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The Brussels Post, 1945-10-24, Page 4
CE FIDUlt BIS' Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Satmday Oct. 31st, Nov. 1st, Nov. 2nd, Nov. 3rd AY'S The Big Sivi:.g Ev ,' t ©f the Ye _ r t 1 a e Mark the Dates on Your Calendar Sale Bills are being sent out and if you do not get one call at the Store for One. SMITH TELEPHONE NO. 62 -- L 4JGGi�Ar.net STAT1ONE13 TELEPHONE ' NC% 62 E 1Yp18 Visitors with Mrs. Mary Ames over Sunday included Mr. Ed. Bryan and Stewart of Walton, Mr, and Mrs. Harvey Bryan of Dungannon, Mrs. D. C. Ross, Mrs. R. J. MoLauehlin, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Bateman and family al lof Brussels; Mrs. Frank Hunter of Oshawa; Cpl, J. B. Amos of North Bay; Mr. and Mrs. John Snell and Larry of Jamestown and Mr. and Mrs. Jahn Coughlin rt Listowel, Mr. Dd. Palmer,Miss Minnie Linkiater and Jackie Johnson f Wroxeter were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. George Campbell on Sunday. Young ladies, girls and married women wishing to take the course in preparing vegetables are asked to meet at the home of Mrs. S. Brenton, Saturday, Oot. 27th at 2:30. Anniversa; y services were held in Ethel United Church last Sunday with a good crowd in attendance. Rev. D. Goodyear of Kirkton spoke at both services and dedicated the Baptismal Font which was given by Mrs. Mary .Ames in memory of her late husband, Mr. Joseph Ames and Mrs. E. McGuire, Special anthems were rendered by the choir and quartet. Miss Mary Hewitt sang beautifully ''Consider the LtWea" at the evening services. Miss Doris Cunningham of Ham- Ilton visited at her home over the week end. !T' The next meeting of the Huron County Coursed will be held in the Council Chambers, Court House, Goderich, commencing Tuesday, November 13th, at 2.00 p. m. All accounts, metes of deputations and other business requiring the attention of Council should be in the hands of the County Clerk not late' than Saturday, November 20th. N. N. Miller County Clerk Goderich, Oncaeio Try the famous Breck treatment for dandruff etc. Breck for beautiful hair And better permanents. Also Machineless Permanents Irene Pease For appointments Phone Sys THE BRUSSF•I S POST O P Tt, M 1( F. H'f.. M UFi H Coming to Brussels Thursday, Nov. 8th 1 expect to be at Miss Bryan's Home, Brussels Alt Day Thursday, Nov. 8th To Examine Eyes and supply Lenses where required. Avoid disappointment by phoning Miss Bryans26X Brussels for an appointment. Our Optical Parlors are modern in every particular and we can guarantee you Eye Service second to none. Small Crowd Attend Huron County Plowing Match William Fleming, Walton; Reith Feagan, Gaderich. Tractor .lass for veterans of r,.•c6u a mGa CREA MEP BLUEVALE Wednesday, October 34th, 1046 The fay u'!y at the University of �V .tern Ontario, London, has approved 13 intramural scholarships. Amon:: the wh,uers was George Themsou, t,on 01 .lir. and Mrs, Georgo T. Thom,on, Biuevale, who won the Huron county scholarship. The winnere will be presented with their awards at the fall convoeatio.r en Oct. 27. Rev. S. S. Bridgette, of Ford.. w ich. occampied the pulpit in the , United Church on Sunday morn- ing. At Knox Presbyterian Church, Rev. R. J. Kirkland, Toronto, con• ducted the service. The Mission Band met in the Sunday school room of I{nox Pres- byterian Church on Saturday after- noon. The president, Norma Mof- fatt, presided and offered prayer. The scripture lesson was read by Catherine Thompson. The story I was told by the superintendent, Mrs. J. G, Mundell. Personals: Re,. and Mrs. S. J. { Bridgette, lrordwich, .with Mr, and Mrs. James Peacock; Mrs. Stanley Blackwood, Grimsby, with Mrs. Arthur Shaw and Mrs. Richard Johnston and family; Mr. and Mrs. J. Marshall and daughters, Lis- towel, with Mr. and Mrs. George Thornton; Mr. and Mrs. Ray Thuell, Brussels, with Mr and Mrs. George Fischer; Mr. and Mrs. Sack Thompson and family have moved Into John Mundell's house reran coupled by Mr. Dud Mrs. Clarence! Second Great War, Alex Kerr, Sea - forth. Oldest plowman, Sohn Johnston, Goder'eh , Youngest plowman, John Fal- ' 1v R.R. ", Goderich. toner, Itt9c. Goll. Laying Mash - - Hatching Mash Uses r old by kry Farm .TWO ``'D Dahmer—Perkins At the home ,of the groom's Parents Me. end Mrs. Adam Dahmer in Atwood on Saturday, Ootober 20 at 2:30 P.M. George Henry Dahmer, 1 eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Adam Dahmer of Atwood to Marion Lila Perkins, .W.A,C. of the Trailing; Center, Kitchener, Ont., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Percival Perkins, The young couple were attended by Mr. John Upper of Ripley and the matron of honour was Mrs. Margaret 1 Sage, sister of the groom. Mrs Pearl Upper of Ripley, sister of the groom played the wedding march 1 The young couple will reside to Waterloo. Rev. M. F. Oldham officiated at the wedding. R. A. 1I D 1. Os Well -Known Reliable Opt r>Illetrwst Fer 27 Years will be at .iie BRUSSELS OFFICE to examine eyes and fit prope" glasses on We.nesday, Novo 7th FROM 1.30 P. M. to 4.30 P. M. Consult an expert about the only eyes you will eve' have. Thousands In Bruseels and this district wear REIU'S GLASSES with pe.fect satisfaction. Office in Miss Hingston's Store Please make appointments with MisssHingston, phone 51 gg 66 se I HE trail has been a long dark way. At times it seemed we might not see the day; But now at last the rising sun is ours And with it comes new challenge to our powers. Was war naught but a game to win by score And, having won, to cheer, and strive no more? If that be all for which our men have died Then we have lied. O Canada, most favoured of the lands, Review whereon our right to victory stands; Our vow to free and succour those oppressed- Provide for those who fought and are distressed, Who risked without reserve all they could give To break our foes that we might freely live. If we now stop to haggle at the cost Then well have lost. If we play square with those who fought our fight, And work with them to shape our world aright; Postpone our buying things we little need— Prevent inflation. growing through our greed; Co-operate in peace as well as war By loaning to our cause a little more ... If we keep faith until the job is done Then we'll have won. BUY NiOHF ViCi "DRY BO JS r t � T142 HYDRO -ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION OF ONTARIO EE E WINGHAM, ON'T CLEANING AND PRESSING Expert Cleaners and Dyers of Ladie's and Men's Garments * * * LEAVE. YOUR ORDER AT O DOLL SHOE REPAIR SHOP, BRUSSELS Women's, Misses' and Girls WINTER COATS Tweeds and fur trimmed in.a good selection of colors. • Wornen's and Misses' All Wool Cardigans and Pullovers in white, yellow, red, green rust, navy brown pink sand and pale blue. Men's Brush Wool Sweatercoats • Iwo tone with zippers $3.95 up We have a good selection of BOYS WOOL PULLOVERS Men's Heavy Mackinaw Coats all sizes. oys All Wool Blanket Cloth Windhreakers, sizes 24 to 34. Boys Heavy All Wool Breeches douhie seat and knees. BOYS PLAID SHIRTS sizes 11 to 14/. Men's Penman's 95 Wool Shirts and Drawers, all sizes. Shoes, Rubbers and Galoshes for the w t.,lle fa:snally. Don't forget to ask for your sale 31ips—Foy° $10.06 worth of these we give yo A War -Savings Stamps Free. 11 T ROAD E. ,t, TORE Phone 61 Store Wide Bargains for the Whole IF russets, Out. 1