HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1945-7-4, Page 1THS
Wednesday, July 4th, 1945
T. B. Johnston Sella
Beigrave General Store
Mr. (Clarence Fianna, of Listowel
bas :purchased the general store at
Belgrave of Mr, T. B. Johnston anti al bite static)» on Friday nrgh•c to
gets ,possossien Monday, .Tuly 18. welcome home Opi. Harry Bawler
For the past seventeen Tears Mr, trom lour years overseas service.
Hanna has been employed in the The looa.l band was in attendance
dyting department of the Maitland and he was greeted by lusty cheers
Spinning Mills, He was 'a former as he stepped from the train.
Master and recording s'eoretaty of 1-Iarry enlisted in the Perth Regi-
L.0,1.- 370, and is a Past Master, went (M. G,) et (Stratford on Jane
of District of Elmo, L.O.L. At pres- 17th 1940. He received his training
ent he is chaplain of the OUietow'el at Niagara -on -the -Lake, Camp
lodge, and a member of the LIS'towei Benrlen and Hamilton before going
Fire Brigade. Mr. and Mrs. Hanna overseas early in October 1041. He
have sold their home on Dodd street served with the Canadian 1i'oroes 1n
4o Mi. and Mrs, J. W. Johnson, of the Italian ancl European Campaigns,
Britton. who Will move to Listowel He arrived in London, Ontario,
is July,•where he was met by his wife and
young son Kenneth, on Friday mni'n-
ine after a good voyage back to.
C:.atlada on the Aquitania.
Cpl, H. Bowler--IRations For American
Welcomed Home Visitors
A large number of relatives, + American visitors to Canada who
Mende and acquaintances gathered' are 01'43'10g 11 the tenuity five dales
or longer may secure ration cards
ir thee' temporary stay gat 1o'sal
po'ti'on b1ura or al crossing points
gat Windsor or Sarnia, according to
the ration division et the regional
office of the W,PJT,B.
Americans would be advised to
]lave their ' droit cards in case of
nem, or social security or voter's
ward in case of women for presen-
tation when getting their ration
clods, These verde are only nacos•.
nary when Amerioans are staying
with relatives •or friends or doing -
ihcir own - housekeepiug, Ration) Obituary
cards are not necessary whenAmeri-t Thomas W. Walker
r.aas Plan on staying at hotels ort Thomas W. Walker died at his
eating in restaurants, home in Tui'nberry after a long
;leriod of 311 health. The funeral was
from his home and burial was in
Winghant ceanetery, Ile was in his
30th year, .A son of the late Mr. and
?ors. Joseph efalker, he had lived
all 'his life on, the farm an which
he died. He is survived by his wife,
the former Miss Janet 'Wheeler and
by seven children, Mrs. James.
Wright, 'plisses; Helen, Emma and
Edna; Lloyd Joe and William.
Seaforth, Ont.
Thur., Fri., Sat., July 5.6.7
Andrea King Helmut Dantine
Hotel Berlin
A fascinating story of the
German Underground
Mon., Tues., Wed., July 9-10-11
Pvt. Lon McCallister
Sgt. Edmund O'Brien
Winged Victory
Jeanne Crane Jane Ball
An entertainment packed with trag,
edy and romance relating the life of
U.S.A. sky fighters.
Next Thur, Fri., Sat.
Hangover Square
Melville Church
10 A. M. Sunday School and
Bible Claes
11 A. M. Morning Worship
7 P. M. Evening Praise
Rev. George A. Milne
From the Church
, Of Scotland
will preach at both services.
Candidate for the vacancy.
Louie O. Thompson, Organist
and Choirmaster.
Come and Welcome
United Church
Minister Rev. Hugh C. Wilson
11 A. M. Morning Worship
"Life With Wings"
Mission Band
12 Church School and
Bible Claes
7 P. M. Evening Praise
Guest Speaker
Rev. G. H. Dunlop B. A.
of Belgrave ro
Everyone Welcome.
Church of England
Parish of Brussels
Rector Rev. Maurice F.'Oldham
6th Sunday After Trinity
July 8th, 1945
8t. John's Brussels -
10 A. M. Sunday School
and Bible Class
11 A. M. Holy Communion
and Sermon
St. George's Walton—
1,30 P. M. Holy Sommunlon
and Sermon
2.30 P. M. SundayoSchooi
and Bible Class
St, David's Henfryn-
2.30 P. M. Sunday School
and Bible Class
130 P. M, Holy Communion
and Sermon
The newly confirmed will par.
',lake of theirfirst communion
at these servicer.
*ANIS • Platt *Mel;
M•c/I1geI al 01M01111
40" Palate Nletli
Jl00E 1111M .,,...r
Memorial Service
The Mernonial Service of the Prima
C'outee Cemetery will be held -on
Sunday, July 15th at 8 o'clock p.nt.
The Rev. 1i, E, Vipond, Bee, S.T.M.
will be the special speaker. Lir
toivel Legion Boys' Band will be in
ai.l endance,
Engagement Announcement
Mr, D. M. Maclavish announces
the engagerneet of his younger
daughter, Edith Mary, to Thomas
James Mcl1'adzean son of the date
Mr. and Mrs, Wan, Mcleadzetta,
Walton. Ont., the marriage to take
place in July.
The United Church
the 'Sacrament of the Loelis
Supper was •administered at the
morning service in the •Oniterl
';Mitch The Certificate •of Mrs.
Stanley Bray was read and oke was
received into church membership.
Miss C. Hingston. sang "Thee Will I
Love" in e,$cellentt voice. NIrs. R. S.
ilamilton acted as organist. The
sermon subject was "Dividing the
In the evening the minister spoke
a:bout measuring our deeds.
St. John's Church
Dominion ]lay and the 78th Anni•
vensany of Confederation was ob-
served in 81. John's Church ,on July
1st at 11 a,m, when the rector, Rev.
M. le Oldham preached on the
eubject, "Our Goodly Heritage and
Our Responeability," ,Special Hymns
and :Scripture Lessons and Prayers
for Damdnion Day were used, Misses
Geraldine Strettan and Esther Ray-
mond eareled the Union Jack and
the Canacbtam Ensign at the head of
the Sotliplice Moir,
St. John's, S.S. Held the Annual
Picnic on Tuesday afternoon July
8rdto the . Flowing Well Park at
Shooting Competition-
Follonving is a lint of marksmen
who classified under the regulations
01 the Royal Canadian. Amy Cadets
i» the Youth of the ' Umpire Rifle
Oampetitton—completed .at B. C. S.
in June: The over all itveenge was
dl%u as compared with 54,5%, In
Markman First Class (66.70%)
ltcss Knight (highest. score 76%)
John Spivey Herald 'IWCCuto11eo11
Lawrie Oousins
George ,Somers
John Wilson
Don ,Spot'
Qualified Shot (60.64%)
Jim •Ca»eron
Charlie Thrones.
Jim Armsttioug
Howard Flaekwell
Duncan Jiamieson
Allan Nichol
CTierlde Turnbull
Export ,Permits Required
For Poultry and Meat
Effective June 127th, dres,sel ,and
live f'oull'y, andPleat was Dlared
,tmcler export permit at .alI customs
Pants (zeroes C'amada, ae00rding ire 01.
anrloiii cement by W. Harold
Phiillus, prices,and supply re re-
sentltive of Western Ontaaio,
Mr, McPhillips 'said that this :atop
en t0 demure filling the
van talo s 1
;i, r t
American ca t ao for 80 ,000,006
ponndsr of chicken .to feed the armed
10lreee. The Canadian Government
n:ctec1 with.til•9 "hutted States tit taking
this step, This is in lite with the
system or import Permits' announced
by the United iStattea :Qbvernmeflt.
Won't Be So Conspicuous
Mortorista accustomed to watching
for 117e white -painted cars of the
Provincdiral police wben they are
travelling along the highway a little
more rapidly than the lane permits
may soon be disillusioned. The cars
are to be painted -black with a
white square on the door to identity
thein as pollee vehicles. It is
understood that the large lights ori
the ears, another easy identification
ninth, will also be removed. The
Paint jobs will probably be done in
the Provincial police garage at
Newlyweds Honored
A very enjoyable evening was
spent recently, in 5.4, No. 3 school
when all the friends and neighboas
gathered to bons•' the mewiywedr•,
Mr, aid Mrs. George Blake Jr,, (nee
Marie Deitner). At •the lunch hour
Mr. Morrow, in a few well chose/
words of welooree invited the young
couple to the front when Mies Tana
Armstrong read the - following
Dear Marie end George:
It is our pleasure to gather here
tonight to add our good wishes to the
Many which. you have ala,•eady re,
ceived. Our• heartiest congratula-
tions to. you as you go into partner-
ship in the snaking of a home.
We ere glad that your new honie
1; not going to be so far away but
that we may meet from time to time
or visit with one anath•er.
Perhaps you will come on
occasions such as this and enjoy a.
social evening with us.
We are going to miss you in this
neigbbourhaod Marie, where you have
so ably .assisted us hi many ways.
helping out in our home, doing your
share In picnics and parties, taking
part in plays and concerts. We feel
ripe that you will do your part in
another neighbourhood as you and
George meet life together there.
Ae. you enjoy these gifts niay
you find expresesd in them tile
kledly interest of your neighboter's
and t'riends present, here, wilt
einoere hopes' for a bright and happy
George 011 hel'ajf of himself and
Marie thanked everyone for the
lovely gifts, also the ones for getting
it up and the Wilbee orchestra and
WarIviolc orchestria, who played.
Lunch was served and the remainder
of the evening was spent in dancing,
Sugar Cut For Quota
And Industrial Users
Following reduction of the general
'sugar ration the Prices Board aa-
neuneed a out of 1,5 per cent based
on the 1941 usage in sugar quotas
fur resbauarnts 010101x, large board-
ing houses, and for bakers, menu.
facturees of breakfast cereals, 111s -
cults, soft drinks and dandy. This
order took effebt July 1st, '
Quotas' of Jim manufacturers the
also lbedng reclucecl and - outs are
being amide by the armed forces in
the sugar ration for service per-
World sugar stocks at the begin,
ning of this year were the lowest
7n. ln4117 70ars, according to the sugar
administration 'of the. Board.
Sapplies, are calmeed ori a per capita
1114ia by the United States,- Great.
Britain aid 'Canada.
George Robert Muldoon
The funeral of the late George
Robert Muldoon took place from his
residence on Market Street on
Thluraday, June 2Sth 'with Rev, et.
F, Oldham of St. John's Anglican
Church officiating at' the 1101ne and
fez a,
The bride's table covered with a
Krauter--Leste r trhlte linen cloth was centred. wICf1
the Goat -tiered svug ad
Peens and summer 110W41s mads white and pink doveddies' tacppodke with3eeIan
an effective setting for the wedding %kite fountain plink streamers tax-
cf Margaret Innma Leeter, daughter tended to the writers of the table
of 11ir. and Mrs, Ebenezer Laster, end there with pink roses and Pink
Woodburn, Ontario, and Sohn Calvin candies in crystals holders comDlete3
lemutet•, son of Mr, and Mrs. John the table accessories, The guests
Toronto ]Conservatory Music
Examination Results.
The following is a fiat' of success -
lel candidates, in examinations held
iecently by the 'Toronto Conserva-
tory of Music in Brussels, The names
are arranged in order of merit. -
Plano -
Grade 1/11I—'..„
Kreuter, Ethel, at Blnbrook United were served by cousins and friends First Class HonourseeThelma Broth.
Chinch. on ,Saturday, June 16, at 00 the bride, Mrs, Tont Stokes Sal- • era,
four o'clock P.M. Rev. R. H, Sumer me, Miss Jean •Moffat Wroxeter, Oracle VII— . -
ville officiated at the double ring 11isn lsabel McDonald )31ylh, and Honouree -Mary Wilton -
eeremony the organist was Mrs, alis$ Leona Johnston 'Listowel. The Grade V—
C .7 ie el, t treatto the 11r1t1e was proposed 17 Honoure---Mavis Oliver
Given in marriage by her father, Rev, 13. Wilson to whieb the bride- Oracle W—
ean bride was lovely ina floor -length 7roctn responded. honours --Doreen ]Long
evil it of white embossed satin with Tee gfits to the bridesmaids and Pass—l`alwin Kerr
rweetheart. neckline and basque reunite each a plastic compact, the Grade II1—
le dice, Her finger tip veil fell from bear man, soloist and usher leather el151 Class Honours -Kenneth.. .4.
oan(s of orange blossoms and she bill -folds. Wood; Betty ConsIirs.
L4111'10(1 a shower bouquet of rapture After the reception the young Honours—Grace IVF, Kerr; Marjorie
71.1.405 and lily of the valley, her only couple left on a motor trip to Tor- Sanderson; Mary 1. Speer.
ereament was a necklace of pearls, onto, Niagara and Muskoka the Grade II —
the gift of the groom, , bride travelling in a dusky rote Honours—Heather Allen; Margaret
The matron of honor, Mrs, Llewel- i Danns Durban suit with lime; green McArthur; Doneltla Willis -
lyn Howell, and the two bridesmaids ' accessories. Singing
Miss Helen Currie and Miss Norma 1 On their return they will reside Grade VI—
Gowiand, wore street length dresses 1in Brussels, Honours—Olive E. Speiran
I f pale blue eyelet and carried pink 1 Theory
sweet seas and lily of the valley. Grade II—
Mess Isobel Nauglel- sang "I'll Hardy—Turnbull
First Class Honours—Mary Wilton
walk beside you." and "All Joy Be A quiet wedding was salemuized
Thine," at the Presbyterian 1tanse, Wing -
The best man was Mr, Wesley gam, Saturday, June 30, by Rev.
J, ester,"inot1157 of the bride and ' :-ler N'lmnao when Mildred Ellen
the ushers were Messrs. Clarke daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wan, M.
Cardiff and Jamee Toman who rn 'ramble) of Grey Township became
uniform represented the three the bride of David James Hardy,
branches of the services, son of David Hardy Dungannon and
A reception was held at six -thirty
the late Mrs. Hardy, After a .short
c'eloek at Raycrote Inn, Hamilton, Vt'baningheeymoon they will reside in
graveside. interment took place in Guests num'b'ering sixty, were pres-
Brussels cemetery with Jas. Ander- ant from Ethel, Atwood, Ottawa,
son. R. J. MoLaue1113n, L; W. Toronto, Niagara 'Falls, N.Y.; Niag-
Eckmier, Won, Me0utchean, H. ora Falls, Ont., Ransomville, N.Y.;
Bryan and C. i3aeker as pallbearers. and •Tionewanda N.Y. The bride's
leather received in a palliated lime
Si ea crepe with accessories of
orchid and black and corsage bon
gnet of mauve sweet peas and the
groom's mother, who assisted In
receiving, wore madonna blue crepe
with white accessories and corsage
of pink carnations. .
For a wedding trip to Maple Grove
Lodge at Sparrow Lake and points
1 orth, the bride wore blue and
unite cheoked suit, with navy and
white accessoaies ami corsage of
Their future residence will be
Hansel ban.
Maley friends and acquaintances
gathered to pay their last respects
to the late Mr. Muldoon who. was
widely known. throughout the district
in Which he was in .business for
n.any yeaa•s.
The deceased was the son of the
late Christopher Muldoon and his
wife, Elizabeth McKee. ',As a young
man he farmed near Leadbury, hl
OcKillop township and near Walton.
le 1900 he wins married to Eliza et.
4holdice_ They lived in Walton
vicinity before coming to Brussels
about 412 years ago when he bought
the Beattie Liveay Stable here. He
later sold the livery and mail
business arid became a cattle
drover. He bias• lived. retired tor the McDonald Jardine
last few years. He died at his home
here on Monday, ,June 25111. after The home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm,
being in tailing health for the past Jardine was the scene of a beautiful
June. wedding at 2.80 Thursday after
Paco, June 28th, when their elder•
daughter Dorothy Margaret was
united in marriage to John M. lea
Domed son of Mr, and Mrs, D. N.
McDonald, Brussels..
Rev. H. Wilson of the United
Church Brussels officiated and the
wedding music was played by Miss
Margaret Moefat Wroxeter, cousin
of the bride, During the signing of
the register 111r. Lloyd WIeeIer .Bras
Rete, sang "0 Perfect Love,"
The ceremony took place before a
back ground •of it4,aple le -eves and
Graeae blossooms flanked an either
side with baskets of pink and white
'Elie bride, given in mare:age
17 her father was attired in a floor
Iengtli gown of ivory satin fashioned
with long fitted bodice with sweet
1•eart neckiine and finger tip sleev-
Her heaciclrees was a crown of
orange blossoms with long silk net
tell, She wore a pearl necklace gift
of the groom and carried a bouquet
of American beauty roses and buu-
7570.1a tried with satin bow and
sl reamers,
41140 was attended by two brides
'.aids Miss 'Shirley Oldfield Seaftrrth r.omt anti evoning.
end Miss Joyce Jardine .sister of the
bride both chose floor -length dress- • Plan 545,000 Home for Blind
es of white sheer, their finger-tip. Announcement of plans for the,
'40'19 of petal•pink silk net were, erection nt a $45,009 home for the
herd with pink 'lowers, They carni- • blend fop Waterloo Ciounty was made
ItT cascade 1101141101 of flint tea. roses • at the annual neetibg of the Water•.,
and bouvardia tied with pink satin leo Advisory Board of the.Oaliaaian
t Wan• Rowland Brussels
rtbiron M , Institute tor the Blind. The home
1Vaa groomsman and Calvin` 'Moffat will provide
aocannmodattom for ap-
cuan 01 the brills ae d as usher,nroxh atclv 35nansons inadttic
Veneering the Cetelnotly a wedding tTr w071rr1omet loeial thiol reeteatieeel
aepper wt's served to t:lrirtyoeght •
teams and offices, -71 is 'exlleated the
guests including the belting vane,
Meldingbetweeted. 111 1940.
parents Tt�am ,Goriie her grand-
fattier celebrating Itis eovetity-ninth
two years. He was the last surviv-
ing member of the Muldoon ttamily.
One bmother. Jahn 'and three sisters,
Mrs, Hewitt; Spokane, Wash„ Mrs,
,Adam Shoklfce, Daphin, Man., and
Mrs. Jack Watt, Walton, predeceased
The many beautiful flowers were
a, tribute of esteem to the deceased
and messages of sympathy to the
Relatives who attended the enteral
rites from a distance included Mr.
and Mrs, John Sholdice, London,
and Wallace ,Shoidice of S1,
-Those laniilles 1w180 hate made
,a.ppli0atien fan• the Fancily Allow.
fume may expect their Met cheques
to. oom:e through the latter part of
July. According to an announce-
ment recently made cheques will be
mailed out on or about the 20111 of
they month. It de estimated that.
something lidco 1,480,000 cheques
will be thus be distributed monthly,
On rSatturday of last week the
nielling 1181 of The Post was correct.
Ration Coupon ed, with ,ell renewals anti -changes of
Due Dates address, ate„ made.
Coupons vow valid are sugar 46 to Readers are asked to kindly look
00, butter 00 to 118, anti- preserves at their labels and make sure no
38 to P1. •er,ror has (mattrred. If there ie an
omission or mistake of 0aty kind
i ilCll
notify y bit
title e
fY s � office alt once, WO
thank all those 1ih0 have paid their
111becrlptioe, and would app¢'eoia'te
i arrears eas 'to do so .r thele
at h
earliest convenience.
Tenders Wanted
Twp. Grey
Tenaleies will be received by the
rt;derstgned 1113 Saturday, July 7t) a1.
2 e'oiock P.M, for the work to be
done on' the Turnbull Davin.
Please and epecift0a,tions may be
seen at the Cleadc'e office, Ethel,
S'ecmmt will be e,equired.
the lowest or tiny tender not 1140
G aeiley 0008111ed1
Pear, Cbeo*, ,rstp. 'os later.
M yr aChu h -
Rev. Me M r
acodxu n, MA., of
Forest, was guest speaker at ,Mee
u• ,
' last
Sundae, n
1111 'Hing biz textw s taken frons the
721d Ps., 8th voree, He shall have
dome li
I on frnln
sot to sea 0,11a s
on :the greatueaa of tier Domiulon
anti the faith of our forefathers, In
the evening ,his text was ,bailed en
richoung tool,
Mrs.J. � W
0kmd '
17 et entertained
the ladles Aid br. Melville •Cheroh on
Intestine or this week.
guy War Laving tegatlarly �=-
Charles and Mrs, Davis and Mfss
Jose+ie 'Strachan attended the funeral
of their cousin Mrs. Edwin Abra,
Owen Sound on Tuesday of !Pie
week they were also accompanied
by Miss Bessie Moses and Mrs.
Stanley Wheeler. -
There will be a memorial and'
Pennington—Horne declaration service held in'Sunshine
ATWIOOD--Tile personage of the - Cemetery- on 'Sunday afternoon cam-
Lntheran Ohurcb in LoganTown- meaning' at three o'clock. Rev. H.
',hip was the scene ar a wedding `yileon of Brussels will deliver th.e
when Betty, daughter of Mr. and address.
41rs, Christian Horne, was united Miss Jean Martin of Georgetown
in marriage to Mr. Jaanes Penning and her sister :Mrs. Harold Ooulson -
ton, son of Mrs. Walter Pennington, and her two children Jimmie and
of Brussels, and the Iate Mr, Pen,117-ary Helen of Milton were holiday
nington, Rev. W. Wentzlaff of- vls<tors at the home of Rebart
(elated. The bride wore a dress of Michie. Mrs, Coulson acrd children
nine crepe in street -length with ,are remaining for two Weelas,
emeage of pink carnations. Mrs. Stanley' and Mrs, Garman and Mr.
George Coulter, cousin of the bride, Robert Beattie were Sunday visitors
groom, was matron. of honor in a with Mr, and Mrs. George Mlehie 5111
blue dressmaker suit with red roses line, Mrs. Beattie returned 1.v10031
3n corsage. Mr, Fred Horne. of Elm- them,
bro. 000- best man. Following the Mrs. Edna Young received word
ceremony ten guests were entertain- trona ivetseas that her son Archie
oil at dinner at the thea a of the ens been promoted to Flight Lieut.
bride's parents. The couple left in the R,O.A,F. -
en a honeymoon to :Magma Pills On Tuesday evening, June 28
and Fort Erie. The bride's, costume abaat seventy friends and neigh -
for going away was a rose frock boure of Morris gathered et Ole
with blue coat and matching hat. home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Tuill•
They will reside on the bride- end presented the newlyweds Mr.
groonl'a farm, R.R. 8, Brussels, ` and Mrs. James Warwick witiu a
rnfscellaneous shower. The first
part el the evening was spent in
playing progressive euchre, Mrs, Jas.
Smith and Ed. McBurney won the
high scores. Crokixiole was also en- -
jnyed by the children. At eleven-
thirty Mr. iCecil Wheeler called Mr.
and Mrs. Warwick to the dining
room where a table was well laden
with gifts. After the gifts were
unweapped troth Mr. end Mee
Warwick tbarnkcd ell for the beautiful
gifts. Lunch was then - served:
bringing an enjoyable evening to a.,
erase, .
Mr. and Mrs. James Phelan
Observe 25th Anniversary
Roses, and pink and white peonies
decorated the home of Mr. and Mrs.
James Phelan, on the 8th concession
of Morris Township on 71hursday
afternoon, June 28th, the occasion
being their Silver Wedding Anniver-
On June 29th, 1920, Miss Margaret
C'arbert, of Clinton, was united In mar-
riage to James Phelan, of Morris
Township, in St, Joseph's Church,
Clinton. 'Colonel, the Rev, T. J. Me-
Caethy, cousin of the bride, offigiat.
They have resided in Morris since
that tame where they are highly re-
pented residents, Mr, and Mrs.
Phelan have two Children, Many and
tries, who are both, at home.
Guests present for this happy aces -
ion were, Ree, W, J. Phelan, t1ondon
Mr. and Mrs. • W. A. Lane cad Louis.
Dublin; and Me. and Mrs, 'Geo, J,
('t'nnym, and Jackie.
Mr, and Mrs, Phelan were at home
to their friend%- last Thursday after.
birthday. The gueate were received ; MY sincere then1ea and heartfelt
• el i a
ri tease n
by rho b tie s mother d
•at t is h r � t
1.I .inn O o x ro d o
a , a e SSe
twoPieeo powder -bide drwt11 ess i ueighllolrns anti rnienes, to iRev
white 4iecesSerlest mit Wore !1' 0Or-' 0141111Th Dr, Jamieson and the n01748,,
rage et pini' roses ant1 fern ai1c1 the for tltrel1' many words and deeds of
giviem's 0110ther dressed in a ter.; ltiednese sand sympathy d1(7111g the
((noise ealernee8 mesh dross with I (liners and at the time of the death
eeieve fiat and white aoceoseriest of any husband.
were ,a corsage ,of tnauwo orchids and I lira, i«.. it,, IUIu3tleoi
instal Radio -Beacon At
Port of Goderich
Flax a long -felt want for the
added protection and safety of Great
Lakes shipping entering Goderleat
harbor, Maratha divisions of Trans -
pert has oonunenced construction
of a navigationel radio beacon at
that important grain and coal
shipping part. Construction of the
Amnon cosddrlg about $25,000, will be
completed, the department .holes, in
time for poorer weather conditions in
the late summer and early fall, The
beacon will be of such ,power that
its signals will be bold up to 100
miles diatom,
The department secured the -mater•
ell .and equepnlentfor the beacon
term the Marconi firm and le itself
doing the e installation
a d constrvat
ion week len the project,
Erection of tee beacon tulfills 8
promise e de by I3om. C. D. Bowe
tome time ago, as ntlntster of Trans-
port, that it would be Constructed
when the material and equipment,
diffcult to get under wartime prior-
ity 'conditions, became 001111able;
Notice of Court of Revision
Court od itev/Won tor the illotirirt
ship of Morris wall close on July 9.
All appeals on the assessments
nlfust be In the hands of the cleric
btyl loiter Klbtir» J'ttiue 23, 1941.
G0ta7ge Motto,. Clout