HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1944-3-1, Page 2tAMILP,CO•LSMtKE ,- '-:,. LE The World Day of Prayer service ^as observed in the United Church '+en Friday afternoon with Mrs. W. J- Jlahnston, president of the of tete United. Church end Mrs. Raymond Elliott, president of the `4R',M.S, of the Presbyterian Church, acting as leaders. Prayer was -offered by Mrs. R. F. Garnis& and .-Mrs. George Thornton. Rev. IP. G. Fowler prepared a pa- per which was read by Mrs. Walter 1S'cnillie, on the theme, "And the Lord wondered that there was no fatercessor." During the service Idrs. J. Wick- etead contributed a message in song, "The Beautiful Garden of Prayer," and was accompanied by hirs. Oarl Johnston. The offering 'was taken by Mrs. Wilson Thcrnten :and Mrs. George Fell. Rev. F. G. Yowler and Mrs. Fowler attended. tthe World Day of Prayer service at 1S'adie's Church where Mr, Fowler SAWS -- Crosscut saws filed and gummed if necessary. Also handsaws, pruning saws & bucksaws. SHARPEN— • Knives, scissors, every- thing with an edge. New handles put on saws and knives. Leave Them Al THE BRUSSELS POST THE BRUSSELS POST • gars= the address. The weekly meeting of the Y.P.U. on Thursday evening was under the t d r' Ilton nr the president, ?Joining .l ?tu:om. Mts. George Bothering - telt I gave the Scripture reading, Carl n••" t irtlio 1od the 1Ith1( quiz. It wee decided to divide the pro - needs of the recent bee-s�cial� among the following: the Famine Fund for India and China, the Milk 1 't •9n F' (1. ilte Junior lied err., of illuevale School, the Blue - vale unit of the Red Cross, and the 1• 1'. i. ::.**no, : time was spent U1 discussing activities of the society tl 1 I:1^.rt at the season. 1 Personals: Mrs. Edward Johnston is at Gorrie this week with her sis- ter, 31r.s 'Whitfield, who Is ill; Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Mann are spending the remainder of the winter with their daughter, Mrs, Fred Holten- beek in Stratford. Sixteen ladies gathered at the borne of blies Duff on '1'itnraday afternoon for a discussion about Red Cross Society work. Mr;, W. J. Johnston presided at the meeting. The sum of $5.00 was received as a •n,vtion tr nn the 19. 13. Club at lirowntown and $5.00 from the Y. P. I.T. of the Bluevale United Clint -eh. The ladies decided :0 make ienalade as a contribution to tite refreshments at the Blood Borers - Clinic at Whtgham. Donations of sugar will be received by Miss Scott. Miss M L. Aitken was named to receive names of donors in this district for the clinics held at Wingham, W. J. Johnston 9s • cin the chairman for the Red Cross campaign in this district. During the afternoon a quilt was completed. Look At Your Label — SI `SS CARDS WILLIAM SPENCE Estate Agent Conveyancer and Commissioner GENERAL INSURANCE OFFICE MAIN STREET, — — ETHEL, ONT. 7,ettxsa6 Duquette—Lim:enssl?ltetuctionees rFOR HURON COUNTY) For Engagements Phone 31 "The Brussels Post" and they will be looked after Immediately. For Information, etc., write or phone either 51•,18 OR 4'1X at Brussels, Ont. ALL SALES CONDUC ED IN A SATISFACTORY r4ANNER. MODERATELY PRICED. Allan A. Lamont Agent for—Fire, Wintlstorm, and Automobile Insurance to Bret particulars of our Special Automobile Policy for farmers. Queen St. Brussels 'Phone 657 W. S. Donaldson Licensed Auctioneer Phone 39-r-13 — Atwood, Ont. for the Courtier of Huron and Perth ALL SALES PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO —CHARGES MODERATE— For Engagements phoria 31 'The Brussels Post' and they will be looked after immediately. W. D. S..iamieson, M,D., C.M., L.M,C,C, Physician and, Surgeon Office Hours -1 - 4 and .7 - 8 p.m. Also 11 - 12 a.m. when possible. Saturday evenings until 10 p.m. Sundays—Emergencies and by appointanent only. Home calls in forenoons and 4 - 6 p,nt.. Chas, T. Daylas.On Insurance Agent For ALL KINDS OF" Automobile and Fire'Instrance - Accident' and Sickness Agent for Gi'eat West Life Insurance Cir. °PHONE OFFICE 92X BRUSSELS, ON'I•. RESIDENCE 87.•-2 Harold Jackson spECIALIST IN FARM AND HOUSEHOLI? SALES (1,.leensed, in Huron and Perth Countteal - PRICES REAS0NABLE, SATISFACTION G0l+'14A0iTEED . For Information, etc., write or phone Harold Jaokeon, phone 12 on 058 Sealorth R.R. 1,'Siud3fleid' • Make ar+•angen encs at The Brussels `Poet or Elmer 0, Bell, Barrister Office, Brusnelf. RANN Furniture FUNFRAL AND AMBULANCE SERViitE. Licensed Funeral Director and Embalmer ,.OHNIN MO®11.1•U9,.1,�.I,.TM.sIM ?HONE 36 or 85 -- -- BRUSSELS, ONT. 11 JAMES McFA.DZ>GAN Howick''Mutual Fire Insurance -ailsdf••. , Hartford Windstorm +'+Tornado Insurance Automobile Insurance PHONE 42 P.O. BOX 1 TURNBERltit 5T• --t BRUSSELS, ONT. Lewis Rowland (Ltcenstd Por Huron County) SATISFACTION GiJAf1ANTEED PRICES REASONABLE For Engagements Phone 31 "The Brussels Post" and they will be looked after imntedattely -c,.Fer Infertnatlon, errs, w rte or phone LeW, Rowland 8$0.,'•84 at Seaforth;, cr write R.R. 8, Walton. MORTGAGE SALE UNDER AND 13Y V111,TU19 of the Powers of Sale contained in a certain Mortgage. which will be produced at the time of sale, there + sale l be offered b y FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer at 1 PUBLIC AUCTION on 4Y lydnesday, March 15th, 1944 at the hour of one thirty o'clock, 10,D.S.T. in the afternoon at the farm of Gilbert Nethery of R.R, No, 5, Brussels, Ontario, the following property namely: - AU, AND SINGULAR that cer- tain Parcel or tract of land and premises, situate, lying and being in the Township of Morris, County of Huron being the south hall of Lot •3 and south east quarter rot 2, both in Con. 3 of ,Township of Morris, containing 150 acres More or less, save and except that portion of said south-east quarter of Lot 2 heretofore sold and conveyed to the London, Huron & Bruce Railway Co. ON the said farm there is said to be erected a dwelling house with suitable farm buildings. THE lands will be sold subject to a reserve bid. TERMS OF SALE: Twenty -live Percent of the purchase price to be paid down at the time of sale, the balance to be secured by a mortgage with interest at four per cent per annum. FOR further particulars and con- 3'.tloes of sale apply to COMM3S IONER OF AGRICULTURAL LOANS, East Block, Parliament Buildings TORONTO, Ontario, In Memoriam SMITH—In- loving memo ^y of Fred Smith, who passed away one year ago March 7th. In our oh -est of cherished memories We have locked up thoughts of you Your smiling face your tender Love And thi"gs you used to d,1 And now and then when we're alone We open up this cheat,— And spend a while just thinking of our Grandpa, we loved best. 1 'vingly remembered by grand- daughters, Winnitred Wheeler and FOR SALE Belva Smith.1 Four Shorthorn Bulls, Two Collie Paps from a good mother and a Leave your saw at the.Brussels quantity of dry wood. Past if you want it put in A-1 Thomas Kerr, Henfryn. Ont. shape, at reasonable price. . Phone 35•r-9, Brussels. Letter Received From Overseas 29-1.44 Italy Dear Joe 1 received the parcel today that the legion setts, 1•t sure was great t to get it. I wish you would thank the legion and the Red Cross far. uu'. I haven't seen any of the Brussels fellows that are here In Italy. art hope to see some of them. I have CUTE Riley's address, He is at the front some place, I am going to get a day or two off and go and see him. We had a good feed the other ttuy of pork Joe. We had a pig. Our crew looked after him, We trot. it every place we moved, We flew him all over North Africa and then brought 11it11 over to Italy, He sure made the aircraft smell life a barn yard. We have an all Canadian erew and a good bunch of fellows. I guess This ie all for now Joe; Thanks again for the parcel. Yours Geo 1 ' Galbraith Gorrie Rink Winner In Wroxeter Bonspeil Thirteen rinks participated in the bonspeil held in Wroxeter, Wednes- day. There were four from Gorrie "1 three from Belmore, one from Palmerston, one from FordWIch and four from Wroxeter. George Gallo- way's rink from Gorrie won first place, George Inglis, Beth -tore, second, and Lawrence's rink from Palmerston third, and M. Nash, .Gerrie, &onrth. The Ladies' Guild of St. James' Church supplied the dinner and lunch. A large bale was shipped by the Tted Cross .Society. Included were 13 quilts and -an assortment of other clothing. The Junior hockey team lauraey ed to Brussels for a game Wednes- day evening. '011e score was 5 to 4 ter Wroxeter. Sgt. Dean Gibson, R.C.A,F .. has returned to an eastern port after visiting his parnets, Mr. and Mrs 0. W. Gibson. Wr1IDN•PiSDAY, MAIRCH Ist, 1914 Smelt Fish 1 FIav': Disappeared Lovers of that tasty 1111 le fish known es the smelt will regret to I learn ,the mysterious disaster which destroyed millions at Great lakes 1 .,11. 0 year ago is believed to he so complete that probably none will be taken this spring when the fish normally swarm into the tributary streams of Great Lakes, Com- mercial fishermen usually take a, .catch of about five m1Ulon pounds 1 of smolt, a small silvery 11sd1 related to the salmon family, and amateur fishermen usually• catch two or three times that many, so plentlul aro they at the time of '.ho spring spawning runs. When the epidemic struck last winter, a large manlier of smelt ivere examined for traces of disease, but no clue to the cause of deathhes been found. The epi- demic was firs • noticed 1r. sontthern Lake Michigan and spread north, ward to the other Great Lakes, No more than one million pounds of smelt were caught last winter in the entire area. HONOR ROLL These marked with * are overseas. BRUSSELS tr the Army— *Aleock, "Buster" Alcock, Eric *Alcock, Thos. J. *Aldersor, J. W. Barnard, Rus. *Bell, E. D. Bell, W. H. "Bid" Bell, Harris Brothers, Lyle Bray, E. C. *Brewer, J. • *Bowler, Harry '1Ceasidy, Frank *Cardiff, Clifford '!'Cardiff, William *Campbell, John Campbell, "Bobs" *Coleman, Ken, *Coleman, Bill *Davidson, Cleve *Doll, Charles Doll, 0. Dunn, Irwin *Elliott, W. R. mea_3—isle 0-': - �a wpyNTY sgoolgi — • fin Why, we couldn't buy 'enough, food•~—' to keep our families healthy 'Under Inflation. For wages and salaried never catch up to prices when they start to soar! How would w'e like to pay 81.10. a dozen for eggs? You say' it can' happen? Don't forget it's already` happened right here in this Ddmin ion, during the last -War. And it mill .happen' ' ('gain ... unless we're on "ohr toles to' keep the cost of living do*n. Every' Canadiattriauat face this challenge! Ws our responsibility. But be of good heart. Living costs have risen LESS' in Canada than anywhere else. Canada leads the world in the fight against inflation. HERE'S. HOW IT'S DONE— In 1941, Canada determined to control the cost : of living. Price s ceilings.were established on wages, rentals and commodities;,subsidies were paid on essential foods; goods in short supply were rationed ... so that everyone could get their fair share at a price they could afford to pay! But control of prices is a two-way responsibility. It needs ,your support if it is to continue working effectively. So make; this. Pledge Today l 1 PROMISE to give my support to keeping the cost of living down, I will buy only what 1 need—I will observe the ceil- ing .whether buying or selling goods or services. 3`11 pay off old debts, save for the future, invest in V.tctory Bonds and War Savings Certificates—and will support taxes which help lower the cost of living. 1r"g' feta P ` 141 e m -, Published by THE BREWING INDUST1tY (ON'CARiO). ...reveal the 4eogera whlah 1tdlatian can mein to id the people of Canada. tr Elliott,rstmewravemeetesamerwarteenotemmets George 0. a Elliott, Orwell S. Elliott, Dick .t:iliston, \Vin. Edgar, Itwl'veY Farrow, Jack F111011er, Howard Gerniss, O. B. Gai'nlss, Thos. Glassier, Fred *Glassier, Stuart *Gow'.ng, C. B, *Fax, Russell Fuller, J, 0, *Garnise, H, M, Garton, Ed. *Gillis, M, Gordon, Jack Grainger, Stanley F. *Hall, T. Deb. *Hall, W. R. *Hall, Gordon Hamilton Allan C. *Herman, J'. H. *Hastings, Dave Hood, L. Hood, -S, Hoy, Lloyd Wm. *Hunter, Glen A. *Hulley, G. R. Herr, Stewart *Lamont, L. *Lowrie, D, C. *Lowe, S. Looking, Wm. Lowry, Jack Machan, Ross Mann, Eldon *McCauley, L. E. McCreath, Ted. McCutoheon Frank *McDowell, M. H. *McFarlane, T..N. *Mclrarlane, P. Walter McKay, Archie McLean, Scott *McLaughlin, McLean, Arthur *Mitchell, Jaek *Myers, C. An (Dr.) *Nichol, R. Gordon *Palmer, Jim *Palmer, William *PIerce, Roy *Riley, ,Clifford *Rooney, Leonard *Rutledge, Frank Rutledge, Jack (Aug.) Rutledge, Ned *Sanderson, J. L. *Salmon, E. *Sanith, David Bruce Smith, Jbs, E. *Stephenson, Mac "Dick" Thompson, 0, *Thompson, moi, *Thomas, Harold Thompson, David Tunny, Chas. Walker, Leonard *Whittard, Ross F. *Whittard, Dori Wheeler, Glenn '!'Wilson; S. W. *Workman, Lloyd '!'Young, Elmer *Young, Norma, R. *Young, Ernest . In the R.C,A.F.— Baeker, Alfred George Black, Bert Black, Douglas Bryan, Russell *Black, Don A. *Campbell, stanley J. Cardiff, Clarke *Cardiff, .Frank G: Davidsom Scott. - Farrow, Frank *Galbraith, Bowman *Galbraith; J-. George' Gibson, Hervey *Harrison, •L, w. *Henderson, Areehie *Huetb,er, H, L. *Machan, Willis' *M•cKay, Allan C. McRae, Donald Mbtcheil; Frank -- *Parker, H. S. *Preet, T. A. Plum, Carl • Pierce,- Stewart Pierce, Jack " - P•rest, W. M. *IPrest, R. H. Russel, Lewie - _ '*Rutledge; Jack • Rutledge, Hartley *Rowland, William Scott, Frank -' iSelters•, Elmer W. Snell, Verne *iSpeir, John Spear, Kenneth Stiles, J'oe Stratton, Hem Thompson, Norman Ward, Gordon T. ' Ward, Leonard Ward, Wray l'Wiisan, Russell Woodrow, Alec *Young, Archie In the Navy—. '!'Chaptnan, Joe *Doll Donald M. Lowry McCurdy Mustard, Stanley *Prest, Jim Smith, Elgin Stiles,' Buster *Workman, J, }, (Canadian Women's Army Clerps) Mitchell, Betty Sanderson, Merle Rejected— /Planner, Win, Gillis, 0. Gt'asby, Wiu, J, Heist, Eddie Kaman, G. Hardison, Marshall Hawkins, Herb. Henderson, Garfield Jamieson, Jack McDonald, Harold M'oDowell, Jack Pearson, Ralph Plush, Ernie Pennington, J. Pollard, Geo, Stewart, Clarence Thornton, Thomas NOINE—The following are - really Brussels boys who had not resided here some lime previous to enlist- ment:— Ballantyne, Arcrie *Backer, George Gwrniss, C. G. *Jermyn, J. R. *McIntyre, Bert *Parish, Jim Perish, Earl Smith, John T. '!'Thuell, Glen (Tud) ThuelI, Kenneth Yolleok, Harry Yolleck, Ben United States A.A.C.— Best, .A.C:Best, Gordon Bakmier, Wm, D. Reserve Army 99th Battery-.- Baeker, Mae Lawless, Ross Pletch, W. Mitchell, Ted Riley, Oliver Sanderson, Gordon Scott, Mac Sullivan, Bill Willis, Jark Willis, W. D. ETHEL Keifer, Haibunt Jones, A. J. *Jardine, Lorne *Hewitt, Frank *Hewitt, Wilfred *Henry, Stuart Haig, Norman Hamilton, Allan 0. *Franklin, Allan *Evans, Lyle '*Dunbar, Jack *Cunningham, Lawrence *Cole, Fred *Brown; D. S. Beer, Chas. Bateman, Cecil' Bremner, Billie Ames, Bryan Alexander, Stanley Kramer, ,Albert *Kreuter, Calvin. Kreuter, Gordon' Michel, Willard *Mills, Jack *Patterson, John ,Patterson, Mies' Alma. (Nurse) Perdue, Everett :Blaby, Mervin Sapwell, E. 'Spoken, Ei'gin Aiello), Vernon • SIeiglstholm, J. A, *Vodden, Lorne WALTON In the Army— *Bendall, Charles H. *Bendall, T, A. ietbr W!ar ,. - 03 inett; Jicss... Bewley, Walter *Bryans, 'Harney *Omitts, W., J. !'Crawford, A. Dennis, Helen *Drager, Dick *iDrager, ,Tack - *Farquharson, , W. A. Hamilton, R. C. Holland,' 43ordon' Humphries, Stewart *Kelley, Wm ! IMecaha.11 , ,$airy Murray, Donald, M. *Nichol, Wilfred *Nichol, G, I. *Nfch41, Mao *Nichol'; Lloyd- *:Rtehio, Kenneth *Shannon, Wallace Travis, O. In the R.C.A.F,— ,*lbl'yans, ,Stuart Ennis, -Anna. Ennis, Won. Ooaby . Marshall; Frank *Murray; K. M. McCall, W. J. In the Navy— Cottbta :Furl