HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1945-5-30, Page 2ti
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Security with F
Your Vote on June nth can bring le stieag security
to your work, your home, your family!
Security for your WORK
Here are some of the definite, practical steps
taken by the Liberal Government to give secu-
rity to home and family by assuring well-paid
post-war jobs for everyone:
For Veteions — The most generous plan of
any United Nation to get returned men started
in the type of work each of them chooses. The
Liberal Government is determined that every
man and woman coming home to Canada shall
,.•return to the land of greatest 'opportunity in
the world.
r • For Workers —, About a third of all Canadians
dePend.on exports for their livelihood. Liberal
plans provide for increasing our exports 60%
in value over those of 1939.
For Farmers — Acting on the belief that all
,Canadians prosper when farmers do, the Liberal
Government has arranged that they can im-
prove their farms and equipment under a new
oohplan and bas arranged to put a floor under
'n the prices of farm and fishery products.
To stimulate employment for all, the Liberal
Government has created a special Department
of Reconstruction which is now in operation
and which will co-ordinate private and public
• Security for your HOME
The liberals believe that the home is the heart
of the nation. They aim to give Canadians every
possible rfacility to build and furnish better
homes!. With Government assistance you can
build a home in she country, town or city. This
will make jobs fortl,ebuilding trades, and those
who make building supplies—and those who
manufacture household equipment and fur-
• .'shine. ..
New Homes for Canadians — The Liberal
Government's new $400,000,000 National
Housing Act, now on the statute books, enables
hundreds of thousands of Canadians to get
money at low interest and on long, generous
terms to build, renovate or enlarge their own
homes. Now that Germany is defeated, plans
are already in operation for at least 50,000
Other practical, workable measures for the
security of your home are the Liberal Govern-
ment's laws for Unemployment Insurance and
liberal Old Age Pensions.
The Liberals believe in doing what can be
done, as soon as it can be done. If returned to
power on June 11th, they will carry on and
expand the sound, constructive work already
Security for your FAMI L'Y
Family Allowances — Starting in July, parents
who benefit least from income tax exemptions
will receive Family Allowance cheques every
month to help them get better food, clothing,
shelter and education for their children so they
can grow into healthy, vigorous Canadian
citizens. These cheques will amount to between
$200,000,000 and $250,000,000 a year. As •.n
direct spending power, this will do much to
help in achieving the Liberals' objective of
full employment.
Health — A National Health Plan will ensure
that everybody shall be taken care of while they
are sick and the best measures medical science
can devise shall be employed to prevent disease.
Despite the efforts of Drew, Bruce, Bracken
and other reactionaries, the Liberals are deter-
mined that human interests, the needs of men,
shall be placed before "business as usual".
The Liberals have faith in Canada, a united
country, and in their ability to continue to
build, with your support, a more abundant
life and greater opportunities for Canadians.
Help build, this new order of security with freedom. Protect the social.
gains already made. Vote for your Liberal candidate on. June 11th:
Published by The National Liberal Committee
Despite the bad 'weather con
ddtions there was a good attendance
at the opening concert in the new
eommwnity hall at Bluevale Tues-
day eventing sponsored by the
Bluevale and District Men's Club.
Rev. F. G. Fowler of Bolton. who
' tuas the means of organizing the
club, was the chairman and express -
ea .appreciation of the accomplish.-
meet of a much -needed hall in the
Rev, Alex Nimow of Wingham
was the guest speaker and referred
to the foundation of the building
which was .the foundation of the
former Methodist Church built and
dedicated for the worship of God.
The hall itself was the former
Canadian Order of Foresters' ba'1
and served as a community centre
for years. Rev. 0. Tavener of
Holmesvdlie, a former club mein-
ember expressed appreciation of the
RAMPING AT THE BIT: Just out of their stalls in Chen
'Yards' roundhouse at Montreal these snorting iron horses are
among the late deliveries • in, an order for 45 Pacific -type loco-
motives completed for the panadian Pacific Railway in April by
Canaiddan Locomotive Company at Kingston, Ont. Their work is cut'
out tor'them'in maintaining the C,P.I1.'s impressive war, hauling
record which, stood at 258 million tons of freight and G$ million
passengers et the end of 1944..
harmony and good will shown - in
the completion' of the ball, Vocal,
numbers were offered by the Firer '
Male Quartette of Kitchener, and.
Miss Wildfong of Kitchener was
the elocutionist. numbers
on the violin and piaamo were pro-
vided by Hugh Cage and Mrs.
Donald Robertson of Winghawn,
Bob 'Cook, Listowel, offered comic
The president, S. .C. Higgins, on
behalf of the Club, thanked the tal-
eni for the splendid program - pre-
sented and expressed appreciation
of the co-operation shown since
building operations had Commenc-
ed. Dr. R. L. Stewart of Wdnghaml,
formerly of Bluevale, was heartily
applauded as the oldest Bluevale
"old boy" present.
Personals: Rev. 0. Tavener and
Mas. Tarvener, Hoists -vide, spent
Tuesday with friends in the vil-
lage; Rev. F, G. Fowler and Mrs.
Fowler, Bolton, were guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. 3, 0. Hig-
.George Thomson, son of Mr. and
Mrs. George T, Thomson, Bluevalo,
has won the Wyatt .$nbolansdtip at
Western 'University, London, for
the highest marks in honour IDnglisah
second year.
W. H. Haney, Wdngham, a form
er Bluevale resident, was injured
Wednesday, May adth 4
when he stepped into a pit at Craw -
ford's garage and fractured a small
bone In his left leg,
Rev. J. W. Jolunson and Mrs.
Sohnson with Mme. Johnson's als-
ter in Toronto.
Donations Are j
Being Solicited -
The Brussels' Branoh of ,the Legion
arc sponsoriing the Collection of a '
-purse of nronely to be presented to
Mrs. Raymond as .au expression of
friendship rind helpfulness In the
loss she suffered when her barn
was (burned on 'Sunday evening.
Anyone 'who would like to make a ;
Contribution is ;asked to leave their
money with M. Wineberg, et the
Arcade :Store._
Walton Man Preaches
At Service In Blyth
A large congregation
Colin Fingland, Walton, who sup-
plied. for
up-plied.fon^ Rev. A. Sinclair in St.
Andrewlis 'United Church Sunday.
Mr. Fimgland :preached a splendid
sermon on :the text; "'And •Saul went
home to Gibeah and there went with
him a band of men whose hearts.
, God had touched." The choir sung
au anthem with Mrs. Gerald Harris
ar organiiet.
For Residents of Brussels and Community
Having secured a taxi license from the Transit Controller
I am now in a position to transport passengers to and from
Brussels and vicinity. Rates Reasonable.
Brussel'- Ontario
Business phone 56 Resdence phone lx
,,\Irl 1►il/i
Good For
All Kinds of
Phone 6 Butcher Shop Brengel*
War came. Most civilian goods had to
be diverted to war needs. That caused
shortages of civilian goods—that was
don't mP the YELLOW light
Some restrictions have been lifted, but
war demands are still great. We must
help our Allies and the liberated coun-
tries. We can't neglect them.
(This is the YELLOW LIGIHT. ONLY).
It does not mean the end of shortages.
Getting back to peacetime production
will be piecemeal and gradual.
Goodwill, patience and energy now will
assure a prosperous Canada tomorrow.
OTth8 gte
fight yet
Only after Victory over Japan can the
Green. Light he switdhed on, and the
road cleared -for enough production to
meet all our civilian needs. -
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by t',
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