HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1945-9-19, Page 1T,*
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�-- LRUSSELS, Obi ;~AR
.•o ...••• ,..._._.,.,o * * * * * * • •. et
F$Cb. B1IG 13
(Worlds Finest Atheleti)
The JJungle lord In his most
Exciting Adventure.
WAX 12111LL SAT,
"!nvitsille Hans'
A Thrill From The Word Go,
TUE. Now It Can Re Told! WED.
A War Story Utterly Different from anything you've
eve' seen.
An action picture throbbing with excitement right up.
To It's Sensational Ending.
SOON: Dorothy Lamour IN
Matinee every Saturday afternoon 2 :30-25c and 12c
SUNDAY, SEPT. 30 1945
Full information from Agents
Tenders will be received by the
undersigned until Monday, Sept,
24th at 8 o'clock p,m. for the con-
struction of The Knight Drain.
Tenders may be submitted either
with or without supplying the tile.
Plans, profile and estimates may be
seen at the Clerk's Office at Ethel.
Security will be required. The
lowest or any tender not necessare.y
J. H. Fear, Clerlethal, Ont,
"It is a good thing to give
thanks unto the Lord, and to
sing praises unto Thy name,
0 most high."
Melville. Church
Rev. Geo. A. Milne, M. A.
10 A. M. Sun B hie School
Clas11 A. M. "Real Religion"
7 P. M. "Interrupted Regligioti"
Louis D. ,Thompson, Organist.
and choirmaster.
U IIIYed Church
Minister Rev. Hugh C. Wilson
11 A. M. Morning p
J. Rogers
of Dungannon
Junior Congregation
12 Church School ann 61e Class
7 P. NI.
g Praise
Rev. W eninJ. Rogers
Church of England
Pariah of Brussels
Rector Rev. Maurice F. Oldham
17th Sunday After Trinity
September 23rd, 1945
Bt. John's Briessele"
2 P. M. Sunday School
and Bible Class
3 P. M. Evening Prayer
and Sermon
Harvest Horne Services
Sept. 30th.
St. Georges Walton—
No Service or S.S. on this date
St. David's Hsntryll
Harvest Thanksgiving
10 A. M. Sunday School
11 A. M. Morning Prayer
and Sermon
Preacher — The Rector
7.30 P. M. Evening Prayer
and Sermon
Preacher Rev. J.L.H.Hendereon
Rector of Trinity Church, Blyth
Friends and no101).)n•s getberea
one evening recently ti bld tereweii
to Mr, and Mrs Men en Grainger
who are taking up restlence in
Wroxeter. An acllcetet ',vas real
by Rev. R. Brenton and en behalt
of the community, feletneag J:bust_n
and Allan McKe •,,nor pre,euteti the
couple with an oc;cic:dal chair, a
walnut end 'tah'o eel as etetrie
table lamp. Mr. and Mrs. G-ainger
expreseed tpeir thtics fin rbsse
remembrances. Selectee' music by
John and Lloyd W3.ir,"e assIsled
by Mrs. W. H. Brewer aides to the
evening's enjoyment.
Mrs. H. Jaoklin,'Mrs. R. Bradshaw,
and Mrs. L. Willis were h.:stesses
-for the monthly tea of the War
Workers unit, During the after.
noon Miss Hazel McDoual1 who was
home on. furlough, was presented
with a pen, and per.: 1 set as a
remembrance from tete sorletty. Miss
Mary Jackitn made the presentation
Mise McDonald is a member of the
O.W.AIC, and will be returning to
her post in Edmac' 1. Alberta. The
following goods were packed for
12 ditty bags wi'h 30 items each
4 women's" Meet: ,tans
2 boys' shirts
1 pr. sox
Mervyn Grainger, who has done
road work in this. community for
severs] years has, with his family,
moved to Wroxeter.
Mrs. Thos. McDonald, Molesworth,
is the teacher at Ranmsay's school.
Now Playing—
Thurs., Fri., Sat. Sept. 20, 21, 2
God Is My Co -Pilot
Dennis Morgan Raymond Massey
Thrills and excitement aplenty 1e
,this stirring tale of hero's alt
Mon., Tues., Wed., Sept. 24, 25,20
,A Royal Scandal
Tallulah Bankkhead Charles Coburn
Anne Baxter William Eyth'•
Is anti entertaining show with a eon
tinental flavor that will "delight any
Next Thur.. Fri., Sat., Sep+. 27, 28, 29
It's A Pleasure
In Technicolor with
Sonja Henle and Michael O'Shea
An Eye -stunning romenido musical
tops In entertainment
Corn Is Green.
With Bette Davie
Duff's United Church Walton
Services 11 A.M. and 7:30 P.M.
Speaker Rev. Harold J• Snell, B.A.
Auburn, Ont.
Speciialmusic by the aho6' with
Mr. Stanley Sl'ltthorpe era soloist.
,s e • • + • • •
A double ring ceremony web
botemnized by Rev, B. H. Danlos at
the United Church, eelgreve, when
Roth daughter et Mr. and Mrs. C,
Wheeler, Belgrave, because -the
bride of Mr, Laurence J. Davis, sun
of Mr. and Mrs, F. Davis, Sydeu-
ham eL, London. The weddtag music
was played by Mrs. Wilfred Pickett,
with UM Harold Robinson as eolois•r
i 1 e bride wore a floor -longe gown.
of blush ivory satin with sweetheart
rerkliee. Her embroidered net veil
was arrangei from a headdress of
tulle. She wore a diamond pendant
end carried a bouquet of bouvardia
and pink roses. Mrs, Bernard
Crelien•, sister of the bride, as met -
mo of honor, wore a white flow'- •
length gown of satin and net. The
bridesmaids were Ms. William
Martin and Miss Mary Wbeeler,
wearing white taffeta frocks. Mee
attendants , wore fuchsia feather 1
leafs and carried gladioli, Judith
Davis, niece of the bridegroom, eves
Rower girl do white taffeta, Mr.
Eric Davis 'was best man and the
ushers were Mr, Bernard Crellin
and Mr. Gerald Gill, both of Lor, -
don. Fallowing a reception held in
the church parlors Mr. and Mrs.
Davis left on a wedding trip to
Wednesday itdayy September z th1 1945
During my recent illness church
member's, friends and neighbours
have been very kind. 1 wish to
tnank thein. Mrs, M. F. Oldham
United Church
11ev. Y. Campbell Terener o1'
Holmesville was the guest preacher
al both services in the United
Church, At the evening ,cervica Mr.
Tavener spoke of the neeted. ^e-
construction for the poet w.tr period.
Miss C, Hingstou and Mr, C.
Busahlin took solo parts in. 'le
morning anthem,
Church Notes
Induction of the ttev. P. A.
Ferguson took place in Carmel Pre:•
byterian Church, Henenli Friday
evening, Sept, 7th, who at n special
neeting was unanimously chosen •to
be their minister. Rev. G. A. Milne,
Brussels, conducted the worship
service. Several other ministers 'n
the Presbytery stook part in the
evening service.
Muskoka. Fon' travelling the bride
wore a pale blue wool suit with i 91st year had the misfortune to be
little hat of ostrich tips. The couple the victim of an aacideat in her
will live in London, home here. On Monday afternoon
she slipped on a mat and fell
splintering a bone just below her
hip. +She was removed to Clinton
Lowrie—Moore hompital. It is a bad break but Mrs.
The hams of Mr. and Mrs. A. .W.
Cardiff, who despite her years has
Moore, Seaforth, was the scene of a
been e,ctive, has made a remarkable
of her
quiet wedding on Tuesday, Sept, recovery from the shoc't
injury and is very cheerful about her
Mrs- James Cardiff
Suffers Accident
Mrs. James Cardiff, who is in her
llth, when their daughter Eva
Onalee was united in. marriage to ( mishap'
Everett ,Charles Lowrie, London,
only son of Mr, and Mrs, Charles Melville Church
Lowrie, Brussels. Rev, C. F L. lSpeaking on the subject 'Christian•
Gilbert, pastor of -St. 'Phomas' 1 ity or Public •0Dinion', at the morn -
Anglican Church, nerformed tbe , ing service, Rev, +G. A. Milne stated
ceremony ,amid a lovely se -ting of that the work of strengthening" the
gladioli and snapdragon. grip of Christianity on the world
The bride given he marriage by must not be 'hindered by public
her father wore a ,street -length dress prejudices. What the world meads
of king blue crepe With whitg to -day is a real Christian public, and
accessories and carried an arm I real Chxietian public opinion•
bouquet of pink roses. She was The subject of the evening
attended by Mrs, jack McLean, was 'The Price of Truth' in address whSclr
.Seaforth, who was. dressed in pink reference was made to the harm
silk jersey, with brown aeaessories. done to the Christian cause by
her flowers were white chrysan the- I doneunw,ranted prejudice and the
moan's. Mr. Jack MadLean was best craze for popularity.
man, Following the ceremony al
wedding dinner was served to the
iminecliate members of the two
families. Mrs. Moore chose a mauve
crepe dress with black accessories
and the bridegroom's mother wore !
a flowered silk jersey dross with I
black accessories. For a wedding
trip to points north Lite bride
donned a brawn wool dress, beige
coat and brown •accessories. cin
their return they will reside In
London, Ont. +Guests were present -
from Seaforth, Brussels, Clinton,
Waterloo and St. Tohnc, Nfd, ,
St. Johns W. A.
The W. A. of St. Johns Church +
met at the home of Mrs, 1, Morrow
on Tuesday night. The' president
was in •charge and the meeting
opened with the slinging of the
hymn Go Labour On" and prayers.
Minutes of the previous meeting
were read eu,d approved. The; roll
Was canted and collection received.
Roll call at the October meeting 1
will be answered with a verse ' of •
Sot'ipture containing the word fear, I
After the business discu tsi to an
imteresting paper prepared by the
President's daughter ien an out-
standing African speaker at 'a
recent conference at MoMaste" was
read. The meeting closed with
Emergency Shelter Officers
The emergency shelter regult,tions
have been extended to inahide the
whole of Canada, according to an
announcement by W, Memel Mc•
Phillipps, prices and saupp'y repre-
sentative of the Beard for Western
Ontario. At hhe sante time it wag
ruled permits• to prove would 'ao
longer be necessary.
The change has been made neces-
sary because of the thousands 'of
returning service pet'sonns and the
thousands of men and women
formerly employed in war industries
who will have bo find living quarters,
in almost all the towne and cities
across Canada.
Retorting to the expansion from
seven cities in Canada to the whole
of the (Dominion Do said Gordon,
Chairman of the Prices Board, says,
"The housing problem can uo
dormer be Meeneed le a few centres,
it is now a national prolilem,"
Fred J. Waud of Loudon has i'een
appointed as emergency shelter off'
icer for the Western Ont'trlo 'memo,
Mr. McPhillips ;eaid, leis ditties
wit: be to act as liaison officer for
the Department of RO•cnatrnction,
to actively operate to see that all
vacant houses in this region are put
to use, and that all available
buildings under control of the Army,
Gtovernnient, or the Municipality are
used tor shelter perpoees where
necessary. He will Work in close
co-operation with bite municipal
suthoritles, ganadian Legion, and
labour groups-.
Coming to the Winghatu Arena
,n: 'i'ilnrsday, Sept. 201n, Winchester
Ueuring Party with the CKNX
s.utbaceadors. Dancing Loin 9.10
tet 1. Admission 50e.
Ration Coupon
Due Dates
Coupons now valid ale butter 116
in 122, sugar 46 to 64, peewees 33
to 57 and P1 to P17, meat 141 to 1143.
Ldach M coupon equals 3 tokens;
either or bath may be nese in the
prrchase of meat.
To Open Picture Show
Messrs. Mickey Cn hien and El-
wood Warden, of Arthur. were in
Milverton on August 30 on ',usinesr.
They Have leased the Cook block,
formerly occupied by Stover's
Bakery. where they will open a pic-
ttts•e sthcw in about a month's time.
We understand the block will be re-
modelled, a stage hail" and cushion-
ed seats Metalled so that it will he
an up-to-date theatre. These young
men have shows at five different
small towns in the district and •pur-
pose opening picture shows at a
number of other places.
—Milverton Sun.
Friendship Circle Meeting
The monthly meeting of the
Friendship ,Circle" was held at the
home of Mrs. NIiller on Sept. 9th
with a very good attendance, The
new president, Mrs. Jack McDonald,
took the chair, opening the meeting
witth the theare hymn "Blessed Be
the Tie that Binds" The Scripture
Reacting was taken by Mrs. Cousins
followed by the minutes of the last
meeting by Mrs. Jack Lowry and the
Roll Call, Mrs. Sean Davison then
gave the topic which proved very
interesting, followed by the current
events by Ms's. Mel. Dennis, Mrs.
Adeline Campbell then favored the
group with a delightful solo. A
Hymen, "Breathe on Me Breath of
God" was then sung in unison and
the meeting was closed with the
Mizpah Benediction. A social half
hour was then spent with the ltrstess
in charge,
St. John's Guild
The September meeting of .51,,
John's Women's Guild was held at
the home o1 bars. George Davis,
Morris Twpe on Tuesday afternoon,
Sept. 11th al 2' .plus, with a large
attendance of members and visitors
among whom was Mrs. Charles
Workman of Leamington, a former
member of the 'Guild, The meeting
opened with the mymn "Preatha On
Me Breath of God." Rev. M. F
Oldham read the Scripture Lesson
St. Matthew' -6;24-34 and the Prayers.
Mrs. Won. MdCutcheon, secretary,
read the minutes of the Anguet
meeting, The monthly fees and
dues were collected and amounted to
$12,06. A message of good wishes
is to be sent to Mre. M. F, Oldham
convalescing froma recent opera-
tion, It was decided to quilt 2
quilts. one to be done at the home
of Mrs. 0, Muldoon, on Thursday,
Sept. 20th and the other at the
October Sitli meeting et the home of
Mire. Muldoon, Mrs, G. Davis read
a humorous article from the August,
22nd edition Cif 111e Family Herald
and Weekly Star on a Crazy Quilt
Mi'a, G. Duvis presided et the meet-
ing an', desisted by Mrs. James
Davis, served ,a delicious supper. A
vote of thanks was extended to 'be
dtostess for her hospitality, an
ttccoltnh of tlatientng no fowl supper
will be held tithe year.
The Majestic W. I.
The September meeting o1 tbe
Majestic Women's Institute held on
Thursday afternoon. Sept. 13th al
the home of Mrs. Jas. Bryans with
Mrs. Wm. Miller, the president In
the chair. The meeting was opened
in the usual manner Ater which
the roll call. minutes of last meeting
and treasurer's reports were given.
There was some discussion on ways
and means of making some money
and all were asked to have ideas
reedy for the next meeting, It was
also decided to pack a box of cloth-
ing for Mrs, Sloman of Capreol to be
distributed among the needy in that
district and one for the Salvation
Army. New or used clouting sr.
good condition will be gratefully
received. Mrs, Earle Cudmore and
Mrs. Chas. Davis were ednininted as
Local leaders to the training school'
to be held in Winghann in October
on the "Dressing Up Of Hoare Grown
Vegetables" A paper on the motto
"Tete ornaments of 0 house are the
friends who frequent il:" was given
by Mrs. 'Stanley Wheeler, Mrs,
Miller then called on Mrs, Everett
Sperling of Gerrie, the District Preei-
dent for an 'address. She chose fur
her topic "Plastics and many inter-
esting facts. were .disclosed. Mrs.
Harold Campbell then favoured the
airdlence with a pleasing solo. Mrs,
110m'ie Cudmore gave an interesting
reading on Womene •Instl.utos in
Africa end BIserm,n and Peter Hem
ingway sang a duet. Before the
ineettng Closed little Sharon Heming
way preesnted .Ms's. Sperling with a
a beautiful bouquet of n'liedi011 as a
token of anpreoiation for coming to
tate meeting. The National Anthem
brought the meeting to a close after
which a delicious lunch was served
and a social time spent over the
tea cups. The nekt 'meeting is fa
be held at •the borne of Mrs Geo.
Bone and an the ladies are invited
to .attend.
Morrie) lv otrndL
September tt, 1sx
I The Council met on the above_ anter
in the Townehlp Hall with MI
Rev. 4I Ir. Oldham atln•.rde.l the the members present. The Reams
Wycliffe College Alumni Sessions presided.
i': 'Toronto this week. The minutes af the last m5011 12
* * were read and adopted on matinee
Mr. and Mrs L. D. Thompson hate !!! of WIt, Speir and Jae, Michie:
returned home after Spee stag the 1 Moved by Chas, Coultes seconded
past week in Toronto, by Jas. Michie that 131yth hair and.
* * * Winghani Horse show each be given
Mr, Duncan McKinnon was 10 a grant of $,20.00, —aCarried,
B!'aintford visiting bis aunt and uncle j t1oved by Harvsy Johnston
elle and Mrs. J. P, McKay. I ereonded by Chas, Coultes that the
road bills as presented by read
superintendent be paid. —Carried
Moved by Harvey Johnston
seconded by Jas. Michie that se
committee consisting o:' Cede
Wooster, Chas. Coultes and Wm.
Speer be named tor the pureoes •t
enquiring into getting suitable ge'
for reurned service men and women
Moved by Sas. Michie se:ouded
Wni. Speir that By-law 3o. ;7t
seating time of Nominatio'e o:a
u.cnth earlier, be passed. —Carried
Moved - by Harvey Jobnstaa
seconded by Chas. Coulees that 'be
meeting adjourn to meet again tis
October 15, 1946 at 1 pen. —Carried
The following accounts were paid:
Wingham Horse Show, brant $ 21L55
Blyth Fall Fain', grant 20.019
Dept. of Health. insulin ,,, ,, • 4.2IS
Kenneth Taylor, 1 lamb killed 14.f3
Welter Shortreed, valuator
Ken. Md]aughten, 1 sheep
]idled a•. . 8-410
Wallace Agar, valuators fees 1.58
Nelson Higgins, postage, etc, 1055
George Martin, Clerk
m c v
Mr, and Mrs. John Rowland
attended the McCall -Rowland wed-
ding last Saturday in Emh:o, the
bride being a niece,
Q m
Mrs. NI. Wineberg and daughter,
who were holidayingg with the
former's family, New York, returned
home last week.
tiiy Rev. George A, Mine, wl, A.)
Allied medical science helping
`1'o;o to recover from his sem
inflicted wounds must, at first
thought, seem something of a
Paradox until we remember the
noble Christian Axion. There is a
law, the last to be broken, that if
yea know a thing, .and by the doing
at it you can save a the, you must
de it." It is in obedience to the
yrinciples of humanity embodied in
,that same axiom that food is being
shipped from Canada to feed the
starving millions 4n Europe includ
lug the Germans who eausod the
slarvetiou. That means that. ,il
the wartime talks on jus`iee and
world community were not mere
chatter to bolster morale but were
definitely intended to ne realized.
Although the war is over there are
still many knotty problems to be
solved not the least of which is the
p:oblem •01 Racialism, a vexing
problem within our own Empire
itself, Those entrusted with the
task of solving the post-war prob-
',ems and framing international laws
should derive encouragsmsut iront
the knowledge that there already
exi:.ts throughout . the world a
tellowsbip uniting people of every
race and colour, The unity of this
fellowship, unlike Intermite mid
Courts or a League of Nations,
consists in the .Sovereignty and
redeeming acts of its one Ltrd.
Stould secular statesmee adopt
the methods of the Churc,i in their
apnroacbto the problem of human
world relations? There are many
factors, suoh as inborn characteris-
tics, climatic conditions, a n d
hygienic differences, which would so
mitigate against any such attempt
as to render it fruitless. There is,
therefore, *before us a dual task in
the establishment of an Internat'or-
al Court and the strengthating and
expanding of the Universal Church,
These will not be divergent 'n
their ultimate aim but must function
in close harmnony and co-operati-n.
The Church must supply the insp'r-
etion for the guidance of the inter-
national jurists. A Ohur•h which
extends across the bound lees •:f
,he nations has a great pa=t to play
tf only it can realize itself. The
expansion of the Church is essential
that there may grow up a sutficien'
body of people among the different
rations desiring to understand oue
another and to •keep the -common
law International peace will resell
from the existence of a universal
Cln•istlan society,
Ripley Girl Softballet;s
Defeat Goderich Handily
In a amid -final girls' softball
fixture in the W.O,A.A,, et doderich,
Ripley defeated th,e Lakeslders 13•-5.
The second game will be Played to
Ripley toddy.
Batteries, Ripley --•McLeod, Bell;
Goderlo11--Becklef, Parent; utn-
pires—Q:roves anti Tifton, Wing'he n.
Bosharts Enlarging Plant
At Seaforth
The John Boshart & Son furnt-
tare factory, of Seaforth, are erect-
ing a 70 x 72 -foot three storey brick
addition to their factory, . which is
nearing completion, and whenthe
new machinery is installed will more
than double the capacity of the
present plant.
Canada To Revert To
Standard Tme At
2 a.m., Sept. 30
Ottawa, Sept, 15 --Canada will re--
veet to stai.dard time ,',apt. 30, Stara
Secretary Martin announced yestac'
day in the Commons.
The clocks will be moved back et
? a m., local time.
The decision to revert to 'teed
time" coincides with similar aatfoxt
in the United States. Mr, llferte L
tea told the Comenona earlier this
week that there was a great deist%
to synchronize Can tdlee t 1 m
tables with those in the United
With the return to etanrlard tame,
Cr ada is expected eo revert to tine
ler-war System of observing day
htht time durtrg summer months,
with standard time effs ttive during'
the winter.
Introdncrd as a aoee,•-conaerss-
tion me"'tre, coenpulsory daylight
time was first enforced in certaht
sections ee Ontario and Quebeo
1941 and the following spring wixa•
catended to the whole country,
The Gi . ••nmunt promised to r-ee
telt to standard time wnen war
de,,:reds eased.
Slaughtering Quota LiiFed
The slaughtering quota on beet
cattle has been lifted acoo.ding tis
an announcement of the regional
f,,ods officer o1 the Wartime Priem
nee Trade Board.
Because of the carr let heavg
runs of cattle, the slaughter quota as
cattle has been temporarily removed.
ThE Board will re -impose 13v&
slaughter quota if it ap:p ct s that
nacre cattle are being slaughtered
than the ration demand requires.
It was pointed out, howe 'ere tbsS.
each permit holder will be recurred'
to' make weekly reports to the Board
showing all aulmrlalts killed.
The quota was not removed an
David Runyon's
Joe Turp Returns!
Mr, Soo Turp of Brooklyn,
fictional creation o° the inimitable
Damon Runyon is b•mek again, 1n the
Pictorial Review with The Detroit
Sunday Times, staring with this
Sunday's (Sept, 21) issue. Joe
Turp's letters are rich, hearty
American baiter—Re Volt AT HIS
BEST. .Seg, the PI MO Review
with The 4 etrelt Sunday Tinmoefor
Mr, Joe Turp,
bavtti and Mm's. belie have disc'
posed of their farm on the 7th con..,
to Finley ,Stints, Brusselsand harks
Purchased a home in town add widlt
move there 'shortly,
,Miss Della Vegan of Kitchener
spent the past two weeks with 1Ka..
and efts, Bert 'Divans of Grey,
Paitronize your home town f seat .
•Splendid features no wahowiitg'::
When in Brussele doing y)ur shop-
ping on Saturday be sole to go Sae:
the "Cozy."
Annourtce hent
CHANCE to win a $7,800 .tonne iter`
71. on restricted redden :t 0 area in
L rig Branch, consolatfoa priee
:,nnounded later. Send Postal ittons
for shares at 41. each to C. B. Mat
Son, Sec'ty-Treaa„ 1Pastwoo 4 'VIIL.
Pox 400, Long franoh. Ontario
Sponsored by L.O.L. 28110 Lam
Branch. Proceeds for bntldtng rhes.,
rtia ltS 011 recetgt. -