HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1945-8-22, Page 1• THE. BRUSSELS POST
Brussels Town Council Meeting Brussels Congregation
Brussels, Ausenst 7tb, 1946 'I Bids Farewell To Pastor
The regular montlely meeting of The congregation of .Melviiie Pres -
the Brussels Municipal Council was 1 lerterian Church met Friday eve
held In the Public Library tm the
above date. All meanbers Mena
present with the exceptior of Ian
McDonald. ,
being read it was moved. by IL B
The minutes ,of the last meeting
Cousins; seconded by A. M. Grewar
that the minute15 be adopted.
The following accounts were Pre-
Wm. Humpbries, roll of wire 22,60
jno. DVallS, labor 2,00
Robt. Farrow, labor 2,00
91. W. Kennedy, printing '6.00
elendenson. cut weeds, 77.75
C.. T. Davilson. Insurance 20.40
Hiuon County, material and
labor on streets 60,00
Dunlop Tire & Ralbiber
hose 60.00
Huron 'Expositor, stattonere 6.50
Get. EValliS, July salary 85.00
G. McDowell, July salary 50,00
S. Warwick, July salary.— 85,00
Brussels Hydrodelectele.
street lights 108.00
hall lights 2 26
Canadian National TeR, scale
rent 250
Gi ey Township, grading, park 15.00
Alloyed by L. W. Elcluniee. seconded
by A, M. .Grevrae 'bleat the accounts
as read be paid. —Carried.
Moved by R. B. Cousins, seconded
by L. W. Belemier that By-law No, 2,
1945 setting the tax rate for 1945 es
0eunty purposes 51/ennile
School rate 5 mills
Oemiral purposes ............2A0 mills
33 mills
be read the third time and Bantle
ratesed. —Carried
Victory Field Day
Thursday, August 30th
Be •sure to be In BrUnalS 015
Thues,day, August 30th when a
Itiotory Field Day will oet sponsored
by the Brussels branch of the. Can -
dam Legion,
A big time is being plannei with
fun for everyone.
In the afternoon there will be
omen's softball and races Bir young
and old with good prizesgiven for
each event. In the evening the
girls, who have done 'so veal thi3
setwon, wilt play softball. That
ever popular game, Bingo, w1.1 be
in full swing with splendid prizes to
lay for, There will be street dance
ne to tbe music of Ken. WIlaae. and
.is orchestra, from 13 unto one
J'elock. There will be a refe33hment
!Don't Miss The Fun be in Eames:is
• ugust 30th for the Victory Field
In case of rain, the Mar and
ince will be held in the heal.
ETTNER -In u•rey Thernship, 011
Sunday, August 19th, 194d 1 • ter.
ine Deitner, wife of the late
Francis Deitner, In her 82nd year.
Funeral was held from St. Am-
brose IL C. Church en eVedeee ley,
August 213nd. 1945 Sereice was
• held at 9.30 a.m. Interment was
• -made in Brussels Cemetey.
ow Playing—
hum. Fre Sat. Aug. 23, 24, 25
Leave It To Blondie
Breakfast with the Bunmeteads is
always an exciting occasion.
on. Tues. Wed. Aug. 27, 28, 29
edy Lamarr • George Brent
Paul Lukas
Experiment Perilous
•rances Langford Vera Vague
Girl Rush
est Thurs. Fri. Sat. Aug. 30, 31
Sept. 1.
Ray Milland Barbera Britton
Till We Meet Again
A highly Dramatic film.
All men that see it shall say
hath God done," for they
stall perceive that it is His
work. Psalm te4:9.
Melviile Church,
10 A. M. Sunday School and
Bible Clam
11 A..M. Morning Worship
No Sunday Evening Service
I Louis D. Thompson, organist
• and Choirmaster.
United. Church
Minister Rev. Hugh C. Wilson
11 A. M. Morning Worship
Mr.`Earl Anderson
Junior Congregation,
12 Church School Ind
• Bible Class
7 P. M. Evening" Praise
Mr. Wilson will he home frorn
his vacation and will preach
• both morning and evening.
Church of England
• Pariah ot Brussels
Rueter Rev, Maurice F. Oldham,
13th Sunday After Trinity
August 26th, 1945
St. John's Brussels -
10 A. M. Sunday 8ohool
and Bible Class
11 A, M. Morning Prayer
and Sermon
St. George's Walton -
1,30 P. M. Evening Prayer
and Sermon
2.3Q P. M. Sunday School
and Bible Clal•
8t vtd'm litoMfy8.-•
2.30 P. D. Sunday Selma!
and Bible elm
*80 P. M. Evening Payer
• And tiermdtt
Wednesday, August 22nd, 1945
Note;—This. rate of 33 mills is 2
mills Itower then 1944 rate.
There being no further business
the ,Council adjourned,
▪ * 15 * * * * * *
WEDD 4/ /V G
* * 15 * * * *
'Hydrangea, phlox end glutei). of
coufrasting shades formed the set -
1,1144 in Trinity Charon. Watford,
NY neu Anne Elaine, (laughter of
lir ta,nd Mrs, Edward J. Carroll, was
Red in marriage to A7.1 Stauley
Aitbur Steinmann, R.O.A.F„ son of
tee late Mr. and Ms's. Joseph R.
Steinmann, Vancouver, 11.0. 'Rev, J.
H. Flostord officiated at the wedding
The bride, given in marriage by
hl father, wore a gowa of whlte
limeade" satin with fall flowing
skiet falling from a mou'del bisque.
The sleeves, full at the shoulders,
tapered to pointe over her haa 13. .A
becoming halo of orange blossoms
held in place the bride's net Veil
=vetch extended into a short train,
She carried a bouquet of Briarcliff
roses and bouvardia.
The bride was attended by her
tw sisters, Miss Dorothy Carroll,
as maid of honor, ware a gown of
Rimy maize canine, with long
gathered sleeves. Her matching
shoulder -length not veil was caught
to her head in 'a ruffe and she
curried a sheaf of yellow gladioli
at a Sweetheart roses. Miss Gather.
one Carroll, as bridesmuide wore
Maid chiffon and ruatehlug shoul-
der length veil. She carried mauve
gladioli and tSweetheart ruses.
ting to bid farewell to Roy. Samuel
lied Mrs. Kerr and :Maclean, who
ara leaving later in the month for
!emir uew home In Glace Bay, N.S.
A short program was enjjoyed, com
eisting or the trollowing uniebers,
solo, William .Speir; duet. Mary Lou
McFarlane and Margaret Cardiff;
relax solo, Jean Wilton, 'Mrs. Wil•
Dam C. King accompanied tne solo -
3) N. McTavish and James Mc'
Fsdzean on behalf af the congrega•
tem presented Mr. and Mrs. Kerr
vet a purse of money; and Ross;
d Isobel Smith presented Grace, tributes.
Idery, Howard and Edwin with,
feunelin ')ens Lunch was served) The Next Time
by 'the women of the coieregation. You See Paris
Shaking off the terror of the Nail
Local News, Items
Engagement Announcement
Mrs. Mary E, Ballantyne, Brussels.
.aneounces the engagement of her
younger laughter, Dorothy Elizabeth
to WitIllam David, son of Mr, and
David /Campbell, Listowel, On-
tario. Marriage to take Place tne
nest' of September,
Arnold L. Earl,
School Musk Supervisor
Piano. Violin, Theory, lndividua
wad clam Inetruetion, Mese in -
chides ear-taining, sightereading.
composition, tranaposPion rhythmic
W,Velc and keyboard Merman'.
Pupils prepared tor crearninatIons
tr. music.
7ne Deice family =aka to thank Ration Coupon
tbrir friends and neIgniiours for Due Dates
the kindness and s/mpalate extended Coupons now valid are hatter 90
tc them during their recout bereave- to 119, preserves 33 to 5" and 01 to
r (Aft, also for the beentlail floral 115, sugar 46 to -61.
Batter coupons are good for one-
half pound and sugar coupons one
mund. Each preserves coupon is
good for ontehalf pound et sugar or
varying amounts of canned and
reeserved fruits.
Horne From
Overseas Service
Two more Brussels. nov Pte,
Stewart Lowe and Lefetpl. telise. Doll
reeently arrived at their homes here
after several years ot service, ever-
sea,s with Canada's armed ecieces.
Their families. friends and ite-
quaintan'ces, welcomed tint( safe
L. -Cpl. 'Chas, Doll
eldest son of Mr, and 'Mrs. C. Dell1tuseLe,
leussels, arrived back in Canada on
Friday, August 10th aboard the Il
Fran.ce. He enlisted 111 the
Hamilton Regiment, 6th Cal. Infant.
w Brigade, Royal Canadian Army
Service Corps, and trained aa Camp
Borden before going ove,r3eas in
August 1940. He took part in the
invasion of Fran,ce, Belgium, Holland
ard Germany, !His father went to
Tot onto to meet him hut in the
crowd of homecoming servicemen be
reaped him,
Pte. Stewart ...owe
Isle enlisted in July 1940, in the
14.1h Field Ambulance, at Kl'aliener.
Ivani overseas in Octobee 1941 Weer
trairgng at Val Cartier ,Queoez, and
Camp Borden. He was in Eta from
November 1943 until Poem./ of
11,45 when he went to Hollaed. He
..ew very few home town boys until
be was on his way back. He reached
Chl'ada aboard She Pasteur and
arrived at London, Ontario on, Sure
day, August 112th, where he war, m=t
I' , his sister, Mrs. D. liemiagwaY
tele oiler members of 'Ws family.
The groom was attended by his
brother, Melvin Steinman% of
Niegtara. Falls .Miss Pearl Saunders
played the wedding mete, During
tbe signing tit the regiitee Miss
GWen Wong, .of Berkley, Cal., mg
'site Lord Te My Light,"
Follewbeg the oereenemy a teal,-
fon VMS held for about 50 Imme-
diate relatives, and friends. 'rhe
geeets Were received by the brideat
mother evho Nemo a email Mauve
crepe dress with a Mail feather-
trimlied hat and corsage banquet
.08 Talisman rape.
To Our Customers
and Friends -
now that the road to Vie' t • 111
Perope and Japan has been succese-
feby covered and the celebrating
ea er, we know our Custom:es and
leeiends will join us in giving Thanks
Ir those who made Victory ours. We
rue also mindful et those Dear to
lawny of us who paid the Supreme
Sacrifice, and thole memoty will live
with u,s' forever.
There is 1101V another road t4
cvel, the load to peale. And on
that Highway we will nave ai ever
increasing part to play.
With the removal of controls and
eraeleietions it will be poe, 'le to
secure a greater cmantity of parts
end equipment which have been in
short supply Tor many .yeaeti. It has
am been easy neither has it been
rleasant for us to' have to -Sae
e• many times that this or that was
,lot available, and to say no to so
many of your requests, but we are
anticipating being able to say "Yee.
we have them' and "Yes we can
look after you teday• in the not toe
dietant future,
We would like to pads.e for a
moment and express to you our ap•
Predation of your Tolerance and
Patience with its in the trying days
thiough which we have paaael, Wits
tempers strained to the point of
treaking by Petty aemoyat ces and
Cieeppointing shepmente' and short
supplies, yotir oomparatioe Was
deeply appreciated.
It you keep in close touch with us
leg'arcling your oar teoublee, Teats
raw ears, bruolus, thaetore and Duple -
manta, you May reet cultured that we
will do all ,in our pewee t3 serve you
better. •
With renewed Thanite for your
pet patronage and th.e hope that we
mity continue to merit yeti: can,
• i7 01 ,Stenley Arthur Sititanwin
abet Mrs. Steinmann will speed their
leeneyineete be Nlagdl') Fs1i. whence
they will proceed to that,' hoine,
Wilitlipeg. The bride evore tot
traveling royal blue melt with pet
tepeteat and 'Week aceeteteriee. .44e
Ohl lapel leaded, the gift Of the
Preene Completed her coitume,
nightmare 1 aris now has a ague)]'
euefew and other restrictions but 1
Etiiot Paul noted author of "The
Last Time 1 Saw Paris," writing in
The American Weekly with this
Sirsay's (Aug. 36) issue of The
lectiroit Sunday Times, tells wily the
"Queen of Cities" again will be the
soy capttal of old.
Cut The Weeds
On Your Roadside
During August time Cannon. 17113
pay you at the rate of 2 cents per rod
to out the weeds adjoining your
property, from the travelled portion
of the road to your road, fence.
Kindly co-operate with the road
suet. as supervisor of the work.
Hugh B. Smith,
Road Supt. I
Grey Tem
St. John's Ladies' Guild*
The Women's Gelid of St. John's
Church held the August meeting at
the Rectory on Tuesday, AUgust 11111-
Mr, and Mrs. A. MoCamme? of
at 3 pan. Mrs. G. Davis .presided;
Owen Sound spent ISuarity with Mr.
The Rector conducted the Devotional
Period, It was decided to hold 'a OLd Mrs. Golden Gregg,
• * • 15 15 5 15 • •
• 15 • * * • • • *
Mrs. F. M •Samis and delights:re
ere holidaying at Port Elgin,
* * *
Mr. ars Mrs. Arthur Bayne. Ham-
ilton were recent visitors. with Mr
4',d Mrs. R..Currie.
* * •
Miss Margaret Rashotte, R.N., of
Tweed, has been holileying vase
Dorothy Armstrong this week.
Miss Ruby .Smith who bae been In
Washington, is visting her eela-
ti v es here.
Master Robert Kennedy sPent last
week at Waeaga Beach with Mr. and
Moe, 7, Kleswetter.
• •
Mr. and Mre. ,S. Hemingway and
daughter, Toronto, have been VIPIt•
Mg at their homes here.
* • *
social evening on Wednesday. Sept
5 for the recently confirmed caudi-
dates and also all the AlVall of the
congregation who have returned
from Active Service in the Army
letorthly fees 'and dues were re-
We tetilain,
'Annie Very tenly,
L. & W. Setteltrien Motore Ltd.
(Please Clip for iReference)
Sept, Otit-'4t. 'George's Walton.
Sept. 19111, --et. Alban% Atsvoed
Sett, 93rd ---St, DaVid% Herieren,
Setif, 30th—St, John's Betteselte
Rooster Star Boarder
With Seven Kittens
There have been many od1 friends:rips formed am,mig hostile mem-
NO.'S of the animal and bird
l:egdoms bet at the Waiter }'ose
outlay Farm you may see, any dey,
%bat, at leaet to us, 10 a strange and
mte sight -a Netter grown whit°,
.eghorn rooster who nas chosen for
his friends seven kittens ameng
the farm. The rooster has entirely
Cersaken the other fowl. He lives,
eats and sleeps with ehe kitteas. It
ust Me rather disconcerting .to call
' bitty, kitty kitty," and have a
roster the.first one to acme running
er answer to the kitteee' meal'itue
cell---flor that is what happene,
Strangely the kittens do not seem to
resent in the least their feahered
a lend.
V -J Day Service
At Cenotaph
• on VeT-Day, Wednesday, Aug. 15th
et 11 wm. a publio service was held
at the Brussels' Cenotaph The
memlbers ott the Oanadtan Legion
215. Brussels Active and Retuned
•Set vicemen turned oat In splendid
numbers and along With the School
Children and led by the Reeve et
Brussels, R. J, Bowman and town
Band paraded to the Cenobaph. Rev.
M. leaeOldhaan, Rector at St. John's
Church conducted the service and
gave an address. A moment of
silence was observed le memoir/ of
Leese who have made the Supreme
Sacrifice, The Last Post wile
sounded by Wilfred Cameron. There
was a good attendance of people
from the town and surrounding
country at eh,e Seevide. The colors
oi the Legion were ,held Mn
James Rhodes.
CTIANGI3 te win a $7,809 home for
tl, on restricted tesidenett seea 131
T., Mg Ileatela cortectlatibe Mites
ennouteed lator, Send Postal Note
foe ehaeee at $1. each to Gil, HodS
Seri, Setity.Treits„ Eastareol Villa
Flee 400, Long Brateall, Oitlarlo.
Seensored by 3.a0,1e 2820 Lobg
lanalch. Preeteila for banding fund,
tifttIlO 99 teteipt,
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hendersol: spent
tee weekend in London wita Mr. and
hers. T, Thornton and Betty Anne.
* * *
Mr. and Mrs, B. P. Young of Pria-
Leeke are holidaying with the
tatter's parents Mr. and Mrs. S. F
PI vidson.
* • *
ler. and Mrs. Thomas J. Hunt of
Clarksburg were week laid visitors
with Rev. M. F. and M,'ii Oldham in
Se John's Rectory.
* * 15
Miss Audrey Davidson has been
hi liclaylug al the home of her sister
Mrs. L. McCauley, St. Meryl.
Mr, Jack Warwick aila daughter
Jeannie of Gary, Ind., visiting
hie mother Mrs. J. D. Warwick.
15 * 15
C. (Buster) Stiles V,S , Mrs. Stiles
end family. 'Windsor, le,S., were
viritors with his parents 53,r, and
s. Wm. Stiles.
• e
Miss DOM Smith and :Jr.
Forman Sanith of Bordet, Sask., are
els ting at thole Mcl honee on Albert
St , and also with their sinter Mrs.
(Da) McRae.
Mrs, S. D. Warwick and Miss M.
Grewar and Jack Warwick and
Jeannie spelt the Week en 1 a'
Seuble Beat.h with Mr. and Mrs.
D C. Warwick of Owe', Sound.
• * • ,
Capt. G. R. and Mrs. Catembell and
eetnette spent the week end in
Lonaon with ma and Mrs. T. Thorn.
hen. Annette remained for a week%
lir 3 day,
* •
Mrs. Win. Roxbormigh, formerle
Olga McKay cf Brussels and her son
Dilly of Medeine Hat, Altte. aro
visiting Moe. John E. Smite and
miner relativee.
* *
Aldean and Joyce Cardiff who
-buys been spending emit of their
holidays wite their grind:nt 111 town
beim returned to thew hone) 11
Stratford, Aldean underwent a
eery necessary toasii speratton on
Thursday morning in Stratford Gen-
t:HO Hospital es did her brother
LlOyd Ctredift.
Blood Donor Clinks
Officially Cancelled
official cancellation of all Blood
D,'nor Clinics has beem received
fermi the Red Cross.
The Brussels Blood Donor Clinic
aumittee would like to lake this
importunity of thanking all those
who contributed to making our
( time a really notable success.
Pareryone 414 their allotsd task well
itrd faithfully.
Those who were donors can have
'.lie satisfaction crf having done their
drty in a vital, urgent and Pars,onal,
lifc-saving service hor oar boys who
et. eve giving their all toe us and
Morris Council
Meeting Angast 13. 194»
The Council met on the above
(late in the Township Hall with all
the members -present .except Chez.
Coultas. The ROM presided,
The minutes of the last meeting
. le read and adopted on matt:113,d
1:*ey Johnston and Win Simi.'
Movel by Harvey Johnston second -
ell by Jas. Mollie that By.Law No.
10 setting the Trlwaship mill rate at
3 ntills, he passed. —Carried.
Moved by Jas. Micelle, seconded by
Harvey Johnston that Walton Park
le given s grant of iet.00.—Cairied,
Moved by Harvey Johnstent sea
ended by Wm, Speir that the road
Mlle as presented by the road
superintendent be paid. — Carried.
Moved by jas IVIticeite seconded by
Wm. Speir that the meeting adjourn
fo meet again on Sept. 10, t945 at
1 p.m. —Carried.
The following accounts were
Flem. Slack, sheep killed $ 20.00
Wallace Agar, valuating fees 2,00
Gilbert McCallum, grant to
Walton park 34.00
Dr. Crawford, 380.17. 20.00
Cecil Wheeler, BrO.H. 8.00
nahn Craig, B.O.H. 3,00
George Matti% Ba0.H. 3.00
Mts. T. Ellis, helping to
examine children le.00
George Martin, Clerk
On Sunday a very enjoyable family
re -union was held on the lawn of
78', and Mrs. • Doug. Hemingway,
When about fifty immediate relatives
met to welcome home Stewart Lowe,
Mts. Heiningway's twin brother,
who has, just returned from four
ye'ar's duty overseas. ,Stewart was
renter wounded ,and is looking lust
ie. To finish off the literadOla a
eery delicious lunch was served and
all felt that a family reunion should
be held more often.
Oscar Gorsalitz of Flini, Mich.,
and two eons P. F. C. Delmar and
le. C. Mallard spent a few days with
actin] Gohsalitz. Delmar jus: returnee
from Germany and is a member of
sen Patton's Golden Acorn Division
-.Mich spearheaded the Great
American Drive from Belgium to
Ametria and wears the Preslaential
Citatiou Dor Valor in Accinn, Richard
wears The Mariners Medal to
Heroism when their ship' was tor-
pedoed last December. Both beye
cleirn they were very lucky
her, and Mee. George Feel ane
Mr. and Mrs. Wan. Ford of Detroit
Mich., spent the week end with the
Shiels brothers and other friends
od Oren They are cad residents
the 14141) eon., shoat 20 years ago,
'Stanley Kitchen of Burt spent
the week end with friends in Grey
and lea:nets.
George Hart of Newry spent. Sun-
day 111 Grey visiting his old friends.
Mee. Lloyd Beres/ell has returnel
tri Drayton after spending a month
with ler. and Mrs. Sohn Melanie.
T580uips6x—In Bruesele on SuM
day, Aligeet 106, 1045, Mee, Jane
331, Thenmeob, in her 7711) Year,
Funeral took Place Dien the
Walker Vtinetal Houle on Wedie
day, August 23nd, 1945. Settled
at 2 pall. Interment SOOk piece in
• BRUSSELS, oNrAimit
Churches Mark Speatel
Prayers For Peace
Special services were held in air
feu Brussels ehurelies on. SunBaer-
August 19th the Day ikw Thanks-
giving and Prayer .far Victory an*
At 8.30 a,m. Maas was celebrator
by Father Paquette, who also preach.
ed in Ste Ambrose Roman Catholic
In• Melville Presby; Church
Rev. Fred Williamson • was the
Preacher and in the 'United Church
Mr, Earl Anderson was in-charg,e our
preached, In St. john's Anglican
Rev. M. U`, Oldham Rector was in
charge 'and Preached at the •morning'
service on Psalm 6'4;9, "All mem
that see it sbell say, "This •hater,
find done," for 'they shell peroeive,
that it is his 'mark." At 7 Pan a,
Community Service was heel in St,.
Oolm's Anglican Church. Members
from all the town churches wete
raesent. Rev. '78. F. Oldham was ler
charge and preached on Psalm 72,
stressing prayer and praise to lea
uffrred daily to God. He quoted
examples ref prayer in the Hob'
Scriptures and ot direct ans.wera esee
same. We are to resort to prayer
in tbe days that lie ahead of us and
ta endeavour to win all the world far
Christ. At both services the l'aer-
adian Flag was carried be MISS
Geraldine Stretton at the head of toe,
Surpplice Choir during the Preee.se
E lena' and Recessional Hymns. Shire
Peg was placed on the Coartmunion
Tc.ble adorned by rl -am e while the
service was being held, Mrs. M. re
Oldham was the organist for bath
services. All services were weia.
Dav Service
Held at St. John's Church
The Special V -J -Day Service few
Buissels and District was held ent
Wednesday, Aug. 1541) at & p.m.
St. John's Anglican Church which
was filled to capacity. The Canadian
Legion Brussels Branch 2/18, Active
and Returned iServiceneen, turned.
out in good numbers and aleing ware
scholars from the local High and'
PnLlic Schtools, headed by the
Lrussels Band paraded to Dee
Church, The Legion Banner vre
placed on the Communion Table for
the Service. Rev, M. F. Oldham.
Pector of the Gliurch was in charge
and the Special Order of Service as=
used in V -Day was used along with
'he Te DOUM Laudamur 1210 Specie.
Hymns. Rev, S. Kerr of Glace talk
N S., and formerly of Melville. Pres-
e yterian Church gave an inspiring'
address. on the building and mould-
ing of character as depicted cum
Lottl's 'Seen -roe on the Mount men-
tioned in the latter part of Chapter se
nf St. Matthew's Gospel. The two
foundations of sand and retch
formed the basis et tlie sermon
For the future welfare of all nations
ann individuals, we must buil&
chanactee upon the Rock, Jew,
Christ. Mr, Lorne Eck:inter renderer&
the solo "I thed a little talk with. nve
Lead," a soldier's prayer. Mrs. Wale
Ring was accompanist for the seen
and Mos. C. Watson, organist of thee
church officiated for the Sereicee Ale
ymbined choir of the varicella
churches :ed inthe singing. An
O'rering of Thaneregiving fee
Vietory for wolek attnetag, Missinew
wart received and amounted to
588,07. This was divided ' equal
timing the churches, There was am
attendance of 8244 at the zervige.
Beautiful dowers adorned the Cone
Manion Table,
Sgt. John Mermen, recently return.
ed from overseas, was the guest of
honor at a glettlerlhg Of. his Mende
end neighbours at Browntow'n echoed
on Tuesday evening of leat'Week.
was pr060358011 with a purse of
motley by Miss • Battelle, Thynne
while Dm address Wee read bY
Robert Framer. The evening wile
spent in dancing, Befreehmente
.Weee sewed.
Mee. Margaret Reeneettle and Mee.
Levie Weee spenditig their
Wicatiob -0.3 143111 lietrie of Jelin Met
AYtOr, 13313 11380
Earliest Voting lies retuziied kerne
331 011) Omelet*
Text Books- For
Continuation School
The following i11 the lige of text
bodes required for Grade 9 fee thee
opening of seheol on Sept 4:
The Merobent of Venice
junior School English for tir. 9 & 311
Ptiblie School Geog1an114
Britain% Story
General Mathematics Pik 3
General Seiette Bk.
Note; The French text is not yet
Most students have the lists of
broke required for the higher grades
so they wan not be PlIblistied. Simon
he Tesoonsihility for neoeuriox
ItAts lies with the student it coact*
be too strongly eniphaeized that OM
!omelet heed bootee should be leoktt,
ep at once, or an order foe rieve creeee
pieced 'without delay at the. /met
ding stotee,
Por further InformatiOn Mr. tea-
ock can be rolled at hie home ter
by telephoning 1301. f
715 3