradd, be - °erne the bride of Sub-Llent. W. IL Dalton Vernon, R.C.N.V.R, London, Ontario. son of Mrs. G. .4... Dead -man of Bruesels' and Merlin, The Sera many was performed by Rey. It, friend of the bridegroom. The bride loo*.t1 very r sweet in a floorlength gown of white sheer and lace with headdress o'f wreath a.nd finger-tip veil, and carried a bouquet of ,Sweetheart roses. She was an- attemded. Following the ceremony a reception was held for the im- mediate friends. The couple left for a short honey- moon trip, the bride, vEaaring a red costume with white hat and veil. The groom will be atationed at St. Hyacinthe, Que. ETHEL Mr. end Mrs. Alf King and family of Brantford and Slid MTD. ed with Mrs. Mary •Sinaltdon on Mies Elizabeth Barton. was operat- ed on in the Lietowel Memorial Hospital .,Saturday morning, Her many friends wish her a. speedy The dance in the twp. hall on Friday night sponsored by the Tennis Club was enjoyed by all who attended. Another dente under the same auspices will be held June 12th. ill those interested in. softball don't forget the game ThursdaY night when 1VIonorieft PlaVs at Ethel. Come and see tits game and boost the home team. BLUEVALE Rev,, F. G. FovrIer conducted comniunion services, at the Presby- terlan Church at Molesworth ,and Gerrie on Sunday. Mr, lAcCEirrol. student minister for tlie two con- gregations, had charge of the services a.t Bluevale and Battles. .The automobile owned by Flem- ing Black, local, drover,. width was taken. from the stock yturds at To. ronte twe Weeks ago, has been 10. cated near Sunnyside. .A11 the' wheels were mMsing, also two .good O'vencoats vh.tch were inside the .personals; Ruby G. Duff, dieti- tian at the- Women's College Hos- pital, Toronto, and Miss Dorothy ViTeston, with. Miss Dnif S. 1'So, Paisley; with relatiVes arid friends; Mr. and IVirs, Cecil Rolidt. Joseph and Petvrson Relph,. Mit- obeli. with Mrs. 1Viarga,ret Itolpb; Mr. and Mrs, Orville Jonee arid MiltOn .Smith; Mr. and, Mrs. George Thornton, Mr. and Mrs. J 0Viek- with friends at Kincardine: Mrs. Prank Cavities with IVIr: and Mrs. Neil 13 Motachern at Artbut; 1V1t*, Joseph Curtis at Mitchell; lifr. anil Mrs. Petar 8„ ?Atli Mr. and Mm. A.ter McDonald. neat A mobile blood albite will be held, in Brusaels on Friday, June bat Instead of at the public. library as usuali it will be Maid this 'lime in tarien Church. Intercession Service Held In United Church The village of BrUCOSIS made a magnilleent response to the can. to prayer for the invasion flumes. The service of intercession was held in the United 'Church. Rev. Mr. KeTT aid 1VIte Wilson were in enarge and Mr. William Spier sang "Teach ine to PraY" Combined choirs completely filled the choir loft and led fit the ministry of praise. Invasion Service At St. John's A solemn and impressive prayer servMe marking the Day of invasion was held in St. John's Church at charge. The service opened with the National Anthem. Psalm 46 was read repousively. The Scripture Lesson was. Nahum 1:1-7, The Litany was used land special prayers. offered for the occasion, Rey. M. F. Oldham de- livered an address on Nahum 1:7, "The Lord ID good, a refuge in the day of trouble, and He knoweth them. that trust in Him. Marking the day of Invasion the town. bell, and St. John's Church bell were rung from 6.45 a. m. to 7.06 Invasion Forces Establish Beach Heads In France The invasion is under wae—snanr who have awaited long and trained arduously have gone into battle—weir prepared—well equiPPed• Landings have been made along 100 miles of Normandy coast between Cherbourg and Le Havre, Masees of tanks .and infantry move inland. 11,000 planes pulverized defences; 1,000 troop transport planes and • gliders Genial thousands of para- troopers into France. 4,000 Allied war- . ships pounded the West Wall, thous- ands of landing craft ferried troops. Casualties on. She beaches were light and the naval casualties were less than was expected. Prime Minister Ohuroldli, General Sir Bernard L. .1dontgomery are Pleased with the advance and Presi- dent Roosevelt says it's up to Fierce lighting rages inside Caen and at Rouen. ,Suprome command is concerned about the weather as .the wind whips the e.hannel. There had been taunt sea sickness among invasion forces but reinforcements ere poured in. ' Though Mr. Churchill was. extremely .optimistio in the maim he warned against over optimisin. He said, there wo'ufid, Iteavy fighting ahead and therefore it is a most seriOus time that we are entering upon. General Montgomery expressed .com•plete confidence in the soecessful outcome ti the operations and it is reported' that Gen. Orerar told. the Canadians in ari embarkation-sve message "A.s the hour approaehes. when we go forward into battle, I have -complete confidence tn o'er ability to meet the tests which lie. Bathing Beauties Wanted C.ret In The Serirn Dveryoue is talking aoout it—the .bathing beatity contest, sponsored by the Brussels Brandi of the Can- adian I.,egion. 13russele Arena on June 02sid, There are maw poilmtial winners in this distriet, Come On Girls . now is your chance to win one of three. splendid prizes -515.00, 0.0.00 and $5.00, all in war savings certift. Maybe you &mg consider your- selves a "Dover Girl" but aot, manY are --be a good sport --prepare to enter the contest and make it a complete success. 8omenotly is going 10 'Win the prizes cid it might as welt be rm. 'Pitere will be prominent ont-otiovnt Those Miending to enter kindly have your name Intl on the entry Bet at the Brussels Post. Come in mul enter year TIOSkte OD, the list yourself or 'phone 21 and we will do it for Saturday, July 1 le Holiday In a move to alitrify the obset, Tome of _Dominion, Day tills Year. ofilidals pointed to Oriter-in-Genincil 4871, Which mated provision tor the aelebtatitiii KA the Milani es