HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1944-1-24, Page 4• THE BRUSSELS liOST • W'edne'sdar, 'January 26th, 1844 Chick , The Drug Store Needs Rexall Chesty Rub • • • 25c and 50c Nylon Tooth Brushes 2 Pgpular.S'hapes- • • • • • each 33c • Silique Hand. Lotion �� • " ' • 60c Briten Tooth Waste "d'r Powder • 29c •.. aTablets; act qu24 in tin 25c S. A. Tablets, l Magnesia Tablets 25c, 35c Mottingham Refreshing -'Salt Cocoanut Oil Shampoo Classified Ads — FOR SALE— Hard Maple Wood, Joe .Hoboes, Phone 1Ea-5. WP,:NTED, I ,Ganders .and Geese. phone 23-r-16 Dan McKinnon FOR SALE— Coal or' wool Stove, -10 good con- di`tien. • apply to Wm. Mitchell's Barber, Shop, and d►'I I $1.00 '1.1 for Tweildle Chicks, Avoid dissap- Order Your '.Chicks •NOW Hugh Pearson, Brussels is agent I exall Nose and Throat Drops - ---= • `10c packages A. S. A.Cough . "Drape • _ Liquid. Antiseptic • • Rexall Bronchial Syrup • • • Tasteless Extract Cod. Liver 1.00 bottles Compound ..... • • • $� 5 0 Iii Re I ------------- 25c 8z 50c .- '• 50c Four Square Floor Wax Vitta i g Tablets bottle of 100 tablets • • • 4 ctin ••• 75e Now in Stock 75c Public School Geographies F. R, SMITH !UGGL, i and STATIONER TELEPHONE No. 62 t • TELEPHONE NO. 62 AMlME0r DISABLED Jmcldy removed us Clean Sanitary truck.. Phase collect. 72 BRUSSELS 11 iillian Stone Sons Limited BELL. & :E `+r,SON BRUSSELS, ONTARIO Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public Elmer D. Bell,• B:A. C. Joseph Benson,. B.A. (Absent on Active Service% Wednesday and Saturday afternoons) BRUSSELS -OFFICE HOURS Dail from 9:00 until 12:00 and from 1:30 until 6:00 .Pointment — ORDER11A;RLY. 25 different breeds from which, to choose, Phone Glx " Hugh. Pearson. OR SALE— Four Shorthorn Bulls, Two Collie lupe from a good mother and a quantity of dry wood. Thames Kerr,. Henfryn, Ont. Phene 15-r-9, Brussels. TEN'DERS WANTED— For 1S cord of Maple and Beech body wood 14 -inches long, delivered to S.S. No. 3, Grey. Telsders to be received by Jan. 26th. Lowest or any tender not neoess•arily accepted. Colwell Speiran, Sec.-Treas. y1 i(except Thursday from 9:00 unwl 12:00) I. EYES RIGHT, With Reid's Glasses EYE STRAIN causes headaches, weariness, no pep, drouskess t,; Imam' BLURRED VISION makes it hard' to thread needles, read tiEe paper, sew in comfort. If youreyes trouble you, have them es.Enmed in BRUSSELS by lents ,,, FOR SALE - 100 acres, SY2 of lot 14, concession 4, Morris Township, farm of the late James Shedden, 2 storey frame house; barn 66 x 72 feet; buildings in good repair. Ample water supply in both house and barn. Hydro can easily be installed. Unmediate possession will be given. Apply to the executors, John McArthur A. J. McLauchlin r R. A. REID, R. 0. Stratford's leading Optometrist for 21 years. BRUSSELS OFFICE—MISS KINGSTON'S STORE WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, 2:30 to 4:00 Phase 511 For; Appointment semtatiamanarmuestaNNWoluataNesseetsammaniessamematanden GOOD USED CARS Come in and look thorn over - 1941 Dodge Coach (with heat and music) 1940 Ford V.8 DeLuse Coach 1937 Ford• Sedan with Radio and Heater 1934 Ford V-8 Sedan :. 1933 Chev. Coach (no knee Faction) 133.1 Model A Coach 1931 Chev. 'Coupe 1930 Model A Coach Used 20-30 Wallis Tractor i Order ' your Chicks NOW, it and avoid dissapointmeut, mac/ m Fit®- HUGH PEA ,a N PHONE 62;x BRUSSELS Agent For TW EETbLE CHICKS Hatched at the noted Tweddle Chick Hatchery. 25 different breeds to choose from. ings but it doesn't stay very long so we will probably have another green Christmas. Nearly time to close so thanks again' to- yourself and the others wiio packed and sent my parcel :as, it is appreciated very month. Will say cheerio for now and wish you all the best. I remain, Frank Rutledge • EXPERIENCED AUCTIONEER— Sales conducted anywhere. Phone or write—Matt G-synor, phone 24X, Lucknow Dear Sirs: - I feel it my duty to write and thank you for the parcel and kind thoughts received today. 1 am sure It could not have bean a more useful present to any man serving with H,M.F. and agpreciate it very much. Once again thanking you all very much. I remain, yours sincerely, Spr. IL E. Innes START IN YOUR OWN PART TIME BUSINESS— If you have been laid off in a war plant, if your formwork or other occupation does rot take alb of your time. if you are honest and dependable, military exempt, willing to work for financial inde- pendence, we'll establish you in your own part time business, supIly-rent me yesterday. Thanks a million. Ing household and farm necessities. I We boys over here sure appreciate Suitable travel outfit 'required.) the thoughtfulness of the folks back Credit furnished. Write—The J. R. home. Watkins Company, Dept. 0-33-4, Everyone over' here seems to have. Montreal, high hopes of great things before long. You can rest assured we Somewhere in Italy Dec. 1943 Fish & Game Club Brussels Dear Sirs; I wish to thank the members of the Fish and Game Club for the 300 cigarettes sent me this 1943 Chrtsibnias. They were certainly appreciated and I wish all a Happy and Prosperous New Year. • Sincerely yours, Pte. J. R. Jermyn Dec 23, 19.43 - Many thanits to the folks at home for thinking of the boys over here. There' Was everything in that parcel a man would want and I was glad to get it. I guess I'll have to ration those• sardines and only eat one a day instead of two. I 'believe I hear the Sgt. calling my name so here's wishing you a very Merry Christmas and a. happy New Year and thanks a million for the parcel. Yours sincerely, Pte. Davidson (Cleve) Dec. 21st, 1943 Canadian Legion Post 21S Brussels, Ont. Dear Friends: - Received Christmas parcel you Que. More Letters Received From Overseas Wed., Dec. 22, 1943 Dear Joe: Time for a few more lit,es and hope it finds you 'doing O.K. and not getting too much snow, Received your parcel today and it was swell. It is the first one for quite a while and it came in good shape, There isn't touch news from around here so as usual'news is kind of scarce, It Inas snowed two different morn - H ave your EEYES • ProperlyCa,red for NOW • 1** F. F. Homuth OPTOMETRIST Phone 118 Harriston G. E. NURSE At The Cities Service Gas Station NIRtiSBRLS ONTARIO PROM SANICS • POST ORFICES DEPARTMENT STORES . DRUGGISTS GROCERS TO0ACCORISTS ROOK STORES and eth.r RETAIL STORES WANTED LIVE HENS' AND CHICKENS also GEESE and DUCK FEATHERS BEST PRICES PAID • asap B. Ex pl them sell: .any poultry phone the. Export. packers. We will call at your place for any quantity or you can'bring them fo us: Export PPHONE,70z PH ?0x Packers BRUSSELS • 'Somewhere 1n England,and all the trimmings with. plenty Dec. 26th, 194.E of beer. So a Jolly good time was ,' had by all. I sincerely hips all the people In Brussels could say the same, maybe next year we can all celebrate together. Say Hello to Roy Tlhuell and Wilfred Willis and • all the boys, my warmest greetings at this time of year. Again I repeat my many thanks to the fellows of the Brussels Legion, and those who helped to maks our Christmas bright. Haw is Joe Kelly. Will close for now. Cheerio to you all. Se'o.. Brussels t Legfon Dear friends, Just a few words to thank you one and all for the parcel which I received Dec. 24th. I sure appreciat- ed it very much. I cannot say what 1 would like to but you will under- stand so believe me when I say (thanks a million), Dec. 21, 1943 This is my second Christmas spent Dear Joe: over here and cannot say I did not 1 ran writing to you and sending enjoy it. They are quite different my many thanks for your parcel .from the ones in Canada but under which 1 received in very excellent war conditions not to bad. We had condition today, a very nice Army dinner, turkey It is very pleasing to know that although we are far from home we are not forgotten, I want to thank you especially for the Posts that you sent. They are much appreciated and keep us in touch with the latest happenings in the home town. I will erose by th:ankdng all of you again and hope you all had a very Merry Christmas. W. O. Coleman. Dec. 21st, 1943 Dear Friends: Just a few lines to thank you for the very nice parcel which 1 re- ceived this evening. You have no idea. how much I appreciate your gift. More so because it arrived just a few days before Christmas. Being over in this country parcels from home add that little touch of Canada to me. I hope very much to he able to visit you personally, ac. I ani quite sure that peace will As ever, Cpl. R. C. Fox will all do our part the• best. we can,'follow in the conning year. regardless how inimitable it )nay I 'I will end my letter of thanks, wean to ns at times.. i wishing you and members of the Wishing you all the best ..of ' Legion a very Happy and Prosperous health and happiness iu the new New Year; in the year 1944. year to come and thanking you Once again, many thanks for' your again for your kindness • ` • kind gift,. •I remain, your sincerely, I remain, your::: sincerely, Glenn Garniss. , „ . Harvey Edgar Notice to our Customers Nut coal is impossible to get except for Brooder houses. Hard coal of any kind is very very slow coming. Those who got one-half their supply early were fortunate. Several of our customers have not got any hard coal yet. We expect to unload a car of Sun King Coal next week and we advise all to get some of this coal and mix with what class of fuel you have on hand to save hard fuel. ' Our customers who did not get their hard coal this year will have 1st place next I year. D. N. McDonald J • Mid -Winter Sale 18 Men's Winter Overcoats in Frys and Tweeds, Regular $27.50, Special to Clear $22.50. Women's Fur Trimmed Coats, Half Chamois Lined, 20'71 Discount Off Regular Price. Misses two-piece woolene Tresses, Sizes 12 to 20, Regular $5.95, Special $3.95. Men's: Heavy All Wool Caps, with ear laps All Sizes, $1.25. Men's Mule Skin Lined Mitts, Special 49c Boy's Mule Skin Lined Mitts Special 35c Girls Leather Ski Mitts, Special $1.00 Don't forget to ask for yottr sale -slips -For 51.0.00 worth of these we give you A -War Savings Stamp Free. THE POADE RTORE Phone 61 Brussels, Ont. Store Wide Bargains for the Whole Family Good, For AM Kinds of, Baking SOW IN BRUSSELS AT Backer Bros. now td l9.teier Sop snows