HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1945-8-22, Page 3131114111Cle 01 1944 /INCOME TAX DUE 310 AUGUST, 1945 Taxpayers are reminded that any balance of income Pax on 1944 incomes is due on 3Ist August, 1945. To be sure that there will be no error in account- ing for your payment, complete the remittance form provided below and mail it with your re- mittance to your District Inspector of Income Tax, DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL REVENUE—TA/CATION DIVISION INCOME TAX REMITTANCE FORM • To Inspector of Income. Tax at Enclosed please find made payable to "Receiver General of Canada" (Cheque, Money or Postal Order) or $ ..... payment of Income Tax for the .... (Surname or last name) Address.. (Christian or given names) (No. and Street) Ctiy or Town Province Print Name and /Address above exactly as shown on your Income Tax Return. Remarks (State here present address, If any change 8113C0 relent Med) BLUEVALE 1 United Church. Baskets of flowers and two Bags placed by standard bearers completed the decoistione. On Suuday afternoon a memorial Dureng the service Mrs, J. Wick - service was held in the Baited -ead • • Church for WO.Missed Banned. eon of Mr, and Mrs. Moran Barn- ard, conducted by Rev. J. W. Johns- ton of Bluevale "United ,Olairea. The speaker, Rev, W. A. Beecrofr, of %Ingham Hutted Church, gave a eiuriere tribute of sympathy lo the bereaved family. He -stressed the element of sell -sacrifice as being the highest Christian virtue. Mr. Beecroft left with the family cone /dieing wards expressing the honor and respect of the community for their son. A photo of WO. Barnard was on a table draped with tbe Union Jack along wetfloral tri- butes from the service persoeuel of Bluevale commuuity, the Wingharn branch of the Comedian Legion and the Woman's Association of the r)awmmeetI/Vmma,,...0..cm, Have your Pre E tie ,gra awl," oveticii for ow F. F.. H math oFroMETRIST Phone 118 He/Titters The president, Norma Moffatt presided at the regular meeting al the Mission Band of Knox Pres- byterian Church on Saturday after - room The Scripture lessee, Psalm 128, was reacl by Eleanor .Smith. During the business period it was ided that the members would sell Ohrishroas greeting caxds as a means of raising funds. A favorite l'ylnn was named in -answer to the roll Call. The leader, Mrs. J. G. Mundell told the story of "Do Ais1 Lite H.ouse." showing that children should at times do- things that are not altogether to their liking. Comes were played a the close of tile meeting. Miss Sanderson and Mies Orr, accompanied by their 5115213 and Mrs. Thomas E. Henry of Snetford visited Mr. Heavy's ceue• Dr. Sinclair, also Major Martin et Walkerton, this week and epoet tit? week end at Lake Criterion; Mr. erel Mrs. Smith Robertson and 1-et,y of Kitchener s -pent their hole ciajs at the parental home here, teen visiting at Orillia, Menford, red Gravenhurst: Mr, and Mrs. Veliert Turnbull and family, Lon' 3m, with Mr. and Ms. Meow() Jehnston; Mr. and Mrs. 3. Smith, Wergiorn. with leer. and Mrs. A. D, sittliiii; Mins Norma C-oultes, Whig. eten. with Mr. and Mrs. George He 111P ringt on 'the W.M.S. of the Unite/ Cbureli met at the home 02 Met. Robert Shaw en Thursday afterneere The president, Mrs. Alex IVIcOrackin, LP IS NEEDED NOW.— IF WE ARE TO SAVE OUR LATE FRUITS AND VEGETABLES .1111 Thousands of Tons are Ready for Harvest Will You Lend a Hand? Food is precioutt--let'a not waste it through lack of help! Now, in addition to our own needs, we must also help feed the millions of atarving people in liberated Europe. This Is a tremendous task, but It can be done. IF—we all do our share, This is the last harvesting emergency we are liable to meet this year—so let's all pitch in and do a real Sob! Help will be needed from Angus! 20th through to October 20th. FIR 1 coupon below and mail TODAYI PREF TRANSPORTATION For four weeks' service, transportation will be paid WIC way. For full season (August 20th to October 20th) transportation will I* Paid both ways. 0We • • • MEN—Every possible marp-hour MUST be Put in. The need is desperate. Volunteer your services TODAY! WOMEN — Every available hand can be used. Pill in the coupon and mail TO- DAY! BOYS AND GIRLS— Thousands are needed. AM, High School istudent willing to work on a farm has permission and Is requested by the Min - later of Education, to remain out of school for .the month of Sep- tember. Ira OD A. CLIP and MAKIN'S COUPON TODAY!' ONTARIO FARM SERVICE FORCE, Parliament BulkIlfge, Toronto, I am interested in helping with the late braved. Please send me further Information. ADDRE POST I WILL BE AVAILAFILIII iDatel (Date) NEAREST RAILWAY STATION 2.1nAltnaT Brit STOP t Acoetureodation In in camps sepervised by etre Mw.13.A. er YOU must bring sheen; and blankets. ,DOMINIOST-PROVINCIAL COMMITTER ON FARM LABOUR ACIRICULTURt LABOUR - EDUCATION • " 04 THE BRUSSELS POST ted the meeting, The teplee referred to Missionary work auttl3 the Indians of 'Canada,. The roll call was answered by a verse of' Scrip. titre referring to the leirvest sear', Mts. Robert Shaw gave a temper - once reading and Mrs, josSO OWL'S ene on community frleadshle. airs. Cie Us and ldrs. Arthur Shaw gave selections on the work among in - teens describing liesellalS and churches, Hymns of thanks - ng for peace were ming. AUCTION SALE Household Effeots and Plumber's Tools Al the Residence of Mrs, co McCall, Turnherry St, South Brussels on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 1st Stale commences at 1:30 p.m. sharp 1 Kitchen. Range 1 Kitchell Cabinet 2 Sets Springs and Mattressea 1 Cherry Bed 1 Oak Bed 1 Dresser 1 Sot Bed Springs 1 Bed 1 Oak Dressing Table & .Seat 2 Tables 1 Hall Rack 1 Chesterfield and 2 -Chairs 1 Platform Rocker needle point 119. holstering ,1 Rocker 1 Occasional Cheer 1 Oak Rooker L Rocker 1 Settee 1 Music Cabinet 1 Combination Desk and Book Gale 1. Mahogany Table Ahtiques 1 Oak .1)intag Room Table 6 Oak Dining Room Chairs 1 Buffet 1 Tea Wagon Electric Toaster 1 Electric Plate 1 Electric Plate and Oven 1 Coffee Pecolater 1 Electric Table Lamp 1.'39e Wrenches Ordinary Dies i,tijustable Dies Easy Outs ' Pipe Connections and Elbows Bram Cylinders ?slumber of Pipe Cutters 80 feet of M3" and ei," Pining Vices Steel Strainers No. of Hangers for Litter atm Puck Saws 1 Twin Pulley Ropes heart Wire 842-12 3 Rolls Barb Wire Fett. 6 1 Gate 12 fe, 1 Steel Wheel Barrow . Seovels, Forks and other arEeles 'cm numerous to mention. TERMS CASH • keRS. GEO. McCALL, Propriet'ess ROOT. PATRICK, Clerk o" LEW. ROWLAND, Auctioneer 12 !egging ohaius Cl'• heels I Salve HARNESS i. set double harness 1 eel single harness I :et chain harness Iierse collars HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS 1 Menotti. cream separator WI:agars Stands Tildes . Chairs Bet.ectu flee SI cads Serves o Cupboards Organ Churns Bunk ilexes of miscellaneous articles too n any -to mention. Farm Subject to Reserve Old. TERMS CASH MRS. TELFORD SELLERS, Proprietress ROY TURVEY, Clerk MATT. GAYNOR, Auctioneer '7 el .• AUCTION SALE Farm, Farm Stock and Implements MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 3rd Commencing at 1 p.m. Lot 12, Concession 3, Grey Twp. Faem consists of 100 acreet Good Bank 13corn, frame House, Timber lois of wood, Drilled well, 2 garages, Hen House, lots .of fences and gates, never been pastured or grassed, gem Gravel pit. HORS'S!! 1 Pete:heron mare 8 years old I Clyde horse 14 pears old 3 Bay horse 6 years old CATTLE) • 1 Blue cow due to freshen Mae. 25th, 8 years oln 1 Tilk Durham heifer coming 3 years old 1 Hereford heifer coming 3 Yeats old 1 Derham steer coming 2 'PAL'S Old 1 Hereford steer coming 2 years old 1 Durham heifer coining 2 years old 1 Durham calf 3 mouths old illeleffeDMENTS 1 Fanning Mill aur rihnles 1 mower 1 cultivator 1 rake 1 hay loader 1 binder , 1 set slings Hey 2ork and ropes 1 seed drill 1 wagon 1 set sleighs 1 ectiffler 1 set herrows 1 Walking plant . 1 riding Plo-ugh 1 steel roller 3 sections 2 lay racks 1 gravel box ThiggY Cutter A number cedar posts A number of tile e Burn timbers 1 , 1 ladders Laelbet a Shone boats 1 horse sleigh q uenle s -ower 1 SPi nudes ADVERTIMIN4 po• nee. classified Ads (Cash) .... Ms Over terephone or charged No in Memoriam ..... MN Card at Thanks Mks ISIrtrie, Marriages. Deaths -..—. Free LET'S BE FRANK ABOUT TIRES THE NAME YEA IS STILL YOUR -BEST GUIDE TO TR VALUE! HERE'S WHY! hi buying tires It's not where you start Where you end up. And you'll be mules ahead when you choose bonus.mileage GOODYEARS. Yes, Mr. Farmer, in car, truck, tractor and farm implement tires, you go farther when you "Go Goodyear." Tocley, more than ever before, you should buy only the best tires. There's a reason Why—"More People Ride Oa Goodyear Tires and More Tons Are Hauled On Goodyear Tires Than On Any Other Kind", YOUR GO DEALER Alex Anderson • Phone SR ORUSSELS, ONT. GO 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 lelassirieclAds FOR SALE— Chesterfield, chair aryl footstool. ' Yee Louise Porter, plume efiitee3 _____,_7____ NOTICE— Anyone having lost a bleyele kindle- get in touch wile Ueo. Evans. — -. -_•_---______g____._— ---- FOR SALE - 7 room red brick hoes*i web bath and furnace. phone 64x -r-2 Mrs. E. Nurse FOR SALE. 1433 horse international gas engine in good condition. ('.'One 23-r-4 Doug, Hemingway FOF1 SALE— A car Mad of Alberte C .11 ex eected this week. Gregg Bros. WANTED - 2 men to work at Jambe and cosi :rind. Priority to returned men. D. N. McDonald WANTED.''- 4field of second eat alfalfa to eield 2 to 3 tons. -Nailer Rees Poulnee Ramn plume 8-Sx•r-4 ------, - FOR SALE About .1--! eeekerels ale a few pullets, two more:bs aad a half old, Pee 4 Barred Rocks. none Brussels 39-r-23 eirs. Telford Sellers R.R. 2 Bluevale --___.- ....e.......,_ NOTICE— Electric motors reirottal and ro- ta led. Expert workmanship Si 'd. (tate prices. Lloyd M Bettger, .13t.akton, Ontario. PI OT10E— The party who took the parcels nut of a car in front of the Arcade Store Saturday night are knewa so please leave theta at the Arcade Store and. save further trouble. FOR SALE - 193(3 Studebaker Sedan, sow) size, good condition Vie. Serial No e60152, apply to Stan. Schneider. hone 26-r.8 care of S. elachan FOR SALE— Fifty acre farm of good oleY 1"am ell workable land, frame house and bank barn 86xSa, West halt, Lot 22 Concession 16, Grey Township Write to — Angus Oarmichael. Goderich. Ont. Box 3330. FOR SALE— Recta Pipeless Furnace in ex. rellent condition, can be S ?,eiat The Arcade Store. Apply to Frank Kling phone 19, Seater% FOR SALE— One 'hundred acre farm, two barns with stabling under both, a good 2. elerey brick house. Farm all seeded down, about 35 acres working land, defiled well, 3e1 miles east of liirnssels on the 10th concession Grey 1 miles north tyf Oranbroek. Wm. Smandoe, a.,R. 3, Brusesls FOR SALE— Brick house and 2 lots, 7 rnOing including bath hot and cold water in house, large garden and barn. apply to Orville Whitfield, Bacotah St St. Oetharines, FOR SALE— One hundred acre lax, goo) bank harm cement stabling with water, good house remodled, bowie on farm, chilled well, 6 miles from Walton Concession 12, McKillop. R. R. 2 WaltOL Nam Leeming, FOR SALE: - 5 acres more or lees of land situated a mile from Ethel station on the 9211 cote, also a barn and 10 room freme house, stone foundation, (Mont 5 miles from Breese% Mr, W, G. alcillachern KR. 2, ?unlash, Ont, Killeen Station WANTED - 800 Dealers earn a comfortable hy selling Pamilax Pr oe(3cte from deer to door) How n.but start leb a liminess of your MVP, In Your ,.),re One, with the sam) advon- t.;ges, in the district of your choice For free details and (35233105110: 100 beloolialer, Mont Lreal. Wednesday, Auguot 22nd. 1941i ' Delicious and R FISALAIDIA, EC1E TEA •";;., uv DEAD or DISABLED 41/lady removed in Clean Sanitary tract.. Phase collect T2 BRUSSELS W iiiiarn Stone Sons L fro ited W. G, LEACH JEWELLER BRUSSF.i ONT VAMagreWEIM, `,0■11.01111111ummonmpilIMIRO.OLONINIENNIZumgmaj......... WILLIAM SPEACE Estate Agent Conveyancer and Commissioner GENERAL INSURANCE OFFICE MAIN STREET, — ETHEL, ONT. 'gZ!/Mgt7DxrawMCTAIIoMIMIIIIIIIIMMMSMMMBSSNIBIL4ammcaeameamsismrtcavvoazceasmxmmazeeszsaaawtemtak BLSINFSS CA DS Allan A. Lamont Agent for—Flre, Windstorm, and Automobile Insmaaute Get particulars of our Special Automobile Policy ior farmers. Queen St. Brussels 'Phone 657 W. D. S. :Jamieson, M.D., C.M., L.M,C,C, Physician and Surgeon (Coroner) Office Hours -1 . 4 and 7 - 8 p.m, Also 11 - 12 a.m. when possible. Saturday evenings until 10 p.m. Sundays—Emergencies and by appointment only. Home calls in forenoons and 4 - 6 p.m. Chas, T. Davidson Insuranc.e Agent For ALL KINDS OF Automobile and Fire Insmance Accident and Sickness Agent for Great West Life Insurance Co.. 'PHONE OFFICE 92X BRUSSELS, ONT. RESIDENCE 07.:,2 Harold Jackson " SPIICIALAST IN FARM AND HOUSEHOLD SALES For information, etc., write or phone Harold Jeckeen, phone 12 on 658 Seatorth R.R. 1, Beitedirtid Make aeeangeteente at The Brussels Post er Eimer D. Sell, Barrister ()thee, Browne. D. 17-. RA NN Furniture FUNERAL ANI) Licensed 'Funeral Director and Embaimer PHONE 36 or 85----7-=—'—liRUSSELS, ONT. JAMES Mc FADZEAN Howick Mutual Fire Insurance —also— Hartford Windsiorm Tornado Inmost* (Licensed In Huron and Perth Counting; PRICES REASONABLE, SATISFACTION Godio1ANTIETO PHONE 42 P.O. BOX 1 TURNRERRY ST, BRUSSELS, ONT. Automobile Insurance Lewis Rowland (Liceftca P.,. Huron County) SATISFACTION GUARANTEED -- PRICES REASONASLII eer Engagements Phone 31 "The Brussels Peer and Sit be looked alter immecieitely Por Infeemetton, etre, w ite or phone Lew. Rowland 11444,44 *33 Seaforth; er write 11.R. "Wetion. W. S. Donaldson — Licensed Anctionear Phone 35-r.13 Atwood-, Oat, for the Comities of Heron mad Pares mkt promptly attended to — Mow* ntutirtikto For itogosoments phone) 31 "no els flat" sof Bait svill bo looked ortor f I