HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1945-4-25, Page 1POST PUBLISHING MOUSE Wednesday, April 25th, 1945 '.1119.4140 , l• Two Shows Nightly 7:30& 9:15 p.m. Matinee Saturday — 2:30 SEE CANADIAN COMMANDOES IN ACTION ! Hand To Hand Fighting Filmed In Action ! AS THE "Commandoes Strike at Dawn" TUE. 7:30 and 9:15 p. m. WED. FRED ASTAIRE and RITA HAYWORTH IN A TIP TOP TAPPING TRIUMPH ! "You Were Never Lovelier" DANCE in Brussels Town Hall Friday night, April 27 music by Ken Wilbee's Orchestra Special dances Lusch counter -- Admission 35c Sponsored by St. Ambrose Sodality Girls Proceeds Patriotic DANCE In Brussels Town Hall Friday, Day llth Alusic by Ken Wilbee's Orchestra Admisson— 40c Under auspices of the Brussels Branch of the Canadian Legion Proceeds for Cigarette Fund The Grey Federation of Agriculture Are Sponsoring a National Film Board Moving Picture in S.S. No. 6; Grey on Tuesday, May 1st At 2:30 P.M. for the Surround- ing school children and 8:30 P.M. for Adults Everybody Welcome Admission Free B.C.S. CADET INSPECTION will be held in the Brussels Park on Thursday, May 3rd There will be a demonstration of first aid, tying knots and lashes, flag signalling, arms drill, marching and physical training. Time 2:00 p.m. EVERYONE I'S WELCOME Major Young and guests will take the March Past. iT. HURON is roud of the men from this County on active service. BEY are proud of Huron bounty's Victory Loan Record. Let's all buy ORE VICTORY BONDS THIS Time AND our ILoan Rercoro Beat est Huron County National War Finance Conunittee. WantediOcOBags No. 1 Pottoes Meadow Fescue, Braise :Orals, Orchard Grass, Canadian. Blue Grass* Kentucky Blue Grass Etc. ' Mao a :good supply of 'Dutch Sets We can supply l you with Oil Cake, SPECIAL Paint O feny , , p �.. 59c qt= A. JF , �'-pFARO PHONE 2244 ETHEL . Ripley Farmer William J. McKay Liberal Choice Winghaan, April 22 -William J, 111 i :ay, weftskinmwlr Ripley farmer and prominent in anunioipa•1 circles was Friday night chosen Liberal candidate for lire next provincial election. Huron -Bruce A motion was ;passed giving Mr. McKay the unanimous choice. Others nominated at the convention were Alex. Alex- ander, of Grey Township, W.. B. Anderson, Lucknow Hugh Hitt; 0o1- bca'ne Township. Mr. McKay at one Mane served se a member tor Bruce, during which Local News iteni's Wild Strawberr.lee in Bloom Wild strawberry plants are ill 4,t0.,:n, Jack "Thyme,Morris Town- ship brought some that 'he had found to the office of „The Post" this weak If these early blossoms ;are not killed by heavy tersts straw- berries will be alley Weeks before their usual time. Engagement Announcement Mr, and Mars Charles R Coultes, Belgravae wish to announce tic ' engagement o3 .their only daughter, lion.. Farquhar Oliver was urember• j\1abei Isabel to LAC'. Kewneth Iber- for 'Grey, Russel Fanrrow, president hut Wheeler, ;younger son of Mr, ' Of the Western Ontario l.iheral..,rrl Mrs. Iieu•bert Wheeler, Belgravia, Association was chairmen and The marriage to take place on rues - brought greetings from the as- day, May 1st at 2:30 pm. in Knox sc.ciation. United Church, J i United Church W. A. :i, *1 :K .1: PE O PL L WE KNOW * t k ,p ,t * $ • • Mr, and Mrs. John • Engel Of I-f.astrimgs, Mich., have been visitors w't11 Mr. and Mrs: IL Manning. The ladles are sisters, * * * Mr. 'aural Mits. S. F. Davison have returned bonne arfter spending the winter snoniths in Florida. i • • Mrs, M. F. Oldham was in London or Wednesday and Thursday. of this week ;attending the animal sessions o1 the Woman's Auxiliary of -the Diocese •of Huron, held in St Paul's Cathedral and aromas. 'S:he was the guest of Mae. Paull Reehnit'aer, who is Archbishop S,eager's daughter, .Mfrs, Tdna Youmg, Morris Town- tship• underwent a nritioal operation in Clinton hospital last week, she has been Seriously 011 and has re- quired four blood tramsinsinns but is now reported as doing farrouirably. Mrs. Young is the mother of four Sons whho'*re serving. 'ove'raeas•with e,Tnaia's armed' ferebe they are Flyi7ng Officer Archie Young, Pte. Woivuan. Young and Gums. Elmer and Ernest Young. "BLESS THE LOiR0, 0 MY SOUL 1 Mehvii!e Chtlr h Minister Rev Samuel Kerr, B. A., B. D A, M. Sunday School and Bible Class 11 A. M. Morning Worship Rev. 1.ID. MacIver, B. A. Of Cranbrook 7 P. M. Evening Worship Rev. Hugh Wilson vyill preach.. Come and Welcome United Church Minister Rev. Hugh C. Wilson ;11 A. M. Morning Worship "The Covenants" Reception For Members Junior Congregation 12 Church School and Bible Class 7 P. M. Worship will be held In Melville Presbyterian 'Church. Everyone Welcome: Church of h,ngtand Parish of Brussels Rector ReV. Maurice F. Oldham 4th Sunday After Easter April 29th, 1945 St. John's s BrugiaeIa-10 A. M. Sunday School and Bible Class 11 A. M. Morning Prayer and Serniton .St, George's, Walton" 1.30 p. M. Evening Prayer and Sermon 2.30 P. M. Sunday School and Bible Class St. bavid'a Henfryn 2.45 P. M. Sunday Scheel and Bible Class 3.30P. M. Evening Prayer and Sermon The W.A. of the United Church suet at the home of Nice, Stanley Wheeler on. Tuelsday evening, 1paril 17th wiLh over thirby present. The president Mrs, H. Sullivan presided The meeting 'opened with the singing of Hymn 390 with Mrs," Thomas at _i the piano, Scripture lesson was then read my Mrs, Craw- ford 'followed by prayer offered ny Mrs. II. Manning. Minutes of the last unfeeling were read by Mrs Rowland, the treasurer's report by ,ribs., Bell. The meeting was then reit :open to discussion regarding fixing parsonage, names of stem, etc. Collection was ,. • then taken and Hymn 450 sung followed by 'tire liilzpah be}iedfetion. The asocial pant of the -meeting included 0 short Program a reading ..by Mrs: Wilson and a solo by Mrs. H. Cannnbiell 'followed by contests con- ducted by Mrs. S. Wheeler and a sing song. A ,dainty lon.oh was then served and a motion of thanks tendered the 'hostess,. At The Churches Melville Church Tire •sermon in Melville Church on Sunday morning was based on, St. John 14:27, the ' peace which is Christ's gift to. his followers, : The ,e1roir sang an anthem. Next :•'nnday inorning the service will be in charge of the Rev, 1,' •D, Molder of Qran'brololc, - United Church ',How to be .happy in a world like 111,16.f' was the subject of the morning• sermon in the United Church, The AAA "Comte Ye Blessed" by John Pringle 'Scott was efeeotively' sung , liy Mrs. Harold Campbell. Im the eventing Mr,- Kearr's suijeot was "God's use of the ordinary" An anthem Spas sung by the eboir - I St. John's Church ' At the 11 ami. service in St. John's C icor eh .00 ISiamasY, April 22nd, the sermon WAS about the life and works of William .Shaltelspea1e, the great English dirannatist and poet 'who was lborai in IStmatford-in-Avon, England, 'April 2,3, 1564. He wrote 16 dramas, -160s 50nlne05 and 6 poems Iles plays land dramas are well ]t1)0WO Ile lived - 52 years, The sermon teat was the ,opening section of the Boort :of Proverbs, slating forth the qualities of wisdom justice, jiuclginewt and equity. In Memoriam STRTITHERS—In loving memory of Mrs. Basil 'Struthers who died F years ago May 4th, 1940, ;She bade 01:e' erre a lash farewell She said good -by to none., . Her loving heart had eeesetl to beat, Before we knew it she was gone. :Sadly missed by bier husband. REGENT THEATRE Seaforth, Ont. NOW SHOWING— Thurs., Fri, Sat., April 26, 27, 28 Bing Crosby Rob Hope Road to Singapore Dorothy Lamour Charles Coburn An exciting, romantic,1ynusical drama Mon. Tues. Wed. April 30, May 1, 2 Monty Woolley June Haver Irish Eyes Are Smiling Emerald Melodies that have "always topped the lilt parade. Next Thurso; Fri„ Sat. Sharyn Mofatt 3111 Esmond My Pal, Wolf A stirring drama that pulls at the heart and mists the eye*. COMING.. Something for the Boys RED CROSS April 01M -tient:— 40 pr. n,4em's pYjannaa 8 Pinafore dresses 2 girl's dresses 15 children's sweaters 15 pr. ohilthen's socks I t r1le neck sweaters 6 scarves 15 ribbed heluiets 20 ;IT gloves 40 pr. service socks 9 quilts ,, :, i • WI) DING Broome—Smith lu .$t. Jelin rectory, Jer•re:arils, 111 Saturday, April gist at 3:10 P.m., Thomas Spencer son of It and 121s. Ju'eph I'roo:n•e of Atwood, to Marj- ^ I1 enee. only dangbter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed, ,S:mith of, A.twlood by Rev. 1.1 F. Oldham 'Phe bridesmaid was Miss Helen Hiles of Atwood and the 'hent man was MT. Ross Coulter of Atwood. The groom is in the BRUSSELS, ON Pte. Clifford Riley .. May Be Prisoner-of-IX/kr L l ft':rd Riley, c:•o:1 of Mr; `rat`.. 11!1'1s, J Riley Brussels whoa - mei- . ir, cl 11i., :),e. in arbor ,r101111 weeks ago may be +1u. pre; MeV. +tarp'. - War fur Germane - Mrs. Riley reeei.va0d ,a tette iraarrt¢ tl.e Depaa.nrau 20'011 Nationalof which ,ease. 11 "abed April te "An .emeany pa'olraganda ince :age tees: which states that youted front soneA70 Private Cii00ord Hunter Riley is, e. prisoner of :van' im. Germany. army and stationed' at Camp ))elert. r However it 0)10030 be remember: eel 1n Naw ;Scotia, { that the 0150017 hes 000011oi over t3ta prepaldahian and .tivam5missinn: ,o7 � Ftirh albr0Sages and they shoalr'i be ' Jackiin—Hall treated accordingly. .ATWO'OD—A quiet weodmg ';vTs i Pending aBB•cial GaiuBrmation that. 1 yolemniz•eal at the parsonage tt the 1 yrur eon is a prisoner he stil'l. l United Church, Ethel, on We'lnes-1 remains Bute" on our records nes n s,ina, but when we are offc0o*rs • day, April 18, at 11:09 o'clock, when e 'i3ecl in filhis aregatd you will Ise notified Dora Little, da0gt-ter of Mr. and tmmr.diately acllie,ed." x Ms's Alex ISadl. eon' 6, Elms 1.405' 0'e hope Mathis parents 'Vt11 0000 united in marriage to Mr. Archie ; have ;untried confirmation of the re- • * * . < • - • • R E. Jac'klin, son of Iilr, and Mrs. 1 port ,7aeklths coin, 4, Grey. Rev. Mr, t Pr ent•een ,officiated. The bri was 1 W. C. 'King, Brussels attended by nide Della Taeltlin, . C.C.F. Candidate 0. Obituary Ernest Cecil Hunter . )'l.e d..ath of Ernest Cecil Hunter .:0curlet1 at his home in• Cranbrook an Saturday morning, April 21;,t, tallowing a brief illness. Born in Cranbrook on October 12, 1839, he was In las 517th year At an early age he •entered the service of the Loat'hendale Funeral Home in Bnuseia01 ,and later Served with ;.,avid Walker in the :saarue profession Then tor eighteen years he worked 1.s undertaker with Alfred 'Iis*strop is MeaOord ,and labor slpen;t ' several ,years. in Toronto with the Humphrey Funeral Home. Due to the failure at lis health he returned - a few Years ago to his old home in Oran - brook and there resided until 'the time of his :death. Surviving are live sisters, Mrs, Deshiey (Annie) ioit' Pasadena, Cali- fornia; Mits.. James, McCallum (Enema) of St. Thomas; Mrs, Chester Badder (Mae) of Brussels; 1.1 panbtead (Clara) and Mrs. Gordon (Ida) at bonne; also four brothers, Harvey of ,Cranbrook; '17)1- lt,m of Oshawa; Alvin of Seatcrh and Fred, of Brussels, The funeral. which was held from his plate residence in Chranb;•ook on Monday, April' 23rd, at 2.00 p.m.," was very largely attended. The service was conducted by dna. I. D. n'foerver ,of Knox. Presbyterian Church. ''assisted by - Rev. - J. B. Taylor of 'Shakespear,e, a former .minister sof ICmor: Church. A pleasing feature of the .service was a• solo beautifully rendered by Lorne Eckmiea• of Brussels, Interment ' was in the:Brussels Cenoetry, The many flaiial tributes bore evidence of the high esteem - in which the (leceased, was hell and were as follows; pillows:, the family; Chester Baelcer amid family; hoe. Iand the best man was Mr. Gordon i For Huron -Bruce Hall. After �a' Wedding dinner at i n I the bride's Moore the couple /eft Por ++ in At WinihgbamPmmon�dnatioSaturdayer,eApriicting 2111sT,st,o: 1 a ♦7edlclintg tour to. T)etroit. On their l'W. C. King of Brusselswas elected return. they . will reside in Grey : C. C. F. candidate, foe Huron-Brrne5,. tvwnshim, j Dr. W. V. Polhlrstonr :and 77. Lan ft - of 1L+ucknonv and Miilclnnay resnective- • Turvey—Kerr lv were nominated. 'but lobo declfm-- A qudrU strn-ing arch g took puce i ed bo stand in acoonat of p`'essuret at the United Chinch parsonage a an l c" work. In their i ennarks •each. Saturday, . April '21 when Rev, . II„ 0. 1 01.0 the- s ewthusiastica 0ci tp s11p.-- Ir.art the sn•cee+ssful ,caudi•date. Wilson united in, :nl�arrfage Mary In accepting th,e nom nneti`ct0.i" Helen Kew, *Laughter of the late Mr, , Mr. King said that .the C.O.F. wav- e -ad Mins. J. Leslie Kerr, to Ross' R.I going to win this election: there - Torrey, youniger son of Mr, and Mrs. was no doubtabout itas the •0 C.F. is the only parity tivhieh saes the holie t Turveiy of Bluevale. The _ need of a great change 1n =a - ride chose a poudme bine crepe een1Omlc system and is wilting to -- chess with net inserts, and matching put well defined pians into acti'oaz'o• hart eaS wore e :corsage o0 deep without delay to bring .about a mncdIr pink caruatioafs Donatily Jardine, as st peopl 11 living to t'ta•-bridesmaid, chase • a brownsmit:reties' s pool nd Ike thanked' this-'leetingforthetrc ratt hey>2rsageblownaccrnatiiiesandaeon placed 'in, lflmn error with the Yreilte �H' 51150 of parch oarnattons,. Jacx 112*- all ue asswred the meeting drat: onx Donald attended the groom. nor vlgenrous .and. well plannled Campa=ges,- travelling the bride droned a blue would be fought to bring C.(5.01.i., ciresberifieli coat witli deck flexes- wir'tory in Hna+o'av-Bruce. abnies aril •mink. Pursue deckDr. W. Y. Johniston was clisirnrsxsc; ar.d ,spoke brief], on the urge need liar free nredacal. services 1°a. Robinson—Manton a}i ,the People "It toole 50 cears'15 At the United :Church parsonage, 1`„(1115 tbre p1'incip}e 0 "f.•ree educa?i?om- Etloel, on Saturday, Apes' 7, .Mary .amt 'of the 'old panty aalmllni.srratiasn Christina. Manton and Mx. Everett 8fe ,said,, 'hm ten years 'ata Lrr1."e arae Kingsley Robinson were united; in a mflllion and a half "•criers t year of li marriage. The bride is the daughtera e could set up 20o1' rs 72 n§* •oi 14Tn;s...7aunes Msmton. d them and rroedical clinics, where the presastt alts late Mi Marlton, and the brine-: doctors could 17011* veay' efflTit. er((111 1s the son of MT, and kiss Wand make a suhatantial' sta:•t etc," m Richard Robimsmn, Brussels. Rev. systenn of comple. free mediodl Stanley Brenton .c8flcia.ted. The service, Free advetoal ease is iusl2 bride looked Lovely in a heavenhlue as important as free education, and sheer .tineas, brown hat and veil; the C:C.F. is ready to put the system.: 1 wilt brown 'accessories, and worn a into effect .immediately. In Sas1000' corsage of 'Sweetheart roses. Mis, elu-wan, in the short time they have' Shirley Robinson, ,sister of the been in office they Have made a. (meta, Mr, and Mrs.. W. McDonald, loth ea; Russell- Zimmer, Toronto;. sprays: Mr. 111ncl Mrs, Harold .Teeic- sorn, the Brussels mail carriers, Mantle and Catharine Gordon, Wellaoebnrg; Zeck, Oleate and Marj- a ie MoCaihurn, ,S0na00ord; Mr and Mrs. W Berrie; Rev, T. D'; Mather; Friends of +S.IS. No, 11, Elena School; :Mrs Jelin. Blennewais, B•rolulhabon; 'Mooalluan and laanily and lilt. Set, :S. Burnes. .Sit, Thomas; Wm. and :Mrs. Gordon, Toronto; basket: Balaclava Street Neighbors, • St. Thomas. Pallbearers were; Messrs. D. N. McDonald, Welland Mod?on a1d, Harry Keys, Dan }Nether, John TTTelvabb ,and. Harold -,Speirs, Among tlu05ie attending the funeral -w:elrel Rusee1 Zimmer, Toren to; Myrtle-Ihmter, Fenny Bannerman, LiShowel; Mir and Hine 3. McCallum Mid Louise. 1011. iSgt. 'S Barnes, Mr, and Dire, A. Vail Mrs, H. Corbett and Betty Ann, 1St, Thames; Mrs. John Bemlewals, Braadhagon; Ivlr • and 75015 .W. -Hunter, Oshawa; R,' 3. WVintorr84 ' .Slelafcrjbb; Marrjor•y and Clara. MoGa,ilnnll, :Stratford: Zech 14eCaellum, Mitciteil. JAMESTOWW Mr, 'ands Mrs, Gordon holt, also r1-ir. Aldine holt, spent Sunday n:item noon with, Mr. and Mrs, VJLlllarn Thome? et. Walton. Little Mise Vera ISauvage returned 1n her home *10 Kitchener nn Bane, - day, having Spent seine time with. her gralldpatlreiitS, MID, and Mrs. . :- lt,er Savage, '4Va � Mr, a fl01 ,Mitis, Wil1panl Weir, also *Airs. ,Goislo1 Weir sad dgtrialit'er 41710110145 of Htswiek, were Sunday V10iters of -Mr, And Mrs. &lab. Brett- Mir.. amt] Mrs , 1oibelt Mrionaltl .1001111 aril Clifton,' deo 14tr, Marx- 1V1e1'1 ,of Win(neeter, 'Visited cin Sunday with 110r, and 19115. Carl Seip in Mrs, SeinesMedrarlitinie o8' 10610 :Uow, spent :6 'few 4511 with relative:S o r the 4th• Cbmice0eilon at they. bl idegroom; as bridesmaid, wore a wonderful start." shell pink crepe •enibroicleed - frock, - Mr. Moffatt Jamieson, 0,07, cm- blue 0111blue hat with veil, bine uc.',1ss1'ilies, rltdate for the Federal Riding' X77 anus -her •corsage was of panic Sweet- Bruce also 0300100 briefly, heart inoses. Mr: John Oldfleln, Seafort'h, was his cousin's best man. -\ w*'edal2ntg reception was held at tiro home of the bride's mother. Later MT, :and Mb's. Robinson left on a wedding trip to Kitchener. Hes- peter and Han blbmu. For travel- ing the bride donned a gold wool .dregs, .brown coat "-with' matching secessor;es, They will ureedtla nn the bridegroom's farm on the 14th con- cession 4101 Grey Township. Bray—Smaildon A ,pretty wedding was solemnized in the Manse of Carauhrook Presi1y ternione 011uaxlh om iSatu0day '1Pter- r:onn, April 14 at 2:3Q o'clock, when Helen dealt, daughter of M'. and Mrs, Fred S'urd:M n, of Grey town- :shin became bite bride of ICenne.,th Wilbert; son of Mr, and Mrs. Ptrt Bray roc Grey. Rev, T, D'; MsCTver ortici:ate". The attendants Nvere i Mdse Gloria: ;(hark of - Brussels and DT1..Stanley Bray brother of the groom. Tile! bride was lovely in ai finerlealgth dress of white 511001 with finger 011) veil- arranged with r bsnndiearl of white flowers and were a c,ensag+e of Pei roses. . Mies f71orilt Clark were •a floor -length dress of »'n9t net over taffeta with a pink and bine tulle headdress scud were a. rorslalge of pink inoses, Alter thle ['anemone smilh1Aer was 0eeVed by Mies :Gentle Pride and Miss' Doreen Pride. ,at the 11on to of the bride, For handing the bride olrosle a dress of slry bine .anc1 royal blare coat with 3 navy auccesslories. Tho• ;)ride and groom Heft for a trip • to. N141110'1,. j 'Hamilton anal Toronto 'Phey will i reside at the bone of .the grorn ' 6111 Of (',grey, LIED T AIMONT—Tit trey TotrtliShin r;n lruelsldlay, April 24141, 1.945, 1111yet. lsptli :ttuenver, 'beloved Wife 'op Charles,A., •La.in'0Ar1, in herr /1st Pear. 'Duneral will be held from hem .100 1eeaattree, bot 1(0' 010i- teseib5 7, Grey Township ohs l''rltlsy,Apr11 :'G7Mh, 11141. hsrt00S at 2 p.ii1, Tmterurilieibt in 13110113590 celnretiery, - - Sponsoring Boys and Girls Club Work A number o1 Ag'ricultural Societies are again sponsoring Boys and Girls ,Club work in Huron County. Throe new Swine ,01111is are being organ— teed in the Bayfield Zurich axed Exeter districts and looal Chola: leaders report splendid interest from the Juniors in these clubs Tr addition, the three calf ' CtaFca that were organized lest year Al tl e . Illrron, Blyth and Duugallnreant:, districts are else in the prooeste ,e110 formed= and 1n'ospeots indicate n prod -enrollment At present, the Agricultural c,f0ue Clinton is without an Agricultural - InA Representative however, the Assinst alit Agricultural - Representatitrse from flak County, 3' D. "iiibe ;, a: rived in Clinton Last. Saturday to lainilSt in the organization of the, lax proposed toys and Girls Chubs. 795 will remain in I3rturon :Oto:010030- 0071.4. . the new Representative •arrrive% t(,ra* ' dinning this period he is anxious: lm-.: 'contact as mla'ny' altbb prospects: •i51i4 possible. M:ehnlbe5sliiip is open to fer,nea e .'ons and daughter's front 12 to Vi ,caws tvf age, and interested J1tai'assa ere urged to conte%- decal 'alb leaders or the Agricultural office - Clinton as soon. '50 =edible. rr' ALTON At the service In 5t. Cfeorre'u' n n 1 after 0a bvi'�111 on Sunday iy sermon" wars on the lie- and wclrlc0 377 Williams ShalkesPeere, the 1`.T rt 111710091 Driannattet amd Pont, Vie; was Born April 23, 1614 at Stratfkrmit' on-Av01t Ill England 0te wrote: to, Dl'arnas, 100 Senneta and K 30ern .. ' 110 tegmen text 11055 ell the ilpi rdirlstt work of the Bonit as:fPitioterhs set - tert1l the qualities a '00If*alln, $1=5- t1eer i5d5'meut ,11211 9oittity; Mrs, dldmatii repre1ehtf111 pI. Georteg's W.A. at the rieranal vll" w scaSiOne &old iu 11,10M611 frith *neat.