HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1944-3-22, Page 4THE BRUSSELS POST EASTER CARDS Choose Them Now Bright Messages for those overseas, as well as Gay Greetings for those nearer by. A good assortment to choose from at • • • • • • • • • . • • 5e, 10c and 15c each Guard Against Vick's Vapo Rub 50c Rexall Nose and Throat Drops . • • 50c 1, Buckley's Cough Syrup 40c and 75c 1 Rexall Cold Tablets .. 25c 1 Cherry Bark Cough Syrup • .••• • 35c • Rexall Cold Tabs • • .. 25c • Melo-Rex Cough Syrup • • • 50c Chest Rub ... 25c an 50e The Good -Morning Tonic Rexall Morning Very refreshing. Feather Weight Stationery Large Air Mail Writing Pads .. • • _ 35c Large Scrap Books with map of Europe on Front F0FL 31• •• °A • Ovegst ; TELEPHONE NO. 6 Colds Mark Dominion Day on Saturday, July 1 Dominion Day will be observed on Saturday, July 1, this Year, the day on which it falls, Dr. P. K. Coleman, under-seereterY of ••state, announced. • Tbe rule nett the holiday would be observed 'en the nearest elontlay to July 1 was rescinded by ordeisin- Council lest year and this order remains in force, he explained. Accordingly, Dominion Day. one of ehe few statutory holidays remain• ing •under war restrietiots, wlU Unless there 15 some 'change. from now on be observed on Jelly 1 what- ever day nf the week it happens te be, 'exoept when the date is a Sunday, In this event it will be observed. on the following Monday. — • AUCTION SALE 1 of Farm Stock and Implements CHOOSE FROM THESE AM Cough Drops ; • • 10c I i . l Pine Bros. Meloids Vick's Cough Drops . • 15c ; Pastilles „ - ...... • • 15c 111 I , Glycerine & Honey Buck:ey's Throat Aids 10c ; ! Linseed & Licorice i Lozenges • • ..• • ... , 10c ; Smith Bros Cough Drops , •••• • 10e Al, Favorite Shampoo Drene .... • • 17c and 69e Skrip Ink Try it to -day 15c bottle t Waterman's Fountain Pen Ink ••• • • • • . • • • .. 15c In Stock Again Cooper's Dri-Kil Also Dr. Bell's Farm Stock Preparations -.- S %AL t1JGG15z1f nVd STATIONER TELEPHONE tia0. 62 , BELL 84 BENS BRUSSELS, ONTARIO Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public Elmer D. Bell,•B.A. C. Joseph Benson, B.A. (Absent on Active Service', Wednesday and Saturday afternoons) BRUSSELS OFFICE HOURS Daily from 900 until 12:00 and from 1:30 until 600 (except Thursday from 9:00 until 12:00) wastalattowernaromoramatamersenreprearceramsralerrazarara.csarosaue...==taammramsturrearteorrmax nrawmg.muce.-1.......mrstammazseammatim-..namvars,,,, Phone 6 G a For A 11 itri, :Wing SOLD IN BRUSSELS AT k Butcher 5tasp OS Minnie w.trosimmosozaraemmosseamemeinnasstatromerce,,.., " ' tC4 =VOW( Good Values' in Used Cars areeernlermos*M•remnnumasnerlonnynaly: • • ••••• el.n --anwea:M144.0,allni•kila,,,,Agag •• At T. he Brus Used Car Depot - 1941 Dodge Coach with Radio and Heater 1940 Ford De Luxe Coach with heater 1936 Plymouth Coach with heater 1933 Chew. Coach 1931 Chew. Coupe 1931 Model A Ford Coupe 1930 Model A Ford Coach • !G. E. NURSE At The Cities Service Gas Station — •ONTARIO Hay and Grain for Alex MacDonald, matched team of part Belgian fillies, Lot 19 & 20 Con. 2, Grey Twp. rising 3 and 5 years, 11/4 miles West and 11/4 miles South • •GAITTLE-1 Durham cow 6 years of Molesworth, old, due March 20th, 1 Durham vow on TUESDAY, APRIL 4th 5 years old due. April 1st, 1 Durbam 4 'horses, 30 head of cattle 17 of cow 6 years old, fresh with salt by which are cows, a Tull line of her side, 1 Durham cow 5 years all, machinery, a A.R. john Deer Tractor fresh with calf at her side, 1 Durham on rubber nearly new, Terms— cow 5 years old with calf by her side Cash..No reserve, time 1 p.m. fresh 111 November, 1 Durbam rem 5 years old. with calf by her side, 1 Durham cow 8 years old with ear by her side, 1 Hereford cow 0 years old with calf by her side, 1, Durham heifers 2 years old. supposed to be in calf, 1 fat heifer about 1000 lbs., 3 yearling steers, 4 yearing heifers. William Street, Brussels PIGS -1. sow due April 12th, 1 SATURDAY,MARCH 25, 1944 sow due April 22nd. Sale commences at 2 pan, sharp POULTRY—About 40 rock bens. 1 deo leaf table, 1 small -Leine, 6 IMPLEMENTS --1 Massey -Harris chairs, 3 reeking Chairs, 2 upholster. binder 6 ft. cut with 'avers and ed chairs, 1 occasional chair, 1 heat- eheaacarrier, 1 Massey-Harria hay er with pipes. 1 cook stove and loader, 1 Massey -Herres hay rake AUCTION SALE Stock, Implements and Household Goods, THURSDAY, APRIL 6th, 1944 at 12:30 at Lot 5, Concession 10 and Township of Grey, one and quarter miles east of Brussels. Estate of Hugh Lamont .1, L. Lamont, Kincardine, Ont., Executor 11 a AUCTION SALE Farm Stock and Implements Lot 8, Concession 8, Hullett Twp 11/4 miles North 14 mile West of Klnburn WEDNESDAY. MARCR e9th Sale commences 12:30, o'clock sharp 11011510S-1 Mask mare, 6 years old, 1 black mare, 11 years old, ALEX. MacDONALD, rop. W. M., SCOTT, Auctioneer AUCTION SALE Household Effects .of the late CATHERINE McCALLUM at her residence on AUCTION SALE Farm Stook, Implements Household Effect Let 30, Concesalen 8, Morris Twp. 3 miles south of Brussels, on higliway FRIDAY, MARCH Viet Sale ooromencee at 1 pen. sharp 10001)SI0S-1. black horse 10 yrs old 1000 lbs., 1 black mare 7 yrs. old 1600 11)13„ 1 bay horse 5 yrs, old 1650 lbs., 1 bay colt 2 yrs, old. OATTLF.,--e, roan cow dual Per. pose Registered aue Stine 1, 1. *red Ow duel purpose Registe:ed 100811, 1 Durham cow treat with calf at foot 2 Durham cows to freshen. In PIGIS--1 sow with litter, 2 sows due middle of April, EMP1O1VflI)N11S-1 Ideal binder 6 - ft. cut, 1 mower 514 -ft, cut Mc- Cormice, 1 Massey -Harris buy loader new, 1 dump rake 10 ft„ Deering new, 1 dump reke 10 ft., Deming disc drill. 1 cultivator 6 -ft steal wheele, 1 riding plow foot lift, 1 gang item 2 - furrow Imperial, 1 walking plow 121 Cocksintt), 1. set Of barrows 4 sections, 1 Cockshutt manure speeder, 1 hay rack with car, 1 McCormick Deering cream sep- arator, 1 walking plow (21 enema)), 1 rpot !traipse 2 thresbing tank pumps, 1 Bain waken, 1 buggy, 1 trailer, 1 grain grinder, 1 set ot Plow harness, 1 set of heavy breech- ing hareem set of sling ropes, forlre, shovele, and other articles too numerous to mention. ruRNIITTYRE-1 kitchen -range wood or cora new,1 kitchen cabinet new, 1 sewing machine deop head. 1. Daisy hurn. 1 extension table, 1 etas sideboard. TERMS—CASH No reserve as farm has been sold• HAROLD CUNNINGHAM, Proprietor ROBT. PATRICK, Clerk HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer Pipes, 1 sideboard, sewing machine, 1 cupboard, 1 wooden had, springs and mattress., 2 dressers, 2 stands, 1 cheat of drawers, 3 lamps, 1 rug 10' x 12', pictures, braided mats, cuebtains, lawn mower, wash board, buck saw, axe, small articles. There will also be offered for sale subject to a reserve bid (1) House and lot on William Street, Brussels (2) Part of Lot 29, Concession 9, Morris Township. TSR MS—CASH LEWIS ROW LA ND—Auctioneer ISABEL LOWERY, Administratrlx estate of Catherine McCallum ROBERT PATRICK, Clerk • 10 ft., 1 Massey-Harrie cultivator, 1 Massey -Harris e eel (trill, 1 Massey - Harris mower 6 ft. cut, 1 steel land roller, Quebec sulkey plow nearly new, 1 Massey -Harris No, 7A. walk- ing plow nearly newee.turrow Nation al gang plow, 4 sections iron barrows, 1 in -throw disc, scuffler, 1 le -wagon (Tudhope & Anderson), 164t. hay rack with half rack, 1 wagon box and stock rack combined, gravel box, sleighs with eat rack, plarolbox cutter, 1 steel fired buggy, road cart. 1 rubber tired began Pig crate. Delaval cream separator No. 12. hay fork, set of sling ropes, chain. set of scales 1200 lbs. capac- ity, fanning mill root pulper, 114, AUCTION SALE H.P. gasoline engine, double.geared Implements & Household Effects • pump jack new, about 200 ft. cf. 1V4" 3 miles east of Blyth galvanized •piping. 25 cord hard WEDNESDAY, APRIL sth at 1 p.m. maple wood, 6 ft. cement pig Weigle IMPLEMENTS -1 Massey -Harris 2 sugar kettles, 4 storm windows, 7 ft. binder, 1 Massey -Harris culti- 2 doors. 1 set of double breeching rater, 1 main drill, 1 reaper, 2 ,see. haenesse 1 set of third harness, 1 dons spring -tooth 'harrows, 1 land set single harness, odd horse collars, roller, 1 24aerow walking plow, 1 robe step ladder, 40 sacke. 1 coal - oil above, 4 -burner & oven, 1 washing machine. 1 bag holder, 30 izood grain bags, 1 grinding stone 5-gallou gas can. 2 logging chains, forks, shovels, whiftletrees, neckyolres and a host of other articles too numerous to mention „ GRAM and HAY—about 200 bus. mixed grain Alaska oats and 6 - rowed barley fit t'or seed, about 2 ton Western oats, about 10 tons mixed hay. TERMS—CASH HUGH DUNLOP• -•Proprietor LEWIS ROWLAND--Auctioneer 1 democrat, buggy, road cart, 1 turnip drill, fanning mill and bagger, 1 large water barrel, 1 so-. sleighs, quantity dressed maple and bass- w.00d flooring, quantity pine lumber and plank. 1 pig crate, sheep crate, HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS -4 cook stove, 1 iron bed, springs and mat- tress, 1 extension table, 5 chairs, kettles, pots, pans, kitdhen utensils, lamps, lanterns, numerous other articles. TERMS....CASH FINLAY and JOHN LAIDLAWe Proprietors HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer -e-ese,--seeeeetesseee 11 o -day, as always, the 'Salado' label is your guarantee of a uniform blend of fine quality teas. taatil ,elees11) Vszetta ;:e LIVE HENS AND CHICKENS' also GEESE and DUCK FEATHERS BEST PRICES PAID Before you sell any poultry phone the Export Packers. We will call at your place for any quantity or you can bring them to us. ,..1.•M000mensidim Export Packers PHONE 70x BRUSSELS AUCTION SALE of Farm Stock & Implements to be held on TUESDAY, APRIL llth at Lot 30, Con. 6, Morris Township Sale to commence at 12 o'clonk. HODSES-1 bay mare 10 yr. old, 1 bay mare 8 yr. •old, 1 black mare 4 yr. old. 1 boy gelding 2 Yr. old. CATTLI1-1 cow part jersey milk- ing 5 yr, old, 1 heifer Holstein milk- ing 3 yr. old, 1 aged 00 15 dim to freshen time ot sale, 1 cow Durham and Holstein milking 10 yr. old, 1 cow Durham and Holstein milking 8 yr. old, 1 cow Durham and Holstein due time of sale 8 yr. old. 1 cow Jersey milking 8 yr. old, 1 fat cow Durhesn, 1 heifer calf at side Dur- ham 3 yr. old, 1 cow calf at side Durham 4 yr. old, 5 Durham steers weigh around 1100 lbs., 2 black and white steers 2 yr. old, 4 yearling steers, 2 yearling heifers, 1 heifer in calf due Oot. Ist 2 yr old, 6 last Spring's. calves, 3 calves 6 months old. 3 calves 2 mouths old. iSIIEDP-6 ewes, 3 lambs, PIC4S--1. Yorkshire hog 3 yes old, Dearing binder 72t. cut, 1 Deering 111.0WP' 6 ft. cut, 1 Peter Hamilton dump rake 10 ft.. 1 Mossey-Harris side rake, 1 Mc. Cormlok Deering grain and fertilizer drill. 3 sections Deering lever harrows, 2 sections Deering spring tooth harrows, 1 Frost and Wood 14 plate disc, 1 walking plow, 1. tractor plow 2 -furrow Cookshatt (nearly pew), 1 Fortson tractor, 1 !miner, 1 scales 2000 lbs.; 1 Mc- Taggart fanning mill, 1 hand cutting box, 1 hay loader, 1 wegon and flat rack 16 tt., 1 set sloop sleighs, 1 wagon box, 1 cater, 1 Milner. 1 buggy. 1 light wagon, 1 set pea har- vesters, 1 wheel barrow, 1 circular PM, 1 set. slings, 3 sets heavy harness, halters, bridles, collars, 2 oil drums:one 40 -gal, 1 25 gal., 1 pig crate, 1 crosscut saw, 2 tongues, 1 pole for cutter, 1 wringer,' forks, chains, shovels and numerous other .extieles. DRA.111—.50 bus. Ethan oats and barley (mixed) fit for seed, 35 bus. Cartier eats 0.1 for seed. TERMS—CASH JOHN SPEIR—Proprietor LEW ROWLAND—Auctioneer Have your' 771R qtrt'S Properly Cared for NOW F. F. Uomuth orromEnot ph...11s • Harristaim WieetNieteDAY, MAIIOU 2entl, 1944 „tre etet e it ts iseee ar • • eSsets: Ae, etteeseaeS, 7 Roza on, little Fella wire coining! Yes, babies have felt the impact No, the stores will not bebulg4 of war lust like the rest of us. ing with diapers nein week-. Their big tcouble has been the that won't happen till the wat's &e'er shortage. It's been diffe allover. And you have to re:nem, cult for them and theiriviothers, ber that as we produce more because our looms were busy there will likely be a letup in tary items. But we're beginning The general supply picturewill ./1. making hundreds a vital stele importations. 50 to switch gradually liackto some only change slightly. But snore civilian production, and diaper• of those long.tinie favourite doth is high ost our liSt of Canadien-maa goods will be urgently needed goods. aailable. 001411410N TEXTILE COMPANY LIMITED "Colonial" Shoots, Towels and l'illow Slips and Magog Faded Fabrics rf4i'ftillri,', ileffl1101.'i From 61<cod-testoel stock Laqp, Tom Barron Strain. Illrocoled from 1 to 4 weeks. SaVsse 10 ROSE POULTRY FL,,M IF' none 38x•r-4 Misses' T weed Spring Suits in red. sond, blue and wine sizes 12 to 18, Special 14.95 Women's Spring Coats in half sizes 18 and a half to 26 and a half Misses' Spring Coats in polo cloth, tweed, box or fitted styles a large assortment o,f shades. Come in and choose one now as our full quota is now in stock. 3.•••••••rt Spring Shoes for the whole family Men's Blue Denim Cnmbination Overalls, sizes 36 to 44, $2.98 Don't forget to ask for your sale-slips—For $10.00 worth of these we give you A War Savings Stamp Free, THE AReADE • STORE uppompo 111111110111MOMMIIIII , • 1111111MBelialeela Phone 61 --- Brussels, Ont. Store Wide Bargains for the Whole Family 130* .. , ,.., t.,;. ; wilt* 7 mittiv riiii4: q, PURIPA .)-,..,......- MELV- EIRS CREAMERY ,A., AciarogtirclickirL, ,MRiir;inmfidlkvoPitwllFrllt•,, e . ,, BELL 84 BENS BRUSSELS, ONTARIO Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public Elmer D. Bell,•B.A. C. Joseph Benson, B.A. (Absent on Active Service', Wednesday and Saturday afternoons) BRUSSELS OFFICE HOURS Daily from 900 until 12:00 and from 1:30 until 600 (except Thursday from 9:00 until 12:00) wastalattowernaromoramatamersenreprearceramsralerrazarara.csarosaue...==taammramsturrearteorrmax nrawmg.muce.-1.......mrstammazseammatim-..namvars,,,, Phone 6 G a For A 11 itri, :Wing SOLD IN BRUSSELS AT k Butcher 5tasp OS Minnie w.trosimmosozaraemmosseamemeinnasstatromerce,,.., " ' tC4 =VOW( Good Values' in Used Cars areeernlermos*M•remnnumasnerlonnynaly: • • ••••• el.n --anwea:M144.0,allni•kila,,,,Agag •• At T. he Brus Used Car Depot - 1941 Dodge Coach with Radio and Heater 1940 Ford De Luxe Coach with heater 1936 Plymouth Coach with heater 1933 Chew. Coach 1931 Chew. Coupe 1931 Model A Ford Coupe 1930 Model A Ford Coach • !G. E. NURSE At The Cities Service Gas Station — •ONTARIO Hay and Grain for Alex MacDonald, matched team of part Belgian fillies, Lot 19 & 20 Con. 2, Grey Twp. rising 3 and 5 years, 11/4 miles West and 11/4 miles South • •GAITTLE-1 Durham cow 6 years of Molesworth, old, due March 20th, 1 Durham vow on TUESDAY, APRIL 4th 5 years old due. April 1st, 1 Durbam 4 'horses, 30 head of cattle 17 of cow 6 years old, fresh with salt by which are cows, a Tull line of her side, 1 Durham cow 5 years all, machinery, a A.R. john Deer Tractor fresh with calf at her side, 1 Durham on rubber nearly new, Terms— cow 5 years old with calf by her side Cash..No reserve, time 1 p.m. fresh 111 November, 1 Durbam rem 5 years old. with calf by her side, 1 Durham cow 8 years old with ear by her side, 1 Hereford cow 0 years old with calf by her side, 1, Durham heifers 2 years old. supposed to be in calf, 1 fat heifer about 1000 lbs., 3 yearling steers, 4 yearing heifers. William Street, Brussels PIGS -1. sow due April 12th, 1 SATURDAY,MARCH 25, 1944 sow due April 22nd. Sale commences at 2 pan, sharp POULTRY—About 40 rock bens. 1 deo leaf table, 1 small -Leine, 6 IMPLEMENTS --1 Massey -Harris chairs, 3 reeking Chairs, 2 upholster. binder 6 ft. cut with 'avers and ed chairs, 1 occasional chair, 1 heat- eheaacarrier, 1 Massey-Harria hay er with pipes. 1 cook stove and loader, 1 Massey -Herres hay rake AUCTION SALE Stock, Implements and Household Goods, THURSDAY, APRIL 6th, 1944 at 12:30 at Lot 5, Concession 10 and Township of Grey, one and quarter miles east of Brussels. Estate of Hugh Lamont .1, L. Lamont, Kincardine, Ont., Executor 11 a AUCTION SALE Farm Stock and Implements Lot 8, Concession 8, Hullett Twp 11/4 miles North 14 mile West of Klnburn WEDNESDAY. MARCR e9th Sale commences 12:30, o'clock sharp 11011510S-1 Mask mare, 6 years old, 1 black mare, 11 years old, ALEX. MacDONALD, rop. W. M., SCOTT, Auctioneer AUCTION SALE Household Effects .of the late CATHERINE McCALLUM at her residence on AUCTION SALE Farm Stook, Implements Household Effect Let 30, Concesalen 8, Morris Twp. 3 miles south of Brussels, on higliway FRIDAY, MARCH Viet Sale ooromencee at 1 pen. sharp 10001)SI0S-1. black horse 10 yrs old 1000 lbs., 1 black mare 7 yrs. old 1600 11)13„ 1 bay horse 5 yrs, old 1650 lbs., 1 bay colt 2 yrs, old. OATTLF.,--e, roan cow dual Per. pose Registered aue Stine 1, 1. *red Ow duel purpose Registe:ed 100811, 1 Durham cow treat with calf at foot 2 Durham cows to freshen. In PIGIS--1 sow with litter, 2 sows due middle of April, EMP1O1VflI)N11S-1 Ideal binder 6 - ft. cut, 1 mower 514 -ft, cut Mc- Cormice, 1 Massey -Harris buy loader new, 1 dump rake 10 ft„ Deering new, 1 dump reke 10 ft., Deming disc drill. 1 cultivator 6 -ft steal wheele, 1 riding plow foot lift, 1 gang item 2 - furrow Imperial, 1 walking plow 121 Cocksintt), 1. set Of barrows 4 sections, 1 Cockshutt manure speeder, 1 hay rack with car, 1 McCormick Deering cream sep- arator, 1 walking plow (21 enema)), 1 rpot !traipse 2 thresbing tank pumps, 1 Bain waken, 1 buggy, 1 trailer, 1 grain grinder, 1 set ot Plow harness, 1 set of heavy breech- ing hareem set of sling ropes, forlre, shovele, and other articles too numerous to mention. ruRNIITTYRE-1 kitchen -range wood or cora new,1 kitchen cabinet new, 1 sewing machine deop head. 1. Daisy hurn. 1 extension table, 1 etas sideboard. TERMS—CASH No reserve as farm has been sold• HAROLD CUNNINGHAM, Proprietor ROBT. PATRICK, Clerk HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer Pipes, 1 sideboard, sewing machine, 1 cupboard, 1 wooden had, springs and mattress., 2 dressers, 2 stands, 1 cheat of drawers, 3 lamps, 1 rug 10' x 12', pictures, braided mats, cuebtains, lawn mower, wash board, buck saw, axe, small articles. There will also be offered for sale subject to a reserve bid (1) House and lot on William Street, Brussels (2) Part of Lot 29, Concession 9, Morris Township. TSR MS—CASH LEWIS ROW LA ND—Auctioneer ISABEL LOWERY, Administratrlx estate of Catherine McCallum ROBERT PATRICK, Clerk • 10 ft., 1 Massey-Harrie cultivator, 1 Massey -Harris e eel (trill, 1 Massey - Harris mower 6 ft. cut, 1 steel land roller, Quebec sulkey plow nearly new, 1 Massey -Harris No, 7A. walk- ing plow nearly newee.turrow Nation al gang plow, 4 sections iron barrows, 1 in -throw disc, scuffler, 1 le -wagon (Tudhope & Anderson), 164t. hay rack with half rack, 1 wagon box and stock rack combined, gravel box, sleighs with eat rack, plarolbox cutter, 1 steel fired buggy, road cart. 1 rubber tired began Pig crate. Delaval cream separator No. 12. hay fork, set of sling ropes, chain. set of scales 1200 lbs. capac- ity, fanning mill root pulper, 114, AUCTION SALE H.P. gasoline engine, double.geared Implements & Household Effects • pump jack new, about 200 ft. cf. 1V4" 3 miles east of Blyth galvanized •piping. 25 cord hard WEDNESDAY, APRIL sth at 1 p.m. maple wood, 6 ft. cement pig Weigle IMPLEMENTS -1 Massey -Harris 2 sugar kettles, 4 storm windows, 7 ft. binder, 1 Massey -Harris culti- 2 doors. 1 set of double breeching rater, 1 main drill, 1 reaper, 2 ,see. haenesse 1 set of third harness, 1 dons spring -tooth 'harrows, 1 land set single harness, odd horse collars, roller, 1 24aerow walking plow, 1 robe step ladder, 40 sacke. 1 coal - oil above, 4 -burner & oven, 1 washing machine. 1 bag holder, 30 izood grain bags, 1 grinding stone 5-gallou gas can. 2 logging chains, forks, shovels, whiftletrees, neckyolres and a host of other articles too numerous to mention „ GRAM and HAY—about 200 bus. mixed grain Alaska oats and 6 - rowed barley fit t'or seed, about 2 ton Western oats, about 10 tons mixed hay. TERMS—CASH HUGH DUNLOP• -•Proprietor LEWIS ROWLAND--Auctioneer 1 democrat, buggy, road cart, 1 turnip drill, fanning mill and bagger, 1 large water barrel, 1 so-. sleighs, quantity dressed maple and bass- w.00d flooring, quantity pine lumber and plank. 1 pig crate, sheep crate, HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS -4 cook stove, 1 iron bed, springs and mat- tress, 1 extension table, 5 chairs, kettles, pots, pans, kitdhen utensils, lamps, lanterns, numerous other articles. TERMS....CASH FINLAY and JOHN LAIDLAWe Proprietors HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer -e-ese,--seeeeetesseee 11 o -day, as always, the 'Salado' label is your guarantee of a uniform blend of fine quality teas. taatil ,elees11) Vszetta ;:e LIVE HENS AND CHICKENS' also GEESE and DUCK FEATHERS BEST PRICES PAID Before you sell any poultry phone the Export Packers. We will call at your place for any quantity or you can bring them to us. ,..1.•M000mensidim Export Packers PHONE 70x BRUSSELS AUCTION SALE of Farm Stock & Implements to be held on TUESDAY, APRIL llth at Lot 30, Con. 6, Morris Township Sale to commence at 12 o'clonk. HODSES-1 bay mare 10 yr. old, 1 bay mare 8 yr. •old, 1 black mare 4 yr. old. 1 boy gelding 2 Yr. old. CATTLI1-1 cow part jersey milk- ing 5 yr, old, 1 heifer Holstein milk- ing 3 yr. old, 1 aged 00 15 dim to freshen time ot sale, 1 cow Durham and Holstein milking 10 yr. old, 1 cow Durham and Holstein milking 8 yr. old, 1 cow Durham and Holstein due time of sale 8 yr. old. 1 cow Jersey milking 8 yr. old, 1 fat cow Durhesn, 1 heifer calf at side Dur- ham 3 yr. old, 1 cow calf at side Durham 4 yr. old, 5 Durham steers weigh around 1100 lbs., 2 black and white steers 2 yr. old, 4 yearling steers, 2 yearling heifers, 1 heifer in calf due Oot. Ist 2 yr old, 6 last Spring's. calves, 3 calves 6 months old. 3 calves 2 mouths old. iSIIEDP-6 ewes, 3 lambs, PIC4S--1. Yorkshire hog 3 yes old, Dearing binder 72t. cut, 1 Deering 111.0WP' 6 ft. cut, 1 Peter Hamilton dump rake 10 ft.. 1 Mossey-Harris side rake, 1 Mc. Cormlok Deering grain and fertilizer drill. 3 sections Deering lever harrows, 2 sections Deering spring tooth harrows, 1 Frost and Wood 14 plate disc, 1 walking plow, 1. tractor plow 2 -furrow Cookshatt (nearly pew), 1 Fortson tractor, 1 !miner, 1 scales 2000 lbs.; 1 Mc- Taggart fanning mill, 1 hand cutting box, 1 hay loader, 1 wegon and flat rack 16 tt., 1 set sloop sleighs, 1 wagon box, 1 cater, 1 Milner. 1 buggy. 1 light wagon, 1 set pea har- vesters, 1 wheel barrow, 1 circular PM, 1 set. slings, 3 sets heavy harness, halters, bridles, collars, 2 oil drums:one 40 -gal, 1 25 gal., 1 pig crate, 1 crosscut saw, 2 tongues, 1 pole for cutter, 1 wringer,' forks, chains, shovels and numerous other .extieles. DRA.111—.50 bus. Ethan oats and barley (mixed) fit for seed, 35 bus. Cartier eats 0.1 for seed. TERMS—CASH JOHN SPEIR—Proprietor LEW ROWLAND—Auctioneer Have your' 771R qtrt'S Properly Cared for NOW F. F. Uomuth orromEnot ph...11s • Harristaim WieetNieteDAY, MAIIOU 2entl, 1944 „tre etet e it ts iseee ar • • eSsets: Ae, etteeseaeS, 7 Roza on, little Fella wire coining! Yes, babies have felt the impact No, the stores will not bebulg4 of war lust like the rest of us. ing with diapers nein week-. Their big tcouble has been the that won't happen till the wat's &e'er shortage. It's been diffe allover. And you have to re:nem, cult for them and theiriviothers, ber that as we produce more because our looms were busy there will likely be a letup in tary items. But we're beginning The general supply picturewill ./1. making hundreds a vital stele importations. 50 to switch gradually liackto some only change slightly. But snore civilian production, and diaper• of those long.tinie favourite doth is high ost our liSt of Canadien-maa goods will be urgently needed goods. aailable. 001411410N TEXTILE COMPANY LIMITED "Colonial" Shoots, Towels and l'illow Slips and Magog Faded Fabrics rf4i'ftillri,', ileffl1101.'i From 61<cod-testoel stock Laqp, Tom Barron Strain. Illrocoled from 1 to 4 weeks. SaVsse 10 ROSE POULTRY FL,,M IF' none 38x•r-4 Misses' T weed Spring Suits in red. sond, blue and wine sizes 12 to 18, Special 14.95 Women's Spring Coats in half sizes 18 and a half to 26 and a half Misses' Spring Coats in polo cloth, tweed, box or fitted styles a large assortment o,f shades. Come in and choose one now as our full quota is now in stock. 3.•••••••rt Spring Shoes for the whole family Men's Blue Denim Cnmbination Overalls, sizes 36 to 44, $2.98 Don't forget to ask for your sale-slips—For $10.00 worth of these we give you A War Savings Stamp Free, THE AReADE • STORE uppompo 111111110111MOMMIIIII , • 1111111MBelialeela Phone 61 --- Brussels, Ont. Store Wide Bargains for the Whole Family