HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1945-7-25, Page 1THE
Appointed Teacher Here
The school trustees of Brussels
announce the appointment of Wm.
Black, B.A., to teach a this following
term at the Brussels Oontinnatiou
Sebool. Mr. Black has itui.,l con,
etdenable teaching ,e7cperlence both
n public and high schools. Last
year he taught ,at Ridley's College,
St. Catharines.
1941 Ford Super De 'LUXE Lab•
riolet or $1,000 Victory Bond will be
given to the bolder of the lucky
share drawn for at the Galt Fair on
September 22nd. Shares 3 tot
eL00. Send to Galt Kiwanis Chari-
ties, Box 120, Galt, Ontario"
To fail In fine with other munici-
palities In the Province, the busi-
ness people ask that
And 1 hereby proclaim' the same
a Public Holiday and ask that all
persons observe it as such.
R. J. Bowman, Reeve.
Mistress: "I am sorry you are
leaving us, Jane. But, of cause, if
jou are going to better yourself, 1—"
Maid: "Oh, no madam. I am going
to be married."
Seaforth, Ont.
Thur. Fri. Sat. July 26.27-25
Dennis Morgan Eleanor Parker
—I n—
The Very Thought of You
An Interesting drama filled with
romance and comedy.
Mon., Tue., Wed., July 30-31 Aug. 1
Errol Flynn William Prince
Objective Burma
An exciting story relating the ex.
periences of the American Para-
troopers in the Asiatic theatre of
Next Thu., Fre, 'Sat., Aug. 2.3-4
Pat O'Brian George Murphy
Having a Wonderful Crime
Sunday Dinner for a Seidler
Fighting Lady
"There is none other Name
under heaven given among men,
whereby we must be saved."
Acts 4;12.
Mehville Church
10 A. M. SundaySch of and
131b11 A. M. Morning Worship
7 P. M. Evening Praise
Louts D. Thompson, Organist
and Choirmaster.
Come and Weloome
United Church
Minister Rev. Hugh C. Wilson
11 A. M. Morning Worship
Mr. Earl Anderson
Junior Congregation
12 Church School andBible Class
No 'Evening Service
Church of England
Parish of Brussels
Fleeter Rev. Maurloe F. Oldham
9th Sunday After Trinity
July 29th, 1945
St. John's Brussels,-
russelr10 A. M. Sunday school.
and Bible Class
'7 P. M. Evening Prayer
and Sermon
Mi. H. O. Meir of ,Seaforth
St. George's Walton—
No service on this Sunday
St. David's Nenfryn--
1850 A. M. unday elideo
and CIMS
No service on this Sunday
Co -Operative Cheese Factory
Has Open Night
r-:'LYTH, July 23.—Tube open night
. of the OoeOpenative - Ase0ciatlen
cheese factory was a aecned suc-
ess. Several hundred people vh;it-
ea the plant between 6:'00 and 9:00
sen. Afterwards assembling in
Yiemorial Hall where a splendid
Program was carried outin the
aunt torium
:notch Hallahan president of the
useuelation introduced a number
of speakers. R. J. Scott reviewed
the growth of the organization
since the first meeting last Jan -
nary. at which he presided.
Hubert Dixon represented one of
the manufacturer's from whish the
directors bad purchased much. of
their equipment, He made au er-
Seal for the full support of the pro -
]6 Caralff, M.P., for North
Huron offered congratulations and
said bnere are .about 1,400 co-op-
eratives who are doing millions of
dollars forth 01 business of great
benefit to the tanners.
W. H. Golding M.P., for South
ilueon, brought greetings and con.
gratulabions and spoke of the splen-
did contribution Canadian farmers
have made to winning the war, al-
though seriously handicapped by
shoebage of kelp.
Mr. Newton of Wingham ratite
station, spoke 'briefly of the splen-
did .achievement of the directors.
Stanley 'Sibthorpe rendered sev-
eral fine +solos, accompanied by
Miss Elizabeth, Mills.
A large crowd enjoyed the dance
in the basement of ,tire hall with
music supplied by "The Prank
Rays," with John Staples, master
of ceremonies.
Georgia Dunbar has returned
home after having spent the past
week at the home of her aunt and
unee] Mr. and Mrs, Franey in
I bitail.
Mr. Ernest Whitehouse has return-
ed to Brampton ,after spending his
vacation with bis sister Mrs. D,
Gooden and family.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Judd of Lockport,
N.Y., are the guests of Geo. and Mrs.
Kreuter and W. Spence. Mrs. Judd is
a cousin of Mrs. Kreuter and Mr.
Mr. A. Kreuter of Heidlbnrg, Mr.
and Mrs, M. Mawrer, Mr. and Mrs
V, Mawrer and Miss Veen Kreuter
of Regina were calling on the
Ifr'auter families on Sunday. lbtr. A.
Kreuter extended his visit at the
lane of Mr. Welke Kreuter,
Mre. A. Fillione of Detroit, Mieb„
uas returned home after spending a
few days as the guest of Mr. and
Mrs, G Kreuter.
Mass Freda Godden of London is
spending a few days with her
brother Bert an family,
Mr, George McNeil and son
George of Niagara Falls was a week
end visitor with his sister, Mrs.
Chit. Rowland and family. Mr.
McNeil has just returned from
Mr. and Mrs. C. Cochrane and
family and Mrs, R. Cochrane motor
ed to Formosa, on Sunday where
they enjoyed a picnic held in the
Mr. and Mrs. A. Pearson spent
Sunday at the home of Mr, and Mrs,
J. McWilliams in Mount Forest,
Mrs. S. Alexander and family have
returned home after spending a few
days with her fabher, Mr. Baines.
Mr. J. Ballantyne hes returned
to the home of his son Graham, in
Toronto, after spending the past
few weeks es guest of Mrs R
Mns. Elwood McTaggart and Mrs
B, Godden erespending a few dye
In Toronto.
The Sunday evening service of the
Milted Church will be the dedication
o, the new seats. Rev. David Wren
a former pastor, will be the specfa'
epeaker. +Serv1'oe at 8 p.m, Special
rattle by the choir,
✓ e • * * * * * *
The death occurred on Tuesday,
July 17th. of Mrs. 'Geo. R. McCartney
ait•er a heart attack following an
u ss of about four months, at the
lame of her sister, Mrs. William
Turnbull, Grey township, Mia, Mc-
Cartney was a native of Grey town-
ship, her maiden name being Mary
eleteartney, and her earlier years
were spent in Saskatcbewa':. She
and her husband returned to Ontario
and for thirty -live years she lived on
Wednesday, July 25th, 1945
Local News Itens
Ration Coupon
Due Dates Lr. Jamieson will be away on
Coupons now valid are butter 90 lit:fdays from August 2nd to 1Cth.
o 115, sugar 46 to 61, preserves y1;sG Shcrtreed R.N., will again be
33 to 57 and P1 lo P13 inclusive, le the office and will render what
nervine is possible during the
Doctor's absence,
Want Highway
From Clifford North
biuee and Grey conn'ey councils
ars punning joint action to have
the county road from Cllilord north
t.' Ailenford become e, provincial
highway. At the moment there le a
try Mill Road. Mr. McCartney pre-, disagreement over the Proposed
deceased her twelve years ago, Sur- :'rad, some wanting it to follow the
viv;ng ate three sons George and • county line through Seone, in•stela of
\ikon, who reside on theeeillRoad,pr•s6111g through Chesley and Tara.
'J'urdtersmith; Robert, in Windsor;'
two brothers and one sister, William The United Church
iugh' Neigborliness as a test of the
sincerity of a man's religion, was
the subject of the morning sermon
Ir, the United Church.
In the evening the text was "Nar-
row is the way." Miss Thelma
Brothers brought a message in
the 13t'ucefield
tr'. the
torment in
home of eon, I
Mill song Mrs. Lyle Brothers was or-
ganist for both morning and even.
2p.m., ing services. Miss Thelma Brothers
Presided at the piano during the
evening worship.
Mr. and Mrs. James Cameron and
Carole motored to Lonilon en
Sunday. They were aecomipaniee by
Robert Cameron who will pend
some time with ibis sister, Mrs.
Murray Parton in London,
Mrs Walter Brown and her 'lister
Mrs. Harrington •of Welland spent
the week end visiting friends , and
relatives here.
Tiles, Gertrude .Oricher of Listowel
a former resident •of Craabrook,
spent several days here last week
renewing old acquaintances.
Mr. and Mos. Walter Broadtoot of
Walton spent Sunday hers the
guests of Mr. and tiles. William
aims, Matthew Cameron is spend-
ing some time a'n Brantford meth
Mr, and Mrs. Alfred King.
Mrs. Clara Omstead, Mrs. Anna
l;eshey, Mrs, Lyle Gordan and
Misses' Pearl Balser and Joan
ITunter motored to Rosseau Lake ou
Monday and will spend a tew days
tile. e.
The Young People's Society are
malting arrangements for a weiner
roast to be held on Monday evenly.,
July 3Eth.
Mrs. Hugh Porter lett on Wedues-
ady for Carman, Manitoba, where
she will spend some time with her
A Smooth Landing —
Much Plasma
Still Needed
There is to be a revision of the
Blood Donor Service le Canada and
it may include the closing of a
number of permanent Menlo. The
provincial mobile service will be
continued in the meantime. The
total requirements for the Pacific
,:ampaign will be in excess of 500,000
donations annually in Canvie, and
Ontario has been asked to accept
half et tbis nunvber on a beats of United States. Get Sunday's Detroit
3,500 donors weekly. Times,
Engagement Announcement
Rev.,and Mrs. Duncan Males .,fete
Nn,.aimo, 13. C., announea tate
et:vugentent of their daughter, Helen
erders•on Ritchie, Reg. N,, to Rev.
iver Donaldatwitter, son of IVtr and
Mrs. Neil C Maclver of Baddeck
Nee., now minister of the Presbyter-
iin congregation of Cranbroo,t and
°'ltel, Ontario. The wedding will
'rat, place in Montreal on Wednesday
August Ellie
• • • * ,r .F •. • •
• • • • * * * * *
Mr, Ward Buchanan, Det'o'-t, i1
visiting at his home hero.
Mrs. James Kernagtuian is
her daughter in Thornhill.
r • •
:Vire H. B. Allen and daughters
have been visiting in 'Stratford.
„ * s
Miss Eva Bryaus, Toronto, is
visiting her sister Mrs. D. Denman.
• * *
Airs, H. Weidettus of Detroit is
iting relatives and friends :n this
* * *
Mrs. Thos. Walker has returned
home after a few weeks' visit iu
;yew York, Buffalo and Tar,n':e,
* * *
Leslie Lowry, 'Toronto, is holiday
ing here with his mother Mrs. Geo.
Local and District Boys Lowry.
To Arrive Home This Week
Brussels and district boys will be
s.mong those to arrive home aboard
the Nleuw Amsterdam which was
expected to arrive at Halifax on
Tuesday of this week. They include
Cpl. Wim Coleman and L. Cpl. David
I'aatings, Brussels; Pvt. P, W.
McFarlane, Grey Township; Tpr.
L. It Robinson, Belgrave and Tpr,
K. S. Thompson, Ethel.
Germ Invaders Stopped
By Uncle Sam
Japs oan't invade America and
neither can germs. reports Do.
Morris Fisbbein, Editor of the
Journal .of The Amenioan Medical
Assodiation, in The American Week-
ly with this Sunday's (July 29)
lbsue of The Detroit Sunday Times,
reporting how army dootore are
preventing diseases spreading to the
Potatoe Prices Election Costs Come High
It costs ,fifty cents for every voter
The seasonal drop in ceiling nieces who went to the pole on June ilii.
of potatoes becomes effective on nr who had the chance and did not
take it. A Dominion election costs
Canada 31/ million dollars, according
to the figures released from. O'terwa,
,f voters knew their vote 00.11 as
much as fifty cents they might be
more inclined to use it, and not let
the opportunity slip by thoughtlessly.
One bright spot is that with 432
candidates losing their deposits of
July 1, according to an announce-
ment by W. Harold McPhillips, pric•
es and supply representative for the
Wartime Prices and Trade Board in
Western Ontario. Ceiling prices tai
sales by farmers to consumers is
$2,89 a 75 pound bag, 64 cents a 15
pound basket and 43 Dents a 16
pound basket, To these ceiling prices
may he added the freight from Har- $200 each the country will be
row to the market in which the mulched by $35,000.
Potatoes are s.o1d. This additional
cbarge must not exceed 40 cents a
hundred pounds.
If You Must Drink
"1f you ars a married mal who
absolutely must drink, start a satiate
in your own home, Be the only cus-
tomer and you won't have to buy a
Among Rocks license. Give your wife two dollars
The Tobermory Correspondent of to buy a gallon of whiskey. Renrem.
the Wiarton Echo tells •about a ben there are 69 glasses in a gallon.
thane tram Detroit landing in a Bay your drinks from your wife.
nearby field with two passengera When the first gallon is gone she
who took 'the ferry to ielanttoulin will have eight dollars to deposit
Island. This was first plana to in the bank and two to start business
'land" .at Tobermory and moat visit• egain.-11 you should live ten years,
ors to dhe Tub who had the idea continue to buy booze from iter and
there was notbini but rock and •:hen die with snakes in your shoes,
Woodland in that vicinity will won- ebe wide have enough to bury you
der wliere the pilot found the level :expectably, bring up tvour children,
landing field. buy a hoose and Pot marry ant
forget all about yo e."
Soldier Vote Favoured i:ha.annge. and
Liberals and'C.C.F.
The Liberal parity oolleoted more
service votes than other startles re
the federal general election of June
11 in the voting territories 01 Italy,
the Middle East, the Far East, Ates
trnlia, the British West Indent New,
fcundland, the Maritime Provinces
'Ontario and Quebec. Figures show-
o,d that the C.C.F. had an edge on
the voting in the United kingdom,
Frances' the Prairie Provinces and in
British Columbia. The Progessiyo
Conservative party did not lead in
any of the territories..
Heapeler Herald Sold
The Hespler Herald has been
purchased by Mr, Earl Putman, of
Waterloo, and Capt, F. Trete James
of Itiitchener, has been engaged as
editor and manager, 'The Herald
has been in the HUdeoa famlly since
1919. Mi'. E. IS, Jdnidson, to.einerty
rof the Listowel Banner has had
I charge of ,the paper its the peel
number of Months as the editor
Edward lliudson, iotnedt tlae lt, a
N, V, 11.
Salt For Sheep
Salt is necessary tor sheep all the
year around, Recarde indicate that
each sheep eats about one-gbarter
Ounce of salt per day, if they can
get it. They do not obtain enough
salt when it is supplied in block
toren; All steak salt should contain
iodine. If Iodized salt is not Orem,
eb)e, potassium iodide should .ha 1111
ded to the salt.
Sugar For Cannisg
.Rural housewives are urged Ly Mrs.
John D. Detwiler, Western Ontario
chairman of the Consumer Branch,
to budget the spending of their sugar
for canning 'coupons so that they
will have supplies when large traits
ripen later in tbe season.
"All extra preserves colleens de•
clared valid tor the purchase of sugar
for canning are new good," Mrs.
i avriler pointed out, " and there is
a danger that housewives, both urban
and rural, may use the angT woulr
purpose other than canning.
strongly recommend that housewives
budget their auger to meet the needs
of their entire seasons preserving
ed 'canning Program" On tbe aver-
age the rural housewife cans end pre.
serves 'a greater proportion of her
slit/Plies than the urban woman, who
buys commercial products, M
Detwiler stressed that preserves cow
pons are good for the parimect et
one-half pound of sugar. including
those Coupons declared: valid for
canning the total number of preset,
CONNELLY—At S'oott Memorial
Hospital, Seaferbli, ellJmly lith.
to Mr. and Miff. Fergus COtitieli9,
Bruseele R.R. no, 5, a daughter,
Brussels Girls Defeat
Wingham Softball Team
The Wingham Softball Ladies
visited Brusesls Monday, July 23rd
and were defeated by a score of
19.6. The Brussels ladies played a
snappy game and were well ahead in
the first two innings,- Nora Shaw
and Clara Russell did the pitching
and R. Jewell bhe catching.
The sport fans in Brussels ate
taking a big interest in •the girls and
are helping them along cousaierabiy.
Be on hand Monday, July 30Jth
when Clinton Radio Sohooi visits
Mr. and Mrs, C, 13orthe were week
an,, visitors with Mrs. W. Porter at
l'oint Clarke.
* * *
Miss Ruth Thomas has returned
home after spending the past few
weeks in Toronto.
a •
Mr. ,and Mrs. R. W. Kennedy and
sons spent the week end with rela-
tives in Kitchener.
• • •
Arthur Kerr, New Hamburg,
tanner Brussels resident, called on
friends here on Monday.
• • •
Miss Mary R. Stewart is taking a
French course at Falconer House,
Whitney Hall, Toronto.
* ■ *
Mr and Mas. H. J. Middleton and
f aughter Catharine spent last week
at the parental homes in Bruesels and
• • •
Scott Anent, Trenton and his son
George of the R.C.N. are visiting at
the home of the Loaner's Lather P.
• * *
Mr. and Mrs. Swinton, of Toronto
are .spending a week's vacation with
thrir friends Mr. and Mrs, Roy
McKay at the home of Mr's. Chas,
• • *
Jack Thompson, eldest son of the
late Mr. ,and MTs. Archie Thompson.
who recently returned from Arabia
is here visiting his sisters, Mrs. W
E. Willis and Miss a 7lhomnson,
Majestic W. I.
-The July meeting of the Majestic
Women's Institute took the form
of a Menlo on the school grounds of
S,S. no. 1, Grey. 'ithe sports pro-
gram, under the able direction of
the convenor Mrs. Doug. Heming-
way, consisted of two softball games,
games end races foe the little ones
and novelty races and con'ests for
the older ladies, these produced
msny a good laugh. •Everyone enjoy-
ed the pleasant afternoon. A beautiful
lunch brought the meeting to a Ilene.
The officers of the Institute wish
to thank the trustees for allowing
them the use of ,such a well kept and
shady place as the school grounds
vet coupons -now valid would entitle
eaeli'ratton book holder to 19 pounds a vera valued 'member. A very
of 'sugar to addition to the regular iiteasarut evening wan spent in socia:
siikaf •ratibn'.
:Two' preterites wait), 'chat and dancing, Lanai was
ons become I'alld• sarion .., served,,
Red Cross Clinic
Reopens Here Aug.31
Continued support of the Blood
Donor Service and urgent eecessity '
for donors to continue their atter•
dance at clinics is urged in view
of the fact that Ottawa has an-
nnounced that there are to be about
6,000 Canadian 1100ps in tide
Pacific. Blood serum must be made
available to the wounded in that
theatre of war.
Canadian Red Cross blood donor
clinics will re -open nett month.
Russell T. Kelley, Chairman of Cana-
dian Red Cross Blood Donor Service
i:: Ontario, emphasizing the need for
continued support , of the nubile
Pointed out: "While the war with
Germany is over, the war with
Japan is far from finished. There
are two -big reasons (including that
staled above) why the service must
continue, The British Government
has asked the Canadian Govern-
ment, and they in turn have re-
rluesbed Canadian Red Cross for
150,000 bottles of blood serum an.
nually until the war is won, To
,,reduce that quantity will require
500,000 donations annually in Can-
ada. and Ontario has agreed to
produce half of that total, on a
basis of 5,500 donations weekly.
. The next Clinic will ibe held in
Brussels on Friday, August 31st,
Mrs. W. J. Johnston opened her
fore for the July meeting of the
Woman's Missionary 'Society of the
United Church last week. The preen
dent, Mrs. Alex eloCraokin, presided
and condurated the devotional exer-
cises and the bueine'ss. The worship
period was conducted by airs. W. J.
Johnston on the theme "Help the
Churches do Europe Now." Articles
were read by: Mrs. Ed:W6rd Johns -
won on the situation and eondlticne
in Norway and Denmark, by Mrs.
R. ;Shaw on Holland 'and Belgium, by
Mrs. Curtis on France, and by ,Mrs,
W. J. Johnston on Germany. Airs.
Laura Kirton told of the share 0i
the work and financing to be carried
by the United :Church of Canada.
Mrs. George Thornton offered prayer
to close the meeting. ' u
Personals: Mi's. Isobel Yeomans,
Detroit, with her sister, Mr's. P. S.
MacEwen; Miss Marie Yeo, Paisley,
with Miss Muriel Smith; Firs.
Charles Fraser Viobo.tia, B.C., with
* * * * * * * * her sisters -in law, Mrs. Artii'-
Shaw. and Mrs, Richard Johnste
Mr. and Mrs. 'George 'Patterson,
* * * * * * * lento, with Mr. and Mrs. J. W5
Motntosh—Little stead; Miss Ethel Beattie and Mee
Margaret Hay, Seaforth, vita Mrs.
R. F. Gamniss; Dm. R. L. ' Stewart,
Wingham accompanied by J. H.
F. Timmins Toronto, both former.
ly of Bluevale, called on old frienrs
neve; Miss Mary Darling with her
grandmother at tHarrieton; Mins
Priscilla Mann with fried -di- and
relatives at Listowel; Miss Sander -
non and Miss May Orr with Ids.
and Mrs. Thos. E. Henry at eitr'at-
Mrs. J. Cbdlvers was hostess on
Tuesday afternoon for .the monthly
meeting of the Triple group of the
Ladies' Aid of Knox Presbyterian
Church. The president, Mrs. W. 16.
McKinney, presided. Mrs. Bursa
and Mrs. P. S. MoIDwen led 12
prayer. •The secretary's report rif.,
read by Mrs. Harry Elliott i' • 't
Ms. Jack Snell gave the .Iinai •
standing of the group.
Twelve answered the roll by Pad-
aying the monthly Lee. Mrs. McKin-
cKinney invited the a .embers to meet
at her home for the August meet
fug when a shower .ot mieoellan.
cline articles will be presented for
the booth at the bazaar ii'bhe'dart
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Chester
Little, Atwood was the scene of a
pretty wedding ,Saturday, July 21st
when their eldest daughter Jean
Marguerite became the bride 0f
James Blair McIntosh, eldest son of
Mr, and Mrs. John P. McIntosh,
Brussels. The ceremony was' per
teemed by Rev. M. E. R. Bourdeau,
The bride given in Marriage by
her father was lovely in a floor.
length gown of white sheer. A sweet -
Lunt headdress held in place her
finger tip veil of white silk net and
she carried a bouquet of Briarcliffe
roses and bouverdia. Her only
ornament was a necklace of white
cut ivory and pearls the gift of the
groom. The bride's attendant was
her sister Miss Thelma Little who
wore a floor-lengtli gown or. white
sheer with smocked neckline. She
carried a bouquet of pink roses.
Malcolm 145cIntesh. a brother attend-
ed tete groom. Mrs. 'Stanley Hind
played the wedding music and Mise
Shirley Holmes, Stratford sang "1
Love You Truly" during the Signing
01 the register. 1o1le*pag„• eentee
mony a wedding lundheon was
served to 20 guests.
For the wedding trip to Wasaga
Beach, Barrie and North Bay the
bride wore a turquoise blue dress
with white accessories. On their
roturn the young couple will reside
on the groom's farm near Brussels,
During the reception congratule-
tii•ns were received from Herman
Little 11,0,A.5'. Overseas, Mr. and
Mrs. Josoph'O!Doraghue and Mrand
i3 a. George W. Inglis, Stratnerd,
Airs. Harvey Henderson from the
West, whip has not been here for
revere! years is e, guest at the home
of her mother, Mrs. King and also
her brother, W. O. King. '
Friday evening of last week a
good many friends met in the ball to
bring good wishes to Mr, and Mrs.
Hardy, the bride being the former
Mildred Turnbull. Several gift and
a purse 'wet presented and 8150 a
beautiful mirror from the war
workers• circle of which Mildred wee
During the afternoon tine ladies y
'tlnilted. At the close of the Meet-
ing lwniei, was served by the hoat-
Personals: Mese Rigby Duff ham
returned to Toronto atter spend.
log two weeks with her sisters;
William Garnins MTs. J. J. Sellers
and Miss Lillian ,19arn is visited
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. tlbursisg at Sea -
forth; Mise ]Florence Fowler and
Airs. R, F, Gamble with , 5e86orth
Melville church
Mrs. Elliott Bredin was the guest
Welsh - et Melville Church last Sus -
3a Morning, she Sang the song,
"Jfymns Of The Old Cbstrdb. Choir"
in splendid valet, •.
Mrs. Clifford 'Subieox, ;t drlcardlne,
wan a Week' end visitor at 'the bane
of Mr. and MOt. Geos' 10*kp.