HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1944-3-29, Page 2RENEWAL OF UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE BOOKS To All Employers: All Unemployment Insurance Books for the year ending March 31st," 1944, trust he ex- changed xchanged for new books. Kindly communicate immediately with the nearest Employment and Selective Service Office if you have not already exchanged your employees' books. There are severe penalties for •~ failing to make Unemployment Insurance Contributions for your insured employees and for failure to renew the Insur- ance Books as required. sd To 411 Employees: ,O[ If you are an insured person protect your benefit rights by seeing that your Insurance Book has been exchanged. UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE COMMISSION HON. BOOM -MET MITCHELL, LOUIS J. TROTTIER Minister of Labour R. J. TALLON ALLAN r1, MITCHELL Commi,'Jonen. Pe4f.µ •. BUSINESS CARDS 71L L1A.M SPENCE Estate Agent Conveyancer and Commissioner GENERAL INSURANCE OFFICE. MAIN STREET, — — EFHEL, ONT. Dennis Duquette `--LiineensesiAuctioneer (FOR HURON COUNTY) For Engagements Prone 31 "The Brussels Post" and they will be looked after Immediately, For Information, etc., write or phone either S1•,•i8 OR • 41X et Brussels, Ont. ALL SALES CONDUC' ED IN A SATISFACTORY MANNER. MODERATELY PRICED. Allan A. Lamont Agent for—Fire, Windstorm, and Automobile Insurance Get particulars of our Special Automobile Policy for farmers. Queen St Brussels 'Phone 657 W. S, Donaidsnn . 'Licensed Auctioneer Phone 31-r-13 — Atwood, `Ont, for the Cnurties of Huron and Perth ALL SALES PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO —CHARGES MODERATE— For Engagements phone: 31 `The Brussels Port' and they will be looked after immediately. W. D. S. iamles.on, M.D., C.M., L.M,C,C, Physi.4an and Surgeon Csaisne• Office Hours --1 - '4 and 7 - 8 p.m. Also 11 - 12 a.m. when possible. Saturday evenings radii 10 p.m. 'Sundays—Emergencies and by appoinDnent on1Y. Home calls in forenoons and 4 - 6 p.m. Chas. T. Davidson lnsu ance Agent For ALL KINDS OF AutomobilF and Fire Insurance Accident and Sickness Agent for Great West Life Insurance Co. 'PHONE OFFICE 92X BRUSSELS, ONT. RESIDENCE 87.r-2 Harald Jackson SPECIALIST 1N FARM AND HOUSEHOLD SALES (Licensed In Huron and Perth Counties) PRICES REASONABLE, SATISFACTION GUA-tANTEED For Information, etc., write or phone Harold Jackson. phone 12 on 658 Seatorth R.R. 1, 3rue,Ifleld„ Make areangsmente at The Brussels Post or Elmer, D. Bell, Barrister Office, - Brussels. D. it. RANN Furniture FUNEML ANND AMBULANCE SERVkE. Wceni l Funeral Diret'itor and Embalmer PHONE 36 or 85 — BRUSSELS, ONT. JAMES McFADZEAN Howick'Mutual Fire Insurance —also— Hartford Windstorm. Tornado Insurance Automobile Insurance PHONE 42 P.O. BOX 1 TURNBERRY ST. •---x BRUSSELS, ONT. Lewis Rowland - (LlcenaG,u For •Huron Oounty) SATISFACTION GUARANTEED — PRICES REASONABLE For Engagements Phone 31 "The Brussels Pott" and they will be looked after Immedaltefy For Information, etc., w rte or phone Lew, 'Rowland 88o 044 at Soaforth; er write R.R, 8, Walton, a'...+,nn,�nnme,nirie,nxwa+,s.,nraowa+.«row,r:mw.�aaacai'n+a.,�..ex�.,i,e� THE BRUSSELS POST WALTON WAS BUSY PLACE IN EARLY DAYS ADVERTISING RATES Classified Ade toash) 25o Over telephone or charged 35c In Memoriam ,,, . 60c Card of Thanks fide Births, Marriages, Deaths ........ Free Display Advertising rates on raspiest • FOR SALE Two Durham calves and a litter or Yorkshire pigs, ready to wean, phone 56-r-6 J. P, McIntosh FOR SALE - 12 head of 2-year•old steers. phone 55-r-14 Carman Cochrane, Ethel, Ont. FOR SALE— 1 stiff tooth cultivator and 1 electricfence(new). phone 23-r-14 Lloed Aloock FOR SALE - 1 :Massey -Harris binder, 6 ft, rugbei tired wagon, 3 yr. old oolt and 100'Sussex pullets 6 ---weeks old. phone 39-r-7 Ralph Keifer FOR SALE— Co.w, 6 years old, due to freshen April 1sit, half Jersey and half Pol- Angrrs, also a year-otd calf. phone 56-r-6 Charles Lake FOR SALE— Seed grain, 1942 and 1943 crop, Vanguard oats, Mabel oats and Soy Beans. phone 43-r-7 or 44x John McNair FOR. SALE— Seed grain, 1942 Empire and Early phone 43-r-19 crop Erbau oats, Barley tnrixed). Lynn Evans •,, Wednesday, March 29th, 1944 RECENTLY COMPILED HISTORY SHOWS (Oo?tinued From Pelee One) Muslo Teachers Grace (Brown) S'hortreed, Maude to the red basic eello4l t Forgutton, Marie Ryan, Minnie Me - The following trustees, auditare, Douala, Elie Ryan. secrets -Or -treasurers and otiters have i Mlnlateraesbyteri''. held office in this section, Daniel Johnston, Pran (de' Trustees ' ceased'; Archibald McKibben, Metho- William Sfroldiee, Roy Bennett, diet (deceased); ,Mrs, Pomeroy, Robert Patterson, John Nfarshan, Methodist; Ernest Maunders, Robert Reid, Joseph Ryan, James I Roman Catholic Priest McDonald, Jack Ryan, Jolin Short -1 ;fames Ryan (deceased). reed, Thomas Bolger, Saek Bennett, Nun4s ,Tames Ryan, James Murray, David Hattie 1VfcOa11, Jean Murray (de- Oanrpbe6l, Andrew Johnston, R, H, ceased 1941), Grace Murray, Marg - Ferguson. ' 'ret Munnay, New York; Mary Secretary -Treasurers I Shortreed, Gladys Bolger, Florence Gilbert McCallum, John Shortreed, Ryan, Kathleen Johnston, Jean SEEDGRAINFOR SALE— Prban oats and Nobarb barley mixed, also Alaska oats and O.A,C. 21 barley mixed. phone 43-r-25 Gordon Knight FOR SALE-- Quantity ALE—Quantity of seed Cartier Oats and Cartier Oats mixed with Barley. phone 42-d-8 W. Blake B 1 James McDonald R Ferguson Mary McDonald, Pearl Grass Seed Clovers are Scarce. We have full lime of Alfalfa Red Clover, Alsike, White and Yellow Clover at present also Sit your hicksright with Rose f t tures Brand Choiceterul Y Feed of E. S. Watt &Sons, Palmerston. We have a full line of fencing requirements, woven wire, barb wire, etc. A. J. Pearson nom Ethel Phone -52-r-7 Thomas o- ger, Ii Ferguson Daniel McCallum, Themer, Marjorie McQuatk, Ina It e'os the custom to elect one McNa;b, Margaret McDonald,Flor• trustee from each of the three once Grimoldby. Amoi townships; Morris, Grey and Mc- • Missionary - I Oleveland McDonald (deceased), GAS RATIONING Ifillop, It was also the custom to Miss Marian Murchie; She went to Richard 'Cunauingham (deceased), ; have one Roman Catholic and two Scotland where her rich aunt sup• l3obert Lawson {killed), Eddie Ryan, WILL BE STRICT • i L l he • as au African 1lissiouary. q 1 k (killed) ' Protestants eh t Dirt notestants on a aus.ee 1 r. poi r . Tbomas oven'00 1 The following is a list of pupils Later she returned to tell of her ex- I who became; ' ' t periences to the people of this corn- 1 Those Serving in Wold War II Doctors enmity. ;She is a cousin of Mrs. i Stewart Humphries (Army); Ross 1 Robert Humphries, New York, ,las, Murray. • Berm et (Army); Earle Crude 13,C. i chiropodist; Frank Noir, Peter- Barbers NVR (N,avy) • Barry Marshall FOR SALE— House belonging to the late Mrs. Wilkinson on James St. Immediate possession. Also a piano and stove. apply to Elmer D. Bell's office, SEED GRAIN FOR SALE — Vanguard seed oats, 2 -,•owed seed barley, quantity a -oats and• barley mixed. John J. Kelly, 06 Waterloo St. W, Guelph After' April 12 call phone 36•r-6, Brussels, R.R. No. 4. TENDERS WANTED— .. To paint the exterior of Bluevale United Church. Tenders to he in Sat- urday, April 1st. ; Lowest , or any tender not necessarily accepted. Sparling Johnston, 131nevale phone 10-r-7, Brussels borough, medical doctor; Pohn , M.G John FIewitt, Peter McTaggart, Postal Corps, {Army); Frank Mar- shall, Del Norte, Colorado; ,.N,„ MnrTaY: shall, Radio (Airforce); W C. Ben- nett (Army), Postai Carps, Staff ,dergeont); Kenneth Murray, (A'tr•• force); Robinson Hamilton (Army), i Lieut.; William Farquharson, (Array) Gordon Hie11and; Angus McCallum, 219,5, Navy); James McCall. (Air- force); Jack Drager, (Army) Cale Iain; Richard 'Imager (Army); Prod Rutledge, (Army, M.C.I: Sack Nfc'Gaviu. (Airforce) ; Evert Perdue, (Arms'; Gordon RYan, (Airforce); Cosby Ennis, (Airforce, Ground Crew); Albert Kreuter, (Navy). (continued next week) Wilfred Mclladeean, Catnevtile, photographers Active Army, Italy; Dr, Harvey Slannnel Burgess, Baxter MnAtter. Buchanan, Saskatchewan; Thomas Nuns Ryan, Saginaw, MIch,; Dr. Jilin Joanna Ooleman. . Shaw, Clinton; Dr. Robert Maun-' ders, veterirary surgeon; Kenneth 1 331105 Shaw. J I James 'McCall,, Jack Blyth, Mrs. Hollinger, IClair McOalI, Christina McCallum Councillors 1 Edwin Miller, Edna 1Vagh•orne, Accitibail Hislop, Grey Twp.; Jas, ' Madeline Ryan, Ileen Ryan, 'Thomas Mclaadzean, Grey Twp.: Dnnran I Simpson, Annie Simpson, Margaret Johnston, Grey Twp. Simpson, Isabel Simpson, Marcy Lawyers Smillie, Martha Senilis (deceased); Daniel AS,clladeau, Reginald Bruce, Iaiuuts ;Smillie, Boyd Morrison, Elora. F.lizrrbetdr itecArtinrr, Helen Chandler, Reeves Olive Bolger, Bessie- McDonald, Isiaibel 14IcNab, Grace ICranter, Grey Township. George McTaggart, Jean Hood, Member of Provincial Parliament Thomas Govenlock, Robina Higgins., Archibald Hislop, one term. flames McFadzean, deputy reeve, Margaret McDonald, B.A., Mary Ann Dentists Buis Albert Morrison, Ronald Bruce. Inspectors Those Whe Served in World War I. Edwin Miller, Alberta; Boyd Mor- W. Clarence Bennett, William risen, West (died 1942); Richard Sholdice, Alexander McLeod (killed), Thamer .cine But McLeod FOR SALE— Seed Grain (Urban oats mixed with Nobarb Barley). phone 25-r-5 Carl Hemingway First Cannibal (running into carnal): "It I late fo' dinna?" ;Second Caontbal: "You is; everybody's eaten." TORONTO, March 29—Striot -orders leave been issuel to degional ell control offices to take- spacial precautions to see that pesous receiving special category • 'gasoline ration, books are entitled to them, a 'tpronto newspaper said yesterday it has learned from an official of Oil Controller R. R. Cottrelle's office. The official said that ,motorists should not consider the basic AA. ration book for use in pleasure driving. "T.ast. year many motorists re- ! bearded their AA. book as an allot- merit 11ot meat for pleasure driving,' he ,aid. "'mat is not so. ht is an emergency ' ration and at no time has the oil 1 controller nra.de any all•rwanee for pleasure driving." In connection with special cate- gory .allotments, the official said that "all gasoline- allowances are i granted on the grounds of emer- gency driving and that special cate- gories will only be given where rhe regional controller is fully satisfied ithat such a category le justified." Lees, Peterborough County. Geo. (i d) B . 1 FOR SALE— Oue hundred and fifty cemetery monuments. A11 imported Granites, including ;the following colors: black, white, red and grey, Write or phone 99. Transportation arranged to- and Form the works if necessary. Fred Porterfield, Mitchell, Ont. TENDERS WANTED-- Tenders ANTED—Tenders will be received- by the undersigned until April iliii, 1944. for the shingling of one side of Knox United Church, Belgrave.. Tenders also wanted for painting the outside of the church. Lowest or any tender not uecessarily acoepted. For further partieuluars apply to Geo, Johnson, Beigrave, Ernest Michie, see., R. R. 4, Brussels, Ont. START IN YOUR OWN PART TIME BUSINESS— If you have been laid off in a war plant, if your farm work or other occupation does not take all of your time, if you are honest and depend- able, military exempt, willing to work for financial independence. we'll establish you in your own part time business, in nearby -rural' locality, supplying household and farm necessities. "Suitable travel oulflt required. Credit furnished. WRITE TH3S J. R. WATKINS COM- PANY, DIOPT. 0-B-4, MONTREAL, QUE. SAWS— Crosscut saws filed and gummed if necessary. Also handsaws, pruning saws & bucksaws. SHARPEN— .. scissors, every- thing with an edge. New handles put on saws and knives. Leave Them At Tldl✓ BRUSSELS POST First Objective IN these decisive months all Canada's effort is concentrated on one great objective — the attack that is to destroy the Nazi menace and all that it represents. Years of work have gone into its preparation. The best of our young men are staking their lives on its success. We in Canada must support and strengthen this attack with all our effort. This one pur- pose must command our work, our minds and our hearts. d Ptlj 3y We must not permit any scramble for private gain or individual selfish ends, to distract us from our main task If we concentrate on seeking, individually or jointly, higher' prices. higher pay or higher profits, we shall be divert• ing our attention from the main task at this critical time. We shall also endanger the sta- Wilily of prices which we in Canada have achieved after great difficulties—a stability that is essential to efficiency and fairness' in war, and to peacetime prosperity afterward. Our young men are fighting for a Canada and a world in which all men can have faith, hope and security. Each of them wants to come hack to a job—or a farm—with a future.We at home must keep secure for them a strong and stable foundation on which alone a post- war period of promise and achievement can be built. This advertisement is one of a series being issued by the Government of Canada fo emphasize the importance of preventing further increases in the cosi of living now and deflation later. -