HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1945-10-3, Page 1TFIL POST PUBLISHING HOUSE LibraryBoard Meeting Upper Canada 1 Huron Presbyterial Melville Church S 1 . The North Sectional Convention Bible Society uY the LAiron Nresbytarlai 'III the The Sunday school pupils joined' The Librairy Board net of Friday On Sunday, Ocinh t 7th, at 7 lTnited Church nisi be held in the with the congregation In the Nally evening', ,Sept. 14 with five members p.m. Rev. Walter Sictx:ttr 1);alri-! VnIIi the United Church on Wednea- pay ,Services on Swtday morning, present. The chairman, Rev. 1L C. Secretary of th3 Upper Canada day, October 10 with morning and Wilson, presided• Mr. nevnil n read 131.bJe Society, will a'tdress a joint afternoon sesswith Mins 4 Ednd The theme of the service el tras• ,tine tepoi't from .rho .lns odor oi' mooting of the Bru cels cougrega- 't'Vorkers in GedIs Harvest incite: I Pubile Libraries, whe ree•;lltly visited tions in iveloy ire Presbytei'ta'1 Clark, B.A„ a retuned missionary il Rev, George A. Milne ppreached on I the Biba+ail . In it Mr. Mowat con.Prom Angola West Africa will the subject, "A (treating m y Church. The meeting of the 13rus- address the, •afternoon session. Harvest," and the cher rendered gratuheted ithe reeve, the Board and sols and District Auxilariy will l..e special Rally Day music. the Ltbrarium oil having one of the 'dteld in Melville Chunoh on 'rhul'adaY, In the evening the members a1 •bent village libraries he had visited. October 11th, at 7.31 p• m. Honor Mrs. S. Sparring Melville Church joined with the .lie said Brussels was quits nut- On Birthday members or Sit. John's Church •ofjs'tan'drng in 'tUle line way in whieb An enjoyable time was spent at England In then Annual Harvest i th.e uvunlciPalrtY supported the Harvest Festival At the home of Mrs'. Sarah Sparring on Thanksgiving. ]lila+dry and it gave ]rim great( ree St. John's Largely Attended Thuisday afternoon vvlie.l 20 friends 1 d a sgecial Th • annual Harvest '1'hanitagivina and neighbors gathored to spend the pleasure RUSSELS POST. BRUSSELS, ON AR.° Wednesday, October 3rd, 1945 "What Can 'You Spare That They Can Wear?" "At this stage o1 the struggle," asserts William M. Birks, national ehltirman of eh° Ntutional Clothing Collection, now in progress, "no one aa'n protest that clothing and reeding little .children, the aged, Saul the homeless hn warelevasted countries, is any less imperative than providing materials of combat or planning ,for the ecorromical future." In Europe epee 1251,0,00,000 was victims• are in desperate need of clothing, shoes and blankets. ETH,EL Mr. and Mrs. Q. Dobson spent the weekiend in Southampton and Owen +Sound. Mr, and Mrs: Layton Smith and fame visited with friends In London :over' the weak end. The Mission Band of the United Ohu rch will be held at 2:30 Stutur- day' afteronon at the parsonage. David Kern' ,and Stewart. Coch- rane spent •the week end in Detroit ' -Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Cochrane visited with MT. and Mrs. B. Lake in I netlton over the wesk end. The regulate montely meeting a the Women's Institute will be held Thuesday, Oct. ]lith at the home of ,Mia A. •Pearson, The topic. will be 'oaken by Mrs. Geo. Kreuter end Mrs C. Richards on "The History of dlhe Ethel Churches." M , and Mee. Elwoo0 MCTaggart and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Godden sltentit iSaturday he Stratford. Mrs. Grace Lamont is in. Lis - tow i Memorial Hoseital recover. ing m a reoant operation. M ;and Mss, Bake and Dorothy epe t a few dayys with C. Cochrane and •Tastily last week. ,Seaviees et the United Church will be 'held et 7;30 in the evening, beginnd:g Oct. 14th. This Sunday, Oct. lith, the service will be". at 3:30 in the afternoon and all parents are 'asked to bring 'their children, as the Sunday- school and... -church will unite for ,this service. TH;E UNION• ANNIVERSARY; SERVICES will be held on SUNDAY, OCTOBER 14th. Services at 11 and 7;30 Rev. 1. D. Maclvor of Ethete and Canbrook Presbyterian Church to be evening speaker. Special music will be rendered. Beware lest any man spoil you • through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ. Melville Church Rev. Geo. A. Milne, M. A. Friday, October 5th, at 8 p. m. • Preparatory Service. j0 A. M. Sunday School and Bible Class 11 A. M. Sacrament of the Lord's Supper. Sermon Subject:- "Guilty Men" P. M. Service under auspices of the Bible Society. Speaker:- Rev. Walter Mc. Cleary, B.A., District Secretary. A cordial invitation is extended to all friends of the Bible Society. Louts • D. Thompson, Organist and Choirmaster. United Church Minster Rev. Hugh C. Wilson 10.45 The Session will meet 11 A. M. Morning Worship "He Took The Cup And Gave Thanks." The Holy Communion `12 Churoh School and n bis Cissa 7 P. M. A meeting of the Bible Society in the MelVills . Presbyterian Church. EVERYONE WELCOME Church of England Parish of Brussels Rader Rev, Maurice F. Oldham 19th Sunday After Trinity October 7th, 1945 St, John's Brussels - 10 A. M. School andaBtble•Class 11 A. M. Morning Prayer and Sermon St, David's Henfryn— 1.15., P. M. Sunday School and Bible Class 2 P. M, Eveninag d a man tit. George's, Waiter -- 1-30 P. M, Evening Prayer and Sermon to le�o11w7re11 grana of $150 tnis year. He also Sery cep or St. John's Church also, afternoon on the •occasion of her Red Cross Notes approved of ,the separate section Tor 88th birthday, birth - "'leaders of high school age and noted the 86th AtinlveSund of bhe Church A dainty lunch including birth - Om work is Dregs:teeing very i that the cincuiatiton figures were were held on Smiday, Sept, 30th day carte w -6a served by Mrs. Chas. slowly, owing to the lack of workers, with good attendances at all servic- e ]nape alt who have been so loyal I quite high, and tlieit those fur es. Th church was beanUfuily 4?ueringuesser, Mrs, Thos. Miller, children's books were excentionali Sr., MM. E. L. Babes and Mrs. Stan- Open Partridge Season Stan - during the 'rear years will continue' exceptionally. decorated with grain, hewers and For Huron Announced high, BY way of constructive ley Wheeler after whelk all sang, Percy Currie of Atwood I Huron County Organized ;C. N. R- Agent At Listowel I For Ninth 'Victory Loan Percy Currie, 'Canai:itn Natioual, Railway agent at Atwood, has been ; GODERICI3, Sept, 29 -donut: appointed agent at Listowel it woes county execietive hall their freak. announced at Stratford divisional' meeting In pi'eparetion for the otrice. " Mr. Currie will take niutk v1 toay loan in. Clinton taswn over lois new duties to )4stowe."'hall on TStunsdety, wimp each mom early next week. He entered the ber pledging his support iv: M, service of ,the O. N. R. et Hanover i forthoonning loan and expressint, on- Jan. 15, 1912. .Since that time he ; condldence that Huron count" has been employed at Hespler string et successful -loans would -z-• Prea�ton, Galt, Morriston and Baden main unbroken. before being el/pointed agent sit' Rev, W. A. .there Et, fn outlin$rg Ethel. Dec. 28, 1933. On May 12, highlights of the new lean, esplaere- 1930. be was named agent at Atwood, • eti that; as there wottid' be deo Which position he held until itis loan in the spring, each muniee- fm further prcmroticn, palety would. be asked to raise ton- loan more than their eight - loan quota and that the seer benaa. could be purchased with a dome I Payment of 5 per Dent an 1` mo'nt'hs to pay, to 'help in. the workroom. We have vegetahlea by the women. of the received a new quota for serving' criticism, One offered the following parish anti presented a beautiful Happy I3iitthday" end departed, The organioahion for the niixth consisting of :30 girls' pantie dresses, •s.uggestions:• appearance especially the red and wishing Mrs. 'Sparring the best of An eight-day open season for I;aan is well uitlon way with 50 gists' •undo7GosGa and 20 boys ' 1. That the library needs Painting white gladioli jai the altar also the health and that she be spared to taking :of partridge in certain same-ou+ganizes, er. I. wftbx„itt underpants. We are also working at •and decorating. loot of bred and grapes. Rev. M. See many neore bir•thdaYs. sections of Ontario has been an- J, A. oa anisn and T. R andenn OS 2. Tiler the llgllting 3yatet]] should nounced by Hon. George Dunbar, , representatives of the National Warr • a knitting 'quota ,af 50 boys' sweaters t F. Oldham wee in Charge and admin - and 1'00 pus. boys' socks. Both be moders4zad. isterod the Holy ,Communion at 8:30 Wingharn Truck Ends In River minister of games ,and fisheries. The Finance Committee.. quotas are tor children's garments. o. That all worn o out books and' a.m The Sunday, school session at At ,am early hour Saturday morning season will extend from Saturday, Will you help? those that are of no further interest 10 ,a.m. was well .attended and at a trunk loaded with Trutt was -stolen October 6, to ,Seturdaf. October 13, ' Members of Executive or •use Should be weeded out. One o •11 a.m, the sector preached an off Josephine ret 'Owner of the truck, both inclusive, with a bag limit n8 The county executive is as la - stack 'could -Oben be oaken. out, leav-, aPprolnrfite ssranun me Psaln. 55:11 Charles Bondi, fruit desler,.left the flue per day ar 20 per season. PEOPLE W. th, (J �` ��% ing more space liatw,eu the remain- "The pastures are clothed with truck in, front of his stare after Na •hmnting will be permitted in lows: Honorary chairman Rev. W Mrs. W. le Messer of London d comp a trip from Toronto North -wasters' Onita'ri�o, with the Alexander; dhairman, Rev. \V- ing stacks. 4. That the ]d'bnary should be given more publicity, Mr. Wilson introduced A C. Le Guard of the Pneumatic Insulating Co.. of Toronto who spoke on 'insulating the ltbuary. The cast would be e295. et was decided to leave the decision to the council. On motion of Mrs. Thomson and Miss Gook, it was do;ided to pur- chase a reference book on art --"'rhe Enjoyment of Art in, America," Meeting tlhen ,adjourned. H• M. Downing, Sec. spent the week end with Mrs, Annie Messer of town. We are glad to see Mrs, Thomas Ryan, Sr., bacdr in our midst again after apeedbng a very enjoyable vacsbiron with her daughters in Toronto and while there she visited her Go'deno'ther ,who is ninety-one years pfd and still very active, Mrs. Ryaat glee visited a cousin in Port Hope wham site had not seen in fifty- four ,years, we wish Mrs. Ryan, many' more of these enjoyable vacations. REGENT THEATRE Seaforth, Ont. Mow Playing— Thurs., Fri., Sat„ Oct. 4 5 6 Belle of the Yukon In Technicolor with Randolph Scott Gypsy Rose Lee Dinah Shore A picture in the vein of a musical although with certain melodramatic ,aspects. Bob Burns and Chat. "1'a'inninger furnish the comedy. Mon., Tues., Wed, Oct. 8, 9, 10 A Song To Remember in technicolor with Paul Muni Cornet Wilde Merle Oberon An outstanding treat for music lovers. This film is a gam of acting. Next Thurs. Fri., Sat., Oct. 11 12 13 Call of the West with Clarke Gable Jack Oakte Loretta Young The immortal story of the men who fought for Klondike Gold. COMING: The Song of Bernadette ANNIVERSARY SERVICES will be ' held in Knox Presbyterian Church, Ethel SUNDAY, OCTOBER 7th at 11 a. m. and 7.30 p. m. Special Music by tee Choir. GUEST SOLOISTS Wm. Johnston of Listowel at morning service. Miss Joan McMaster, Seaforth at evening service GUEST PREACHER Rev. W. 0. Rhoad, DID., of Ripley at 11 a.m. and 7.0 p.m. YOU, T00, CAN SIOM YOUR NAME POR WCTORYI - BUY VICTORY BONDS S1fPPORT CANADA',S th ViCTORY LOAN Corner Stones Rev. George A. Mime, :VLA. '1•i•' hl GOSPELS The visit to Brussels this Sunday of Rev. Walter ,McCleary, Dietrlet. Secretory of -the Bible. Society, has prompeed due to devote tris. article to tee questtun of the origin of the term -gospels" ,as deno'ing the hest four books, of the New Testament, In Greek the wort] 'gospel' meant "bhe reward of good tidings." In the New Testament it has the specific meaning of "the good new. at the kingdom," Nowheee in the flocks, the vieinges also are covers on n over wet) :coax; they shout for joy; Later in Ohe day Ohs truck was season applying only to that section Beecroft; vice-chairman, Roti they also sing." The choir rendered located two and one half miles of tem province lying north and east Bowmen, IR• N. Creech, Prank PPM-- the Harvest Hymn "Lord of Alt eolith o8 Wengbam in the river on a, and including the counties of land, KC., James Kinkead, H. t't„" the 2nd line -of Morris. Apparent I Huron, Wellington (excepting the MacLean, Roes Soott; payroll , estr- '. Attthe 7 p.m. ions;' by ,sS. Child's Clarke service there was a Iy the would-be 'thief or thieves I township rot Puslinch), 7)ufferin, tugs cfiairman. M. B. Tend , ttendanee as- the Presbyterian missed a turn in 'the road, careen- S4mcoe and Ontario (excepting tie sneetalp,names,nhair ane,JaGma y large a Prop - i s of Pickering, Whitby ea - K. Smolders; administration see -- tion, A. H. Elr's'kine, N. W. Miliien agricultural lieson committa , Huron County Federation of A - culture—chairmtan, A. 1Kor president, H. Sturdy; Huron emir er.' war services committee, preside. K. J. Hueston; Ontario Departnteead of Agriculture representative,. Me.. Stewart. and United Churches withdrew their Ing into the river No extensive 50rvnsb p evening cervices tor the occasion. datnaganwas caused. Chief of Pollee I Whit -by &East), ,and south Rivers4 the and Rev. H. C. Wilson of the United AllenMexcepting th Church and Rev, G. Milne of Melville inves'tig'ated. , eot�iwties, of e sting, e Carleton; Ruse Presbyteelan both assisted in the'sell and Paenfee Cad to that semeice. The guest preacher was ANNOUNCEMENT— Rev. G. Milne Who delivered a fine Having taken over the Rawleigh portion of •Ontario lying north and sermon on Psialm 126.6 "He that agency for -Grey, Morris and Howlett west of the French and Mabtawa givetli .forth and weepeth, bearing Twpe., any ,pergon wanting any of Rivers a.nd (Jake Nipissing 'and east ,precious seed, shall doubtless come these 'prodwcts call Geo. Wessenberg, dist mets esthe westerly ly mboandayochnanthe again with rejoicing, bringing his phone 43-r-24• sheaves with , jtsm." Me. Lorne Eckmier rarer the solo, "'rhe Lord is M Light" by Alliesen. Mrs. L d Y 1 Wm. C. King was organist "for all 1 services, The thank offering , amounted to $186. -r l BLUEVALE The Rally , Day service at the 'Gritted Church Sunday was conduct- ed by she Sunday school superintend- ent, W. Johnston, with the theme New"Crusade For Christ an: Testament is the word used to I{ingdom" Scrieture passages were denote a single book, but by the read by 'Scott McLennan, Delores time of JustinoMisbn ogat use of the Hamilton, tShieley 'Sieltng and Mary term has come into vogue, and ho Darling. A chorus was sung bY speaks, as we toy of "ire les]." ,0,I Phyllis Hamilton, Eleanor Smith, When the titles were first glees]." as Jean Hell, end Audrey Mann, Mrs. era gospels,edthe word "gospel" as Earl Hamilton 'told a a tory and a theemployed ca the titles ltd not hand dialogue was- given by Earl Hamel - but signification of a wmess bio: ton., Sherwood Memo, Mervyn Mann, Hamel - but referred ,to the one message of Mary Darling ,anti Cassie Sieling. A sa of the n in all the books. The deity Junior choir led ,the singing. of the thane is marked by the Knox Rally Day several gospels ' being named. nos The Rally Day program at Knox M9bthaws Gospel", „Mark's Presbyterian .Church was an .the theme, "Workers In. God's Harvest Fields." The-smpeiv.ntedeent, Mrs. Harvey Robertson, read the call to Gospel: etc., but "The Gospel accord- ing too' Matthew," "according to Meek." Tlhe word "gospel" -referred to the one message as received bY worship and ,acted as leader foe re - the writers at flush -land or from eponsive Scripture readings. An ad - eye -witnesses/ dress on the theme was given by It' W8.0 doling the ]attar half of Dr. J, S, ,Shrortitwho occupied the the nest century that there began to pndpit for the reg church ser - appear a number at little ge of , vice. The Sub ' s1I>i endewt also (la- dle in the ordinary language of • .livered a short message on the the GOlitant)ll People wh,o wanted, fY • theme, Prayer woe, offered by Mrs. a compact torn, a plain story of. P: 5: Meetsi n. the things Jesus said tend did. By ; Personals': .Alfred Agar, with Mr. the time these gospels' as they 104 Mrs. Harry ?mom -bases es were ;afterwards called, bad, clecu- Acton.; Mr. ,and Mrs. Edward John- lated fora generation, they became ,stop Mr.and Mrs'. Sperling John-' weedy known ,and ,deeply loved by sten and' family, Mr. and Mrs. Carl the Church, Sand in the course of Johnston and Marie, -with Mr. and time they seemed their place at the Mee. Herold Harris, tinlstein; Mr, beginning of ,Ghe 'New Testament. In aed Mns. W. 3. Peacock and family, all liteloatuue there is nothing like 1 weltMr. ,and MTs. ,Goorgo Johnston, these four little boosts. Belg-ave Mr. -and, Mrs. J, Chilvers, • In, tine eltnict sense these gospels ; with friends at Lakelet; Miss Jean are not historical books, The wi+sting McLetnnon, with Mends at Auburn; -of history in the modern; scientife Air. and Mas. (iie6iand Iobnskon and manner was unknown gos in, New 'testa- daughter: Mise llm.ma with Mr. inert tutted, The gospels are :written fond. Mrs.. Cooper ,Netihery, Belgrave; by Chnistiaws, far Christians with a Mran'd Wins, Nell 13. Moilaehern, elan 'to- awakening Faith and build- and, faanily, tMomut Forest, with Mrs. ing up ,the church, Me gospels ase 1 R. F. Gesmae. witness loather than history ;the , Murray the 21,,e year old, son of witness of me.n who, baying them- M.r and Mas, Thomas, Garniss, 8rd selves ibeen, led ibo 30505 'Christ' I eoncessiow of i Morris, had his eye's Put ,themselves at the service ef' i injured last neck wtt17 Bina from a edicficaition and evangelism. But gpnay pttanp. H,s is' showing slight. melds ,this pa•actical purpose the Signe..at improvement. The 1i1id Lon - writers sot out to relate things- aa,i i� a Patient ata hospital in Lon - they actually happened. Whet they ' don, present to us' is the Jesus of History i Miss. Duff opened her Kolbe on seen with ,the ,eye of Faith. We' may . Thursday allternaon for the monthly know Jamas historioallY, biograilii- meeting of the Bed Chose unit. roily, PhYsch,oingioal1Y, and Yet' The president, M e'. W. J. Johns not •know Testis Chrislt. These tour km.pt esided. ]rho unit is asking for NGete books, evhi'le giving us History, i good tisetl oleaei ,clothing for the give us what no mere historian- eau National -Clothing Collection. The give, belihe ,Son of God., witness to Jesus Reded Cr,osis. demand• for children's When Christ t' the .Shclaims of the Bible clothing is great, ,the members were e {nfoamed, and greater a:seleda,n•ce Society are presented to Che poople with sewing was asked, A quilt wan of Breeseis.,0-0 Sunday evening, may sin ]ted. they be received with a renewed-Pemen•ads• Mata 'le S. messwett determination to ,discharge to theetine Mrs. Elsie Laanen,t visited 1 full our eesp'onsibilley towards their cosine, 'Mi', and Mr.s -00n- increasing the eiron.lation of the Tari J. icing, et, Malley; Mr, and Bible for the sake et the gospel Mrd l,rttmrow, Mm anti Mrs, W11 lneesage in the four little books, United Church The Crusade for Chalet and His Kin,gdoin n'as introduced in lite morning sermon at the Thtited Church. Tito ,minister scare of tha need at coneecratdilg ourselves and of a more active paloth 1petien in the work of Chi9,st"s Fingdom F'salthfni, nese to d3ivine Worship was urged es the initial Sten, Solo parts 4n itis morning anthem were :talker very acceptably by hire R• 13, doceln,e and M. 11010 Wheeler, feed Meaitnn,• Detroit, with Mr. and Mrs Harry Elliott; i14r and T1rs, Wilson Thornton with 501811754 none Dafreit, Miele FOR SALE— One hundred acre farm, two barna rylib stabling under both, a 002 nicrey brie* house. Farm till seeded down, about 86 acres working land. drilled "well, 8% melee east of I3;•ussel5 on the tOtli tieseei9Ykn are, 114 mllee north of Otenhf' t• Wm, amaatldod, RA 3, Beelemia i i r zee.' THIS VERY MINUTE' IF the needy and destitute of war-torn lands could stand at your side in their rags and poverty—and look in your clothes closet with you n o . .IF that could happen, and you saw the ' plea in their sunken, death -hounded eyes, you would give half of your clothing to warm them. *THIS VERY MINUTE, will go and look. They won't be at my side, but their voice of thanks will be. .two•' , sorer, by 'ME BREWING INISTJSTRY (ONTARIO) in aid of NATIONAL CLOTHING COLLECTION0 Oct.1 to 20