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The Brussels Post, 1944-4-26, Page 4
THE BRUSSELS POS'1 • �? use C ids FLOOR WAXES 4 -Square .. .•. • 15c Martin-Senour . . • • 60c Liquid Wax . 65c bottles Easi-(;loss Wax • 45c Johnston's Paste Floor Wax PAINTS & ENAMELS Senour's Floor Enamel ..... $1.60 qt. Multi -Use Enamel for Furniture and Wood Work, Quick Drying 1/2 pint 65c quart $2.00 Marble-Ite Varnish Four -Hour Varnish Formaldehyde 35c 1 Ib bottles • • FOR MOTHS Dee -Tee Moth Killer Crystals • • ... 39c Elkay's Moth Fume 49c Crystals Moth Garment Bags Large Size •••.•.•••• 59c Meth Control Liquid •• 75c Oil Cedar Larvex POLISHES O'Cedar Polish . , 25c 4 -Square Polish . • ' , 45c Lemon Polishing 00 35c Ideal Silver Cream . , 25c Brasso , . .. 25c Silvo .. .. .. • ... 29c $UNWORTHY WALLPAPER A Good Choice of Patterns for Bedrooms, Living I. Roofs, Dining Rooms and I, Kitchens. Also papers for Bathrooms and Washrooms. Elkay's Disinfectant Large Bottles • • 60c COLORINGS Dyola, 2 pkgs .. • • .. 25c Dolly Cream 15e for Curtains • • • . ' , 15c Diamonl Dyes .. • 15c Rit and Tintex • • •• • 15c Sunset Dyes .....•. Dolly Biscuit 15c Cream • • FO R SMITH H iii-�a�a.�sxn�se° TELEPHONE NO. 62 RUGGIS i and STATIONER TELEPHONE 1V0. 62 1 TICE COMPLETE . FiE I HT SERVICE RIGHT HERE IN BRUSSELS. EYES EXAMINED — — GLASSES FITTED Mr. Reid has been coming to Brussels for 10 years and can give you perfect satisfaction and eye comfort as he has done for thousands of others in this district. "SEE REID AND SEE RIGHT•" R. A. REID Siratford's Leer tgyears. Optometrist Over 25 Miss Hingston's Store, Brussels 1st and 3rd Wednedays 2:00 to 4:30 P.M. NEXT VISIT WED., May 3rd ELL f NSON BRUSSELS, ONTARIO Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public Elmer D. Bell,•B.A. C. Joseph Benson, B.A. (Absent on Active Service' Wedn aartao � Saturday aftBRUSSELS OFFICE HOURS Daily from 9:00 until 12:00 and from 1:30 until 6:00 (except Thursday from 9:00 until 12:00) Goo Values in Use 014 Cars FAt �T le rilssel Usei Car Depot 1937 Ford V-8 Coach with heater 1934 Ford V-8 Sedan 1933 Chev. Coach 1931 Chev. Coupe 1930 Model A Coach Special 1931 Chev. Coupe $110.00 (See This One) G. E. NURSE At The Cities Service Gas Station BRUSSELS ONTARIO Rural Service Extensions In Wartime War demands come first. Many of the materials needed in providing Hydro rural service, that are plentiful in peacetime, are now required in the manufacture of war weapons. Like- wise, many trained Hydro men have taken up war duties in the Army, Navy and Air Force. This results in a shortage of manpower, materials and equipment. Although working under great difficulties, created by these war- time conditions, Hydro will continue to provide essential rural ser- vices se rapidly as possible. However, it can be readily realized that with smaller construction crews, coupled with the scarcity of supotins, it Is not possible for Hydro to effect extensions of power lines and services to farms as promptly or on the same scale as In peacetime. Hydro will make eveny effort to provide service to the more essential farm and other rural users connected with the production and processing of food. Those farmers and other users requiring electricity to assist in the production of food for the replacement of tabour will be given preference. Farmers located along exisiting flnPs will be given priority over those In areas where lines must be constructed. In any case only extensions of limited length can be considered. All other rural residents on new or exisiting lines will be supplied with Hydro service as and when conditions permit Hydro trusts that this, along with the prevlous messages, will en- able rural consumers to more readily understand the new uniform Hydro rates and the influence of wartime shortages of manpower and materials on power extensions. Upon your requests, further Information on these matters will gladly be supplied by any Hydro Rural District Superintendent. TIIE ~ : •ELE IC S C a3t� cs� �4"�%.�''s,'.:,a3i'"'��"d.:TiCi:.`�FY �..-1�"'.pry �'t:. •s - :"t rr •. I SION OF T This completes a series of messages expialning the new Rural Rates and the problems of electric supply to farm and hamlet consumers direct by The Hydro -Electric Power Commission of Ontario. We suggest you clip and keep these explanations. MORRIS We are sorry to hear Mrs. Wm, .f. Johnston had taken a weak spell on Sunday and hope he will soon be out again. Mrs. Stewart Henry and children of Wingham spent the weak end with her parents MI'. and Mrs. Conrad Gail,. let line. Mips. Alex Skinu and children eeenut the week end- with friends in 1Aringham, Mr. . and Mrs. Richard Johnston Jcustom Ha chi ,tib Space Available for Hen or Turkey Eggs. After May 1st, Eggs to be at Hatchery on Wednesdays, 'or Saturdays. Trays hold 200 Eggs. Place your orderbefore you save your eggs, to be sure of having them set when desired. There will be Leg. Chicks, sexed or mixed for May 2nd, also on, and after May 19th. Call in or phone your requirements to. Brussels, Ont. Phone 77-r-4• A LIVE HENS AND CHICKENS also GEESE and DUCK. FEATHERS BEST PRICES PAID Before you sell any poultry phone the Export Packers. We will call at your place for any quantity or you can bring them to us. Export Packers PHONE 70x BRUSSELS 1 and ]drama visited on Sunday after- noon with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Pea- cock at Bluevale, Many oongratnlations to Mr. and spent the week end with friends in of a baby boy last Tuesday. Sorry to hear Mr. Rheuben Garniss took a stroke on Sunday morning ,and hope he will soon be better and out again. The most of the farmers• are on the land, some sowed grain last week others are ploughing and getting ready to sow. Il,•ve your EYES roperly © rets WI, dm,day, April 24th, "SAL TA DA' 1-:m,� 1I THE W. C. WOOD CO. LTD. GUELPH, ONT. Manufacturers of Electrical Fars Equipment Grain Grinders, Milk Coolers, Milking Machines, Electric Fences, Oat Rollers, Feed Mixers and 'Farm Refrigeration. Local Agent— Stanley Machan Phone 26-r-8 R. R. 3, Brussels, Ont. `b LISTEN TO UCCES" SELF POLISHING, LIQUID WAX AND PASTE FLOOR WAX On Every FRIDAY Morning at 10:15 37 PRIZES AWARDED EACH BROADCAST From C NX Wingham For Sale at All Grocery and Hardware Stores onal126:23RW.116611."07.11 �i A w� DIS .BLED DEAD or .)-incl iv removed m Clean Sanitary trusts,. Phone collect 72 BRUSSELS Stone Sons Limited Women's Black and N iv Spring Coats, sizes 14 to 20rand 18+ to. 26, $25.00 to $27.50 Misses' Spring Coats in tweed and INA cloth, box and form fitting styles, $ 23.95 up Misses' Cotton. Slacks, all sizes Boy s YV ash Suits, tufa-tone effects sizes 2 to 6 years, $1.29 is is is fittlith OPTOMETRIST Phone 118 Han•iston PU y 6//erlIggr :, ' , i Boys Felt Hats, all sizcs A large assortment of !en's Sum- mer Worlshirts, sizes 14 to 17., Ovcrsi'zes 17 to 20 • r l Women's blue and 4whit6 Canvas Shoes with rubber soles and low cuban heels, sizes 3jto 8, $1.494. Don't forget to ask for your sale -sines or $10.00 worth of these 'we give you A W ar},,Sa vir gs Stamp Free. WINSOIMINMIVIN THE ARCAM WIMEMP Phone 61 STORE iiintimasos BrUssels+ Onto Store Wide Bargains for the Whole Family1