HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1945-8-1, Page 3THE MAN WHO CAME TO DINNER THE BRUSSELS POST 66 ebAi/s. NELP YOURSELF,! WE CAN GET ALONG WITN LESS! World sugar stocks are dangerously low ... use less — use with discretion T1HE,;WARTIME :PRICES :.AND TRADE; $OA =e Obituary * • • • Y, a * e * e e Mrs. Edwin Abra Following a long period of ill health, Mrs. Edwin Abra passed away on Saturday evening, June 30th, at 11 o'olock at her home in Derby township, near Owen Sound. A sincere and devoted chr•lstian Tatman, Mrs. Abra will be missed not only in her own home but also by a wide circle of friends. In spite of her own ill health she was always willing to lend a helping hand to others in trouble, She wrote letters to those in sorrow and the bereaved. Al- though her strength woaid not permit her to take part in. a. great many community activities she was devoted to the church and Sunday school. She was a devout member ot Salem United Churoh, Mita a few weeks ago she went to 'S.S. No, 1 Derby, each weeks tc teach the children lessons of Religious Edu- eation. She helped in the support of many ehristian radio broadcasts Mrs. Abra was born at Brussels iu Huron County, daughter of the aw'e Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cameron, She aught S.S. No. 1 Derby for throe tear. Thirty -Dour years ago she was married to Edwin Abra who with one son, Cameron Abea, at home survive to mourn the loss of a devoted wife and mother —Owen Sound Sun -Times CRANBROOK Rev, and Mrs. S. H. Breatou of Ethel spent Thursday evening lieve, the guests of Rev, h D. Maetver at the manse. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Noble and their daughter, Patsy, of Gue'pL, ai rived on Saturday and will spend their holidays here with Mrs. :ames Noble. Rev, and Mrs. J. E. Taylor of Shakespeare were visitors here on Thursday at the home of Mr, Mal- colm Engel Mrs. RDabthew Cameron returned home last week eater spendins Some time with Mr. and Mrs, Alfred Kteg fined services with the dongregation of the United Church at Union for tete holiday months of August and September. The joint services will be held In each church on alte•-nate Sundays, the service next Sunday Regttst 5th, to be in the Union United Church at 11 .a.m. with Rev. 1 D. Ma.clver offIcieding, Mr, and Mrs, Jacob Fisher ot B.usseis spent ,Sunday afternoon !•ore the guests of their eon and daughter-in-law, Mr, and Mrs, Sianley Fischer. Rev. I. D, ildecIver attender' a meeting of the executive of the Huron County Young People's Council at Kinball Camp on. Wednes- dry. He also attended a meeting o1 the Presbytery of Huron Maitland Lela in Wingham on Fridair. Doreen Long of Brussels is• spend- ing some time here with her aunt Airs. Malcolm Engel, Mrs. Glen Hunter of St. Thomas arrived on Guaday :and is spending several days here the guest of Mr. :and Mrs, Harvey Hunter. On Monday evening the 'Young uThe congregation of Knox Presby reople's Society held a very pleasant social at the river when about sixty- terien Church here will hold com Ilve were present and enjoyed a . friendly ball game followed by an old fashioned wiener roast and a sing song. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Gordon, MIS. Clara Omstead and Mrs, Anna Eeshey motored to St, Thomas on 1 es day, Mr. and Mrs, Gordon el aimed home the sande oveniug and Mrs. Beshey and Mrs, Omstead CISESEIVESIrSZNISIP glieS APSHOT GU I CODDLE YOUR CAMERA. �• v sxasr ,s,z:�e� remained in St. Thomas where they are the guests of their sister; Mrs, James McCalum, If you want clear, sharp snapshots, see condition. NOW is the time for all good men to take care of the things they have: Cameras, like tires, radios, washing machines and many other consumer products, are extremely difficult to replace—if at all—so they justify attention that almost amounts to coddling. , First of alt before loading your camera with precious flim, be sure that it is thoroughly clean inside and out for it may have accumu- lated a considerable amount of duet during the winter. The outside and inside of the bel- lows should be thoroughly cleaned with a small, soft brush, The lens is the "eye" of yortr camera, and it's as delicate as your own. Tor clear, sharp pictures, clean it and keep It nloan; but never wipe It with even slightly rough material. ;Use cleaning tissue or lllitloss cloth. Inspect the bellows too for pinhole light -leaks. Without llini in your camera, open up the back, extend the bellows and examine the intorior. against a bright light•, if any light. leaks show, have your dealer analte the that your camera is in good necessary repairs. Otherwlse your negatives maybe togged as a result of the light -streaks. Never 'force any operating parts of your camera. If any moving parts do not operate smoothly, have them fixed without delay. If you consistently •get pictures that are fuzzy or seem to be out of focus, consult your dealer. Lack of sharpness may be caused by move- ment of your camera when snapping a picture; movement of subject; faulty judgment of distance, or fi- nally, your lens may be out of ed. justinent. If you consistently get under- or over -exposed pictures, yott should have your shutter tested by your photo dealer, Don't try to do It your- self, and under no cii'cUntstanoes should you oil the shutter. There is still a scarcity of film, So USG it wisely. Mahn every snap of the shutter oount and keep in hind at all times that those in the Ser- vices want snapshots from home, so conserve film for that purpose, hint van Guilder Red Cross Clinic Reopens Here Aug. 31 Continued support of the Blood Donor Service and urgent necessity for donors to continue timer atten' dance at clinics is urged in view if the feet that Ottawa has an- nounced nnounced that there are to be about, 5,000 Canadian troops in the Pacific Blood serum must be made available to the wounded in that theatre of, war. Canadian Red Cross blood donee cltndos will re -open newt month. Russell T, Kelley, Chairman. of Cana- dian Red Cross Blood Donor Service Ontario, emphasizing the need Or continued support of the puhllo pointed out: "While the war with Germany is over, the war with Jepan is far from ;finished. !'here are two big reason (Including that stated above) why 'the service must continue The British Government has asked the Oanadiian Govern- ment, and they in turn have re- quested Canadian Red Cruse for 150,000 bottles of blood serum an. neatly until the war is• won. To produce that quantity will require 500,000 donations annually in Oen-' aria• and Ontario has agreed to matinee half of dint total, nn a bedss of 5,500 donations weekly, . The next Clinic will Ibe held in Brussels on Friday, August 31st, • .A man telephoned his dottier; 'Celtic over quick, doe, My with hn , appendicitis.' Nonsense," snorted the doctor, "i removed your wife"ts eppendlk ' three years ago, How can anyone have a second appendix?" I "Listen," cried the busbead, "L1id you ever hear of anyone loath et second wirer WALTON Mr. and Mrs, Fred Wilson etc rive been reeldents of Mellon far peel' four four years were Itonorel ten Tuesday night by their friends of 'St'aiion and district in Walto.t Cem- munity Hail. Mr, and .Mrs, Milson will leave shortly Dor Isiingto'r. Air Wilson was station agent here and beth the and ITr:.. Wilson have made many friends during their Stay in he community. Ae address we,' read by Mrs. H. I Itetby and the presentation of a r,Finet of silverware and a mutts,' rnR made by Mrs. W. C. Bennett :1,d Harold Sellers. Musk. was sup- nlirtl by SIr. Kirkby Mrs. Seller and 11rs, Travis and dancing was en. joyed. Lunch was served, The Red ['rose held Its monthly meeting nu 'Tuesday with a fair at- tendanee. Three quilts were qui" - d, The lunch counter wag well r',tronized. The August meeting ,vi11 be dispensed with. BLUEVALE I'ie1, Weir Hespelt-r. occupied the pul- pit in Knox Church and at Belmore on Sunday. He spoke from Ibt text:"Sirs, we would see Jesus." There was no service in the -united Church. and next ,Sunday lie services at Bluevale and Eben- ezer will be conducted br Rev, John Button, Brigden, The Sunday School of Knox Presbyterian Church will hold the i annual picnic at Lions Park, Sea - forth, this week, Personals Mr, and Mr,. Dame row. Detroit, with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Elliott; Mr. and Mrs, John Cccldes, Belgrave, wit11. Mai. Mary Robertson and Miss Fraser; hire. Iec..bel Yeomans, Detroit, with her sister, Mrs. Peter S. Mae -Ewen; L. A, C. Jack Lillow, R,C.A.F, Tres. ':on, with his mother; Miss Norma Hall and Miss Irene Hall, R'in.g• ham, with their parents, Mr, and Mrs. Got•din Hall; Mr. and Mrs. lIatvey Messer and daughter Betty, Toronto, at their summer home here; Mr. and Mrs, W J. Johnston with Mr, and Mrs. lira - Toy Johnston, Walton; Mr. and 1P"s. J. Chilvers, Patsy Stewart, and Muriel Smith at Pike • ',eke; plias Lillian Garniss with Mks. R. C. MacLean, Waubaushene. Returning Ration Coupons `If farmers and other primary pre- ducers realized what a contribution they make to a stabilized ration plan end to the defeat of black markets by returning to local ration boards all coupons collected in rattoa food saes, they would give comniete co- operation to existing regulations,' according to W. Harold McPhillips Prices and supply representative the the Wartime Prices and Trade Board. Appealing to producers w4.o sell rationed foods directly to consumers, 11, McPhillips stressed that obed- iance to regulations governing the return'of coupons means the maln2sn- ence of equitable distribution upon which present economic security depends. Neglect of the regulations may result in a serious threat to th( whole ration plan and farmers as well as all other Canadians would suffer if it were disrupted. He continued that a farmer wbo selis a few pounds of butter t,r honey may say it is not important to a rational plan if he does not return the coupons collected from the con- sumer. But those few poand'r et Lutter are 'dost" le coupons are not returned. Multiply this single instance by thousands of cases ands uncounted numbers er pounds of butter dis- appear, The basis of a ration plan is the division of the available supply among the total number of coneum.rs, If the available supply is not known correctly the ration allowance can- ao' be determined on an equits.ble baste. `.case coupons in cifculation are an invitation to black .markets, 11 was also stressed, RATIONING OF SUGAR TO LAST THROTTG 1046 ..., .,.. THE PICK OF TOBACCO It DOES taste good in a pipe sr- �.;:> ��•IYIa` Ads STRAYED— '1 eattle beast about 400 lbs. from 1•, au'," farm on the Stir con. of phage 79 Geo. Galbraith FOR SALE,- -1030 ALE--1030 Ford Sedan Serial Ns. CAM t'4s, also some soft wood. i Done 75-r-6 Robt, Angel WANTEDea Would trade 22 hornet with ammunition for 303 or would buy for rash. Apply at The Post FOR SALE— FIecla Pipeless Furnace in repent condition, can be sae,_ The Arcade Store, Apply to Frank Kling phone 19, Seaforth ex - FOR SALE— One hundred acre farm, two barns wtih stabling under both, a good 2- eierey brick house. Farm all seeded dawn about 35 acres working land, deified well, 3E, miles east of Dt'ussels on the 10th concession Grey l . miles north of Cranbrook, Wm, Smalidon, R,R, 3, Brusesls FOR SALE— ^� Brick house and 2 lots, 7 rooms including bath hot and cold water In house, large garden and barn. apply to Orville Whitfield, 61 Dacotab St., St, Catharines, FOR SALE— Massey-Harris Binder with lingua with irons and neck yoke; also 2 deck canvasses, also a quantite of used lumber, also a Westinghouse Fectirc stove, Lot 16, Con. 7 Grey '.reifot'd Keifer Phone 34-r•7 FOR SALE— One hundred acre farm, goal hank barn, cement stabling with water, geed house remodled, bush na farm, r.rilled well, 6 miles from Walton C'nncession 12, McKillop, `t m, Leeming, R. le, 2 Walton. FOR—SALE=.-- acres OR SALE acres more or less of land situated a mile from Ethel station on the 9th con„ also a barn and 10 room frame house, stone foundation, about 5 miles from Brussels. Mr. W. G, McEachern R.R. 2 Puslinch, Ont, Killeen Station AGENT WANTED— PATENTED GAS :SAVER, super- charger, Crankcase ventilator, Con- verts waste into power. Inereases mileage amazingly. Fits any motor, easily, quickly. Harmless, Probate, Guaranteed. Attractive sales proli;:- eition. Victory 14Lanfg. Company, Cornwall, Ontario. . An English paper puolishes this adv er tisetnent Dor Sale; Baker's business; good trade; large oven; present. owner been in it for seven years; good reason for leaving," Mother was slow to comprehe11t1 'abet seemed So perfectly titer• Lc I:ttle Sue, The pride of the family was talking abort a "fodder,' "A leader'?" mother questioned. 'Why you kndw, Mummy," pa- tiently explained Sue, "it's a leaf from a chicken," OTTAWA, July Mat — Avatlacility of shipping and siipplies Is the factor hal will decide when sugar retie* a Ing can.t rt inat d rice, be en a >y g , Board official said to -day. The rationing defintely will con- tinue through 1446, bat it le not i'oeeible at this stage to judge whrth- r it will be neceseary to extend it into 1937, t t'r1t, on Ti)e official was cornme t n New York news despatc t which wicked 0, Ix, Lamborn, preeatent of 1,nntborn and Company, sugar broil- er as saying that The Halted Stetes senor snplriy "will eootinne desper- ate' ,t alb' fel' the & mine n. i 'with et Ino i t'ti lon'ng probably continued Mtn i. 1941. Delicious and Refreshing 1 II© AJK TSA PX 1*°ll DEAD or .t', DISABLED J'uic i iy removed m Clean Sartitmry LnucL, 'A1C IORUSSEELS Phone coGec t, rA Mini i i ud1tone Sons x., i ni i t; .a 1 W. G, LEACH JEWELLER BRUSSELS, ONT BUSINESS CARDS Dennis Duequette — Licensed Auctioneer (FOR HURON COUNTY) Per Engagements Prone 31 "The Brussels Pest" and they will be looked after Immediate!,. For information, etc., write or phone either ft'.'.lI OR 41X at Brussels, one. ALL BALES CONDUC' ED IN A SATISFADTORY MANNER. MODERATELY PRICED. Allan A. Lamont Agent for—Fite, Windstorm, and Automobile Insult- aavrc Get particulars of our Special Automobile Policy for fanners. Queen St. Brussels 'Phone 657 AR S'VINGS STAMPS ROB 4 11! ;t f sAitRf • @I?R N s IMMIttettelit fatill5,$ • 011114101 SeoCtet . TOSACCISNtete 11o01t $1,0sl1t es# MiMtR'!ra now W. D. S. .iamiecon, M.D., C.M., L.M,C,C, Physician and Surgeon (Coroner) Office Hours -1 - 4 and 7 - 8 p.m. Also 11 - 12 a.m. when possible. Saturday evenings until 10 Pim Sundays—Emergencies and by appoiutanent adIr, Hoene calls in forenoons and 4 - 6 p.m. Chas. T. Davidson Insurance Agent For ALL KINDS OF Automobile and Fire Insurance Accident and Sickness Agent for Great West Liffe Insurance Co. 'PHONE OFFICE 92X BRUSSELS, ONT. RESIDENCE Harold Jackson SPECIALIST IN FARM AND HOUSEHOLD SALES For Information, ate., write or phone Baroid Jackson, phone 12 on 859 Soaiorth R.R. 1, Bruo+Eeid Make ar"angen'ents at The Brussels Post er Eimer D. Bell, Barrister Office, Brussels. D..A° RANN Furniture FUNERAL AND AMBULANCE SERV10E. Licensed Funeral Director and Embalmer PHONE 36 or 8S — '— BRUSSELS, ONT. JAMES McFADZEAN Howick Mutual Fire Insurance Hartford Windstorm Tornado ituwat l (Licensed In Huron and Perth Countleisl PRICES REASONABL E, SATISFACTION GUARANTEED PHONE 42 P.O. BOX 1 TURNBERRY ST, ----x BRUSSELS, ONT Automobile Insurance Lewis Rowland (Llcenstd For Huron County) SATISFACTION GUARANTEED — PRICES REASONABLE For Engagements Phone 31 "The Brussels Post" and they Wll be ?coked after irnnladeiltely For information, etc., w ite or phone 'Lew. RowIAiMd 01104'.14 alt 8eeforthl sr write R.R. 61 Walton. W. S. Donaldson '-- Licensed Auctioneer Phone 35-r-13 Ahrond, O for the Counties of Huron and Pel"1k AS sales[ promptly attended to -'- Charges ioloollogroto For Engagements phone 311 "The Brustellk resto will tl Will be looked after