HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1945-12-12, Page 2THE BRUSSELS POST
GUt :SuggestioflS
X 1y iewo weeks left to do your Christmas 'Shopping in.
"We are happy to offer the following desirable items whic,n we
}„eliesre dill make acceptable Gifts;
resh Stock o
G the Mowsri,t
crisp new snowy white Neck Wear , . .. • . • • $1.00 to $2.95
!.actvely new scarves . , Ascots. ,sheer. florals $71.00 to $2.50
250 Cotton Blouses , . • just arrived , , white and pastel
.shades. arses 14 • , 20... • • .. . , •• .. $1.15
CrepeBlouse s �r+ $2.95 to $4,50
:S%eer and ' . • • .... • • ' ' - •
r:l,;•hoice selection of well made Handbags suitable for
young and old underarm, novelty and
carrying styles .. , - . , . , . , , . ... • • $3,50 to . $11.50
Another shipment of toasty warm Fur Mitts 3 95
:?leather Palms '•. , . • Small • • Medium Large • • 5
.Angora type knitted Gloves ,.•• all s.,a3'a; $1.00
`Ceal Angora, some hand embroidery - ...... $1.95 to $2.25
"11oves Half and ltialf • • Chamoisette etc. .. $1.25 to 51,50
leather 'Ski Watts , .. • .. , . $1.25t o51.95
( � iJackets .. .. . 54.95 .. $5.50 • .$6.95 . , $
SQUIRREL CHOIRS. Two skin and four skin
5.00 - $48.00
effects a • , , 52
Satin .. $10.95 to $12.95
fiousecoafis SatinChenille .. , . - . , • $4.98 to $7.95
_ .. $3.50
Pi 'Chenille Bed Jackets .. , .
SKIRTS. Plain gored or pleated.
$2 95
Perles $4.95
FUR COATS. A lovely Gift -choose from a lovely
FFrench-Electric Seal (Dyed Rabbit) . • $59.50 up
Mink Dyed Coney (Dyed Rabbit) . • $125.00 up $129.u5
Persian Sides • • •.• • •' • ... $129.95
Rosewood Brown Seal Tuxedos ...'$395.00'. $195.00
Muskrat o r guarantee and one year free storage.
Sola with cur prat'
In addition to the above, we offer Crepe and Wool Dresses-.
Winter Coats -and selected Millinery at competi`ive prices.
Paris Ladies'
Listowel's Leading Ladies Wear Store
where your Dollar buys more.
im DEAD or
removed rn Clean Sateitary heeds. Memo collect.
William Stone Sins Limited
Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public
D. Bell,-B.C. Joseph Bensons, B.A.
(Absent on Active Service)
Mr Benson in attendance Wednesday afternoon
Office open daily 'from 9 -to--- 500
'PIie Unites Clem -tele 1l;nnan's
Misslonat t So' le'v and i'i'mttan'e
ekssooiai ion hell t ten• annual meet -
tete and ele:Mee or officers ,h the
Sunday Sehoci roto Wednesdee
afternoon; The ltt`s$ienetry meeting
was presided over le- tee pate. tent,
Mrs. J. M: .111e. 1 carol service was
planned for the Sunday avnnIII
before t'hrIstlra.- It will be held in
the ohnree. MrA. It OhaanneY gave a
missionary reaiting,
Mrs, R. 1I, Cott les gave the re-
port of tee tiotit'auting coo .,ittee
and the retest'ee officer, were
elected: p etel.eat, Mrs, Richard
Chan -Mei; let -:et-preeldent. 1lrs.
"Earl Aide' ei , Lee vteepeetidatr.
Mrs. G. H, Purlieu seeretat•y. Mrs
George Martin; treasurer Mrs.
Harry t'aml•b.elr; :latest. M'•t.. Cecil
Wheeler; 1empere.nce Serte(ary,
Mrs. R. Ona'nrt v; Ohrieelan tete-.
aidshiP M^.e. Carl Procter; Leen):
er):ture, \Ira. Joseei. Millet; Mission
ary Mont,ily, Mrs. Herbert Wheel-
er; associate .t eetteis, Mre, Alt .t
Vincent: Mtszloi, Rand super late nd-
ent, Mrs. Rebel; ,loultes; assistant
Mrs. Harold P •oeter; Baby Band
superintendent, ars. Jesse Wheel-
er; press ee<•t.-'sry, Mrs. ;Tames
The Woman's esaociation 'meeting
followed ham relief ely, wjt't the
President. Mrs Robert Coaltee isa
the chair. 'I h , icllowing officers
were el . ,, ad fo `Re coming year :
President, Mrs RCber•t Coupes, 1st
vice-president.etas Jesse Wheeler;
2nd tie pee eel, Mts. 1. M
Colt es v, Mts, Carl Pioa-
ter treeenr't .tris C. Logue
sistant. Ms. I.. J MacKenzie, pias-
ist. Mrs. J. M Csorltrs,
Mrs. G. W Jones, who witn he•'
small dace at,x Susan has resided
with her pm:tette, Mr. and :vire. J.
IE. McGallem. fee the past tinea
years went to Landon Thursday to
meet her entsb'tn,l. Cpl. G. W. Jones,
on his ream 'ream overseas.
1 Perso•Iials erre Z'4 illiam 'Benne,
' Btvth c;id else. Sacktider. New Lis•
keard, wills Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Cook; Mrs. Jack Gillesp:e and
daughter. i,nina. Whi'e. euteh
with _M•-. to l Mre 0. Wheeler;
Keith Dunbar, Landon, with hie
parents. M ase Mrs. J. D'itlbar.
The Happy Hearts M1 sion Bled The Decenbee meeting or the
of the united Ceureh met in the ! Woman's Assoelattoa took place n
Sunday School roma Sunday morn- Il the school romu of the United
ing with the leaders. Mrs. G. H Church Thursday afternoon. Inc
Dunlop and Mrs. R. Coulees in
rharge, The president. I.loyl An-
derson, was in the chair and opened
the meeting with a -Christmas poem.
The Bible story was read by Sanies
Anderson and Marjory Ma,eEenzie
led hn prayer.
Election of officers was couduet•
ed by Mts. Duni ,p, and the follow-
ing were installed• president, Nora
Cook; vlee-president. James Ander-
son; secretary, Margaret Procter;
ereasurer, Billy Conites; pianist.
Doris Marlett; assistant. pianist,
Marjorie MacKenzie.
The 'following program was giv-
en poen, Eileen Holmes; recita-
tion. patsy Logan; song. Ruth and
George Procter; Christmas song by
six girls; piano deet, Donna t±.uder•
sop .and Billy Coultes.
The Anglican Young People's As
sociation of Trinity Church meat
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C.
H. Wade Friday evening. Miss Dor-
othy Wacte presided in the ebaence
of the president:. and Clare Van
Camp read the tog book. Gaines
and contests were enjoyed, and re-
freshments were served by the
Personals; Mre. ,T, A. Brandon
with relatives in Leucon; Mr and
Mrs. R. H. Cour:es. Billy and Glee
with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Kcal
ing, Wingltam; Mr. and Mrs. A.
Jenkins, Winghare with Mr. and
Mrs, Joseph Mlilr^.
Mrs, Alex Leaver was heitess to
the Woman'e Missionary .Sooiety of
Brick United. Church. East Wawa -
nosh, for the annual meeting Theirs.
day afternoon. There was an attend-
ance of 22. Mrs. C. Shielt and her
group were in charge of hte worship
The following ,officers,olficers were eie
sand installers; president, Mrs. J
H. Irwin; Int vieepresident, Mrs.
E: Dow; 2nd vicepresident,• Mrs.
Cecil Ooul4es; oorrecpondint; and re-
cording secretary, 'Mrs, 'Stanley
Snell; treasurer, Mrs, Leslie Wight -
man; pianists, Mieses .Jean Leaver
and Dorothy Pafitleon; Mission
, Rand supenintentlent; Mrs. Gitbel
Beecroft; assistants, Miss Clare
McGowan and Mrs, Cecil Coolies,
It DOES tact! a
good In - pip.
1129h, 11J•1!i
Mrs, 14, 1'. ',weep; weic nue an 1 '
welfare, Mee. Eldred +*ieltol, :Mss
Fhorenia Powlee, lila. Satellite, eels,
H Robertson; literature and lib-
rary, 111x,. J. J. Elliott; supply, Mie. ,
P. S. Meh;Cren; (Pad Tidings, Mia,
Stanley Moffett; laonte helpers,
Mrs. WW'131 Mundell; life nerbat•shitt,
Miw, W. Stnitlle; press, Miss Cleve
Scott; pianist, Mrs. .1', .C, Higgins,
atseistant, Mrs. G. Mundell; anditoee,
Mre. MacEwen, Mrs, Ditevidsou; Mis-
sion Baud su'perintotudenit, Mrs. tlor•
don 5111ndell; see is taut, Mrs. Enna
The president thanked the mem.
leers for the fine spirit of co -opera.
don tllroug+luoat the year and asked
that it be continued. She closed the
meeting with prayer.
Ladles' Aid Elects
The 4th quarterly meeting or the
Ladies' Air Society of Keiox Pres
byterian Church wile held on Thurs-
day afternoon. The preskhent, Mrs,
Hums Moffatt, presided, Reports of
the year's ea -I -ryes were +presented
for the Morris G`+cup by Mr's. Wal-
ter Smillie, showing that $40.07 had
been forwarded to the general trea-
surer, and by Mtn. Harty Pellicle. for
the Triple Geeup, showing 'lu
amount raised bo be $61,95, Each
group received monthly members`
contributions; nonetioee were alae
received. teas were given, quilts
quilted and Red Cross work done,
and a successful bazaar held in
October, The books showed a, sob
stanttal balance.
The officers for 1945 were re-
elected for nest year: Presidene
Mrs. Burns Moffatt; vice-prea'.tent,
Mrs, Roy Turvey, secretary, Mrs.
Archie Messer; assistant sei,retary,
Mrs, Harvey Robertson; treasurer,
Mrs, W. G. Mundell; auditors
Gordon Mundell, Mrs. G. Muniiell.
The society acceded to carry on
Baby Band superintendents, Mrs,
Lawrence Taylor and Mrs, Roy Pal.
111,011 Christian stewerdeltlp sees
rotary. Mrs. 51. McRlchie; cant-
munity friendshipp, Mrs. Alex Leav-
er; temperance. Mrs, 'Stewart Me -
Burney; supply, Mrs, George
Coulees; Missi<,nt,ry Monthly and
world friends. Mrs. R. M. Shi a.tl ;
press reporter, Mrs. Norman
('mines; assieta+nt, Mrs. herald
Conites; group emcee -mans. Mrs. 0.
Shiell. ;lies. A. Pattison, Mn, G.
Beecroft. and a fcurtle to he decided
upon later,
Miss Gladys McBurney enter'•
rained witb a solo,
The Ladies' Guild of Trl,tity
Anglican Church met at the }tomo
of Mrs. David Armstrong on
Tbunadey afternoon, the rector,
Rev, 1. L. H. Henderson, opening
the meeting with prayer. Mr•s. Wil-
liam Brydges was in charge of the
program. and read the scripture les-
son Mrs. Henderson gave a reel-
ing; and Mrs. C. H. Wade reach a
paper on Christmas Carols."
The president., Mrs. Wade, can -
ducted the bushy -es session, n net+
minutes were Testi by Mrs. P. Proc-
ter end Mr '. John mural gave the the two -group system during 1946
financial statement.' Holliday belle For closing the meeting a Cln•tet•
were handed: in. A Quilting was rums carol was sung and all repeated
planned for this week to- he held the Lord's prayer.
at Mrs. Armstrongs, Gifts aril to
be sent to two girls of the parish
who are still in the services. A. sic-
ceeeful auction s rhe of mi;':ellan-
sons articles wail held. Lunch was
served by the hostesses.
Before you :sell any poultry phone the
Export Packers. We will call at your
place for any quantity or you can baring
them to VAS.
Export .1.
la �
Hand Saws,
Cross -cut .3a'atra
Any kind of saws
you want yours to really
cut as It should . • « w
Leave at 'lyse ;Past
Printing Office
vice-president, lees Earl Hamilton,
presided. Mrs. Laura Kirton read
the scripture and Mrs, Wtcketeed
sang a Christmas solo. Mrs. Darling
read a Chi -lane -es poets,: and Mrs
Hetherington sang a solo.
Rev. J S. Br'dtrette presided due -
tug the election of officers. which
resulted us tollews: president, Mrs,
Earl Hamilton; vire-president, etc.
S. Darting; treasurer, Mrs. G.
HetheringLn; s.re:etagry, Mrs. (leo.
Thomson, press reporter, Miss
Duff: auditors. 4•irs. Thornton, Mine
eleCrackin; personage committee,
Mrs. Klrron, Mrs. Wiciestead, bre.
Hetherington; program committee
efts. Wi ton Thornton Mrs, Wick
stead. lairs. Daring, Miss Duff:
visiting committee, Miss Emma
Johnston, Mrs. R. McLennan, Mrs.
Milton Smith, Mrs. Hetherington,
Mrs. Herbert Weil, Mrs, me
('rackin, Ivtrs. Thortton.
At the close refreshments were
served and a social time enjoyed,
The .antinal nreetng-of the W.Iel
of Knox Presbyterian Church was
held in the churn on 'tktuestlay
afternoon, The pitsident. Mrs, R.
Elliott, emu:Meted the meeting The
spirit of Christmas was emonasized
In tine Scripture reeding by Mrs. J, J,
Elliott. 'rhe treasurer's repor! show,
ed that the elloeation had been
Reports (rem the different, snore-
taries war: enrol•„aging, Twelve
regular and our, reeecial meeting
were }told. with, t.vertage attend-
ance of 11, ')'hero eves an iaerease
in nieniotra and givens In ine
Home Heiner eleesntmenit: 5". in
resit and some et Holes were (c• -
warded to the sulply Secretary. I,it
mature we; sent to a -mission
church at New Brunswick. Visits
were imide ti. the seek and now
rimers, an•i 'elites written ho those
wlao had beet be:eated, One life
tnembe•snin rert'itente was pur-
chased. Mrs. Gerdot Mnn:lell re.
periteti a nroItabif andhapee sex
months as traits of the Mtiei1','
The rcpt?, was. "Churches and
Mitten Work In Ghlna Mel Ja-
pan," awl was t'ileen by M, -.i. W
Mundell. risen", were offered. br
Mr=, Mandell, M.'s. lt!icilwot, and
'."rs. Harry Eir,nt'
Mrs, G>rden Mundell reendiic•Ced
the instaila ton of the follow}.^.g 01'
floors: Hen -trail O'esident. Mrs P,
S. Mac }wen; president, Mrs, R
h711iott; first vice-president,. Mrs.
Walter tetet'll.a; rimed vio'4nesi•
dent, Mee W, H. McKinney; 5eero•
eery, Mrs. A•';hle :Messer; treasurer,
Shirley Beune't v',as elected presi-
ressdent of the mission band. of 4Vateee
United Church at. the December
meeting of the bans. Other officers
for 1946 are: Marie Bennett, secre-
tary; Mergaret McArthur, treasure.
Miss Marjorie Iaaoivrwell, friend-
ship convenor of the union, trail
charge of the program at the week•
ly meeting of Duff's Church Young
People's Union, held Sunday even-
ing at 5:30 o'clock. The pastor
Mr. Hazelwood, gave a short talk
on the Christiat doctrine with re-
gard to 'Man and Sin."
bring back those
The busy holiday season is
almost here -- bringing with it
additional demand.
They will be urgently needed
to enable us to maintain a
steady flow of supplies to the
Please return empties now. If
you can't bring them in 'phone '
Or write your nearest Brewers'
Retail Store.
DiA ¥
r p -'!' 1-""'•a
l a• A�tiay, who has been let Se-st Mem
797:1L.dAl'eee..e.Iteee . n. I oriel Hospital: Secforth, has .slum -
ed home; Mr. and Mrs. Howard
Mc: aught and Allan with ,Stratford
friends; S. tOoo:h and Scott McLean
were among the list of men who re•
Yarned from ov-'seas this weekend.
[lenge ;tober`,an, who has been
visiting his daughter at Walker-
ton. is home again; the W.M.S.
held their monthly meeting at th.e
home of Mrs. B, rem; Mrs. Robe'•.
The W.M.S. and ladies' Aid of
Knox Church met on Wednesday
afternoon. Dec. 6 at the home of
Mrs. Lynn Evans witn a good ottoud
ance, The W.M.S, president, Mrs.
Dau Hnether wee In the chair for
the first meeting and Mrs. I D.
MacIver was acctmpanist, Mrs.
Sim Cameron read Luke 2: 4-20 and
Mrs. D. Hnether led in prayer. The
minutes were read and onproved,
after which roll was called and
responded to by 15 members. One
visitor was present. Hymns 172, 173
and 165 were used. Current events
were read by Mt•e. i D. Maciver,
Mrs. Lytle Gordon and Mrs, M.
Engel. Mrs Celle Hanether gave a
Paper on "Sun shine and Faith." Miss
Mina Baker sang She solo, "Star of
the East" with Mrs. Maclver at the
piano. Several items of business
were discussed tt,-d short reports
wore given by the secretary and
treasurer. Mns. R. K. McrLonald, the
honorary president presided for the
election' of afficees. The following
were elected: president, Mrs, Dan
Huethea ; vice.,reeldent, Mrs, I D
MacTver! secretary, Mrs, M, Engel;
h'eastu'er. Mrs. CeltVs Hnether;
supply secretary, Mrs Robt, Camp.
bell; Glad Tidings, see„ Mrs. Jas.
Keys; organist. Mrs. -Martin Mac-
Donald; assistant ct anis. Mrs.
P. Matdver: cud'torts, Miss A,
hrorr•est and Mrs. 14, Engel; Mission
Aland Treader, Mrs Lytle Gordon;
assistant leader, Mrs, I. D. MacIver.
Tor tho Ladies' Al the following
offlcea.s wars elected' president, Mrs;
Allen . Cameron; vice-ppres , Mrs,
Tkin I•Tuetiteir; ser.-treas,, :vire. M.
Vogel, Mrs, MacIver closed the
meeting' with prayer and refresh-
ments were served by Mrs. levans
and ladies in charge,
Frtentls of \it's. etarvey elunlet
are pleased to knew that site is much
improved in health,
Little M1atdatme Michel hall a
narrow escape when her arm was
drawn into the wringer t'ncently,
tuckter no hones Were bretten but
her at'n, was beiily Injured.
151. and Mns, 'Will Moffatt of
Minton were Sender; visitors with
'Wm. and. Mrs, Smalldenn
Estate Agent Conveyance'
and Commissioner
ail 'D
By including a pet in a picture of a child the human interest appeal is
Increased immeasurably.
VOU'VR probably noticed how
often animals appear 'In photo.
graphs used for advertising pur-
poses. There's a reason. Surveys
show that people are interested
most of all in children, next in dogs
and other familiar animals, and
third -believe it or hot -in pretty
girls. So you can double the inter-
est in your snapshots if you include
the family pet in some of your shots.
More than that, your pictures will
have added meaning in years to
eotne for the son or daughter who
is pictured with a favorite pet.
Many a man of responsibility looks
back fondly to his boyhood days
and feels that he owes part of his
.nature wisdom and character to the
pet that was once his closest pal.
So don't overlook the family pets
when you picture the children.
Junior and Sis will be grateful to
you in years to come.
Today's illustration is 'a floe ex-
ample of an informal portrait study
posed to bring out all the charm in
both boy and dog,
Notice first of all its advantages
from the photographic .angle -the
interes(;ing compositional lines, the
sky background (always ideal for
Informal portraits) , and the unusual
point of view, with the camera be-
low the subjeetit But how effective
it is also in bringing out Bobby's
playful attempt to test his little
friend's faith in him, and Buster's •
endless patience and complete trust
in his young piaster,
Prom the technical viewpoint, no-
tice how the cameraman ]las used
his "properties" to help Hint obtain
an interesting triangular composi-
tion. The
hotoe•x•a 11 '
p. n 7 t is .excellent
also in distribution oe values, with
the lightest areas concentrated in
the center of the snapshot. The
alert photographer has handled his
lighting beautifully, using the dog's
light-colored back' to reflect light
into the face of his main' subject.
This trick of using reflected light to
avoid ugly shadows in informal por-
trait work is an important device
which every amateur photographer
should know how to use effectively.
Children are at their photogenic
best, of course, when playing with
their pets. For then they are so
natu rally'charming that they pose
themselves without any }tint of self-
eonscioesness, You need simply
keep an alert eye out for particu-
larly interesting story -telling situa-
tions, and have a fast shutter -finger
ready. But be sure to get close
enough to your subjects to maks
them the center of attention.
/oho van Guilder