HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1945-7-18, Page 3Atz DURO PUMP YOUR FARM LABOUR PROBLEM Running water is essential -in the home, the stables, poultry Blouses and greenhouses - saves time, labour and promotes better and healthier living conditions. NEW DURO PUMPS are available in greater quantities today, but shcsrtages of Materials and Labour will not allow the Duro Factory to produce enough to meet the demand. All Duro Dealers are on a quota basis and permit to purchase Smut be approved by W.P.T.B. EMCO FIXTURES AND FITTINGS For Kitchen, Bathroom and Laundry. Visit your Emco Dealer for available styles. Wm.. Gillespie - Brussels EAM°j 'EMPIRE—BRASS MM. CO., LIMITED t�. Service from any branch L yt;lon Hamid eofe rJ ronto Sudbury Wi»nipeg>; Vancouver- WALTON The regular meeting of Duff's W M.S. was held July 11 with Mrs. Schade presiding. The meeting opened by singing hymn 108 and •prayor. The roll was called and the minutes were read and adopted, Mrs. Johnston reported that a bale was sent to the supply sec., in Juno valued at $53.50. The August meet- ing is to be held at the home of -7 - �. 1Mrs, A. McCall where the the baby band and mission band will be entertained. The meeting is to be in charge of the Walton group, hymn 329 was sung. • The worship srrrlce "Help) the Churches -ot Europe„ was taken by the MoKilhop emu!) under the leadership of Mrs. G. McGavin. Mrs. Reid, MTs. Cnatts, Mrs, McMichael and Mrs, ~dace also took part. The meeting closed by singing hymn 372 and tbo r..- .r .+ , r .• r - closing prayer. The W.A. meeting was held befo the W.M.S. Meeting with Mr :iennett presiding, it. opened 1 Anging hymn 165 followed by ren i• g psalm 7'03 responsively. Mr W. Davidson led in prayer. Th "c'.. and treas., reports were give.. 1'. was decided to hold the anima lurch picaltc Friday. July 27 a 'Ann's Park, Seaforth, The nteetin t laac.d by singing hymn 390 um NA-matingI.he Lord's Prayer, 1irc, Wil Perrie. con. 12 of CreY '1'rrp. was the hostess to the July a� cling of St. George's Women's (land W.A., ou Friday evening, duty 13th when there was a full .,„euclauce of members and guests. Mrs, Wm. Humphries, presiden' wn•, 111 charge of the meetl sg. The -hymns, "When I Survey the Won -irons Cross,” and "Breathe On Me <c cath of God" were ,ung Mrs. 11..try Bolger read the Scripture l.csson and Re,', M. F. Oldham the pryers. A sale oil miacellaueous t••ieles was held and a line sum was realized. Mrs. 141, P. Oldham gave a detailed and interesting report of ten, Annual Sessions of tat Huron l :ucese W.A. held In London. Mrs, rrie served a' tasty lunch at the rinse of the meeting and a hearty +t:te of thanks was given the hostess I'm her hospitality. Mrs. Flarry l c Iger will be the hostess for the :1t.gust meeting. 'rhe Annual S. S. Picnic for St, (1e.n.ge'�s Anglican Church was held on Tuesday evening, July lJth at the Lions' Park in Seaforth. A. very pleeeent evening was spent and ,.:embers of the congregation caste 1,resent. Games were played and paces run. The main feature of the rceuing was a presentation to Mr. and Mrs. Norman Sanderson, Emma and Grace who have recently moved Seafcrth, An address to Mr and ;Ars. Sanderson was read by tale Rector Rev. M. F. Oldham end Mrs win. Humphries presented them with a wall mirror, au address was read by Miss May Jackson to Emma who has bean the organist, and Grace. Burma was presented with a cup and saucer by Marilyn Boiscr, and Grace was presented with. a china clog by Rose Marie Bolger torn the S:S. • The. recipients thanked these present for •their• kindness. Lunch was served at the close. Mr. alit Mrs. L. I), Thompson earl Rev. M. F. Oldham from Brussels were present. The United Church Young People's Camp is being held this week at Goderich with Rev. R, G. Fazie- %elf- Propelled" Another Move Forward for Agriculture . New developments in machinery have always had a marked effect upon farm- ing. The reaper, the binder, the tractor and power farming equipment, and the combine all have helped farmers do their work easier, quicker and more profitably. The latest development in farm equip- ment, the self-propelled combine per- fected by MASSEY-HARRIS prior to the( war, has revolutionized harvesting. It has also opened up new possibilities to the implement engineer for developments in other types of farm machinery that will bring increased advantages in the saving of time and labor. With the MASSEY-HARRIS self -pro - pelted combine, one man with the grain tank model .can harvest sixty acres and upwards in a day. Costs are less, too; because one motor operates the mecha- nism and propels the machine. Grain is saved, none being knocked down and shelled in opening the field, Anyone who can drive a car can learn to operate a self-propelled combine. Good farm management employs the advantages of modern equipment to speed up the work, save labor, increase production and lower production costs. It is easier tO farm profitably with good equipment. Your local dealer will be glad to give you full particulars about the self-propelled combine and other ' machines hi the MASSEY-HARRIS line engineered and built to meet the needs of modern farming. MA SEY BUILDERS; OF ;GOc b 1" �k:.r,N1t"`'LIMITED 1111t:iw IMA>I''LEMONTS, SINCE 1847 ht TIME BRUSSELS POST GeeVeitisstiov G AMEN WNEN BUYING SYNTHETIC RUBBER TiRES CHOOSE THE TIRE THAT IS PREFERRED BY TiRE-WISE MOTORISTS COAST•TO-COAST FOR .. MILEAGE DEPENDABILITY TROUBLE-FREE PERFORMANCE IT'S GOODYEAR NOW, AS ALWAYS, THE FINEST SEE YOUR GOODYEAR DEALER Alex Anderson Phone 82 BRUSSELS, ONT, 0o,:c1 as Dean. Doreen Coatis and ' Elva Sholdice are attending as dele• gates from Walton United Church. • Next Sunday in the absence of the ; minister, Mies Vera Decker will be the speaker in Duff's United Church. Miss Decker has been head of an Indian School in the West, and she ' fa speaking for the Huron Presby - 't erten resbyterian Young People's Union. t ' CRANBROOK Lyle and Lynn Youngbintt, twin sons of Mr. and Mrs. Major Young- I Mutt of Blyth .are spending the ' rummer here with their grandpar. en's, Mr. and Mrs. John McNabb. Mr. and Mrs, James Lamont of Milverton spent Sunday here with I Mrs. Laniont's parents, Mr. and Mrs, I L1cyd Porter. 1 Airs. X. H. Cameron who spent iseveral days here the guest of Mrs. , R. K. McDonald and Miss Alice . Forest, returned to her home in I London ou Tuesday: , Tom Pennington is making ea teusive alterations to his home. Mrs. H. Kaye was hostess for the July meeting of the '9 r.M,S, cn Wednesday, July 4, The laddds of the east group were in charge of the meeting. Twelve members and one visitor responded to the roll tall with a verse of scnipture. Psalm 108 and Hymns 386 ' and 343 were Isung. The current events, were read by Mrs. Celia. Huether Mrs, H. Hunter, Mrs, H. Keys, Mrs. Allen l Cameron, Mrs, Lloyd Porter, Mrs. I Jitu Camercu and S2rs. Wm, Comer- ; on. - The supply secretary reported that the bale was sent from our l society, The Lord's Prayer was .'epeatecl by all and .Psalns 146 was lead by Mrs. John Schnook, An interesting short story "A Chinese View of the Story of the, Pall" was iread by Mrs. I3, Keys and Mrs, Dan I3uether read the closing chapter from our study book. The Benediction, was pronounced by the 1 President. .Lunch was served b^ Mrs. Keys and the ladies in charge. Mrs. Ross Speirau, daughter Sally anti son Keith are spending a counts of weeks with friends here. I Win. Sinclair and sou of Detroit were visitors with. Lynn and .Mrs. ! EMS during the past .tveek, i Carnival Prizes Still To Be Called For The Brussels Legion asic again that the persons holding. tickets, No, ' 1104 and No, 1410, which were the 1st and 2nd prize winning numbers •at the lucky draw at their cervine' nn Jnue 21st, kindly call as 50011 as possible at the 0. Deb Shoe Repair -Men for their prises. New Missionary: "Did ,eau know air. Brown?" Cannibal IOnp'i "OIL yes! ryas the pride of our island" New Allssionary; "Why did lie leave such a utce isla.ul," Cannibal King; "Re didn't sic, You see, titres got so hard tent we we had to swallow our pride." He THERE IS =_ NO OTHER '"-"- TO8ACC0 / E"e OLD CHUM, FOE PM OE ,t- Ecata,5tr� �ro,tlrE ®wp Cis. s. °ri dAds HOUSEKEEPER WANTED - at urea' apply to Miss Carrie Hingston FOR SALE -- :'t; vel ug Pigs 5 or 6 weeks tt•i. plivne 42•r-8 13181 Blake FOR SALE- M 11, Binder 7 ft, cut, nearly new phone 23-r-16 Dan McKinnon FOR SALE - A load of Alberta Coal to arrive 1ti>; week end, J, H. Fear, Ethel FOR SALE - e young pigs ready to wean. Lot 29, Con. 9 Morris I -hone 18-r-9 Gilbert McCallum FGUND- License plate 62620 owner may rave same by paying for this ad, apply at The Brussels Post. FOR SALE - A roll rim high back kitchen sink (tnamel white). Phone 37x. WANTED - A job Housework or other work io town for a girl eighteen, steady and reliable, 041 Please notify the $russets Post, WANTED - A small house to buy in Brussels or Ethel. ConddentiaL please write Mrs. Robert S. Stott, R. 3 Brusseli, Ont. FOR SALE - Brick house and 2 lots, 7 rooms including bath hot and cold water In house, large garden and barn. apply to Orville Whitfield, 01 Dacotah St., St. Catharines. FOR SALE - Massey -Harris Binder with t'mguo with irons and neck yoke; also 2, deck canvasses, also a quantity of used lumber, also a Westinghouse Elective stove, Lot 16, Con. 7 Grey 'lettere' Hefter Phone 34.r-7 FOR SALE - About 270 Leghorn - red pullets leady to lay; 1 young general pur- pose mare about 1200 lbs.; 1 young Belgium snare about 1200 lbs; 1 young Belgium mare about 1500 lbs, , all smooth and clean legs. Elmer Ellacott Phone 23-r-6. FOR SALE - One hundred acre farm, gore bank Tarn, oement stabling with water, good house remodled, bush on farm, drilled web, 6 miles from Walton Concession 12, McKillop, 1,13m. Leeming, R, R. 2 Walton. FOR SALE - acres more or less of land situated a mile from Ethel station on the 9th con„ also a barn and 10 room frame house. •stone foundation, about 5 miles from Brussels, Mr. W. G. MoEachern 11,R. 2, Puslinch, Ont. Killeen Station AGENT WANTED-- PATENTED GAS (SAVER, super- citarger. Crankcase ventilator, Con- vents waste into power, Increases mileage amazingly. Pits any motor, easily, quickly. Harmless, Pnoben, Guaranteed. Attractive sales props- ;cttion. Victory 'Rant. Company, Cornwall, Ontario, FOR SALE... - Chick bargains for this week and text: Non -sexed; Barred Rooks 0.95, pullets 15,96, cockerels 10.95 Assorted Heaviest Non -sexed 8,95, pullets 18,96, cockerels 9,95. Shipped C.O.D. This advertisement must accompany your •order, Top Noteh Chickeries, Gneiph, Ont. SAWS SITARPENED Hind Saws, Cross -cut Saws Any kind of saws If you want yours to really cut as it should Leave at The Post Printing Office Wednesday, July 15111, 1945 CATHERINE 17 towels *3750 CADET 15 towels 53700 GODDESS or TIME 17 towels 53750 W. G, LEACH JEWEI.I.FR BRUSSELS, ONT To i'V I.: ale I have on hand a considerable quantity of Brand Nesi,, high grade quality mechanic and machinists tools. One Brand New Canadian heavy duty Bhtcksnuth Forge with windshield, smoke cover and pipe connection and a heavy duty Champion Post Press Drill equipped with ball - bearings, self automatic feed, adjustable large elevated cable and combination for both power and hand turning operation. Two heavy duty Milier Falls adjustable ball- bearing breast speed drills equipped swith quick change two - speed device and guide levels. 1 Heavy duty Yankee chain drill with self automatic feed and 3 -jawed chuck and strong adjustable chain. 1 heavy duty set of Butterfield taps and dies combination cutting for both coarse and fine threads capacty from +/g" to 3/4" and also sets for fine work, Starrett make and general make of machine screw tap and die gauges, also drill gauges giving diameter in standard and 32nds, 64ths from 1-16" to 1/2", Starrett calipers and micrometer calipers speed indicator gauges, outfits for taking out broken off stud bolts without injuring ;bread and other types of tools too numerous to mention. Also a considerable quantity of high grade Quaker State Motor Oil. - Ross Mo Cardiff 11 BUSINESS CARDS Dennis Duequette — Licensed Auctioneer (FOR HURON COUNTY) For Engagements Peone 31 "The Brussels Post" and they wig be looked after Immedtatel,. Por Information, etc., write or phone either 4l•,••18 OR 41X at Brussels, Ont. ALL SALES CONDUC'. ED IN A SATiSFACTORY MANNER. MODERATELY PRICED. Allan A. Lamont Agent for—Fhr, Windstorm, and Automobile Ins,tss usaa Get particulars of our Special Automobile Policy for farmers, Queen St. Brussels 'Phone 657 W. D. S. Jamieson, M.D., C.M., L.M,C,C, Physician and Surgeon (Coroner) Office Hours -1 - 4 and 7 - 8 p.m. Also 11 - 12 a.m. when possible. Saturday evenings until 10 p.m. Sundays—Etnerger.cies and by appointment only. Home calls in forenoons and 4 - 6 p.m, Chas. T. Davidson Insurance Agent For ALL KINDS OF Automobile and Fire Insurance Accident and Sickness Agent for Great West Life Insurance Ca. 'PHONE OFFICE 92X BRUSSELS, ONT. RESIDENCE Harold Jackson SPECIALIST IN FARM AND HOUSEHOLD SALES For Information, etc., write or phone Harold Jackson, phone 12 on en8Saniorth R:R. 1, Brae4Beld Make areangereents at The Brussels Post or Elmer D. Ben, Barrister Office, lgrusssls, 1)..A RANN Furniture FUNERAL AND AMBULANCE SERVICE. Licensed Friers! Director and Embalmer PHONE 36 or 85 — BRUSSELS, ONT. JAMES 1VMCFADZEAN flowick Mutual Fre Insurance Hartford Windstorm---+tlesti— Tornado Insurance (Licensed In Huron and Perth Counties) PRICES REASONABL E, SATISFACTION GtMRANTEIte PHONE 42 P.O. BOX 1 TURNBERRY ST, ----iix--BRUSSELS, ONT. Insurance Lewis lowland (LIcenetd For Huron County) SATISFACTION d1JAC,ANTEED - PRICES REAyt)NAi*l,E For Engagements Phone 81 "The brussels Post" ansa .hay WM be {coked after Immedaitely For hifortnetion, etc, w ite or phone Low, Rowland *Me* sib Seeforth; cr write R.R. Sr Walton. W. S. Donaldson -- Licensed Auctioneer Phone 35443 Atwood § O*t for the Counties of Huron and Peel* Ali solea promptly attended to - Charges For Engagements phone St "The Emelt Posts" alai fiat,�"_�_ ,,�r will be looked after t: