HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1945-6-20, Page 3Your beef. investment r r•� �1 eta\�t :relar�al�l�i eee sae"-, .seesess. sees for increased production A DURO PUMPING SYSTEM Running water under pressure speeds farm production —'the n eed for running water ,in your home and farm building is greater than ever today. Your investment in a , NEW DURO PUMP you will never- regret — saves 'rime and Labour everywhere used. New Duro Pumps are available in greater quantities today, but shortages o f Materials and Labour will not allow the Duro Factory to produce .enough to meet the demand. All Duro Dealers are on a quota basis and permit to purchase must be approved by W.P.T.B. EMCO FIXTURES AND FITTINGS or Kitchen Bathroom and Laundry. For your Emco Dealer for avatiabie alyles. L it-; ee pesj Wm. Gillespie - Brussels 'QUALITY', EMCD B RAS/- EMPIRE BRASS MFG. CO., LIMITED Service from any hranch London Hamilton Toronto Sudbury Winnipeg Vancouver THE BRUSSELS. POST Wednesday, Jere ;'jplti 045 BLUEVALE hilesst s eamater beam tore; 01y Molina Llvgonsoll, with his cousins, Mr, and Mrs. J. G. rHiggios; J, C, iil1ggine in Niagara, Falls; NATIVE OF BRUCE COUNTY MAJOR J, H. COLEMAN, IN KING'S BIRTHDAY .HONORS Made Member of 0, B. E.; Wife Lives in Listowel; Ipperwash Command- mandant and Col. Goforth Honored Well known du Listowel, where his wife makes Iver home, Major Jam es Howard Coloman, E, D., a member of the Royal Oanaddan Ar- 4:1lery, has been &warded the decor- ation of a Member of the Order of the 13mitieeh Empire, He recently re- turned home front ovenseais•duty. A natthe sof Tara, in Bruce Ceun- t.y. Major Coleman, now in hes 42141 yerer, was a school principal .at Sar iia before meeting in September, 1939. Major 'Coleman's name is includ- ed 4n a lint announced from Ottawa in .connection with ahe birthday of His Majesty, King George VI. The Icing graciously awarded 132 borons to officers; warrant officers and 'other . ranks The Bluevale Women's. Institute met at the home of Mrs..Joltn Wiek- stead on Ahnutsidlay .afternoon: The meeting was, eondu'eted ' by the preertriee t, 114nrs, .J, if Smith, Julies Yargaret Curtis end the secretary's report land gave the financed etate- n•eu't, The aroll •ca13 was answered by naming "My Preverite Vegetable" and ,the rwetilvorl •of'cooking it. ' The sum of $100 was voted 'io the banding fund of the new com- munity 'hall proceeds of the p1aY "Valley Fanrni." A .committee con- eieting of Muse Harry Elliott, Mrs,. Joesplt Smith and •Mrs. George Thomson was' app o'irubed to arrange tor oondacting .a booth at the fart- nigbtly dances-ebeing held in the hall. - Mrs, Edward Johneton gage a re, Prot 03 the district annual meet- ing held recently at Fordwieb, Mrs. Charles 1Viathers gave a paper en "Cereals" :sawwdng an enlarged thawing of the pants , of a wheat gamin,.She quoted Oanada'e food conies •aod showed the value of cereals in the diet especially brown 'bread and fortified white bread. Miss Thacker, teacher at S.S. No., Turnberuy donated a hand -made mg on which msembers will seed tickets. it was suggested, that a "Tweedsmuire" .book be started hY the Institute he which records' of bietorica( value In rthe community. will be kept. Mr. and Airs. W. W. Mann and son, Ray, attended ;the funeral of their daughter-inelew, .Mrs. W. O. Mann, from her late -residence, let eon- canncosetan of ELma 'township, on Fri- day afternoons. Burial took -place in Wooddaawn cemetery, Listowel. Lorne McOnackin, who has been a patient in Soett 1VLeanorial Hos: pibal for a week is isome with his THERE IS— NO OTHER TOBAGO POS PM ea •OWNS YOUR OWN. Complete Dispersal Sale —of_ PUREBRED SHORTHORN CATTLE IMPLEMENTS & FEED at the farm of GEORGE MCEWEN 7 Miles East of Wingham on Prov. Highway 87 at 1 o'clock on TUESDAY, JUNE 26th No -Reserve as Farm Is rented. TERMS -CASH bUNCAN A BROWN, Auctioneer ' cf the Canadian Army, among Classified ssified Ads them also being the award of ata �/ �6 S parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Mc - Crackle, • Crackle, for a test. George 1Greenaway was in To- eonto 'attending 'tlhe rfunera1 of his nephew, Robert :Pullocb, om. Satur day. , :Personals: Harvey . Nlisseir Mr. 'McCleary, T-orowto, .at THE CANAD A N , W A Y and Mr, Officer of the Ordereof the British rewire to Coe Harold Ballantyne of Kitchener, .commandant of Camp Ipperwash and well known to • sonny district sdldilens, and to Col WilliamWallaceaulapa Goforth, eQn of the late Rev. Dr. Jonathan Go- forth ,aod• the laite Mrs. Goforth and a brother 03 ,iron. Capt. Fred 1 Goforth, M.C., who distinguished lrr'elf as a dbapiain oveheemee Major J. H. Coleman le a brother • , I>n Memoriam In loving memory of Roy 17, Fierce who 'lost his, life. in France or June 16th, 1944. .He gave this lite t11at we might live in Freedom Father. Mother Brothers 'and •+Sisters O F. E Roast Beef on Sundays THE SUNDAY ROAST -- week- ends in the country — the old family jalopy — these things mean a pleasant way of life. These are some of the things -every man overseas has been fighting for. They won't be his, unless all of us make sure, ` when our fighting man comes back, his dollar will be worth a dollar. To protect his dollar, we must realize NOW the dangers of care- less, unnecessary buying. We must buy only what we need — never buy two where one will do! We must not evade rationing or price Control, or deal in black markets. If we break the rules, our country —the country he fought for- Will start on that uncontrollable rocketing of prices known as inflation! Prices will rise: ASS prices go up, wages try to tag along ...and never quite catch up. The value of money goes down. Soon your dollar will buy -perhaps only 30c worth of goods! And there is no limit to its drop—look at Greece today! The nation is plunged in poverty and depression. So let's all make sure- our soldier's dollar — when he gets back—will buy a dollar's worth of goods f We can't give back to him his lostY ears or his lost youth. But, if we keep up the fight against inflation, he can look forward to pleasant, satisfying living . .. the Canadian way of life, PybEsbed'byTldd MIMING INDUSTRY' .(ONTARIO) to reveal the dangers of inflation: Make this Pledge Today! 1 pledge myself to do ',Ay part in fighting inflation: By obsorving rationing and avoiding blackmarkets in any shape or forma ' By respetdng price controls and other ante -inflation measures, and re- fraining from e•frainingfrom careless and unneces• sary buying. I will not buy two where one will do, nor will I buy x "new" where an "old" will do. By buying Vldary' Bonds and Wat Savings,, Stamps, supporting tax- ation, and obtains g by ell such measures • which will lower the cost of living cad help keep prices at a normal level. ■ II f. A ... +w FOR SALE— Happy Thought Range with warm- ing arming closet, also a Cream Separator IU re new pbone neo 17-r-9 Joseph Bewley , r WANTED— Twenty ^— cords of body wood, beech and maple 12 or 14 inches long. Mrs. James McCracken STRAY DOG— 'Colile dog on premises of Robt. Shiels, lot 19, eon, 14, Grey twp., Came about one week ago. Owner may have ,same by proving property, FOR SALE .A chesterfield suite, substantially built and in good repair, cheap for quick sale. Phone 98x -s•-3 Mrs'. Wan. Porter FOR SALE— A quantity of Silber Hull Buck - phone 82,r-4 Rey Bennett TEACHER WANTED For school 'section No. 9, Morris Township, / apply t0 Clarence Martin, phone Brussels 17Jo23. Sec.,-Treas. Blyth R.R:_.2 TEACHER WANTED- S.S. No, 10, Morris, requires a !teacher. Duties to oommence in 'September. Salary according to ql alifioations and experience; Per - I sonal application iY desired. • { { ! n aria JI' 100 acre grass farm composed of the East !half of the nioa+th half of lot number twelve and the east halt ' of the north half of lot number thirteen in the fourteenth ,concession of the township of McKillop: I Windmill and plenty of .water. 1... Apply to Box no. 60, The Brussels Post. • 1- I Robert J. Poarrest ,Sec..Treas, Bluevaie, R.R. 2 AGENT WANT• ED PATENTED GAS (SAVER., super- charger; Crankcase ventilator. Con- verts waste into power. Increases mileage amuazingly. Fits any motor, easily, quickly, Harmless, Piloben, Guaranteed. Attractive sales propp- snetion, . Viotory IVlantg. Company, Cornwall, Ontario, FOR SALE -- FOR SALE— •Chieic bargains for this week and nest; White foghorns. Barred Rock :i White Legborns, AutatraWltites; Non -sexed 9,455 .pullets 19;95. Barred Rucks, New. Hanrpshimes, New Hamp- shire X Barred Rocks 9.96. pullets 94:6, cockerels 10,96. Assorted Heavies nonsexed 8.95, pullets 12.95, cockerels 9,95 Assorted Light 0? Medium Breed's, .am sexed 8.45. pal lets 17.96, 'cockerels; White Leg - horns 1.50, White Leghora X Barred R'oek 4:60.9 week old add Se, three week old add 11c, 4 'week old add 16o Shipped C.O.D. This advertisemont• must 'aocampany your order, Top Notch Chielceries, truelph, Ontario BELGRAVE Mrs and Mrs, Roberti Gnasby whose abaeriage too place on .Jane 9, were. guests of honor at a large gather- erg' of reladlvee need friends in att. Irorrelsterm' Hall. Fridsy evening, The young !couple were presented with a laarge naunber sof beautiful and 1 useful gifts, Oeo14 Wheeler, reeve of Morris, extended reongralula- 1 tiers and best wishes on behalf 1of the assembly to which Mr. thereby Made an adsp.ropdilate repy 1 , The evolving was spent i'n dauping Ito the ninsic 01 Jdakson'e orehestra; i 1 Refreshments Were slsi-ved, 'Mrs, , Grasby tuna formerly Mist Jane Arne strong, only daughter off Mt. and Mis. David A ins'trong of ilelgrave. y Will take The r Ito fafmitig on cen- t OiI• 4 teeelien 5, Martin, I>h Memoriam NICHOL—In ever Loving Metnol'y of a :dear oaphew, gordan Ivalt Niphpl, killed its action in Franc,, June 1141t, 1944: Hie last parting wish We would like to have 'heard and breathed in his ear, Our Saab parting word Only those who leave Joel Are able 40 te11 • The pain in the heart In not &'eying farewell Ever remembered by ' Aunt Hazel and Uncle Elwin GREY Dan MolCiumon, 9th eon„ :ecoom- parried by his brother John Mc- Kinnin of Firt Wiliam is spending a few days in Toronto this week. There was a delightful evening spent in Monurieff Community Hall :est Friday evening In honor of Mr. and/ Mrs. Jack Vipond, when follow- ing a ,short programme the bride and bridegroom were presented with a handsome mantel •crook ane silver water pitoher and gifts of crystal and silver from their many friends of the oommunity. The bridegroom And bride responded very fittingly. After which 'the remainder of the evening was spent in dancing. Obituary James Kernaghan There passed away in Brussels, on Monday, June 111th at his home on Turnbermy TSL, James' Kernaghan can of the late James Kernagoan and Marry Led'genvrood in ,his 72nd year. Deeeas,ed Was born in - Morris. township where One spent his early manhood farming. • .Hie moved to Brussels 25 yearns 'ago. Re wash • Sorted in marriage to Lowel)la McMurray in 1899 whom he leaves to mou'r'n. Also six obdidren, Ida, (Mnsc 'G. E. Jacklin, Abbey, Sask.e (Ruby) MIs, E. ,Sholdire, Thornhill; (Grace) Mrs:. ' J. Mc- Farlane, Grey township; Clifford of ferasemook; John and Lloyd at home. 'a sister Mrs. Brigham 1of Blyth also 9 gran'dchtldren. A siter, Mrs. G. Turnbull Predeceased him. H'e-was a ntemiber of Brussels Presbyterian Ohuroh and a member of Brusesllg FrielMee. service was :oondwoted en Wednesc93 r by Rev, A. N4mmo, Vernghant. The pallbearers were, J Armaitrong, D. MarTiavtsh, J. Yu111, J. Bowman, Z. Fox :and W. Procter. Fir werbeer•ers were, R. McNichol, MoNichol, J. 'Turnbull,` B:' Craig, T. Bernard, i * * Mrs. Isaac Bolton There .pasesd .away et her home in McKillop ' en Friday, June 8t11 Elizabeth Ann Hackwell, widow of the late Ssaaao Belton, following a brief illness. Mrs. Bolton was the daughter of !the late •Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Haokwell, born. in McKillop on October twentieth, 1868 and was married in March 1889 and lived in this •community all her life. /Ser hnaband predecased her ten years ago. She was, a faithful member of Bethel United Church and Ladies Aid. She leaves, to mourn her loss two daughters and six sons, Leonard, Seaforth; William B. and Joseph I„ Rochester, N,Y., Leslie W, 14th Mc- IS:Mop; Samuel and Earl at Boma; Mrs. Wm. Humphries, Walton and Mrs. George Giousher, Wingham; also fourteen grandchildren and one great grandchild Bobbie Humphries. Three ,sisters and five brothers, Mrs. J. S. Buchanan, 'Seaforth; Mrs. P. I3. Gardiner, Toronto; Mrs. D. Naylor, Rochester. NY„ FVi111am, Roaetown, Sask.; Freman, Joseph, Wesley and Thomas, Walton. Three • brothers' predeceased her. The funeral service was held from the family home on Monday at 2 p.m. Rev, W. J. Patton oondmeted the service •aysisted by Rev. M, F. Oldham, St. Grorge':s Anglican Church, Walton with interment in Maitland Bank Cemetery, !Seaforth. Pallbearers were two brothers, Wesley, Jos Rockwell and. Bert Glidden, Win. McPherson, D. McJNiehol, 0, Elliott. Floweabearers were three grandsons, Jack ,0Sousber, David Bolton, Billie Ilnmplisiss' •and Elliott Rockwell, Hugh .McPherson and Alan Weber. The a.ynupaltby 03 the community is extended to the family. TEACHER WANTED-- S.S. ANTED-SdS. No, 8, Morrie requires a leather. Duties to commence in September. • Salary according to Qualifications and experience. This is ,a new well-equipped school Personal application it .dmired, Ralph Shaw, Bluevale, OnL FARM FOR SALE–. _.._�• 100 :aotrea, nitrra or less being lot 10, Ceacessloat 7, Croy Twp„ 2 stbray red }brick hotiae, 'bank barn 8A' x 60', litter carrier, Walter ,in Stable, never t 4iliarg drilled well, driving shed 26' X 40', 2 Tien tto lelee, land in good state of eultiretion lend alt natui+al drainage Dor farther pauticulars apply ite. Chas, A, Lamont, , liithel, Ont, r MR. ALEX MACLAREN Director of the Ontario Farm:; Service Force Mr. Maclaren . is urging all. :hies and towns to organize local Farm Commando • Com- mittees. And asks that those interested write to the Ontario Farm Service Force, Parliament Buildings. Toronto. for detailed Information. { St. John's W. A. The regular meeting of St. John's W A. was held at the home 43 Mrs. a Ben W,hittard on Tuesday evening, June 19th. Mrs, A. Marrow, pros» was in charge and ,eonduoted the Devotional Period of .Scripture Read- ing and Prayer. The pees., read a chapter out of .the Study Book on Missionary Work le Africa. 1t was decided to Save a quilting meeting, in the next month. WALTON On Mon'd'ary evening in Duff's Unit- ed 'Church, Wia'itoni a banquet 'wag held to welcome home "those who had been serving in the armed torces. The group .included Flying Officer Stewart Bewails and Plight tSergeant Jack Bennett who returned a• week ago ,from .prison • eatmps 1111• Germany, Corporal Kenneth Murray who' Decently damned from .India. !Sargeant Harvey Bi'yans; now r'dia, charged, who returned from. Italy, and Ross Bennett and Herb. Travis's. also 'deschanged' from the army. The tables and ,basement were tastefully decorated with patriotic emblems and flowers. After tbe sumptuous meal was enjoyed by !all, Rev. hazel- wood proposed a toast.' to the ktna n•hieI'la'as followed by God Save the Ring, Rev. W. Patton of 'Win/throe gave a short address of welcome to the boys and stressed the fact that there is no problem of lhow to deal with 'those returning, rather the problem is 'how to deal with the community to which they return, and he urged all to stam'd behind tee'vet- erans and de all that could be done to help them re-establish. themselves Mr. Silas Sehnston as Clerk of the ISeesiote of the church gave an address of welloome. A ,short pro. gramme followed which.consisied of a :piano solo by Miss Elea Sholdice, a reading by Mrs. W, C. Bennett, a - solo by Mr. Herb Kirkby and a soie. by Mrs. Herb Tnaviss. Rev. Melee wood express the thanks of the' gathering and especially of the Session to the ladies who had work. ed so hard to make the evening a seiocese. On Friday evening, the choir of Duffin Drifted .Ohurcit is sponsoteng "Art Evening of Familiar Music" put on by the Howick Glee Chub under the direction of Me. Arnold Earl, of Ethel. This promises to be an even• tag of fine eaterbaininent and every. one is urged to attend. The IS. S. Anniversary was held in the United •Ohuroh on Sunday and a large 'congregation attended. The special speaker for the day was Rey. Harold Snell of Auburn who preach - ea a very (helpful and inspiring ser- mon on the theme "Youth Holds the Key." With the organist' Mrs. I arv'eily Brown at the organ the large ,ohildren's choir sang two all- Timms, nitems, 'There's a Royal Banner" and "It the Mos•nirtg 03 Life," and a •tees eamprised o'f Lfiiyl1lis 'Cuthill, Marl, cry Rockwell sand Isabel Davidson sang a-seleotbon Which was arneh"ea. loy'ed, The June ntieabing of the " Vaunts Red iCireSe will be held in the hall on, Tuesday, June 96th. Service in ,St. George's Anglican Church ,on Sunday. Jirne 246, at 2'45, am, 1S,9,. at 10:45 am, A 'Confirmation r anon sexyice anis the a 'Magenta Service for Bilitsele lJod#ie 284 A,F,A,M, will be bald, le St. John's •Church, Brussels on elute S4tb At 'i pent. Arohbislrop •Seagdr *111 be the of3ciant and ePeelal efeeeller A Daminioii Day Sorviee *111 lxt held in Bt, George's Chnreii .on Sun- day, Jttly 1st at 1126 pan, Combines lee service Jody S.