HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1944-4-26, Page 1POST PUBLISHING HOUSE T IS 1 E H qcv Huron Court must invest Qi y $3160i r •(HURON COUNTY $2,900,000, AIR TRAINING SCHOOLS $160,000.) VICTO NDS This is our share of. the $1,200,000,000, Objective set for the Sixth Victory Loan. We Must Do Our Share Its a big Job. We've done big jobs before• We've put five Victory Loans over the top up to now. But just be- cause we've put five Victory Loans over the top is no . rea- son why we can be indifferent about this Loan. We must not assume that the job will be an easy one. We must realize that it's a big job -and assume that it will be a hard job -and make sure that the job will be done; then it will be done. ALL. MUST BUY BONDS AND ALL OF US MUST BUY ALL THE BONDS WE CAN "PUT VICTORY FIRST" Inserted by Huron County Victory Loan Committee To Prospective Blood Donors To facilitate .blood donors getting blood tests Ar. Jamieson will be in his office from 2 to 4 Sunday after- neon, April 30th. Please report at that time. tt 'tat e.tet€ts3e eeeeve eeeeeeetetettte; etll 'The Lord is my I's Shepherd." 6 Ra`c to is e€'ets set +H t satettele+e MelviUle Church Rev. Samuel Kerr, B.A.. LA Minister - 10 A. M. Sunday. School and se Bible Cla 11 A. M. Morning Worship Scenes from the Life of Jesus "The Woman of Samaria." • 7 P. M. Evening Service will be held in the United Church. Lewis D. Thompson, Organist and Choirmaster COME AND WORSHIP 4twdiM5:504tC-ta4," :4Wei4iC United Church Minister --Rev. Hugh C. Wilson 11 A.M. Morning' Worship "What To Believe In Time Of War." Junioh Congregation 12 Church School and Bible Class 7 P.M. Evening Praise Rev. S. Kerr B.A., B.O. EVERYumta WELCOME Church of England Pariah of Brussels Rector, -Rev. M. F. Oldham 3rd Sunday After Easter April 30th, 1944 St. John's Brussels - 2 SundaySchool M. P. and Bible Class 7 P. M. Evening Prayer and Sermon St George's Walton-- 3.80 P. M. Sunday School and Bible Class 4 P. M. Evening Prayer and Sermon St: David's Henfryn- 1.15 P.M.Sundy School and Bible Class 2 P. M. Evening Prayer and Sermon PEOPLE WF KNOW ek it k * * * * Mrs, D. N. McDonald, who has been in the hospital some weeks owiieg toa broken hip was. -able to return home last' week. -. Miss Elizabeth Seeker, -London, Mr. and Mrs, Ja,ck'Baeker, Toronto, with. Mr. ,aatd Mos. C. Backer. Mrs. Charter and Mass, Myrtle of .Seaforlh spent the week end with Allen and Mrs. Lamont, Grey. Mrs, M. le. Oldlhem :,pent Wed- nesday and Thursday of this week wttend'ing the annual meetings of the Woman's Auxiliary' of the Diocese of B;ueon held in St. Paul's Cathedral in London, ' Mrs. G. A. Deadman a ]Merlin 3s visiting friends in town. 1VTr. and Mre. Reg. Hassum and daughter Shirley, Mns. Bowes and Harrison Bowes of Galt spent .Stte dee with Mrs. Dark who has return- ed game atter spending the winter with her eowsin Mes,' Beechey. Major Harold Kerney, M.M:, and Mrs. Kerney are spending a few days , with MS parents.. Rho -abets Garniss ,of Bluevale, who was head 'sawyer for Jas. Stephen- son„ died at his. home Tuesday night atter suffering a s'treke on Sunday. He was a brother of Chas. Garnisa of town. St. George's Day Service At St. John's tioi A special 4tilotle service wee held in ,St. John's .il,ngiiean Clench Suny, 1il 23rd at 7 p.t0 nanarking1uSt,ApGeorge''s J)ny; 111* Patron Saint of JOngland, the 29th ar:;•slvereary of the Battle of Ypres, e tl Sixth •r �f m S and the inaugution o a Victory Loan. The nteinbere of Brussels Imperial Legion :and visiting servicemen in the .corn uanity assembled et the town hall at 0:46 p,n1. and paraded to the church, During the Pee cessiou,al and Recessioael Hymns little Miss G'eralcline .Stretlton .(te1•ried Um huge 'Union Jack of the Leginu et the head of .the ISurpliea Choir, The fiction Jack was placed on the Communion Table by the rector, Rev, M. F. Oldham. The Canactlau 'Ensign was also on .the Communion Ta01le which was., adorned also, by l8iater Fiowers. The rector Rev. M, F. Oldham was in, charge of the impressive service and c0ndncted special ,Scripture 'Lessons and prayers for the occasion,` The sermon text was Lphestaus, 0:11, "Put on the Whole armour of God that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the Devil.' The record of tite lisle .of George was given. He was a young soldier and served in the 10uuponor's army at Nicornedia on the south shore of the Sea of Mar - mora. He taro down the edict of Drocletian, forbidding the Christians to worship God in 303, A.D, The irucident of 1St, George and the Dragon was mentioned and the great lesson received. is that we are to sttpprees .and 'overcome all ` the dragons. of evil in ,our -eves. St. Gouge and England stand for courage, chivalry, justice, freedom, righteousness, Palth- iu God, ex- panelon, and extension of the 1!toly Scripture. The Christians armour described in Epbesians Chapter 0 were tabulated. the - . loins girded with truth, the breastplate et right- eousness, 'the feet shod with the preparation of the gospel '2 peace, the shield of faith, the bearnet of sal- vation and the sword at .11e spirit, Mention was made et the 299th Anni- versary of the Rattle of Ypres where the deadly chlorine gas was used for the first ,time on. April 22, 1915. We are to keep in mind these war anniversaries and what the veterans fought for' and attained. The 9tli Victory 'Loan was mentioned and support aa'ked for. The sermon was concluded by the famous poem, "The B'ann:er of St. George" by Sham vet Weesley, Mrs. R. Campbell of- dcieted at the organ and there was a large attendance itt spite of the in- clement weather,. NOTICE 1 ,All amounts owing to Davison's Hardware- must be paid by May fat, or they will be pieced in ether hands for collection. S. F. Davison REGEN1 TEATRE. Seaf"orth, Ont. Wednesday, April 26th, 1944 Give Your Blood To Save Their Lives! • lie lay on the held -of battle••loss of .bleed brought dente very near, but ekillfu1 mon of the medical corps were there with cleft brands and the life•„iving blood plasma that aneant l i' death nim :1. life instead a ,u to 1 1 0 :night hive been someone dear to you, who hire thousands of others needed blood plasma to replace rite blood shed in battle i!or us who wait safe at Horne .for their return'. We hese that Allied invasion ie near -- then naw, more than ever before, blood donors are needed. Everyone pbLyralca11y capable must not only consider ^ it, a duty, but a privilege and an honor to•give our blood to save their lives, who go, so gallantly le preserve ono• way of life, Enroll now! give your, name td Mrs. 11. B. Allen at once ''qhe hast spring ;,Ifni; to .ie bold here will be on Friday, M'ay 6th, Sgt. Lorne McCauley, recently returned from Italy saw, in hospital there, Trow badly needed, and how effective the ,transfusion of blond plasma is. 'ihbe, we can all do - ' Presentation To Newlyweds Mr. and Mrs, Jack Pennington; Grey, newlyweds, were guests of honor alt a recent presentation held its the Brussels `Town Hall, L. E. Cardiff, M. P. react the foliat'wing ad- dress, extending the congratulations and good wishes ee those present, to the bride and gloom, - Deas John and Mary: - We your friends• and neighobrs have gathered this evening to spend a few hours with you in honor of your recent tnariiage and to wish you many years of health and happiness with enough tvealth nixed in to make life interesting. To John who has been here for some years we are glad that you .will he with us permanently, and we wish to express :our appreciation for your' netgilbot'linese. and mechanical ability which Is a definite assat, To. Mary who has more recently come to our community we would give a hearty weioome and we hope you • Ile fine it a'Congenial place to melte your home. As a material token of our esteem we would ask you to accept these gifts. May they moose to be a long LAC Clarke Cardiff of Quebec and pleasant reminder of this happy visited with Mrs, 'Cardiff and Ronnie t occasion - fora few days bast week. I Signed by neighbors, MIs. Clarence Miller event, a few Jacob Fisher, Carl Hemingway, days the latter part of the week at her home in Guelph, I Lewis Blake, Eldon Wilson, 'Wm, • Spell.. • Mrs. 'Gudden (sr,) of Stratford is The 'visiting with Mr. ends Mrs, Bert i Y were made the recipents of Otelden and family. • ' an occasional chair alio a studio LAC. Herbert and Mrs. Skeoch I couch from the Rabimson's family and 1ietle son spent a few days last and an, end.talble town Mr. and Mea, week with Mr, and Mrs, el S. , D. Currie, and numerous other gifts from the neighbors and extends. The groom made a fatting reply on behalf Dunbar: The community was. saddened to learn of the death tot Roger Snell little son .of Rev. and Mrs, If. J. of himself and .his wife. Music for Sere.Our heartfelt ,sympathy goes ' Smell of Clinton, termer mthister danci was supplied by Messrs. J. H out to the bereaved parents. ' The sixth Victory Loan Campaia is under way, Remember to give all you can to heap the boys who are giving their all. A Mood donors clinic will he held fu Brussels on 1'1;ay '6th, They are oinking for donors.front this locality. .Anyone interested kindly leave their name with Mrs, H, 13. Allen at Brusselsnot later than April. 87th, Lesley Jardine lett MYI.ontay to Jobe iris parents in Tweed, Bill Dobson is DOW .employed, in' the garage, The village lost one ,of its most I esteemed ,citizens by the death of Mr, Moselnit Ames, The sympathy •of the community is: extended to. tate bereaved family, Donald Love of Hamilton visited .otu Monday with his. uncle W. 11. Love. He is, a seri of R. 111, Love, I3e has jointed the R,C.A.F. Thursday, Friday, Saturday, COURT OF REVISION April 27th, The t 91185 p m: 28th, Count of Revision for the Town - 2nd show sddap of Morrie w.i1.1 open on. Monday, Starring KayKayser with his band: Around The Worih Mas g and, close. on Monday, :tune- Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, • May 1st, 2nd, 3rd 2nd 'show starts 9115 112, 4,11 appeals on . assessments mast be in, the !hands of the clerk nee falter than May 8, 1944. George. 0. Martin; dlerk Dennis Morgan Irene Manning The Desert Song NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS tr- tier received till S kLtt sohnlo 1 rece v In T Tends. will be Tenders Adventurer Action! Muting day, May fith at 3 o'clock p.m, for the work to be done on each of the Thursday, Friday, Saturday, foliowing Drains: The Hislop, The Y Baker, The ,Petrie and The baluont It Ain't HayPlans. and ,speeifleattpnemay be SPECIAL, ADDED ATTACTION examined et the Clerk's ofiita, Threes and Oras. 'Davis. Bud Abbott Lou Costello Drains. 14 Great Stars In The Shining Future Produced for •Canadian Produced for Canadian MetIon Picture War Service Commilttee Ethel. 'Security will be required, The lowest er any tender not neces- sarily accepted. t7s 13. Fear, Clerk • r' --- BORN DAVIDSON---To Mr. and Mrs. Athlone, Princess AIice. To Attend Huron County Field Day on June 14 OTTWA, April 24 -Through the good .offices of William H. Golding, M,tP. for I-Iuron Perth, and le B. Cardiff, M.P. for Heron . North, Their' Excellencies the Earl of Athlone, Governor-General, and ILR,I3. Princess' Alice have eon- senited to attend the rural field day being held by the Huron County Federation of Agriculture' at Sea- forth an J1141e 14 next. His exeelletrcy will speak during the day on the program beteg ar- ranged . by I3aan'y,Sturdy, Auburir, federetion president, and W. S. Dale, Clinton, association secretary. tit had been annommced earlier that their excelllenciee ivouit be present at the field day on June 7, 1 bait et was found necessary fox Messrs. Golding and Cardiff to r. interview This .excaileney et Gov. tummant House here and secure their excellencies,' cbnsasit ' to at- tend the fair on a latter date, since theywill bo absent on a tour though Western Canada extend- ing June 6. A. r! from b 1 25 to J far g the date has had to be postponed until June 14 as started On June 15, their excelleneles will make an official visit to ,leitehener, POST Business Men's Meeting • Business places will rentui'), open on Wednesday nights oonimouoing Tun* 71,b, for dbo months of June, .1017 end Au„ust. This decision was reenrlied at a meeting , of the husinees Hien heel in the Library Wednesday ,night of last week, e,, W. Itiekinier president of the associ- ation,e reeidd. 7. p I '1T McTavish, secretary, etar y, read the minutes of the previous meeting. It Wes agreed to continue the usual Thursday half builders with the stores open until 11 o'ciack on Werbnescloy evening in Juice, July and August, 'rkey will also be open for the convenience of shoppers on 'Tuesday night 10fay 23rd bemuse of the holiday 'on the 24Th. A lengthy discussion brought unanimous agreement that a public rest room was needed and it was lett over for future consideration, All Business Men's Association fees are to be maid to D.M. McTavish or L, W. Eelnnier, RED CROSS NOTES Aril shipment; 9 n men ; p t, scarves, 10 turtie-rlecic sweaters, 20 aleeveles, .sweaters, 20 prs. gloves, 75 prs. .service socks, 6 dressing gowns, 0 lienclrerehietin, 20 dressesand waists, sire 12, 25 dresses and panties size 2, 10 quilts, Ration Due Dates Coupons now good are butter 54 to 59; sugar 14 to 31; preserves D1 to D18; tea -coffee' 14 to 29, El to 150, and T30 to T31. Butter con - ems 54 to 27 expire April 30, All of the following coupons which -re- main unused in Book 3 are good. -un- til cancelled by the Ration Adminis- tration; red sugar coupons, blue "It canning coupors, green tea -coffee coupons and ,D" preserves coupons. • Delivery Of Fuel A coal dealer must not deliver and a consumer must not ;accept de- livery of ,Class A Fuel in "core's of '40% of quota by Sept 31)t11, 1944; 20% by December als11944 and 10% by March 31st 1945. 'laterite of your fuel will have to be in Miss C. Class A • Fuel ineluees--1'nited States Anthracite Coal. egg. stove nut and pea; Coke, furnace, stove nett and range; Pace/antes. egg, stove nut and briquettes. Deanery Chapter ter Meeting 'Tile Anglican Deanery Chapter of Huron ,Deanery convened et St John's Rectory in Brussels as the guests of Rev. M. le and Mrs. Old- ham an Friday, April 21st;. The cler- gy wives were, also present and en- tertained by Mrs.. 'el. F. Oldham. Those pressed were Rev,. E, 0. and Mrs. Gallagher of Wingham, Rev, G. K. and Notes of Gerrie. Dr. R P.D. end Mrs- Hurford ,of Seeforth, 13ev. P. Ii. and Mrs., Streeter of Blyth, Rev. Jelin. and Mrs. Grahaan of Bay- fiekl, Rev. W. H. Dallier of 'Goiter icb Rev. M. A. Hunt of Exeter. Rev. 17. 0. Gallagher, Rural Dean presid- ed over the chapter meeting. Morn - and afternoon sessions of the forth moaning deanery meeting in Wingham will be held. Dr. R. P. 0. Hurford gave a very instructive palter on The I3oly Trinity, Rev. 10, 0. ,G'allagber was re-elected, Rural Dean, subject to the Arehbisbop's approval and Rev. G. le.'Maybes as sea.-tt•eas. Mrs. Old'hem assisted by Mrs. G. Davis, President of the Woanear s Guild ser- ved supper, A very pleasant after- noon was spent. Chaarlea. T. O7*vidsoh, in Wingetant First show starts 7;30 each evening tse DIED AATIW-in liltttel- on Manday, AMR 24.311, 1244, Joseph Antos, Is his 75th year. Funeral will be held from hie late residence to the United Ghlrnelt, Ethel, on nets - day, April 37th, 1944. Servteo at I, 2:20 9.101•, 1301€0rauont' in Brussels cemetery,' TRIVaitai on Thureday, Anvil With Matinee each .Saturday at 2;50 ip.1n. -s, yeu, , PUT fICTO Y FIRST IBRUSSELS, ON FARIO W.ED,CiJNG 1' r, , . Hastings - Fischer A quiet, but pretty spring wedding 10110' solemwiaed ,Saturday, April 22nd at 4:30 o'clock at the Presbyterian Manse, Brussels, with Rev, Samuel Kerr officiating when Verla Marg- aret Fischer youngest daughter of M:', and Mrs, Jacob W. Fischer, Brussels was united in marriage to Pte. William Alvin. Hastings, of (Vimy) llarriodeld, .eldetat set of 1vlr, and Mrs. Roy, Hastings, Wingham, They were attended by Mrs, Bernard Thomas of Bi+owntown, sister of the bride as bridesmaid and Mr. Ross Hastings of Winghom, brother or the groom.• The bride was a lovely two-piece street -length dress of 'dream • rose summer wool with powder .blue accessorlea and a corsage of pink and white Car. eaations. The bridesmaid were a street -length dress of heavenly blue sheer with navy accessories and corsage of pink .Carnetione. A reception Was held at the home of the bride's parents for twenty guests. The dining -room table with pink and white decorations was. centred with 'a three-tier wedding cake. Rev,'Samuel Iierr gave the toast to the bride and grout. Later the bride and groom lett on a short trip for points sourtlt. For travelling the bride wore a Iight blue Harris Tweed box coat with match- ing accessories, At The Churches On' Sunday morniog in Melville Church the minister preached the 'fourth sermon in .the series on Scenes from the Lite of Jesus, and this message dealt with tee marriage In ,Cana, The choir rendered the anthem '"Praise the Lord" by Tanrblyn. In the evening the Rev. Hugh Wilson preached from ,lie - brews" 10;34. The choir sang as an anthem, "When l Survey the Wondrous Cross" .by John Witty Mrs, Bredin took the solo part. "Behind Closed Doors" was the sermon subject at the United Church .n the morning service, ?Misses Thelma, Brothers, Dorothy. Dennis and Ruth Wilson tools a trio part in .The anthem and also contributed a second number which was much appreciated, The Union service in. the evening was held in the Melville Church,. The Church of the Air over station CeeNX on. Monday morning was car ducted by Rev, Hthgh Wilson of the Brussels 'United Church. Assisting in the service waa a trio Huron County's Musical composed 01 Misses Thelma Festival Next Week Brothers, Dorothy Dennis. and Ruth Now in its: fourth year, taloWilson,. Mrs. R. S. Hamilton was at the Piano, Goderich Music Club has endeavour- ed s0nce, its• organization toy create, y VICTORY BONDS Market Assureal For Victory Bonds .After Warms• -Ilsley At o recent meeting in h tcet r the Minister of 1''tuance, the Hole I. as, Maley made the following statarireat, "geese"- "AG this point le sltouhl Itke to say a ward about the pti:;t•-war nnat'ket for Victory Bonds iltemeelves, be. cause It rosier$. ale naturally inter- ested 4n the liquidity of Hiatt securities and the 4rire they eau expect to get for then,. In the normal oonmo of events tthe.re will be some who will wish t0 sell chert bonds after the war, ,and Indeed one of the reasons we give for buying bonds now is lent they will Provide funde for purchases or investments after the war, It will be of the greatest Importance that we maintain, indeed assure, a ready and stable market for all those millions of fronds that we have sold, We have :tots the monetary and •financial machinery and we have developed the methods for accomplishing tliS a1dwe will therefore :o .able to deal with an Y situation which may develop in a way white will keep faith with the millions of ,small investors who ars supporting the savings program, In thio national .emergency, If there are any w110 fear that bond :prices will fail as they Aid. after the last war, let me say that this could happen only 1f we were to eermit interest rates to rise, Can there possibly be any justification. for allowing interest rates to rise after the war? Higher rates would. only he justifiable if when the tear shortages are over, expenditures on. capital development and oonsumer outlays should become so large as to place a real strain ;et our productive capacity. Everyone knows that ,tbere will be no such strain and that the problem of''Government will be to make use of the enormous 'pro- ductive capacity that hes been developed during the war and there- by -prevent unemtployment, I ogee with the Governor of the Bank of Canada, who stated in his ,annual Report this year that he ' could sus no prespec1 of a strain on our productive capacity arising in a forret which would call for a policy of raising inter'eet rates,," I may add that official announce- ments in both Britain an'd'•e, 'United States have similarly indi- cated that the policy of the Govern- ments of these two countries is to avoid higher interest rates after the war. These declared policies, coupled with the mechanisms of control which have been deveaopea and the underlying situation, should be sufficient assuran•oe thou, i 9nd prices will remain firun atterefini``wear. feather public interest in music In CARD OF THANKS Huron county, Through the monthly Our sincere thankso all our meetings ,and yearly musical enter - neighbours and friends for their tainments, such as the minstrel show neighbours and good' wishes presented to whicpr was Presented last' fell and us at the shower, The lovely and ' netted brie Red ;Crass -name $300, it usefni presents end their good has Provided manq enjoyable hours wishes are much a far the people od this distrhot. appreciated. Penni In the spring o8 1942 the first M•r, and Mrs. Jack Pennington. Hunan County Music Festival was �-" ' `H held in Victoria street United chur"s CARL-TO-F. ARD OF THANKS i" and was actoriatl the Grader I would like to hank those who Music sOlwb. There were twee sent flowers and gifts. Also to all eight contestants, ' who sent •cheery meesages in letters Last year the number of anti and .curds during my stay in Clinton rase to 136. which was most hospital. They were all very much coureging and gratifying to the appreciated and will not soap be members of the Club and was in , forgotten, large degree due to the great in- • Mrs. D. N McDonald terest sluown ,by ,the rural music tea:dhers 'and the music department. CARD OF THANKS t,of, 5t. Peter's Convent, Goderiab. epri1 13th, 1044 This, festival was held in North Somewhat* in Italy street United Church, and Mr. To Brussels Ptah and Game Club: Harvey Robb, principal of 6h5 I received your carton of ,Sweet I Western University Conservatory sI Caporal Cigarettes on Monday, , Music, was adjudicator, Aipril filth and they were very muck: I 'This year, on May 2nd, 3rd scud neereciaited, Hoping to, sse you an 4th, the Third annual Haran .Counts s Music Festival will be held in North Yours tm•tily, j street United Chtireh, Godorioh, •with Cliff Riley tis ,aaljetlication under the dlreetioa of Mr, ' Cyril Hampshire, of the Hamilton Conservatory of Music, CARD OF THANKS Tth.hies yereatrrisnharbveermingore29t2hananddoubtlhd I wlsh toMtYakeFRthsNoDpSportunity of program has been arranged to nee - Mantle g my many friends for all vide the utmost entertainment, with the gtfts which I. received when overseas, and for the gallant welcome which was extended to me upon my arrival hdme, In the nearfuture may we see the end of war and. the triumphant return of all our local mens anal ee myself, they will be Pnoitd to say (thist was worthfighting forTil). Lorne McCauley Huron Interested In Reforestation That Huron County is interested In ,redorestaltion ie evident in order given ;by the a,griouitural committee of the County Council for 200,000 trees'. Mending spruce, pine tend white ash, Th'e*e willbe distributed to a central point 'in each Municipal.ioT p al- ti•y by 0011007 truckte the township of Ashiteld' has Placed the 1ar35911 otters, 31,0180 West Wawanosh coming second with 14,992. The town of Gederiele has ordered 3,150; Colborne town• sI lip, .6,651; Grey, 12,046; Hay, 9,708; Bewick, 44,077; lIluheft, 9,885; Me' .". Iliklop, 5,860; /dories, 15,583; Stanley 14,390; Stephen 9,131; Tttckersmith, 7944; Turnherry, 11,905; Ueborne, 8,662; /Iasi "Wawantaab, 10,814; Blyth_ 65. the evening peogramlm actually tak- ing on more -of the atmoeplte o 5 recital. , This endeavor, which is. ere' { so much interest in the soil among the younger people, threugheut tate t titttry whom,.", mucic -Lovers are found, merits the genermts support of the people of Huron county. 'Tine dates •again are 2nd, 3rd and 4tam of May for the Huron Dewitt Music. Festival, beginning at each day. Sold Farm Mr, Colwell 'Spoiran has, sold his well etiui'ppe1 dairy farm, of 1419 acres, 12011 eentcession Grey, '0.1. rune frnm Silver Corners to Mr, George .: Puriwn of Nrova Seethe T. Motet Menet , 1 oe nal, intend moving for O d s - mion;ths fa the meantime.,the farm has been, rented .te Mr. Robert •'F'nkr' of Grey township. Cath Victory Loan (loins? Well Tile Nneierate War ^emme. (16m - matte e ;Om-mitten announced Tuesday that rrnrehesee re0Urded nn *he Opening env of canvas sixth victory loan tnIATIied 5744276,1501 Menials con- sider theae iigures' very satisfactory ae it le some 817 ni1111'i1 dollars Mined of same reportsil for the fllai limy of -Hutt fifth victory loan,