HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1944-1-12, Page 14
Wednesday, January 12th, 1944
In the .Lr°Lssels •Town Mali
Wednesday, Jan. 19
Music •bytTlie Huron Ramblers
Aid of Brussels, Morris & Grey CIGARETTE. FUND
Admission, 25c Lunch Counter
Meeting Jan. 10, 1944
The council met on the above date
In the Township Hall with all the
members present. The Reeve pre-
The minutes of the last meeting
were read and adopted on motion
of Chas, Coultes and Wm. Spate.
Moved by IHarvey Johnston second-
ed lty las, Minnie that By-law No. 1
appointing Townehip • Officials,'
Piatrolmen, Pound Keepers, Sheep
Valuators, Fence Viewers, Weed
Inspector, Grader man and Audttors
as follows be passed, -Carried,
Clerk, George Martin; Assessor,
Lyle Hopper; Treas., Nelson .Hig-
gine; Patrolmen, Road No, 1, Harry
Goll; No 2, Carl Johnston; No. 3,
Arthur Edgar; No. 4, Rohe. Turvey;
No. 5, Morgan Barnes; No, 6, Mae.
Warwick; No. 7, Jos. Yui'l; No. 8,
Wm. Beirnes; No. 9, Sam Aloock;
No. 10, Lorne Nichol; Road No. 11,
Clarence Bollinger; No. 12, George
Alcoak; No. 15, Mervin Govier; No.
14, Edwarl Bryans; No, 15, Thos.
Brydges; No. 17, Chester Iiiutoul;
No. 18, Hervey Brown;, No. 19,
Walter Sellers,
Pound Keepers -Jas. Johnston,
Rett x
Gast thy burden upon the �
Lord, and He shall sustain
thee: He shall never suffer the 9
righteous to be moved" 4
Psalm 55:22... 11
Mlelviie Church a
Minister 1'a
Rev. Samuel Kerr, B.A., S.D.
10 A.M. Sunday School and
Bible Class
11 A. M. Moring Worship
"Man on the Mach"
7 p M. Evening Worshlp
The Rev. Hugh Wilson
• will preach.
Louis D. Thompson, Organist ai
and Choirmaster
: United Church
141 icier -Rev. Hugh C. Wlltee:
11 A. M. Morning Worship
Junior Congregation
12 Church School and
Bible Clint
At Melville Presbyterian
Church of En las°
parish of Brussels •
Rector. -Rei.. M. F. Oldham
Second Sunday After'
Epiphany, Jan, 16, 1944
St. John's Church,'Briasaeis-
2 P. M. Sunday School
7. P. M. Evening Prayer
• and Sernion
St. Georges, Watton -
3.30 SundayP.;M.Schon ,
4 P. M. Evening sprayer
.and Sermon
St. David's, Hettleynee
1.15 P. M. Sunday School
2 P. M. HolyGetemunlon
and Sermon.
Annual Meetings-
St. John's Srussele' Tues.
Jan. r p 18th 8 ..m, in Church -1
St. George's Walton Wed. I
Jan, 19th, 7 p, m; at N t+nten •a
Sanderson Home, , .
St, David's Henfryn-in ahUech
Th � s, Jen. 20th, 230 p. oh
Milo Gaseniore, Graham Campbell,
Robt. McMurray, ;John Bowman,
Lyle Hopper, George Bons, W1n.
Murray, Wm. Pipe, Jas. Clare, Wei,
Bernard, Victor Young, Robt. Bird,
Bernard Craig, Arthur McCall, Geo,
Wilson Geo. IVIcAlithute Wm,
Fenceviewers - Northwest, Har-
old Prooter, Russel Jermyn, George
Coulter:. '
North East -Jos. Shaw, hobs For.
resit, John Warwick
,Scutt West -Albert Nesbit, Thom
Laidlaw, Archde Scott. .
1South East-Menno Jaoksou, Simp-
son 1VLcOall, Thos. Miller.
i Weed Inspector -Robert Michie,
Graderman-Jos. Smith
Auditors -Chas. Johnston and
Robt. McKinnon.
Moved by Jas. Michie seconded by
Chas. Coultes that By -Law No. 2
providing for Road expenditure . be
passed. -Carried.
Moved by Chas. Coultes- seconded
by Hervey Johnston that road 13111s
as Presented by the Road Superin-
tendent he passed, -Carried.
Moved by Jas. Michie, seconded by
Wan. SPeir that the printing lc:entreat
be given to the Brussels . Post at
$95.00 Per year, -Carried.
Moved by Chas. Coultes seconded
by Jas. Michie that the meeting
adjourn to meet again on Feb. 14,
1944 at 1 p.m. -Carried. .
The following accounts were paid:
1VIcIelllap Twp., Walton drain $228.60
Mrs George Gross, relief .-,. 15.00
Fred Logan, ,aftercare 7.00
Geo. Martin, fees 25.401
Geo, MartieClerk 1
IFLSLOP-In Bruseels on Tuesday,
Jan, 11h, 1944, Margaret H. Hislop
in her 76th year. Funeral will
take place from her late home,
Turnberry St,, south, ;tin Friday,
Jan. 14th, 1944. Service at 2 p.m.
Interment in Brussels cemetery. " I
e••4•••edeos••4V.404•44444•4 1
Crosscut saws filed and
gummed •'if necessary. Also
handsaws, .pruning saws &
Knives, scissors ; every-
thing with an edge.
New handles put on saws
and knives.
Leave Them At
Seafortho Ont.
Thursday, Friday, •Saturday,
January, 13th, 14th;..15tti
2nd show seats at 9.16.
Erie Portman Ann •DVorak
Squadron 'Leader.',
Amazing! Baffling! Breath -taking!
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,
January 170, 18th, 19th
2nd show starts at 9.15
Tom Neal as "Tars"
Margo a3'"Tama"
M T NewLocation
o oca, ion
'rite Mitchell Barber Shap' andLoca +` `eYii,T
Poolroom war, moved !'a a new w s
location this week, it is now
situated one door north of 'ware it:
was in the plate formerly occupied
by the Swift Canadian Cu,The
Interior has been completely re-.
modelled and redecorated ale] pre,
souls a engirt apparance,1, has been
,divided into three rooms where wi I
be located' a barber shop, pouirsoni
and a room where rofrosluuents wil
be provided.'
Letters ,Received
From Overseas
Dec. 22,
Dear Sirs :
1 wish to acknowledge with g
appreciation and thanks, your p
received a few days ago,
• As yet l have met no fellows from
Brussels but I hope to soon, so we
can tally the old town over.
Yours very truly,
Jim Prest, R.C.N,V,R,
* .4 ,k
Brussels Legion
Dear friends,
I received your parcel, Thanks for
your great kindness. Parcels front
Immo brighten us up like a rooster's
A Happy & Prosperous New Year..
Yours appreciated,
Lloyd Sanderson
Wo are glad to report tbat d7r
John Wilson is recovering sate;
faotolily .from an operation last
Thursday in Listowel Memorial
Mase Clarence Millar spent a few
days with her parents in Hamilton
last week.
Mr, Lawrence Dobson hes taken a
position in Brantford.
Mr. Schaen of Knox College
Toronto was supply speaker in the
Presbyterian Church, Sunday. He
gave a good sermon on "Satnson."
The sympathy of the community
s extended the family of the late
Itirs. H. S�Peiran,
Miss Elizabeth Barton returned to
Hamilton after. spending a week
at her home here.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas Carnochan .of
Elmo and Mrs. J. Hone„ Atwood
vi,9ited with Mrs, Mary Gill recently.
Mrs. John Bradley of. Crystal City,
Man., is visiting her sister Mrs.,
Sarah Ecicmier in the village. It
is 43 years since Mrs. B. raft these
We are sorry to report that Mr,
Lawson Ward, who was assisting
Mr. Geo. Hutchinson and other men
to secure some wood in the bush Lon
Monday got quite badly injured '.by
a falling tree, which had gotten
lodged coming down. Bath men
were 'taken to Listowel ho3pltai, but
Mr Hutchinson was able to return
home after an examination, Mr,
Ward had several injurieo. We
trust he will soon be around ;again.
Mrs. W. Hamilton and Mrs, Ernie
Cale, Stratford spent the week end
With friends here.
The January meeting of the
W.M.S. of Ethel United Church, was
held at the home of Mrs. P. steplt
enson with vice president Mrs, Wm.
Bremner in the chair, The meeting
opened with the _worship, service,
in charge of Mrs. Ames; _ Theme,
"The Bible for art Canada Children,",
Gall to worship, a sole Mrs, 0:
Richards, Eynin .11186 ``Lord Thy
Word Aibidet'li" was thele sung,
S;crtpture reading Pealm 78.1-7 by
Mrs. Wm, Bremner. Mee:. Aires
r Roll Cali Wag W
led in player,
ed with a "Helpful thought',' Hymn .
'606. was 1:t4en', sung,Jlusinees penton,
Reports •fined• groups for tila year
were quite'satisiactory. Mre^',l3rentOn
gave a talk. on the S4udy Book,
aseisted, by Mrs. Quest,liobson 'and
Mrs, C14ffer(' Rowland wbioh ' was
interesting and., educative. Mie,.
Bren4,on closed vettl 'preyer, •
Behind the 12isitig Sun
Here at last is the pieture testing
away the impenetrable veil ` of
secrecy surrounding the Japanese.
Thursday, Friday, Saturday,
January 20tH,' 21st, 2? -110'
Two Features -2nd- show starts 9;45
Lady Bodpguard
Eddie Albert • and Anne Shirley
'Henry Aldrich, Editor
with Jimmy Lydon
First show starts each evening at
7;30 P.M. Matinee eaoh Saturday
a 2;$0 P.M.
Wooden Egg 'Cases '
On Short Supply' List
OTTAWA, Jan. 11' --The' Ag rieui•
titre Department said a severe, Mut.age of wooden egg calls threatens
to handicap movement of eggs into
the domestic trade and to egg -drying
plants where egg powder is made for
the United Kingdom.
The departmept said the shortage
is tine to "some neglect In the re-
turn of lgig oases to wholesalers,
Some careless handling,' A. sbortage
or lumber and 'Aber' itletdentu
pauses." An appeal Wes ttlad'e: to' a1
pereens'handling egg Casss to re
turn them promptly to tilf1149060 ati
avoid damaging tib fit.
e Obituary
* •
Mrs. Harwell Speiran
* • n e *
We wish to Utke It tis opportt'nity
el thanking the relatives, friends and
neighbours for their kind acts and
expressions of sympathy at the time
or our bereavement, it was greatly
appreciated and will never he
The Robertson family.
Due Dates For
Ration Coupons
•Coupons now valid are
24; I:ea-coffee coupons 14
serves Di to D11; butter
meat coupons 30 to 33.
The family of the late firs, Mary
auto Speil'an wish to !hank their
Mende and neighbours for their
many aces and expressions of sYm
patty in their resent sad bereave -
Cor their beautiful floral tributes
Which will never be forgotten.
The Speiran family,
Hockey Slants
By Donny Willis
Morrie and its old rival the T'owwwe
clashed on Monday night Ili ane of
the raciest and 111011 scoring
The death of a' much est•zc•iueit and iof 1110, year, 'rile wore 45444 ap0imatVa
well known woman, Yuri' Jane (look; by Rollos oe the locale, bangieg ,eate.
beloved wife of the luta lftuttvell in the first period with assists 1Hesas
:.than, who passed away itwo years Riley and Willis, Later In We
,1 one week. After being con- period the Morris• lads came bear
fined to her bed for nearly 'three with two goats by 00111e and lilrtg,
.months passed to her ,sternal reward With tits period drawing to a ranee
January 4, 1944. Mrs, Spe.iran was Willie assisted by Rollos ecor04 Si
a daughter of the late 1411•, and Mrs, seteetiona•1 goal. The per.od enclisstie
William (Cook, and was borno e e tit
April 16, 1870 ou the 10th concession !Glen .Nichol opened the score•lig--
Hum 14 to Four Meat Coupons Grey, at which place site was the second period with a hard dust
to 27 pre- For Pound' of Salmon married by the Rev. Mr, Smithin to ,the corner of the net eompleteSY
42 to 45; Effective Sansei, 17, canned ,ne ,presence of about 50 guests, baffling Gillis in the Town goal. 314
salmon ,obis the list of rationoil The lived 3 Curtis came back for Morals wft
foods In Canada. One meat eau,
Don will be good for the purchase of
a quarter of a pound, according to
E. J. Farley, regional superintendent
of rationing.
Meanwhile distribution is being
made. to wholesalers and relaters of
the 2010,000 oases permitted for
civilian consumption. Stocks will be
frozen until Jianuary 17, when for the
first time in more than a year
Pacific salmon will be placed on
shelves for consumer use. it will be
availablein one-quarter, one-half and
one -pound containers..
One D coupon is good for 12 ounc-
es of canned craugerry sauce, and
beginning January the 17111 one
2110:13 111131011 is good for ontermarter
pound of canned salmon..
The 60th Annual Meeting of the
I Polley holders of the alma lrerm-
`ere Mutual Fire Insurance Company
will be held in the ,Foresters Hall,
Atwood, on Tuesday,; January 25111.
at two o'clock for the purpose of
receiving the reports of the directors
and auditors and disposing of the
same, election of officers and any
!Bier business bat may cone before
the meeting.
Anglican Church Notes
The third service of the annual
Week of Prayer was held in St.
Johns Church on Thursday, Jan. 6th
at 8 p.m. Rev, M. F. Oldham was
in charge and Rev, H, C Wilson
read the Scripture Lessons. Rev, S.
Kerr gave an appropriate sermon on
,St John 19:3942 on the Crurifision,
Dearth and Burial of Jesus Christ
also the kind act of Joseph of
Arim•athea, in offering the sepulchre
in the garden for the burial.
Mrs. 112. Bredin sang the solo,
"Teach Me To Pray" by Jessie Mae
Jewitt... Mr L. D. Thompson was
accompanist. Mrs. R. Campbell
was organist for the service,
Try TMs Next Time-_
It Might Work Once
A smart young tiling lied parked
her car out of hours in the business
district and about five feat from . e.
fire hydrant. Returning after a
short absence..she perceived a fat
policeman lounging eonntortably in
the front seat awaiting 'the 'owner's
With quick womanly.(?1 decision,
she called a taxi and drove home,
from whet'ce she immediately called
the police department, informing
them that her car lead been stolen,
In a renfa.rkably short time the
same policeman appeared and ac-
cepted with beaming complacency
her praise of his astuteness'
New Motor Licenses
Ready On January 24 •
TORONTO, Jan, 12 - Highways
Minister .George Doucett announced
Yesterday that owing to unavoidable
delay* in secut'ing' supplies, 1944
motor vehicle permits. and drivers'
licenses will not be available to
the public until January 24. In
the' meantime the term of 1943
permits and licenses has been .
extended so that •they' are valid until
those for 1944 -are ready.
"Every motorist ' is hi urged to Pre- .
serve s• 1 948 plate, ae it will be. ,
continued in nee "fpr 1944, said Mr.
Donnell. "A windshield stamp will
be 'issued with the 1944 permit and
his stamp will authorize • the con-
tinued use of the 1943 plate." .•
At The Churches
The morning service in Melville
Church was in charge of the
ministea•.' who ,took Cor hie sermon
subject "Lite in Three Dlh}ensions."
In 111e evening tite ,Melville. emigre-
gation woasbipped with the United,
coilgrega>"tionin the United Clttn•ch.
The Holy Gonlshnieten was ;Amin.
Istered at the moaning servlee in the
Melted Church, "The inspiration of
Commotion" was the minister's sub -
Jetts The choir. sang "0 ,Sacred
Head Now Wounded," very effective-
ly.' At the Union service in the
evening Rev, Mr, Kerr . bio» grit a
message from the temptations of
Jesus. The choir sang "Lift up Your
Beads0 Ye Gates."
Y yearss on eoslcessien
. Presbyterian W. M. S.
The W.M.S. of Melville Church
met in the choir -room on Friday
afternoon at 3 o'clock Mrs. S. Kerr
presided, and opened the meeting
with prayer, after which Psalm. 36
was sung. Mrs, Wm. Little rend
the Scripture and Mrs. J, S. Arm-
strong led in prayer. The secretary's
and treasurer's reports were then
react and adopted and the members
were pleased to Bear that the allo-
for last year had been reach-
ed. Mrs. Wm. Gillespie expressed
her thanks for the Life Membership
certificate which had been presented
to her by the society. The New
Year's message was ably given by
Mrs. Clark Matheson. Hymn 697
was sung, and the meeting, closed
with the Lord's Prayer in unison,
Goderich Pumper Pouring
Water, On Burning Section
One half of the 7,000 -ton coil pile
at the Western Canada Flour Mills,
not on fire, had been moved, up to
lash night. Gangs of men have been
working night and day and are now
dawn to the heart of the fire which
has been smouldering for some
The hot coals are being raised
over to the space bared by the re-
moval, and the fire is in a fair way,
to being put out. A town pumper
has been pouring water in. The
mill was closed down all week
owing to unexpeoted difficulties,
company •officials and engineers
from 'the head office have been
looking into troubles in the power
plant. The engine which powers
the hill was shade in Manchester,
England, and it is difficult to get
part required.' The plant expected
to re -open Monday.
Manager Menzies, stricken with
influenza, has been a patient •in
Alexandra Hospital,
And there was the /adieu rope
trick peefarnlor; who was, discharged
from the navy because every time
he climbed . the rigging he dies
Transportation„ Subsidies
Will Be Paid bn Fertilizers
OTTAWA, Jan, 11 -Transportation
subsidies will be Payable on corn"
Inercial fertilizer for use on all
essential field, °rebat•.d . or garden
crops in the five eastern provinces
and British Columbia, the agriclltur-
el supplies board fertlliess acimiuls•
tration announced yesterday.
Last year, the subsidies were pay;
able only on feed crops.
P»mpose of the authorizing order -
in -council is to see that fertllieer*
win cost, approximately • the same
in various parts of Canada :and
this is achieved by subsidizing all
transportation ' costs above $1 a
ton, the administratioin seed,
Total subsidies are estimated et
$725;000 in 1844, about the same
amount as In 1943.
The change to freight assistance.
was eoneldered necessary because
Otter groups ;pf Crope cave llecenle
AOessential to the tsar effort as the
feed crops.
"The principal point for flltmers
to remember is that they should in-
sist on not tieing Charged by any
dietributor for the' fertilizer more
thee $ 1a ton above the £.o.b, tae-
Wry ;Ceiling Pelee established by he
Wartime Prices and T.ra,da iloard,"
salad an ofele 1.
15, elect. which they moved to her another goal assisted by King 'era
G. Nichol.old home. They lived 24 years
there, then moved to csoneessloi 12 LINEUPS
de -
for 11 Years. - Atter moving to MCR.Si,1IS--Goal, G. Stephenson, de-.
Atwood to enjoy a well earned rest fence, ,1'. Lowe; D. Dnucan; ter
for 6 years The as nine ear
1 t i h e 'wards, Nichol, King, Duncan; alter.
been in Ethel. Three years ago nates, 0, Currie, H. Workman endMr, and Mrs, Speiran celebrated S. Kerr,
their Golden Anniversary when TOWN -goal, H. Gillis; defence,
about 125 guests called nn them. blrs, H. Pearson, G. Lawless; forward, .
Spelydn was a faithful member of Bolles, Willis, Riley; alternates, .
the United Church, and wherever Meeker and T. McDonald.
she lived 'helped in the church, THE SCHEDULE
taught elasees in Sunday- School, Following is the schedule, with-
' in
p W.M.S. and U. A. three games played the revolts arm•
Societies. At Union' she was pre- listed:-
seated with a Life Membership and Jana 3 -town vs, Morris:
pin of W.M.S. She leaven to morin Town, 8; Morris, Y
,four sons Wililam, Colwell, Gordon Jan, 5 -Grey vs. Town
of Grey township and Clifford of Town, 9; Grey, 2
resemble, Mo,, U.S.A., and one
daughter Myrtle (deceased,, Aleo
11 grandchildren. The funeral
took place from Ethel United Church
January 7, 1944 at 2 o'clock.' Rey,
Brenton conducted the service. Mrs,
Richards and Mr. Quest Dobson sang
a duet "Beyond The Suttees." ' The
floral tributes were beautiful and
contributed by: pillow, Sons; spray,
Clifford Speirm.ns; wreath; Iloydes;
wreath, ,Sisters and Brothers; spray,
Neloes and Nephews; spray, Ethel
'Wilted Church; spray,' Union United
Church; spray, Friends. The pall-
bearers were Masers George Dunbar,
Cameron Cochrane, W'illtarn Steven-
son, Bert Vodden, William Baker,
William Patterson, Interment was Farm Machinery'
made in Elnha Centre Cemetery. Schools 'Planned
Friends attending the funeral
Department, of Agriculture
rem a dietetic were from Chatham, Huron county, through J. 0, Shear
Guelph, 8t atha s,
representative, has made arrange -
Gnrrie, 4Ionktou and Bh .iesele. meats for holding farm machinery'
Jun. 7 -Morris vs. Grey
Morrie, 6; Grey;,
Jan. 10 -Morris vs. Town
Jan.. 1t2 -.Town vs, Grey
Tan, 14 -Grey vs. Morris
Jan. 17 -Grey vs. Town
Jan. 19 -Morris vs. Grey
Jan. 21 -Town vs. Morris
Dian. 24 -Grey v,s. Town
Jan. 26 -Grey vs Morris
Jan. 28 -Morris vs. Town
,Ian. 31 -Grey vs, Town
Feb. 2 21.orris vs. Grey
Feb 4 -Morris vs. Town
Feb. 7 -Grey vs, Town
Feb. 9 -Morris vs. Grey
Feb. 11 -Town vs. Morris
two-day schools for Huron farms -
Tbe objects of the oourse are to ,K . * '11* * * • point our rnPair jobs which are
PEOPLE W1KNOW mast often encountered on the more,
farm machines; to meg-
. ,. n s v * s a s e gest te farmers some practfceI
Mr. F. Kearney is seriauely ill at methods of having repairs done; In•
his home here. encourage. 14armers to check over
e * *
Mr. Wm. Wright returned to
Brussels after spending some time
in London.
• • ■
Mr. P. Aanent, returned hone from
Clinton hospital last week.
* * •
Mr. and Mrs, Reg. Kerslake, of
Seaforth, visited with Mr. and Mrs.
Herb, Sullivan.
s *
Mrs. George Semis, PO. Frank
Scott .and le. M. Semis were Toronto
visitors this week.
* • t
LAIC. Herbert Harris- of Ste Jean,,
Quebec, spent the New Year's holi-
days with relatives in town.
* • 1
Miss 61 Cunningham, Reg. N.,
Brantford, is at the home of her
parents Mr, and Mrs. D. R. Cunning-
114 ,
* * •
Dick Elliott of the GAY. returned
to his base after spending his fur-
lough here with his parents, Mr. and
their machines for needed repairs -
and to order them immediately; to -
point out simple but most itnportmo1
adjustments necessary for the :most
efficient .and economical operation
of various Perm machines; : to
courage labor-saving methods ands:
devices for farms; to assist ' Huron.
county farmersto produce food-
stuffs to the maximum and to. snit -
port the war effort in every wary
The curriculum will include came.
and repair of taoness, use of con-
crete on -the Perm, and whitewash-
hitewas' •ing; oare and maintenance of mo-
tors, .cream separators, mi1lt,s
machines and water systems smelt
as . pumps, windmills and pike
plows and tillage implements,coop-
creative and custom use of tarot
machinery. Tractors will be illes-
trated gy elides and praotical def -
coutra.tioua of various rope spKc•-ti=
will be gegen.
Regular instructors will be Gee,
don MoGavin, Walton; Merry&
Stetak, Zurich, and J. C. Sheartnr.
C13nton, "Tits hours of instruMow
are 10:00 •a:m. to 12;00 noon, lid'
to 4:30 pen, The places and dates:
are: Kintell, January 18, and 29.
Dungannon, January 20• and 211;•
B1yt11 January 25 and 26; Wartime
January 27 and 28; Wroxeter., lb -
11541107 1 and 2; Clinton, 0ebreram,
3 and 4, Henson,' February 8 and 2r'
Bhnvilie, February 10 and 11; Grand<
Bend, February 16 and 1'5; Mite
Febrnery 17 and 18.
r �4 -
Otee of the formidable greener
problems will be the combatting eat
widespread narcote addltclou, i
Ind Belied 1.Ta1; •faniolts selence r5
yet 'writing in the American WeeteSg
With this Sunday's (Jan, rostra*
of the Detroit Sunday's Times,: stir
Plaine how medical Chemists
:striving to find a safe sub9titute. fakir:
babit forming opiates. Get Seven.
day's Detrick Thema!
ceived official notice that their son,
.A. Segt., Lorne E. McCauley le ser-
louely i11 in a hospital in .Italy. icer-
ai following.
Fee -
thee fuEorm t
.An increase in the Brice of pots:
toes has • beet announced • by W
Harold McPhillips, price and supply
representative for Western Ontario.
'The increase of five cents' tor a 75,
. pound eontaiueie goes into effect,
January TOth,. This raise effects both
the Wholesale and retail scale of
Miceli. On Febrility the 7th another
raise of him nems 15111 he placed on
potatoes, This is a seasonable
hiereaae to cover the oast of
storage and 'the general spoilage,