HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1945-9-12, Page 1USSELS POST
1 law
Here's a picture that will keep you on the edge of your
seat from start to finish tense with excitement.
Fopeye Cartoon — "Law of the Jungle"
"Lucky Teeter" (The man who smashes cars for thrills)
Acclaimed by millions as the greatest picture ever made!
With Mary Martin Allan Jones Walter Connoiv
You'll laugh and cry and love every enchanting moment
of this mighty motion picture.
To enjoy this fine film to. the maximum the management
uree you to see it from the start. First show starts 7:30
Second at 9:20 p. m.
A Baking Sale and
Rummage Counter
Sponsored by the Ladies Ald of
Melville Church will he held In the
Brussels Library on Sat. Oct. 20th.
By The
Elgar Quarette of Kitchener
In Molesworth Community Hall
' At 8.93 p. m.
Proceeds for the presentation fund for
Boys Overseas.
Adults 50, Children 231
' Refreshment Booth
Ethel Township Hall
Friday, Sept. 14
Ken Wilbee's Orchestra
Admission—Dance 25c
Bingo 20 games for 25c
Servicemen Free
Lunch Booth
Special Bingo Prizes
Valued at $5 each
Proceeds for Servicemen
Sponsored by
Ethel War Workers Unit
induction Service
Held At Melville Church
On Thursday, ,Sept, 0th, the Rev.
George A. Milne, 1VI.A., formerly of
tat. Church of Sco;la'ttl, Brillsh
Guiana, was Inducted to the charge
or Melville Church, Brussels
The Presbytery of Huron -Maitland
met at 7:30 p.m. and the Induction
Service commenced at 3 o'clock.
Rev. 0, H. MacDonald, Moderator,
presided at the Service. Rev, A.
'rttmano preached the sermon and
alitnarrated the steps leading up
to the Induction. Following the
Induction by the Mei irate:, Rei K
MacLean addressed the newly
inducted minister and Rev. R. H.
Williams addressed the congre-
Rev. and Mrs. Milne were intro-
duced to the members of the eongt'o-
gation by Dr. and Mrs. W. D.
Jamieson and Ms. and Mrs. J. Yutll,
Following the e•e'vice a reception
was hell at which 4reetiogs and
car,gratulations were voiced by Rev.
3'. B Thomson, Toronto;; Rev. Dr.
N. it. Sinclair, AIlendale; Rev. 111
B:agg, British Guiana and Rev. H.
Wilson, Brussels.
Mr. R. T. Bowman thanked the
Ladles' Aid for making the reception
such a success and also preesnte'1
Rev, A. Nimmo with a token of
appreciation of the services he had
rendered during the vacancy.
Mrs. John B. Smith Is visiting in
Kincardine, • I
We are sorry to hear that Russell!
Zimmer is very ill in Terme), CARD OF THANKS ti
Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Ryan and
family wish to thank their many
friends and neighbours for obe aots
of kindness and messages or sym-"
lathy during their recoill sad
bereavement, And a special thanks ,
to Father Paquette and Dr. Jamieson
for their .visits.
.__ __
Mrs, Lumly and ..Miss lliliis of _.•..�.
St. Thomas were visitors with Mr,' Legion Meiabers Attend
and Mrs. John Simmons t
School Of Instruction
Misses Margaret and Hannah 1•
Russell et London were week end! The Brussels Legion ateeeded a
; visitors at their home here. I selool or instruction oa reha,blIttat-
I Mr. and Mrs, H. J. Middleton ane ion of home earning reters1., at
daughter Catharine spent the Labor' Owen Sound on Sunday. The followi Day week end at Bruseets and me members •of the local ben*h.
1 Clinton. ' were;—O. Doll, G. Saler...M;
. ., SF,
Jean Wacker of New -York and
Mary Walker of Toronto spent the Cardi3f,
\"ineberg, 1Z. BPIailuti,1 C.t,tt, Dc1l antihaw, Alen
Labor Day week end at the par. Woodrow. The guest •peak c was
ental home, Rev. G. Stewart who recently return.
Rev. M. F. 0 dbeten while in : ed home from overseas.
London was the guest of Dr. R. P. D. I inspiring address,
acid Mrs. Hurford at Christ Church ;
! Mr, and Mrs. Ray Fear and Mr, i Melville Church
and Mrs Fred Pepper all of Moller
Wednesday, September IlZtb, 'B 94
0cal 'News
Rev. G. A. Milne, M.A.,
ems s Rev. G. A, Milne, M.A., who tree
sueoeeded Rev, S. Merl• as miuietvr
of Melville Presbyterian Church is
a native of Seollaud, untended
the Aberdeen University tied Christ
At the morning service in the College, Aberdeen, Interested in
United Church the minister's subject aihieties, he was awarded the double
was "The conversion of a good man" athletic blue while a university
the text being "1 w not eleeeldlent emdent. For six years he worked it,
unto the heavenly TIAen,' in the Bettisit Guiana, S.A., 84 a Missionary
evening the subje •; Was 'Broieeiterepe the Church of Scotland, Mr.
l,trrriets, eetpl1,01w ' iif,' pryer:, o1� `Milne instituted a new sys'em ee
Jesus Christ in^brifaking Derriere of prison reform there while servile; astradition, race, disdase and sin, a prison chaplain: He was also a
welfare commissioner anti chaplain
Ration Coupon to the south: Caribbean forces,
Mrs. Milne, who was born in
Due Dates' • Wales came to Canada at the age et
Coupons now valid. are butler 116 twelve. ,slier father, Rev. J. 13,
to 121, sugar 46 to 02, preserves 32 Thomson, is director of church
tt 67 and P1 to P lir extension fn Toronto. Mrs. Mine was
M coupons good for the purchase formerly secretary to Canadian
oe meat will become valid at the Miesions in British Guiaua. They
r t( of one each week esaept in life have a nine months old sou George
,ilrst week following the • aunounce• Thomson who was born In Colada,
anent of rationing when one coupon
leeomes valid to 13onday sad the
other on Thursday. After the fl^at
week one.110 coup !ma will become
vtiiid each Thursday.
Presentation Made
Melville Church Minister. j To Manager
Mrs, ,Strapman of Detroit le vie:t-
ing her two aunts Mrs, Davi(. •Smith
and Mrs. John Simmons,
Mrs, David Ferrier 0f Lucltnow is,
v'siting her sisters Mrs. Chas,
McI{ay and Miss Mary Lott.
He gave am
smith were Sunday visitors with Mr. The services .it ,Ieeritillo C.L•urch
and Mrs, H. Manning, 0n Sunday, Sept. Stir, were cenduele
Major H. V. Tierney, M,M., and :el by Rev, George A. 119 Ina, 3I. A.,
Afrs. Kerney of Halifax, N.S., are who is now minister -la -charge. The
visiting at the home of the former's] sntrjects of Rev, lir. M'g, e'e ad''.ress•
, patents for a few days. es were "Godless Amb tions: and
Mrs. Nelson Fr•eethy and sen ..,
left Monday for Rosetown. ! Chosen. Company''. Iuboth address-
Terry•Sask„ where they will visit with es emphasis was laid on the urgent
her parents and other relatives. necessity of giving Wholehearted
Miss Eunice Jackltn of Ottawa! support to the movement towards
is spending part of her vacation at God for the world's recovery, to
the home of her grandmother Mrs, I which the times are calling,
Jae. I(ernaghan and other relatives.
Mrs, M. P. Oldham is progressing
favourably after an operation per- Russell Grocery Sold
To Stewart Lowe
Victoria Hospital in London. last'
Mrs, Douglas B. Walker and turned from four years' overseas
Ralph and Heather who have been : se:'vice, has purchased the Russell
visiting the children's grandparents Grocery Store and tekes possession
Thos. and, Mrs. Walker, returned on Monday, ,Sept. 171111. Miss Clara
to their home in Timmins Iast week, Russell has run• the grocery for the
Mrs, Wilfred Browne of 'Chesley past four years, from Aug. 6th, 1941,
ans Mr. Murray Smith of Dornock when her brother Lewis, who owned
reecntly returned from ove^seas, are the business, enlisted in the R.C.A.F.
visiting at the 'borne of the. • sister, At that time Miss Russet] left
Mrs, Cliff Bnschien,• school to manage the business
Mr. and Mfrs, Walter Mills of where she had previousljr worked as
Drumheller, Albeljfa, were recent'' clerk -after school hotirs.
visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Frank •
Kerney of Brussels. This was the
first occasion in thirty-three , yearn' TENDERS WANTED
that Mrs. Kerney had seen her
sister, Tenders will be received by the
undersigned until Monday, Sept.
24th at 3 o'clock p.m. for the eon- CORNER STONES
,struction of The Knight Drain,
Tenders may be submitted either (By Rey. George A, Milne,
with •or witlootut supplying the tile.
Plans, profile and estimates may be
seen at the Clerk's Office at Ethel.
•Security will be required. The
lowest or .any tender not-neceasari':d
J. H. Fear, Clerk
Ethel, Ont,
Stewart Lowe, only recently tie
is Alh
o nor s
2,347,000 blood donations were made in Canada, 1,423,000 in
Ontario, through the volunteer Blood Donor Service of the
Canadian Red Cross Society since the first clinics were estab-
lished in January, 1940. The lives of hundreds in the army, the
navy and the air force were saved through this service,
This record was only made possible through your donations of
blood. We wish to thank ,you sincerely for your generous help
at a time when the need was so great. Special thanks are also
given to the doctors, nurses, transport drivers and all other
volunteers who gave so generously of their time and talents.
The Volunteer Blood Donor Service is now closed as a war
measure. A new challenge is presented, however, for many
deaths occur in Canadian hospitals •each year for lack of an
adequate transfusion service.
To meet this need, the Red Cross is making a survey with a view
to providing all Canadian hospitals with blood for transfusion
purposes. To our thanks, then, we add an invitation to help
us as we continue our humanitarian work. When the time
comes, and plans are ready, announcements will be duly made..
, ...
airOntario Committee
Blood Donor Service
Ontario Division
Local Committee
BloodDonor Service
United Church
Auction Sale Of
Horses and Cattle
110,000 Canadiai horses are lutug
snipped to France and 110115nd so
t,ew is the time ro buy horses befr•re
ti ey go up in 011113. ,lack Tlyulre,
.wino spent the summer in the west,
,has had a carload of Manitoba
horses and cattle shippe'l from the
west. These will be offered for ,;ale
ltd public auction at the ]tonne of
Airs, Jas, Thynue on Thnrs,lay, Sep-
tember 20th. Be sure to attend and
see for yourself tee fine animals
heing sold.
Home From Overseas
Pte. Call Mowing, who enlisted
with the signal corps, 5th Division
in Kitchener, in August 19th, and
went overseas in. March 1942, after
training at Camp Borden, came
back to Canada aboard the Pasteur
and arrived in London, Onta.'i.t on
Sunday night, Sept. 2nd at 10;30
o'clock. Pte. $owing was met in
Loudon by his wife, the former
Betty Raymcnee and three year old
daughter, Thelma, whom ha had
never seen and other members of
his family. Carl served it Italy
from October 1943 until February of
194.6 *When "its event'tn France •and
on to Rolland, Stewart Lowe
recently returned was the only
home town boy Carl met while over-•
seas and be saw him in Ita'y and
"But rather seek ye the king-
dom of God; and all these
things shall be added unto you.
Melville Church
Rev. Geo. A. Milne, M. A.
10 A. M. Sunday School and
Bible Class
11 A. M. "Christianity or
Public Opinion"
7, P. M. "The Prioe of Truth"
Louts D. Thompson, Organist
and Choirmaster.
United Church
Minister Rev. Hugh C. Wilson
11 A. M. Morning Worship
Rev. Campbell Tavener
Of Hoimesvilte
Junior Congregation
12 Church School and
Bible Class
7 R, M. Evening Praise
Rev. Campbell Tavener
Church of England
Partih :et Bruraals
Rooter Rev. Maurits F. Oldhast
16th Sunday After Trinity
September 16th, 1946
et. John's Brussels-'
2 P. M. Sunday School
and Bible Class
8 P. M, Evening Prayer
arid Sermon
St. Oeorps's Wakah—
No. S. S, nor Service Thle Sun.
flit bltvii'a N.Mryn--
10.80 A, M. Sunday School
and Bible Claes
No Service Thla Sunday
Harvest Thanksgiving le
Altnan'a Atwood.
A notice calling the attention of
farmers to a sale or military trucks
indicates a definite step toe:tree
the cultivation er the arts of peace.
This transformation of weapous of
war into instruments of petee bide
tie recall with renewed hope the
Prophet .Isaiah's great vision, 'An•1
he' shall judge among the nations
end shall rebuke many peop'e: antl
they shall beat their .=,twos is into
ploughshares, at d their spear:a into
pruninghooks: rLtiou shall nm. lift ,
up sword against nation, neitbet
shall they learn war any more.' The
vision of a world tranafern•.ed be
religion and eoln•mon active must
surely inspire war -sick humanity to
w(rk withoutceasing tor its speedy
rculization, The weapons of war, not
even the atomic bomb, coaid an-
ni,iilsted their targets, all they could
do Was to change their form It is
beyond the power of man to rause
substance to disappear entirely
from the face of the earth, With his
profound knowledge of the limits of
earn's ability Isaiah dirt not
advocate the destruction of war
weapons but rather their transfor-
nn•tion. The instruulentt which
desolated the world, even the nttmble
truck, can, be a simper tianster•
ntatdon produce scenes both fair
aatd fruitful. The energies which
were devoted to War will be equally ,
mighty when transferred to the side
of God and good. Then, toe, there
it the appalling cost of war, It
would be impossible to attempt to
estimate what 411 the wars in history
have cost. A former ,Secretary of the
Peace Society said:. 'Give me the
money which has been splen' in war,
and I will purchase every foot of
land on the globe. I will clothe
et cry man, W0man, •and chid in an
attire of which kings and queens
will be proud; 1 will build a school-
house on every hillside and in evely
valley over the whole earth; I will
bteld an academy in every town and
endow It, a college in every State,
and fill it with able professors; 1
will crown every hill wish a mace et
worship consecrated to the promul-
gation 02 tho gospel of peace; I will
Support in every pullet en able
teacher of righteousness', so that on
every Sabbath morning the chime
en one hill should an'sw8r the Ohne
on anotheo 'Wind the Would's wide
( olrcumterence, and the' voice of
prayer and the song of .rade should
asrend litre a universal ofteritg to
W ere being tilled net
t'J waste, tit o ektie a ,
1tt•rves, b •e'1 t norm tlem
After defeating the Ripley 1,adies
Teti slay evening lit t• nm sent PS 109
the Brussels La;lt,'s Softball team
gerhtsed at the home ei Clara
Firesell. An cnjoy.able leech was
seeved by Mrs. itn,rell alter which
Mi. Ashton, manager of 'rte team
1aue presented with :( leve i' area -
watch inscribed th,,-B.G.I,. 'Gang'
1e45, Muriel Aecicrson read the
address and Audrey Anderene made
pteeenta lion.
Mt. Rano, president, ':Mr. Wilson'
assistant manager, Mr. Riley, coach,
were presented with a earn of money.
Mr. Ashton, on belch' of Mr, Raun,
Nis, Riley and Mr. Wi.s,n and hire—
self thanked the girls suitably.
Brussels Girls
Lose To Ripley
The Brussels softball team lost to
Ripley by one run in the playoff
game in Ripley on Tuesday night
when the final score at the end of
the ninth inning was 10-9. f
' The Brussels girls were noe in
their usual good form in the first
innings, they gave the appearance
W. L. Leatherdale of nervousness and their opponents i
William Long Leatherdale, 67,
president of the ,Clark Leatnerdate
Co, Ltd, funeral chapel, for a
Quarter of a century, died early on
Friday in Winnipeg' General Hos-
pital after three weeks' illness..
Born in Brussels, Ont., Mr.
Leatherdale went west and settled In
Winnipeg in 1910, He ata •ted
busines the same year in ass.,;Delon
with the late David Clark.
He is survived bet his widow, Mrs.
Laurette iLeatherdale, two sons,
Vernon L„ serving •with the Can-
adian army •overseas, and now in
England and R. Clair at home; two
sisters Mrs. Roy Pryne, Toronto
are Mrs. Joseph Pea:a, Winnipeg.
The funeral service was hell on
Monday in Greenwood United
Church. Burial was held in the
family plot in Brookside Ceemtrey.
* s •
Wilfred Ryan
Death occurred Monday, Sept. '
3rd. 1946 of 'Visaed Ryan. youngest '
501 of Mr. and Mrs. Tees. Ryan,
Grey Township in hie 37th fear.
'Vilrred suffet'ee a strike tltu;een
years ago and has been confined to
ghee bed during that time, On the
Wednesday before he suffered an.
other stroke and passed away Mon-
day morning at 3 o'clock.
He will be sadly missed in his
home especially by his mother who
cared for bine day and night during
ih0se aof illness,
Wilfredlong is
yesurvivedrs by llis parents
Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Ryan, two
brothers. Tom 'and Edward, two
sisters Mrs. Hicks (Clara) and Mrs.
Ramsden (Bernadette). One sister
MIs. Hicks s, tilzn'ie) passel. ltway
several years ago in Detroit.
Requiem mass was sung by Rev.
Father Paquette in Gt. Ambrose R.C.
Church thence to the Brussels
cemetery for burial.
The pall hearers were Mesors. Joe
Thuell, James Nolan. Wm, Blake,
Chester Rintoui, :Mervin Pipe and
Howard. Ryan,
"May His Soul Rest In 'Peace"
A wedding of interest took place
at the home of the bride's mother. '
Mrs. John Bel1at1lyne. Brussels when
her younger daughter Dorothy Eliza•
brill, was united in marriage to Mr.
William David Campbell, Listowel, 1
Ray. T. E. Kennedy, Southampton,
brother-in-law of the bride, officiated. I
Twenty -flue year ago on the Saute 1
date and in the sense place the
bride's older sister, Anna Layette !
was united in marriage to. Rev, T.
R. Kennedy. then of teasel, Atter ,
the ceremony a reception was held
fnr 30 guests w11en two wedding
calces were cut by the sisters.
M actver—R't :hie
In the late afternoon of August
2:lih a wedding neremony, simple
and very beautiful was conducted by
the Rev. Frank W. Swaeltilammer
at the home et Mr, and Mrs. Denali
Cun;dng, Town of Moue': Royal,.
Quebec, when TTelett Anderson
Ritchie, daugihter of the Rev, and
Mrs Denten Ritoh;a, Nanaimo,
became the bride of the Rev. Iver
Dcrelc Maciver, son of Mr, and
Mr; Nell Colin eisercer of Minim's c'
1Vao0tta.in, Nova Scotia, The font i
vett artistically decbrittt!d with
asters and gladioli. 'white gladioli I
predominated providing a levels'
seting for the ceremony. The bride
entered the room en the arm of Mr.
D(:Uga11 Cashing, who In the absence
of the bride's father, gave her in
marriage. Tile bride chase a
shoulder bouquet if talisman roses
Intermingled with white heather
sent from North Vancouver by Mr.
and Mrs, Will Harris ter 'the
occasion, The bride was attended
by Mrs. Dougall Cushing whose
choice of flowery Wes tea rower
The groom was tate/Idol by the
Rev, •Stanley W. Vante of Lambert,
Miss Jean Ritanie of NnnatmA
played the wedding Musk, Meesage4
rb Good Will and Cbli5'a murinus
were read at the slipper, 'after which
, the bride and groom left fel' Lake
Heron. Pollowiag nn extended
riot de a CrenbrnolfMr. and l,g bntttrlo. •
took advantage of the errors to gain
a lead that the local girls could not
regain, Brussels came to lire in the
last few innings and played good
hall but it was too late to overcome
,Rlptey's lead.
The girls were well supported by
Otome town fans who travelled 'o
Ripley by oar and truck lo root for -
The Brussels team 'las done well
tbis season and they deserve credit
for their efforts.
Teams were as follows: -
Brussels -4N. 'Shaw, M. Anderson,
C. Russell, S. Thom.ppson, V.
Hastings, J. Stephenson, 1'. Shag;
M. McMichael, R. Jewell, V. Sander -
ion, A. Anderson.
Ripley—'M. Elliott, B. Blue, H.
MacDonald, M. Bell, D. MacDonald,
NI. MacDonald, E. MacDonald, J.
,McLeod, J. McDonald, D. Ferris, I.
MacDonald F. MacDonald,
Manitoba Horses and Cattle
ro be held at the horns of Mrs. Jas.
Thynne, Lot. 16, (.oncessicn 3,
Morris Twp.
Sale commences at 1 p.m.
These Horses Ali Broken and
Guaranteed to Work.
1 Team Matched Blanks (mother and
son) 4 and 8 Fear old
1 Team Matched Black Mares, 4 year
1 Team Grey Dapples, 1 Gelding, 3
Mare 4 and 5 yea, old
1 Dapple Gelding, 7 year old
1 Registered Mare Mark, 6 year rad
1 Mase. 3 year old
1 Bay Mare, 6 yeas old
30 Head of Oettie burhams
and Herelor'ds
5 Head of Durham Steers, weight
about 700 lbs.
5 Head of Durbam Heirete, weight-
ahout 700 lbs.
4 Head of Hereford (steers) we+.ght
about 800 lbs,
0 head of Herefoel Heifers
7 Head of Durham Steers, weight
about 860 lbs.
Head of Pure Red Steers from
Registered Storer
These Cattle are all Govonment
T. B. Inspected and InnocuIated
Against Shipping Fever.
Trucks will deliver free up to
25 miles.
Dinner Served. to Those From a
Distance - - Lunnh Before Leaving.
LLOYD LOVE, 8annarth, Man,, and
JACK THYNNE, joint owners.
Seajci rth5 Grit,
Now Playing—
Thurs. Fri. Sat. Sept. 18, 14, 15
"And Now To -Morrow"
'_orette Young Susan Hayward
Alan Ladd
A satisfactory screen drama with
e strong appeal.
Mon., Tues., Wed., Sept. 17, 18, 10+
Diamond Horseshoe
to Technicolor with ,
Betty Grable Dick Haymes
A wealth of showmanship In thla
combination - of musk, comedy and
Next Thurs., Fri., Sat. Sept, 20, 21, 22
God Is My Co -Pilot
Dennis Morgan Raymond Massey
Thrills and excitement aplenty In
this stirring tale of hero's air
A Royal Scandal
CHANCE to win a $7,860 .tome for
93. en restricted residen`,ttl ere& in
L vng Branch, consolation prlteb
enneuneed later. Send Postal Note
tor shares at $1. each to C. R, Hodg
eon, See'tyJrreas„ Eastwool Villa
Rex 400, Long llrateb. Ontarte.
Slutsored by 5tt 0 L. 5080 140116
Branch. Prooeede for belMtn4 lade.
it tails oil rtoetpt,