HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1945-9-19, Page 3The ServiceYou Have BeenWaiting For To All Makes Of Caps Trucks And Tractors We have four Government Certified mechanics and three Helpers. We specialize in complete overhaul jobs, reconditioned motors and , special Tune-up jobs, Generators Carburetors, Distributors, Windshield wipers by b special tune-up man. TRACTORS Mr. John McMillan, a former employee and recently discharg- ed from the R.C.A.F. after 5 years service is going to specialize in Tractor work. We carry a large stock of Genuine 'Ford Parts and Accessories for all makes of cars. TIRES & TUBES Firestone, Atlas and Seiberling. i3ATTERIES Ford, :Fide, Firestone and Atlas. ANTIFREEZE We have a large stock of Anti -freeze and we holoins pe to be able to supply you with Preston this year. M ASSEY-HARRIS PARTS AND IMPLEMENTS FOR SALE 1 Used 1 40 1 -ton Ford fruck with steel box and Stock rack. Take advantage of our front end service, Gas, Oil, Grease and wash, a man in attendance. L. & W. Jackson Motors Ltd. LISTOWEL, ONT, MARIAN 17lawt $425e PRESIDENT 21 (ewes :4500 CORONET 17 jewels 14 M. gold 1575° W. G, LEACH JEWF.I.T.FR BRUSSELS, ONT The TELEPHONE HAS SERVED THE FARMER WELL For more than half a century, the tele. phone has served the farmer well business ... in emergencies ... in more pleasant living. There was the farmer, for example, who wrote that his telephone enabled him toget better prices for his crops. "It gate me to market in a few seconds," he said, "and atthebest tinie" Today, the number of rural tele. phones is at an all-time high. 'When materials and man -power are again available,' it will he much hi lien Tele. phone service for farina will be er-r better than even before, THE BRUSSELS POST VSTer)nestlaY, .Sol.pteullyer 19'h. 1945 Wartime Price and Trade Board Information * * * OTHERS ARE AEM,NG ..* Q—From what has the slaughter quuta been removed? A,—The slaughter quota has been tnmporar'lly removed from beef cattle, - It is still on hogs and never was on veal or Iamb., s w * Q,—if I do not buy my meat from a butcher but purchase It from a reighboring farmer, dot have to give coupons for it? A.—Yes. You must surrender coupons to the Merrier from whom yet' purchase meat, You will have to surrender to him one coupon for (very four pounds of mea'. Q.—My son has returned from overseas, I•Ie was in the butclitr business before he went overseas, Can he get meat in order to set, up to ba iness again.? ' A.—If he were the owner of a meat business in Canada he will be given a quota in proportion to his business' for a stated period before ' enlisting. It will, of conese, be reoessary for him bo have a W.P. 1' B. license before he starts in any business again. r r • Q --What can 1 do to get extra creat when I +have a lot of threshers uon.ing in? A.—You can get extra meat rations i is the same way as you get all ex'ra rations for transient help, Yuu apply in the regular way to your lural ration board and you will be given meat coupons in the same r',io as other rationeu foods are geien for the purpose of transient 1Tr, * • Questions on ^uy regulations of the Wartime Prices and Trade Board _will be answered If :ubrallted to the Information Branch, War- time Prices and Tr,c;n, 'Board Federal Building, London, Ontario. WALTON The September meeting of the Walton Red Cross will be held in the hall on Tuesday, September 25, Anniversary ,services will be held in Duff's United Church, Walton, on Sunday. Sept. 23rd at 11 a.m. and 7:8(1 p.m. . Bev, Harold J Snell, B.A., of Auburn will be the speaker on this occasion. Special music veil be contributed by the chair and Mr. Stanley. •Sibthorpe will be guest soloist, Patronise your home tows theatre. Splendid features 1iw showing. When In Brussels dobee Fuer shell. ping on S'turday go to the "Cozy." • CRANBROOK The Missionary Sociery of Iinox Cbruch, Cranbrook, held the Sep- tember meeting in the home of Mrs, Alien Cameron, The president, hors. Dan Ilnether, presided, opening the meeting with a hymn and with Mrs. Martin MacDonald read Psalm 84. Huether led in prayer au) Mrs, Martin. MaoDonais read Psalm 84. The minutes of the Jul, meeting were readby the secretary, Mrs. Mac Engel. Eleven members an swered the roll call by repeating a vt;rse of scripture. After the singing of Hymn 784 the au'rruit events were read by Mrs, Alex Steiss, Mrs. Henry Keys and Mrs, M. Engel, A 510!y entitled "Ohurchill and Roose melt" was read by Mrs, Jiro Carnet on. The treasurer, ' Mrs, Celia 'anther, gave her iinanetaI roper„ Mrs, Dan Huether offered her home for the October meeting and the Ia:res of the south grow) will be In charge. Mrs, Celia Huether gave an interesting paper on "William Henry Jackson, rnisslonary in Burma„" The treasurer uyw re- ceived the offering and tiro meeting closed with a Hymn, the Natlonni Anthem and the benediction, by the president. The hostess and ladles in charge served refreshments and a social half hour was stmt. Patronize yours home town thealre. :Splendid features now showing. When in Brusse's tlo ,:e your shen- ping on Petursay be >u:r1 to go to the "Cozy" Prices Of Cern Maxitnun prices have beel fixed on all grades of domestic yeiioty alar white corn, according to an announcement ei the Wartime rtloes and Trade ,Board, ;Chis new order exempts all corm for seeding proposes or fee feeding 't 11811 told by one primary pro. dater to another, Sale by feed nianufaotul'ers or dealers ars sti;l funder price ceilings, LET'S BE FRANK ABOUT TIRES THE NAME GOOD/ EAR 15 STILL YOUR - BEST GUIDE TO TIRE VALUE! HERE'S WHY! In buying tires, it's not where you start... BUT where you end up. And you'll be miles ahead when you choose bonus -mileage GOODYEARS. Yes, Mr. Farmer, in car, truelr, tractor and farm implement tires, you go faither when you "Go Goodyear." Today, more than ever before, you should buy only the best tires, There's a reason why—"More People Ride Om Goodyear Tires and More Tons Are Hauled On Goodyear Tires Than On Any Other Kind". YOUR 0 VIE DEALER Alex Anderson 0 0 0 0 O.0 Phone $2 0 BRUSSELS, ONT. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 J' p1cobac THE PICK OF TOBACCO It DOES taste. good in a pipe Notice to Creditors In the estate of MARY SMALLOON late of the Village of Ethel In the County of Huron, widow, who died on or about the eighteenth day of March, A.D., 1945. TAKE NOTICE that all parties Peeving claims of demands against Me estate of the above descried must mail. particulars and proof of same to the undersigned solicitor on or before the 22nd day of Septem- ber. 1945, upon which data the assets of the said estate wilt be dletributed with regard only to those claims which shall then have been received, DATED at Brussels this 25th da' - of August, 1945. ELMER D. BELL, .Brussels, Ontario Solicitor for estate of Mary Small. don, deceased. Obituary 501, Herbert Wt,adma0n The death aecurred in Sout.t Mem- orial Hospital, 'Seaforte, 03 Monday, Sept. 1021-. of a highly' rlspeete, rest. dent of Walton vicinity in the person of George Herbert. W'I ,amsoa In his 71st year. He was born on lot 7, eon - 18, Gey tmvnship, on Aug. oh 1375, sou of the late M. an.; Mrs. 'Puns, IV Wiliiamscr. He was Lwt:s marriel his first wife being \ei;:e Switzer of Cranbrook in Jury 19e3, nal she died in April, 1916 He was nu,rrle4 on August 6th, 1913 to Dora Staples of Walton. Surviving is ore son, Chas. at borne, also three sitters (June) Mrs, Get. Walker, Tor ,ntr, (Mary) Mrs, Sohn Hoffman, Godenich, (Eliza) Mrs. Hugh Ra :Dear Walton; two hrotr'.ers. Thomas of Grey, and John of McKillop. He was et member of the Duff's United Church, Walt •9. The funeral was held on So:.t. I?ib from t_ • re..rdenc.; + r ?.rus!els cemetery. ReV. R. C It Weer" Id officiating. The pallba.,rcrs terra six nephews, Geo. Ramsay, N. rraa and George 1Vill,t.mson, f. Wait rn. George Hoffman.. Go;l-'ri,'f Ilerd„n Staples of SeaZorth sod he=lls Price Winthrop. The T,,o'cri.earers weer six nieces, Jean Pryce, Lois Hogg, Wi.ma Staples, Alda, Floreuce auti Ara Williamson. AGRICULTURAL SOCIETiEB' PAIRS and EXHIBITIONS, 1945 CI,esley 14, 15 Coldwater 18, 141 Crrkaville 14, 15+ Dresden 11-13 I Dundalk 12. 14i itanover ..... 12, 13 1 l22irkton Lindsay '3, 14, I 12.15 I Lion's Head 12, 23 ; Marlin , 13, 14 I Milverton 13, 14 Mount Forest. 10, 11 I New Hamburg 14, 16 Palmerston 14, 15 Errathroy 10-12 September 17 • 22 Clifford 21, 22 Emhro 17 THE DAILY PROBLEM 01•' THIS vounster it to get his Tread, arms and legs through the right holes in his only garment. It's a common problem for millions of men, women and children in the liberated countries 61 Europe. You can help thein by contributing serviceable used clothing, to the National Clothing, Collection drive sponsored by the °median tJttited Allied Relief Pend and scheduled for October 1- 20. Tinder the national chairmanship of W. M. Birks of Montreal, a cominitte is being set up in every Canadian centre and distribution in Europe will be under the diz'ection of TJN1i.R,4 experts. Phone (3 f .,f . Goo F r p Bai®I'; RRU,5l,SLr':1 .s Ar I '-; ,.. �e Butches Shop Brussel/ Exeter ..... 5 orest Galt Kincardine Listowel Midland Mildmay Nstntadt Paisley Parkhill Seaforth Shedden Stretford Marton 19. 30 '•)Itebell 18, 19 20.22 20, 21 19, 20 Bayfield 9, 10 20.22 Chatsworth 4. 1 18. 19 Gorrie 5, It 21, 22 St, Marys 4. $ 17. 18 Tesswater 3, 3 21 Tiverton 1. f 20, 21 , November 19 I Neta. 17.19 i"o lkerton (Christmas Fair) .... 21, f>4,, 99, 21 ff Wtngham (Horse Shawl ............. 1, r 25 DI Owen Sound Sept. 29, Oct, L f Port Elgin , 33. SO October Arthur Atwood Dungannon Iiarriston Lucknow Sept. 25, 26 ! SURE ENOUGH 29 29 "I once heard of a baby who gain - 39, 28 : el forty pounds a week just drinking 27. 88 elephant milk." 25, 26 ; "Whose baby was 1tP' "The elephant's!" A NI NIA .. =.74 r removed 161 ')i,AD ar DISABLED in Clean Sanitary irnai,r. Pilo.. collect, T2 BRUSSELS Stogie :ions Limited 1 E1ECT • No badness em efferi to Lase Aoki wldeli ihee14 ie wasted by inane arra Let us amelyse yaw meds, explain bar i eraree no protect year business Ines way ways mai kad Filet pdidss all to awes.evelem Rs wens !lies I emenes re term sal Mad aiSa is Jateassi4h FLe, ?main huireet7 Mater, Bears, Camra•, Elmo ilk SOW, Pia* GUNN General Pa& 111 Llabdl ty, Fldebty sad Surety Dania. Walter Scott — ,Brussets Representing n Increase Your MILK ` PRODUCTION Constant running water on the farm will save you TIME and, LABOUR. In the barn at the twist of the wrist your stock can be watered— no laborious pumping or carrying water. Fresh clean running water in the house is a delight MT every!! one, fn the Kitchen -- Bathroom and Laundry — so eseontid. to the family's good health. NEW DURO PUMPS are available in greater quantities today, but shortages of Miterlsisdtts4 Labour will not allow the Duro Factory to Produce enough to meet the demand. Alt Duro Dealers St's on a quota bash and Pens* 4a purchase most be approved b EMCO x' FIXTURES AND FITTINGS For Kitchen, Bathroom awl Laundry. Visit your )iris. Dealer for available stsfsa. w G iii I -pie (OA A r 1.( )' MPIRE BRASS MFG. CO.,. LIMITED Service from nny:brnnch London ;l alriltbt Toronto Sudbury Wirinipo5 Vancouver fa 0 r