HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1945-8-1, Page 2THE BRUSSELS POST MEN FOR HOME BUILDING MUST BE SECURED Home building h highly essential to over - tome pressing housing shortages, and to pro- vide dwellings for the Forces as discharged. Shortages of workers for building homes and for producing the building materials are threatening to impede Canada's program for the construction of 30,000 homes as soon as possible. All men experienced in home building or in producing building materials, who are not now working in either of these industries, are urged to apply to the nearest office of the National Employ- ment Service immediately. Men experienced at home building or producing supplies, if now in other essential work, will be given permits to work at jobs which will assist the house building program. All men, not now at house building nor pro- ducing supplies, who can fill a job in this program, are urged to answer this call. Apply at once at the nearest office of the. National Employment Service. DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR HUMPHREY MITCHELL A. MacNAMARA Minister of Labour Deputy Minister of Labour 4e.Wita WILLIAM SPEACE Estate Agent Conveyancer and Commiraioaer GENERAL INSURANCE OFFICE MAIN STREET, -- — ETHEL, ONT. sammsiaasigalardenossaluagniuMit Ali 344 Boys Overseas Receive .igadettes From Brussels Fire Department Sgt• Elliott W. R A63886 4th 0, el. B. Coy. Dear Sir;- la a few lines I want qt show utv appreciation to -wards the Bras- sets Fire Brig. Assn, For the .IM -8 hundred Gigs,, on which I received to -say. It is to ane a Brea. plea- sure to know that us lads over here are being though of in every way from our home district, Onee again 1 thank the Fire Brig. Assn., very much. Yours Sincerely Sgt. Elliott, .e601874 Pte. Stephenson l'. 11. 11. 0. Coy. Perch llegt., C. A. 0• Pear Sir:— Just a few lines to let yua know that I received the cigarettes sent to me tbrouglt the Brussels Fir,: Biig' ade Assn. They are very mach ap- preciated and I assure you that they will be greatly enjoyed to the last oue. At the present time we're stet'oued at a place by the name of Sneak, a fair sized. place, in Northam Boll end, certainly is a nice part of the country. The weather sure has ueeu hot but we, get pleuty of rain. We're nal doing very much, more or less killing time, lots of sports and plenty of amusements. 'Say hello to all the gang for me, Yours .Sincerely Dick, 23 Cdu. Gen. Hosp. R. C. A, M. 0, Brussels Fire Dept. Dear Gentlemen:— m.1e Received your parcel of Gigs.. Ibis A. M. and I certanly appreciate Sour kindness. You folks back home cure try to help us lads out over 1 eve by sending us fags, aad dart 1 th.ek for a minute we don't enjoy receiving them. As you will notice by address, I have changed units. My orginal unit h,oke up, so most of we lags got. re- ■ !ET■"sem ■■ ■ .i• sr■ -El ■ PURINA CHOWS SRUSSELC CREAMERY Melt �■ ■ ■ 1111.1111,111.111111111•11 1111.1111'11.1111•11•11111111 ■ ■■'■.■■11•1111■ Gw od Vii: r A 11 Kinds of Baiting SOLD IN BRUSSELS AT BAEKE,R BROS. Phone 6 Butcher Shop Braeseh i BELL & BENSON BRUSSELS, ONTARIO Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public Elmer D. Bell,- B.A. C. Joseph Benson, B.A. (Absent on Active Service) BRUSSELS OFFICE HOURS Mr. Benson in attendance Wednesday afternoon Office open daily from 9—to— 5&30 WANTED LIVE HENS AND CHICKENS also GEESE and DUCK FEATHERS. BEST PRICES PAID Before you sell any poultry phone the Export Packers. We will call at your ' place for any quantity or you can bring them to us. Export Packers 1 PHONE 70x BRUSSELS 11 Ze .ezve MORE PICKLES —but don't risk wasting precious food and sugar by spoilage through the use of inferior vinegar. Use Canada Vinegar— the vinegar your Mother used — always uniform high quality and strength. It has been the leader in Ontario for over 80 years. On sale at all grocers. Send for FREE Pickling Recipe Booklet to Cana- da Vinegars Limited,112 Duke Street, Toronto. CANADA Vinegars Pa.Jteunized ETHEL The regular meeting of the V•o• urea's Institute will be held Aagust 9111 a't• the home of 1Irs. Cameron Cochrane. The topic "Clothing and Textiles" will be given by Mrs. J. instance. "My pet economy in wee time,e will be the answer to the roll call. Visitors with Mr, and Hit's. Jame.s Pearson over the week end inciaded. Mr. and Mrs, Jr W. Joynt, Mr. and Airs, George Joynt of Lnchnow, Hugh Pearson of Brussels and Miss Florence Pearson of Loudon who will be spending a week's vacation with her parents. Miss Anne McMurollY of 11t1tail is spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. G, Dunbar and family. Rev. and Mrs, S. Brenton eceolUP- e led by Miss Myrtle Switzer of Teeswater left Monday to spend their vacation in Tyteton, Tian., church services will ()outlaw. az usual with Rev, Iver Melver in the eu pit. Florence Campbell is holidaying with her aunt and uncle, Mr, •and Mrs. Spivey of Brussels, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Lake are visit ors with Mr. and Mrs. 0. Cioehrane and ramily. Mr, and Mrs, R. Jaoksbn or Strat- ford were week end visitors whir the latter's daughter, Mrs. Cecil Lekmte: and family. Mr. and Mrs. E. Cole of Stratford ere visitors with Mr. and Mr.s Fred Cele. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Stephenson over Sunday included Mr. and Mrs. McKay of Atwood, lIrs. Cleland and Jessie of Guelph: Mrs. Walker of Toronto; Mr. and Alts. Andy Jacklin and Mr.. Jennie Stephenson 02 Brussels. parted to other hospital units. This oue I am with now is a twelve hun- dred bed one, so yen can under tand %e liandle a lot of injured lade. I expect to .be home tor Christmas, so will sure drop around and say hello most of the lads are getting pretty well browned off now. Cheerio and the best of lusk to all of you. As ever. "Glenne B8772 Pte Garniss, C. 0, er 0. In Arteanoriam ICRMIER—Iu loving memory of my dear father, George Eekmier, who passed on August 91, 1944, and niy dear Mother Hannah Hall Eekmier who left us Marsh Lith, 1942. • A28572 Gar. A. Crawford 11th Bty. R. 0, A. 2nd Cda., H. A. A. Regt. C. A. 0. Brussels Fire Brig.. Dear Sir:— Thanks a lot for cartoi of Gigs. I received to -day, they couldn't hare come at a better time .as I am going on leave oto -morrow to England, I thought I might of been on the road home this month. But don". expect it Our leaves were cancelled for a- while, But have started again. So don't know now when we wilt move. put ere attached to 1st. Div. so will get first chance. We are not doing much here the last while only going oe liberty trucks to' different °owns around. Incidently we are in Holland and have real nice weather. Hope it keeps up as we are living in tents iii the hush, and not go nice wben it rains Hope your weather, alto crops around there are good. Wen I tetter sign off tor now. As I am busy getting ready for leave. And lope to land home soon. So thanks again for cigarettes. Sincerely yours Gnr. A, E. Crawford Letter To The Editor California Newport Bezel), 7-2,5-19 Mussels Post Gentlemen Enclosed find P,0, orda for 13,00 for which 1 wish you b mail me your paper while it lasts or mail me a bill for the year's subscription and 1'11 remit the balance. No I don't suppose you know me for its many yeara singe I spent my boyhood in Mussels and played baseball on aid Victoria Park with such as Jim and Frank Stretton, Tommy and it 's Ross, Geo. Halliday, Jack 01c1ain and Dave Wilson, 'Must be ovos 59 years -and a lot. of water has run under the bridge since then, but J am still going strong at past 7'l Years. Nave and own three good Dry Goods Stores al by myself fun partners), 1 learned ithe Is it loess vi.th the Nightingale Store when W. H. Kerr was owner of the P.ussels Poet. l •ann now a beo:rilag Californian, But enough of 90,111' time, you will not he interested Mail the paper to A. 1-i Fitzpatrick iNnwport 13eacb, tlatit TJ,a,A., '1•o live in the hearts of lave, Is not to die. Life is Eternal. those we Fondly remembered, Fenno. 101. IA 01 E Wag Y MORE PEOPLE Eo`E ON °° 4cirepot Ny VIES -MAN A OTHER KIND e 511 THE NAME GOODYEAR ON YOUR TIRES MEANS •EXTRA MILEAGE •EXTRA SAFETY • GREATER DEPENDABILITY AND SATISFACTION For the synthetic tire that wine on every count, for long trouble• Free service :.: If you aro eligible :: SEE YOUR Did You Ever Wonder 7 How Steam Locomotives . Can Pull Trains Without Cylinders or Pistons.. One of the earliest steam loco motives, invented by William Hedley for carrying coal not so much to as f; om around Newcastle, Eagl:tud, was called the "Putting pill,." And Pot over a century the familiar steam 1 locomotive has been known to the Itory young as a "clroo-choo." The "puff' 'or "shoo" is due to the necessity for exhausting the used .learn after it has driven the piston down the cylinder, the piston, In turn, Leing attached to the connecting rods which rotate the locomotive', dery ing wheels. A. radically new type of otenno• Live has recently been deurA' and built which does away, at one Pell ' swoop. with cylinders, pistons and the characteristic "choo-chop" eouu4. The new locomotive uti'_e:ea the power of steam by means of special hcat-treated reduction gems• on two , centre driving axles. These gears to the drive wheels, operating in an o:l ba'h, deliver more than 95 per cent. of the power developed by the steam ttubine on the locomotive—four co turbine. There are eight wheals on the locomotive — four on each sule — the centre two of each sat receiving the turbine power di- rectly and transmitting the power t.: ' the front and rear drive wheels through connecting rods. r"he power is delivered 'smoothly by quietly, free from the pulsations cuaracteristic of the piston -typo i drive, - The shaft of the turbine i3 re- I taled by the pressure of jets of steam against the vanes of the htrbtne wheel at high speed, necessitating the � iese of reduction gears for the trans• mission of the power to the drive wheels of the l000motive at spends compatible with safe train operation. The new turbine locomotive is re- po^ted to be capable of drawing a i full-length passenger train at a speed of 100 miles per hour and Of draw Mg high-prlority freight strings at equally dazzling speeds, Its eon- 1 s'ruction and operation are said to be much simpler than the eon .en, 1 tional l000rn(odrive, whose i'ocipm'at- ing parts It has eltniineted. GOOD YEAR DEALER Alex Anderson Phone ee BRUSSELS, ONT. va your, EYES Properiyearedfor NOW -1- F. F lioastio.t. O1TOPIIET'I7IST 1'11004 .118 Hrarttisfvrta for increased production A DURO PUMPING SYSTEM Running water under pressure speeds farm production—the need for running water in your home and farm building greater than ever today. Your investment in a NEW DURO PUMP you win never regret—saves me and !About everywed. New Duro Pumps are avy bk In greater quantities today, but shortages ofwale not Akre the Duro Factory to produce en tand Labour �'la_■_ enough Qh too meet the demand. All Dun Dealers are on s quota bash and psrinh-'_ purchaser must be approved by vena EMCO FIXTFor URES Tt7;se Visit your styles. ,LOOK OUT FOR YOUR LIVER Buck It up right noW and feel like as tnilliofT Tear liver is the largest organ in your body Ind moat important to your health. It pores eat Me to digest food, gets rid of waste, eupp8es newene :i , allows proper nourishment to reach yaw bl... When your liver gets out of order food decomposes in your intestines. You be- come conatipatsd, stomach and isidneye can't work properly. You feel "rotten"—heedschy, backachy, dizzy, dragged out all the time. For over 35 yearn thousands have won prompt relief from those miseries -'-•with Fruit•e.tives. So can you now Try Fruiba•tivos—you'll be wuply delighted bow quickly, you'll feel Me a new person, )appy and well again. 25c, SOe. FRU IT• ►•TRIES 1 : Wm. Gillespie OUnu'1 Y EA NICD PISE'' BRAss «FG CO., LIMITED ranch ,ry wi:nnrpeg: Vancouver Brussels • Farmers drive cars less than city people and get low rates from Pilot. But farmers do drive — one unin- sured accident could wipe out your home or your . savings. Buy the full protection of Pilot Automobile Insurance now. Waller Scott — Brussels Representing We write insurance to cover selected risks in Automobile, Fire, Burglary, Plate Glass, Public Liability and other general insurance. y4'# �jjl�rrP.,'tjfeVeis FARM IMPROVEMENT LOANS Under the Farm Improvement Loans Act a farmer may now borrow on special terms to buy agricultural implements, livestock or a farm electric system, and for fencing, drainage, repairs to buildings or other farm improvements. This Bank is fully equipped to make loans to farmers under the provisions of this Act. Consult the Manager of ournearest branch. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Bruseels Stanch ', L. Prest, Manager