HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1945-4-25, Page 3- ".THE BRUSSELS POST • 1 defacer sew Bn v+r.' Liifle Strokes Fell Great Oa -.Banjarnin Franklin Time after time the axe mustbite into the trunk before the mighty oak comes crashing clown to earth. Your puichase of Victory Bonds, small though it may seem, when added to those bought by the thousands of other Canadians, will roll up the vast total required to finish the war and begin the job of reconstruction. No one must shirk his task. Only with the fullest effort of each individual will the new high objective for Canada's Eighth Victory Loan be reached: MI/EST/4' 7/16 8' s7 BVictory u la • 0 1bl :...• . • MAS SEYIJARftIs COb1PA17;LIMITED BELGRAVF The annual meeting and rleotlon of officers of the Belgrave Women's Institute iNvasheld at the home of Mrs, ;Herbert Wheeler :on Tuesday afternoon, with a fairly good attend- ance. Mrs. Iflaal Sanderson. was reelected president For the fourth term, Other enlace= are; woe -presidents, Mrs, J. M. Coultes, Miss 1]di'n Proc- t'er„ Mins, H. Wheeler; secretary, Mas, R. Patter,•' assistant secretary, Ivlrs, 0, Logan; treasurer, Mrs. Coultas; pianists, Mus. G. H. Dunlop, Mats. 0. Procter; press s'ecretar,f, Me. 0, Procter; district director Mns. 0. R. iCgultes; branch cUreetors, Mrs. G. Higgins, Mrs, R. Crawford, Mrs, J. Pliciida, Mrs. T. B. Johnston; auditors, 14Irs, N. Fligignsl Mrs, H. Procter; convenors of standing .roam mittees- iaagriculture and Canadian Industries, Mrs. G..1 -Egging; aoclat welfare, Mrs. H. Treater home eco- nomies, Mrs. R. J. MacKenzie, Mrs J Senldensoae; peace, Mrs, t) Proc- tei'; war woe1k Mrs. 0. R. ' Coultes; publicity, Mrs. C. Procter. 'The meeting •was .conducted by Airs. B. Anderson, end good reports of the yar'e activities were giTen by the connmittee .000manore, A pot.: luck lunch was en'ioyed at the close of the meeting. Rev. G. H. end Mrs. Dunlop. are spending .a week with relatives and friends gat Ottawa. FOR SALE- Iiibchener Big -4 Hatchery: la tak- ing orders Alar May and Janne de- I livery of chicks asd pullets, 7m ! mediate 'delivery on cockerels x' 13 R. 62.9.0 per 'hundred; Leghorns' 61, per hundred; Premium Grade 61. per hundred extra. Order soon, tha'o agent R. IS. Warwick, Hill Top Ranch, Brussels. Summer, Too Will Be Early A tot has, been written in the past bre weeks iapyout signs of an eardy spuing, and their 5udfllwent. Now come ietories. of sligins :of a eorre• spondingly !early eiixnmler. Straw- berry growers :have discovered in sorue 'patches almoet completely fanned strawberries, wtnieih with a little sunshine will be ready . for :consitunipbioei long begone schedule Whether this. lmsiolous emop ani other fr'tiit blossoms win survive to :full development ie the big question, A .devastating ,front is not unlocked for at this, .early date, but 'We can only hope that •this unusual spring ,may continue .to a balmy conclusion. 511.0A* ED l AND �NANKS FOR ''WYING- A VICTORY i3OMP AGtdlj II 11.0 WAY WE FEEL. ABOUT 1T WE GHOUL", THANK You 1. !r You CAN SAY THAI' ActAIN r EP First Day's Figures Qf Victory Loan Campaign National .total ,qf first day 01 ,eighth victory loran'campaign shows agg,re site purchaisens. of sixty -men million seven 1eun4j l and eighty live thousand three hundred douses eowpanled With .sixty eight million •trvn hooked and 'sixty ttiousa'nd three hundred dollars. 'Uor Opening day iu sevtenih Man, National iebj.eetive is one billioaa +three bund. reel and 'fifty inillirn dollars, Indi- vidual canniaaysers bought twenty three million seven hundred ' a' d ninety. two .thousand nine Hundred dulls/is Monday iagatarct total 05 nineteen million ,eighht hundred and fifty eight thousand three hundred idrillers in, first day of previous louun. Oibjetlye foo' individual .scales 1s six lumbered and 'seventy live nsiTion or Half overal target. Empire Youth Sunday Planned ,For June 10th Empire Youth .Sunday will; be cele. busted in Canada .and throughout. the British Commonwealth on Sunday, June 10th, it has been - announced /by io9Rciats .cit the Canadian tom- enittee, The I3hvpire Youtn Move. anent, started in 1937 for .spiritual integration of the world's youth:, will teatume in Canada parades, .cLumch services, sidhool programs and 'special radio 'buoadoasts, in- cluding a ibrans•Atie otic broadcast, trona Westminster Abbey. i WedaVead:ay, Canadian Pacific Sailors Decorated tr11 2tlit, 19 for Wartime Service • CeAi it / r :v7' rr4. SEVENTY ON HONOR ROLL: Their awards among 70 such entries on Canadian Pacific Steamships' honor roll for wartime sea service, 'these C.P.R. sailors have been honored by the King and by Lloyd's of London. Prom, left: Second' Mate M. D. .Atkins, M.B.E., 20, survivor of the sinking of both the Empress of .Asia and Empress Apples In March On Monday Mr. R, J, Me, wan, West Bnoadwiay, presented The Banner with some apples that he bad pleked in his orchard earlier - Atkinson Photo by Krass, Vancouver. of Canada; Chief Engineer T. M. Atkinson, ed service in dangerous setwratersf chieflynlinn the North Atlantic"; ,Capt, R. McKillop, M B.E., highly praised for his handling of a C.P.R.-operated: ship on D -Day; and Chief Engineer E. E. Vick, O.B.E., awarded Lloyd's 'War Medal late in 1944 "for bravery at sea". in the day. Tone, vie apples were not picked off a tree, but were windfalls tba/t had been lying on the •reillmLd all winter, so well protected by the snow that they had escaped the fvost and were just as firm and fresh looking as they were is the autumn. Mr. McTwee was unable to name the variety; but assured ns that they ere exoellent Cooking apples, --Orangeville Banner. Ontario Election Act, 1937, R. S. 0.; Chap. 8 And Ontario Voters' List Act, 1937, Chap. 7 The Ontario Election, June ,.4th, 1945 NOTICE - OF SITTINGS OF REVISING OFFICERS TAKE NOTICE that the sittings of the RevisingOfficers for the :purpose ofhearing complaints or appeals with regard to the Voters' Mists to be used at the pending Election of a member of the Legislative Assembly for each of the Electoral Districts of Huron..Bruce, and Minion, will be held for the respective municipalities in said Districts, at the following times and places, mentioned in the schedule below, with the names of the Clerk of the Revising Officer for Each Municipality and the last date for making complaints or appeals to the said Clerk - HURON -BRUCE Municipality ... Date of Sitting Pifaces of Sitting Grey Township May 7th Township Hall, Ethel Howick, Township, " 8th Township Hall, Gorrie Wingham Town " 9th Town'. Hall, Wingham Brussels Village "' 11th Town Hall, Brussels Mildmay Village " 12th J. A, Johnston's Office, Carrick Township " 14th Huron Township .,,,,,e " 15th Ripley Village " 16th Culross Township " 17th Teeswater Village " lath Morris Township " 19th Kinloss Township " 21st By His Honour. Judge Costello Tome of Sitting CLERK OF REVISING OFFICERLast Day for Complaints Turnberry Township . East Wawanosh Twp Blyth Village Ashfield 'Township Colborne Township West Wawanosh Twp Lucknow Village Mildmay .1. A. Johnston's Office, Mildmay Township Hall, Ripley Council Chambers, Ripley Town Hall, Teeswater Town Hall, Teeswater Township Hall, Morris Township Hall, Holyrood 10.00 a.m. J. H. Fear, Ethel 10.00 " ,,,,,,, saac Gamble, Fordwich 10.00 " W. A. Galbraith, Wingham 3.30 p.m, R. S. Warwick, Brussels 10.00 a.m. .....,. J. A. Johnston, Mildmay 10.00 „ J A Johnston, Mildmay 3.30 p.m, Donald McKay, R.R. No. 3, Ripley 8.30 Mrs. Merle McLeod, Ripley 10.00 a.m. .1. 8, McDonald, Teeswater 3.30 p.m, J. Good Teeswater 3.30 " ...,,, George Martin, Brussels 10,00 a.m. J, R. lane, R,R. No, 2, Hoiyrood ''" By D. E. Holmes, Esq. 16th Township Hall, Bluevale 12th Foresters' Hall, Belgrave ,,,•.. 8th Communuity Hall, Blyth 11Th Township Hall, Ashfield 2.00 " 9th Township Hall, Carlow 10.30 a.m. 16th Township Hall, West Wawanosh 10.30 " 18th Town Hall Lucknow 10.30 " 2.00 p.ni W. R. Cruickshank, Wingham 2,00 " ....... R. R. Redmond, Belgrave 2.00 " Gordon Elliott, Blyth C. E. McDonagh, Lucknow R.R. no. 3 Wm. $allows, Goderich, R.R. No 5 ,,,, •Durnln Phillips, Lucknow J. E. Agnew, Lucknow May 3rd 4th '' 5th , 8th " 9th "' 10th " llth " 12th " 14th 16th " 16th " 17th " 11 „ VI " 12th 9th 4th 8th 5th 12th 15th Municipality Date of Sitting Hay Township May 11th Hullett' Township " 120 McKillop Township ,,, " 14th Stanley Township "' 7th • Stephen Township ,,,, " 9th Tuckersmith Twp, " 8th Usborne Township „ " 15th Seaforth Town " 18th Exeter Vtl•lage " 16th Goderich Town May 19th Goderich Town " 21st Goderich Town May 19th G''derich Town " gist Hensall Village " 9th Clinton Town " 15th Clinton Town "21st Goderich Township " 17tH • HURON • By His Honour Judge Costello . Places of Sitting Time of Sitting CLERK OF REVISING OFFICER Last Day for Complaints Township Hall,Zurich 10.00 a.m. ,,., Community Hall, Londesboro 3.30 p.m. George Londesboro May Bth H. W. Brokenshlre, Zurich Carnegie Library Hall, Seaforth 3.30 " Cowan,' 9th Township Hall, Varna 330 " J•'M, Eckert, Seaforth, RR. No 1 C. C. Pilgrim, Varna „ Township Hall Crediton 3.30 " L B. Hodgson, Centraii. Cecil Simpson's House, Brucefih d 3.30 " Edwin P. Chesney, Seaforth, R. R. 4 Township Hall, :Elittiviile 10.00 a.m, A W. Morgan,Hensall, R.R. No. i Town Hall, Seaforth 10.00 " D. H. Wilson, Seaforth Village Hall, Exeter 10.00 +r C V. Pickard, Exeter Ccurt House, Goderich 8,00 pm. S. H. Blake, Goderich Court House, Goderich 8.00 " .,,• . , S. H. Blake, Goderich By D. E. Holmes, Esq. Court House, Goderich Court House, Goderich Town Hall, Hensall Town Hall, Clinton Town Hall, Clinton 8.00 " Miss 8, Acheson's Res. Holiinesville 10.80 a.m., 10.80 a.m. ..,... S. H. Blake, Goderich .................. ....... 10.80 " . S. H. Biake, Goderich 2.00 p.m. James A. Paterson, Hensall 2.00 " M T. Corless, Clinton M. T. Corless, Clinton R. G. Thompson, Clinton, R.R. No, 2 IP " „ ,r 10th Srd 5th 4th 11th 16th` 12th 17th May 16th " 17th 5th to '11th " 17th " 14th All persons are called upon to examine the Voters' Lists to ascertain that their names are correctly entered therein, AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that the list to be so revised is Part I and III of the Voters' List prepared for the above mentioned municipalities. AND 'FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that any voter in any of thesaid muncipalittes who desires to complain that his name or the name of any person entitled o be entered on the said list for that muncipality has been omitted from the same, or that the names of any persons who ere not entitled to be voters have been entered thereon, may as, above set out apply, complain or appeal to have his name or'the conte of any person entered on or removed from the list. duplicate) signed by the complainant, and given to the • Clerk of the ReviisingiOffiter or left for himn writing ' the sathis form (is AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that such appeals must benotice stated above.address as The lists of voters may be seen at the office of the Clerk of the Revising Officerin each municipality as above. For further information write to Mrs. Ji B. Reynolds, Box 444, Goderich, Clerk for the Election. Board of the. County of 'Huron. T. M. COSTELLO, the 20th Day of April, ASD., 1945 `' Chairman for the Election Board of the County. of Huron. Dated at Goderich