HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1944-1-17, Page 2'Wedneedey,. Tannal•y ywl.r 1914 THE BRUSSELS POST Only Two of Every Five Canadians Are Properly Nourished! 1i11lt'..� 1�itiiil ,i� , \ c 407 wax 407 05 BOR iRITtieN 20% UNUIERFED TO Here's How To Make Sure Your Family Gets the Right Foods! According to Government surveys, only 40 percent of Canadians know and regularly • eat the right foods. Forty percent are on the borderline of mal- nutrition, and apt in wartime to fall into the under- nourished dass. Twenty percent are definitely underfed. To help you feed your family well, we offer you "Eat -to -Work -to -Win"*, FREE new booklet that takes all the guesswork out of nutrition. Twenty-one days of nutritionally -sound menus, plus facts about foods .that build'energy .. stamina ... morale. Learn the easy way to meals that are as tempting as they are healthful Send for your FREE copy of "Eat -to -Work - to -Win". Mail the coupon. NOW/ MAIL r Sponsored by THE BREWING INDUSTRY (ONTARIO) in the interests an acid to nutrition and d heeltb ETHEL Let this original now booklet bring better health to your fomilyl *The nutritional statements in "Eat-to-1Porb-tr PPM" are acceptable to Nutrition Services, De}-- partment of Pensions and National Health, Ottawa, fortbe Co nadian Nutrition Program,na THIS COUPON TODAY •'NUTRITION FOB. VICTORY". BOX Boo. TORONTO, CANADA. Please send memTPREEe0PY09'•Bet to+Wodc-to•Vibrt Naas Aefdre•+ Cllr ISirs. Percy •Stephenson r '• 'm visiting in Hamilton last week. Mr. Pete Dobson of Brantford was -tome over the week end, Mr. and Mrs, Oliver McCreary :Jean and Murray .of near Wroxeter -agent Sunday with Mrs. McCrear 's mother Mrs R. Cochrane in the -eliF o The Women's Institute is spon,.or fog a dance in Township Hall, Fri- day night Jan, net. Proceeds to go towards boxes for Easter to our boys in the armed forces.' Mrs, J. H. Skeocle of Brantford ri sting her parents Mr. and Mrs. ley Dunbar, The Preebyterilin Church will hold its annual Meeting 011 Tuesday, Feb. 1st, emle le this comma„sty were • hear of the deate . i M1•, Jas. Knight on Saturday last. tear:pathy is extended the sorrowing mi fa lY. etas. Gregor Roy and little sen SISI CARDS WILLIAM SPENCE Estate Agent Conveyancer and 'Commissioner GENERAL INSURANCE OFFICE MAIN STREET, - - ETHEL, ©NT. Dennis Duquette -l;Incans;rlt Auctioneer, (FOR HURON COUNTY) ' 1 "' -" For Engagements Phone 31 "The Brussels Post" and they will be looked after Immediately. For Information, etc., write or 'phone either 51•.'"18 OR 41X at Brussels, Ont. ALL SALES CONDUC ED IN A SATISFACTORY MANNER. MODERATELY "PRICED. 1 Allan A. Lamont Agent for -Fire, Windstorm, and Automobile Insurance Get particulars of our Special Automobile Policy for fanners. Queen St. Brussels 'Phone 657 W S. Donaldson --- Licensed Auctioneer Phone 35-r-13 - Atwood, Ont. for the Courtier of Huron and Perth ALL SALES PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO -CHARGES MODERATE - For Engagements phone 31 'The Brussels Eost' and they will be looked after immediately. W. U. S. Jamiseon, M.D., C.M., L.M,C,C, Physician and Surgeon Coroner Office Hours -1 - 4 and 7 -'8 p.m. Also 11 - 12 a.m. when possible. Saturday evenings until 10 p.m. Sundays•-Emergenciesand by appointeat only. Home calls in forenoons and 4 - 6 p.m. - Chas. T. Davidson Insurance Agent For ALL KINDS OF ' AutompbplF and Fire Insurance Accident and Sickness Agent for Great West Life Insurance Co. E11.;.-2'PHONE OFFICE 92X BRU$SE•LS,,ON'I'. Harold Jackson . SPECIALIST IN FARM AND HOUSEHOLD SALES (Licensed in Huron and Perth Counties) PRICES REASONABLE, SATISFACTION GUARANTEED For Information, etc., write or phone. Harold Jackson. phone 12 on 65S Seatorth R.R., 1, Bruce*cid Make areangon ents at The Brussels Post tar Elmer D. Bell, Barrister Office, Brussels. D. RANN ..Furniture FUNERAL t' ND AMBULANCE SERVIh;E. Mended Funeral Director and Embalmer PHONE 36 or 85 - BRUSSELS, ONT. JAMES McFADZEAN Howick Mutual Fire Insurance -also- Hartford Tornado Insurance Windstorm Tornado Automobile Insurance PHONE 42 P.O. BOX 1 TURNBERRY ST. ---x- BRUSSELS, ONT. Lewis Rowland (Licensed For Huron County) SATiSFAOTION GUAFIANTEED - PRICES REASONABLE For Engagements Phone 31 "The Brussels Post'r and they will be cooked after lmmedaltely For information, etc., w rte or phone Lew, Rowland 880.'.24 at Seaforth; tr write R.R. 3, 'Walton. Mrs. 1T. McGuire, Mrs, 3. Audc rano, .Mrs. (3, Wade, Mrs. G. 'Raritan, Mrs. t 1e. 'Wheeler, Mrs. C. Loguit, Mrs. N. Keating, Nye. 1, Hopper. elle. 11., Nicholson, and Mrs, 19, C tune` hell; yarn and knitting euannittea Mrs. D, 'Armstrong, Mrs, J. McGill, Mrs. N. Keating; packing,Mrs G. Willett, Mrs. S. Caok Mss. Thomas i•olitii, .'Vire, J. el. McCallum, Mrs, D Armstrong, Mrs, R, J. Mac- Kenzie, Mrs 111. Wightmtt,n Mrs. ('Mlles Johnston; hospital sup- plies, Mrs. H. Walsh, Mlle C:. Wheeler; finance committee, C. B. Coultes, 'S, Procter, J, McGill, J'. Michie, H, Bleck, A. Porterfield; N. Coulhes, G. Taylor. Director's elected were. Wawan- esh-6th, Mrs. 3. Dunbar; 9th west, Mrs. L. Stonehouse; Otb• east, Mrs. 3'. Shoebottom; l001,. Ma's. G. McBurney; 12th, Mrs, E, Ireland; 1Dcrrie 3rd, Mrs, L; Hopper; 4th, Mrs. C. Wheeler; 5th, Mrs, G, Mar- tin;, Belgrave, Miss el, Procter; salvage committee chairman. C, 'Wheeler; Waw'anosh, 6th, H. Black; 9th west, Mason Robinson; 9th east, A. Vincent; 10th A, Robert- son; 12th A, Pattison, Morris 3rd, S. Procter; 4th, J. Yut'11; 5th, G. Michie; Belgrave,. 'A. Porterfield; committee in .charge of Red Cross campaign chairman, 0. R. Coultes; Wawanosh, 6th, S. ,Cook, George Robert '01 oto elver; B,C., have V1*ightman• 9th, G. Beecroft, A. al rived home to visit lint mother, 1'orterfleld; 10th, F. Thompson, L. Mrs. W.•Michel anti family Capt. Boy Montgomery; 1311, 0. Taylor; Nor- is taking a course near Ottawa at lis,;ltd, R. H. Coultes, N. Higgins; liemptville, et present. 4th, J. Wheeler; . 5th, J. MIelele; Rev, A J. Back of Parts, Out., was Belgrave„ H. McGuire. guest speaker in Presbyterian The president, C. Re Coultes, con - Church last Sunday and delivered an ducted the .opening of the meeting extra fine sermon, and Alex Porterfield presided for Rev. Harold J. Snell of Auburn United Church conducted the church et the air Tuesday morning over n, CHINK, 'V13ngham. The Young People's meeting took the form of a Social in the basement ' of the Ethel United Church Monday evening. Jan 10. The social com- mittee'took charge et the evening. .A d followed by held 0 i e was t meeting short gapes and contests. An enjoyable time was spent by -everyone, FOR A MILD, COOL, SMOKE' taltett to Wingham hospital, We hope to hear he. will soon be better again, Rev.. C J'avener eves eels to eon - dart the regular morning service at elle Mei ted Chni'eh. klie luessage dealt with the importance et for. geltieg Lite failures of the past ane pressing on to greater achievements in the year that lies ahead, At linos. Presbyterian Church Rev. 1!. G. Fowler spoke on 'Char- acter" and the part it .plays In the building o•i' pet'sorot lite and i11 the lite of a nation. Next Sunday morning a memor- ial a. vies will ho let(' for Corp. (:laude E. Beltemith, who has been reported "killed in action.' Corp.. ]3e]ldmith was a member of Tinos Presbyterian .Chuveb, a member of the choir and active in the work of the Young People's :Society. Personals; George and Miss Helen Thomson, London, will: their parents, Mi'. and Mrs. George Thoans•on; Mr. and Mrs. J. Marshall and daughter, Listowel, Mr. and Nil's. J', Wicleetead, Morris, with their parents, Mr. and Mrs, G'. O. Thornton; Mrs, Harold Procter and daughter, Margaret, Morris, ,with her mother, Mrs, J. Curtis. BELGRAVE Fellow -Mg an illness of three nlonths. Eliza McCrea, wife of the - fall Brylges, died at the home of iter son, William Drydges, concession 3, Morris township, on Tuesday, January 11, in ber 76th year. A slaughter of the late Wil- liam and Margaret Corbett MlcCrea, the w1+•= burn on the farm now owned by Mr. and Mrs. George Cook where she lived until her marriage mi December 21, 1392, when she moved to the home 'where she died. Her husband predeceased her in Mey of 1934 in his 79th year. Sur- viving are one song William, on the homestead. and four daughters, Lila, :tics. Robert Higgins. Annie, Mrs. Abner Nethery, both of Mor- ris township; Esther, Mrs. Stanley tea:tiny et London; and. Gertrude, Mrs. F. Culp, of Detroit, MIichigan, Oee.daughter, Ella, died some years ago. Also surviving are 17 grand-- childreu and three sisters, Mrs. Richard Gray, San Franoisoo, Cali- fernia; Mrs. Edwin Miller, Roblin, Manitoba; M'ds. Isabelle Knapp, Firdale, Manitoba. One sister pre- ' esee,ed her. Mrs. Brydges was a member of Trinity Anglican Church, Belgrave, and an honorary president of the Indies Guild o£ that church.. The funeral was held from the hone of her daughter, Mrs. Robert Rig - glees, Thursday, followed by burial in Beanclon, cemetery. Rev. P. H. Streeter Of Blyth conducted the services. Robert +Stonehouse of Belgrave celebrated his 76th birthday on Saturday. The 'evening previous' he and his wife and members of his ,falntlY were entertained at the home of his . son-in-law, Robert Coultes, concession 3, Morris. The evening was spent playing' cards, Guests in- cluded Mr. 'and Mrs, Russell Wal- ker and family of Wingham; Mr: and Mrs, H. McGuire and family; Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Stonehouse; Mr, and Mrs: Samuel Pletch, L 1 the election of officers. The auditor's report given by A McBurney, showed receipts of 2 Of ' e171entS $2.756 and disbursements $ , 535.4.4, leaving cash on hand off' $95'0,56. Reports of the sewing and knit• ting committees indicate that 636 knitted articles had been shipped; hospital supplies, 666• civilian gar- ments, 7 ments, 210; quilts 104; and one afghan. One "Survivors Bundle" containing 21 articles was sent to the Navy League and one bale of second-hand clothing sent to the Salvation Army. Letters of thanks for Ohrietnlas boxes were read from Clifton atealeh, Roy Bennett, James' Perdue, Jack McKenzie, Mel. Keating, Roy Robinson, john Taylor, Frank Cooper, Gibson and Jack Arne strong. A motion was passed that the society would present Mrs. W. J. Geddes with 529 for use of the workrooms during the past Lour years. Mns. A. Manning was appointed delegate to attend the provincial convention to be held in Toronto in March with Mrs: H. McGuire, alternate. A wool blanket was. presented to the society by the Belgrave Wo- men's Institute for use in one of the emergency units.. Entertains Farmers' Club 1VG•. and Mrs. Nelson. Higigns en- tertained the.members of the Bel - grave Farmers" Club on Tuesday evening, Owing to the storm sev- eral roads sere filling up and the altteudance 'was somewhat lower than usual, 30• being present. Euchre and "Lost Heir" were played atter which the president, Lyle Hopper, called the group to order for the meeting. Routine business was, dealt with, attar which Norman, Higgins and Stanley Hopper gave a report of the agri- cultural course they attended in Guelph in December. L. Hopper and C. R. Coultes also reported on the United Farmers;• affiliate ineet- ing held in Toronto on December 20 Lunch was served at the eon. elusion of the meeting. , was served by the hostess. Personals; .Miss Margaret Hig- gins, London, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Robert Higgins; Miss Isabelle Scott, Toronto, with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. R. .1. Scott; Mr, and Mrs. John 'Sinclair, Start ford, Jannes McCrea, Toronto, with Mr, and Mrs. Robert McCrea The -Red Cross Society here elect• ed officers at the annual meeting held In the workroom on Tuesday afternoon as follows: president, C R Coultes; viae -president, hire, A. Manning; secretary, Rev. G. I'1; Dunlop; treasurer, C. FI Wade; auditors, Alex'MeBurney and Nelson Higgins; convenor. of .war work cone rni:ttee, Mrs, A. Manning; buying cotnlrsiiite, Mrs, P. Shoobotimtt Mfg, A. Vincent, Mrs, H. Campbell; ending, sewing and inspecting, St John's.Crurch Annual Meeting The Anneal Meeting o£ the con greget ion of St. John's Anglican Tnesda Jan. ' t wa held on Y. Ohuct s 1 18th at S p, 111• in the eherch base- ment with a good attendance and the Reotor Rev. M. F. Oldham pre- siding. The opening devotional per- iod reading Psalm 02 and prayer the rector +ducted col.by was In the absence of Mr, M. Laycock, Mr. Ed. Morrow was appointed S80- retary for the meeting, and read the minutes •ot The 1942 meeting. The Reciter then gave his report, pastoral calls 201; number of fam- ilies belonging to clutch 89; in- ddvdduals not included in families 7; total chn1x11 population - •'391; baptism's 17; marriages 3; burials 4: communicants 91; total attendance at church. services 3373; total num- ber of 00111005 in year '74; average attendance at each service 46; total attendance at holy communion 320; largest attendance at holy cdonlnnnion day 61; celebration o1: holy communion 15. Mr, John Fischer presented the 'financial .statement. Ohu•rclh redee4 oration 59518,00 repairs 5911851 syn- od assessment 542.00; total receipts $157)1,14; total expenses $1471,48; balance on hand 599.66. All accounts paid in full. 7'118 Women's Guild report was given by Mrs. M. F. Oldham. This organisation Itas had a good year. A new hardwood floor abating 356.0.0 was put in the Chancel last April. Total receipts $233.16. Total ex- peniitures 5220.9'3. Balance on hand 512..33. Meetings were held monbhly. There are 20 members. The Sunday Schnee has had a good year as the report given by Mr. Ed. Morrow shows $11,99 was raised tor Missions and 517.68 for supplies. Total receipts $64.75. Total expenses 544.14, Balance on hand $.20.61. Number on rel 51. Average attendance 21. Font Roll and Little Helpers 63. Special offerings were received on Mother's Day and Chlldr,10's Bay, The following. were the offtcers appointed' tor N1944: Minister's Ward- en, Mr, Thomas Ellis; People's Warden, Mr. John Fleenor; Vestry Clerk, Mr, Maurice Laycoclt; Lay Delegate to Synod, Mr, E. Morrow; Substitute Lay Delegate, •ivin. Nathan Chapman; Board of Managers, the above names also Messrs Harvey Jackldr, - James Davis, Wm. Ma- Cntcheon, A, Coleman, A, Wood, T. Prest, 3, T•I. Bryan, Harvey Mc- Cu'teheon, Mrs, G. Muldoon, Mrs. 'toy Thueli and Mre, •G, Davie. unit l A hearty vote of thanks was BLUEVAL; Mn, and Mrs. Rpbt. McKinnon received the sad news on Friday. of the death of a cousin Mn. -Robe, Mc- Intosh of Listowel, He had taken a hese days,, when tea must yield the utmost in flavour, quality is of supreme importance. Ask for . r Il ��� Fred Watson 'Given C AN `` .3 Ucnor At First Meeting GODIJIODCH, Jan. 19 --Freie Wat- The January meeting of the son, for the past seven Yeare reeve W.M.S. was held at the pouffe of. of the township of .Stanley, was .e1 - Mrs, Allan Cameron on, Wednesday, octet' warden of Huron minty at Ian. 5th. The meeting opeur.d by the opening of the January sesisen slrghtg Psalm 19, followed with of Huron County Council on Tues - prayer by the presid'ent. Yrs, Allan day afternoon. Cameron then read the Scripture Walden Watson was chosen• in a. reading from Samuel 10 'Cit. The canoes of the Progressive. Conserv" minutes were then read by the sec• naive members, .and his appointment rotary and adopted and the Roll -wee ra•tiflet1 on as motion presented; Call answered' by the reading of by Reeves R. E. Shaddeek, Hensnll„ a verse of Scripture. 'Current eveltts and T. (I. Wilson, Grey, runners' were in charge of Mrs. 11'I. Engle up for the honor. and several interesting items of B. W. Tuckey, warden in 1943', special heroism and bravery on the conducted the newly eleotad warden Italian front were read by different to the dais and presented him with members. One item Of special 'flee key to file county. Reeve Tuck- ey congratulated Mr. Watson: and bespoke far hem the co-operation of the members. The oath of ofilce was administered.. by County Clerk N. W. Miller. Rev. Joseph Janes of the Getter -- ids Baptist church read the first rlrinter of P'hditippians, and atter a slime address offered . prayer. Warden Watson briefly addressed the council, and eltpressed his ap- precleelon of the ,honor awarded Woe of „the oP e him. I realize; that warden 1s a responsigie position, but with your cooperation I will do illy ivintos,t to discharge the duties to the bait of my ability.', Sympathy was expressed by tbo mer i fol Merton Reid, warden to M . reeve et 'Seaforth, in the death of his wife; and to Mrs. Alex 'Porter- field in the death of her husband, clerk of East Wawanosh. He wee. ra of corned the new members and bored after wlliclt Mrs' Harvey T-Iunter they would enjoy the work en the heroism was told of Capt, J. P. Goforth who covered a quarter of te anile of open ground to reach isolated wounded Canadians, atter. German fire had twice preventers a rescue party from reaching them, The Chaplain attended to the wounded for 5 hours under a terrible hail of fire before a rescue party arrived. Capt. Goforth is a son of the late Dr. Goforth and Mrs, in ears spent 50 Goforth forth who .pY China as Presbyterian. Micsiot1al•1es Capt. Goforth w'ts born in China but: received his education in this county. He was at one time minister• of Wallaceburg Preslbyter• in ter a sista nt m is rclt and s tau Ohm of Knox .Presbyterian , Church in Tovntrto, A brother Col. W. 1WT. W. Goforth is on defence head- quarters stag in Ottawa and has a number' or relatives in Mitchell and St tf 'd Hynni 284 was then sung heart attack and passed away soon extended to the Rector and all the after,, chiral officials for the co-operation 117t•, and • Mrs( .Smith Robertson of and splendid work of the past year. Kitchener spent the weak end with Certain business matters were left his parents Mr. and Mrs, Wm, Rob- to the Warden's. lands to bo dealt el'tson 'and Wildon. , • *3111. The rector closed the meet - Miss Janet Robertson of 13rnssels ing with the Benediction. Lunch spent the week end with her brother was served at the close- . oe the Campbell on the 1st*. dile, meeting, Mr. Spence McKinon of `atter.- The church has had a good year in ire spent the week end with his 1943 and looks forward to the new • parents • Mr. and Mrs, Robt. Me• year with confidence, Kinnon, Mr, and Mrs, Will 'Pattern*. . atlde..-.....e._<.....,,,�-,,,,.•,,,:c__...".;«.,, 3On spent Sunday afternoon with enMr, and Mrs. Melville Matters and 30 family, Mr. Jim Fraser' spelt Sunday Balli tpr hp; Vim' Vigor? itlt itis parents Mr. Find MIrs,' Al di• ire. antres'rontn Tnblotn, Contnlne ton! on, Wn:n iron vtuirnln n,,nom)1ten,nhoxnnnrus;mne w 01,1131:11:6 u Frasoly tat line, ' lwront nen, von, 6I n', ,at lit nttcr R0, a0, or h0. hear 'Mrl David J'ohitston air 6u n'r 00 0 ai ase, 1) eau Sour, eat 0030 'Sorry tb 00006)7 n r ntet 5x00 tic, 000Rrr 0613560 iott 'prlea. at n 1 011131lxte_ 5,n t .n'000 +1xt08x TACiettt?ndny, toclt veryetch. on Saturday and was 7401501 .■ read a atony entitled "If T Had Not council, • • Come," ' The Goforth Study Book ' The record of Huron oeuntys was in charge of Mrs. Engle and an war •ef0ort is a creditable one. We interesting 'chapter read, Offering , have had flv'e war loan campaigns was taken mud Hytrin 374 was sung, and all were substantialli Oveesub- rfollowed by the National Anthem. sca'tbed:' 738 hoped the county r would repeat this record should an - 'The president closed ho meeting • with prayer. ether loan be Boated. At the Annual Meeting of S. S. P08t-War Planning Important No. 7 Grey, Alex. ,Stoles was elected , Piee warden believed that at the cession a representative from the school trustee was retiring tor the e1>year, Federal Government will address Dau. Heatherng t trustee • having served faithfully for the She council an post-war reconstruc- tion sod rehabilitation. He felt this e very Important matter and hoped it would be thoroughly discussed and eomet'h1ng done tQ Or>a'nni!c tee Mentioned In Dispatches t "The warden's comvlittee -of 1943 Flt. Lieut, Richard 3. Jones, son of will, during the session, bring in a Rev. FL. S. and Mrs. Jbnes, has been report on a county health scheme," mentioned in dispatches from ]1ng the warden continued, He stressed land, Fit, Lieut. Jones was pilot of the great importance of this plan. a flying boat with eight Canadian ; "fere finanedal position of the crew mates when they sighted a county may be viewed with pride, German 17 -Boat in the Bay of Biscay. nue to the 'budgeting of our very Atter signalling the navy, an Ameri• : capatble treasurer and the wise ex - can Liberator dropped earn skies psnditares .of the different commit - anti sent depth charges which blew teen of bhes council. • the U-boat to pieces. The Canadian "The road commission i.0 the lug - crew lowered a lift raft and 13 of the est -spending body of the cannon, German crew ;were rescued. Sones but 1 would not advocate a sleeken - enlisted leekenenlisted. iu May, 1040. He is a native ing of our road matntenanee," of Gerrie. He trusted the council would ad- Fordwic'h Record ltere'to the. pay-as-you-go system of the past few 'years. "There is ne AN APT RETORT doubt that we have another each of us, but by Wean- ing English society matron, visit- ores years before us which will call ing a. earn in her now i1T,A.A,F', fee tete best' front uniform, and feeling very 3011)1ette, co-operating we may make it one coldly eyed a young farmer busy of which we will be proud," the war- mlliting scow. den concluded. "And how is It; ley good loan, Mayor R. E. Turner of Coderic71 tlhat you are not at the front?" ex,t'ended a civic welcome, and as- e scored the members that every co-. operaton would be given by the no town, Reeve T. C. Wilson was appointed to the criminal audit board, and deputy Reeve Alex Alexander, Grey, to, the Good Reads Commission for three years, The striking ocenmtttee ie' emu. posed of Reeves W, J, Baker, Alex Alexander, P. W. Tuelrey, R. J. Bowman, and George Arinstreng., Former Local Rector's Son The tapper tools a straw out his mouth, spat and replied: "Becau:se, ma'am, there ain't milk at that end!" Pos+ Offices Sell Them t: 53 defect ay c WRQM RANKS a P011OPPICII DIPARTMiNT $TORIS • DRU0O3t1 OROCSRS • TORAtCONISTR' ROOK STORIS awl aim RETAIL STORY• .. WELL SHAKEN Rambo hacl _seen a ghost, and as he related 'his experience his• knees sagged tinder lam, Rambo -Yes, suit, A'd les' come o"t. of de cowshed w•itthat pail • o' milk is Ina hand, Den Ah hears a' noise, and de ghost rushee out:, Listener -Anti were you ecaredi Did you shake with fright? • ,Sanubo-Ah don't know " what Alt fillet* with. All 0aiu't'say Alt shook at all; lint when A11 got in de honso dere weren't no milk in de pail - only two, pounds of butter!