HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1945-12-12, Page 1TH BRUSSELS POST ?OST PUBL!SaiNG HOUSE Wednesday, December 12th 1945 PROCLAMATION In accordance with the British tradition to fall in line with towns surrounding Brussels. I hereby proclaim Wednesday, Dec. 26 Boxing Day -- A Civic holiday Asking the citizens to observe it as such. R. J. Bowman, Reeve. Rev. M, F. Oldham Receives Appointment Rev. M. F. O.•ihani for the past 3% Years Rectot of St, John's Angle C011 Chorcb, Brussels, with SL George's Walton, St. Davld's, Lien• fryn and St, A.bau's, Atwood, h;is been appointed by Rt. Rerv. John Lyons, MA., D.L., Lord Bishop of Ontario Diocese at Kingston, to the parish of St. Lulfo's Camden East, St. Anthony's, Ya.rke', and ' Si. John's, Newburg; in the County of Lennox and Addington, to talce •:ifet early in 1946. He succeeds the -Rev, Canon of R. W. Spencer, who has bean Rector of Camden East parish for , 43 years and is no,v retiring. The ) parish comprises three beautiful and well equipped :•hutches and a flue New Fire Chief Appointed Robert U'ouul was al oitL d fire chief at a. meeting held In the Brussels Public LOnary on Filen, night of last week. Mr. Gemmel sueceedes Gordon, Sanderson who re- signed, Lloyd Sanderson was inane assistant fire chief. CORNER STONES Rev, George A. Milne, M.A. Honesty and Truthfulness •0) In the long run .this matter of honesty and truthfulness, whether in our ordinary social relatioughips, in our industry and commerce, or hi our thinking, is a very inward matter. IL is a matter of bats•; honest with onrselven and with G.4 "To thine cwn sell be ,true, An it rectory, Mr, Oldham, who is a will follow au the night the day, native _,f Oh.atsw..rth, Ont„ is a Thou canal not then be false to any graduate of Wycliffe College Toronto I man." The ultimate question is whether you have an Inward spiritu- al treasure which matters mere thou all the world. There is one ming this is off as overlooked by rehg'ines people, and `ars IL, that -we must have a reve't.nee for truth itself, end must be honest in all our dunking and believ,ng, even when that is a little anrnintortnble. Young people are often dis'ro'bed by doubts about the thin5s that they have been accustcme 1 to believe. They come across• new ideas that do not seem to fit in with their religious faith. Tee,/ e.metimes feel like closing their minds, in a kind of panic, and refusing to face their doubts. Young people are often the target for the propagators of a type of religion which is neither healthy nor sound, They stonld always be sceptical when efforts are made to bully `lien into staking confessions regarding their beliefs. They should follow the example. of the Apostle Andrew and test the quality of the doctrine which they are being asked to swallow. Our Pith Is the mist precious thing we have, and is not to be trifled web. When we read tate Gospel story, we cannot help seeing that amid ail the evil things in men's hearts and lives that ou: Lord condemned with unsparing words, the tibiae, he condemned moat witheringly of all was hypocracy. He was harder on hypocrites than ,on anybody else. The 'remarkable- thitg • to t hat- ate Iparently • Mose Pharkees whom He and the Riverdale Collegiate, He 1 has served in. Dundalk, Tara and Clarksburg parishes, also at Atwood and Ripley. He ]las served 1.31/2 years in the Diocese of Huron and is a son of the late Dr, E. Oldham of Chatsworth. Dr. J. H. Oldham, an uncle of the new rector is Warden of the Yorker Church and has been Meeioal Doctor there for over a period of 50 years, In the parisn is a fine memento] parish hall called the Shirley Hall eller the first rector of the panish. 3In the Camden East Anglican Cemetery, the famous Canadian Novelist, 'Sir Gilbert Parker is burled Melville Church Christmas Events The annual Candlelight Carol Service will be held on Sunday, December 23rd, at 7:30 p.m, The Sunday School Christmas Concert takes place on Thursday,' December 20th, al, 8 P.m. Christmas Concert at S.S. No. 4, Morris Thursday, December 13th at 8:30 p.m. Everybody Welcome Melville Church Minister Rev, G. A. Milne, M. A. 10 A. M. bunday School and Bible Class 11 A. M. Advent Service. Special Advent Music. 7 P. M. "A Joyful And Happy Christian." Dec. 23rd: Candelight Carol Service. Louie D. Thompson, Organist and Choirmaster, — ^ The United Church OF CANADA Minster R.4 Hugh C. Wilson 11 A. M. Morning Worship "The Best 01ft" Junior Congregation 12 Church School and Bible Class 7 P. M. Evening Praise "Finding The Lost" EVERYONE WE'LOOME • Church of England Parish or Brussels Rector Rev. Maurice F. OUhant 3rd Sunday In Advent Deo. 16 O. John's Brussetu^ 10 A. M. Sunday School and Bible Class 11 A. M. Morning Prayer and Sermon Bt. George's Walton 2.30 P. M. Sunday School and Bible Claes 3 P. M. Evening Prayer and Sermon it. Davidie Henfryn— 2 P. M. Sunday School and. Bible Class 7. P. M. Evening Prayer and Sermon GREY Don't 'nrget the Christmas Cot.cert and Dance at S.S. No, 8, Grey, Tues• day, evening, Dec. 18. Pte. L. Lamont valved home Sae utrday after three years service overseas. He was with the 4th division and saw action in France, Belgium, Holland and Germany He arrived at New York aboard the Queen Elizabeth. Melville Sabbath School Christmas Concert will be held Thursday evening at 8 o'clock December 20th Good Programme, Santa Claus Silver Collection Everybody Welcome MUNICIPAL NOTICE I hereby give notice that the Nomin• atlon of Reeve, Four Councillors, Three School Trustees, and Ont Hydro Commissioner, to serve the Village of Brussels during the year 1946, will he held at COUNCIL CHAMBER, BRUSSELS Nomination from 7 p.m. to •8 p.m. MONDAY, DEC, 31, 1945 if`demanded a Poll will be opened at the following places on MONDAY, JAN. 7, 1940 Polling Sub -Division No. 1 at the Council Chamber, Town Hall, William Bell, D,R,O., Joseph Wilton, Poll Clerk, Polling Sub -Division No. 2 at the Public l.ibrary,., Robert Patrick, D.R.O., Joseph Kelly, Poll Clerk Polls to be open from 9 o'clock a.m. to 5 p.m. R. S. WARWICK. Eeturning Officer, Brussels, Ontario REGENT THEATRE Seaforth, Ont. Now Playing-- Thurs., Fri., Sat,. Dec. 15.14.15 Phil Harris 'Roohes'e,' Lealle Brooke I Love A Banrleader The slickest musical in many a swoon! Mon,, Tues., Wed, Dec. 17-18.19 I Dick Powell .Claire Trevor Murder My Sweet A forceful melodrama following the experiences of a private detective. Next Thurs., Fri., Sat., Dec 20.21-22 Philip Terry Audrey hong Pan -Americana A romantic comedy, gay in spirit, throbbing with Latin American rythms. .yam.. Ga , 1 COMING— The Climax g Brin - Your Eggs To Ltd. Packers ExportelsBruse YOUR EGGS WILL GET OUR PROMPT ATTENTION Highest Prices Paid For All Grades A Share of Your Banners Will Be Apprseieted. • H. R. - Pearso n Prop. .a Phone 63x Brttwtie1s, Ont. Engagement Announcement Mr. and Mrs Thomas Pierce, Morris, announce the engagement of their daughter Lettie Jemima to William Deaden, son of Mr. and Mne William Upsdell, Hamilton. The manhria•ge to take place in, the United Cltarch, Hamilton on Dec. 15th. The United Church • Hoseas's ,story of God's Forgive, nese was tete subleot of the morning sermon in the United Church. The morning anthem "How lovely arc the messengers" by Mendelssohn was sung by a full choir, In the evening the minister spoke of Christ making his abiding place in our homes. The choir rendered the anthem "Little Lord Jesus" the melody by Martin Luther. Mise Ruth Wilson `sang the solo and ohligato, A Christmas Pageant for Chriet- mas Sunday evening was announced. Red Cross Notes The workroom closed last Weduea- day for the holiday season. It will re -open on January 9. December sbipment 30 girls' dresses 30 prs. girls' panties 50 girls' vests 20 prs. boys' shorts 10 prs. infants' leggings 5 boys' sweaters 20 prs. boys' socks 1 pr. boys' socks (small) 5 prs. gloves 5 sleeveless pullover s 1 large quilt 1 medium quilt * * * 5 * • • e, • PEOPLE WE KNOW • • Miss Elizabeth• Beaker London, was a Week end guest at her borne here, • • Rev. M. le and Mrs. Oldbem were visitors last week with Dr, J, H. and Mrs. Oldham in Yorker. * * * PO,, M,A. Lowry and Mrs,. Lowry of Toronto are holldaying with the latter's mother Mrs, W. Speiran and other Mende. * • • Mr. and Mns. el, Williams, Pontiac, Mich., have been visiting with her mother Mrs, J. Watson and other relatives, called hypocrites wire not conscious frauds, eeliberately dishonest with other mete They meant to be earnest and religious people:•bet 'they were not honest wtth them- selves end with Gud. Thoy kept pretending ,even to themselves. Honesty with of ers largely depends on your being houeec with yourself and honest with God. Are you gutta sincere? Do yul reverence truth? * A * Mrs. J. .D. Warwick and Miss M ,Grewar are in Gary, indianna, where they will spend the winter with Mrs, Warwick's son, Jack. ▪ 5 We are glad to welcome home f, r ice Sgt. L. C. Work- man, a • from active service, Sg m nn moat, OM. Melvin „The pl , A Cle. R. C. Elliott, Ter, S. 8. Hood Pte. 1,. F. Lamont, and Lieut. B. Galbraith who recently returned home. * Mrs, Lewis Russell sante fh'om Montreal to attend the Memorial 9ervlee Por her lete husband PO. L. Russell, in St, Ambrose Church here on Tuesday. ,Also home to ehtend the service were his sisters alleges Margaret, Reg. N,, and Hannah of louden, Melville Church Presetting on the subject, "Tho Unknown God," at the morning service, the miniseer showed how science and religion were agreed that the final'reatityis not matter but spirit. Dmpbasis was laid of the danger of accepting super- stitioue 'beliefs as. religious facts. it was further illustrated stow we may prove the genuineness of God's nearness and lova in •the same way as we prove the dependability of our. friende• The choir rendered the anthem, "Sun Of My Soul,' be Turner, the solo part being taken by Miss June Work. The evening subject was, "The Religion Of The Fearful," an answer to the critic who says that a religion born of fear is unworthy of the name of religion, The evening anthem was, ''Song Of Hope And Peace," by Soucl. Huron Gets Airport For 1946 Plowing Match +rn• (' 2 a —r. I'Plu a ,L1'V 1 � Dee, G g signed by 1., 1:. Cara,'if, M.P„ list been recetvtiol at the Huron County Agriculture oil 'u 111 t listen ,stating that the Fa,to:'y Plowing Match far 1940 can le held at the grounds at the Port. Albert airivirt It we> thought that Ibis would be an excellent looa.i,:n for tilts even , in the Meg e n of any kind Ina Inc been is the bounds of the county' for some tiros, as there wculd be arsolnmoda r'Oa on the grounds Hotel acs ammod tie f6 non, toe plentiful in the county and extra ar connnoda-ion is needed. In all grub ability emote Weil be served in the mess halls a,, well, St. John's Church Beautiful chrysanthemums given by Robinson Hamilton recently re- turned tram overseas, to hie father and mother Mr, and Mrs. Jos Ham- ilton adorned the Communion Table In St. John's Church the least two Sundays. least Sunday The Holy Communion was celebrated by the Rector, Rev, M. F. Oldham at 11 p.m, and the purple Communion coverings for Advent Season, with the flowers, made the chancel look beautiful. The sermon was appropriate Orr Bible Sunday tae second Sunday en Advent. Huron County Orangemen To Celebrate In Blyth W1+NGtIArt, D.it. 5-,.\t the normal meeting of the L.O.L. held Tuesday night, R,,:3e4 Uollev. Wingham, wah re-elected county master, Fane fifty member: were present from the district, Sts. R. .1. McMurray s: t grand le: alar, conducted the elec- tion of adore. - The 19.41 slate of officers are as follows: Co trey master, Robert Golley, WtagLam; deputy master, Thomas Gets, e, Blyth; vecord'se. secretary, Cel'ett Falconer, itiv'h; financial see:etary, . John Dins- more, Gorfee; treasurer. R. rirne gan, etu ala',:.:n; ',tar+Lal 1.. Adams, .n 11 .boi'o; first lecturer, Mr. DIas •t ; •erred ' le "U!.l, EmmersonA Hest, Loneesboro, Plans were made and the in'tla- tion ace' ),sd to hold the 12th f July ceie'•attl'.a in 'Myth with .11 eteinly lodges participating. Brussels Town Council Meeting Bruesels, Dec. 5th, 1945 The regular monthly meeting of the Breese/2 Municipal Connell was held in the Public Library on the above date. Ail members being present. Phe minutes of the last meeting being read if was moved by R. B. Cousin; seconded by L, W. Eckmiet that the minutes he adopted—Car- ried. - The following belie were presented: G. McDowell, No r. salary 50,00 Geo. Evans, Nov. eatery ..,...., 85.00 R. S. Warwick, Nr''. Salary •••. 36.00 Brussels tiydro,`b.ccric, Street ligh`•.t 1013,00 Hall lights ..• ,,....... 2.00 R. W. Kennedy, rent 72.00 Printing 50.10 Bali Te:phon Co, repairs 16,36 H. Erskin, commissions •22.82 Municipal World, statement 1.11 Morris Twp•, ta.tes 4,77 H. Thome, lab .r ,,,, ,,, ,,,,,, 2,00 Moved by A M. Grewar; seconded by Ian McDonald that the accounts as read he pati—f et'Ied. Moved by A, M. Grewar; seconded by L. W. Selnmtnr Me.'. Itylaw No• 6 be read .he thiel time and finally - paesed,—twirled. Moved by L. W. Ecknlier; seecni ed by A. M. Gres'% tira,t we adjourn to meet on Saturday, December 16th at 9,30 a: ni. Ca: rte i Tea Sponsored By Junior Homemaker Club H'ne junior homemaker club 'Bras sets Sprouts" sponsored a very successful tea in the Brussel Library on Saturday, Dec. Btu a completion of their course "Dressing up home grown vegetables." There were 19 of the club members p,esen and the ' two local leaders, Mrs, Chas. Davis (assisient leader) pre, sided overthe tenth w :q table which w attractively decorated In rad and green and centred by a prettily dedorated cake which was later won by Mrs. John , Wore. During the a.fte'noou the girls were eat% pre- sented with a glans measurlug cup and to eight girls ivee attended eaeb meeting a relish dish was given on behalf of thele leaders, Mrs. mall .a as ,Davis s Cudmore and. Mrs token of their attendance and en. theetasm. The sum of $19.00 wars realized. DIED NOLAN—Aft her soothe in Croy Township, Mrs. Catharine Nolan, widow of the late T. W. Nolan on Saturday, December 8th in her 79th year, The funeral took place from St. Ambrose Roman Catholic Church on Monday, Dec. 14th at requiem A solemn reU q clock. 1 0 0 high mass was rung taer with Ira Louis Phelan .nephew, of the deceased as celebrant assisted' her Pother Will. Tlhelan, also a nephew, of St. Martin's parish, London, and Rev, 8. J. M;Donald of Clinton, PO. Lewis Russell Memorial Service BRUSSELS, ONTAR nes O n TDecembera da 1lilt Y, Solemn Military Mass was sung by Rev, Father Phelan for Pilot ()Meet Lewis A, Russell who was )titled 0111 SIX P11.1)115 who s~radet uated frame active service ovv,t'ece en February Ethel -Inoue school tae }'tuts agso. + Starry Entrance Claw Has Scattered Far Flronte Ethel In Fifteen. Years Illustra !v e of the 11111 titin 3et'pst hamlets .s tlu, iiistofy of a gr'ru'pt ot 241h, 1945. He was assisted by Rev. One of the se: termini In Eta.a, •nose' Father MacDonald and leather Abel, R,C.A.F, Chaplin, Clinton and Sgt. I3ealey, served the Mass. MI's, Philip Speak was soicist and rendered, beautifully Pie Jesn" and "There's A Beautiful Land Ou High." A large number of PO Russell's friends n r cre e s a d a.tuslutanuc w e Present at St. Ambrose Clntre)h to pay fitting tribute to his memory on this occasion .The focal branch of the Canadian Legion attended in a body and the sta..dards bearing the legion colours and the Unhou Jack were placed in p',aition flanking the altar. Two beautiful baguets, sent by Neil Montgomerystool near the flag draped casket whicn bore an airman's cap. leather Phelan spoke of the high esteem in which Lewis was regerdefl by those who knew lhlm ,and also read three letrte.a from overseas Chaplains telling of the young man's devotion to God aur his church. At the conclusion of the, service a wreath was placed at the cenotaph by the legion. HOCKEY Western Ontario Athletic Association Rural Intermediate An "Intermediate" hockey team from, Brussels and vicinity has, been entered in the W.O,A.A. Tour co- operation is needed to make this entry a success. Would all players and officials of teams of provirus seasons please attend the Hockey Meeting to be held in the basement of the Town Hall on Tuesday, De- cember 18th at 8 p,nt. (sharp). This ,meeting is for the purpose of arrang- ing for the coming hockey season,' arranging ,schedule and procuinrg sweaters, stockings and stick etc. So turn out all you hockey enthusiasts and.... HELP BRUSSELS LEAD T.HE WAY Melville W.M.S. The Woman's Missionary Society of Melville Presbyterian Church held their December meetieg on Friday afternoon, December 7ta at 3 o'clock in the Primary Room of the church. Mrs. Cardiff the president opened the meeting with prayer after which Hymn 376 was sung The Scripture reading was taken by Mrs. McDowell followed by prayer by Mrs. Parker. 'rise secretary s report was given by Miss (vette Stewart and the treasurer's report by Mrs R. Thomson. A report. of the nominat- ing committee was then given Piano solo "Christmas Chimes" was then given by Mrd, W. • King. The "Christmas a0estage' was given by Mns, I•f, Sp -i' • and a very interest ing papor on South America by Airs. Geo, Evans. Hymn 494 was sung and the tweeting wilt brought to a close by repeating the Lord's Prayer in anisof. NOTICE— Electric motors rev/towel. and re10.101. Export workmanship. M o• f,f,to prices. Lloyd M liettger, 6c(nkton, Ontario, W.M.S. fficeee tor 1946 are: presi- dent, Mid, N Cu•iit1, 1st vice-pres., Mrs. H. earlier; end vice pres,• Mrs. Meadows; 3rd- vise pres , Mrs, Eck- dier; se watery, Miss Grace Stewart; assistant sec,, MYirs. W. Laths; treas. urer, Mrs R. Thomson, assistant treas., Mrs. W 1) S Jemits'•n;. Pianist, Mrs. G, Evans; assistant pianist, Mrs. W. 0. King; Glad Tid- ings see. Mrs, .0 Geib.aielt; assistant Glad TelMgs eel, Mrs, 3, S. Arm- strong; supply sec., Mise M• Lamont; welcome and welfare see. Mrs. H. l3, Allen; press reporter, Mrs. F. Samis as eetent press re- porter, Mr, J. C" Pre after, Mission Band president, Miss Jean McDon- ald; assistants, Mrs, Milne, Miss J. Little; Home 17ee:to-% ctett flet's, Mr,s H Speer, Mrs J. Work; com- mittee for visiting nick. Mrs. Davie Miss Monte, Mrs L D Thomp p son Mies Gerrit, Mrs. McDowell; oom- mittee for visiting strangers, Mrs, 3, C. tracker, Mrs. Meadows, Mrs. R. Thomson, Mrs, A1dworth; audttors, Mrs. T. Walker alai Mrs, D, Ham- ingway• Is a soldlrr still in (terinany, mei four' are ho,v living el cities. In Augaot, 1130, when the Depart- ment epar i[went of 1:dteetion published these annual entet, r 'e examination i'astfl. the school of Etliel and its yoln1faal teacher had •. Meet lletre of pubiteetr The depavtmerael hnarlters had given honors to 10} pee cent, of Etheret graduatng etre', and congratulation's were in etc stir for Hector i{nte-fer teacher at Ethel during the ccbo; le year of 1929, 193e. Ethel sclero, boatel made sura of re-engagin.; Ail'. flu}gay, then a terse grafudal•: of Straifeed$ Normal Seim. 1, and were able he keep hint anr,t'ar three years o'e- fore be ettppe•1 up to ecntiuuatton school work. Of that nasi of six, all of Wilma tided deoactmente: examinatiruas. and all of whom chtained lamer standing, only Clair Michel, ucw in the hart; hg business. remains In. Ethel. Alain Fra titan, one of nine chc'5 da'en in the Frit !kit). tamely, tern Passed tem t 1 glt Ethel school, sorve€1 overseas and le still with the Cana- dean Army in Germany, Stuart.elefnois followed c Knight iMato th•a teaching p'..ores•- sion; ?lir. McInnts is now teaching' in a pubite school In Galt, and ]hilae made good pr..g>ese toward obr` Mining a B.A. degree. Orma Gill went on frrm ElboT public school to attend a technic -di high achonl in London, where ski. won an awed for the highest standing In her department, She 8es now murr}ad, ani living in L.tu:- don. Lee Altars Wardlaw is now arm undergradaa'e at the veterinare school of thn Ontario AgricultuarE College at Guelph, where lie Is pre- paring elmself to follow In the footsteps of his father, Doug:ac' Wardlaw, now a veterinary sew- geon a¢ Ethel. Doreen Lawless has Inerrled, suit Is 'now Mas, Lawrence Johnetra, living in Le ition. Now Wroxeter Principal Hector Knight, who tcairht the all honors class 15 yeane ago. re- mained In Ethel until the tenon of 1934, nth c.i he went to 'Wroxeiu- as an :rsii ttaut in the public anti continuation school there. He be- came pi:Metetl at Wroxeter is tbe- autumn 11 1935, and has resales* there eines. A firm believer In its advantages of small-town life, lit* Knight has rot lA. offers of ?emir ing poste 'is in cities and Urge towns. Since gout; to Wr,xeter, litre Knigbt bas token a s'eond 5e6r of Norm 1 School work at Terosab.. completed work for his arts defame and tak in his B.A. at the manta* convoca•i,n of 1938 sit the (uwer- sity of Toronto; bas ronttnaeti extramu:al work to obtein the de- gree of Bachelor of Pedagogy to 1943, and hat, .iuelifed himeelt tot be a pub is scbool Inspector. A a• eideidse to his teaching at Wray: eter, Mr. Knight ' , s made a purGt- able hobby 0t poultry farming 'A' pupil who completed entrance work under 'Mr. 'Knight at Ethel in a clans subeequsnt to that: 03 1930 is' Gordon S'ntgl thollm, cava es teaoher 'n Stratford, at g.'t School, and presilent of the Pari - Teachers' Fede.atia.n. Two To Compete • For Huron Wardenship. • GODFIItICH—At least two reed Of the 1945 County Council' sera aspiring for the office of warden or Huron County for 1946 They are R. E. ellhadd6ck, re-elected reeve o.8; Henisall by ao tlamtaion and Victost 11. Poisoner, present reeve n6. Clinton, \vino will seek re-elettu Itt the coming municipal contest in thk'k town. According to a OAS-hp/kit 541 custom, the warden this year will bea eau ueou ot Cone selected in a eervettve members, alt 1946 wieh the Grits' year They are chosen alternatively, 'Reeve IShaddlek has had nine years In the 'County Counoll. I"tos was a rttnTLer•np two 'years fea When Reeve Dred 'Watson, 02 sten- ley, was c110sea. Reeve Palomar has had four years in the Cohnt0t `Cottncll, He le a good dabate.a and hos strode on several imps i tent e:otnlnitteee. Ration Coupon Due dates Coupons 67, butter stow valid are sugar 10 to 116 to 199, preserves i15 to 57 end P1 to 141, moat M1 ti 114141