HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1944-1-5, Page 4Page 4. It 6 m A s. to ,101ass fled Ads Kow ts I FOR S 1 pair 'ItWhito Skates size 4, 1 pair 'Ski Pants (blue), V5 That Is Reeed 14 To Keep Correct Records of 1944 Ledgers, Day Books, . Minute Books, Secretary Books, -.Diaries, Receipt Books,. Index Cash Books Counter Books, Statement Pads, Pens, Pencils, Invoice Files, Writing 'Pads, Envelopes iter Pads Ink, Erasers, FOR SALE Phone 50-t•-6, E135o 12 Pigs 3 weeks old apply to Herold SpMtr., Phone 25-r-12 Brussels. FOR SALE - 1 Darllam Heifer, fresh also a i'.ew Ayrshire heifers to freshen $oon, Phone 35 r-115 C E. Rowland, WANTED— THE BRUSSELS POST wwodspsday. January 0th 1544 t .1411 Vn• The next meeting of the Huron County Council will be held in the Council Chambers, Court House, Gotku'ich corninenang Tuesday, January 18h, at 2 P.M. All accounts, notices of deputations and other business requiring attention of Council should be in the, hands of the County Clerk not later than Satui'daY, January 15th. N, W. 1Vliller, County Clerk, C:oderich, Ont. A Young Driving Mare sound and ,d..,...—.------- eSNAPSHOY CUILD Blotting Paper, hype CheckingPencils, Loose Leaf Note Books,• quiet not afraid of care. '" Phone 83-r-4. 11. C. Campbell.and Many other items. All of which can be supplied here. -- ---- FOR SALE— S Good Cutters, 2 cutter Robes, new. leek Thy,Nle phone 31-r-13 FOR SALE— I 2 Heifers, 1 year old, 1 Jersey and 1 1 Ayrshire. I Dave Billets, Graham Survey R R. 3 Brussels; Phone 513.r-15 • Cough Drops ASA Cough Drops 10c pkg Throat Ease 25c and 10c pkgs. g Smith Bros. Cou Drops lOc r'aroxortntc Throat Lozenges 25c a" Iodized ThroatTablets 25c Rexall Bronchial Syrup (1) Relieves Congestion (2) Soothes Irritated Membranes (3) Checks the Cough A Favorite Family Cough Medicine 50c Bottles When lits School Supplies They can be bought to advantage here, from our very complete line of School Accessories and School Text Books. F. SMITH i atiC.Gla i and STATIOt'IE fs%Wliitt1/4a,,,immi.‘4.124 SAW TELEPHONE NO. 62 -A / ( t D1.SSAn..rD TELEPHONE NO. 62 icitly removed in Clean Sanitary truck.. Thane collect. 72 BRUSSELS Nam r Stone Sons Limited ... ...... . Il3 0' BRUSSELS, ONTARIO Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public Elmer D. Bell,•B.A. C. Joseph Benson, B.A. Wednesday and Saturday (Absent on Active Service' afternoons) BRUSSELS OFFICE HOURS Daily from 9:00 until 12:00 and from 1:30 until 6:00 (except Thursday from 900 ut,tii 12:00) 1 1 EYES RIGIEIT With eld's Glasses EYE STRAIN causes headaches, weariness, no pep, drousiness ELiTRRED VISION makes it hard to thread needles, read the paper, sew. in comfort. If your eyes trouble you, have them examined in BRUSSELS DY Ii.. A. REID, R. 0. Stratford's leading Optometrist for 25 years. BRUSSELS OFFICE ---MISS HINGSTON'S STORE WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, Jan. 12th 2:30.46 4:00 Phonet,5I For Appointment �_ s� 1 t9 stterimisoisamKi6 tmmxtortmtormet GOOD USED CARS Come in and ieok them over. ° 1941 •Dodge Coach (with heat and music) 1940 Ford 11.8 DeLuxe Coach 1934 Ford Wti8 Sedan, 1933 Chev. Coach (no knee action) 1931 Model A Coach 1930 Model A Coach Used ease Mower 6,ft. Cut Used 20.30 Wallis Tractor rG. E. NURSE 07At Thetities Service Gas Stationigh hA' . *RVSfELB} *<+' rte--- OhlTARFO BCSH1 SUSHI BUSH. Good sized Bush to let by contract. I Will give 45 per cent of both logs and wood to have it off. Must start ' immediately. Ian McDonald,Phone 13r Brussels. ' FOR SALE— ` 9 Chunks of Pigs. Phone 55-r-15 Robt. Locking.' 1 The house of the late Mrs, Wm. Wilkinson, for immediate sale, silo- ated on James St. Brussels. apply at the Office of E. D. Bell, Brussels, FOR SALE— WANTEED— A competent experienced girl for, house work, 2 children, must live in, good wages. ' Phone 3$x -r-3 Mrs. Louise Porter, : EXPERIENCED AUCTIONEER— Sales conducted anywhere, phone or write—Matt Gtiynor, phone 24X, Lucluiow Stranger (savagely): "Yon're Fit- ting on my hat, sir!" 01d gentle , man: "So 3 feel, sir. And I hope in the future you will wear soft hats and not these hard -brimmed abomb ationa." * * >t A young lady stopped at the notion counter. "May I see some combs?" she asked. The elerk showed her some, "0h, no, I want a man's : comb." "Do you want a narrow man's• comb?" "No, I want a comb for a fat man with rubber teeth" 1 m * 5 • I "Why do you think I can give you a testimonial?" asked the as-- I tonished prison governor of the man who was being discharged, "Because, sir, you can say truth- fully that you've known me for five years, and have never seen me under the influence of drink-." Have tilt lEYES Proper/yeared foci NOW w o * F. F. iennnth OPTOMETRIST Phone 118 Harriston FROM BANKS . POST OFFICES trOARTMENT STOPEs . oRunni5T5. GROCERS . fosaccONISYS epos STORES ontl other IMAM STORES res MAKE ENLARGEMENTS 42 'Through proper cropping and enlarging an ordinary snapshot can be made into an appealing, well composed picture. 't VERYONE realizes, I believe, L that an enlargement is more impressive and more effective than a contact print. Whatever beauty or interest there may be in a small negative is brought out and empha- sized, but merely making a print of greater size is not the only advan- tage of enlarging. Far from it. Enlarging provides a tremendous degree of pictorial control and is an aid to more pleasing composition. Furthermore, by various steps known as masking, dodging,'print- Ing in, and others, it is even possible to make a good enlarged picture from a snapshot that's just barely satisfactory. Let me give you an outstanding example..A. camera hob- byist whom I know had been out making pictures of his two young- sters, but the results of the after- noon didn't live u1i to his expecta- tions. Some of the shots were made as his little girl and boy were walk- ing along a pier, and, as tar as the figures were concerned, the snap- shots were quite good. But along the sides of the dock were'rows of dark pilings.' Being heavier in tone, the eye was naturally led to those distracting objects, making it diffi- cult'to keep one's attention on the essential theme of the picture. A, very simple method, however, considerably improved one of these snapshots. Superfluous space and details were masked off in enlarg- Ing, as shown in our illustration• -- and the real picture emerged—an attractive, appealing shot of a little girl and boy walking hand in hand. And don't forget that such pie - turas are the kind that those in the Service like to receive frequently. Try the same method with your snapshots. It's often a startling reve- lation to go through a pile of con- tact ontact prints, and find really worth- while pictures within pictures, just by masking off the surplus parts. I spoke above about "dodging." This is a control process used in enlarging, whereby you can darken some parts of a picture, and lighten other parts, to obtain a more satis- factory effect. Dodging is also useful when there are details in the nega- tive which cannot be made to show in a contact print. Shadow portions can be held back, and brigb lighted areas printed deeply so 41, details that were present in the negative will be printed on the en- larging paper. Many amateurs, of course, do not have enlarging equipment, but if. photoiiuisher regularly makes your enlargements, you can still take ad- vantage of certain control methods. For example, you can take a con- tact print, outline just the part you wish to appear in the enlargement, and the finisher will use the marked Vint as a guide when the enlarge- ment is made. JohnvanGuilder The vicar and his enrate had life preservers, invalid quarreled, and the curate was re- enol doughnuts,' quested to, resign, He therefore preached his farewell sermon and the parishioners emus in crowds to hear hien. "My teat," he said, "is taken from the moving story of A,braham: "Tarry ye here with the ase, white I go yonder' ," cualsions * + s A Frenchman was relathig his experience in studying the Eng- lish language. Ile said "When le first discovered that if I was quick. 1 was fast; that if 1 was * e , 's tied, I was fast; if I spent too free- • A doctor was trying t0 cheek ly, 1 was fast; and that not to a1i epidemic in a village. Visiting eat was to fast, 1 was discouraged a family he asked: "Are you tak- 13ut when I came aeroes the seis- ing precautions to previ'li' spread fence "The first one won one - of contagion?" "Yee, sir, Doctor," dollar prize', I gave up trying," 1� replied the head of the family. _ - "We've even bought a sanitary cur and we all drink from it. If we all cut our telephone talks st ne Minute War sells' Must COM first ... 1 .. wBelk meacu that we should reduce our saw sommdal we of the telephone to the minimums iraeet facilities cannot be inereasedi your ars kation is needed if war calls are to go through promptly. 'QPlease remember that the wasteful. , ► of telephone time can hold up wat business and that every second you save courts. 4.440,410 r; 5 s A motorist walked into a gen- eral atone and asked: "What have yen in the shape of automobile tfrea?" To which the proprietor replied: "Ye have funeral wreaths, } ens 3O 49, 5O!` Want Normal Pep, flim, Vigor?. Try Outrun Tonle Toblots: ()outdo. foul ,ears. tante,, Iron vliauxin n,. calclum,phoanh0R normal pop vim 51411,5111111.7 attar 410 or Introductory alae only ar+a, TI nor do11tt61.08 16(5' ,eche .nt Ara 7,rkunc r -1+^r rohlnda file prle► Lt *II ,lrnl[ lata nun 4414 14 amix n'nb Ip, M10Y•, 71,0at, he's well again nd doing a war job.. "MY H.133 -BAND'S hada nervous breakdown — just worry. He left his job in the shipyard toga Into logging. But his health suffered and the doctor sisys he's got to take a complete rest. But we harea't any ready money. How can he rest?"' The bank manager listened to her troubles sympathetically. He knew the husband, knew the wife—both sound citizens. The bank adranced the money on personal security . c . on the good chard acter of two honest, hard-working people. In a few weeks, Fred was well again and worth. Lug in the shipyard. The loan was paid back ht full. Because of bank accommodation he is mow getting financially oa kis feet again—and aiding Canada's war effort. This true .tory—only the sane is Chang i- illustrates how Canada's Chuteted Basalt dal ks and day oat, . rm the heassa es mei es ohs /Mw' cid seri. of G►n.diaw The CHARTERED BANKS of CANADA Good For Mi . Kinds of Baking SOLD IN BRUSSELS AT Backer Bros. Phone 6 6atcltee' slit: Brussels