HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1944-3-1, Page 4•••••44 /1...•,,mooalrlows..emosse., rnare.......mn,-......, .... • * a s s ., PEOPLE WF KNOW Olassbfied Ads V.......•••••• ,............................W4. FOR SALS— ., , e chats, miner 14 is wstgtetun itos. Gom oose for sale, ps rp,s sone ,-r-sn anal for treatment, —...-- THE BRUSSELS POST The xall Store 111Plerianains For Better • Health Contain All the Vitamins plus Liver Concentrate and Iron 25 Doses The Newado n *- v \ Mr. and Mrs, J. Chapman, Dublin ccam, spent Sunday with relatives here. Plastic Safety * * s Razor now to he Mr. and Mrs. D, 0. Warwick, had 98c • Owen :Sound, were week end viaitors an array of beautiful le a er, Nerwich and these *eke sent by I clistairt fled local friends. Naiad among these were wreaths from: A The commanding officers and °Net era. Mountain View; The officers and • A kitchen Steve with warming M. the Squadron, closet and reservoir; Mae a sink Mountain 'VieW; The Commanding wodd pieces stand; opieces of toilet set. Airmen and Airwomen., Mountain , The Post .View: KnChu ox rho, Norwich; Sock Call 31 .1 ton church, Bookton; 801,1thaMPtonl • — B • Ladies Aid and Knox Church, FOR SALE— .1y.ing FORALE— Gillette Blue • here, Seed Oat's, Cartier oats iniXed with Southampton; Norwich • Legion, $1,75 Blades 25c pkg * March Winds Hard on The Face and Hands French Balm 30c and 60c Bottles Cutex Hand Cream For Smoother Hands 50c Jars Barley; else some 0.A.C. 1042 Oats. WatsFertilizer, Liens Club, Hayden J. W. Fischer attended ths Massey- Phone 49-r-16 Heiman Whitfield Lodge,, and Oariult3 friends, , Harris convention in London on — In all there were more than 30 in. FOR SALE— Nylon Tuesday. * lo Tooth Brushes .‘,Assorted shapes dividual pieces and these were Brien Tooth Paste or Powder Either one 29c Mi 31 Antiseptic 25c bottles I 33c each NOTICE TO CUSTOMERS— It is now no longer compulsory to bring in an old Tube ; when purchasing a new Tube of Tooth Paste or Sharving Cream. However if you have empty Tubes, bring them in and we will see that. they are turned in, where they will help , the War Effort. Cough Tablets Meloids in stock again 25c pkg Smith Bros 10c pkg ASA Cough Candies 10c Linseed and Licorice 10c Pine Bros. Pastilles 15c Cough Medicines Cherry Bark 35c • Bronchial Syrup50c Baby Cough Syrup 25c Syrup of Tar with Cod Liver Extract 50c Green Cough Syrup 50c Mrs, Wm. Duusford of Forrest has been a visitor Nvith her mother Mrs. , A. C. Baeker. s. Mrs. Wm. Procter. after saffering broken shoulder two months ago, I returned from Clinton hospital last Sunday, Fo R, SA/11TH• tialiGGIn f soli it- Si STATIONE13 i TELEPHONE NO. 62 -.... TELEPHONE Nci).. 82 ' .....-....—.................—***-- fi '7, DISABLED or eaecirly remove:4i, in 3...feas: Salaams Lisfsks, 22 BRUSSELS e 4 - *ts s i -s• coila-st • + ..-. v.1....17..non774...e=n7siectueic.x...,raws7ruttrar7=c.uacssseavantamusova--*Ix7-.7:-.,:*rasara CM -----------------.. _.. .--=-,-.?..r.,77.%-,-:,,,-;--,r- - BRUC5SPI ..S, ONTARIO Baniskers, Solicitors, Notaries Public It Elmer D. Bell,-B.A. C. Joseph Benson, B.A. (Absent on Active Sers-e° Wednesday and Saturday afternoons) BRUSSELS OFFICE HOURS Daily from 900 until 12:00 and from 1:30 until 6:00 (except Thursday from 9:00 small 1200) ' ---------,-------...."— --......------.—.... EYES RIGHT WithEReid's Glasses- . EYE STRAIN 11 causes headaches, weariness, no pep, droasiness BLURRED VISION maims it hard to thread needles, read the paper,- in comfort. If your eyes trouble you, have thorn ezumined In BRUSSELS DY L.R. A. REID, R.TO. Stratford's leading Optometrist for 21 year& BRUSSELS OFFICE—MISS HINGSTON'S STORE WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, 2:30 to 4:00 Phone 51 For Appointment 1.1110.0.101.0100.0"U.1.1.0081.11011MMOMno. 1 GOOD USED CARS Come in and look them over. "'1941 Dodge Coach (with heat and music) 1940 Ford V.8 DeLuxe Coach 1937 Ford Sedan with Radio and Heater 19t3 Chev. Coach (no lame action) 1331 Model A Coach 1930 Model A Coach 1929 Chev. Com* Used 20.30 Wallis Tractor essliemfteamersessro, • fG. E. NURSE At The Cities Service Gas Station BRUSSEIS' — ONTARIO 331 Mr, W. B. Willis' was in Toronto this week attending the Bakers' convention. Mrs. Willis accompan- lel him, * Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Brown of Mosley were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Busehlin, the ladies are sisters. * * * Reeve Debt. Bowman attended the Good Roads, convention in Toronto last week. Reeve T. C. Wilson and Mr. Smith of Grey Township and Reeve C. Wheeler and R. Currie of Morris Township also atteaded. • * Elisabeth and Joan Plage are visiting at the home of J. C. and Mrs. Witeker. They are enroute from Winnipeg to their home ht Scotland, Mast Pilge is visiting in Toronto and will join the girls later. CLEARING AUCTION BALE T:larold Jackson has been instruct - ea to sell by public auction on Mon- day, March 13th, on Lot 32, Oou. 12, McKillop, 2 miles west of Leadbury one PM. the following _*I14.,tirOtfls, and implement 1-1 Clyde gelding rising s years Md, 1600 lbs. CATTLEL--17 'Durham and Here.,: ford yearlings; Holstein heifer one year old. PI41.S-1 pure bred York sow zzith sight pigs. 3 weeks old. IMPLEMENTS -- M.H. Binder, seven foot, like new; MM. Mower (i - ft. new; MeCormick-Deering side rake; sulky rake; Deering Inv loader, drop head; Mt. atilt tooth eultivator; Bissel 14 plate tractor disc; four section barrows; 2 section harrow; 1 eight -foot packer; two walking plows; 2000 lb. scales; 2 fanning mills; 3,4 -horse power motor; Renfrew cream separator, electric, used two months; circular saw; set of wove' wire stretchers; chicken shelter; extension ladder; 90 grain bags; set of taps and dyes; gas ,PInnP; emery; truck wagon! 16 -foot hay rack; gravel box; set of farm sleighs.; flat rack; Electric fencer; 40 foot drive belt HARNESS—set of breeching har- ness; set of back band, new; set of single harness; number of horse collars. GRAIN -200 bushel of 1942 Banner oats seed. 11006E11OLD 'EFFECTS — Cook stove with water front; extension table with six ohairs; Daisy ehurn; and other household effects; and numerous articles about a farm, • TERMS—CASH JOHN DENNISON, Prop. HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer 100 Can't Be Wrong Bring your saw in to The Brussels Post if you want it put in lint class shape. Destine of satisfied customers le your assurance of good workman. ship. As many as 15 for one custosner le honest proof. Have your EYES Properly Cared :for NOW F F. Hosuuth cercarmisT Phsn 111 Hirriston 0 A young Hound, trained for carried by a group of son r boys fox hunting, first reasonable offer, from the Norwich High school, John Menary The bearers were: LAC's 1. P. 11.R, 3, Brussels Allison D. W. Richard's, A, B. Dukes, J. B. Donaghey, W. C. Clark and F. SCISSORS SHARPENED— W, Clarke, Th supporting party Leave, your scissors at The Post was composed of: Flying Officers Phone 17-r-24 if they need sharpening, F, Farrell, 0. Briscoe, A. Cunning- __ ham, D. Findley, W. Maxwell amid F. FOR SALE— McKay. The escort party, con - 98 -acre vase farm, Lot 29, Con. 9, sisting a 35 airmen trainees, was in Grey Township, charge of F.O, C. Spearman. The apply to David Kerr, , • tiring party was composed of: Sergt. Rita, ffithe* E. Reeves, and LA:0's T W. Ryan. R. M. Ritchie, J. W. Richmond, C. 3. PASTURE FARM Leger, W. 1-1. Allen, H. 0. Rahman, FOR SALE— K. C. Robinson, W. A. MacRae. J. j 187 acre pasture farm, adequate Twiss and It, N'. Gray and was 111 water supply, plenty of shade. apply to Clifford Eoegy, R.R. 1, Walton (3 miles east of Walton) phone Brussels 48-r-27 In Memoriam SMITH—In loving memory of our beloved husband and father, who passed away March 7, 1043. When evening shades are falling And we sit in' quite alone. To our hearts there comes a longing If our Daddy could come home Friends may think we have forgotten When at times they see us smile But they. little know the heart -acne Our smile hides all the while. Mrs. Fred Smith and Family,. Memorial Service For FO. William E. Kennedy NORWICH, February 28111.—ltiore •titan 500 friends from Norwich and the surrounding district ware jained memzny sftert eon by other friend:: !from °artifice, Bliabrook, Mt, Bridges I and 13ookton, where' Rev. T. E. .1 paying last tributes of respect to Kennedy was formerly minister, in another of the brave young men of. Norwich, Plying Officer 'William B. charge of r. Sergt. A. 3, Wart, The 18 -piece band was inchareie or FM Sergt. "r. Delaney. The band play- ed suitable music during the :nevelt to the grave and, during the wring M the three final volleys, it played "Abide with Me," it was especially suitable that the entire company of airmen was in charge of Ft. Lieut. (Sinitty) Haight. former Norwich chum of the deems - ed. Fit. Officer A,. Allison was adJutant. • The interment was made In the Norwich cemetery where Last Post and Reveille were sounded by a member of the band, • Flying Officer Kennedy Wali the second sonof Rev. T. III. Kennedy and Mrs, Kennedy, Southampton, Ile was horn at Cranbrook and had lived at Mt. Bridges and Carbake before coming here in Sepienther 1988. The family resided hers until .1, August 1939, when Mr. Kennedy I resigned as pastor of Knox Cltreb,! Norwich, and the Bookton Presbyter- ian Chus'eli, a post in wilt:di he was especially popular. During bls six years stay here ' Bill 'made a host of friends and _these friends he kept by frequent visits to tenni following, •losa f -ss finished sts psidis schsel • s1m.:atioa•0 hsre and ..ette-„idea High School for Ken, edy, whs had paid with Isis forr years. TVs hist yea:: at ITiedi life a share in this struggle that Behsol 07-n0 at Lindsay, He was freedom may survive. He was formerly one of the most popular IA V, AlAatel I is t. 1944 53, LIVE HENS AND CHICKENS also GEESE and DUCK FEATHERS BEST PRICES PAID •Before you sell any poultry' phone the Export Packers. We will call at your place for any quantity or you can bring II them to us. 3r04; I PHONE 70x i • • 1,. „ * c R,$); ers BRUSSELS zanissra.sts,z. 1 sfisszsamassarsesatausassuszstaisszaS 's X (-lirat ' t ,a• 4.111kililiP • I11111P1111-' z. ,,, 't , 54 .,• -,; if til!Illi ,. :. ,....., 11 PUR A CHOWS ER tJSE EP., 5 CREAMERY amlicluic.= I P.111411141111:411131K111:414‘ * a ,_ .. *swap; , As3..., R,o,,,,,itrivailiefrsir members of the younger set in the village and the grief felt at his passing was spontaneous and sincere. The brief service was held at the L. C. Arn & Son funeral residence which was ifiled to capacity, More than 75 airmen and two airmen from the No. 5 S.F.T.S., Burford, were in attendance to PaY a final tribute to a well loved comrade. Their padre, Flat Lieut, F. A. Lawrenoe, was in charge of the services and delivered a 'brief message based on words found in 2nd Timothy, verses 6, 7 and 8. He said that F.O. Kennedy had joined the services in a full knowledge of what might be demanded -of him, but in his desire to See. those things which we hold near and dear survive, and in order that religion 'might not Perish .from the earth, he was ready to be offered on the altar of service for others, For him there was laid up a crown of life which he had gone to claim Rev. Gordon A. Peddle, pastor of Knox church of which deceased was a member, assisted in •the service by reading the scripture and offering Prayer. George Lowe, a friend of families, was Soloist singing an especially appropriate solo "When morning dawns."' Miss Ruth Fernie was aecompaniat. Seldom has there been aeon such arcePied in the on March 10, 1941. Ho traised at 111'nTo-10,4, Crumlin and Aylmer, rereiving his wings and a oonunission at the latter place en December 19, 1941. A. shomt time later he was sent overseas and was in Bngiand for a time before being sent to the Middle East. ' He was sent back to Canada later and arrived December 2S, 1942. After a refresher course at Aylmer he was stationed at Trenton as a staff pilot and had been there since, On March 27, 1943, he was Married bo Mies Pauline' D. Bishop, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Bishop, and she hes been residing at Belleville. He, is survived by his parents. his wife, and two brothers, P.0 .Tack B. Kennedy, who has been overseas for the pant several months; and .Tames Kennedy, ,at ,Southampton. ' His grandmother, Mms. Ballantyne and an aunt Mies Dorothy BaBautyne. live at Brussels. An uncie, Sydney Baelantyne, is a teacher in one of the T,oronto Collegiates, HEADS LIQUOR BOARD . Premier Drew announced last Saturday that Victor T. Goggin has been appointed chief commissioner of the Liquor Control .Board of Ontario, to ,sumeed Hon. A. St, Clair' Cordon, Mr. Doggie has. resigned as general manager of the 'Wartime Housing Ltd. Don't miss this Great Value in Factory Mili Ends in Dotted afrid iP!ain 114arquisette Special 29c a yard. oy•r, to 2) ir rolyl sizes 24 to 34, (7pecial $1.25 Men's Flannelette Pyjamas • all sizes. Men's Flannelette Nightshirts, all sizes. Boys gannelette Pyjamas, • all sizes. Ladies Cotton Hose. .25c a pair Don't forget to ask for your sale-slips—For $10.00 worth of these we give you A War Savings Stamp Free. oweeeveressvomispomprokimmemsemosmompkwsweemsess THE ARCADE STORE, Phone 61 •Brussels, Ont. Store Wide Bargains. tor the Whole,Fatnily • eveateslitim - wst nEt. :Er :Cy CAN STEAL YOUR BUSINESS bedew fa* trona lois la MIMI ways oat arrow plow severed Mill& ombm mak lota toraronee proloot Woe We mho Pass Ifineranse ei some ssi toloa ht Aramis Piro, Pommall IloSill"17.Ltidi76111.41110141114414, Pltdollty°11111.71ermil"NralttarotyCirgana.:Pull° WALTER SCOTT — BRUSSELS Representing I t CPI Pf Sp Le Li G, Be 1119 ma 1VA 140 wi] 13, lam the ea( nee