HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1945-6-20, Page 1RUSSELS POST
Brussels Council Meeting
e maaies 124teilleti
Two Showa Nightly 7:30& 9:15 p.m.
Matinees Discontinued For
Summer Months
FRI. and SAT.
Proudly Announcing
A Sensationally New
and Different Motion
mightiest produc'„
boor The most ex-
citing enlertarnmen'
1n all screen history
Screen Play by ROBERT RISKIN
TUE. and WED.
Here He Is
Radio's Own
RcYrr er.
y ' a
"What's Buzzin
Ann Miller - Freddy Martin
Cartoon Travelogue
COMING SOON — "Sign of the Wolf"
Better than 'Lassie Come Home'
C.N.R. Station
Being Painted
The local CN.R, station is receive
Eng a much needed coat of .paint and
will present an attractive exterior in
maroon with cream 'trim when, com-
We must turn ourselves to
God before we can turn our-
selves from sin.
Melville Church
10 A. M. Sunday School and
Bible Class
11 A. M. Morning Worship
7 P. M. Evening Praise
Rev. Major P. W. Murray of
Camp Borden
will preaoh at both services.
Candidate for the vacancy.
Louts D. Thompson, Organist
and Choirmaster.
Come and Welcome
United Church
Minister Rev. Hugh C. Wilson
11 A. M. Morning Worship
'lChrtst The Way"
Junior Congregation
12 ChurchSchool and
Bible Class
7 P, M. Evening Praise
"The 'Open Door"
Everyone. Welcome.
Church of England
Parish of Brussels
Rector Rev. Maurice F. Oldham
St. John's Brussels•--•
10 A. M. Sunday School
and Bible Class'
11 A. M. Morning Prayer of
and Sermon Dedication
New Chancel Carpet.
7 P.M. Annual Masonic Service
of Brussels Lodge 284 A.F.A.M•
and Confirmation Service Off!-
Giant and Preacher Most Rev.
C. A, Seager M.A., D.D., Metro-
politan of Ontario.
St, David's Henfryn—
2,15 P. M. Sunday School
3 P. M, Evening Prayer
and Sermon
St. George's Walton. -
9,45 A. M. Morning Prayer
and Sermon
10.45 A. M. Sunday School'
Tenders Wanted
Twp. of Grey
Tenders well be areceived by the
undersigned till Saturday, July 7t'r at
2 o olock P.M. for the work to be
'donne on the Turnbull Dnatln,
Planus add specifications may be
seen at the Clerk's 'otfiee, Ebhe1,
'Seoueittly will be 'required.
The lowest or any tender not nee
eswan Eley 'accepted.
J. H. Fear, Clerk, Twp. of Grey
Notice of Court of Revision
Court o8 Revision for the Town,
ship of Morris nele R;1ose ,on July 9,
All appeal's on the assessments
nnmslt be in the hands of the clerk
not lister then June 28, 1945. t7
George Martin, Clerk
Commnnity ' Sale
to be held at
Turnberry St., South, Brussels
Y, June 23
At 2 P. M.
Inculding in the sale 1 sow and 12
pige also furniture and etc.
Anyone having anything to sell
phone Ed. Henedrson or Lew Row
Seaforth, Ont.
Thurs., Fri.. Sat. June 21, 22, 23
Next Thurs., Fri., Sat.
Two 'Features 2
Phil Baker David Bruce
Take It Or Leave It
Swinging Saddle
Mon., 'Tues.., Wed., June 25, 26, 27
Joan Biondell James Dual
A Tree Grows In Brooklyn
A Human story of a family who have
not much 'of the world's goods.
Next Thurs., Fri, Sat., June 29, 29, 80
Cary Cooper. Teresa Wrlgjit
Casanova Brown
The greatest romantic comedy
of all time,
Gift Of Money Given
A gift of $100.00 wee presented b
'It's. Raymond, whose bares wa
recently destroyed by fire, Th
money was collected under t•1i
euspioes of the Bbvis'sels branch o
the Canadian' Legion :and presente
to bei' iii srmpatlly for the loss sh
suffered by fire.
Melville Church:
Anniversary Services
Anmdvers'arY IS'et`vises were held at
Melville Church, Brussels on Sunday,
lust. Rev, Dr. A. T. Barr of Arthur,
Ont., was the special preacher at
bith services. ,Special . mastic was
tendered by the 'ohoir under the
direction of Mr. L, D. Thompson.
'East Huron W. 1.
District Annual Meeting .
The forty-third annual meeting 'of
'ho Ent Huron Districtt Institutes
was held in t[te, basement of bhe
church hall, Weedwioh on Wednesday
June 641x, with Mas. Everett Spading,
district president, Dreading. : Dele-
gates Venn the seven branches, Blue -
vale, Ethel, Fordrwi'dh, Gerrie, Rut -
nam 'Majestic, and Wroxeter were
Present reeking the attendance fltty-
The basement was ei•.tiselcally
decorated wi't'h Spring flowers, The
Institute Ode 'arid the Lord's Prayer
in enlist= opened 'tate morning
&Fission after whi'dh the minutes et
.Soloists at the 'services were M „ s ' the least annual ,meeting were read
Zinn Week and Mr, Wan. Spear. by •the seorebary Mrs. John Spebr of
Ladies' 'Softball • Schedule The financial 'report of the
GROUP 1 showing a balance on hand of
Clinton Radio School, Ripley, and of the eon -inbred financial '"staite-
Brussels, \A/Ingham`meet of the seven branches sal owing
June 21—Brussels' at Ripley a balance of tom hundred and
Winghaan ,at Radio Schoo theetteemt 'dealers. were then read by
715—Radio •Sobool .at Beesley the secretaa'y, Ms's'. Harold Speir
Winghalm at Brussels then gave the =details? report.
29—Ripley et Radio' School Mrs. Sperling, president, in her
Brussels at Wdm'gham address remarked stow last year -,Vie
July 3—Ripley at Winghatu celebrated D.iDay; this year VE -Day;
4—Brussels ,at Radio 'Scheel and eshe hoped by next yen we
9—+Raddie ''School at Brussels would he :celebrating the total defeat
11 Wingh'am at [Ripley of .the Japanese. .She urged all to
13—Radio School :at Wingliam prepare.' for the 'future for it holds
L6&—Rtpley eat Brussels' bright 'opportunities, for us in our
,18—Brussels et Ripley Institute work. ,
19—Wdngh'am at Radio School Tire Home Economics repoTt.was
23—Wingham at Brussels given by Mss. dRobt. Gbbson of Gerrie
Radio School cart Ripley who noted (that much work was
26—Brussel'& at Wd'ngham
29—Brussels' at Radio ohool
Ripley .at Wiingh:am
Aug. 2 --.Radio 'School at Brussels
3—Winghaam at Ripley
6—iRa'd5o :School at Winghf'U
7—RYpLey alt Bru'slsels •
10—+Rltpley at Radio School
1. Postponed( games played by
agreement of beanie 'concerned.
• 2, ' Vdlsliting team tamely umpire
behind plate.
3. Playoffs -1st and 3rd; end and
Tnawspembation..eo£,-the gtrla'.• soft
ball team is quite a problem and
the members 'et. the, team would
greatly apprTeoiathe any help along
this line. None of the girls• habe
cans of their own and must depend
upon (bhe goodwill of car owners to
see that they get to games away
from home. Please don't leave this
for one Fir two to dao. If you are
interested and would be` willing to
take a trip or two for the sake of
the (team please get en touch with
Mr. D, A, Rana 'or with 1VIr. Oliver
To -night and ESery Night
. h ldren (And- Parents
Notice To C
The practice of Riding,•Bicycles on the streets of the
Village its dangerous tin both riders and pedestrian*. Your
co-operation tit requested in Stopping this practice before
a serious accident occurs.
By Order of
Pte. Orwell Elliott of Holland
vti'shee- to thank the 'members of the
Fish and, Games Club 'and bhe
Brussels! Legion for 'cigarettes re
We with de thank oar neighbours'
land Mende who have been ea kind
in weed end deed in our recent
lieneavesneit. We also wish to thank
those who 'gave flowers and offered
the use 'of their 'ears.
(Mrs, Kernleg en and fainly.
' Our sincere and grateful thanks IS
liere expressed to M. Wineberg and
the local branch of the Canadian
Legion for. the 'gift of money collect-
ed and presented to .its Fie an act of
sympathy 'and 'kindly ,aesaistauue
after the. lose of 'aur barn by . fire
The generosity and lthlomghteulness
is an'uch'auppreciabecl by us all.
Mrs. Raymond and Family
being dente along this 'line by all
and the 'late George Warwick of
In etitwtes. .Some bnianohes ha:d (Vey Township, Meld on Saturday,
demonsltreaticns, on table setting and
Waring safe with milk, put on by Jure 16, a^ thnec o'clock, a'. the haste
of the b'ide's patents, Rev. G. H.
Bluevale Homemaking Olub, Others Uuriop 'of Knox UniChinch,d Chinch,
had 'short courses on sewing and l Eelgnave, odfieiated. The attendants
metal -Rion.
United Church of . Brussels, was
the scene of a' quiet June wedding
en Thursday afternoon, June 14, at
2:30 ceelook, when Rev, II, C. Wilson
united' in marriage Wilma Pe,e-1,
oldest daughter of Mr, and ,elrr,
Charles Lowrie, Brussels and Alex
ander Robert McMichael, Clinton
The bride looked lovely in a strre'
length duress of. pink &bear with lace
bodice. Her' headdress was a
&boulder length veil arranged with a
wlttte velvet bandeau of gardenias.
She wore a menage of weite Bete
talions; Mise Nora Lowrie, sister cf
71^e bride was bridesmaid wearing a
pale blue crepe dress and fingertip
veil. She wore a 'corsage of pink.
caruati'ons. 'The bridegroom was
attended by his brother, Mr, (toss
'McMichael, Clinton. After a wedding
supper at the bride's home ohc'
reticle left for Niagara., Hamilton
;nd other points east. The bride
chose for travelling a powder bine
,t^ esy dress. brown top coir, and.
accessories. The .couple will reside in
el union,
* s+ •
Warr ick—Yuill
An .arch of evengmeens from whin.
was suspended a white wedding
bell encircled by a wreath of
weigeld'a, and banked with baskets
of peonies, spit= 'and snowball
made ata 'eflieetive ' setting for the
meanings o!f Mary Edith Yuii1, daugh-
ter 'of Ma•, and Mrs. Joseph Yuill, of
Morals Township and James Ken-
neth Warwick, sen of Mrs. Warwick
The Citizensbin report was pre-
pared by Mese Jeer. Armlebnong and
read by Nems. Earle Cudmore of
Beessels, 'Sig branches sent in
reports. 'Goode citizenship begins in
one's own home and comtrnunity and
then 'extend to 'the nation and the
world. We 'should make use of the
8iansbllse, ti' isea .pi eiliege, an ori pale
tuniity' and an 'obligation. Every
rohodl 'bottled should have in woman
M'es, Thos, 'eDavdsoene of Brussels
gave an initemestdnlg report on Agri.
=Run and ' (Canadian Industries,
The United Church
At the morning worship in abbe
tanked Church the Panamint o8
Baptism, was laPlteinistered to John
Mnrray Lowe, intent sen of Mr. and
Mrs. John Lowe; and 'to 'San'dea Jean
Lowey, infant daughter of Mr,. and
Ms's. Join Lowry. • .
The mornd'ng sermon was base,
on the Story of ,the teedin'g of the
five Riocssaantl with the loaves and
A t'oening =theme was sung by
the echoer an, Which Mise Dorobb(y
Dennis teak a MI6 part vest
were Mists Myrtle Yutill oS Hamisbon,
sister of .bhe bride and Mr. Lloyd
Warwiok of Grey, • heather of the
groom. The wedding music was
Played by Mess Laura Yuill, eons* ter of
the beide.
The bride, given do marriage by
her Bather, was beamingly attired
in a floor length gown et white sheer
georgette, with fitted bodice, sweet-
heart 'neckline and long, pointed
Sleeves. The full 'skirt had inserts
of Ohenbil1a laces topped with a
heading' of sheer, Her Reeveir vela
was 'cringed with bnadded satin
ribbon and lily of the valley. She
Melly instructive topics such s' De.carried a banquet of Better flarehydahydration of Vegetables', !SonyaBee, noses
'Flowers .& lOailtuee. 'P'enndeillan, Soy The 'bridesmaid's sawn was of
Beam, Salt, and Minting were studied.
Mere. Leslie Lake of Ethel led the whlte sheer floor length with yoke o'
audience in community singing, She
Chentilla lees scarlet buttons and
was 'aaoome anied 'at ,the piano be
Mrs. Bremlbon of !Ethel,
Man M. (Sellers of Wroxeter re.
punted hearing from four branches
inn Social Welfare, meet of them
stressing tbhe Health side, Hospitals-
iatiom nest Aid ,M'edtcine Cabinets,
Home Nuaising, H'om'e (Remedies, Dia-
betic Cisme were +favourite topics
Sitil'diodt Many ` Inetubute members
either !helped alt Blood Donor Oli'nios
or 'donated beo'od, ..
The Histborical Research report
eves giwesi by Mns. J. H. ,Smith of
133iievale, flour blenches reporting.
Grandmottrere meetings were held in
some of (the brenlohes and papers
given on 'Christmas in other Lands
and Chele'tmas' fitter 'years ago and
-antique displays,
Mrs. Jelin (Sp'eelr then gave the
Pubiiodby report oscLy hearing from
three brlenelh'es, Beside the usual
methods of 'rebti'cety such as aldver-
tisng do 'local papers. parinted pro-
grams; telephone calls and radio
Lroad'clasts we can advertise our
Inslitsbe by being tredve members
=weaves and:boasting and boosting
it, Actions, speak .louder than
Mrs: J. R, White of Ripley, Peder.
ailed board, Member 'addressed
the gathering beinging greetings
Red Cross Notes
Following tnatruotl'ons trom Head-
gnrnrtera, the Red Cross Workroom
'will be 'closed for Seuly end August.
Will all Yoe, veto have knitting on
hand 'try to have it 9nbs'hed and
band'e'd to by Stine VI Then is a'
geed s'nppW Of wool for ell who wilt
catkin= itiela' knitting during the
=reeler, it will be given ottt on
from(hhees Provincial Board. She GreytoGeorge Louis, oldesteonus 'that we rind .a golden oppar- of Mitis .and Mas, George Blake, 1'tth
tu11517 to get new aneanbers after the eons. of Grey, Wednesday morning at
5 80 c'olleat, lbs'. Pr, Paquette
officiated at the eeeem'ony 'and Masts
long soarlet sash 'nought in a large
born, She 'carried T'allisman .roses.
Following the eerebnonty a wedding
supper wee served to about forty
guests, indlulisig •bhe bride's grand-
mother and guests dram Belgrav'e,
Brussels, Fergus and Wroxeter. The
guests were seeeived :by the bride's'
mother dressed in a printed silk
jersey 'dress with corsage 'af yellow
roses and the groom's mother
ci"ss'sed' in a two-pieoe dress of
printed !navy crepe 'and corsage of
red roses, The bride's table was
centred with a beautifully decorated
wed'ddlntg *eke ssvi'$ound'ed by bou-
quets cif spleen and ,bleeding heart,
!tell prink tapers •and pink streamers.
For 'travelling the bride 'donned a
flowered silk jersey dress, tud•ciuoise
tuxedo style coat end a small ,brown
bat hemmed ,with white and were
matching beam accessories, After
a wedding drip to Magas Palls,
Tufelo 'and ether pants the happy
couple will reside on the groom's
Mem eon. 2, Morrie Township.
Ferns Milacs, h'aney(enrcklo and
tulips demented the 'altars and
salutnasy of 'St. Aiwbrose. R. C.
Church., Brussels for the marriage
of Clara Marie, second deugltter of
Mr, and Mrs. James Deitner, 6th Con,
Red Cannel organd'zaitions were die
banding. 811eosladies, who were so
eel ttve Workers in Bee Cross work
would make good Institute members.
!Come is' inhere our week should
begin lend teetered trotm, . She urged
us to study 0112 Pager, "Home and
Cottnttt+y" Malt oar Institute meettin.igs
and to Stant a Tweedsmuir Village
The War World Report was given
blr Mrs. Melvin Taylor .et Goinie
who 'repeated Meth 'activity aloes
this line. Conch eubbie money Wes
'ra'ised and donated eto war charities,
ibeecee Were sent to boy's In the
aervioes' end. Miele sewing Mid
ltnit46ng done,
Blood Clinic
June 22nd
A Blood Clinic will be held in
eirnssels Feeley, June 22nd of this
%tack. Menet fail "bo attend if you
have aieeeived a notice to do so,
leoad plesma is still urgently
ceded. •
Q. Dobson Injured
Quest. Dobson was seriously tul'ur•
ad at the Brussels park on MoudeY
evoluhng when ii baseball bat slieped
cut of a batter's hand and area.
frim with eerie= farce in the taut:
in licting severe injuries bo his eye
art nose and there was a silent
concussion. Dr. Jamieson was
num-mooed end the injured man war
renewed to I{itchener hospital.
Sb John's Guild
The ,Women's Guild of St. Johit'a
Church met in the Vestry on Tues-
day, June 12th at 3 p.m. Mrs. G.
Davis was in charge and oonducted
the Deevotionee Period. Mrs.:M. F.
Oldham read the Scripture Lesson.
It was decided to purchase a num
bet•. of Confirmation Veils.
Rev, M. F. sand Mas. Oldham and
Mrs, G. Davis attended the Annual
Spring Deanery 'meeting of Huron.,
Deanery in St. George's Church,
Gederich on Wednesday of assns
• • • •. 5•' • • • •
* * * * * * *
Mrs, Herbert J. Mabey of Vulcan,
A•,'ta„ is visiting .her sisters, Mre.
Pringle end Mrs, Stretton:
F. (Sgt. D. Kennedy and Mrs.
Kennedly, Toronto visited on Monday
with his brother R. W. and Mrs.
Mr. Wm. Tucker is this week re-
decorating the Vestey of St. Johns
Church and also the new hardwood
stand under the altar.
Dr. ,Herold G. and Mrs,. Armstrong
end family, David, Eugene and Gail
of Toronto were week end visitors
with Jae. IS. and Mrs. Armstrong.
Miss Elva Henry of the Bank of
1`Ion'tr'eee stat of Chatsworth is
speneline her holidays with her aunt
and uncle Rev. M. F. and Mais, Old -
Jack Goddard. wills oo'nduot cru'
rent examinations' Dor the Toronto
Conservatory of Music in Brussels
on .June 26th, Mr, Goddard has
been a member of the' Conservatory
faculty dace 1926, He studied
piano with Paul Heals, JOrnest Seitz
and Hayunga Carvren.
Rev. M. le. Oidlhaan was the special
speaker at ,the, regular meeting of
the Bluevale L.O.L. 786 on Monday.
June leth, A County Orange Service
will be held in Wingheam Presbyter-
ian Church on 'Sunday, July let at 7
0. m.
with Debt. Ryan and Doug, Walker
as alta'' boys, The bride who entered
the Skier= on the arm of .her father
to :rte amine of Lolhengein's blida'l
clans played by Mee. Min Speak,
was lovely it; to floor length gown
of whiffs sheer WW1 lohg full eleevee e''
,and neckline. tier
!legatee veil fell 'front a 'sweetheart
iteh'ddrese' Ind the centred a nosegay
of butterfly ruses and Willie eweet
Deas in a isleditlatig of tittle. Her
orit'annenits' were a pearl necklace
anti pearl earrings', Mise lil'argeeet
De'lnter wee& Bet'' sleter'5 5504l of
bettor Tri It Soar leng%h dates of
groom as bridesmaid in floor length
dress of ,aquamarine tafii:etta, Beth
dre's'ses were made with peplumed
fitted terso length waists, full skirts,
square necklines and chert sleeves.
They wore mauler 'halo hats to
match their dresses, long white
gloves, goidne'cklaoes and earrings
and 'carried nosegays of mauve and
plies s'weetpeae. Gordon Blake was
his brother's groomsman and bhe
tellers were John Blake and Louis
Phelau. During Mass the junior
choir sang, "On This Day" and "0
Sacred Heert 0 Love 'Divine," ac-
companied by Miss Mary Phelan,
Blyth. The soloist, Mrs. Speak
sang "1 Need Thee Dearest Mother,
at. ,the oltfutoritun and "God Gave Me
You" diming the .signing of the
register. Dinner was served to
a beet thirtygtt'ests at the Queen's
Dining Room, Wine:ham. The re -
cc ption was held alt bhe home 'ad the
bride's parents iu tthe 'afternoon; t
the '(bride's mother 'receiving In a
two'pieee drest of zoo sheer with
h.a,cic and white aceeseories and a
cortege of pink eases The groom's
mother here e two-piece drees c8
twotone bice sheer with white
a'ae'etwsoriee land corsage of pink
"eves. The groom's gift to the bride
Was a pearl and gold rosary 'to the
maul of honour sterling silver ear.
lenge; be the bridesm'ald a beautiful
cup and sencer; to the groomsman
a leather wallet; to the ushers gold
tie pins and to the soloist and
,organist eornalower erystatware.
i titer the iisppp ooisplo loft on e
motor trip to Kitchener, St. C'athidr-
121'en and Niagara; the briale
travelling in e. teal blue tailored
suit With Meek and awhile accesscr"
ion, 'Orn their return they will reedit
on the groom's tarot south tit
The mltintt ns o€ the Distrlat Exe- L•lrusseis'„ ,G'itests *ere * 55ent trout
l blush peach taffebta and Mee Alice.Jetsott, Blyth, eresswater and it ray.
T3ewes 1s, June fids,. 1944 •
The regular Monthly meettas€ orl`
the Bruee'ele Municipal Connell was
i1'r:ald on the above date. All members
beteg 'ps+esen't,
The minute&' of.the last meeting:
being mead lit was snored by R- B.
Conklin&' seconded 'by A. M. Grewav
that the wilily:Ms be !adopted,
The following bills were present.
Gr,.e. Evans, May salary $5.04,
G. MaDoweil, May salary ,
R. S, Warvt'lcrc, May salary „ 35.050000
Express .89
Buren .County, Hospiltaiization 10.99
Ili. Hsndes'sun, bauling .,,,6:ti0
Jake Fischer, pump repairs 2.00
Jno, Gtbsmn, mower repairs 4.60•
R, W.. Kennedy, pointing L00•
Moved by A.. M. Grower, seconded.
by R. B. Cousins that the accounts
as read be paid. -Carried.
Moved by L, W. 'Eckmier, seconded
by A. M. Grewar that the Reeve a1i
Clerk be authorized to oomplete art
application tor 1G. McDowell, Geo..
Lyase s and R. •S. Warwick to the
isnemlploymen,t Insurance
mission en. the grounds' 08
encs wither. the meaning
A. et, —Carried,
Followinig the niegulear council.
meeting the Counioil met as a Court
of !Revision ,on the '1'945 Assessment.
Moved by R. B. .cousins, seconded:
by L. W. EolsmIer that Reeve Boys -
man (act as Clhatunman'for the Court
of Revi'eiont —Carried.
Moved by at. B. ''Cousins, 'secon'de8;.
by Ian' McDonald that the Assess-
ment of Mrs. Wm. Wilton. be re-
duced pp. on lots and $50 on house..
Moved by L. W. Eokinier, seconded
by R. B. 'Cousins treat the Court or
Revise= be closed and that thee
Aslsessment Roll as ¢•svisied be the.
Roll dor 1945. —Carried.
of tiles
Majestic W. I.
The June meeting 'of the Majestic
We,anveu's Instittulbe was !held at 'eke
home oIf Mire. Ken iSehurrle on June
14th with twenty-five ladies present
and the president Mrs. Wm. Miller
pr'e's:Meng. Atter tele opening exe'
eine 'the nelunees of the last meeting:
n' approved
weer and ,the treasuurers-
a'eport adopted. It was, deoided -hetinch ease ebbe money eased(at the'
Red Cense' Tea to fifteen dollars ler
tee local Red {;rest. .The Rall Call
"A `place I 'wo'r'd Mee' to visit and
why" was well ;answered. A short
;alk on the motto "He who woulel.
.have beaubitul roses • in 1815 garden:
must have beautiful roses, in xis
heart," was given by Mrs. Harold
Speirs; the rases of the heart being.
"Pad•th, Haire'ami Olieri tY or Love:"
Mrs.'Sbauley Wheeler bead a beauti-
ful ful poem"The Rose beyond the
Mrs, Lien. ,S6iutir•ie gave a
splendid report sof the District
.p.ual held 55 'Fortier/itch on June
6th, giving many good atoll calls, •
papers and e'uggestione, Mrs'. Pari'
Cudmone spoke of Mese Darnlnes,
work with the !girl's in. the Juniorwork. Camminndty singing under tine -
leadership of Mos. Doug, Hebning-
way was 'n slee 'ed, salter wb4dia.
Mee, John Spar read h^ r report"l'ubll'oilty" which slue has been
awned to end to t0I8NX. The next
meeting is to be in the form of an
Institute Picnic on bhe echoed
grounds. A11 the members' families`
are Merited beside a 8riend, menebete
bo brina pi'enie basket Of lurrc't3t:
A vote of anIr was tendered to'
Mrs. 'Sliueiile ear her, hospitality roil
the meeting 'Closed with the National
Anthem, 'after which the hostesses.
seeved lunch and a 'social halt bout-
our-t es (spent,
gen/tinned !om lseke Blake, Loden, Meter at the tee(
Anglican Church Notes
The Brussels St, John''s Lodge !a
the Mesons No, 034 A.F.A.Ivl. wildt.
attend service In St, John's Anglicans:
Church, Brussels on, 'Sunday, Juice
24th at _7 pm.. At this eserviee 41?'
candidates• Brom the 1ooa1 Anglican.
perish will receive the holy rite est'
Confirmation. The offieiant and
special preacher *111 be the Meet
Rev. •C. A. 'Seager, M,A,D.D,, Arvin
bishop of xTuron 'end Me•tropolitaia
of the Province of Onterie.
Re/ore ietwing for her home fit'
Watford last Thtursda p.m. ivies
Anne Casvnoll, 13.A,, wlto lues bane
on the teaching staff of the Rrusse e
Continuation School wee preeents4t.
with a, cetera and sugar set sit
troy of Royal A'lbe'rt Chita to a gift
from the 'Sunda' ',School and tlitei
W.A. 'ot ,St. j'pltn'a 4"hurch Whettf'
Maas Natal bei& boon a very esltw -
able eemd efficient helper.