HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1944-4-26, Page 3LECT o�STEAL NESs • No business can afford to far* risks which sbolda be covered by incur. ante. Let us analyse your needs, explain how insurance can protect your business from loss in many ways and arrange plan- ned Piot policies to coverall eventualities.. We write Pilot Insurance to cover sel- ected risks in Automobile, Fire, Personal Property Floater, Burglary, Cargo, Eleva. tor, Teams, Plate Glass, General and Pub- lic Liability, Fidelity and Surety Bonds. WAL1 ER SCOTT - BRUSSELS Representing PILOT INSURAN(E`<a�i�„:. 0' , Blood Clinic To Be FOR SALE— A set of tractor Disc harrows. phone 40-r-23 W. 13. Hoy FOR SALE— ^"4 Timothy Seed,' Ethan Oats, ;Mixed Grain Demo rOats and Burley. pitons 55-r-14 Oreo, 1Men::ios FOR SALE r_ 4 300 Barred RooRook011tcks 1 week old, or 500; 7 weeks old, blood tested, Ilexi'.2 Wesley Stephenson FOR SALE— .A, Pew bushels Timothy Seed al the "right price. Phone 29-e-7 7 M. A•LcLe a FOR SALE— Aged Mare, some Alaska Seed Oats and 2 bushels old Timothy Seel. Phone 18-r-9 Gilbert McCallum * Held Friday, n ,M a y 5th * The re -opening clinic of * Brussels Blood Donor Service * will be held In Public Library' * on Friday, May 5th. Come * along and offer a,donation of "' your blood to those who are. * offering their- lives for you. FOR SALE— * * * * * 4. lit 11 Ifs ready to wean. pilaus 42-r-19 • Geo. Blake FOR SALE— '1:50 Leghorn hellets, 2 'Meeks old, sIngle comb, blood tested stack. phone 83-.r-1'5 Ross Cunningham FOR SALE — E 400 White Leghorn Pullets 7 weeks old. apply to Hugh Pea:+soil. FOR SALE— FOR SALE Seed grain, 1942 and 1943 crop, A Caw co freshen in about a V.angua^' oats, Mabel oats and Soy — month. d 1 Beans.' phone 23-r-19 JIaa, S, Armstrong phone 43-r-7 or 44x John McNair GRED' Notice to Creditors In the estate of CATHERINE Mc. CALLUM, late of the Village of Brussels in the Coynty of Huron, spinster, who died on or about the Oth day of October,. A.D. 1943. TAKE NOTICE th:ut ail parties having claims •or demands against the stsaieof the above-mentioned (deceasedmust mail particulars and proof of sante to the undersigned adlninistratrix on or .before the 20211 (lays of April, A,33.'1944,, upon which date the said adminletr'atrix will proceed to distiibnte the Assets with regard only to diose claims which she shall then have received. DATED at Brussels this 10th dry of April, AD. 1944. Isabel Lowery, • Adminis tra.trix t:yher solicitor C. .POS1lPII BEN- SON. Brussels, Ontario, for Elmer. D. Bell who is• absent on Active Service AUCTION SALE Househcld Effects to be held on Albert St., South, Brussels for Ella Woods on SATURDAY, MAY 6th Sole to commence at 2 p.m. sharp 1 extension table 1 Ititoben'table, 2 cupboards, 1 arin Chair•, 12'"kitcheu chairs, 4 rocking chairs, 1 organ ane stool, .t large dresser, 2 small dressers, 3 washstands, 1 wooden bedstead evtth .springs and mattress 1 wooden bedtstead, with .inattress, 2' feather ticks, 1 mirror; 2 stands, sewing machine, snowshoes, 2 pieces floor oilcloth, 3 lamps, 1 lantern, corn planter, mats, pictures 'dishes of all Minds, 1 toilet set dishes, stepladders, wheelbarrow, grind - store, •chiclten wire, 3 size, sealers, crocks, saws and axes, shovels. 1 stove and' pipes, 1 extension ladder, 4 coal '.boxes, eausage machine, 1 apple peeling m,achene, milk .can, 1 TA o robe and •uffad r u numerous other articles, • TERMS CASH There will also be offered for sale Subject to a reserve bidhouse and barn, 3 acres of land, soft and hard water. ELLA WOODS, Proprietress LEAN ROWLAND—Auctioneer FOR SALE— i FOR SALE—. Dnsluatn Bull, 11 Rubber tired wagon and 1 man rack; Empire Cream Separator, phone Brussels 35-s-7, Earl Anderson Bd. Collie, Fienfryn 1 'Purebred months - old. phone 15-r-4 WANTED— .. Experienced housekeeper for general housework in Toronto. Highest wages paid. Apply at . the Poet JUST ARRIVED— JUST RECEIVED—. No. 1 N.B. Potatoes. Excellent quality 92.45 bag. Phone 6. Grewar's Groceterla FOR SALE— ” ;Good quality Seed Grain, Van. guard Oats mixed with two -rowed Barley; also 12' pigs• ready to wean. phone 20+6' Elmer Ellacott FOR SALE- Silver laced Wyandotte setting Eggs; White Pekin and. Muscovy Duck Eggs. phone 23-r-7 Graham Lamont FOR SALE - 4 to 6 weeks Leghorn Cockerels. Pine torfrying or roastlag. Walter Rose. Poultry Farm phone 38Y -r-4.1 'FOR SALE— A ,quan•tity of Hard Maple and 'and *oft wood. phone 15-r-5 J'oe Holmes R.R. 4,,Bruseels . 'FOR SALE— 'a, Large White .Pepin 'Duck .Eggs''.. and Seed Buckwheat. \Phone Brussels 43-r:24. George Wetsen' erg FOR SALE-- - 500 Bruseis Cartier Oats and 6 rowed barley mixed. clean, readyfor seed. •11110/55 29-r-0 73a'usseis, Albert Porter. FOR SALE- A quantity of Vanguard seed oats grown from Registered Seed 1942 crop; also two shorthorn Runt, red in colour, one of serviceable age, the other younger. George Kerr, Ethel AGENTS WANTED -- Stott .your own parttime Wetness with,otut any investment on yd•nr part• Profitable Watkins Route available in nearby locality. Suitable travel outfit 'required. For details write promptly to The J. R. Wahine e Com' POUT, dept. "9-13-4", 21177 310951ion Street, Montreal. FARM FOR. RRENT-•-a 200 acres, lot 5; couoession 10 and lot 0, condeseion 11, Twp. Of Gi'eY, brick ihome, largo barn with good stabling, hog -pens, chickee house ' end drive shed. Goad water auppl9. Apply to 3. L. Lamont, Executor, K9noardtne, Ont: '30 40@I I y tt Want still l goo, Vim, Vigor? 'rty' 0, t'gt "tomo '0' bletoR. C,aOlns lma0o', 0(rmt1" ,0 10,lroh,i'Itamtn 717, oat0tnni, 01lo0ph0t•t 9 add St0 rlerraa cap, vlu,. visor, yr niuyt a+tar 70 ,1, dr 011 Sntrodae5ar1 1100 0c 5 051, 11 t' 019,1101004 0)011 *+Atte; of 9000 pto1Alb malloe lobo as Inr7 51':." Mill Y1080 :08! *18011 I' ,a,'otoao" lroa7M 00,1,0, The 14131 Con. War Workers club of Grey, held & meeting on April lOt-h at the lime of • Mrs. Robert 'Cochrane. A quilt was .completed, after which a draw was made on the quilt that was on •display in Mr. 2anw's window, Tlie lucky ticket was drawn by little Olive Cardiff,. the winner being Mrs. Carl .Heming- way. The sum of •939.00 was raised, money being used fier war work, 95.00 was . voted to the ' 'elite to Britain Fund" also 95,00 to the Solvation Army. We would like to THE BRUSSELS Posy PIPE TOBACCO It's areal pipe smoker's tobacco thank Ale, Rion and ail those who ,,.d 111 ineke It a suetOsa, The April meeting of the Majestic Women 4 insa1Uuto ways field et the 1 n' ,-, :Nee.. They Tdlueli on .April MA. y t1ie. Anneal Meeting of •t'he Institute, the media reports of the coinari1titeee were received after the opening. exercises. The secretarys report showedd a member - tip et 36; eleven meet -Inge held; with an average at"tendauce. of 30; Tile treasurer's report showed re- reipts $204,42, expenditures 9178.76, belande en hand .$115.97. Wer Work Two boxes to each et the boys of the eem.niunity 'overeeaa5 totalling 25, also -300 cigarettes- to each 917,00 given to local ,Fist and Game Club for .:cigarettes: A box of ;,sen r"I^,hina (Julie ten, to the Filv)lir'n Army: also a box con- taining layette, small children's Blether-,. quilts, el e., t•o Mrs, Sloman in Northern Ont M1nv knitted '•°les weree merle for the local Redd '�''•^•"�. P!4 +poll as ewe"ty.11*e. (tresses.. 'Kelley was voted •to nein the "Mint for Britain Fund'', "The Tam Pt o lend." and the "Victor Home" In Triemen4•. The next meshte ie to be held at the home of Mrs. Haroldd • Spear with the Roll Call, paymen, ,f • nor 1111 exchange of plants or seeds. • R r, '117 r INV roll, e7l paratrooper, a r'roper, son 1 1((1 0( -, nnlu 0.9.111(s1`. -P11. 1115 1 • ^n r: vel Ion, Chuthent to Wi" li. peg. SC]SS')RS SHARPENED— Bring your scissors to The Brussels 'Post if you want them to work better than ever. TIME TABLE CHANGES • Effective SUNDAY, APRIL 30, 1944 Full information from agents. CANADIAN NATIONAL RAIL '.. YS ASK THE • Huron County Quota For Victory Loan Huron, Oounty'S (Mata 1u the Sixth Victory Loan is 32,900,000, whials will be broken down into. Towns, Villages and Townships as . fellows:•' 5.01(1 Township 9100,000, West Wawanos'h Township 37,000. (.'alhorse Township 64,000 Goderich Town 425,000. leetet Wawanosh Townehlp 07.000,' Town of Wingbam 74,000, Turmherry Tawnshlp 74,000 lJowiek Township 220,000. Morris 'Pawnehip 91.000. Crey Township 114,000,. Brussels Village 74,000. Myth Village 45,000. 98,000. 98,000. 98,000, 163,000, 170.000. 09,000: 82,000 98,000. 83,000. 147,000; 24.000. 64:000. Tilekersmtth Townebip McKillop TowliahiP 11u11Ptt Township Seaforth Town Clinton Town Stanley Township G'oderleh Township Hensall & Flay E. Zurich to flay W. Osborne Township Stephen East Stephen West To the above a quota will be added for the Air Training Schno15, April 6, 1044 -� B LGRAYE Rev. Hugh Jack of See2orth con - fleeted the service in the Presby- terian Church Sunday, speaking on 1115 Christian's enjoyment -of daily communion with Gud and the happiness and peace which 1111s the =:1'e lived clone to Cod. Rev. P. II, ,Streeter of the Angli- can Church -spoke on St. George's • Day and in the 'United Church Rev. G. II Dunlop chose as 111s text to or .^r'ngthened with might by His pirit in the inner man. Personals; Mr. and Mrs. David Armstrong, daughter Jane, and AC. Jack Armstrong, Centralia, with !Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Armstrong, `l'horndale; Mrs. Armstrong will remain in in a fora few i weeks; .cs; Mr. 1 .I. an d Nies, J. i'!: Coulees and Alex Leaver with Mr, and 'Mrs. George Pocock, Le.m;be-lh; Mrs A. MODoagal, Sarnia, sister of Mrs. Coutes and Mr. Leaver, returning with them; Mrs. W. Laidlaw and Mrs..5, Porterfield with their nephew, R. W. Powell and :Mrs. Powell, Stratford; Miss Mary I uill, Fergus, with her parents, and Mrs. Joseph Ynill: Miss ^^ loo Coulees who taught in Bel - grave 50h001 - during the 'week rn4nr'tcd to Stratford Sunday. Opens Blacksmith Shop In Ethel - lb•. L. Smith has opened a black smith shop in Ethel and is equipped to do first class horse shoeing and anoodw0rk Your patronage will he appreciated, Weelneeday, April 20111 Before you blame your telephone... Engineers designed the mouth: piece of your telephone to give best results at one-quarter of an ' inch fromthe lips. When your lips are farther away than this, your voice is transmitted less strongly ... less clearly. Failure to remember these simple foots accounts for the great majority of "trouble° reports., Help avoid needless service .. check-ups, and at the sametime let those you talk to hear you without strain. Just remember: Talk clearly, normally, directly into the telephone, with your lips just one-gztarter of an inch from the mouthpiece. . Smoking while you talk may cause disr teed reception. It also prevents Y re v s our hotels n the mouthpiece di- rectly in front of the lips, If you need to reach across your desk asY talk, rautie to hold nu the telephone to hone in correct position, close to the lips. A wall set 'can't conte to you; stand or sit so that your lips are directly a Y in front of and close to the mouth. piece. Don't "talk across" it. For clear, noise - free transmission, alwayskeep your ke Y e desk telephone none upright not at or near the hor- izontal position. "344 ADVERTISING RATES Classified Ads icash) 26c Over telephone or charged S5c In Memoriam ,... 60c Card of Thanks 50c Births, Marriages, Deaths ..,,,,,. Free Display Advertising rates on request �. FOR SALE— One hundred and fifty Cemetery monuments. All imported Granites, including the following colors: black, white, red and grey Write or phone 99. Transportation arranged to and frr17 the works if necessary. Fred Porterfield, Mitchell; Ont.' enttiWes yon ifivory Oinitis through yoga a —vita (DATE nvenied SAWS— Crosscut saws filed and gummed if necessary. Also handsaws, pruning saws & bucksaws. SHARPEN— !Knives, nives, ' scissors, . ever,' - thing with an edge, New handles put on saws and knives. Leave Them At THE BRUSSELS POST w2 J 5"Ic$w:1 t•'4*Itl'9 a • wat.';A y 111 tc zi r rfif • FILL OUT. THE LETTER AND GIVE IT TO 'THE VICTORY LOAN SALESMAN—IT 1S AN ORDER ON YOUR BANK TO BUY BONDS FOR YOU You can buy Victory Bonds with cash which you have saved .:: and you can buy more bonds with money as you get it, on convenient deferred payments. Every Victory Loan salesman has printed copies of the deferred payment letter at the right, (You can also get this form letter at any bank,) .All you do is write in the name of your bank and the amount of the bonds you wish to buy and sign it. (BANK RANCH 9. .heco . /104 vietdr . rrfrae ode °411�} -45 fC t t' tJ21& /adL^ LS 6,A; 4. JSiu93fi .est , ;'` GtC. vat ' 10mr,,drhsdtf 41, ��,y./,.11GC933dt�e.!fr Rely c'u,q�1E Adt_ p ./¢21e rtai4 ""'"'""""7si. int tee r ewr *waft Mw7Pf1 Sucre K Al iIMS tI% a sea voum YOU HAVE SIX MONTHS TO PAY THE BANK FOR THE BONDS—THE INTEREST THE BONDS EARN. PAYS THE BANK INTEREST ON THE LOAN You make a first payment of at least 10%D of the amount of the bonds you buy and 'pay the balance when it is convenient for you to do so, within the next six months. Bonds earn 3% for you and this income pays the interest on the loan during this period. Be sure to buy Victory Bonds on this plan as well as for casts. Canada needs more money to pay her enormous war bill, Let your country have the use of all the money you can save. 6- 4t NATIONAL WAR FINANCE COMMITTEE)