HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1944-4-12, Page 1TIS S S L POST PUBLISHING HOUSE Wednesday, April 12th, 1944 Schpol Closed For•.Easter Holidays School's out for young 13russelltee. Classes' are over for the Easter va- cation, and will not be resumecl until April 17th. The parents of the ptrpils will have a job keeping them out et mischief during .'the to be, tween season of sporting activities. United .Church Mission Band The April meeting of the Miseion Band of Brussels United Church was held on Easter Sunday with Mass Marjory Sanderson in charge. Mns. James Bryan gave a very interesting .balk on Easter and the Crulcidxion. Dorothy and Maureen Sullivan sang a duet. Brussels Council Meeting Brawls; April ltd, 1944 The regular mont.itiy meeting of the- Brihesels Murdcipal Council was held in the Public Library nn the date, 411 members being present. The minutes of the last meeting being read it was moved by R. B. Cousins; ,seconded by W. Cameron that the minutes be adopted. .—Carried, The Pollowdng bills were presented Gee: Evans;. March salary $ 85.00 G.,M'cDowell, March salary ,.,, 50.00 R. S. Warwick, March salary 35.00 Ed. Henderson, ,now plowing 16.00 Brussels Hydro, street lights 90:00 hail lights 1,86 Relief Cor March 16.25 Moved by W. 'Willis, seconded by W, Cameron that the accounts as read be paid. -Carried. Moved Wy R. 13. Cousins, seconded fly. W. Willis that the Tax Roll be adcepted feoun the ,l2oilector and that fke sum of $70.86, representing Town property, dead dogs etc., be written- off. —Carried There being zo farther business the council adjourned. EASTER DANCE In Brussels Town Hall • FRIDAY, APRIL 14 with Frankie Banks and His Orchestra Sponsored by Brussels Firemen Proceeds in aid -.af Overseas Cigarette Fund. Dancingfrom -U to 1 Admission — — 25c Come & Enjoy a Holiday Dance t anet trueecatetease?eteas.seteetet ce1gtelat+ l "Seek Ve The Lord While lei He May Be Found." Minister ! !e Churci7 Rev. Samuel Kerr, B.A.,.3.0.,., 10 A. M. Sunday, School and Bible. Class 11 A. M. Morning. Worship ter Scenes from the Life of 47. Jesus: "The Temptation" 7 P. M. Evening Service in the United Churdh. D7 is Lewis D. Thompson, Organist and Choirmaster COME AND WORSHIP q' h ivas raianI +00 dM0,,-co tAI it , p J ; lutted - Churc 1�0p Minister—Rev. Hugh C. Wilson tf11 A.M. Morning Worship r, Easter Thankoffering for the Woman's Missionary Society Junloi Congregation 12 Church School and. Bible Class p 7 P.M. Evening Praise 0 1, Rev. S. Kerr, B.A., B.D.. ua 'EVE RYurae dVBLCOME emo,owsommmomstmeti Church of England Parish •uf Brussels Reotor..Rev. M. P. Oldham First Sunday . After Easter April 16th, 1944 St. John's Brussels - 10 A. M. Sunday School 11 A.M. Morning Prayer, Holy Baptismand Sermon St, George's Walton - 1.30 P. M. Evening Prayer and Sermon 2.30 P. M. Sunday School 8t. David's Henfryn— 2.45 P. M. Sunday school 3,30 P. M. Evening Prayer and Sermon Blood Clink To Be :si Special Easter * Held Friday, iMjlty 5th *1 O The reropening clinic of * " Services u Brussels Blood Donor Service a; * will be held In Public Library * * on Friday, May ,.5th. Come * along and' offer a donation of 'R' • your blood to those who are * ' offering their lives for you. * a, n: .1. a: s at 11. Easter, Visitors Mrs. A. Sinclair and Miss Joann Sinclair in Toronto. Misses Virginia and Lois Plum, London at their home here. Mess Cassie Thompson with her sister Mns, Cecil. Cook, Wingham. elms. P. Young, Ssbringville with Mr parents Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Davison. Mrs. Elvin Gregg here with her husband, Miss Margaret Gibson, Toronto, with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. .9. Gibson. Nims. F. MacLean, Winghaou with her daughter, Mrs. F: M. Semis. Mrs. M. Thompotou is spending a few clays in HarrJston. I Miss Eloyce Davidsont, Toronto a her home here. Mess Nellie Jlardiae of Concerti was an Easter visitor at the home of Mr. ,and Mrs, Walter Scott. • Miss. Carolyn.McCracken of. Public School Staff of Toronto was a visitor at her ham rhere, Miss Dorie Bates of Toronto mutt Mi'. Jack Bates hof Bayfield were visitors at their bonne tor the week of. Easter holidays. Mr, J. Clive Scott or Toronto spent Sunday with his wite and daughter at the home of Mrs. Alex Strachau. Mrs. D. Ross of Luokuow. was here ' last week attending the, fnnerel of her uncle the late Mr. C. McKay. M7', A. Roy McKay of Florida. came home for the funeral of his fattier. His wife au.d slaughters Helen and Shirley wiho have spent the winter in Buffalo, N.Y., also attended the funeral. As •' Mr. McKay's 'business was not Wound up for the season ne was compelbel to return to Florida Inc a month. Mr, and Mns. Walter Lott of Whitechurch attended the funeral of her 9a6her; tJhe late .lir. Chas. McKay. Mrs. W. Hunter was an Easter visitor at the home of tell. W. J. McCracken and sisters. Mrs. Donald Black of Dundas was renewing old friends in town at Easter. Mr. and Mrs. Sitnelair Flemings way and little daughlter Sheila of Toronto spent Easier week: with Mr. ,and Mrs. P. Stewart and Mrs. Oliver Hemingway. Mrs. A. .11. Lowry,after spending the winter months at the home of her son in New Ltakeacel returned home, Her daughter Mrs. E. Matthews et Forest was with her for a Taw days. Mies Martha Currie, who has been in poor health for some thee, bas been removed to Wtugliam hospital Where she is very ill. Cpl. Merle . Sanderson of the C.W.A.C. at her bene here. Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Harvey 131ryans over the Easter weeds and were: Sgt. R. W. and Mrs. Bryan and children Keith Franklin and Phyllis Maureen. of Shedden, also Mr. and Mrs. John F. Howard of Leaside. Mrs. John F. Howard of the Lea-, side Public School staff 11 spending the Baster vacation at her parental hone NIs s Carrie Dunbar, who has been.: in poor health for some time, has gone to St. Bohns convalescent 1105 pital, Toronto, for tvsatnrent, where we hope she will soon, regain her heath. The services in Melvin: Church on Sunday centered in the Salter Mess. age. In the morning the minister Preached from ,St. Luke 24:6, "He is not here, he is risen". The ehoir ,sang the anthem, "Hallelujah, Christ is Risen," by Caleb Simper. The solo part in this anthem was sung by Miss Janet King, The second an- them rendered was 'Awake Thou that Sleepe'st," by F, C. Maker. The solo past In this anthem was sung by Mr. Colwell Spelran, 1 solo, "afore - i: g Noon, and Night," by Carrie Jac- obs•Bmnd; was sung b1' Mrs. Cline Scott. In the evening eir Wilson of the United Church, preached an Bee. ter Message. Two anthems were sung by the cliche, "Praise the Land," 'by Bertha Tannblyn, and "Awake, Then that +Sleepeet" sung in the. morning sel'viee, was repeated in the evening. Rev. S. Kerr, U.A., 13D., addressed the union congregation that met in the United' Chun'oh on Good Friday morning. The Sacrament - of the Lord's Supper. ;vas administered, Miss. C. Hingston „tang, "The Holy City," in beautiful voice, .At the United Chetah on Srmclay morning the minister gave an Easter Message from the text "if Christ"be Not liken," I -Corinthians 15. The choir' sang the anthem, "Thou. Art the Living Christ." A male quartet' consisting of Messrs. Jack Bates, Clifford Busohlin, Lloyd Wheeler and Thomas ,Strachan sang. Jay request Mess C. Hiugson repeated the solo of Friday morning, "The Holy City." A union service was held in the evening in' the Melville Church. The Sunday School Orchestra from the United Chum(& visited. Auburn on Sunday evening and assisted in the service0there. Those taking part were Miss Thelma. Brothers and Messrs. Clillforcl Buschke, el'eiville Dennis, Lloyd Wheeler and Norman Btnovar. Sgt. F. Mitchell and son Pte, T. Mitchell at their home here, 11?r. and Mns, A Clarifies. London, with his parents Mr. and Mrs, Chas, Garniss. Pte. Mac Scott at his lunne here. Mrs. J. Ballantyne 'and son Jack Stratford with Mrs. jag. 13ellantyne. Mr. and MIs. 17. 0. Warwick, Owen 'Sound,'with relatives here. Mrs, A, R, Kenneee, Stratford at the home 'et her son R. W. Kennedy, Miss Elisabeth Backer, London, with her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Backer, E. Plum, Stratford, at his home here. liaise: Wanda Hobbs, Toronto, with her aunt Mrs. E. Bre'wet', Mr. and Mrs, A. Holmes and two daughters and Mrs'. Henderson, Brantford, with .Mt} and Mrs, Ease Somers, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Whitterd and little eon Richard Wayne of St. Catherines spent their holiday at the 'honkie of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Whittard, Mm, and Mrs. ma. Henderson and Betty Anne Thornton spent the week end in London. Mary Helen Eokrllier Is spending Easter at the home of her parents. We welcorne Mr, ,Lloyd Aidwortb and family- from Iiitolhener to Brussels. They having pur'ehased Mrs. Olive Gallaher's property on , Turnberry St. south. Mr. and Mrs. W. Murray of Seaforth and4 Miss Veen )furra1 of Toronto spent Baster With Mr.- and Mrs, Gerry. Mns. E. Hulley has received official lTh0ornration that when her son Tpr, Gordon Bloss Malley was wended in action on tlhe 261,11 of February he sustained multiple lacerations, of the face, right band. smelt, with lr.sein,ateria find amirntaiiou of the thumb and first finger and the till of the third finger and not an ' empmtwtdon of the. right. thumb aa previoitebt reported. ObituaY Charles McKay A resident of Brussels for more than fifty years, Charles McKay, passed away In Wingliam hospital on �' Sunciay, April 2nd, after an Illness or three weeks, The late Mr. MoIIay, who was in. his 87th year was born near Hamil- ton on October 7th, 1857. He leaves to mourn their loss his widow, Who was formerly Ida L. Lott, a son, Roy of Florida and a daughter Mrs. Waiter Lott (Annie) of White- church, Rev. S. Herr, of Melville 'Presby. 'tartan .Church, of velvet the deceas- ed was a member, emducted a private funeral service at the home of the deceased, Turnberry street north, on Wednesday at 2:90. Inter- ment tool( place in Brussels cemetery. Wm. Procter, Alex Woodrow, Walter Sharp, Wm, Palmer, Wesley Lott and Sylvester Fox were pallbearers. A. very successful "Seater Sunday was observed in Brussels Anglican Parrish in St. John's Church 13russ- els, on Easter. Sunday Service at 10 a. m., was held for the Sunday School sa1eolars when the Lenten Mission- ary offering's. were presenteit. There wes a good attendance. The 11 a, m. service was exceptionally well at- tended: The • sacrament of infant baptism was. administered upon Riches Wayne Whittard born Dec. 14, 1948, the intent son et Mr, and Mfrs, Harold Whitteed of 'St. Catharines; The Easter Celebration of the Holy Oomanumion was held with a large nmmuber of oommmmlcante, The Rect- or Rev, M. F. Oldham officiated at all services .and preached an Easter sermon on 1 Con. 15:5'7 'Thanks be to Glad who giveth tie the victory, through our Lord Teens Chrisr." The choir rendered an Easter anthem, There were a nice lot of Easter flow- ers en the Communion Table, The Easter offering proved a record a total .of $11621 being received.: Good attendance and offering, at Sit. George's Walton and St David's, Henft•yn in the afternoon, The even- ing in St, Alban's Atwood' was well attended, the offering being the ler- , gent in years. 'Services were also held in these churches cn Good Fri- day and Holy Thursday. Theannual corporate communion service Pox the Women's Guild and W.A. of St. George's, Walton, was held on the later day. Walton and Atwood oongregattons 'dove paid the Algoma Diocese En- ' dowhnent Share of alotment in full, Mrs. J. W. Kerney The community was deeply sadden- ed at the sudden death of the late Mire. J. W. Kerney. although in fail- ing health tor some years was only seriously ill for a few days and passed peacefully away on March 30th at the residence of her son-in- law ,llohn E. MCCutcheor, 279 St. Clair Avenue, Toronto. Formerly Sarah McCrae of Brus- sels she was'married to John W. I'lerney of Morris in 1907 and lived in Brussels for some years later moving to Guelph and while on a tisip to California Mr. Kerney passed away. The deceased was of a cheerful disposition a general favorite of all who knew her and will be much. missed. A mernber of Chalmers Presbyterian Church, Guelph. Besides her sorrowing slaughters Mrs. John E, McCutcheon .(Helen) Toronto and Mrs. 'H, Doherty Muriel) San Diego, California. U.S.A. Two, sisters are left to mourn her ions,, Mrs, Jas. Speir, Brussele and Mrs. George Rabb, St. Catharines. Tbe funeral which was largely attended was held from Melville Church on Sunda", April 2nd and, was conducted by Rev. 5, Kerr. The floral tributes were amity and beautiful and testified to the high esteem in which she was REG 1'uI THEATRE. R.E,. Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Saturday, Apiri 13, 14, 16 2nd show starts 9,15 p.m. Jean Arthur John Wayne, Lady Takes A Chance A clever romantic comedy! Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,,, Aprtl 17, 18, 19 2nd show starts 9115 p.m, Time for excitement and hilarity but,., No Time For Love Claudette Colbert Fred MahMurray Thursday, Friday, Saturday, April 20, 21, 22 2nd show starts 9:15 p.m, Northern Pursuit Starring Errol Flynn The Northwest Mounted's Moat Gallant Story! First show starts at 7:30 each evening. Matinee each Saturdait at 2180 p.m. G. R. AUGUSTINE THE MONTREAL LIFE (The Friendly Company) Are very pleased to announce the appointment af.Gardon Augustine as their representative for Huron County with liendrluarteis at Blyth. Gordon has just returned to clviliau life recently after spending four years overseas and in Canada with Army Service Corps and Royal Can- adian Artillery, Upon completing the Conopamy, Training Corpse in London in a most creditable manner, the Montreal Life feel. that Cordon is in a position to render first class life insurance service to the people of Huron County. The Montreal Life is associated with the Atlas Insurance Company of London England. held. The pallbearers were: L. W. Eckmier, R. J. MoLanchiin, Alex Anderson, Won. Hollinger, Harold Speir and Lawson Kerney. Friends from a distance were Mr. and Mrs. John E. McCatclreon, Mrs. Cora Bali and Miss Thede. Stone, all of Toronto, ED 01 N G BRUSSELS, ON rARIO . Coi9frl$ COUNC],, April 10, 1944 eTbe menial met on the above date in the Township Ball with all the members present. The ieeve presided The ntinutee of the last meeting were read and adopted on motion of Jas. Michie and Wm. Spcle, --Carried Moved by Cline. Coulees Seconded by Harvey Johnston that the clerk aOVIY to Wingham connen for Morris Township to be included in the agreement that the Fire Department bas with other towu'abips. Carried Moved by Harvey Johnston eecon'ded by Ch hs Coultas that Jas. Michie be the representative, for .IV0oritte Township to the committee far welcoming boys home to Blyth. --tarried' Mored by Chas Coupes eeconaed by Wm, Speir ',hat the road bills as. presented by Road Superintendent'. be pa2d, Carried, The Court of Revision will open May 8. All appeals must be in the hands of the clerk not later then May 8. Moved by C, 21. Coaltes seconded.' by H. Johnston that the meeting adjourn to meet again May 3, 19444 at 1 p.m. --'Carried. The following bill was paid: Mrs. Geo. Gross, ratter $ 15.00 GeD. C. Martin, Clerk CARD OF THANKS Our grateful thank iso expressed to neighbors and friends for their acro of kinciress and words of' sympathy at the time of our recent bereavement. 51 has all been much. appreciated. The McKay Family - FISCHER-.ELLACUTT A rlui01 bet plelty W'41(lin'4 reel( Place at the parenr,.' home at high noon, April 6d1i when Rev. 13. Wilson united in marriage Charles Flsolher, second youngest son of ;iii. and lilts: John Fischer, loth r'oneeaslen (;rev and Laura Elsie Marle, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Wm, C. Ellacott, 9t11 concession Grey. The ln'ide was becomingly attired in a rosewood crepe dress with rosewood accessories. Miss Lillian Mitchell, friend of the bride as her attendant was dressed In blue crepe and black a.aceesories. The groom was attended by the br'ide's brother Howard. After the ceremony a wedding dinner was served and the young crouple left on a short honeymoon trip. The bride wore for gain; away e grey tweed coat, rosewood hat and gloves with black accessories. The young couple will reside so the groom's farm, 12th connessi,•n Grey. Cooper—Jewell A pretty, bat nuie: wedding We,. solemnized Monday, April • 10th at 12 o'clock at the United Church Parsonage when, . Annie Margaret Jewell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Jewell, Brussels became the bride of Edwin Calvin Cooper, sot of Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Cooper. Clinton. Rev. H. C. Wilson ofiiciated. The bride given in marriage by her 'falter looked lovely in a street - length dress of powder blue crepe with a oorsage of pink roses, Tbe bridesmakl, Miss Edith Jewell, slater of ,the 'bride also wore a powder blue crepe dress with a corsage of Colonial roses. Clifford moiler. brother of the groom was heat man. After the ceremony the wedding runner was served at the home of the bride's parents. The table being decorated with pink and white and centered with a tbren•tier oveilcling (••aka. Mrs. Harvey Stephenson, Mrs. Jacic Lowry and Miss Ruth Sewell. sisters of the bride servers. For taavelling. the hritle donned a brown tweed coat with brown arcessorles. The happy couple left for Port Colborne, Niagara Fells, Stra:troy and other eastern points. Three Cousins Meet Overseas BLt"EVAI.E. April 5 — Three grandsons of .the I1(5 William. Isbister. and ex -reeve of Morris Township, have met overseas. All in the services, they circled Lon- don in a plane together. They rete Bob, son of Mr. and. Mrs, Adam lsbister, Toronto.; Glenn; son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Demise, Brussels; Jack, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Jenkins, Bluevale road. WHO MUST FILE RETURNS? If you are single, and your income was over $660.00— Or, if married, and your income was over $11200.00— Or if you had tax deducted in 1943—you must file returns. WHAT FORMS TO USE For income under $3',000.00 use Form T.1 Special. For income over $3,000.00 use Form T.1 General. WHERE YOU CAN GET FORMS You can get income tax forms from - 1. Post Offices. 2. District Income Tax Offices. Your early co-operation is requested. Over 2,000,000 Canadians will be filing income tax returns. You can help by getting your forms now, and mailing them promptly. It is important that income tax returns be filed promptly. First, these returns must be filed to obtain credit for tax deductions, Second, to claim any refund to which you may be entitled. Thitrd, to establihh the Savings Portion of your tax, whish will be paid bank to you with interest after the War. Make your returns now, but not later than 30th of April to avoid a penally of 5% of your tax. The unpaid balance of your 1943 tax may be paid any time before 31st of August WITHOUT PENALTY. GET YOUR "T.4 SLIP" FROM YOUR EMPLOYER To get a record of your 1943 earnings and tax deductions, ask your employer for a copy of the "T.4 Slip" he filed with the Govern- ment, Do this. It will save you time, and help prevent errors. 0 DOMINION OF CANADA—bEP'ARTIFiINT OF NATIONAL REYENUI INCOME TAXDIVISION cacti GIBSON MM,Ir(.5 rlohool brows c, FRA8Rit 'ituOTT 'veer .MlrRi r.f "Nowt he** 14et'wdtai