HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1944-1-24, Page 1THE BRUSSELS
Wednesday, January 24th, 1944
Euchre and Dance
will be held
In n mussels Town "' it all
Thursday, February 3rd
Euchre from 13:30 P. M. to 10:30 P. M.
Music by the Victory Orchestra
Sponsored by War Worker of Con. 3 Morris
and Con. '6 Grey -
Admission 35c•
Lunch Counter.
improvements in agriculture and in-
dustrial work in fields reached by
foreign miseignanies. Readings on
The president, Fleming Johnston, temperance and Christian eteward-
presided at the Young Peoi►le's ,ship and finance were given hY
Union meeting in the United Church the secretaries of those depart -
on Thursday evening. Mary Darling meats. Nine paid their membershipship
gave the scripture 'reading, The fees
minutes were read by the secretary, Mrs. George Thornton invited the
Muriel Smith, and Miss Enema i society to meet 'al her home next
Johnston conducted the Bible quiz, ! month. Mrs, Tavener prouounoed
Robert Shaw gave an address on the benediction.
"Young People of the Bible."
Plryltlis Hamilton, younger daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs, Earl Hamilton
Bluovale Road, is a patient in the a
Wingham general hospital. i A successful euchre and dance
The monthly meeting of. the Wo- was held in the Foresters' hall
men's, Missionary Society of the Thnrslaay evening in aid of the
'flatted Church woe held on Thurs- "Overseas Tobacco Fund," Prizes
day afternoon at the home of Mrs. for high score in the cards were
Arthur Shaw, The theme, "The Bible svon lay Mrs. Jesse Wheeler end
James Cannes. A spat dance prize
went to Mies Jean McCallum and
Stewart Chamney, and the lucky
tieicet" door prizes were won by
Mrs. Ray Crawford and Alex Mc-
Bueney. Music was supplied by
the Huron Rambler's Orchestra.
Personale: ' LAC. Jack Armstrong
of Centralia with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. D. Armstrong; . I.Q.C. Gib-
son has graduated withbettors
the R.C.A.F. Wireless School
at Calgary and has been transferred
to Jarvis, Ont.; Mrs, C. H. Wade
at Fordw•ich.
The annual congregational meet-
ing of Knox Presbyterian Church
Was held in the church, conducted by
the minister, Rev. S. Kerr, of
Brussels. Mrs. R. J. Scott read
the minrrtes of the last annual
rneeting 'and the financial state-
ment for the year, All reports
indicated the year had been n sus
cessful one. Ross Anderson and
Athol Bruce were appointed to the
board of management to replace
Morris Leitch and Alex Young,
Jenies Leitch was engaged as care•
taker of the church.
for all Canada's Children," was ob-
served throughout the worship per
rod, under the leadership of Mrs.
C. •Tavener. The text, :'Blessed is
the nation whose God is the Lord,"
pointed out that natianal life can
only be Christian to the extent that
she education of youth is Chris-
tian. Prayer for the fulfilment of
this was offered by Mrs. W. J•
Johnston and Mrs. Tavener.
The chapter from the study
heat, "The Joy of WorkMrSkilffus. lly
Done," was taken by
M cCraeltin, The chapter dealt with
:tRtt+ceig ee ecgtetei'leg eleleteag dtecet#$tordt l
t"But God forhid that 1 should °I'°u
i glory save in the Cross of
our Lord Jesus Christ, by a
whom the world is erucifled- ad
unto me, and I unto the
world." • Gal. 6:14. ri
irGr eemsift'ziks�reStC.w-`•ere �ts't� emt ate
M eIvil!e Church
Rev. Samuel Kerr, B.A., B.D.
10 A.M. Sunday School and
Bible Class
11 A. M."Morning Worship
"The Christian Mission,
Yesterday and•To-day."
7 P. M.- Evening Worship
The Rev. -Hugh Wilson of the
United Church, will preach.
Louis , D. Thompson, Organist
.,and ,Choirmaster
United ` Church
,Minister -Rev. Hugh C. Wiliam
11 A M. Morning Worship
-, ,<,The c Lord's Prayer" ,
"Thy Kingdom Come."
junior Congregatlon
12'�','hurch:School and
' Bible. Class
7 P M..Unlon Service in.
Melville Presbyterian` Church:..
l7 ",
Church -of • England"
Perlis of, BruNele Rector. -Rev. M. F,'•Idham,,..,.
4th Sunday; After Eplph@ny
Jan. 80th, 1944,
S�. John's Ch(trch,'Brueee?s—,d
P. Me'Sunday $eheol ` "
7. P. M. Evening Prayer_
• and SeM1oa -' ,
George.: Walton—
St ,p.
3.110'•P. M: Sunday School
P. M,, ,Evening Prayir
and Sermon ••il ii
-$t David's, lienfryh— .,,;r
1,11 P. M, Sunday School
2 r, M. Eventful Prayer
and. Sermon
KENNEDY—In Montreal on. Friday,
February Mist, to Mr. and Mrs.
Burgh 'Kennedy (nee Mauna.Hem-
Ilton) a daughter.
AWS Crosscut saws.filed and
gummed- if necessary. Also
handsaws, pruning saws &
Knives, scissors, ' every-
thing with an edge. '
New handles put on saws
and knives. ,
r Leave Totem' At
Brussels United Church i l 1 .. r w: 7vril r1
Annual Meeting
The Congregational meeting of
Brussels United Olitirch was held
on Friday evening, January 21, Me, i CARD OF THANKS Carnival Postponed Until
Wilson lest in the devotional We wish to thank the friends and Friday, Feb. 4th
exercises. Mr. Adldan McTaggartneighbors for their kind expressions The skating carnival which was
was elected secretary pi o tem, j of symq>atdlY in our bereavement, to have bean beld, in the ` Brussels
The following reports were given: l and to George Evans who sang, R ,Arena on Thursday, Jan, 67th has
Mrs. H. E. Richardson reported for' will always be remen:berod, been postponed because of the
The Pride Family. unfavorable -weather. until 'Friday,
._ _ .. . __ _ February 4tb. See ' inside page
CARD OF THANKS advertisement for full particulars.
I wish 'to acknowledge the many ---
acts, of kindness and expre5stogs of Davison's Hardware Sold
sympathy extended by friends and The a F, Davison and Son Hard -
neighbours during my recent ware Store has been disposed of
bereavement, They are deeply to Lrlvin and Borden Gregd, former -
appreciated. ly of Paisley. Mr, Davison has
Mrs Matt. Cameron been in business here for the past
19 years leaving purchased the
Early Onions business from George Weller at that
Mr. S. E. Shnmons intends to time. He came to Brussels from a
have ,green onions early this .spring. farm near Mitchell. We welcome
Osie day recently he dug in his the Gregg Brothers to Brussels
garden to find how much frost -- -- man, Walter Sharp and Dr. W, D. S.
there was in the ground. He found Legion 'Holds Dance :Jamieson were re-elected for a
the Mission Band and n eespanse
was made by fear little girls, Joan
and Joyce Thomas, Maureen and
Dorothy .Sullivan, who sang "1 want
a Paper Doll'; Donelda Willis gave
a reading tor the Sunday School
and Miss Thelma Brothers played a
piano solo for the Young People's
Union Mr. W. C. Ellaectt re -
rind for the Session and a
response was given by Mrs.
Emerson Nurse who sang most
effectively. The Woman's Mission-
ary Society report was given by
Miss M. Roblreon and th8 response
was a reading by MI'3. Wilson.
Mr. R. B. Cousins presented the
Steward's report which was most there was practically none an ho term 01,11 years, Mrs. H. Parker
The Brussels branch of the Cana- was appointed Record Secretary.
encouraging as all allocations have finished his digging and planted than Legion, No. 1.8, sponsored •a
been suet and a balance showing in some onions for early spring use. very successful dance in aid of the The Ushers and Stewards, morning
Benseels, Morris and. Grey Overseas service, W. C. Kerr, D. M. 141c'1'avislr;
all accounts. The Sunday School SAVE PAPER
Orchestra played at this tiro and Cigarette Fund on Wednesday even- Dr' V ' D. S. "Jamieson, J. Work, J.
Broken down card board boxes, Y Ill d for1 i' T
with a'number of selections added i i theB 1 t h hall Music
the evening. Miss Carrie Iiittgston paper are urgently needed for the the Work were re appointed.
Huron Ramblers of Brussels' with Dr. W:D S. Jamieson ' behalf of
gave a report for the choir and a
war e'fi"01 t' Dd. Henderson and Duncan Brewer
response was made by Mr. Lloyd Everyone Is asked to save them the managing board presented
dodug the call! off to the square estimates and suggested plans for
Wheeler who ,gang. The report for .'tie in bundles ready for collectors dances: A refreshment booth was
the Woruan's Association was given who will call on you the first Satur- well plahronized.
installing a pipe organ to Milan
by Mrs, Wesley :Speiran and .a day in February. the old one whits has done duty for
response was made by Mrs. Nurse: YOUR CO.OPERATION IS NEEDED nearly thirty years. The plan was
and Mrs' C'ousius who sang a. duet
Melville Church Reports
Good Year
The animal bnefiress meeting 01
the congregation of Melville Pres.
byterian Church of Brussels was
held on Friday evening, Jaaniary 21,
at 8 ceeloek. Devotional 'exercises
were. conducted by tate minister.
Rev. S. Kerr was appointed • chall•-
man of the meeting and D. M, Me:
l'avis'h, seerr.•tary. The reports of
the various organizations were
received and officers elected for the
ensuing year.
The following is the summary of
monies raised for all purposes;•
General, Fund $9317.16; Church
Missions $990,16; Ladies' Aid'
$:271L88; Sunshine Fund $:6,i5; M.
M. S. $341,86 Mission Band $34.41;
Session Fund $14.49; Y.P.S. $91.77;
Sebalnbh Schoel $18'2,43; The Pres-
bytery in Canada Foundation Fund
$2(06.45 --'Dotal $9,916:16.
The retiring managers, Jae.. Mo-
I'edzean, ,John Gibson, R. 3, Bow -
00 n n passes ow u an evening, service. om
considerably to the remainder of tewspapers and brown wrapping g 1>pliect for leucine by TcFadzean, James Mali' and Graham
was su
was decided not to go ahead with
discussed and a 'vote being taken it
accompanied by Mrs. Harold Inaugural Meeting
Thomas.Of School Board 1\4r. Harry Tr4eCutclteon has par•
'The following elections took At the inaugural meeting of the chased the house of William Wright.
place;- Messrs. Lorne Minitel and Scluool Board held on January 19th s „ t
Jaanes Bryans to the Session; Mr. D. NI, M eTavish was elected Graham Scott, was a visitor in
Messrs. :Emerson Nurse, Norman chairman and Gordon McDowell, Toronto last week.
Hoover, R 13. Cousins and C. secretary. * * •
Buscli.iin to the Committee of Mr.. McTavish succeeds Dr. W. D. Harris Bell, C. A. S. F. IS hone
Stewards; Mr, D. A. Rann to the Jamieson who has been chairman on leave visiting his parents.
Board of Tru,sltees; Auditors appoint- for the past eight years but who, * •
ped were Messrs. Herbert Sullivan clue to pressure of professional nom D. N. McDonald made a bus -
and NOMAD Hoover. duties was forced to decline re- mess trip to Toronto this week. ewtive Committee of the Huron
It was decided to have the election, He remains a member of
to the Library Berard.
that they lie field the second Sun- * * '> coming year. Other °Dicers elected
plans at present time. . At a meet-
ing of the Board of Manager's
following the annual meeting R. 3
Bowman was appointed chairman
of the Board and A. A. Lamont,
Treasurer. -
Huron County Junior
Association of Toronto
At a recent meeting of the Exe-
t County Jhinior Association of
Anniversary Services a drilla earlier 'the Board. Miss Hattie Downing Miss Violet Ellacott was a Sun- Toronto, Mr. T. 0. N. (Mike) Cools
day visitor with Sirs. Lillaara Clark, was elected President far the
this year and a motion was passed woe re-elected --
S'eaforth, Ont.
Thurailay, ' Friday, SeturdaY,
January„27 ,,
Two Features --2nd show..starts 8:48
F,olco,n Strikes Back,..;.,'„
..Starring ,Tom Conway
A. most desperate caea,,soived.
Is enry. a flae?. Or Is he•a flo
Henry Aldrtcle'Gets Claihour.,
„Monday,''Tuesday, Wedne•sday:”
Jan."81, Feb. 1, ,.2
2nshow 'starts 9.15 P.. M•
Robert Ven
Butte � wake •
Sweet Rosy O'Grady
in Technicolor
Thereneverwas a musical like Witt
Thursdays' Friday, 'Saturday,
February. 8, 4; 5, '
2nd show starts 8:16,
Richard• Effii Jane Wyatt
B ekskua ion ie1 .4;;
Flied show starts each evening at
7i3O P,M. Matlnec each Saturday
2;S4 F.M.
day in October. A motion was Annual Meeting Mrs. F. Chapman, Carrie, was a were as followes: 1st vice-president,
passed that . arrangements be made The Goth Annual Meeting of the recent visitor with Brussels friends.
to secure an Honour Roll for the Dime Farmers' Mutual Fire Incur- s le *
church. Mr. James Bryans, on ante Company was held in the For- Doug. Gemmell, air crew of the
behalf of the congregation spoke. in esters Hall Atwood on January 26th. R;C.A,F., Godericli was home for the
appreciation of the work of Mr.and Mr. Win, S. Donaldson was appohrt- week -end.
- s err
Mrs. Wilson. Words of apprecia- ed chairman.
tion were also spoken to the The losses forthe year aMissVIargare•t McLean, bvingha:m,mounted i
Treasurer, Mr. R. B. Consiee for to $16,339.76. There was: a very visited recently with her sister,
his faithfulness in the performance nice increase in the number of pet- Mr's'. F. M. Saanis.
of his many duties. The meeting icy holders and amount of insurance * * * -
was closest by the singing of the at risk. Miss Dorothy Armstrong silent
National Anthem and the Berri- Messere. Geo. 3, Orth, 'Wm. E. the week -end with Miss Thelma
diction. Little and Warren, M•ot'rison glue Little at her home in Atwood,
• elected to the board of directors J. , T +
A meeting o1 the O18(iai BoardA. McBsin was re-engaged as sec- Orris Mott, C,A.S.F., was home
woe held after the Oongregattonal'
meeting and the' following appoint-
ments were trade:' Recording Stew-
ard, Bok, Carl Hemingway; Treasur-
er Mr. R. B. Cousins; Miele Com-'
mtbtee, Mesers. J, Fulton, W,' J.
Prot lior, L. wheeler and H. C.
Wilaon; • Property Committee,
Messrs. James Bryans; George Turn-
bull and Lloyd Wheeler; Pulpit
Supply Oomanlittee, Messrs. E.
Batee, J. Fulton,' G. Turnbull and
Ii .0. Wilson,; Ushers for the morn
ng,,;,service; Mr, - 3, lryans, Cap•
tela, East Aisle, R. 'B. Cousins' and
0. Fiemingw8Yt West Aisle, D. A.
Ioban„ :a liecTagg,art, T.; . Turnbull
and E. Dennis:' For , the , evening.
service: Mr. W.'^Huggan, Captain,
Diet Aisle, Jaanes Fulton; West
Aisle,. G. Sanderson ...and W. 8,c-
Craclten. 8l niiresentatiVe to Pres-
bytery, sail' •C6nferenei,.,,Mr Walter
Ii:18680. The' meetih was 'clos'ed
with' Pi'ager•bp• ,Mr. D•rnest Den lis.'
Recent Bride and Groote
for the week end visiting his par-
- ents Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Elliott.
* -5 *
(Honored At Walton Mrs. C. Buschlin received word re -
A capacity crowd Was, present in cently than her brother Murray
Walton commnuuitY hall on Friday 18nsbbh, arrived safely overseas,
evening of last week when Mr, and F * *
Mrs, Harvey ,Staphengon were enter- :Sar, W. A. Farquharson, Seaforth,
Mined in -honour of their marriage. who returned recently from Sicily
Dancing was enjoyed- to music has been visiting his sister, Mrs:. N.
provided by ,Sellers, Isirkby and Thompson.
* * *
Wilson. During the °purse o1 the Stiles has been engaged
much. enleyed evening the guests Mr. Wm
of honour were peeen1ed with a as- oaretaker or St. John's Anglican
puss of money by Bert Solinston Murch and started his duties., last
while an address, expressing 0071- Sunday,
granulations and good wishes to
Harvey and his bride, was -- read by Miss 'Gene Sanderson has return -
Clarence Grainger. Mr. Steprt8ne:on ed home after holidaying for three
made a suitable reply, thanking weeks in Hamilton, Kitchener and
.their 'friends and neighbours for Galt.,
their gilt and good wishes on behalf *
• Pack Farrow, of the Canadian
Army and 1VIrs. Farrow of Winghagi
were week -end visitors with the
fonrner`s ,parents Mr. and. Mrs. R,
O,eorge" E. Fergueon•,
Live Stock ; . Denier
Once Exchange ,HeAd
ktor't44Y,yeari. a, 'live -stook dealer
and a Mt:president of 'the Tonento
I,ive''S,tock d chant"e; :''George E.
F.erEite0n, , 65,;, ti6ed, yesterday' at his
home, gI1 Baby, Point laid, Mr.. Fer-
guson was a member -Of ' the fir
Of (loi'bebi, .ITendersan" 8c Ferguson,
live steels, Union gteek'Yartis. He
wipe born .in, Walton, Orit. A merger
Vle,toria–Preffin.iterlitii Chetah, he
was' on the ,boar, of managers,
was also a ,member• of- the. • L,O,t,,
and. 'was a Progressive -aonservative.
'iSuWviv1ng are 'his wide*. Margaret
13iioibn'Fersageri . t dabghter, Jean
Ferguson, and it' eon','sittut. lyass811
Ferg8w010,,,, R�A, everts:e,
recently,uselpnit "W� t f
i &dbO1 „italy
Mrs. Fertnaeon i
Helen Kerr, town,
of himself and lr.is wife,
At The Churches •,: .
114r. W. A. Patrick; 2nd vice -mem -
dent, Mr. Gordon Fowler; secretary,
Bliss Laving Knox; assistant secre-
tary,, Miss Clete Ellis; treasurer,.
Mr, Ger'a'ld Stewart; publicity com-
mittee, Mrs. W. A. Patrick, Miss
Mary McGregor, Mr, Raye Pater-
At the annual meeting of the
Association, which took the form of
a Bowling Party, the • following
committee members were elected
for the year 1944: Brussels, Mrs. L.
M. Grose (Margaret ,Strachan), Mr.
Wesley Meantdhean.
Blyth & Londesboro, 1nliss Lavine
(Clinton, Mrs. Fred Elliott 'Vara
Dodds), Mr. Mike Cools and Bliss
Clete Ellis.
Exeter,, Mrs. W. A. Patriot (Dor-
othy Snell), Mr. Kenneth Stanbury
and Mr, Gordon Fowler.
Goderich, Mrs. Clare Porten (Doris
Bill)., Mrs Ted Harrison (Grace
Starling) and Mr. Wm. McCauley':
At t118 mt,rnung 'service in the Farrow. * a ,e
United CAmreb the inlnis'ter's n'1 officiated at
Sermon V/0.:9 based - on the Lord's Rot. M. F. Ol aAir" period
Prayer. This wee the first in a "Church of,s . nesdad
series of'four,' At the Union at CKNX ,Whigs on 'T
service in the evening Rev, Mr. morning, Janu �y 2 .
Kerr brought' a xnessarge from the ' bon received by his
Parable e1 the Prodigal Son, Miss orl MY ;:'Helen received
'that. his
Jean 'Speiran took the soio part (0 cousin, Feng sen,, aoir of the,
sell B. We evening anthem .
late Geo, E. Ferguson 01 ;Toronto,
Toe morning service In Melville line b'eon; wounded, ',In' Rotten W N as directors
Church was in 'charge of the d WMl
• d Clarence Spar
Thome:, Lovell was named' SOY- iFw ,•,,
E, • 1, Fairish inetr hl
orary dL'eetor',' ' wilnFlitte
Thirty -Five Attend •
Huroo• Federaion Meeting
{ It44'!.'OL'V--A special meeting et
the. Huron Federation of Ag'rleliltrlire
was held Monday alterneen , in the
agrieuu:ral board roam for the
purpose of outltutn'g resolutions to'
he submitted' at the sitting of the
Iivestcols committee of the. Ontario:
mrns, uCuiy ;
Agricultube heldral He'Oora oni't'sicnhursdnyofE, Junr,
27 The president, Harry Stara".
Auburn, twits in the chair 'and there
were 36 members in attendance,
The question of a 1.5 mill levy on-
frrm a, r>sanen,ts of the totnrty for -
Fed era lion 'financing weir freely"
discuses/ Owing, however, to the
importance- of the proposal and the •
limited time for full discussion, it
was derided to defer action until. -
newt regular meeting,
9'lie attending members were.
formed into five separate groups -
for the ,purpose o1 formulating re-
solutions to be submitted at Thurs-
day's meeting. The groups and'
' h:.irmen of each were; Beef, Wm.
Uestticher, ,Crediton; hogs, W.
Turnbull, Brussels; poultry, . Bert
Irwin, .S'eaton:hi cash crops, Theo.
.Steinbach, Zurich; dairy, Hume
Clutton, Golerich, From the report's
submitted by these groups a brief
will be prepared by a committee •
c-nrpee•ed of W. Oestrtcher, Theo.
Steinbaack, W. J. Turnbull, Bert Ir-
win, W. L, Whyte and 3. 0, Sheerer.
Red Cross Notes
The workroom is in great need or
a sewing -machine. Would anyone
who has' a machine they would lend
or sell to the Red Cross, kindly get
in touch with Mrs, J. Galbraith„
phone 25X`
J. H. Skeocla a1 Brantford
and Mrs. Sketch .of Fergus were
visitors at the latter's home; ilfr.,
and Mrs. 'Stanley Dunbar, also Miss
Betty Dunbar of Pordwich spent
the weekend at her home.
Rev. A. 3. 'Back -of Paris, Ont. was
again guest speaker last Sunday in
the Presbyterian Church and de-
livered a fine sermon on the
letter "V".
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Dilworth,
accompanied by Mrs. D. 'Wardlaw
spent a„ day last week, visiting
friends in London,
L.A.C. Bi31ie Bremner, of Regina.
has been visiting his parents Jas.
and. Mrs. Bremner. He will report-
at B.C. from here.
The annual meeting of the Pres--
byterian Church will be held on.
Tuesday P.M. at 2:30 on Feb, let in:
the basement of the church,
Mr. Jack Wilson returned home
from the Listowel 'hospital last
weak. We wish him a speedy. '
Rev. Shanley and Mrs. Brenton;
visited in: Toronto recently.
The dance held last Friday night
exit sponsored by the Women's -
Institute was 'a decided suoress. -
Another to be held two weeks from -
that date.
Menotti, Mr. Raye Paterson, Misses Elizabeth Fear of Wood.-
Seafnth, Mr, G. A. Stewart, Mr. stook, Illiebethli ,Barton and guest
W. A. Patrick and Mrs. Gordon. MSS Bailbara Davie* 06 Hamtltos
114iar (Jessie Smith3 and Mr, Hanley Wonder of - Hank-
Wing3°Ttelham, Miss Mary McGregor Ilton wct•8 same ever. the week end...`
Mr an¢ Mrs.' Percy. Stephenson:
liowick .Society Reports and family visited in Atwood on,
Highly Successful Year •Snwdey "•
GO.8VL'i1D, Jan: 25 iii "thd r. a1d MRock amily';
years tlio Howinic Agrioitiltiiial So -84 M ' of nearrs.'Gal1 haWve'takenArt sip,iesidsadfenos-
ciety has been organized, 1948 in Mrs:; R. Cochnane's time 'a -0X -
proved -to ba one of the 'most sue- the ettigen.'welcome themt
ce'sslul, so it was . learned at the bads.. 1.6 this comaaunity.
rwal meeting hell in Goring ,Mrs.; Isabel dadilla't elle:. o1 ,.Steffi.
Towrrehip Hall, Plana were. Itlid' t0 toll, Lulu Isle, B;C., to visiting Ler:
again hold the fair on the naiad emelt Mre Mar)' Gig' • dal ,otbe'& '
date, ' the first Friday and. Saturday 1: ien. , It is 40 yea 'ss, `Since she
in Ochdber. lit will be hejel this year^ leftthese parts,.. ;Turps,.1' drone,' an$
in Fordwicb. Miss .Isabel' Reid,, of Atwood `raise,,
'Phe eleatIon of offieeis,•resulted: vlslted Mrs. Gill on Sculley
Pmelsident, " Jetan W3n:teY,s; W;4 ane g+'latt>:.'to•'hear <i4lr PId. (3iH Y
presidents; W F. Campbell,' i'toy. 11ee,,reeevered-tiolnshie • ry Sunrise ,.y,f
Strong; secretary -treasurer, W. E. e'hi5lsen-pox
Whitfield (re-elected); auditor`s, , ,
1VI• Da, IT -V. llolmee,
outs Melvin Ta for and ' Air
r who breached from the > t¢r",Stevprt rer<elved,• Y of ns• •She (tit :141ata 1Elari of'World Wart
741'r. 1 e
words: "From that: timemany of dais and bruises about the ]cgs when he I ling werg• added to the list v
with; all other df throy tel ed l a red qt.
diectplre Wont 'truck, and walked was struck) by, the Wingham C.N.R.to
no more with him." Tire text was "J fggea ,, .;:IVI , ,Stewart was about ,
dealt with in RS: setting, and then
`d"axo diver Nati Siren
cross•' the railway, truck', lie waited
trthree reaeous µ'8s8 given why to let •the :train go past and then
1 today turn away from went fir' erose, failing to see -or bean
The g rendered
Christ tla8 in him into the MOW. .tae for a'horsepawaiuld,yigtl,: darll�? ^ of t3,�e b%:arai;siren, in 9118 sl,merira,
the choir was ,'Praise yo litriailt4i throwing l d . but rd `Wettk3 wNt3i this Siuiday's lJai�'-
peep e
anthema lered by the„singer” which struclq ..his
ii 'Of'Course hot (pause) T
. : , 1, her)- murder secrete directors., 'h, ,. Jainadt
teeters, remaining, friend to meal, her' pante, o r '
the Frenola,,llnedetigrorind to U t sty'
Slee: "Here's' a- story of a 'roan hundreds, spread a ''trail of terra,
out West who baytere.(1 s •wife heroes Europe - tntil death caug)L
' s e • it. ;` er at last. "'idiot, the `strifd' • :.
for a. horse: YPn••,.wauldul,..,w p .,,up w h,,h
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