HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1945-7-4, Page 3Mid -Season Sale of Vacation Needs A Sale of unusual merit which • will not be repeated, Sheers, Stubs, Polka Dots former values $2.95 to $3.95 Sizes 12 to 20 pastel shades only to clear $1.95 Striped Jersey Blouses, bow -tie neckline, former value $6.95 to clear $3.95 Clearance of Spring Coats Just a few left, incomplete size assortments, women's half sizes black and navy Misses all wood boucles, tweeds and suedes fitted and boxy styles %s off. Seer -Sucker Sun Tants, sizes 12 to 20 to clear , . .. , . $3.95 Seer -Sucker Women's button down fronts sizes 38 to 44 to clear • . $3.95 Millinery Clearance Smart Chicky Misses and Youthful Women's styles to clear at .... • • • , . , . , . .. $1.00, $1.95, and $2.95 Unusual Dress Values Clearance in the Dress Section. Please note the following prices do not apply to the entire dress stock, but they do apply to more than 50% of our dress stock. Misses and women's better quality dresses former values $14.95 and 16.95 clearing at formerly $11.95 and $12.95 clearing at formerly $9.95 and $10.95 clearing at • • formerly $8.95 clearng at ..... . , formerly $6.95 clearing at •• . • • .. • • . . $10.95 . • .. $9.25 ... $8.95 $6.95 • NO ALTERATIONS, NO RETURNS, NO EXCHANGES OR REFUNDS. Merchandise purchased prior to this sale positively not exchanged or accepted for refund. This is a genuine sale• If you miss it you will miss a Golden opportunity to realize handsome savings. Values are only good for a very limited time. Shop at the Pans Ladies Shoppe Listowel's Leading Ladies Wear Store where your Dollar buys more. Your best invest y_7 for increased production A DURO PUMPING SYSTEM Running water under pressure speeds farm production -the need for running water in your home and farm building It greater than ever today. Your, investment in a NEW DURO PUMP you will never regret—saves Time and Labour everywhere used. New Duro Pumps are available in greater quantities today but shortages of Materials and Labour will not allow the Duro rectory to produce enough tomeet the demand, .All Duro Dealers are on a quota basin and permit to purchase must be approved by Wok O FIXTURESEAND FITTINGS For Kitchen. Bathroom and faun Visit your moo Dealer for amiable a Gillespie Brussels Qun"Ty' IMGg EMPIRE BRASS MZ`G. CO., LIMITED Service from any hrnnrh London Hamilton Toronto Sudbury Winnipeg Vancouver •I.Mh.l•. In AUCTION SALE THE BRUSSELS POST Wada eoday, ,Poly 4th, 1S4S Farm Stock and Implements North half of lot 25, Con, 4, Morris Twp. FRIDAY, JULY 6th Sale commences at 2 p,m, sharp Horses 1 Grey Ifo-rse 8 years od 1 Bay Horse 10 years old Cattle 1 Hereford .Steer 2 years old 2 Black .Steers 2 years old 1 Blue Heifer 2 years old r yearling Steers 1 Yearling Heifer Pigs 9 Pigs about 60 lbs, 3 rigs about 175 lbs. Hens About 46 Rook Hens Implements 1 M,H. Binder 7 ft, cut 1 11I, Ii, Mower 5% ft. cut 1 Hay Rake 10 ft. 1 McCormick Deering IHay Loader 1 Deering Cultivator 1 Oliver Corn Cultivator 1 Scugler 1 Buggy 1 Set Bob Sleighs 1 Cutter 1 Grind Stone 5 ,Sections of Harrows 1 Fanning Mill 1 Cutting Box 1 Set of Heavy Haraesa, new 1 Collar 20 incli 3 collars 23 inch 1 Steel Stone Boat 8 ft. tonne Lumber 1 Set of Scales 2000 lbs. 1•—i0 ft. Hay Rack, rolling top Barrels, Crow Bars, Chain, Double Tree Other articles. too numerous to mention. Wilt also sell about 28 acres of Hay and about. 20 acres of Grain, the straw of the grain to. be put in barn. TERMS CASH A. W. S. COCHRANE, Proprietor HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer ROBERT PATRICK, Clerk • * * *,.. * * * * * Holiday Visitors * a• * * * * * * * Miss M. !Stewart, with Mr, and Mrs. Thos, Walker. * • s Mrs. A, H, Macdonald, Owen Sound. with friends here. • * * Mr. and Mrs. Wineberg were holi- day visitors In Toronto, • • Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Warwick, Owen Sound, with relatives. • • • Dr. and Mrs, L. Grosse, Toronto, with Miss Doris McDonald. * • • Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Cameron and children, Windsor, with relatives. • • * Miss Pearl Backer, Toronto with her parents Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Backer. * * * Mr. and Mrs. W. J. iStewart, Fergus, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Walker, • • e Mss. C. Hranter and daughter Miss Madeline Kreuter with Mr. ,and Mrs. J. W. Fischer and other relatives, s a • Harry McOutclleon, who has been suffering front, a ,severe .heart con- dition for some time is, able to be out again. * * • Miss Evolyn Cunningham, Reg, N., Brantford ,amcl Miss M. Potts, Guelph, with the fo mer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Cunningham. * * * Miss Jean ,Shedden, who has left Clinton for a position in Scott Mem- orial ' hospital, Seaforth, with. relatives, * • * Mrs. W. Porter and daughters uRhiel.a and Pamela are holidaying at their summer (home at Point Clark this month, * • n Mr. and Mrs. H. Chapman and Miss Jean Chapman and Mr, and Mrs. ,Jos Kieswetter, Kitchener with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. isoher and Mr. aairl Mrs, R, W. Kennedy: e * * Visitors with Mrs, E. C. Morn. Cosh and Mr. Jas,Thuell over the holiday were Mr, Sind Mrs, John Mc- Intosh, Mr. and' Mrs. Stewart Smellie and Mary 'Ca.thorine Shep- pard all of Toronto. MAY DELAY, SCHOOL OPENING Boards of Turstees have just ben authorized by the Minister of Tlducat• ion to close any secondary school or grade under ite control for a period not exceeding 40,11' weeks after the statutory date of re-opening—Sept- ember 4th, 1945, Such closing Is autlfouloed to permit pupils td hells in harvesting, pr'ocesa- ing, preserving and tanning 00 food, Each board has neon asked by the HERE'S WHY IT PAYS TO BUY GOO 1:"FEAR The proof of the pudding is in the eating. The proof that Goodyear tires are the world's first choice lies in the fact that "More People Ride on Goodyear Tires Than on Any Other Kind". SEE YOUt? GOA A YEA ccc��� DEALER lex Anderson Phone 82 BRUSSELS, ONT. minister to consider how it may best co-operate with food producing agen- cies and has been urged to take ad- vantage of the authority granted it in respect to closing. Pupils who are enrolled in schools which have not closed and who have worked during their summer holidays in essential work connected with food supply, are asked to remain at !heir wrok during ,September if they are still needed by employers. Princi- pals are expected to make special provisions for them on their return to school, Premier Drew has announced. In Memoriam SUNDERCOCI( — In loving memory of Russell Reid Sundereock who died July 1944, 'Tisa tribute of love and remem brance To ane who has gone to rest; Tine joy that he missed on life's highway May he find in God's garden of rest. Its only a grave, but it still needs care, .For the one we loved lies sleeping there; Some may target him, now he is gone, But we'll never forget him, no .matter how long. When the shadows of night are falling, And we are sitting alone, There always comes a longing, dean If you could only come home, Till memory fades, and life departs, 'You'll live forever In, our hearts; We cannot, Lord, Thy purpose see But all is well that's done by Thee —In Loving Memory BELGRAVF The annual memorial and decor ation service was held at the Brandon cemetery* on Sunday at 3:30 in the afternoon. Perfect weather and a fine crowd marked the occasion, Rev. G. Ir. Dunlop of the United Church conducted the service. Rev, J. H. L, Henderson, Blyth, rector of Trinity Anglican Chruch, gave the address, spooking on the text from Hebrew 12:1, Clanlre Johnston sang "An .Even. Ing Prayer." Mrs, Athol Bruce, or- ganist of the Presbyterian Chinch, acoocpanled, the singing, The graves were beautifully decorated with flowors. The event was ar- ranged by the local Women's 1n- stilute, the three churches and the Cemetery board, Visitors; Mr, and Mrs. Ben Mil• ler, Listowel, With, Mrs. J, A. Bran- don; Mr, and Mrs, James Wight - man Molesworth., with, relatives; MISS b]leine Walsh and Miss Mili.1 Mtn of 'Porento with Mr. and Mrs. 1 G. Walsh, ts; FOR PIPE ea • ROWMO TOUR OWN Seaforth Young People Present Miss D. Jardine illixs Shirley Oldfield, Seaforth, wnx hostess on Wednesday evening when a number oi' young people gathered to honor Miss Dorothy Jardine, Brussels, whose wedding'I itnok place the latter part of J June. Ganges and contests were en- jo ed. Prizes for bingo went to Miss Lorna Dale. Miss Irene Burt Stratford, Miss Dorothy Jardine, ' Miss Ann Downey, Miss Janet Haring, Miss Joyce Jardine, Brussels, Miss Peg Johnson, Listtwel and Mrs. Ruth Tnamer, The ring contest was won by Mrs. Raymond Nott. Winners In the tree contest were Miss Ann Downey, Dorothy Parke, Joyce Sardine, Kay Elliott, The winner 01 the music contest was Miss Dorothy Jardine; the lucky chair by Miss Rona Hutton, Lunch was served followed by the reading of an address, Miss Peg Johnson present- ed Miss Jardine with a silver gravy heat and tray. Dorothy made an appreciative reply and all sang "For She's A Jolly Good Fellow." Classified Ads FOR SALE - 6 Pigs just weaned, phone 32-r-15 Gordon Walker FOR SALE -- 200 White Rocks, mixed, well developed. 01100e 53 L, Aldwortn FOR SALE- 17 acres mixed hay; quantity send buckwheat, 5 bags 2-12-6 fertilizer; 30 rods rail fence. Phone 35-r-17 Glenn •Eckmler FOR SALE— At Lot 29, Con, 9, Morris„ number of young sows. phone 18-r-9, Brussels Gilbert McCallum FOR SALE - 11 Yorkshire Pigs 8 weeks old phone 55-r-6 J. P. MoIntosh Lot 21, Con 12, Grey FOR SALE - 2 ,bunches of chunks and 3 sows. phone 25-r-23 Jack Dickson Lot 8, Con, 11, Grey LOST— A binding chain for binding logs with 3 hooks near Brussels last week. Finder pleast notify phone 66-r-5 W. Wiiliamisn FOR SALE - 1 Electric Ranget with oven, 1 Quebec Stove with warming closet, 1 Kitchen Cabinet. 1 Oak Dining .Room Suite, 8 piece; 2 coil Bed Spring; 1 Coil Spring Mattress; 1 Floor Waxer; 1 Electric Iron. Apply at The Post FOR SALE - 5 acres more or less of land situated a mile from Ethel station on the 9th con„ also a barn and 10 room frame house, stone foundation, ahont 5 miles from Brussels. Mr, W, G. MoEachern R.R. 2, Puslinch, Ont. KlIlen Station AGENT WANTED-- PATENTIOD GAS !SAVER, super- charger, Crankcase ventilator. Con- verts waste into power. Increases mileage annazingly. Fits any motor, easily, quickly, Harmless, Pnloben, Guaranteed. Attractive stales propo- a1lion, Victory Manfg, Company, Cornwall, Ontario. FOR SALE— - Chick bargains for this Week And rest: Non -sexed; Barred Rocks 035, pullets 15,95, cockerels 10.95 Assorted Heavies: Nonsexed 3.95, pallets 13 95 co0kerels 9.95. Shipped C,O.D. This advertisement mitst accompany your order, 'Pop Notch Ohickeries, Guelph, Ont, SAWS SHARPENED Hand Saws, Cross -cut Saws Any kind of saws R you want yours to really cut as It should . • a Leave at The Post Printing Office Tools For Sale I have on hand a considerable .quantity of Brand Nev►, high grade quality mechanic and machinists •tools. One Brand New Canadian heavy duty Blacksmith Forge with windshield, smoke cover and pipe connection and a heavy duty Champion Post Press Drill equipped with ball- bearings, self automatic feed, adjustable large elevated table and combination for both power and hand turning operation. Two heavy duty Miller Falls adjustable ball- bearing breast speed drills equipped with quick change two- speed device and guide levels. 1 Heavy duty Yankee chain drill with self automatic feed and 3 -jawed chuck and strong adjustable chain.1 heavy duty set of Butterfield taps and dies combination cutting for both coarse and fine threads capacty from 1/4" to s/g and also sets for fine • work, Starrett make and general make of machine screw tap and die gauges, also drill gauges giving diameter in standard and 32nds, 64ths from 1-16" to 1/2", Starrett calipers and micrometer calipers speed indicator gauges, outfits for taking out broken off stud bolts without injuring thread and other types of tools too numerous to mention. Mso a considerable quantity of high grade Quaker State Motor Oil, Ross M. Cardiff 1 BUSINESS CARDS Dennis Duequette — Licensed Auctioneer IFOR HURON COUNTY) Por !nga9ement• Prone 31 "The Brussel, Peat" and they will M looked after Immeetatery, Per information, etc., write or phone either 31..'.13 OR 41X at Brussels, Ont. ALL SALES CONDUC' ED IN A SATISFACTORY WANNER. MODERATELY PRICED. Allan A. Lamont Agent for --Fire, Windstorm, and Automobile bantam* Get particulars of our Special Automobile Policy for farmers. Queen St. Brussels 'Phone 657 W. D. S. Jamieson, M.D., C.M., L.M,C,C, Physician and Surgeon nerOffice Hours -1 - 4 nd 7 - (Co) p.m. Also 11 - 12 a.m. when possible. Saturday avenings until 10 p.m. $amdaya—Emergencies and by appointment outs. Home calls in forenoons and 4 - 6'p.as. Chas. T. Davidson Insurance Agent For ALL KINDS OF Automobile and Fire .Insurance_,,_ — Accident and Sickness Agent for Great West Life Insutraece Co. 'PHONE OFFICE 92X BRUSSELS, ONT. RESIDENCE V.4 Harold Jackson SPECIALIST IN FARM AND HOUSEHOLD BALE! For Information, etc., write or phone Harold Jackson, phone 12 on 638 Sealorth R.R. 1, Brueafald Make ar"anpen•ents at The Brussels Post or Elmer D. 9.t 1, Barrister Offlee. Brussels. D. J RANN Furniture FUNERAL AND AMBULANCE SERVb E. Licensed Funeral Director and Embalmer PHONE 36 or 17—'7 = BRUSSELS, O NT. JAMES McFADZEAN Howick Mutual Fire Insurance Hartford Windstorm Tornado Insurance (Cleansed In Huron and Perth Counties) PRICES REASONABLE, SATISFACTION GUARANTEED PHONE 42 P.O. BOX 1 TURNBERRY ST, •---x BRUSSELS, ONT. Automobile. Insurance Lewis Rowland (Llcenacd For Huron County) SATISFACTION GUARANTEED - PRICES REASONABLE For Engagements Phone 31 "The Brussels Post" and they VII be looked after Immsdaltely For Information, etc„ w.Ite or phone Lew, Rowland Illtar.414 at Seaforth; cr write R.R. 3, Walton. W. S. Donaldson — Licensed Auctioneer Phone 35-r-13 — Atwood, Oat. for the Counties of Huron and Per* An sales promptly attended to — Charges neaiaesta For Engagements phone 31 "The Brawls Post" and they well be looted after immediately. • Yon might be the 'rant victim of Ire -,ire that at quickly destroy your boa% your buainess, your property. your whole life's work, Let Pilot Insurance risk -ready andtoany just claim. Tho colo very. low. We write Pilot Invariance to cover selected risks la Automobile, Fire, Personal Property Floater, Burglary, Plate Glass, Pub. Ile Liability and other general insurance, 11 Waite r Scott — Brussels Representing PILOT INSURANCE COMPANY