HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1945-9-12, Page 2PRISONER OF WAR 1 Wednesday 'Septellrbor 12Ui, 1D4r) THE BRUSSELS POST REMEMBER YOU ARE ELIGIBLE FOR NEW TIRES IS YOUR BEST GUIDE. TO TIRE VALUE E G00D0YE4R THE GREATEST+NAME IN RUBBER MOLDED ON YOUR TIRES means... GREATER MILEAGE GREATER SAFETY GREATER SATISFACTION SEE YOUR .f OODYEAR DEALER Alex Anderson Phone 112 BRUSSELS, ONT. AUCTION BALE of Housen01d Furniture to be held et the home of Miss R. Holmes, John St,, Brussels SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 15 at 1;30 p.m. Sharp t3 piece) Bedroom suites IU.reau 2 cupboard 2 Treaters 1 range New (2 burner) Perfe^.tlon sto\ a with oven Extra coal oil oven lreuge i• ic.ker rocker 1erlor table it dining room chairs 2 extension tablas Buffet 1 day bed ' 1 single bed, springs and mattress 2 beds and springs Demestice sewing machine Teelor's (singer) sewing machine T,.Ilor's charcoal iren linoleum rugs 12' x 12' Du:tures ? rockers Irc l:i: g board 1 feather tick La lamps 40 gal. oil tank iso ge milk can eonper boiler wash tubs wish benches siove zinc clock reeking utensils dishes lumber fords etep ladder lawn mower buck saw a number of 3" tile A'ticles too numerous to mention ' MISS R. HOLMES, Proprietress LEWIS ROWLAND, Auctionee- 250 -Year Curse Of The Green Specter BLUEVALE Out of the woods came a pillar of ; green fire in the shops t f a woman and reached oat with huge arms to gaskets of fat' lavers made a enfold a horrified bicyclist. Elliottbeautiful setting for the auniversary O'Donnell, the "Ghost Mau," saw services In the United Church on this apparition, and writes about it Sunday. The guest speaker for the in The American Weekly with this occasion was the Rev. Me. Brenton Sunday's (September 16) issue of of Ethel. At the morning service he The Detroit Sunday Times, Get spoke from Matt. 22:22, "Are ye Sunday's Detroit Times. , able to drink of the cup ' and in the r,..... e ' evening he took his text fro.n ' Romans 2:8, "And thinkest thou �M 1fR ave your . this, 0 man that judgest them which :clo such things, and doest the same, that thou shalt escape the judgment: EYES�j ' of God?" Soloists for the services were Mrs, J. Wiekstead and Mrs. A. Mc - pro J.® . `kms grey Crackin. ie full choir, under the 9l direction of Mrs. W. J. Joanston ' rendered appropriate anthems. for Persgnals: Mr. and Mrs. Anson , Thornton and family, Gorrie, with . v , Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Thornton Me. NO 3 iry„, and Mrs, Harvey Johnston and Me. Lawson, Walton, with Mr, and Mrs. W. J. Johnston; Lorne MoCtackin, ;s— Seaforth, with his parents, Mr. and ,Mrs, Alex McCracicin; Mrs. 7, J. IFm �•o ,flo vu Sellers and Miss Lillian Gsus 1� Fill Asia with Airs. R. F. 'Garniss; Mr. and ;firs, Edward, Johnston and Mr and OPTOMETRIST Mrs. Carl Johnston with Mrs. Har - Phone 118 Har'ristoa rid Harris at Holstein, AUCTION SALsf Farm Stock and implements Lot 30, Con, 1. Grey Township 334 Miles East of Jamestown FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 14th Sale commences at: 12:30 p.m. LIVESTOCK J. Black Mare, general purpose, 9 years old c C!,vde Team, mares, white facies and legs. I Belgium Horse 1 Ayrshire Cow bred July hOth, 2 years old 1 Ayrshire Cow due to freshen Dec. 20th, 3 years old 1 Jersey Cow to freshen middle t.f November, 8 year old 1 Holstein Cow, bred June 1st, 6 year old 1 Durham Heifer with calf a: foc' 32 Durham Cattle inosty steers com- prising 2 year olds PiGS 20 big Feeder Pigs 33 small Chunks 4 Trigs weaned 1. week 3 York .Sows 1 York Hog IMPLEMEN1S Essex car in good condition, number 1671012 9 -wheeled stock trailer Massey -Harris binder no. 6 Massey -Harris hayloader no. 7 Massey -Harris hay rake no. 3 Massey -Harris mower no. 21 Frost & Wood mower no. • 8 Massey -Barris manure .spreader S.A. 't LCormick Deering Fertilizer Seed Drill AlrCormick Deering Stiff -tooth Cul tivator Massey -Harris 14 plate disk barmy McCormick Deering spring tooth cultivator 1 Case 3 -disk plough Bain wagon Set 5 section harrow Set of sleighs ..and roller Tudhope rubber tired buggy Road cart 2 Tudhope cutts"s 11eClorinick Deering riding plough, =Now darts] ETHEL Knox Presbyterian Church, Ethel, Ls holding Auv vora,try Services, Senday Oct. 717h wits the Rey, Alec Minium \VingJteru tt guest speaker, rt Or uiug And eye:ling. Watch for fat titer notices as to the time 00 set vices, 19 S. and Mrs. Dunbar, Ethel, Clarence and Airs. Wisest, Fordtt•lch, metered, to Fergus !est Sunday to r .:,t Hugh and Ills Skeoch. Hubert and Mrs Skeoch and little son 1 .oye of Lirantfer i arae visited the fernier's parents 1t Fergus over the holtc.ay. Maris Lckmier has reeirn"d alcor sr'nding two weeks with Alt'. and Mrs. R. Jackson of Stratford, Mrs. Clarence Miller ami Mrs. Bert Godden spent Thursday in Toronto. Mrs, J. Stephenson is home after having enjoyed a pleasant vacation in Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. Q. Dobson spent Sunday in Dungannon with Mr. and ides. Frank Glenn and family. Pete Dobson and Claire Michel left 'Monday for the West. Mr. and Airs. Harvey 4cleert and family of Kincardine spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs, Roy Hall, A hearty welcome home will be extended to all returning ae-vicemen on Friday night at the Bingo and Dance by Mr. Sack Hanna, bi.P.11'., and Mr, E. L. Cardiff, M.P. Plan to attend this gala event. The W.M;S. of Kuox Presbyt'rian Church held their regular meeting on Tuesday afternoon, Sept. 618, in the church, They had as their guests the Ladies of the W.M,t3. of Brenton sang a duet. Mrs. ©, Bowes of the death of Mary Parker Rusell. 1 4o SORRY PLEASE 1 t' S`' , rr' . 5o 'THAI' WHERE SOME of MY SUGAt2 WENT/ f �/-. .-- ..._ (G a oollfNs World sugar stocks are dangerously low ... use less—use with discretion TBE WARTIME PRICES AND‘TRADE BOARD Tuesday of September. Hymn 3231 otner relatives on the trip home• jubilee of Herm. Presbyterial to be was sung. Mrs. E. Thompson gave a ward. held next Tuesday in Goder;ch. A reading. Mrs. B. Godden and Mrs. Word was received from Calgary -collection was received for the peace offering. the Dri ted Church. The meeting' gave reading ' The lone Soldier." daughter of the late Geo. and Mrs• opened with the Call to Worship by the president Mrs. McInnis. Hyyrun 399 was sung, The Scripture Lesson, 1st chap. John was read by Mrs. Grace Lamont after which several of the ladies ledin prayer toltuwed by the Lord's Prayer in unison. and son, Jimmy, airs, Alex Leitch, Hymn 374 was sung, The minutes of Knox Presbytehian Church 1Vr- Detroit, Mrs. t{r' oa Mc i".1 and the last meeting were read and approved. God Sited the King was Hymn 387 was sung and the meeting Ptt"ker, formerly of Sunshine. closed with the Benediction, Mrs. McInnis then invited the ladies to' the basement where tea was served and a pleasant social hour was spent. BELGRAVE Personals: Mrs. W. J. Geddes cm Mrs. S. Melt,: with r -halves in Toronto; Mrs, Coulter: and her mother, Mrs. Carter, London, with Airs, Alex Cloakev and sou, Stew - alt; Mr. and Mrs. James Bowden MORRIS men's Missionary Society met In the ,irti hter, Shirley, LOU.' un Morrie cbtlrch on Wednesday aftoruoc.n Leitch, Owen : , t •' d • nod Ai*e sung, The Roll was called and was Jim and Allan Mair and Jim The president, Airs R. J. Scott, was ;,• her Jaricson, San • mull. Mr answered with a verse of Scrippture Ireland and Harold Campbell have 10 the chair and read Uri scepters are Airs. James Lett.ch; Miss ATsay beginning with the letter (R). The gone to the West to assist in the lesson. Mrs. O. 0, Anir.:;nn 1,:;1 i»d Van Camp 0 ova, a•ir!' friends offering w05 taken. Mrs. Grace harvest and threshing, prayer. Interestiae;tpp'"es fr in lrre; Air, awl vt•.' *nee*. tc'•btn- Lamont and Mrs. Alexander sang a Mrs. Frank Nichol has returner, the Glad Tilings wese given by Miss ;,.0 and fatally in In: in'o whey's duet. The business period followed home after a very pleasant visit Agues Mason. Arrangements were :,l,•s, Robinson ; anter um -le -wont a and it was decided to have the with her son Gordon Nichol In r.•ade regarding the auxiliary's part set.ors operation recently. Thank Offering meeting en the last \ arconver, B. C. She also visited 1 , the. program tor the diamond WANTED LIVE HENS AND CHICKENS also GEESE and DUCK FEATHERS BEST PRICES PAID Before you sell any poultry phone the Export Packers, We will call at your -panyyou can bring lace for quantity or them to us. Export Packers PHONE 70x BRUSSELS no. 18 . Z.,IN C)tver riding plough -McCormick Deering walking plough 2 Cockshutt gang ploughs Cu :ting box Turnip pulper het'ffler Palming mill 13sy rack wagon box with stook racks I Pa Thank Morse 1r H.P. Pegaa ' engine 2 set of horse clippers 4 sets of team hornest, 1 set of light harness e set scales Automatic seed grain smut treater Emery grindstone IT. VTalo robe Otte 22 rifle 12 gauge single end double barrel shot guns Grindstone ;.tial stone boat Steel and plank ioneboat We eelb arrow Dag truck Bao holder 5 \Noreen barrels Pig crate 2 large potash kettles 2 sugar kettles 1 25 -gal. milk cum 3 100 lb. milk cans 1 80 -ib. milk can I.2rfrew cream separator M .del. K, size 14 3Jelotte cream separator size 2A 1E1' feet of inch trilling 3 logging chains . 2 cross cut saws ii i d saws Ea' wire stretc:tets I70 feet hay fork rope Cyclone grass seed sower 2 lawn mowers T,:,rge stock of farm tools 1 'ragon tongue Pilo of cedar posts and lumber Mcw of Timothy hay hiomoth red clov sed tierCI p reed 24'eed grain (oaks, ba 1e,' and wheal) Quantity seed wheat 0 e Daisy churn 1 OdeClary and 1 l3irvlre range, geed as new Si ence etal heater 3.burner gasolino s''ove Prsttie washing ma'line & wrIfl et uric buffet and tee , as new 0 dining room 0I a Lir!] organ and ;•col U bedroom suttee Kitchen table and chairs Kitchen cupboard and ice reflrgerator TERMS CASH STEWART TURNER, Prop. WM. ROBERTS, Clerk HARRY PARR & SON. • Atm, Auctioneer. SAWS SHARPENED Hand Saws, Crosscut Saws Any kind of saws If you want yours to really tut as it should . . Leave at The Post Printing Office D CUSTOMER. �Jt 90 Mt A AV011itIa •GIVE ME SIx..THEY''RE MIGHTYHARDTO G£Tr 'NOW THE WAR'S DIMS ,Lf EVERYBODY FOR I SAY.' sNOW YOrRU £N 1 1C SUPPOSED TO..Bj.UT a JUST THIS ONCE• NHAVEN'T YOU 007 SOME UNDER THE COUNTERel "NEVER MIND THE PRICE. I'LL PAY ANYTHING' r) L L� U u rx v;cr ;l Let's not deceive ourselves by the belief that he danger 's over—just because the war is won. And let's remember that inflation is always followed by deflation with its misery of bankrupt businesses, mortgage foreclosures and unemployment: It's your job and your savings that are at stake. The danger of inflation, with ifs black shadow—deflation,—will remain as long as goods are scarce and insufficient to meet demands. That may be 6 months, 12 months, 18 months. Only time Will tell. As quickly as controls are unnecessary, they are dropped. After nearly 6 years of war, industry cannot switch over to normal production of civilian goods by a snap of the fingers. Reconversion takes time. The whole system of raw materials, i abor and production has to be re -geared. In the meantime, price ceilings, rationing and other controls are the safeguard for ovory one of us. it's everybody's responsibility to help make them work. S0' Keep on watching your buying. Don't rush to buy scared goods; Keep on saving your money. Put It Into Victory bonds andWar Savings certificates. Keep on supporting Wage and price controls, and rationing. Keep on fighting Inflation and Its black shadow,., detletlon. WE HAD IT BEFORE f! TNF BUBBLE de, �� 1920' BURST tta3' •� �i