HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1945-6-27, Page 1THE BRUSSELS POST POST PUBLISHING HOUSE Wednesday. June 27th, 1945 BRUSSELS, ON FAR.KC1 Closed For Summer Months Open End of August With More of Your Favourite Films. Stores To Open Trousseau Tea I Wednesday Evenings Commencing next Wednesday, Mrs. Wm. Jardine entertained at. a July 4th Brussels 'business places charmingly arranged trousseau tea i `gill remain open: on Wednesday Friday afternoon and evening in' evening for the months .of July' and healer of her elder daughter Dorothy ;august, The usual Thursday half Margaret, whose marriage takes ' holiday will be observed. places this week. The guests were I received by Mrs. Jardine ,and her Child Injures Eye brtdeelect daughter. Mrs. Ross • Franklyn Bryans, younger son of Turvey invited the guests to the 1 Mr. ;and Mrs, Russell Bryans, had dining room, In the afternoon Mrs. ,the misfortune to injure one ,of his Alvin Moffat, Wroxeter and Mrs, eyes with seesaws. He was taken harry Haste, Gorrie, presided at the to 'r specialist in I{itchener and it prettily .appointed tea table. oentrefl is hoped that the sight of the eye with white peonies and tall pink will be saved. tapers in crystal oandelabre. Serv- ; ing the guests were Misses. Betty Currie, June Work, Ruth MoDonald Married In England and Imogene Sanderson. Miss Flight Officer Rath Moo -rehouse Shirley Oldgi•eld, !Seaforth, Miss R. C. A. F., (W.D.) was married Leone Johnston, Listowel and Joyce recently to Major R. J. Battemlll, eh, Jardine displayed the many beauti• A.) in Trinity Presbyterian Church, lul gifts and the .bride's trousseau. Hampsteaxlf England. The bride, daughter of MTS.. Moorehouse, Cheap- side street. London, and the late Rev, C. J. Moorehouse, is personnel councillor at R. C. A. F. beadquert- ers in England. She is a graduate If the University of Toronto; join ed the Women+s Division of the R. C. A. F. en August 1944. Bride and groom returned to duty after their Honeymoon. Major ,Botterill is a son • of Me. ,and Mrs. R. J. Botterill, of St. Ann's The former Miss. Modrehouse is a daughter of the late Rev. Mr, Moore• house and Mra. Moorehouse of town "LOVE NEVER FAILETH" and will be .remembered by many residents of this community. In the evening Mrs. D. N, McDonald Brussels and Mrs. Alex. McDonald, Ethel, poured tea while Mies Jean McDonald, Miss Jean Yuill, Miss Margaret Bell and Miss Margaret Moffat, served the refreshments. And showing the gifts and trona seau were Miss Johnston, Miss Oldfield, Miss Jardine and, Miss June Work. Others helping were Mrs. ,Oharles Davis and Miss Millie • Melearlante. Melville Church 10 A. M. Sunday School and Bible Class 11 A. M. Morning Worship 7 P. M. Evening Praise Rev, W. B. Macodrum M. A. Of Forest, Ont. will preach. at both services. Candidate for the vacancy. Louis D. Thompson, Organist and Choirmaster. Come and Welcome United Church Minister Rev. Hugh C. Wilson 10.45 The Session will meet 11 A. M. Morning Worebip "The Holy Communion" Sermon Subject "Dividing The Cup" 12 Church School and Bible Class MISSIONARY SUNDAY Come and see the Lantern•Slides 7 P. M. Evening Praise , "Measuring A Deed" Everyone welcome. Church of England Parish of Brussels Rector Rev. Maurice F. Oldham Dominion Day Y y 78th Anniversary of Confederation. St. John's Brussels - 10 A. M. Sunday School and Bible Class 11 A. M. Morning Prayer and. Sermon Subject "Our Great Heritage,' St. George's Walton - 1.30 P. M. Everting Prayer and Sermon 2,30 P. M. Sunday School St. David's Henfryn 2,80 P. M. Sunday School 8.30 P. M. Evening Prayer and Sermon Special Services for Dominion Day. Tenders Wanted Twp. of Grey Tenders will be received by the undersigned till Saturday, July 7t1 at 2 o'clock P.M. for the work to be done ,on the Turnbull Drain, Plans .end specifications may be seen at the Clerks. office, Ethel. ' Serenely will be required. The lowest •on- any tender not nec- eseariley ,accepted, J. H. Fear, C'1erk, Twp. of Grey. Notice of Court of Revision Court of Re'visi'on8or the Town- ship of Morris will :close on July 9. All appeals on the assessments ,must be in 'the bands of the clerk nut latter than June 28, 1945. George Menlo, Clerk The Annual Garden Party will be held at Union United Church on Tuesday, July 3rd supper from 6 to 8 p.m. The Happy Cousins Concert of Elmira will supply the program REGENT THEATRE Seaforth, Ont. NOW SHOWING— Thurs., Fri., Sat., June 28, 29, 80 Cary Cooper Teresa Wright Casanova Brown The greatest romantic comedy of all time. Mon., Tues., Wed., July 2, 3, 4 Bits , Hayworth Janet. Blair To -night and Every Night in Technicolor The musical drama of your dreams, Next Thurs., Fri., Sat., July 5, 6, 7 Andrea King Helmut Dentine' Hotel Berlin , A fascinating story of the German Underground COMING— Winged Victory Notice To Children And Parents The practice of Riding Bicycles on the streets of the 'Village Is dangerous to both riders and pedestrians. Your co-operation is requested in ' Stopping this practice before a serious accident occurs: By Order of THE BRUSSELS COUNCIL Second Legion Carnival Drew Large Crowd The carnival held at the Brussels arena on Thursday tog last week under the auspices of the local branch of .the Oanadian legion drew a large crowd, The .carnival was officially opened 'by L. E. Cardiff M.P., and the games, programme aud ;dancing were enthusiastically enjoyed by those present. The monster bingo, where ex exceptionally good prizes were given, was keenly paa'ticipated In. A splendid' progi^amme of musio, song, acrobatiee, dancing and ven- triloquist, ertriloquist, presented by the Kitchen - 44 Confirmed In St. John's Church On Sunday, June 24rth at 7 pan. the Sacred Rite of .Confirmation was adrninietered upon 44 persons 111 St John's Anglican Church by the Most Rev. C. A. 'Seager, Archbtshoe of Huron and Metropolitan of On- tario and presented by the rector Rev. 'M. F. Oldham. This is the largest class in the history of the Parish, At this service Brussels Lodge Number 234 A,F.A.1VI. led by Wor. Matter Roy Cousins were present for ,the Annual Church Service, Rev. M. le. Oldham wel- comed the Archbishop and the er branch of the legion was thor- Masonic Brethren to the church, The oughiy enjoyed, ;Special tribute was Archbishop delivered an inspiring paid the blind accompanist. Deeming) sermon to the Masons and the Con - took place to the music of Ken) firmation Candidates on ,the life and Wilbee and his orchestra. The) teaching of St. John 'the Baptist booth did •a "sell out" business jet whose day in the Church Calendar is loot dogs and soft drinks. + Juno 24th, Mrs. Wm. King officiated 1st and 2nd Prize To Be Called For The crowd eagerly awaited the draw for the prize winning tickets, The fleet No. 1104 •anld the second prize No. 1410 were unclaimed and the holders of these tickets are are .asked to call at the 0. Doll Shoe Repair Shop ,and get the handsome Lrizes they have won. ard, 4th and 6th. prizes went to Ronald Bennett, Harvey Bryane and Mrs', C. Thorn- ton. Morning Star Rebekah Lodge Sponsor Navy Tag Day On (Saturday, July 7th, the Navy League of Canada will hold its annual Tag Day here, We know you are interested in their excellent work but maybe you ,have for- gotten what your nickels, dimes, quarters, 'dollars—no amount barred ---have meant for the mien of the seas. The Navy League .operates• 23 Hostels, and Recreation Centres et our coastal Ports, where In the last three years Naval and Merchant seamen of 43 Allied Nations have made nearly eight and a half million; visits, 1+eoedving oomddrts, helping to ,nell.eve the dtraim of over five Year's vigil en the treaeberous waters. Te 'these men they try and give some of the comforts of home— woollens, jerkins, magazines, games,. ditty bags; etc:, all help to make heir going easier. To anaintadn these services' and also that of the Royal Canadian Sea .Cadets, our Youth Training Moya- vent, ,the Navy League yearly in- etructs thousands et teen-age boys in the principles. oS good , seaman- ship and teaches them disntpline, elf -reliance, the ability to receive as well as give orders, all necessary to good citizenship. 1710 Day is past and gone—but with the •swing to the Pacatie of the Applies of war, their demands in- rease as hundreds, of thousands et hese seamen will still be needed to • rampant the millions of tons of food nd medical supplies to the overrun nd starved people of Europe. The Navy League welds together he thousands of individual efforts or tbs men of the sea wherever , hey touch our Ports and for Oanotea's sadsors in, the making. Por these you are asked to give -- give for those wave have helped and are helping to keep our shores: free. This tag day is being sponsored ty the Morning Star Rebekah Lodge 315 of Brussels,' United Church„W A. Oet Tuesday evening, Juno 19th ttieW, A, et the United' Church. ,met at the home of Mrs. Will Cardiff with about twenty-eight present. The President Mrs. H, 'Sullivan was in the chair. The meeting was. opened with the singing of the hymn, "Take My Life,” The ,Scripture reading was given by Mrs. Rann followed by the Jsomd's Prayer. Minutes , of the best Meeting read by Mrs, J. Bryan, and the treasurer's repent by Mrs. W. Bell, A discussion then took place regarding the xadeeorating of the church .anditorltnn tide slimmer and seine other items, The Cellee• tern wag taken and bbs business part of the meeting ,closed by singhrg, "Saviour like a 'Shepherd lead us" followed by the Mizaph benediction, The s;ceial part 01 the evening con. silted of a dicot by Mrs, er, Clenip- be11 Mid Mies Thelma Brothers and an old,fesbion'ed spelling match eon• dueted by Mr's. 'Gels ins which woes Won by` Mrs•, W. tSiMeleati, A t aety leach followed .and a vote of %alike tericleeed, Mee. Cardiff and family for their hospitality, at the organ, Mr. Lorne Ecknrler was •soloist .and rendered "Lift UP Vein Heads 0 Ye Gates." Every seat and •oou•ner of the church were filled, Rev. M, F. Oldham carried the Arebbishop's Pastoral Stab'. Beautiful Hewers adorned the Com- munion Table. Those confirmed from St. John's Bruseels:: Mrs, Bra Tucker, Jane Ovington. Kathleen Clarke, Mrajorie Tucker, Marie Elliott, Anthony Ovington, Gordon Stiles, Fsiaudti'e Al000k, Jack Cole- man, Clifford Morrow, Betty Thuell, Doreen Fischer, Carl Fischer Lola Willis, James Willis Florence Fischer, Ellen Draper, Donna Speir, Shintley Ellis, Mrs. I. Florence Thorn. ton, Mrs. 'Eleanor Daisy Thornton, Mrs. Bertha Elliott, Mrs, Dorothy McCauley, Florence aisle%, George (Merles Hislop Gordon Subject, WEDDING Gibb—McIntosh A quiet but pretty wedding was 'olemnized at the Presbyterian manse, Wingham,.. at three o'clock on June 10th when Itev, Nine= unit- ed In marriage Evelyn, second eldest (laughter of Mr. and Mrs. McIntosh, et Morris and David Gibb, Wingham. The bride looked charming in a roes crepe dress with rose hat. The l,:,des only atteudant was Dona J':Irr,stom 01 Blytlt who chose e tervered •sills jersey dress with tart accessories, Air. Donald McLean of ;orris, attended the groom. sifter the ceremony the young couple lett Lor it short motor trip to points south. For travelling the bride chose a brown coat with accessories. McCauley - .Davidson St, John's rectory Brussels was the scene of a pretty wedding waeo Eioyce Marion, eldest daughter of Charles Davidson and the late Mrs. Davidson, of Brussels, became the bride of Lorne McCauley, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Newton McCaul- ey, Brussels, The ceremony was performed. at 2 o'clock on Tuesday, June 19th, by Rev, M. F. Oldham, rector of Sr, John's. The bride was attractively gowned in a pale pink sheer, street-leugth dress with snatching 'hat and access cities, She wore as the. traditional "something old" ,her .baby socket. Mrs, Alice Arnett, Atwood was her cousin's bridesmaid 'and chose a dress of pale blue with matching hat and giovee. The groom was attended- by Char- Jsiry Baree'et, Mr, Newton McCauley, les Bryan,. .Mr. Oliver Doll, Mr, Alfred Nichol. The wedding reception was .held at From St. Albans, Atwood--(Rebec- ca twood--Rebecca Cruickshank, Peter Phemister, Jack McOreight, Richard McKay, Kathleen Den.ar, Jessie DenaT, Shirley Dense', :Donald Denar, Larry •Smith, iVilbeet Huston, Hay Huston Carl Bleier. From 'St. David's. Henlryn—Mrs, Mildred Baker and Mrs. Irene Me- Creight. They will receive their first Holy Communion, Sunday July 8. Rev, 31. F. ,01dham carried .the Archbishop's Pastoral. Staff on, which N the CoaM.Of-Aams of Huron Diocese. The offering at the evening service was $76.00. Twenty.four of son of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bray, were Which was contributed to Mission by rotted in marriage on Saturday, the Confirmation candidates, June 9th at eleven o'clock, the officiating clergyman being Rev, S. Brenton, The bride was lovely in a floor length gown of white sheer, finger-tip veil with lily of the valley headdress, She carried a bouquet of sweet peas, roses and cornflower. Miss Evelyn Jacklin was her sister's bridesmaid, wearing a floor - length pink sheer gown, with pink headdress. Mr. Kenneth Bray was his brother's best man. A wedding dinner was served from a table centred with the bride's cake. The bride's mother was attired. in blue crepe and the groom's mother in a tevo-piece mauve crepe cult. For a wedding trip to Kitcbsner, Hamilton, Niagara Falls,' and other joints north, the bride wore a pruned silk jersey dress, blue • coat, with matching accessories. They will reside on the groom's carni, eighth eone'eesion, Grey, the bride's home where the dining room was tastefully decorated • in pink and. white. The groom's gift to the bride was a silver tea service. The bride's travelling •costume was a navy :suit with black accessories. After a honeymoon in Toronto, Hamilton, Welland and Stratford, they will reside inSt. Mary's. Bray—Jacklfn Mise. Marjorie Mae 1acklin daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Jaeklin, Blnevaie and Stanley Elwood Bray Memorial Carpet Dedicated On 'Sunday morning, June 24th a beautiful chancel carpet, in memory of the late Mrs, A. C. Dames who was for many years a faithful member• and worker of St. John's Church, and given by her sister, Mrs. M. Rogers: of Mount Forest, was dedicated by the reebor, Rev, M. F, Oldham in the presence of a glue congregation ' among whom were visitors and relatives from Church or the PpiLhany in Toronto and .Mount Forest. Rev. M. F. Oldhaan .preached an 'appropriate sermon on .the office of a prophet as shown by John the Baptist and also mentioned' the faithful work of people such as, the 'late Mrs.. Dames who furthered .God's work and king- dom here upon .earth. Mrs. Ohristeua Watson was organ- ist and Mr, Win. Tucker the soloist singing "Beautiful dela of Sonia - where." The new carpet is a beant3- fui .dark red and .adds a great deal to the beauty of the church. Honored Ry Friends Relatives numbering about forty were entertained Tuesday at the home of Mr, .and Mrs. Wm. ,Jardine in honor of their daughter Dorothy. Ars, D. N. McDonald poured tea on the lace covered table centred with pink peohies and tall oruen tellers. 1 Mrs. Alvin Moffat, Mrs, Harry Hestia end Mrs. Thos. ,Stolces, Belmere, served the refreshments.Miss Joyee Jardine showed the gifs and traits - seam seatThe rooms were lovely ;with Pink 'rind White. peonies .and other spring flowers. Guea"is ware present front iGistewel! Mitchell, Mmmkten, Salem, Wr',oxteter• ;Gorrie, Ethel, onto and Pattern. • _3 DIED Mt)1JiD100N Tn Brussels on Monday, dente 2,5tthi, 1646; . George Robert Muldaoti, in: lila /6th year, Futis .orad will be held from lite late t'eskleltoe, Market Street, Bitissela on T'huneday, June Mth, 1946. e'rVice at 2 lent, Interment in Brussels sereetery, France - Richmond Dismiss Brussels Case In Court At Goderich GODB:dtLG"H, June "22--A charge of, cureless driving ,against Frank Mc- Catehenuy of Brussels was dismissed by Magistrate A. F. Cools in pollee court on Thursday. The charge ,,role out of en accident on No. 9 highway on June 9 at 10:30 mm„ In so'Meh cars driven by Mr. McCutcle mon and John O'Celrror, of Dublin were involved. The M0Cutcheon car was alleged to have side-swiped the O'Connor oar coming in the opposite direction. Both cars were badly damaged but the occupants were unhurt. ,John O'Connor was convicted of u charge of having unproper lights mod fined $14)0 and costs. ETHEL The monthly meeting of the iJnited Church W,M.S, will be held Wednesday evening, July 4th at the home of Mrs. Jim Pearson. The United Church -11issiow band, to be held July 7th, will be in the form of a picnic at the grove. Every one is .asked bo meet atthe home of Mrs, S, Brenton, Mr. and Mrs. David Sanders of Astwood, Miss Charlotte .Sanders of Kitceener and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Spivey of Bruseels; were ,Sunday visitors -with Mr, and. Mrs. G. Campbell. Rev, and Mss, S. Brenton spent a few days last week with friends In London, Mr. Jim Ballantyne of Toronto is visiting with Mr. and Mas, L. Heath Mrs, McGutffln of Iiordwieh visited Sunday with 'her sisiter, Mrs. R, Cochrane. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Pearson,- Mr and Mrs. George Joyn•t of Luokniw spent the week end of June 17 in Toronto. Pauline Gordon et Listowel is a visitor with Mrs. Alex Dunbar. Mrs. Lillian Forrest of Winnipeg is spendiztg her vacation with Mps, J. King, , Mr. and Mrs. Parker, former resi- dents of Ethel and now of Stratford visited with Ms. J. King oven Saturday. Mr. J, W411•iam of Mt. Forest and his brother Mr. W. McWilliam of Bruseels spent the week end at the nacre of Mn, and Mrs. Alex Pearson. Mr, Carman Richards of Hamilton spent the week end .art his home. The many friends of Me. Q. Dobson will be pleased to know• he is improving nicely after his un- fortunate aeciden1. Mr. and MTs, Clarence Miller have returned home after spending their vacation in Hamilton, Dir,, Albert Godden Sr„ ' of St, Pauls 'spent a few days last week with her son and family Mr. and Mrs, Bert Godden, Pte. Bill Dobson of Woodstock spent Sunday with Ms. parents, ,. Mr. and Mrs. C. Kreuter of Ham- ilton were made the recipients of a purse of money on behalf of the friends and neighbours of Ethel in boner of their recent ,marriage. The event was held Friday .evening in 'the Township Hall with a good crowd in •attendance, Jim Dunbar read :the address while George Pear- son made the presentation. The evening concluded with dancing. Mr, Jack Kreuter spent June 13, 14, 16th in Niagraa Falls attending the Assessors. 'Convention, Engagement Announcement Sixty guests were present at "Maple Mr. and Mrs„ W, S. Scott, Bruseels, Ridge Farm", Biyth, on Saturday, Ontario, announce the engagement June 16111, 1946, at 2 p. m„ on the of their younger daughter, Rowena occasion of the marriage of Marian kat, to Lieutenant John Thomsen Jessie, youngest daughter of Mn, and Harvey, R.C.E,M.E.; son of Mrs, Mrs. James H. Richmond, to Mr. Harvey and the late John. Harvey, Harold France, son of Mr. and Mrs, 1etlntt Dennis, Ontario., the marriage George France, .Southampton. to take plate In Toronto early in The Rev, Arthur Sinclair, of Blyth, Jnly, officiated at the cormony. The bride, given in marriage by her father, looked lovely in a grace- ful floor -length gown of White sheer, wearing a full-length veil of white been set, back, .according to an an - embroidered tulle, and carnet a nonncement •of the ;'rices of Board, bluquot' of "Better Times" roses, Owing to the lateness of the crop the Miss Isabel Brigham, it, N., cousin drop in prices in Western. Ontario of the bride, was dressed ire pale pink 'which had b•aen echedule to take plasm Ahem, with matching shouiderle'ogth on June 26tb will not now •telco place head -dross, end carried "Brier Cliff" until June the Seth. roses. - .,..,..,...,a.,.... The groom was attended by bis Mits Joyce Craig. brother, Mr, Alvin France, and we"e Later the happy couple left for a > rnoe Richmond, acted as ring -bear- cruise cit the Great 1.ekes, the bride 044 travelling 11) •a• ,light blot's 'surf, with While the register was being signed white accessories, Mr. Reubeti Schroeder song, "iia- •Oil their" return they will 'make their etiusm" eccompa,nled by Me. A, 111, Borrie MN the brisegrootnei farm at Omsk, who also played the bridal Waito• mesio. b'cllertrhig the beroinodiy s dainty buffet ittnobeory waif .served by two adeete, Mese Iilteanol Se0zrieder and temple, Strawberry Prices c Date at witch the season prices of strawberries will be 'reduced bays A host of friends• will join with. 11e 111 extending best wishes ter Mute happitieee to this pmpu1ar ,ostia 1000th ,Donation Given At Blood Clinic No. 11 Blood (liirlle number 11 was held it, Brussels at Melville Presbyterian Church on Friday, June 'J2nd, under. •sup.er'vseton of 911ss Ainsley, Nurse Teebniciau assisted by Mies Duller. Mobile Truck Driver, The following are those wIso assisted in making the clinic possible: P,eceptionist—Miss 13. Deeming Acting Doctors—Dr. Jamieson Dr. Ilodd Dr, Redmond Acting Nurses—Mas, Jamieson Mrs, Wilson Mrs, Kerr Mrs. Grainger Mrs, Whitfield Mrs, Warwlok Mrs. Speak Mrs. Ellis Miss Gibson Miss dhos'tbeed Office Staff Sec. Mrs. Allen 'Reception Nurse—Miss. Jardine History Clerk—Mrs. W. S. Scott Stenographer—Mrs. Tyerman Cheat Clerks—Miss H. Divining Gard ;Sec.—Mrs. Galbraith The 'Snack Bar was, convened by Mrs. Gibson with the fallowing assistants: Mrs. Rama, Mrs. Thomas. Mrs. Baeker, Mrs, Little, Mils. Ales Armstrong, Mrs, Hamilton, Mrs, Mathieson, Mrs. Buschlin and Mr. Whittard. We ,are proud to 'announce that Fri- day we reached our one thonuandth conation, the .donor Holding, this number was Mr. James Cameron fit Ci'anbrook. First Donation Mrs, J. Farrow, Jina 0amerom Jr_ Second Donation Mrs. L. A. Russel, Miss H. Russel; Miss H. Cook :Gordon Subject, Mrs. Cella Huebher, John .Spivey, L. W. Eclemier. Mess . Workman, Naomi Martin, Sam, Burgess, Chas. Fbsohen Third Donation Mrs., O. Davis, Mats, Art Henry, Chas. 1cheener, Alan Mcioeroher, Mack ,oardfff, Mrs. Roy Kennedy,. James Spivey, lefts,: L. Nichol, Lorne Niebiol, Oarl Hemingway, Harvey, McCutcheon, Mrs. M. Hawltshaw. Mrs. M. .Stewart, Ross Turvey, Ezra Welsh, Lawrence Jackiin, Norman Dowing, Mrs, R. Cousins. Fourth :Donatiln Bill .Sullivan, Mungo McFarlane. Wilfred Ksffei•, W. J. Mccutcheon Helen Pearson, Mr. H. Dennis Mrs. Jrio. Bowman, Ben King, Clarends Yuill, Carl Jacklin, Harney Jacklin, Mervyn MoCauley. Ross Cunning- ham, Della 'Thynne, Fifth Donation Mrs, A. Dunbar. George Smith„ .Mrs. Edna Speir, Tim Cameron, Mrs, G. OcDowell, R, J. Jaekiin Cecil Baynard, Reg. Watson, Jas. S, Stnith, Jack Cox, George McNichol, Howard Geeing. Sixth .Donation Alvin Logan, T. L. McDonald, Mrs. N. Thompson) A. McTaggart, Jna 101111, Jack Wheeler, Graham Bork, Mrs. Roy Thuell, George Hislop, Alan Mair, Wm. Henderson, Allister Bird, Mrs, A. Bird, Mrs. Winatfred Edgar, .Sylvester Rayner& Harold Campbell, Stuart Keri', James Mal', Jim Ireland, Gilbert Riley, Viotti?' Young, Maurice Laycock, Garf, Henderson, Seventh Donation 2 Jean McDonald, Mrs. Jas. Mcbon- nld, Wilfred Cameron, George Pear- son, ,M:rs. C. Martin, Wm, Icing Js., Wnr. King Sr. Eighth Donation Gerald. Gibson, Jiack Lowo, D, A. llann, Hlwin Hall. Takes Over Anglo Service. Station Thomas N. Froeiaty is now in cha1'ge of the Anglo Service Station, in Brussels. Mr, and Mrs, k'reethi' and young earl Terry took up rest- denoe In "The Terrace" here last week. Mr, P'reethy who is now Pre- pared to service tall makes of oars 'sits employed for same time, atter coining east from Saskatoon, et the Ajax Munition Plant near Toronto, The United Church ".Christ the Way," was, the subject of the morning sermon in the United Church. The morning anthem "'The Icing .of love my 'Shepherd ie" watt sung with solo parts being taken by Mrs. BTauraisi Campbell, Mr. William looter and Miss Ruth Wilson, The. evening anthem "t0hrist is our Pilot" was mind by the enoir, Mf', Wilson spoke On "The •Open Door." M. neen'oenient 'ryas mate of The Holy Communion *doll will be adtniiltw' temed next 8itndey morning.