HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1945-11-14, Page 1Iry
Wednesday, Novembe ` 14th, 194'a BRUSSELS, ON TARItts.
The Brost -vie Branco of the Can- I hereby glee nolle() that the Nom. week 1
CORNER STONES ' Band To Re -organize Majestic Women's Concert i g slim � Morris Township Comma
Meetin4 Nov, ea, /SW
In connection with Education Rev, Gorge A, Milne, ,19 A, Dear fellow citizens of Brussels
And Dance Largely Attended Tare Connell met nth dear
in the Toweehip He ; with , alt iter
adieu Logical eon,,y tbci in '
thanlus to all those wire contributed
to the success of t , itis Day" The
sale of poimies in Biusseis was
responded to vete generously,
.5pedal than'cs to tee girls wt'o sold
the poppies, tn,,ir lh;+o was much,
lnatlon of Reeve D t
Three Councillors, to serve the Tee
of Grey during the year 1946'
will be held at
1 At 1,00 P. M. to 2.00 P. M.
demanded a de
d a
Poll 1'
wl, he ()nod
at the following places on
Polling Sub -Division N. 1
At School House S. S, No, 4
Polling Sub -Division No. 2
At School House S, 5 No, 1
Polling Sub -01119100 No, 3
At School House 0. S. No, 2
.Polling Sub -Division No. Si
At A, 0. U. W. Hall, Walton l
Polling Sub -Division No, 4
At Community Hall, Monerieffl
Polling Sub -Divisions No. 5 (
At Township Hall, Ethel
Polling Sub-Diviseong No, 6
At 5 chool House S. S. No, 5
Polling Sus Divisi ,n No. 7
At Community flail. Cranbrook
Polls to be open from 9 a. m.•
to 5 P. M.
J. H. Fear, Returning Officer, Ethel.
in Brussels Town Hall on
Friday, November 23rd '
music by
Ken Wilbee and His Orchestra
Admission 35c Lunch counter
Draw for Chest of Silver will be
made, now on display, in Rann's
Sponsored by St. Ambrose
Sodality Girls.
Bazaar & Hot Supper
in Walton Community Hall
Thursday, November 22nd
Sale of Home baking, aprons,
fancy -work, quilts, etc.
Under auspices of Ladies' Guild
and W.A. of St• George's Church
Supper, adults 50c
Children under 12 25c
The 'Ladies' Aid of Knox church
Cranbrook are holding their
annual bazaar on Thurs., after -
son, Nov. 22 in the upper part of
the Community Hall, Cran-
opens at 3
kin '
be home-made
ere will8
knitting and fancy work. Ar-
ticles suitable for Christmas
presents. A 15c tea will be
Everybody wel':ome.
Melville Church
Minister Rev, G. A. Milne, M. A.
10 A. M. Sunday School
and Bible Class
11 A. M. Sermon Subject:
'''Ni t ase Gliee:"
7 P. M. Education Week Jo'nt
service, Conducted by Rev. H•
C. Wilson, and Rev. G. A- Milne.
Public School Choir, directed
by Mr. G. M. Laycock, B. A.
Semon subject: "The Structure
of rewevielge•
Louis D. Thompson, Organist
aid Choirmaster.
The United Church
Mlnstegj9.e. Hugh C. Wilson
11 A. M. Morning Worship'
The Wo",:,re's Misston,try
Junior Congt'ega ' at
12 Church School and
Bible Class
7 P. M. The Annual Edu. atlertel
Servioe, i,o.d this yea; in the
Melville Presbyterian Chutcn,
Publi: School Che"...
Church of England
Parish of Brussels
Rector Rev. Maurice F. Oldham
25th Suatay After Trinity
November 18th 1945
St, John's Brussels -
10 A. M. Sunday School
and Bible Ciaas
11 A. M. Morning Prayer
and Sermon
St. George's Walton—
S. S and Service on No✓,.
St. David's Henfryn—
2.15 P. M. Sunday Seltoor
and Bible Class
8 P. M. Evening Prayer
and Sermon
Mr. H. Peeolt of Huron College
in °barge of all services.
a special joint service of all Christian Courage,..
be I On Sunday we had an opite"]unity A large nr,wd allel t 1 ii
ay, of paying a tribute to the u1r.n
d the Brussels congregations will
and surrounding locality �' J a eve
P. held in Melville Clturt-a on Sund
November Lath, at 7 pan,
I hereby give notice that the Nom•
(nation of ,Reeve and Four Council.
lore and School Trustees to serve the
Twp, of Morris during the year 1946.
. will be held at
• At 12.30 P. M. to 1.30 P. M.
If demanded a Poll wiil be opened
at the following places on
Polling Sub -Division No, 1, At School
House S, S. No. 1, Depaty R. 0,
Laurie Seott Poll Clerk, Thos. Kelly
Polling Sub -Div, No. 2, At School
House S. S. No. 9, Deputy R. 0,
ltlem•mo Jackson—Poli Clerk, Walter
Polling Sub:Div, No. 3, At School
House S. S. No, 6, Deputy 11. O. Harry
McGuire—Poll Clerk, Wm, VanCamp
Polling Sub -Div, 4, At Twp.. Ball,
I Morris, Deputy R. 0. James Bryans
—Poll Clerk, Jack Clark
Polling Sub -Div. No. 5, At School
House No. 7, Deputy R. 0. Melville
Mathers—Poll Clerk, Charles South
Polling Sub -Div, No. 6, At School
House S, S. No, 10, Deputy I4., 0. i
Sparling Johston— Poll Clerk, Wes-
ley Jerylnn
Polls to be open from, 9 a. m•
to 5 P. M.
George '01 en, Returning Officer,
R. R. 4 Brussels•
Seaforth, Ont.
Now Playing—
Thur., Fri., Sat., Nov, 15.16.17
Bing Crosby Betty Hutton
Here Come The Waves
A musical studded with Biting tunes.
comedy and pep.
Mon., Tues., Wed., Nov, 1920.21
The Enchanted Cottage
Dorothy McGuire Robert Young.
Unknown to each other, a boy and
a girl seek lonely oblivion in a
strange old housee—
Next Thur., Fri., Sat, Nov, 22.23.24
Two Features
'Joan Davis Bob Crosby
Kansas - City Kitty
Sudan '
Russell Hayden Bob Wills
and Texas Ptsyboys
--- —
The Last Hoesman
Highest Prices Paid For All Grades
A Share of Your Business Win Be Appreciated,
1 •Pea
service will be conducted by th
Rev. H, C. Wilson, and the Rev
George A. Milne `
Special anthems will be render()
1, -
the Public ubl
icy h r'
School 00 .holt un
the direction of Mr, G, M. Laycock
Principal 1t ilru ive.e C`'mtlnuatioa
St. John's Church
Mr J. A, :Newell, 5 rden'. of Huron
College, Loelon, was the prea'11,er
in at. Join s Cherch en Sunday et
11 am. ^'he rector. Rcv. M. P
Chiltern wry in c:oarge and the
service Wee In keepia4• with Armis-
tice Day. Por the no 3 Sundays
()rely fie -1, Huron C;n'iri;o will be
in charge of the serei'n Rev, M.
P. Oldham, visited it en'is . lu b's
Wormer pee ee of Tara this week
ie or the men and women of unmet
u t'' toe annus, 'Inc ruesels Band is being
hay Cf
,n e.
Y cit and td dance p •,;;en',3•? by the organized under the very cap
;fled 1laj,',tic Women's Ins'+cute in leadership of Mr. Close of Seafe
Brussels ; own ,'fall on Irrioay Anyone having a band therein
evening, Nov. 9111. that they would either sell or
1lusic w'a, provided before, the to the band kindly get in touch w
t n1 nor
1 bel'or
e the dao• VVilf.
�a i Comer
I on.
the United en'ti.a orehe try, ( I3cpiug to have a beginners cl
James arms4''ong prestaee as of 25 to 30 buys and girl() sn eel
chairman, in his usual genial horns are needed,
manner, fur the foLloev;ng program: ; ---
Chorus, High School Girls; vocal1 New School Proposed
duets, M•is'see, Eleanor Ashton and
Nov, xI, 1;
Agues Westing of Wi,a.a, 151'; piano I The Editor Brussels Post
duets, Airs. Lyle Brothers and ,Hiss t Dear Sir:
Thelma Brothers; solo, t;eo, Evans; , Might I use the medium. of yo
saxophone solo, Miss ,lgese 1lrear. paper to bring nap Pur pub]
1718; solo June Wo'k, Lu,J dancing, i attention and diisens•vnn a matt
Helen and Leona Joh•is-an, Walton;
niemhers present. Thi Reese are--
a3,le sided,
5th, The rennases of Il.e 12151 nme?5n$
tent were read rets] adopted rn motfosz tot
oau Harvey J, melon and Wm. Speir..
i110 •
vcd 1
Y h.1•s
4 (71(89
sero ,3
n tali.
by Ja 1L ;hie 11151 roar. bills as
ass pl'(?:,erlled ill .Paid. t'arrle.1.
ra Movecl by Wm. Sett: seconded Ivy
Harvey Johnston teat the enemata
recommend to tire 1946 .onus:] that
the trustees of the School A+ea °ba•
95 paid a remuneration in addition tc
the mileage now al; wed, —Carrion.
Moved ov Chas. C•nultec seeonrisg
ur by Jas. Mi:hie that the meeting
is adjourn to meet again cn Dee. 2E,
er 1945 at 30 a.m. —Carried.
'Y The following acoo'let4 were peed::
John McAlt•r, calf Paled ,,. 25,139-
n- Wallace 45ar, valuator's fees 1 ES
Y T. L. PPatter'son, Engineer on
e Pipe Drain 601+9
1 H. E. P, C., Walton anti Bel -
grave Lights 142•$]2
d Nelson Higgins, audit 5.OD•
Cecil Wheeler, selecting
jurors a,
Lyle Hopper, selecting jurors 4.all•
Geo. Martin, selecting jurors 4.64a
Jas. McI'adzean, Hovriek
Fire Insurance Co„ lulu
anee on hall and seed g,i 11'
Dr. Crawford, M O.H. y, t.
Cecil' Wbeeler, B.00.11. 3.•90
John Craig', B.O.H
Geo. Martin, M tire, B,C.H .......... 3,0)•
Geo, C. Mettle, Clerk
e I courage. Everybody td.n.:es c
, I age and n•:budy would like to
thought larking in it. Yet, m
d 1 People do rot think or it ae a v
Christian alder vii
r ,:', The very mere
t, 01 "the Christian abu11Iter"
gest to n any mbuIC only ty
they would call the gei+tls; quadit
and courage gets left *et. That
a tremendous mistake es a glance
the New Testament would pro
Christianity in New Teeter()
threes wes a tiling that required
great deal of courage„ There 1s t
courage of Jesus in aha face
danger such 'as that eneJllutere.1
a violent storm 0 the Sea
Galilee. There was the contra ge
Jesus as He s ,.u. up to a crowd
People in the courts of the Toth,
and drove them o,1'. Single•Jtanee
Our Lord had amazing physic;
courage as well as moral eourug
Again was there ever a lnr•r
courageous man than the Apostl
Paul? Whatever other mantle
those first Christian; may hay
lacked, there can be no question
about their courage.. Withou
courage, pbysical as wall as moral
here could have baea no New
Testament. at all.
Is courage 3 a matter rat ei of
ern zer
Peo 1
e sometimes nn8s
that e''.
coutag_ 1.. $ metier at physi'ol
endowanent or of temperamental en-
dowment. That may seem to be
specially p tine •o
Y f 1.
wr . t
b, is called
physical courage, since there are
-people who seem "t, have no
nerves," Willie oil -s nee ncnsetuted
differently. But chat does net
really take •:s to the r of "5 the
matter. True courage is not a
physical or tetnperannental quality,
but a moral and spiritual. quality, 1t
Is not the absence of leer, but the
conquest of fear, r}euetal Gorden
had the: rep+.] a t•.e. of berg un•
flinching in the face 01 danger, yet
The United Church
Armistice- Day was observed in
the morning service at the United
Church, The choir sang very
effetively end appropriately the
anthem "Memory Bells," The Last
Post was sounded by Mr. Wilfred
Cameron and a period of silence was
followed by ,the National .Anthem,
The Sacrament of Infant Baptism
was administered to the following
c ildt•en' Term .ere
sa Loui 4
s- ai,Wbirter,
daughter ter u
g f Dr. and
MCWhirter; William James Wright,
son of Mr. and Mrs, Hatay Wright;
Barbara Ann Bray, daughter of Mr
and Mrs, Clifford Bray; and Glenna
Ruth Bray, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Glen Bray.
Mr, and Mrs, A. E. Cousins and
daughter Miss Audrey Eleanor were
received try certificate from Wood-
bridge, Ont„ to the Communion Rah
of the Brussels Vetted Church.
At the evening service the sermon
subject was 'Victorious Living." The
choir sang the anthem "3lvelt Me."
Miss •.Loi , e Young visits our
norurnunity this coming week in the
interests d The Lord's Day Alliance. 1
This Inter-C'.rurch or,tnlizetion, as
the rem zaenlative of our own and
other Christian Communions,' 0011-
tinues to render' vital services in
safei;uardin ^ our Canadien Sunday
es the natica al weekly day of rest
and the i.ay of oppol;'nty for
Christian wurseip ae l service,
Throughout the critical war days,, the
Alliance has eye',: ,e,1 susta'ned
vigilance in this task, Throughout
the perilous days of rehabl.ita.'icn
eve will neat their continue,] serlice
on behalf J1 oil:• communities and
our nation. 9'e omu,enl :Heir rep
reseni;atiee 10 your hearty welcome
and supe -'.1 •
1' n
has sad: "Por my part, I am
ways frightened, and vee. much
True courage Is a moral and
iritual quality, to be won iu moral
d spirituel ways, and not by
ysical endowment. I. is not a
tter of bodily conatitllt:en or of
mperament but of character. It
not the abs ;,58 of fear Liv the
request ell fear What eau cr,nquer-
fear? Ulten^te.y the ore thing
'het can conquer fear se faith. Many
a, fighter has been mads brave by a
passionate belief in the rt;hteons-
nese of the cause he is defending.
As regards the moral courage we
need every day among ou; fellows,
that depends on our having a genuine
faith in righteousness, honesty,
purity and truth, leai•h never be-
comes itself until it be»'mea faith
in God, and faith ht God is the
reme source of eoura;e. There ie
dly any limit to the, illustrations
that throughout the co111SO of
ory. Christian courage depends
Obristiau faith,
Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Roze11 cf Kit-
chener, spent the week;, end with H.
S. Manning' and Mrs, Manning,
* * a
Mrs. Alex Armstrong hos gone to
Flordia to spend the winter,
s.* *
Mr, and itis W Meleiunen of Sar-
nia were week end visitors with
Mr. Duncan. Me.Ktnnon,
m *
NIr, and Mee John Engel bave
returned to 151111eels after apcnding
the. summer' in Rosconton, Mich,
* * *
Mi'e• I.1 A, Lcg:ee of Toronto was
a recent visitor• with Miss M.
Shetlden and etAhet' firends.
* • •
Mr, and Mrs. S. W'ineberg of Tor-
onto visited with his son Mr, and
Mrs, M. Wineberg.
* * *
Mr. and Mee Knott and Jimmie
were Sunday visito:s with Mrs, Knox
Parents Mi, and Mrs' l•I, J, Manning,
Mrs, 'I -elm .C,anlllbe;l, Vanconeer
(foemeely M'cb,?I Hoggard) is the
guest ,of• MLss Elizabeth Elliott' of
OS beefs SI.vey,
s • w
Mr, Davie Hastings was taken to
r• >W
el atm
Ho i .
g 3i 1
Monday night
where he undoreeent an 0lihendleijls
operation, .Ogre s geltiU5 ()lura
fine we are 311.53 to report,
* s *
It was repented i1 the Toilette
Stat' that•Itev C1, Lewis, H A,,
won the Malt,t'y Oroes, It Is a
credit to our ll:tdres wit) have trade
such a rnago1,leellt record, Many' of
Omni Serving ill the lines under
Piro, Itev, t,e\vlq was fermetiy a
minister at the ' tj,i'ted Church hero,
Melville Church
The 33ruee as Bretton of the Cen-
53lian Legion was Present at the
Remeurbrance Service In the morn.
Ing, The 1i'Pin.9'.:r preached on the
subjoot; "Cease Fire," in which be
stressed the need for. au authority
to Which the different talion:5
could appeal for the settlement of
their 3?tfferepees without having
recourse to war. He panted eel'
that .that authority is not a vain
dreaau, for it is to. be .found in the
Bond of ?3r';•,.tei thou with Jeans
Christ at its cents Such a Bred
of Brotlle:li em co lstitutes the nn1Y
real melee t nabs()]()
The choir rendered the anthems'
"Mourn not for those" by Captain.
Leahy; and "There Is a laud beyond
the setting sen" by John .Snhfetore
The funeral manes of Chopin and
Beethoven were playel by the
o1n hson,
organist, Me. Louise 0, Thompson,
Alt the evening se^Vias the sermon
subject was: "Living Epistles,' A
call for closer fellowship with God
r t• Christina livingmight
h t or ler tl at C istiag
int , an be•
be more cicarly evidenced d
come. more effective in Christian
service , The evening anthem was
"Rock of Ages'. 'by Ryder,
Talkies Coming To
Brussels Town Hall
"Courage Of 'Pito North" and
;added teatime will be shown in the
Hrus9ela !t'atvzt Hall ant Tuesday
night, Nov. MAI, at 13;1:;; o'clock,
I;•ombone solo, Cliff. Bus cihlin;
reading, Mrs. Jas. Smite, s:•1os, 7l'nr.
Tucker; solo, Ml's. Elarcld Campbell.
The concluding feature of the pro-
gram was a one acs Play •'Nancy's
1Vedding Day,' which wes nreeened
in a splendid mann():• by ladies lel
the Institute The action took
Place in a pioneer kitchen with the
following eav;. of charanters. Nancy
the bride, Mrs, Donee', 1Iemingwtry;
Susan, Nancy's friend, fifes. Eldon
Wilson; Aunt Sarah, iernsy'e aunt,.
Mrs, Maier; Tessie Brown N.hney's
cousin, a snob front Oteewn, Donna
Cudmore; Aunt Martha Nancy's
aunt, Mrs. Win, Miller, Aunt Bridget,
Mrs. C. Long; Kate and Atte ceuelt s
et the bride, Mrs. 1•Iaeold Sllgir,
Mrs. Wilfred ,Cameron• Grandma,
A. ncy's mother's mother, Mrs. Earl
Cudmore; Grandma, Nancy's father's
mother, Mrs, Charlie Davis; travel-
ling Fiddle., Cline. Davis,
The entire program was (nuch
Ken Wilbee's orchestra, prolide0
music for the dance. Lunch was
sold by institute members.
The ladies of the Majestic in-
stitute would like to tltary •all those
NO() helped in ane way to make
the evening such a vireo s,
Ethel Man Finds Plenty
Of Signs of Mild Winter
• . . All Unreliable
Crickets, gr.toshoppers, and snakes
in the Ethel area lee behaving Eke if
n mild winter were in prospect,
"But it doesn't mewl a thing," says
Dr. Douglas Ward ate, veterinary
'Animals have no more sense
about the wetuthe, than human
beings," is Dr, Wardlaw's opinion
"I've known bdtds to be frozen to
death in their nests."
But for what 1t is worth, Dr,
lVarcllaw has cbserved during the
east few days that the snakes have
stayed out of their winter quarters
iilnsnally late this t1'i, d 1ting to
Brussels from E,tr':i one evening
this week, lie saw three dead
snakes which had been killed by
autenl;obiles along a five -mile
tretch of read. On Thursday he
let. only heir, a 011:ket'e distinc'
live chirp, ten months atter crick-
ets should bare resigned from na-
ture's chorus, but on the same ef-
toi'nou saw a frog cussing a very
lively geese:wee:r,
"And the seerlings seem to be
staying areun'1 here this fall," be
says, "The last taw winters they've
been learning, most of there, to get
away befo,'e the wiper "
Friendship Circle
The Friendship Circle bald their
regular menthe/ meeting at the
home Mrs. Wm. 3. Cardiff with a
good attendeuce.
The Pres, Mrs. J. McDonald took
the chair and 092,010 the meeting
with the Theme Hymn '•Blessed be
the Tie that Binds",
The Serip'ur•e Reading was given
by Mrs. B, Gregg feit1weti by the
minutes of the last meeting by Mrs.
Jack Lowry and the Roll Call which
with remedy.
xlstverai w, It a Cold helrclY,
Mrs lien. Ty•erneu 'hen gave a
bort' fttte1'05i9g topic based on miss
ionaries 01821 :heir wont lu foreign
1 s.
fie d
Sullivan1 and Ito
.Miss Phyllis,. Sullivan a c
Jowell then favor()] the group with
a delightful dict hollowed by the
Current Liven s by Mrs. Dean Dav-
iVir's. A. Meriggart then gdve a
reading which was boliowed with a
Flynn sung ire unison, .'
.Atter the bnste.es watt dieettvt•ed
the meeting 5711111 Witt the lldivpaat
le, social time Was sllPntlt Wtdtli the
hosteab in t;h,w 5 a,
of interest and, importance to eve'
one in this community.
Our town council is to be co
gratulated i1' they have tentative]
decided—as one tvo115 conclud
from current comnien'a- t', build's'
the neat' future a thew town hail
The present one is a danger an
an eyesore and a centra for erne
minty activities is ba'11y needed.
Some citizens Peal that there is
another project which is oquaily
vital and whish could very well he
considered and possl'tle tied In with
the town hall area:et lc effect both
economy of expenditure and pre-
vention of d•ilplicattou of facilities—
this is the question of a new echr,ol
As is vary apparent t:, every one
nreserF 1.
echo et
. 1 1
net 3r
adequate both in aoxatinue lstlon ant
in facilities. It le at least two
rooms short
p sent, it4l:ireinenls
and no pos:eibility of e.epaneion to
accommodate more pupils or other
educationai projeots melt as manual
training or lose() econon'lcs. Beaides
there is 021 factlries for recreational
or physical education
With the present agitat:oa frr
definite high school areas we
must have more efticlen', facilities if
we are to mainta'n our present
position in this area and continue
to have a sceool teed stool to prepare
our 01ildral for higher educa'lon A
gh school area for E: rerele ell' aid
consist of at least, all Brussels Grey
Townhip and maybe three-fourths of
Morris Toyenrbip. ;a.i1 , some of Mc-
Killop r •a•nship saou.f have
consideration ,Yith 1210 compel;
tion of other high a•chools we must
have eftici'•. t facilielee if we are to
ncquire this area.
Therefore it new either high or
public soiree] is an urgent necessity.
Which it wend be vvoale take Care
Int investigation hi , all advantages
and disadr.+ntages, T;'.e present
building could be used for the other
purpose cheer high or public,
Some have suggested, that the
idea of a new town hall and a new
school could be combined to a fair
degree with resulting economy and
efficiency, that an auditorium or
gymnasium type of hal' in connec-
tion with the school would meet and
fill all the need of such accrnm:oda•
tion in a town ball and other rooms
for town use could also be included;
that if some town hall was still
required for certain uses not
proetiCable in a scbool a very much
smaller and :teepee type or c :a•
eh'uction would be allowed for that
part of a. town ball than if an
auditorium was In connection there•
with but would not add a costlier
construction type to any school
building as it would be at that type
In any case,
Another point worth ooasidcl'ing is
that if the Brussels arca wished to
erect some form of meeuoriai to our
boyswho c11d not come bank from
the war what mete- ['rtti:sg 111ae 101.110
part of a new school sot aside as
that memorial since e0 many of
them passed through the old school
and there were fit,tee for the dart
they played in s•cienttftc warfare.
I hope the public and. oar Lowe
officials wit' give all this careful
and unbiased consideration and de-
cide on a course of action 05 which
future generations in Brussels 11157
well be proud. "a.
I have no objection tet all to
having it known wh3 has pet ter.'
ward this t tii. has
A t a a 1 eS en out as
support frompeople and in
many 1 c1
order that the protect int/ be
discussed without any bias of
personalities I ata going for the
present to sign myself,
A, Citizen
Joltu IP, 313olvard, 1,0,1' V.0, mist
Mrs. IioWerel (nee Myna Breen) are
happy to !announ0o, the birth of their
n Hotsson, 'Bryan John, at Vittoria,
hitt],. 15.51.11, 011 11111f2dAj?, N90
1, 3915.
Household Accounting
Institute Project
T'.e L+'a •t Huron Oistr:et 1'30, -
men's Institute 9105011 en Houeehoeect
Accuun•tin0 will be 210,5 to fie
Brussels Liurary on Tuesday FAL
Nov. 20th at 2 o'clock. Thera tei:E
also be a meeting in Ethel on Nes.
19th, Biueve1e Nov, 21st, anti Wras
eter Nov. 22nd. Mist E:Mer Slletetr•
will be the departnen:al epeaker:
:111 the lal.es of the eolnmeiret a
e invitee r attend.
We the undersigned Victory Loam
Committee wish to thank the peoples
of the Township of Grey for their
splendid response in the recent
Victory Loan Campaigu
We have achieved the magnificent
total of more than $200,000 dorlals
The eo-operation o3 t111 Ban,: was
very much apprecLe ed.
Chairman--Russe'3 Cudglt:
Salesmen— Watson Iirewn
It, W. Watrdeld
Andrew Tenh:ell
-J. H. Fee:
W.M.S. of United Church
The W.M,S. 05 the United Clturr
held their meeting on Til slay after-
noon at the hone of M, Robinson
with a good attendance, Mrs, Nichol
the president, presider] The Stung
period which was 00 Africa its:
Problems of education was crbill
taken by Mrs. Wilson, Mrs, Make's...-
ackerand Miss H, Downing. Mrs. Niched
and Mrs, Thomas the delegates act
'the Belgrave convention gave ant
teresting reports, Mrs. Bates edoset
the meeting with prayer.
Ration Coupon Due De'tes
Coupons now valid are sugar Ed'
to 67, bunter 116 to 129, preserve'r
83 to 67 and P1 to P21, meat
to Mil.
Remembrance Day Services
Sunday; Nraul',r litdz uas marIk
ed by armistice day se;elees at nal
the chuaehes. The 331,181018 brandy
of the Legion paraded to ,1Melv'Ilia
Presbyterian Church for divine
service at elave+l ,'ole;k. Re!
Geogre A, Milne, minister of Meivf2
Olim'li, conducted the service anal
delivered a splendid 50211102, from tide.
text "Cease Fire,
At two o'clock in tile afternotiir,,
veterans of bout wars, 500linpante&
by the eaJats, in unifnrnl, and ',high
school students marched. to the.
cenotaph led by tho Brnsseis bang„
vthere a. large crowd assembled tis
pay tribute to the memory of ozre
heroic dead of two wars. ilea, Huger.
Wilson of the 'Jnts'li ,,]harsh owe
dated the sevlee and /tee G. A..
Milne gave all apii^oiriate addreta.
'711e tWo-lniurtte silent triltute `tvak
broken by the sounding 01 ',Tim,
Last Dost' by W, 001110111/ Weeatai.
were placed 'by Capp Z'1'. (1, Oanipbei...
Mrs, 17, It I;!?`r',int,ha;u and M111
Jos, Halter. As the legion tnembat5
tiled past the cc,'ilaaPla at the cow
elution of the service their Poplifse.
Were deposited tib a '4,