HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1944-1-12, Page 4Page 4. — '316''CJW`M4'34 M4°'41.369'MP,,A.1 0 as sified Ads ow ts. „66. mar • i FOR SALE...... tatiuliciy Plg5' 6 WeaS °id* atiek Conley p110110 hat It titeed 1 ti FOR SAL - 1. shingled house, in geed condition, hninediate pos4ession, Phone Wroketer 603-r-1.7 To Keep Correct Records of 1944 g WANTED— William Wright Ledgers, Day Books, Minute Books, Secretary Books, Music supervisor for S.S, No, 10, tharies, Receipt Books, Index Cash Books Morris. State length of lesson Counter Books, Statement Pads, Pens, Pencils, . taught also salary. — , Invoke Files, Writing Pads, Envelopes I Robt J. Forrest, Blotting Paper, Type Writer Pads, Ink, Erasers,2 i Sec. Treas„ Checking Pencils, Loose Leaf Note Books, 11 . Bluevale R.R, ---. and Many other items. All of which can be supplied here. ,k Rexall Bronchial Syrup (1) Relieves Congestion (2) Soothes Irritated Membranes (3) Checks the Cough A Favorite Family Cough Medicine _...7511C.- Bottles When Its School Supplies They can be bought to advantage here, from our very complete line of School AcceSiories and School Text Books. F. R , SMITH STATIONER DRUGGin and TELEPHONE NO. 62 -701gOire.M- W.MAI-06.1170AWiNtAtiAVO FOR SALE - 1 electric mantel clock; 1, 2 -candle• light floor lamp; 1 table lamp; 1 bedroom lamp; Quebec heater (tor coal or wood); 1 kitchen stove with oil burner or grates for coal and wood also 20 rubber stair DIMAS. apply to Mrs. Richardson, phone 56 X, Brussels Cough Drops ASA Cough Drops 10c pkg Throat Ease 25c and 10c pkgs. Smith Bros. Cough Drops 10c Paroxormic Throat Lozenges 25c 08 Iodized Throat Tablets 25c . It'sw 9:44L44,0„.,,:14/4 Se4./V TELEPHONE NO. 62 1••••••011.1••••••111......." DISABLED FOR 'SALE - 100 acres, S% at lot 14,•conclo essn 4, Morris Township, farm o7 the late James ,Shedden. 2 storey frame house; barn 66 x 72 feet; building's in good repair. Ample water supply in bath house and barn: Hydro can easily be installed. Inime diets possession will be given. Apply to the executors, John McArthur 11. J. McLauchlin DEAD or Juicirly removed to Clean Sanitary truck.. Phone collect. 72 BRUSSELS W illiam Stone Sons Linlited . um*-• sa............."",en. srazaw*ww.m...+.....*.o.v.=.*vm.....o.....wn....o 1 Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public Elmer D. Bell,•B.A. C. Joseph Benson, B.A. FL,L. BRUSSELS, ONTARIO (Absent on Active Service', Wednesday and Saturday afternoons) BRUSSELS OFFICE HOURS Daily from 9:00 until 12:00 and from 1:30 until 6:00 (except Thursday from 9:00 until 12:00)__,___ ."*".."---------x--,..—„,----.-----=—",...-------. .----''—''r---7-- ----— ......,...........................71k9••••••••ilMmmm„..... ..",,...... ‘,....................a•e...m.s.•IOM .= EVES RIGHT Glatses EYE -STItAIN causes bea aches, wearmesp, no pep, dr BLURRED VISION makes it hard to thread needles, read the paper, sew coznfort. If your eyes trouble you, have them examined In BRUSSELS DY R. A. REID; R. O. Stratford's lending 'Optometriit for 25 years. BRUSSELS OFFICE—MISS HINGSTON'S STORE WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, eJan.;12thl;2:30 to 4:09 FO1C secoxteunetrussuctoe c ti an G.00Dei SED CARS ozne zoouthem over. 1941 Diidge COneh (with heat andl music) 1940 FortV-8 DeLtnte Coach 1934 Ford V-8' Sedan 1933 Chev, Coach (no knee action) 131 Mode l A Coach 1930 Model A Coach Used Case Mower 6 ft, Cut Used 20-30 Wallith Tractor 4 G. E. NURSE At The Cities Service Gas Station situssims oNtAitto THE BRUSSELS' PosT EXPERIENCED AUCTION Sales conducted anywhere. Phone or write—Matt Gaynor, phone 24X, Lucknow THE STEADY SUBSCRIBER How dear to my heart is the steady subscriber, Who pays in advance at the birth of each year— Who lays down the money, and does it quite ;gladly, And casts 'round the office a halo of cheer. She never says: "Stop it; 1 cannot afford it;. Pm getting more papers than now can read;" But always says: "Send it; our people all like it; lu (act, we all think it a heap and a need." How welcome her cheque when it reaches our s,actum. How it makes our pulse throb! how it makes our heart dance! We outwardly thank her; we in- wardly bless her— The steady subscriber who pays in advance. —The Living Message, 5%00 tiAT 7 %I, 7 14 % Want Normal Pep, Vim, Vigor? Try O,trex Toole Tablats. Contains Wales, atlyaw Ian% Iron, vitamin lib calclum,phosphOrm:alde18 tglgugayVIZentljr Itrt Vcir 42¢11?,erwttl; mats WV:Vet psolutgo, nutkey refund0 tow price. et en &Paws. Start talang Ostrex .00418 eSNAPSI40IGUILD PICTURE SEASONAL CHANGES 53 Have your Atifiett Propitiyeared for NOW F. F. liontuth OPTOMETRIST Phone 118 Harriston FROM MO b„ , 0,otf Oittldic DEMSrMiNi SrOits . DitUaBiSti cc5,op0i05Mgs •• OPACCONIStS o,:staES Pi er AIDOD 514 Season changes offer great opportunities for story -telling pictures. ITJST as Nature changes her There are scenes, too, around the "dress" and appearance in the house or neighborhood that have tall and winter, so. do we humans, been drastically changed by Nature. and when changes are made they The terrace at the side of the house should be recorded by snapshots. has probably been stripped of its Pictures can tell an everlasting colorful furnishings. The awning story of our livee and the world in has been taken don and the shrub - which we live. bery is bare of foliage. No, that And don't think for one minute scene doesn't have the ingredients that those in the Service do not for a pictorial masterpiece, but it; get a thrill out .of pictures from pictures a story that Corporal home showing the changing sea- Bill would enjoy and show to his sons and, more particularly, the buddies. change in the appearance of their Don't let the light fool you when families and friends after they have you're taking pictures at this time discarded their light, colorful sum- of year. You'll have to take most mar clothes and have donned their 01 your snapshots between ten in more somber winter garments. the morning and three in the after - Last summer you perhaps sent nom because with War Time in your soldier a picture -of sister Jane effect we are an hour ahead of reg - dressed in her sun snit, merrily ular zone time. And even .between playing in the backyard with her ten and three your light in the late dolls. Or maybe it was a picture of fall and winter is much weaker Mother and Dad working in the than in the summer; so, if you use -Victory garden. -Wouldn't a picture regular chrome typo tilsn, plan. tn of Dad wearing his heavier fall or give your pictures full exposure, winter clothing, raking th'e Icl,ves, say 1/50 at f/S, if it is a bright day, or later shoveling the now, re a as compared v;ith 1./0 at 2/11 on a 00111 ‘•,1.‘t 10 story - 7171 500 bright day in summer. OA 1011, .1 ISO weleonin,,t by inly,,Tio 1you are not cattail) :th011t; ex - TA+) LI, $` .:5 3 front 1,01110 cur pohare time it would be wise 10 : ,11:11)!y 111100l13.80 Aiat- of lie 15.11 cent ,ex- )..,,nre glades ft 010. yusr 1)1101.0- ; e .-ms t wi 11 au.), you • , .0t1 15,:.150 1750-115 0.l15L11 , • 1 1 fn. ,en,•. wet. (,,xm,sur.3 5111(1 pri tile wasting ot 51111. Anti s y Minot . 0. t,1111. 5515 Mai tieZ If we all cut Our telephone talks by jus_Aul n ' M ...it wou o Save 110100 " WAR`CAL 15, OfY War milli' oust COM. first". . Writni ••dity, j,tituary 7..tis, 1, I The next meeting of the kluron County Council will be held in the Council Chambers, Court House, Goderich commencing Tuesday, January 18h, at 2 PM. All accounts, notices of deputations and other business requiring attention of Council should.be in the hands of the County Clerk not later than Saturday, January 15th. N. W. Miller. County Clerk, Goderich, Ont. AMONG THE POST-WAR RESPONSIBILITIES, hi larger numbers there steam be Preparation for their proper wel- come. We do not infer that such Ille 1051.1' years are seeing mach splendid work by many organize- a welcome should incur needles expenditure of money, but sumo tions and individuals in assuming welcoMes should be civic affairs a responsibility that those who where townsfolk have an opportunity went out from the community were to shake hands again and say quite not forgotten; Evidence that this informally "We're glad 1.1 see you is aPPreeiated and has made the home.' Wo imagine that will mean home town dearer to the boys away more to those returning, than any 153. not lacking It has been and shower of gifts. Knowing many of still is a big task being well done. But in these days of postwar those who have gone .oyer to fight, we know they would coma to any Planning it does seem that we mutt formal function with perhaps more be .sure to make the. home -coming treinbling than facing the enemy, such that the community will main - We don't 'think they will want to tain this. standard built up by the thougitfulness thear their deeds extolled, but will through the days of appreciate just being back again in service away from home. For se. ' the old way among old friends and amity reasons during these war the assurance that old days then sent back from overseas getting friends are just glad to see the= ore not permitted to tell of their It's a part every one can take a home -coming and very often. the re. turn Is a :surprise to all. But ! 'nand in and perhaps in these days we can each give a little thought when the sea lanes are cleared of ' Co this and one of the post war submarines and enemy craft and problems hi this better world con. the boys and girls come back again straction after the war.. ..------ *Ida 111411111S, that we gillould recitute ,our ,191,f0 • eneentlal use lot the telephonelo themittintwas, Present Walden cannot be inorearmd; arrittioik is needed it war nails are to go thriingb proisptipc Cilkase remenilbeithatilie see Vetindephenti tine can hold op war !mein** --sted.thatsevery encondlou ..are mina. .0044:es Girls Pure Wool Snow Suits Sizes 8 to 12, Lined Zipper jackets $9.95. _ Boys and Girls, 3 -piece Snow - Suits, sizes 4, 5 and 6, • 6.95 and 7.95 • Boys- Heavy Storm King Wackinaw , Coats, leather trim pockets and on sleeve, sizes 28 to 36, Special 6.95 Boys Leather. Ilebneis - 1.25 to 1.49 Childrens Chinchilla Heltnets 1 1.00 . , !Wens Horsehide Leather jackets ....) .,•"a In black and brown, all sizes! 36 inch Flannelette, good weight. Don't forget to askfor yottr sale -slips ---For $1000 worth of these we give you ' A War -Savings Sul*, Free. - , ,r , ID , . . MM. , Phpne 61 — 13russets, ' Ont. StiikeuWide Bargains for the Whole .FarnilY ......-7=-..— 15 \. ` .,...,,4:..,,...............m......... 1 . , --. 1Ir' 3 „,,, tzot,",I1 L---- ,..._.....„_;,......"--- 77 'Pl 4 SOW Itaeker 1: Gotiti • For . /kW Kiwis o 1 , , Ji Bai . . . 191 illittiSSELS 'kr , ' 'BrOSil 51