HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1945-12-5, Page 1ti
Wednesday' December 5th, 1945
Attention Farmers
A meeting for the purpose of organizing :a Crop
improvement Association for the County of Huron will be
Meld in the Agricultural Board Room, Department of
Agriculture, Clinton, Friday, December 7th M 1:30 p. m•
Speakers - J. D. MacLeod, Toronto, Sec. -Treasurer
Ontario Crop Improvement Association,
Alex M. Stewart - Ailsa Craig.
Past President of Ontario Crop
Improvement Association.
Will anyone reading this notice consider it an invitation
to be present.
F. K. B. Stewart
Agricultural Representative for
Huron County.
United Church PEOPLE WE KNOW
•Christmas Concert
The Unites Church Sundae School • r • * * * * • •
are holding their Christmas concert Mrs. .lice Wear of spent u few,
on Tuesday right, December 1Sth. days in L,; old el the guest of her
Don't tone! the date. sister 'vlrs. Heim.
Bill's going ,o sue the company
for dam•ig's."
"Why, what dial thee do to
w, They Ow " dinner .liter,"
• .•when 'e was ca'.1'ying a 'heel piece
e'•of iron, and 'ri tsopped it oa
.. -Melville Church
'Minister Rev. G. A. Milne, M. A.
10 A. M. Sunday haaf
and Bible �Class
11 A.M. "Tie t,nkown God"
,.7 P. M. "The Religion of
The fearful
Louis D. Thomplson, Organist
and Choirmaster
The United Church
Minster R.v. Hugh 0. Wilson
11 A. M. Morning Worship
"Hosea end the Father's
Mimeo./ Band .
12 Church School and
Bible Class
7 P. M. Evening Praise
"Abide With us"
Church of England
Parish of Brussels
Realtor Rev. Maurits P. Oldham
2nd Sunday in 'Advent, Dec. 9
8t. John's Brussels. --
2 P. M. Sunday School
and Bible Class
7 P. M. Evening Prayer
and Sermon
St. George's Walton -
2.30 P. M. Sunday School
and Sib's Claes
3 P. M. Holy Communion
tied Sermon
St. David's Henfryn-
10 A. M. Sunday School
and Bible Class
11 A. M. Hely Communion
and Sermon
Preacher s+ all Services -
The Rector.
• * •
L. W. See n •r was in O :derich on
Monday wht't 11: wa: serving et: the
grand jury..
• • *
Mr. end Mrs. M. Or000ne and stn
spent the weak end with relatives at
* • •
Mns. Wm. Phillip of Gederich was
a recent visitor wi',1 Afire Char. life
• • •
Jack Thonra who has been in the
West ou a conoe:t lour, • was called
home be•eease of the seri me tllnees
of his mother, Mrs. a 1'nyune, We
hope Mrs. Thynne win bout improve
in health.
• • *
Miss L+io Buchanan mooned home
on Monday attar spending a week In
Toronto aid the lust week In Detruit
where she had been called mv.ug to
the serials illness of her bather
"Bill, vii et , : e eonverst•'u, any
how?" asked Moe,
"Well," remit:el the wise ]ii.11e
sixth grad 1r, "on making Arthur's
Pants fit m a."
Autom'tb.3e Dopler; "1s tae new
man a geed sa+eoranl"
Assistaet: "Ho n uat be right on
the beam --ie sa"s he once sold .s
trouser press to a killed Se+teman'
Seaforth, Ont.
About 1,1300 Votes Cast 1j On Marketing Proposals
;o Aids n A s Canvass
Possible Registration
Is Est ranted At 5,000
Mane Meetings Held
Thrpughoat County
Now Playing-
Tnuro, Fri., Sat. Dec. 6.74
Gail Russell Diana Lynn
Our Hearts Were Young & Gay
Charlie Rego +s Dorothy Gish
The .,tory of two young temmes
tastin3 life in the. 1920's.
CLINT) , Dee 1. -ruder Ibe
spur of organised effort be the
Huron iloJe,atton of Agrtnniture,
registr"atioi o: bog producers 1n this
county for the vote now being
takenon proposals to tr" nl,tae .the
hog produrere nt .1he prorinc4 for
reguletio, or marketing has reached
a total of 1,740. Rata :newer?. a1gr1•
cultural "epreeeutative and deputy
returning einem. foe the referendum
' being taller, among .county swine
producer+, aouorr,ced here lent night
' that 1,4.03 of thace regtsierel c,tted
' while bailors were being mailed
from Clinton. yesterday to another
2.50 who ha"e registered as hog pro
clucers, but lave not yet exercised
their franchise. The natio s can
be returned in person or by mai, to
the agricuturel representatl tee's ui-
floe here until including a week
from today.
Total Po„'flue registtatfor, in
Huron county is esit.imatai at 5,000.
,Farmers in the county number ap
proximately 5,700, and of mesa it is
estimated tear at least furca in every
five pro•luee •'.c . •., ono:e hogs.
The task of getting the hog pro-
ducers registered to vote has been
pushed riy the county leieratiee,
with the sec:et,:r, Victor 'toy of,
Londesboro inlaying a leading part
A county committee of three, Wil-
liam Turnbull of Brussels, Charles
Coultes of Bolgrrve, and Bert Lobb
of Clinton, lam taken resll'tnsibility
for making the detalis of the pro-
posed orgatniaat,ou known to the
swine men of the county. and a
special representative of tha Feder-
ation of Agtieulture has been ap
pointed 00 each tewirship to Huron
to work o1 the organlna ion of
swine nrodacere,
Two county' meetings, one in
Hensel] and cne in Be]grave, and
nine toweshie meetings have been
held under Fedeiation of Agrieul•
tura sponacrehip to spread inform-
ation about the hog marketing
scheme, and a majority of the 1,740
registratiord lave been received at
these meetiug,i Only In a few
small, areas bee a farmeto-farm can-
vass bean rudertaken. Some o! the
registrations hale been plotted up
by the leputy returning officer or
hie, assistant at township nomina-
tion meetings, Ol the 250 who have
registered bat not yet voted, the
greater part sent in their regiscra•
tions ny meet..
Flour ballot boxes have oeen on
the go to colie'rt the 1,490 votes al-
ready east. Twc of the boxes have
normally remained at the Depart-
ment 00 hgricu;tore office to Clin,
ton, while Mr, Stewart and his as-
sistant, Gerald Nelson, . have each The niu, ning service on Sunday
carried a 'aux out to farmers' nisei• rwas observed as St. Andrew's Sun- Three C.P.R. Trucks Operate
ings as opportunities have arisen, day Service, The minister chose as From Orangeville
bis subject, 'Nee Tamen conanine- Three freight trucks are now
batur," the inscription surrounding operating from Orangeville on the
the emblem of the Presbyterian new freight serrtee which went into
Church. He explained the challenge effect the u ! idle of November to
a.nd message which the Burning the Teeswrter and Owen Sound
Bush has foe. Flt mankind, branches of the O.P.R. One truck
In the Caildrenrs Address, "St, goes to reeeswaler by way of
Andrew's Crone," the coign of the HarristoU, nee to Hanover and Walk.
%•shaped crq:s was described, and erten by way of Arthur, one to
also the meaner by which it became Owen Sound by way of Shelburne
the nattenal flag of Scotland. mixed pass' .ler and freight will be
The choir tendered the anthem: small ere'€bt, leaving the regular
"For All ."ie Saints;" by Cliever, freight trains free to handle largely
the solo parts being taken by Mr, carload lots. Just what will be
Wm. Spar.; end ;dire Laura Speirs, I effected Dy the new service remains
As an :r:et.t nvolunary 'tie crganist to be seen. One result It is hoped
played "The Powers Of The Forest;' will be that the freight trains
a Scots lament. (which on the Teeswater brooch are
The subject of the evening and Deniallt These trucks ear:ye
service was, 'No Compromise." in I able to operate closer to s:hedule
which it was shown how man seems than hal been the case in the past.
to have lost bit sense of valees with I The al' 11, has also inaugurated 'a
respect to motley, rank, amtation,
and fashion. From the st.udv of
Elijah It was seen how the Prophet
Mon., Tues., Wed., Dec 1041.12
Tallulah Bankhead •Charles Coburn
A Royal Scandals Edythe
Anne Baxter
A drama filled with entertainment
and romance.
Thurs., Fele Sots Deo. 13.14.15
Phil Harels 'Roch'ssre.' Leslie Brooks
I Love A Bancleader
The slickest musical In many
a swoon!
Murder My Sweet
Bring Your Eggs To
Brussels Export Packers Ltd.
Highest Prices - Paid For All Grades
AMore ofTote I WMRe Approciatert
H.11., Pearson, PrOp.
Phone 63s. Blrusseis, Ont.
r Brussels Legion Elect Officers do
Rev, George , <
Honesty and Truthfulness. -(31
Each bus 1se45 end industry has its
own problems and temptltione, anti
one has to Joao; something or 10
ins and outs, it. conventlone and
under's+andthbe, before one con
pronoun's ' confidently on to
questions of ho'Eety and trnthfu-
nese. 10 tee 1:nr'run it is the
spirit in which we face we, beim/eel
whether our CW1 enriehme'1t is the
thing we ewe for most of ail, or
whether there are abet' [hinge Re
which we care more, It we have
a right mire, as regards the .tum and
purpose of our lives and all Oar
work, we sh ;',i 'ee for cur:,: vers
what is dish. nese But the:•e are
some -timpte applications which
may be inestloned in order to set
our minds mrvtng.
There is the matter of justice cold
r which mai, ns
in x
not only that we have to keep our
agreements, but tb-art we mus; make
fair agreamei:te as regards wages
and profits. Wo must not be content
with the rule 'that they should take
who have tha power." Yonmay le
the stronger oriety 1n maktn, the
contract, and so you oan make yotir
own terms. but if ChristIan llonestY
is your steel yea. wIh wish to ,lake
a "square deal," which will not give
you undue profits and tbe weaker
party inadequate. rewards.
Then there ;s the high obligation
of honest with, It Christian honesty
is your ideal, you will net turn out
poor work ana accept paynnent for it
You will not turn out poorer: overt
for a Lowly carone 'r who pa' 3 you
fairly thus you w^tid fns a wealthy
customer when: you are i.nxloua t'1
please and whose custom yea are
anxious to keep,
Then there is the matter of honest
salesmanship. Cl nistian honesty will
not let you set' anything vita the
deliberate 'attention to mislead, so
that the buyeyr mill discove • his
mistake winen it le too late.
Thers is .the matter of honesty
with the pathic. Some people will
quite unashamedly cheat tbe income
tax .autho;itler, though, they would
never -dream of cheating a private
individual or ton. But Christian
honesty cainot allow that distinc
You c•tn :n'nk of other oxemples
for yoo ee. va=, according to what' ing for the barn dance presented
your wrc Is at is all a grle:'ilen 01 by CKNX, SS'ingltam,
what we are l'vio:g for. If we are Personas: Miss Margaret Vipond
living not simply for nurselvas but and Mrs. Morel McIntosh with Mr.
for the bigger cause of justice, and Mrs. Chas. Long, Galt; Mr, and
honesty, and tiuhhfulness more our Mrs. Moffat Aixen, Clinton, with
fellows, we w4:1 work and conduct Mr, and Mrs. E, H. Swing; Mise
our business; "not with uye•service, Kathryn Slemmon, Guelph, with
as men,pleasers, but as itis aervaltts bar Parents. Mr, and Mrs. M. 3,
of Christ, long tbe will of trod from Stem:ion; prior to their taking up
residence in Stratford, Mr. and Mrs.
Norman Littre were presented with
miscelllemeous g.fts from relatives
of the Inglis family.
At the teenier meeting of the
ljruesela welter held in the Brussels'
Town hail ce Tuesday the following
officers were elected for 1040,
lst Vice -Preto -S. Lowe
2nd. Vice. -Pres. -W. Coleman
Treas,--0, 1)o11
13ecorling Sec. -I. Dunn
Executive Sec. -C. Doll
tlergt, .:'tet Arms -T) Resting.
It was teemed that the Legion
attend in body at the memorial
service of PO. L. Russell.
Melville Chria'rnas Concert
The Annual- Christmas Concert of
Melville Sabbe;h ,School will be
held on Thursday evening, Dae, 20011
at eight o'clock
The United Church
A sbort ,cites of sermons o1 the
Old Testament Prophets 'was con
tinned on Sumba,/ morning in the
'United :March. The text was taken
from Mateo 'Lengthen thy cordo and
etrengthe•1 thy stakes."
In the eve:en the twenty-third
Psalm was tie subjejet at medita-
tion. The choir sang both morning
and evening. in the evenieg the
main part of the anthem wan taken
by a charm ,•f male voices
Arrangements were begun to pre-
pare for a C1nrietnlestide Pageant for
Christmas Struday evening.
Atwood Man Has
Fingers Mangled
While working at his truck on
Saturday, Jelin C. Hymers had his
hand caught in the fan bait of the
engine. Part of one fine it was
taken off and two other fingers
The 'eerier Ad',l halieweh'p
croup of tbe United Church Butes
day School 01411 1, r',^la: evenhig
at the bo'n' of Mr. and Mrs. Genre.
Hume on Friday, with an attend-
ance of 16. :Torula Ooghlin pres-
ided- Prayer by Norman Coghlin
was foilowed,�t'y the .Scripture Lee-
son read by Mrs, Norman Coghlin,
The topic, "Whet Is Ttree•lom?'',
was taken ev Rev. G. T.-3lntpson,
who also niared the meeting witb
prayer. Progressive' crokinole was
played. and lunch served.
The Music Hail, Atwood, was
tilled to capacity on Saturday even.
the heart."
Melville Church
"My Soul Danced" - -
Gilda Go'er's Own Story
The Ohtani/1y queens' OWN
flaming story yo fbow she turned the
world to worshipping at ha' dancing
feet stats :n The Amalie:o . Weekly
with this fluuday's (Dec, 4) is,4e of
The De :oit Sunday Times, IN k1IIR
OWN WORDS, she revolt. the in.
timate setreats oe her life, Gat Sin
day's Dan'oit Times.
M.P.'s Co Gct Extra $2,000
Expellee allowances of $2,000 a
year for members of the House of
Comomns is provided for in a rasa
lution tabled nn the parliamentary
order paper in the name of Prune
Minister illaskenrle King.
Members ge: annual indemuitt„as of
$4,000. The expenae allowance
would bring thein• total annual in.
came to $6,000, The allowance in
"for expenses incidental to the tits -
charge of duties as a member of the
House of Commons at the rate of
$2,000 a year, for the peprintl when
he is a member.*
The measilro provides for an effec-
tive dale of September Bte - the
day that the present session of
parliament opened.
It was recalled that Mr. Bing at a
previous eesstrn of parliament had
promised consideration of the matter
of sessional indemnity with a view
to aiding the lot of members who
have telt they are poorly paid.
Jack' ''Lets g'se the bride s
John: "CJt'it m0 in -4'11 tt,ing the
soap!" sun,
Memorial Service To Honor
Victory Plowing Match
PO. Lewis Russell Planned For Huron County
r,L1NinN, Lee. 1,• --:.rho p:otitt stat.
A Ren,li,u1 Military f{ 5'11 dash plowing tdatch scheduled to hum
will be held at at. Ambrose Romatt
Catholic Church, Tuesday, December
110b aft 10 aim, to pay Moor: al t1
Respect to .P0, Lewis Ruseell.
P0. Russell was killed Febrnaie
24011, 1946, Anyone wishing to attend
`it18 service ltl.ty d• Eu Ne WI r tlrriw
In this small wey our gratttuet', to
one of on: brine wnn played such a i
la1'ge par; and gave his life, for the
peace ani Deed= of our country.
Captain Hant+lton
Arrived Home
•Captain Robieeon C. ila,nttton,
R.C.A., .:rri ell home from oversew/
on the (Crean F.lirabelf which
arrived at Bailees No,. 19. He
arrived :i T'' 11,, Wednesday u:ght
and was greeted by his wife former
Miss Joan Bre1,1•'pere. Leedou, ('re.
In July 1948, Captain Ilamiltor.
wenn overseas with the
>3 regiment
of Toronto Mee: „vea•setes be served
with the Britteb Liheratton Army in
France, B31g,ium, Holland and was
in Germany at the time emir surren'i
erect, Ca?Ea n and Mrs Llarnittnn
motored tip from '7oronto on Satur-
day, Nov. Loth where he was wel
corned by his parents Mr. and Mrs,
Joseph R. Hnmtl:on, Brussels and
brother Marx and family aat! friends.
Brussels Airm m
Now Presumed Dead
Mrs, Floreece'Russell has been
advised by Mr Marshall, W. M
Wismar, (Wet of the Ai: Staff, that
lier only son Pilot t'fflcer Lewis
Russell, ,s non for oincise purpose
Presumed to have dl; e. on Active
Service 0+ars +as February 24th,
1945, PO. Lewis Russel, pro: to
his enlistment four yeas ago, con•
ducted the Red Rand Grocery. Ho
received his training at Toronto, St.
Thomas, Belleville cora Menton
New Bou'+swina where he received
his wings. Pa Russell was empl,yed
as a Pilot by the Quobe: Airways
before goicg overseas 1C. February
1944, His wits. and Bangeler Pamela
Joy, are resident.; of Q ithee . City,
He has four sisters, Miss Margaret
Russel, Reg. N., and Ha'aaa•, rvf the
staff of the Canadian Bink of Com-
merce, 1 00(10e; Mrs. Endrin Weiser:,
Brussels and Clara of t:ne staff of
the local b^nk.
Canada Soon To Simplfy
Sugar i?ati'tntng Plan
similar t.ruek lig service from Guelph
to Ferre and Elms, and' to Call,
Husba, el: "Tile: ratckat Oh. theta
New Arrangements Will
Come Into Effect At
Beginning 00 Year
OTTAWA, Dec. 5. -The existing
sugar and preserve ratioa'n„ plan
will be simplified for the Canadian
housewlle at the beginning of the
new year, tee Prices B. and aunty 0 -
ed yesterday,
The simlciiftoation will be brought
about by c',mbining sugar and pre-
serves rationing under a single
pian starting Sen. 1. Housewives
will be able to purohese preserves
or sugar with one kind of coupon
and the new plan will mean a
slight inareaee in the consumer ra•
This eon on may be used for the
purchase of any one of the following
items: -
One pound of suer; 24 ounces
of jam, jelly, marmalade, lountain
fruits or cranberry eauae; tour
pounds of honey, 30 ounces of Corn
or table syrup; 80 ounces of moles.
ses; 40 ounces of canned fruit, two
pounds of honey -bunter; 48 fluid
ounce of maple syrup: foul p•,unds
of maple,sugar.
New Ration Values
One Jan, 1 all valid and unused
pink coupons narked "sugar" will
take the new cation values. On
Jan, 17, sugar coupons nmbe'ed
68 and 09 will be declared valid.
and. in Lrebnuary fibs loot of these
coupons, No, 70 will also be vent
dated. Aft this the "S" coupons
in his political, social, motet, andto ed
religious wunsel, realm:rented the the coal me*a inlet+ing the cosi in the nerves be usidat drplt a sugar -pre•
age -long aonttict: between puritan- basement' year all of
ism and itnrt,:rale y, between the ( Brite: 'lent 1 .tt fight' you ofti.nre0 the the celle10rto will have become
individual 'conscience and despotism. soft coal this yea., valid, the last faux -22, 28, 24, 25
--being validated on Deo. 20. Ali
unused pre aervea and ' "P" coupons
will continue lo hold their 1945
value for preserves or the half•
pound of ringer and all there 0011•
1 pons will expire Jan, 31, 1944.
The allotment of sugar to: home
canning will be the same as in
1045, 10 pounds per parsers, and
will be pros. d by declaring Vali,'
10 "Q" Coupoua during the months
when moat home canning is done,
These coupons may be used, as In
1945, for the purchase of tithe^
sugar or preserves an Lite same 1 Smith, ,156: Defeated, Dievld 1t11M1.
been held in Melon county heroetltr
the war tool 'aim meted l'y flee
declaratlua of hostilities, wilt bet
held in this cotrrty in 1940.
Preliminary Fane for Otte mo
were male risisy night at a meet-
ing of int_res'ed people held la the,
council uham!aer at the town lean,
when officers and committees were
Date tad Rimier of til', macre.
have not been decided upnn deil-
nihely. l2awever, the metal wlel be-
held in the early fall, possibly at -
a Huron"ooxn'y air field.
Inatesad of the lotten:L ttermen
Plowing Mairh, as the provincial
match bas been known for some
years, it will be known as the Ws -
tory plowl,cg Match, the macabre'
Hugh Hill, of Goderioh, was etas,
n4 1
ti the wi ,
ted chef
rm. n o1 p
association Other efflners are=
vice-chairman •George Fagan, et
Benmhlier: se4.retaries, Bain Sten --
art, Clinton; A. H. Erskine li'hto-
rich; the Lreasurer will be appoint-
ed later,
Head Committees
Committee chairmen we -a ap-
pointed as follows: 'teams, W.
Dale, 011ntotn: horse show, Hugh
Berm, Bra .1 1 a , h'actcr, A. J Mc -
Murrey, Chia 1". Bounds ,Whitest
Heacke, Gods' T1s; loose sh;elnE•
Russell Bolton, Hay towns'rlp; re-
ception, Alex Alexander, Morris
township; buildings, Ross McGrc
or, Tuckerem' th: publicity, 'B'7'_
Cruickshanks, Wingbamo; Iola] day.
Percy Prom:norc, Henson; perking -
R, Mel( •,r lesborce townihip.
traffic, Gerige Armstrong, Stante"+r
township; courtly expeness, Bert
Hemmings -0y, 'Stanley i,ownshte
lunch, il.olaad Williams, Cohrs;'aa•
oo-ordinatimi, Harry Sttir'is, . •
burn; Thomas Pryde, Exeter; L.
Cardiff, :irunsele; veteraa4, 21.
Coley, "l"d'taun' man age:tent. Jack
Eckert, McRiliep township.
Eighty-seven persons were pres-
ent, repreee:ttlrg all parts of introns
county. All ere much Inc fav'
of holding the match in Huron aura
were unanimous in agreeing to
they would ''rut. their shouldets to
the wheel" and make the mates a
success. 1
Bain Stewart spoke on the valets
of the match to Huron eon:0N
while leo:d n McGavin of Waitott-r,
president of the International Platte,-
ing Match Association, peso spokes
on the thatch.
Election Results
Mayor -D. 1.) Mooney, 1,0410; E
Burton Robinetu, 211.
Reeve -11, 3h'. Turner, 659; W'
Baker .615.
Council-iii"st six elected) -
George Ma heron, 737: R. G. San-
derson, 674; Arthu: Ksltting, 855;.
Thomas C tial 60 : Jcseph Me.'dir
636; Atha" Brertan 5)8. Deleatei,.
J. E. Huskies, 553;; Richard H. Cot
Well, 1$1, .t
Public ;chem tbrustees-,St Dos' -
id's Ward ---,Motel, T. Roy Panterson„
258. DeDfeated, Mrs. S. Argye, 125
Reeve -Frank Bainton, 349(, '.
H. Merritt, 188.
Council -dire+ six eleatedi-Jalett
P. McKihbore 444; Dumont Kerne
eerier, .20, Conal' Rae 982. R:
Lloyd, 881; Murray Johaeon, '
Jack Reavis, 324. Defeated; 210
Campbell, 219; Albert Armstr'
294; 11311 r Wilkinson, 21': i,
Spry, 189.
Schaei trastee : Ward Sleeted
Geese Scott, 118; defeated, Pras[k
Johnston, 34
Ashfield Township
peeve --Cecil Johnston, 537 Prat
Anderson, 510.
Council --(first tour eleoted) Yt
mer Greeram. 028; R. A. Grant, SOWS".
Melvin Dickson, 4479; flay Daat'tri ,
480. Defenteel; Frank. Hami'.t! ale
2977; Eael McDonald, 241,
School truetets•-'(first fire
ed) Roy bicivals 898;; Wa44ea'• As-
ton, 387; William Hunter, 38$ W..
Marvin Durniu, 376; Walter Tided
867, Deteaae4, Lloyd Bobo, ,
Glen Campbell, 268,
Colborhe Township
Reeve --Alice P'atsun, 288; l tereln
McCreattt, ,t21; 'William Clark, S'J.
Sebool ttueteee---(Idrst two tet-
ed)-13omeA Brooks, 115s Taal
Clark, 212 Ixtented, FardyC0 MJ7Crak,
?urnberry 1 ewnehlp•
Behold trustees'•'-'(fln4it two Isar
ed-isaac Wright, 175; Jt,.
The growingrecognition among physicians and others.
of the valve of thought in the treatment of disease,
Christian Science shows to be a development of much
significance and promise,
A Christian Science Sunday Service will be Broadcast over
Station CFRB at 11 a.m., Sunday, December 91h, 1945.
l basic as ettber •regular moons, ,145. L. a '