HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1945-11-21, Page 2l'HE BRUSSELS
Wednesday Noventb,tr ':sl, 1045
Quality Te
Wartime Price and Trade
i• ear's Information
1 fliers Are Asking
tai—As a printery producer selling
1sr ys on the marks•, what price
feat I (shame for grede A turkeys?
see—The maximum price that may
`tut..:barged by a primary producer
;xa?e. u selling his turkeys at rA+tail far
elessee .ods 45 ct'nc. a ;hound in this
• 3100.
e a 0
1,. --Where do I apply for a permit
ems, Many a new car?
:h..—You apply to the nearest office
•rtr::.lhe Wartime Prices and Trade
Memel. Permits ars. given en a
esteority system.
* •0
1a9—I thought alt elothing should
'ewes, a special label with a W.P.T,
cumber on it. I bought two
areaters the other day and they had
:nn lapels of any load on them, ex-
esept the price tag.
es—All sweaters must have a label
;wing either the Board number or
stem trade shark of the manufacturer.
-With the size and style of the gar-
ment marked on the label. If you
seifi send the name of the store from
"sxiFtieh you made your purchase to
',1r1t1 office of your nearest Wartime
Pi-8es and Trade Beare, this matter
veil/ be checked.
* * *
'Q.—What is the price as a primary
w—odnccr that I may sell 100
'emends of onions No. 1 grade to a
L.—As a primary producer you
-aoy seIl Canada No, 1 grade onions
ete a wholesaler at $3.50 per 100
eer.mid bag f.o.b. Leamington
s e o
Blames Wartime Housing
As Building Impeded
L. E. Cardiff, Member
Of Huron -Perth
Foresees Economic Trouble
Ottawa, Nov. 21--L. .13, Cardiff
tP.C,. Huron -Perth) said in the
House of Commons yesterday that
wartime housing had bottled up the
building industry. Private building.
had bogged down bee nt of war
time conditions.
There were plenty of tweets In
the country because rural people
bad been attracted to the city by
wartime jobs,
Ile believed many of the boys
folies back ['rant oversees would
invest in wartime housing and Chen
would depend on industry to pay
their instalments, lu a few years'
time industry would bog down and
would be unable to t>r)vide the vet
even with the money for the instal-
ments. This would force the boys
back to the country "where they
. belong in the first place."
Their houses. woull be taken by
mortgage companies.
Mr. Cardiff said the country's
economy should be catch that people
would not be forced to the country,
The couiutt9's economy was lop-
sided. The farmers, even in peak
war years. reeived only 13 per cent
of the national income and yet rep
resented 33 per cent of the Mula-
Reconstruction Minister Howe
rials his job was to build homes for
those who needed them and he
would do it even if he had to "tread
nn someone's toes."
Wartime Housing, which was
established in 1941 to build homes
near war indnetrY plants to meet
the needs of war workers. had been
about to close but the failure of
private industry to provide homes
had forced it to tura the building
of homes for veterans.
Some 7,000 veterans' homes had
been built and the i,overnment's
future plans for the Orm mould be
made known in due course.
setaestion5 on any regulation of
scam Wa''nms, Prices anti Trade
r•.l1ard will be answered if sub.
..^warned to the Information Branch,
'Wartime Prices and Trade Board.
Teederal Tau ti ne Loudon, Ontario.
Estate Agent Conveyancer
and Commissioner
Quickly rerstiovesri rue Cly Sanitary trades. Musa collect.
reran Stone Sons Limited
Banisters, Solicitora, Notries Public
Elsner D. Be14-13..A. C. Joseph Benson, B.A.
(Absent on Active Service)
lblr• t8 mason in attendance Wednesday afternoon
Office open daily from &—to-- 5:30
• o!
Before you sell any poultry phone the
t�- Export Packers. We will call at your
Mace for any quantity or you can bring
them to us.
x ort Packers
It DOES taste
good inapip.
Mr. and Mr, Wm, 11. Whilst and
(tarsi of (1,0W 11S 1,0 e'a, Mr, ..u•l .Mrs,
Melvin Willis and daughtera Joyce
Carol and tseherine of Listawcl and
Mr, and Mrs. Horace 1to3well of
Atwood were •Sunday visitor's with
Mrs, ,loltn King.
Rev. and Mgrs. S. Brenton and Mr,
and :lir, se Ihob000 spci' Sunday 10
Wroxeter, the guests of M:, and Mrs.
I1aymard where Rev. Braahtoa preach•
ed 'I'hankoffertng serviees,
Mrs, Alex McCtackin opened her
name on Thursday afternoon for the
monthly meeting of the W. at, of
the United Church, The president
presided. All jointed in repeating the
2.3rd psalm In unison,
The report .of the treasurer show -
et that the fall thankoffeertg had
been most gratifying, A teutperanee
reading was given by Mrs. Robert
thaw and Mt's, ,Tnseplt Collis read an
article on friendship. Mrs. 77' J.
Johnston and Mrs, James Johnston
spoke on the topic "Missions in ting -
ole" Prayer was offered Mrs. George
The fundal of ,Toho H. Smitt,who
died at the home of his daughter,
Mrs. Hugh [Berry at Bayfield on Tue-
sday was heed on Thuesda; afte,no00
frotn the Uneed Church, The lat•gt
number of relatives and friends in
attendance sh•hmml the esteem in
which 1Ir. Smith was herd. The ser•
vice was echdnrted by Rev. Mr
Aitkinsou hf Erucefielt Unitae
Church :.n'1 ;ter. Alex Ninmmo of
St, And: • a s Presbyterial Church
1S'iugha,n 'In 'rr the se -vice Mrs.
J. Wices- , ad si'r t "The City boor
Square '
The pallbearers were W. 3. Pea-
erek, hvilsen Tborateth, George
ferment took place In Dungannon
At the morning service in the
United Church Rev. J. S. Bridg tte
spoke from Galatians ;:2—"Bear ye
one another's burdens" and from
Galatians 6:5—"For every man shalt
bear his awn burden," or responsi-
The service at Knox Presbyterian
Church was conducted by Howard
Neabip. He based his sermon on a
text found in 2 Timothy, chapter
4. verse 11: "Take Mai•k and bring
him with thee for he is profitable
to me for the ministry,"
The Y.P.C. of the United Chitral
had the opening meeting for the
season on Sunday evening. The
president, Fleming Johnston, pre-
sided, Delores Hamilton read the
scripture, Mary Darling, Muriel
Smith. Katharine Sealing and Stele
ley Selling sang. Mrs. George
Hetherington • gave a talk on
"Trees." Bible trees and Canadian.
Visitors: Mr, and Mr. Harold
Harris and two sons of holstein
with Mr. and Mrs, 'Edward Johns•
ton; Mr. and Mrs, Jack Tsbister
5t. Clair, Mich., and Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph H. Miller, Belg^ave, with
Mrs. R. F, Garniss; George Thom
son and Miss Helen ' Thomson, :sem-
den University, with their parents,
Mr. and Mrs. George Thomson;
Pte. Spence McKinnon, Ottawa,
witlh his parents, Mr, and Mrs, R.
H. McKinnon; Mrs, Bert Mann and
son. of .Strafford with Mr. and
Mrs W. W. Manu: C. 13, Moffatt
with his daughter, Mrs. Ddith San•
derson at London, and his sort,
,Toho, of Regina, Sask,; Miss Flor-
sre Fowler was a week end visits
with Seafonth friends; Mrs, Arthiir
Shaw and Miss Emma Johnston with
Miss Flossie Muses near 13rnssele.
Miss Lnflee • Young visits our
community this coming week in the
interests et The Lord's Day Alliance.
This Inter -Church o's:onizationse
the representative of our own and
other Chrh.tlan Communions, con-
tinues to raider vital serviees in
safeouardln ^ our Canadian Sunday
as the wise al weekly ikay of rest
and the lay of erTot-etty for
Christian worsen) ae I service,
Throughout the, critical war clays the
Alliance has ave..: ,e,l sesta'red
vigilance in this task, Tbruniobout
the pertl',us days of rehalmia'lcn
we will teal their continual . seri ice
on behalf .r1 one communities and
our nation. Vie on uhen'l :heir rep
resemteti7d to your hearty welcome
and supe''[
Hand Saws,
Cross -cut Saws
Any kind of saws
If you want yours to really
cut as it should . •
Leave at The Post
Printing Office
:Ste and Mrs, McKay of Atwood
spent Snultay with Mr, and Mrs.
Percy Stephenson,
Mex and Mrs. Swiss ani family
spent Sunday at the home of ivlrs.
0, Cleaver.
114r. and Mrs, J. Coelu'ane of Peels
and Mr, and airs. Dean Cochrane et
Ayr were visitors on Sunday with
Mrs. R. Cochrane.
Mr. and Mrs, Bert Lake of Hamil-
ton spent the week end with Mr. and
Mrs. C. Cochrane.
Mr. and Mae, J. Leslie Irwin of
tdeldou visited firs, J. Icing and
other friends in the village lass
Christmas Supplies
C':ruadia:r eltildren may well stand ;
itt round eyed wonder at the dieptay 1
Christmas toys this year.
uccoring to the supply disleion of
the Wartime Prices and Trade Board ,
the suppry eletura of toys gals ,
Christmas time seems a bright elle.
True, many of them leo made of •
wood lucluding overythlag from
rocking horses to woodeu beildozers,
that operate by a simple twist of
the wrist. Makers of stuffed
animals hare produce'? many sizes
and kinds. There are mettle bears, t
dogs, cats, end many animals which
would be difficult to name, Of
course there are same metal toys,
too, more than there here iheen for
some tune, The selection luc',ndes
trains, automobiles arts many other
mechanical toys. Pram a nastmt
whioh a few Years ago Imported
almost all of her toys, (made :n two
Years has become fairly SP if -
sufficient ,n Xrovidiax toys tor her
three million children.
On Tuesday eventing, Nov. 13
friends and ueighbours of Mr. and
Mrs. Howard gathered at their
home to bid them farewell and wish
them Melt in their new home in
Ethel. Following a seert pro
gram, Alex Speiran read the address
as follows:
Dear Mr, and Mrs. Howard: -
We your neighbours and friends
of Moncrieff and community, felt
we could not let. you leave us, even
though you may not go far away,
without expressing to you our regret
at the severance of ties that have
been most pleasant during the many
years you have been with us and
wishing you God's blessing wherever
you may be, Thus We are gathered
here tonight to do honor to whom
honor is due. You have always
Proved yourselves to' be a valued
neighbour and help any worthy
cause in the community and we
know our loss will be another's gain.
As a slight token of our regret we
ask you to accept these chairs and
trot plate, not because of the
intrinsic worth it mai represent
but because of tis friendship Met
t goes with it. and trusting you may
be spared mans 3C't•5 in yohil' nam
Signed on behalf of the eon'
tenuity. Alex Speiran, Res. Wbit
field, Orval Satish and Ilaro.d Reye;
Mr, and Mrs. Howard thanked
their many friends for thea: kind-
ness and the evening concluded with
a dainty lunch,
The W.:LS. of tate P 'eslayterian
Church held their November meeting
at the home of Mrs. S. Denhar with
fifteen ladies present, The president
Idle. McInnis was in charge. Tho
meeting opened by singing Hymn
553The scripture Iesson was read
by Mrs. Clarke ';ardef Prayers
were offered by several of the mem-
bers ending with the Lord's Prayer
in unison, The tniuntes of the lest
meeting were read and approved
The r011 was called answered by
repeating a verse of scripture, The
offering was received. Hytrin 571 was
song. The -topic was read by Mrs.
R. Campbell Mrs. McInnis give a
reading entitled "A Village Bap•
tism," Hymn 798 was sung The
1 current events were in charge of
Mrs, E. Cunn.inaharn, The meeting
closed with the Hymn 072 and the
Benerlic'tion. atter which lunch was
served by the bowtess and the
The Women's Institute held their
annual family night on terlhlay even-
ing, Nov, DM in the Township Hall.
A sumptuous Supper wasserved t0
a large number of the members aed
their families at 7 o'clock atter the
tables were cleared away the presi-
dent Mrs, A. Pearson ioolr charge
and presented a short pr'egramme
as follows. All joined in singing
the Institute Ode with Mrs,
Richards at the Diana Vern Marlyn
and Carman Bowes favored with a
couple of cute songs, Merlyn Love
favored with a trombone solo
accompanied on the piano by Arnold
Ine.rd. Mss, 13, Godrlen and Mrs.
Decider sang a very de ighttui duet.
Mrs, M. Dennis gave a very splendid
paper on citizenship, "rhe children
of to -day are the citizens .of to.
morrow" which wee very much
enjoyed by ell, A.t the close of the
programme. progressive wrist and
played and a very enjoyable even.
ing was spent,
On Monday afternoon, Nov, 19th
at the lime .of Mrs. 0. Richards
Miss 011rter, speaker from the De.
partment of Agriculture addressed
a splendid audience of ladles on he
subject, of 1oueehold Aoceunting
which was interesthtg and tustruc•
live and was enjoyed by all present,
Christmas decorations will be
available this Olt stmes, There
are plenty of plain "ed end green
candles, and many !tied; of Ci.rist-
nags holders for three. There are
glass balls, Christine s,.,A tcicers, and
other types of Chestm'ts tree
decorations to be had. Christmas
cards are no longe* rest:ieted as to
sizes and subjects but are still
under the 1naeinem price or 29 con:a
except ie caseef wheel an estra
charge is allowed for printing the
names and addresses on the
"personal" typo of ca:.1 Ribbons
and seals for gay CthrisOa',s parcels.`
will be lees plentiful and although
fancy Pep Let y111 be ra'her scene,
greens, rets and white . will be
n plentiful supply.
.n checking wb.nt was available in
, feuds for Christmas the regional
foods office 01 the Prices T3oerd said,
that such delicacies as raisins, scene
nuts including Oilier:;, walnuts,
almonds and peanuts would be in
the stows fc:' Christmas There are
some cranberries and a plentiful see -
ply of citric fruits. Ttletevs are ex-
pected to he in as good supply as
Are you one to whom the following extract from
the Ontario Commission's Report on Rural
Credit in this Province applies?
"There are large numbers of lieu credit-
worthy farmers who are tenaware of the
services the hanks can render and conse-
gnently do not avail themselves of this
source of credit."
If so, discuss your needs with our local Manager.
This Bank has for over three-quarters of a
century financed sound fanning operations and
is still ready to assist the undertakings of the
farming community.
T. L. Prost — Brusse's Bance h'vlanager
Fk, 83,..E .: l rv. 3 a:i ' h5. ;n.., .thi?i: , S•,rlr'
DANCE in Carse , s Ia111, sea -
forth to Bert Worl't and his newly
enlarged CKSi'31 Ambassa'tor.3 Or-
chestra, Friday, November 16.
1 Dancing 9;3d t0 3:01, Admission 500,
IRation Coupon Due Dates
Band To Re -organize
Dear fellow citizens of. Ar reels
and surrounding locality
The Brussels Baud 14 bets re-
organized under the very c table
leadership of Mr. Close of es ortb.
Anyone having a banal luatr ent
that they would either sell or soca
to the band kindly get le tone with
last year, vitt the prices the some, 1 Wood coupons now valid are sugar Wilf, Cameron.
Other fowl is also ox' "1111 to be 41 to 67, butter 116 to 130, preserves , hoping to have a be:;inners class
r30 boys and 31015 SA extra
P21, of 25toy
plentiful. 33 to 57 and P1 to meat aI1
to M12. i luot'ns are ueeded.
t® the Easy 3y
• Earn more money .per cow -save more time per day—reduce labor
costs by more than half --by milking your cows the easy Way --the profitable
way—with the Massey -Harris Rite -Way Milker.
Now is the time to switch from the tedious, unprofitable, unsanitary hand
milking methods of by -gone days. See your Massey -Harris dealer today.
Let him show you the superior engineeringfeatures of the Massey -Harris
Rife -Way. .