HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1945-5-30, Page 3sill' BRUSSELS
3e4 'orune, 0 tbsps, dour, 3 cup
eliepped• walnuts,
Out 'raisins and figs, 1w small
pieces and combine With Ourrants,
Add water and rack b doiuble boiler
for 20 ming, Add mange juice and
rind, then slowly stir hi sugar,
mixed with flow and salt. Stir and
cook until thick -anted. Add walnuts
and cool.
Ralf pieHpasite to 1.61nGh Welt -
uses and ant in, 41nch squares.
Plage a .spoonful of fruit mixture
in centre of each -square and fold
Paste to ,enclose 'filling, dampening
edges to ,seal well; prick tops. Bake
in electric oven, 450 des., about 20
* * *
Miss P. B. requests: Recipe for
pinwheels to serve at a buffet lunch
Answer; Mix % cup anelyout
green pepper, 11% taps, prepared
geren pepper, Ws tsps. prepared
mustard and scraped ,onion to taste.
Moisten with tomato .catsup and
spread ,over rectangle of dough.
Roll, slice and bake in electric oven
at 450,'degrees,
Miss J". T. sans: Why are pump-
kin taints soggy?
Answer; Canned pumpkin should
be well-daladned, then use slightly
beaten egg. yolks In mixing the fill-
ing. Balking may also, be the cause
of .soggy pasttny — the oven Ghoutd
be preheated to 400 legs, Dor ten
minutes, then reduce to 325 d!egreee.
Mrs. N. C. says: We use sour
cream instead of water or tomato
catsup to awake a .good meat loaf
with lean meat.
>* *
Anne Allan invites you to write
to her in came of The Posit. Send in
your suggestions ono ' homemaking
problems and watch this column
for replies.
palm eltutteetayt
"It is not foreordained that farmeirs shall work
for less pay than anybody else; or have their children
receive only one'.quarter the chance of a secondary edu-
cation, or one-tenth the chance of a university education
that other children get; or see their wives forced into
Iives of toil, often 12 but sometimes 14 hours a day —
Sundays and holidays included ... The trouble is that
no one with the necessary authority has determined to
correct the basic economic ills of Agriculture."
John Bracken, the farmer, is not content,
merely to Point out the injustices of which
he, and every other farmer, is only too well
aware. He is determined to abolish these
economic ills, these injustices, immediately
and permanently. John Bracken guarantees
against income collapse and wide extremes of
income fluctuation:
• The Farmer shall be guaranteed a just
and proportionate share of the nation's
income. •
• This will be done by a system of fair prices
to be announced before the season of pro-
duction. The farmer will then carry on with
the assurance that he will receive a just
share of the national income. He will thus
have money to buy farm implements and
provide for comforts. His. own living
standard will be permanently raised and
he will be able to contribute to community
• We shall re-establish a Natural Products
Marketing Act.
• We shall appoint a Board of Livestock Com-
missioners in which shall be vested power
to regulate and direct all aspects of live-
stock marketing in somewhat the same
manner as the Board of Grain Commis--
sioners\regulates the handling of wheat.
These are only the highlights of the Bracken
Party's pledge to Canadian farmers. Join
John Bracken in his fight for farmers' rights.
Vore for Your
Published by the Progressive Conservative Party. Ottawa,
Vote for L. E. Cardiff
North Huron Progreseive Conservative Association
Bi - .04401
. Ips IiBaa,ifB�TIT��.
Hello, Homemakers! I Hostesses
have changed. ,The 1945 version is
as graciows, and serene es her pre-
decessor blurt she Is roach more sen• i
sible and practoad, Her entertain- tj
in is spantaneans, informal and
Showers for the wartime bride
keep in isibep with this trend,' but
the pasty 'touch can be easily added
by the exercise of a little effort and
ingenuity. Hese are a few hints you
may finis suggestive.
For the laundry oS kitchen
shower pang s'treitah, a •clothes line
across the corner and peg on the
gifts leaving the others
in a decorated basket below,
To wrap the gift cover ft co ui
P large v
small Brunk to resemble a -treasure
chest Bawd put a big imitation, look
on it , perhaps a thermometer,
Honour Tarts. Frozen ^Sherbet and I
2, Toast' Shells fi1led•with cream-
ed chicken and peas, Asparagus,
Cookies and -Coffee.
3. Diced Bruit on Lettuce, Melba
Toiast and Hot Chocolate,
4. Jellied Vegetable Salad,
Cheese Muffins, Fruit Layyer 'Cake
and Ginger Ale.
A pretty piece of shower curtain BRUIT LAYER CAKE
anabnrial may be used to hide the
gifts .......placed ,oua-tain, style from 2 clips sifted -cake flour,
-the top of ,the doorway to flue chair top, salt, 1 'awp. fere granulated
where the lbride,.bo-be will auivwrag else', ,Gap arils 1 Step, milk. gift Candied or sugared :fresh fruit,
1% haps, baking powder, 9
A pathway may be outlined by Steps. ;glhortendug, 2 ,eggs, 1
is hoes Istrung along iwi0th pink or tsp, vaati'lIa.
white ribbons. At the end plane a set' Measure flour and elft twice with
of portable steps gar the bride -to. holdingpowder• ,and salt. Cream
be. to sit on. Tduese :should be cov
shortening igiiglvtly and gradually
ered with carpet. (You may locate !blend do ,sugar, Beat and acid eggs.:
steps in :a community or church Mali. Sift In dry ingredients, alternately
with milk, combining after each ad.
There are other ideas too:such as
ditioa and Including vanilla with
ctecarating a toy wagon; wheel bar- ,last .of liquid, Turn into 3 greased.
.row, boat, umbrella or watering Gan I and floured 7dnclu duvsnor cake pans
to 11o1id the gifts. A doll dressed as and bake in ,eleetric oven, 370. defgs,,
a balms makes ani effective dining 25 minutes,. When 'cold. put
room table centrepiece! or yqa may I Payers together with canned ,>r
prefer to hang hearts fluttering
bn' angered Fresh fruit, fop with
slightly sweetened whipped cream
key. 1, Assorted iSuundiwlches, Maid of or melted marshmallows and sur-
round with additional fruit, Bet
ries, peaches, fresh bananas, fruit
Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public
Elmer D. Be11,111.A. C. Joseph Benson, B.A.
(Absent on Active Service)
Mr• Benson in attendance Wednesday ° afternoon
Office open daily from 9—to 500
,sialacl 'mixtures etc. are suitable
for this delicious cake. (This is an
excellent cake for baking In, an
8.inch square pati in moderate oven,
850 den., frost as desired), •
8 coups sifted pastry flour, 1
tab. baking powder, 3a tap,
ground ginger, 1 cup (lightly
packed) brown snort', % cup
Chopped dates, 14 cup nuts (opP
Mortal), 2 tblisps., warm water, 1•
tsp. salt, 8 tbsps, shortening, 1
egg, .1% cup chopped figs,' 1 to. .
grated, ,orange rind, 35 tsp.
Meaaume .,flour and add baking
powder, ,sat and ginger. Oheam
shortening slightly and gradually
blend In brawn sugar. Beat and
'add :the egg, bleu mix in fruits,
walnuts and !orange rind. gilt in
dry Ingredients, alternately with
water; ,combining after eaoh addi-
tion. Add vanilla, db'op mixture
by ,silooufu8s, once inch apart, on, a
grea$ied pan, Bake in electric oven
330 degs, about 15 Minutes. . (Note:
Bake ,ane comity fiaiet; if it spreads
too much, work in a little additional
3A sup reiiedne, 14 iblip cur-
rants, 14 ,cup orange juice, 1 cup
granulalted . sugar, few grains .
salt, rich pie -paste, 4 cooked
figs, 24 cup Water, grated mind
Have your
F0 F. Homuth
Nos ,iiia w4 Ale RRAiL SiOR6
Iffednesdar, MAY .30tit 1946i -" ' -1
ETHEL (i Classified Ads
Tloe regwlag month17 meeting of
the t) sited 'Chorea Mission, Baud , FOR SA E--
will be hell at the home of Florence Ceder fence Posta.
Campbell on, ,Saturday, June 2. phone 86 or 13x Doris AtaDo+np3Q.
Mr, and , Mos, R, Ifitephens and
family of London attended t11.e
Vdponduspeiran wedding, Which. 'took
place (Saturday. While hee a 0107
were gluiesits of Mr. and Sibs, 11, Love.
Pie, Biil Dobson, now Stationed
111 Hamilton was a visitor over the
week,end with his parents MT. and
Dirs. (1, Dobson.
Mies M, Darling anent the week
end at her parents' home in M11d-
Rev. S. Brenton left Tuesday Der
London, where he will attend the
united Church Conference for the
clergy and laymen of 'Southwestern
Gntarta, The oonlerence will con -
One through 'till Midday,
MT. and Miss, J, Kreuter, Mrs.
Cardiff and family motored to Brant-
ford 'Sunday to attend the funeral
of Mr. J. Lamont. Mr, Lamont was
a brother of Mrs, Kreuter.
Miss Elizabeth Fear of Woodstock
spent the week end at her home,
Marjorie Bateman of Listowel
spent the week end with 1Vfirs, M.
Ames, ""t ";i 8,,
Mrs. Gill Is enjoying a two weeks
rest at Ube home of ,her son "Ted."
Mats, J. Wilson, MTs. S. Wilson and
Mrs. •hl. Bowes and family spent
Tuesday in Oran'brook visiting the
home of Mrs. J. Wilson's father, Air,
L, Reiff, 'who oelebrated his 84th
birthday. We hope MT. ISteitf has
marry more happy birthdays,
Trooper Glen Ring of Brampton
was a week end bisitar with Mr. and
Mrs. B. Valdes.
(Miss M. Pearson and Miss V.
1•'itzpatrick spent May :24th at the
home of the former's parents Mr.
and MTs. J Pearson.
'Office • Exec.: "What's the big
item in your expense account?"
Field' iSioepervisor: "My hotel bill.'
Field Exec.: "Please don't buy any
more hotels."
In the old days, if anybody missed
stage coach .he was cantenfed to
wast two or three ,days Dor the next,
Now he lets out a squawk If he
missed one seotton of a revolving
• door.
Hand Saws,
Cross -cut Saws
Any kind of saws
If you want yours to really
cut as it should .
Leave at The Post
Printing Office
A Melotte cream separator : est
ib, capacity, In good Tanning order.
phone 41ir•16 Earl Mille
A quantity of Buckwheat suitable
for Seed (Silver Hull variety),
phone 21.4,18 J'a'ck Work
1 Jersey cow, 5 years, Old, fresh a
month ,and 1 oow, three years old,,
date to freshen 85th of June,
phone 75,'12 Stanley Fischer
A satuaid Goal! 'heater and 'a !kitchen
coal and wood range, Octal almost
Muss, S. Herr Phone 74
Lieeus'e 1202te No: 208P7, Finder
Please notify
'Mark Hamilton Phone 48-r-29
Applloajiong ueeeived until Mar
2911th for Reacher, grade 3, 4 ,and 6, ,
Brussels Public School, duties to
commence Sept. i'st.
G. McDoweli
Poul'trykeepers gbonld take advant-
age of the higher ,pa1oea assured
egg markets, this fail and winter.
Kitchener B-4 Hatchery are 1w0
pared to sill June Orders for ()hicks,
but we advise you to let us have your
order soon. Agent It. S. Warwick,.
Hill Top Ranch, Brussels.
100 acnes, more or less being lot
10, Concession 7, Grey Twlf., 2 atom'
led brick mousse, bank barn 60' x60;
litter cairmfer, waster, in stable, never
failing drilled' well, ,driving Shed 20'
x 40', .2 hen houses, land in good ."
state •af cultivation land all natural'
drainage for further paittculatls
iapply to Chas. A. Lamont,
. Ethel, Ont.
100 nacres, Lot 10., Com, 16, Gray
Township; iRed brick house in good
repaiir with furnace amid bath; Bank
bairn Sandi shed, hen arouse, drilled
well and windmill, water in barn ,40
acres grain (30 on sod) all Semt'ilise&
balam,ee in hay and pals6ure. Land is.
well drained and in gaud state ot,
Apply to Peter Dunlop,
- Brussels, Eatit
Classified Ads mash) ....... Ilio
Over telephone or charge Pio
In Memoriam :,. • ... Pio
Card of Thanks Na_
Births, Marriages, Deaths ....-. Prot
Phone 118 Hsrristoe
Yes, neighbour 1 A Sherwin-
Williams Finish is beauti-
ful. Yet you can't tell much
about a paint's quality simply
by looking at it. The real value
behind Sherwin-Williams Paints
is the long-lasting protection
they give you that makes them,
In the long run, the most econo=
mical paints you can buy.
That's the reason why now, as
Look for the store that sells
its pre-war years, you can count
on your Sherwin-Williazns Dealer
to sell you only the best paints
and varnishes. He is still able to
meet your painting and decorate
Ing requirements, and is ready to
help you with expert advice. Ask
to see bis Paint & Colour Styr
Guide, before you paint or decor-
ate. Why not see your friendly
Sherwin-Williams Dealer today,
Wm. Gillespie
':Brussels Phone 6S